1950/10/27City llall.:AmeJae~. ~if~_ia -.0ctQber 27, 1950 ................ Z;..00 P.~, ....... ~he City Council of th~ City of Anaheim met in AAJourneel Regular Session, 2:00 P.M. Friday, October 27, 19~0. PRES~: COON¢I~: Pearson, ]laying, Bossy aaa V~u Wagoner. ABB~bTT : CO~CI~: ¥ieeer, AOTING 0IT~ ATTORNEYS Clm~Ae Owens, presser. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, faith ~oeh, present. W~TS & DE~S: Oeu~cilmaa l~a= Yagener re~erteA AemaaAe against the Airy ame~Jatiz~g to $?8,891.39 . C~u~cilma~ ][eY~g morea that report of Fl~ance Committee be accepteA a~t tBat varr~te be dra~ upon the Treae~rer to pay ~id de,ammAn in accor~la~ce vith report. Cou~ci~ Yu Wagoner Seconde~ the motion. MOTION ~w~RiED. MY~ETING: GORDON ~ITNALL: The City Cextucil ~m~s advise~l t~t meeting of t~ City Co~cil with ~oa Whit~l ~ Ae~ociate~ te be hel~ ~$00 P.M. November g, 1~0, ~ al~o a~ to the ~blic He~i~ pertaiai~ to the prepoe~ Zoaiag ~imce ~ to-be held~i~ t~ Cit~-Oo~cil_~bere,_Cit~ ~1, ~0~P~M. November 8~ ~. LI~R~ ~~,-~POI~~: ~ROB~TA_E. ~RI~K~ _~~oarsoa ~0int~ MrS. Robort~ E. ~ri~ aa member of the Libra~ ~o~ ncce~i~ Mrs. H. D. Newkirt, reeled. O~ci~ Heyi~ mov~ t~ appoimtment be ratifid. O~ci~ V~ W~omer sece~ the motion. M~ION ~I~. . ~tNING B~ OF PL~~S: ~POINT~S: R. ~OE ~'~ITH ~0OH: ~e ~ity C~cil appoint~ ~. ~olph Jybee ~ ~. Xeith ~och as m~bers of the ~i~ Bo~ of Plubers, ~ti~ for the City ef ~eim. S~ BO~ SC~~ OF PAINT: It ~e Aeei~ the the Ci~ wo~ ~ept oc~~e for the $10~0000.~0 bo~s of the City of ~e~ to be ~t~ J~~ 15, 1951. SsiA ~ill re~t ia iatereet rates a~ew~t hi,er, ~t ~till leas t~ the rate ~ch~e ~, ~ the ~oba~le ~i~r~cebetweea ~ch~e~ 1 ~ ~ is alightl~ over ~- ~he 0ity ~cil o~ ~eveabe~ l~th ~11 ~ept Rems!utica ~ireeti~ ~blieatiea ~otlce i~vXti~ bi~; intreduci~ 0~i~ce ~f Isaacs. NovemBer 28th, ~opt 0~i~ce ef Images. ~ Dee~ber 12th, ep~ ~i~e f~r ~s referr~ to t~ City A~t~rneY for recone~atlom ~ lntr~m~lom. COMMUNICATION: CIVILIAN DEFENSE~ CommunicAtion from the Anaheim. Post, ~aericaa LegioA setting forth recone~A&tions am~A queetionu relative to 0ivilia~,a Dofemse im the ~ity of Anaheim us read a~d the Cler~ was imstx-acte~l to thank the ~aeric~ ~egion for its ~estions ma~d rocommeadAtions eont~ine~l, therein,. ~ ROSTER: PROPOSED D IBAST]~R 00UI~0iL~ A roster of prepeseA DisAster Ceaa~il As eubmitteA b~-the several civic cl~s aaa e~gaai~Atie~l for the formation ef the A~ahei~ ~isamter Council was approve~ cn motion by 0ou~cilm~u Heyiz~g, seconde~ by Oeu~cil~ Va~ ~ageaer. MOTI0]I ~IED. REPR]~S~I~TATIVE FOR ORANGE COUETY DISASTER 00UIKCIL: EE~TH ~00H: Repremeatative from the 0ity ef ~e~ t~ the Sr~e C~ty Di~ster C~cil'~s r~uest~ ~y D~ Patch, ~intstrative As~ist~t ef t~e 0r~e. C~ty Disaster C~cil, whose office is lecat~ in the Base~ent~ q~rters ~ the C~t H~e, 'S~ta ~, ~liforzi~ ~er Pear,on appoizt~ ~. Xeith ~eeh as ~eiaee ~preseatative te the G~e C~ty Disaster C~cil. ~cil~ Heyi~ mov~ the appeiat~t be ratifi~. C~ci~ ~ ~oner meco~ the motion. MOTION ~I~. ~ O~IZ~ ~PH0~ ~ViCE: Acting mpon the recone~ation8 of the~ ~imist~tive Officer, t~e City Clerk ~ ~~imtrative ~ficer ~e a review of the toluene se~ice te dete~i~e whether eeatr~iz~ tel~hone se~ice sh~A ~e eatablish~ for the City by ~s of a prince br~ e~~ be~ er P.~.X. Syst~. C~cil~ Heyiag ~ov~ t~t centr~iz~ P.~.X. ~yste~ be inst~l~ in the City ~$11, t~ be lo~t~ in w~t is now the Ammemtormz ~ice of the Cit~.~ C~ci~-~ ~oney ,ece~eA the ~otion. M~ION ~I~. . ~ Coun~ilmaa l[eying move<~ that thim meeting be aA.~o~eAte 2;00 P.M. l~vember Ceuncilmaa ]~oney secoadeA the mottow. MOTION OAERIED.