1950/11/08_Oi~ty wa!%, ,Ap~abeim,._ California . .November 3,, !95:_0 ....... - . .......... 2.~O0.,P,M. . The City 0ouncil of the 0ity of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCILM~N: Pearson, Wisser, ~teying, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILM~N: Boney. ~ ACTING CITY ATTORNEY: Claude Owens, present. SALARY INCREASE: It was moved by Councilman Iteying, seconded by, 0ouncilman Wisser that all pay rate, be increased $15.00 ~r month, except for the Admini,trative Officer, effective November 1, 1950. MO~: ION CARRIED. . Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. 0ouncilman Wisser seconded th~ motion. MOTION CARRIED. ' City ~ll, ~eim, Califerml~, Newem~er.B, 1~55 ?~$ ~.N. ~ City 0~cil of the'City of ~ein mt for the ~ose of holAi~ ~blic Kepis. P~~: ~CI~: P~rsom. ribber, Heying, Boney ~ Vn V~ner. , OI~ A~O~ ~~ Absent. ~MINIS~TI~ 0~I~: leith ~oeh. ~resent. The meeting wa. called to order by Mayor Pear,on for the purpose of hearing before Council of tho new woning m~p that hms ]~een workeA on for so long, The Ma~or then the meeting over to Mr. amd Mrs. Get,Ion ~itnmll. ' Mr. ~t~ll'velcome~ the gr~ ~ aek~ the ~imistrative ~fieer, leith M~doch if t~ re~ir~ notice ~ been ~blish~ ~ if the records Bo show. ~inistrative Officer, leith ~doch ~vis~ the requireA notice ~f ~bli$ Heari~ ~ Been ~liah~ ~ the reco~e mo mh~. - ~. ~it~l e~lain~ it ~8 requir~ b7 law to hol~ three ~blic hearing. two before the 0ity Plnni~ Oo~ission, which ~ve been hel~ ~ one before the City 0o~cll, ~blic Ke&ri~ to be hel~ for t~ propoo~ ~optiom o~ ~ Use PI~, o~ Zoni~ 0~imee to repl~e the one tho city ~s been operating ~er. Tho conuistJ of two ~to; (1) text ~e8i~ji~ ~ts of t~e citF, (2) bp, ~i~ emplo~ of establi8hi~ b~~iet of the gover~ zones. There ~o not been ~ c~eg In t~ rip, It i8 tho ~oue of tho Koari~ to conve~ to tb people,, tb propert~ o~ere, of its intent to ~o,-~ w~, ~ to receive from tho ~blic, the property o~ers, their o~ cement on tho proposes e~rossion of Aesiroo, ~ peoplets wish~ rega~i~ c~gos, ~he present Soni~ np ho Been in efffect flor ~ Mr. W~tn~I e~lain~ the ~pa nd the legions on it. Mr. Whit~l ask~ tho ~i~ ist~tive Officer for correspo~ence relative to the Hearing, ~inistrative Officer, leith ~o~ ~vis~ petitiono prese~ to tb City O~eil, ao foll~ve: 6 property: ~er8 along the S~ta Fo hilton, ~i~ S~h 01ndi~ Street a~ hst $~th BtFeet ~ S~ta ~ 5treet. hiA petition to be enter~ into the jeco~o. Letter fron ~. ~$. ~, ~o, o~er of r~ch proport~ alo~ the' ~ta Ye trots extendo from Ye~ont ~treet north, west of S~ta Ye property referr~ to sho~ on thio up sew R-3, aak~ to be oho~ ag ~1. Letter from Kwi~et Locks, re~rdi~ property bo~d~ by S~ta A Street, Olive SJroet ~ ~ her Streets, they request Industri~ Zoning of t~ property ~ cite gover~ reaso~ therefore. (Statement from ~ienco- Mr, h~ico Jonog) ~t the ~t gho~ on the np was not correct. They ~ve n~ objections to the re~ ~ea, 1~0t depth on t~e north 8iAe of So~th Stree~ ~et~ not Light I~uet~, ~t R-5. I thi~ we ~o t~t ointment at the last Hearing, ~ ~me met forth ~t f~ct in ~ letter. Kwik, et ~8 no objections to the proposed zoning area, howler a little bit of the ~~ iR question does~lt belong to the Oo~oration, ~imi~trAtive Officer, Eeith: ~Aech ~eo pre~ente~ ~ letter from R. P, All~, Alas presemt~ ~e · petitiom c~nt~ni~ ai~t~em ef ~1 pre~rty o~era covering property within a two block r~iua ef the intersection of Center ~ $~th ~at Streets, co~ermi~ property, lots 1 thro'~ 5, Trot No. 1120, Aireetly eaat ~st Street. They consent ~ give ap~o~ to the ~ti~ of a v~i~ce tS ~lew ce~erci~ use of those 5 lota, ~ a c~ing of t~t zo~ from remidemtial to co~erci~, A. F. ~E~, 217 E. Water Street, I spe~ for ~ wife ~ myeelf, ~ ~o sp~ for 0_it~ I~.1..!.- =A=aaheim, ...0alifornia, Npveaber 8 1950 ~ [ L I ~ ~ ....... I ~ ' .......... ~ .... ....... 7~ 30~ Pill~' _ ~/$ property owners. ! wish to complilent Mr. Wl~Ltn~l ~ ~s Ol~ pl~i~ Oo~islioa o~ ~e ver~ f tam pro~r~ ~~e~. However, ye yea - ~iao~s ia ~ectt~el. We ~ve a&o~ ~p repeat~17 ia ~oup,, r~ letters, ~ petitiema repeateAly, all to protect the aemth~at o~era ia ~e~. $~ta ~ Street, om the morth, Ve~oat Street ca the a~th~ Olive Street om t~e wea~ ~ ~at Street on the east. I wish to eater ~ protest to the pre~ea~ resomi~ of ~ ~ ~1 of~t~ property ia t~t ar~. T~e r~mcma ~e t~t property o~er8 in t~t section Of'to~ ,t~ th~ loll of propert7 I do~t quite believe the I~ustrial area co~tible to the ~~e ~effferson School. I believe thin propel~ is arbitr~7. Allolt a 7Mr ~o tonights November 2lit, a l~gg group ef people c~e ~ ~~imouel~ obJect~ to the 9ropo~ ia that area. Ye re~Bo~bly e~ected ~r voice to be per~ently he~, ~ in 8~i~ it up, ye that the il~e close. However, tRere were ~hose who ~v fit to continue t~t effort, def~itel7 ~iast the vi~ of the people o~ the to~. It vas Aene by dottel ~e~i, ~ ef~rt ,ict the ~o~l Jefferson ~ehool fo~ the propoB~ site. ~e ~lver to thai is defiaitel7 cle~ toai~t. T~t case v~ presented on the b&lil of :t~e factl, If ve i~tick to the t~th ~ the facts, ve will ~aia via t~8 verAiet. ~ere , w~lt ~ ~eeient ~e ~o~ the people iatere~t~ ia thai ~ea. If t~ people i~ the ~ea e~rele~ their Opinion, there v~d be ne [~uatri~ eacre~eat in t~t ar~. ~ dealt feet ~lt ia ~ing t~t request. (~. ~b~er on the ~p in ~o~ilioa eealiderable e~ty areal i~ t~e ~ , Ar~- asked the City P~i~ Oo~iilioG to contr~lct the f~t) ~~ frei time to time off being ~tili~ustri~ists, we ~e not being BolliX, there ~e pleaty o~ deBlrable Heavy Iadustriel. Ye are not utl-[~ustri~iltl. Ye ~e propeae~t~ of i~ultri~ ~re~ent8. We are ~verBe~ t~ the propoee~ location of zoni~ in this ar~. If those 8pe~i~ their ti~e would ap~ the time ia ~ ~ where the people ~l~nlt be const~tl~ oppoB~g it, ye v~iA ~ve ~ i~uatrie8 in ~~e~. Ye v~t Light I~uat~. (Petitio~ va~ prese~t~ b~ Mr. ~bener to ~inistrative Officer, ~eith ~och)e 0. M. ~S$~- ~10 S. ~ily St. - I w~l(, like to reiterate ~ be~ out ~b~er aai~,~ ~ ~itioa. one i~ert~t thi~, I believe t~t the'p~ple ' who ~t I~uat~ (o~ there ~ve on ve~ few ~aiema come it ~a ac importer. ~ ese occasion, ~t~ly' got up ~ said. "we ~ve set,ag to. a~'. ~e people wh~ are most imtereat~ in the i~umtr~izati°n of t~t area ~en~t even live ia t~t ~ea. ~ live ia ~lertom, Los ~elee, ~ omt-of the city. The ~~ll woulA be givl~ ~ tc the people w~ Aen~t eves live the to~. The ~ ~ve~~t Oo~ittee, Schutte, Sherle, Lely. ~y R~em~er, etc. first, they represent~ ~1 the people ~1 of the time, act!om in ~ area 0~ the city ~aimst the wishes off the citizeme mo eemce~. ~. F~~-8~ ~. ~mt St.'- I live om the ~euthweat cermet eft the Oity L~ite Vermont ~ East Streetl, 8 ~rea. They ~s telli~ us In S~ta ~ t~t the ~ we ~ve there ts ~ppoee to at~ om t~e acc~t o~ ~e~~ rezomi~ the City. ~ the acc~t of the e~ beimg there, ~be the zemi~ aa it is. W~t c~ the city ~o about t~t c~;~ W~t difference aho~ t~t ~e? ~ey s~ we ~ve mo right to otJect to the c~. We ~ve liv~A there for 30 yeara. It was ~oae to be a w~ ~erg~cy, ia the other W~. It h~t~ ~r property. The queltion ia, w~ sh~l~ they say ia the c~ty t~t they ~ve the riSt to stay there en the acc~t the city ~a r~zom~ the city. Their atto~ey amid t~t. T~ Cowry Atto~e7 said t~t. ~ - ~. W~~= The Oity a~thoritie~ ~ve t~ea ve~ ~efi~ite s~l t~t area to ese w~t c~ be Aene i~ co~on. Mrs. FAbel, w~t do you reco~e~ to the Oo~il they ~o with referees t~ y~ property? ~S. F~~= Ce~ the other side ~e t~en iate the cit~? WHITNALL: Ten, it could, if-- zoni~ ~r I~t~ ~ron Water 5~ree~ sou~h by ~r school, ~ I t~i~ the Coucil sh~ t~e into consideration the children t~t live ia t~t c~ity, not ~lt the one8 going :to aChook, ~t pre school ~e. A .curve7 ho be~ t~en of hey ~ v~ld be in lchoOl ~ hey ~ are in lc~ol. The7 lho~ld conlider o~childrln'8 l~ety. It il the duty of the cat7 O~cil to Conlider ~ childru. DoeBntt ntter wbre 6~ lchool v~ld be ~t. whether ~t in,t~t parti~~ place or a b~ock ~, we vo~d ~ve beu J~lt al 8~Old to the i~uotri~ area. ~e reason i8 it me~o t~ckl up ~ do~ Snta ~ Street. It v~d croat · ve~ b~ ~z~. Phil~elphia AOOlntt. go t~~, ac niter where the Bchool i8 locate~, the children voul~ bye to ~ Ao~ Phil~elphia. About ~oving i~uBtr~ly, ~t ab~t greying relidontial~? Do we ~t ~ O~Y ~l[.~.l,., A.uahei.,_ C~ifernl&, November 8,: 1950 ' - i,~ iii ii ~l .... i i i i i1~ i ~1 i i i i ~ i, 11 , , 1, __ people to live in ~llerto~ ~not ~e thin attr~tive to residentsT ~o~ to~ ~s ~o~ as fast as it c~ ~o~, it vill bestopp~ on t~ west by t~ Frs~ ay, ~ on the north By ~lertoa, the only ~ it c~ ~o~ is south. I thi~ they 8h~ld t~e t~t into considoration. As I ~ee'it, the to~ c~ot keep groviq induotri~ly ~eos it ~o~ reaidonti~ly ~ still be a nice to~. If our to~ ~ov8 i~ustri~ly ~ doesn,t ~ov reaido~ti~ly, ye are going to ~ve~all workers livi~ in ~lerton, ~en Grove, etc. We are goi~ to ~ve a b~ch of o~ks do~ at t~t e~ of to~, ~ doeantt the City Co, oil get together with the P~k Oonisaioner ~ ~chso Bone 1~ ~3acut to the n~ Tho~s Jefferson School ~ ~t in a nice ~k for ~e? If y~ r~enber, there are two ~arks in the north e~ of to~, but ~ ~on't ~ve ~7 p~k In the s~th ~ ~of to~. certainly ~e pretest the i~uotr7 ~ tht ares of the to~. G- ~~: R~rked v~t the poasibilit~ ~o off raisi~ tb f~a for a e~lain~ t~t le~r~ pl~i~ w~iA of elinint~ n~ problems. JO~ W~LIN: 201 E. Water St. - I vo~d like to o~ I. thi~ ~. hbeaer ~ ve~ abl~ ~eaent~ the ar~eat ~inOt t~ t~ustr~izatioa of t~t area, which i8 ~ o~ ~lief. I ~ve a home which I ~ilt rec~tly, ~ I ~ve the ~eeli~, I t~ o~~. tht ~ hones on t~e no~h ~e ~ifferent t~ tkoae on the other side off Water Str~t. ~ I fail to see the necessity e~ a ~3 ct~oifi~tien. We t~~, or we ~ve the i~ t~t ~ ~ve Just as ~ch isolation aa those on the esot aide of Cl~i~, ~ recently claeaifi~ aa ~3. Vh~ I ~ht * i~ the v~, it ~$ zon~ R-1. I ~l& ~ hone vi th t~t i~ea in mind. In t~ ffirot pl~e,-the iota ~e too u~l to ~ild two h~oe8 on, Ell8vorth oG the north side of Water Street v~d like to ~ve it retained aB ~1. It sh~A retained as ~!, Got R-3, MR. WHITI~~ The factor' of size is a valued feature and merits serious consi~eration by the C~ueil. ' ~ Mi~. ~A~E~I~: With reference to Water ~treett ~oning ~n'V&ter Street, ney 1-3 im a-rem~lt of the proposed Industrial~ Re-zon~g down there; Correct the ~ain classification. aa a 100~ in favor of what Mr. Wallin sai~. Go &ow~ aaa loe~ at the resi~[ences on that street. There are no e~p~y Iota from Claueli~a Street east to Olive Street. 1-3 catego.ry of that section of I~1 lets il ~alt a little bit r~&iculeut. MR. ~UI~ J~~ Ap~i~ on beef of Ewikaet Lock~. Mr. Scho~ i~t~~ te be here to~i~t te ~reee~t ~ree~ly hie vievo e~ beef of the Oo~eratiea, h~ver, he ~ to leave by pl~e to ~aehi~ton. I ~ld appear at y~ Pl~l~ Co~ieeio~ ~i~g. a~ ~id ape~ at t~t time. ~y the r~ka ~e about where people live ~ whether they are resident, of A~e~, I ~ a ~ess ~teider, A Corporation is aa auimal that eo~mlot s~eak _for itself,v for the Of£ieers, Directors, Stock Holders, ~00 employees, betYee~ ~ to ~ of the employees live in the City of .. A ~eiL We have a~dresse~l a letter to the Council in which the view.s of the poratio~ ~ve bees set forth, ~ we ~ow t~t the Oo~il will r~ t~ ~tter consider it alo~ ~th the ether e~dence. I t~ the C~il ~ ~he Co~ittee of their'e, together wttR the City Pl~i~ 0o~iasioa are to be co~rat~at~ for t~e ver~ able ~ honest W&y the~ ~ve vork~ ~ut the ~or zoni~ pl~i~. SpeWing abo~t low property ~luea, there il no better ~y~ to lever it t~ to ~ve a ~~z~a~, ill-co~si~ereA zoni~ pl~, te~ 1~ in ~i~ces gr~t~ in the co~it~. ~he beet w~ i~ to ee~Bliah ~ ~iataia, te ~ve a well pre~rl2 ~~ zoning pl~. Now everyone here ~ows t~t the 0ity of ~e~ ~ to ~ve Li~t I~ust~ ~ere. ~ere i~ it goi~ tc be placed? ~ ia ce~iAe~t~ . the !ocattoa, the Ci~ty P!~ing O~iaaioa te~ into consideration the p~ical as t~y sow exist. ~ot a ratic~ denture fro~ the present exieti~ ~it~tion. ~hr~ghout t~t ar~ it is ~ddi~ with l~t In,ustc, ~ all t~ea~ There are railro~ f~llitiea, ~oth on the east ~A the west. ~e~i~ of t~ck~, there. t~ck tr~aportation ca S~ta A~ Street ~ow, Also side rail t~sp~rtatioa oa S~ta ~ Street. There t~t ~ ~eat r~i~ d~t~e fr~ the ~i,ti~ sit~tion, ~ y~ c~ never ~ve a zoni~ pl~ t~t is goi~ te pl~se eve~~y. residential property to i~ustri~ property will decrease ~~tion, ~t ~te~s te incr~e ~l~tioa. It does decrees as residenti~, ~t the ~lue of the property is increased by the converting of it to Light I~ust~. Y~ c~*t aecess~ily Light I~ustries wit~ Heavy I~ustries. They c~t be neighborly wit~n the zone. For e~le, Gros~ea Packi~ Oo~y, Fruit, ~ Dri~ Vegetables, ~e Light I~ustries. Light Indust~ off t~t ~re ~ling wi~h ff~ products ~ot be -H~ ~acturi~ ar~s where they ~ve f$~rys e~ ~rious t~es, t~t. give off ~ f~es ~ smoke. ~Xwikset ~s to be ~re of ~vi~ a locatiel where the~e is ne Heavy ~~~i~. ~e pl~t ~ facilities ~ve bees a contri~tio~ to t~ growth of S~ta ~ Street. The property to the~ s~t~ of the p~t, w~ich h~ been 38 it Hall A~aheim California ovember 8 1 0 acqu~re~t by Xvikset, the co~a~unication tc~ the City Planning Co~aisston will bear out, that the 1~0 foot bo~lzg ~outh ~treet. ~ the ~orth, ~s a~ge~t~, or at least we ~re~, t~t i~ sh~d be zcn~ a~ previously set forth, ~1, ~t it sho~ re, ia ~ R-3, which we thi~ iea ~olutioa to the ~itutioa where we ~ve the ~chool faci~ north ca ~e south si~ of South Street· Xwikset is interested in the develo~t ~ growth of ~ei~. growth e~uth of t~e pl~t, WitR possible e~sicn of Ewikset, or be able to pre~ote ~ bri~ i~ t~e ri~t t~e of Light I~ustry t~t will co~orm to t~t ~perat~ by Evik~et, thereby tryi~ to ~re the future ~owth ~ prozp~ity of the City of A~eiB. There ~ be~ th~ht~ of tearing do~ pro~rty v~uea, or to force people ~ give Up t~ir i,t ~s nothi~ to do with t~ layl~ out of t~t ~rti~lar pl~, ~ Vq bel~ve t~t a very fine ~ob ~8 Be~ done, ~ ye ~e~til7 indorse it. MR. ~ITN~: Invtte~l co~ent oG a~ other part of the tow~. ~ ' MI~.:. It. P. ~~ ltoute 1, ~ox 380, S~ta ~. - I ~ also r~rese~ti~ ~. Willi~ ~l~a~et~ ~10 E. S~ta ~ Street.. I ~ve o~ propert~ ~re for ~ ~r~. r~l~cea ~ I go 10 acres ~~lel the S~ta ~ tr~e. Prior to thie, the o1~ ~p, 13~ east of t~ tr~ is sit~te~ a site for I~ust~y, ~d ~ bees for ~y ye~. (The railro~ righ~of-~y ia c~eifi~ as "I~ustry" clear~ by Mr. Whit~l) TBe~ ~ve gr~t~ ~the railw~-~right of w~. no~ we ~ve aothi~ ~t I~u~try. People here ~ve a gr~t interest us who ~ve ~id t~e~ for ~ y~a ~ve alas ~ interest.. The railro~ tr~e are there,. It was industry t~t c~e in ~ ~e ~eim, ~e~. It ia the ~ght of a property o~er t~t Iviah to ~i~tai~ as a ~eric~ citiz~, the right to ~o vit~ m7 propert~ t~t which i8 flea, ibis, to get this ~to industrial ~d residential, ~Jacent to one ~other with~t lce~i~ t~ v~ue. I feel I ~ve the right to ~c with ~ property as I feel. If the City O~cil listen~ to ~1 ~~enta there wo~A be ne i~ustry ia ~ifomia. People ia the north, tee, don~t~ ~t it. ~t is deprivi~ us the right of the use of o~ prePerty. The zoning ~a nothi~ beari~ cz ~thi~ west of the tracks. I ~on't object to the school,. Li~t i~ust~ is necessa~ ia ~e~ to s~pert the residents. I de object ~d do believe t~t I ~ve the right te object to ~vizg t~t t~ea MR. ~[HITNALL: Southeast corner, South Street a~d Lemon Street: ~ghat about a church o~ that l~atiom$ Whether the Co~il v~ be i~ ~eement ~~:~:the.~~e to be m~e te R-2 as a b~fer. - Regaling the tri~e t~t lie~ i~eAiatel[ s~therl~ of ~ta ~ Street, west b~ preset ~d greed to a sliver, in view of its limit~ alee, its odd size, per~e~t eta~s would to be a~pear~ to claesif~ aa ~A. The7 yeas ~ve ~ce~s to the ~eev~. Should t~t act be classified ab ~27 The ~or call~ attention te the tri~~ point at Oeater Street ~ ~ei~ MR. WILLIAM J. I~I]~Z: 525 3. Neat St. - Tha,~e~ Mr. Yhit~all for bri~gi~g this ~p, re~a~eling eh& of ~st Center Street, property is available to a 'per~uent 01aasifieation. To etaaaify it am business ~ight de violeace to traffic. It is valuable to co~anercial development ~s soo~ as a pla~ is presented. $om~ type of use th. at will utilize its location without doing an7 da~e to propert7 across the street.~ This would never exist in a ne~ develolmaent. _ Dissuasion called. M~. ttABE~: Ma~ I contradict the statement ~a~e by Mr. Jones: We agreed to the strip across from the school. We disagree a~ ~ feel that y~u are asEi~g ms to ·ake a compromise on a compromise. Referring to the co~rpromise on Water Street as a south bOu~dry for lnAustr~lization. (He them read from, the Axe,helm ]~ulletin a~ article ~&teel 3/13/50 - ~lletin had ~a~e a ~urvey which ~s~ the basis of~ the award ii~g~ of contract for the school) Xwikset bought property after the school was starte~. If they feel they h~ve suffered ~age, they walke~ into it with their eyes ope~. MR. JO~ES: I wast to correct the statement ~ade by Mr. llabe~er to this exteat: domet ~ew ~thing ~out the ~rly~ history in relatiom to the Jeffersom School, ia ~ belief, r~km he maid at the last Hearing we he~ here, t~t ~trip red a~ i't mow a~ar~ om there, 150 foot im ~th, ~ fremt~ $eu~h Strut Om the north om this ~p whi~ was the one at t~t meetiag, te ~e~ with fut~ ~1. I~ o~ co~nicatio~ to the City Planing 00~iBsio~, we ~aid t~t we ~e perfectl~ willi~ t~t t~t ch~ge be ~e ~8 a possible solution. We ~i~ ~ot co~proaise. ~e ~tter of whether it ~B a co~ro~i~e va8 ~ever ~is~s8~, ye ~e t~t ~gestioa, ~ it ~a bees c~g~ ~cordi~ly, ~ we were acco~ce with the c~ge t~t ~ bee~ ~e. MR. WRITEALL: Spoke in reference to parks and recreation. Ratios of la~A use types, 2I~ total land is 1-family dwelling- $~ of total area of the city isnet useA at all. The intention is to determine ia advance, and ~ap in a~va~ce where~' the residences, recreation a~d school propositions should be spotteA, a~d with this thought in mi~ relate them to street problems, ~ at a ~ti~ae when k~owing in advance, they lay be acquired at open-acre prices, t~blic facilities are never thought of~ u~til the nee~ becomes ~e. ~he nee~l creates values which are excessive, a~d we have to colproli~ the location ~ecause we have waited too long. ATKINSON: 830 S. Olive St. - When I bought my property it was in R-1. There is bout four families near me. ~e b~t~ that property with t~t i~ ~i~, t~t it was R-l, ~d ~o mltiple dwellings, or court~. ~here I live o~ Olive Street, lot is 155 feet. ~ 125 feet depth. Eve~ ~se is ~1 si t~t~ ~a the Bac~ cf property, with future the~ht of a Beautiful front la~ with nice homes. ~s 1~0 sq. foot.e, ~he one next to ~e ia ~tic~ly the ~e. I dealt believe ~ I doa~t thi~ it wo~d be go~ t~ ~t a ~otel or hotel cut to the street with the people w~ are there new ~th the ~h~t it wo~A be ia R.1. We. %ec~se the school w~A v~ue o~ property.~ There ie the ~. we bo~ht was~ yellow ~1 the way to S~ta ~ Street. We wo~ llke to see it st~ R-X ~ not even ~3. WIM~J~Y~ 7~0 So. Philadel~& Street.- I a~ oppose~l to the c~__~_w_~es, that is aho~ on the ~p t~re. I do feel t~t you e~A c~e the~ r~ to yellow, ~ve it up ~ ~ta ~ Street.. I believe t~t wo~A ~ettle the question for about 300 or ~0 people i~ our ~. I co~d a~ ~ things t~t I thi~ wo~d. ~e ~~t it. ~~ ~eva~ to service th2~, t~es~ ~ egre~s for t~cks by our ~r Children's s~ety i~ ~efi~itely Je~i~. ~ust acre it b~ like it ~ we will be all ~~. O. M. ]LESSIOgR: Several references has been made to our children. Our school will be there for ~ years, whey not ea~ our children's children. , ~ V~S: 1109 E. Center St., - I lite la the r~ ar~, Center Street, I ~ve bees ~iti~ for someone else to e~resi the opinion of ~eral ~uminems Classification. ~eople mu~ose to ~in in some extent. ~ the~ht is t~t I ~ve no per8o~ preference. I ~ve ~ittea to the ~o~cil ~ e~ra~e~ u~elf ea the: f~t t~t the ~oni~ wonld create a tr~fic ~zza~ t~t is ~ecee~. I raise t~e question, whether a propcs~ ~fic ~ey of-the tr~fie eo~iti~ if~ t~t devel~eat did ce~r w~ld be ~e~ ~ve the C~lef of Police ~eciA~ t~t it wo~ act ~iVe hi~ tr~l~ ~s the State ~e a ~e~? Left-~ t~a t~re at eo~e f~ture date ~ cr~te a d~th. ~nerally shoppl~ center, w~ich ~lll become ~e act l~at~ on ~he high~. I woul~ ~te te be. i~ ~ told you ~o~. 3~eb~y ~I~ a lef~~A turn into t~t ar~ o~osi~ tr~fic. ~. ~I~LL: Sh~d d~elopmeat oc~ ~y reason of zoning, it wo~d b~ auto~ti~ll~ 2~ile zone. Until a ~rvey c~ ~e ~e, I we~ like t~ see thi~ o~itt~ 't~e O~i~ce. - ', , Mr. Warrens s~at~ a certain ~rt ef his job ia ~ocery-~rket~ ia co~ectioa with the 'traffic problems in S~ Dil~. ~. M. NORT0~ ~IOT~ - ~eim ~ens:- I t~e it from y~r co. eats, with re~ the s~e pr~erty Just mentioned. The State Highw~ traffic probl~ existing one, ~ the spe~ limit w~ld t~e care of the problem. ~. ~HI~L: T~ere s~l be .emeritus a b~e. wBere t~. don't ~ve te travel t~~ the heart of the city. ~. M. NORTON ~I~T: Oenter ~treet ~ appear~ to be ~o~ for ~2, or rescued for ~z, for $~ of ~ ~ ~h~h the CitF of A~abei.. In certain of the wisdom i~ ~ing a re~est for zonl~ t~t prePerty ~2, we ~e c~vass of the area, ~-present~ to the City 0e~cil the ~e. of all of the residents of the su~ivision cover~ by letter to the City of A~eim. ~rther confuted people outside the given ar~ within a r~ius off tw~ ~locks. ~.' ~~= I wo~d like to get this .tral~t, y~ said no school co~i be [pcat~' in R-~ zone. 'At the time t~t school was ~ilt, ~ar pre~ent zoai~ ordi~nce . ~atee y~ c~ ~ild a school on ~y property ~in the City of ~eim. . The meeting ~s then tu~n~ back to the ~or who stat~ tBey would ~e stay of the ordi~e along with the wo~t~ of tBe ordi~ee. Alas a stay will be ~e By the City Atto~ey. A~ we ~pe to ~ve .omethi~.i~ the sear future, whea we ~ge ~ time to give t~is some st~y. ~