1950/11/14Cit.yl.~Hal. 1,,Anaheim~ California.., November 1l~, 1950 ........ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heyi~g, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: None. ~ CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI.C~R: Keith ~ar~o.ch, ,pre~ent? ~ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council held.October 24, 1950, amd AdJourne~ Regular Meeting held $ctober 27, 19~0 at 2:00 o mciock P.M., and Adjourned Regular Meeting held November 8' 19~0, ?:30 o~clock P.M. were a~proved on motion by Coumcilmam Vau Wagoner, seconde~ by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY: De~s against the city amomnting to $37,553.72 were reported as al~prove~by the FimSmce Committee by C~uncilmam Van Wagoner. CeUn, cilma~ Boney moved that warrants be .dr&wa mpon the Treasurer to pay~said domars in accor~lanee with report. Councilmam Hoying seconde~ the motion. MOTION CAI~IED. , , FINANOIAL & OPERATING REPORTS: The Treasurer reported G, emeral Fumd, $93,916.~6, total ~eneral Accosts, $185,~3~e~9, total fumds ia treasury, $2~,630.7~. The Oity~ Clerk's report corresponde~. - City Clerk deposited with Tr~ea~urer, $23~,53; - 0ity Auditor deposited, $~0,49~,38. - City Judge ha~dled ~32 cases of which 359 were Parking Meter violations, fees collected, $~,05~.00. - Public Service Dept, Deposited with Treasurer, $8A~,?~9.43 of which $2,527,08 wa~ Industrial Wastes, wa~ Sanitation. - 0ity Electrician issued !25 Electric Light Wiring Permits anA Power Wiring Permits, fees collected, $709,20. - Buildi~ng Department issued total of 2~0 Permits of which 25 were Building Permits, valuation, $128,381,00, fees collected, ,$1,150.60.. - Parking Meter Collections totaled, $2,20,0.00. - Business License ~0ollector deposited with Treasurer, $57~.30 for ~Business, Bicycle and Dog Licenses. - Library reported balance ms of November 7, 1950, $2,490,72. - Report of work lmerformed bF the Light, Power and Water, ~ater lrampe~ by city, 13,~9A~,600 gallons, purchased from M.W,D. ??,~6,~00 gallons, Water Level, City ~ells, November 1, 156 feet 10 inc~hes. Garbage amd Trash collections - activities of the Police sad Fire Departments, Work performed by Shop ~ G~rage. - - -- The foregoing Financial an~ Operating Reports were o~dere& accepted a~ filed on motion by Couneilmam Wisser, seconded by Oouncilmau Van Wagoner, MOTI ON CARRIED, PROPOSED ANNEXATION: ED. HUND: ~d, Hund and one other gentlemaa:, appemreel before the Council requesting a~uexation of a portion of Anaheim ~xtentiau, Lot 27, east of~ ~ Palm Street mud north of ]~all Read. T~e a~l~lex~tion to be h~led umcler the Inh~bite~ Annexation Act in the event there are more than 12 registered voters in the district to be annexed, .which requires am election. Mr. Eund was re.queste~[ to bring in a survey as to the number of registered voters ancl other information relative te favorable consideration by the residents in the d~strict concerned~ TRACT NO. 1120 - VARIANCE NO. 1'31: Tract No[ 1120 on which a Public Nearing was held by the City Council on October 10, 1950 and the m~tter was being held over until such time a Public Hearing was ~eld on the proposed ~ zoning ~ap a~ or~imance~ Variance No. 131. lots 1 to 5 inclusive, which requeste~ change from'R-l, Single Family Residence, to 0-2, Genermt Business at 1200-1222 ~a~t Center Street for a Super Market. Mr. ~hitney who appeared for the owners was advised that it would be preferal~le to await action of the acceptance of the new zoning map a~ ordimance~ governing changes which are favorable to the application, as the Council wa~ net at the present time disposed to act upon the ~tter because of protests'haveimg ~een re~eive4 against the granting of said applicatiow for vari, a~ce. Motion to poetpome any action of Variance No. 131 was made by Councilman tteying, seconde~ by Cou~cilmam Van Wagoner. - Oppome~l by Co~u~cilman Boney. MOTION 0ARRI~D. Letter of ~. ~.. ~arnee ex, teasing opposition to the granting of the Variance No. 131 in Tract No. 1120 was held over for pre .~entation at & latter date. ACTLNG EFtS OF DEPARTMENTS; Th~ following persons were &esignated as "Acting Heads ~of Departmentse to-wit: Acti~ Fire Chief., Edward J. Strimger. Sr, - Acting Building Inspector: Homer II. Wallace- Acting Superintendent of'Parks: Victor A. RueAy- Ac%lng Superintendent of Light~, Power and Wa~ter: George F. Oelkere, The foregoimg app~ointmemts made on motion by ~ouncilman Heying, seconded by 0euncilmmm Wisser, MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED SPEED LIMIT: Pro~os~ Spec& Limit of 35 mile-per-hour on East Street from Center to the north city limi t~, a~d on La Palma from East Street to ~Liberty Lane has Been requested ami is recommended by the Chief of Police. It was moved by ~Couneil~ mas Eeying, seconded by Councilmam Wisser that the City Attoffney prepare Ordinance to govern this proposal. MOTISN CARRIED. COUNCIL TO MEET WITH CITY pLANNING COMMISSION: PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE: It was recommended that the City Council meet with the City Planning Commission for the 41 F~rpose of accept&ace of the propose~ zOatng m~p a~d ordimaz~ce az~ to consider a~ cha~ges or alterations tn connection with the ~p. SEWER ON PATT STREET: The City Council on motion By Ceuncilmaa Boney, seconAeA by Cm~ucil~ man Heying approve~ the connection of approximately ~00 feet of sewer on Part Street ~terth from Commercial Street, estimated cost; $1,.500.~0. MOTION CARRIED. I~tPHOVEMENT OF MILLS DRIVE: Improvement of Mills Drive by blacktopping the islaads at aa estimated cost of $2%0.00 was referred tO the City Attorney and AAministrative Officer with power to act. ' ~ Installation of City Hall Switchboard, P,]~.X. System has been commenceel. INSLTR~NCE: Insurance I~ors~ent to Aet~ In~~ce Policy, Fire, Theft ~ Co~reheasive ea Se~rave 12 Fire T~ck, ~el ~, 1~, premi~ $3~.~, ~lo the Home Ias~~ce Poli~ No. 2282, e~iration, September 1~ 1~, premi~ $81,~0, Fire I~a~ce, ~aer~ corette on property, ~ao State 0ompenaation Ina~~ce ~ Policy, e~iration November 29, 1~1, 'initl~ pre~l~ $800,00. The foregoiag Policies ~ Indorae~ta were ~theriz~ subject te a~rov~ ~of the Oity Attorne~ on motion by,Oo~cil~ He~i~, seco~ ~ Ooucil' PROTESt: USE OF ~ PA~ P~: .~~}: Pro~em~ algm~ ~y eigh~ real, emma ~f ~eim. bei~ a ~epy ~f a le~er aem~ to ~he ~eim O~er .of O~e~e. e~J~i~ Pa~ Park for ~i~ ~oaea. ~ the ~ll~we~ fea~tvi~iem ~x~e~~ ~ver one ~, w~8 ~bmitt~ ~d re~. - . V~I~CE: C~S PO~Y ~H~ ~e v~i~ce ieau~ ~w~ ~. ~ Jewel ~.. at 1~1~ ~ Oe~ter Street e~ir~ on No~ember ~, 1~%0, .~ letters aa to the reme~ er grating of a new ~ri~ce were a~mitt~ ~ ~e~. ~Mr, ~ Mrs. Olestra aubmitt~ a ~ew application for petitioa for zon~ag vari~ce ca November 15, 1~0 ~ the City ASto~ ~vie~ t~ the 01by Pl~i~ 0o~i~si~ ~oul~ c~l a~3pecl~ ~e~l~ to act uDc~ the Detitlon ~ to receive ~ protests from the ~jei~i~ propert~o~era i~ re~ to ~aiA application. The City 0~cil refe~ to the City Plming~~eaion the petitio~ for zeni~ a~pli~ for ~y Mr. ~ Mrs. Clements on the motion ~y Co~cil~ He~i~, eeco~ ~ Ce~cil- J.O.S. EXECUTIVE 00MMITTEE: EOF. BIG & KOF~IG CORRESPONDENCE: .~he Mimmtee of the Exeemtive Board of the J6int Outfall Sewer hel~ October 5, 19~0 were submitted ~ read, &Ime copies of commmicatioms from Eoebig ama ~roebig relative to the Aa~e of Sginch pipe on the Magaolia Trunk Sewer were read. Cou~cilaa~ Heyl~g move~ that the report of the Committee Be accepted ~nd that the commu~tications be receiv~ ~ frill. ~ ~ci~ ~one~ aeco~ the notion. MOTIS O~GE CO~ ~L A~ P~: The ht~Ai~ Pin of the 0r~ge Co~ty 0itie~ Uninco~orat~ areas was order~ accept~.~ the ~or ~ City Clerk~thoriz~ to amid Pi~, ~ti~ for the City of ~~eia on motion by C~cilm~ ~oney, 8eco~~ 0e~cil~ ~eyi~. M~ION ~I~. D~IT~ BECH ~~TIS~RS. I~C. ~Q~ST, D~NI~; A~li~tioa by_the Unit~'~ench ~verti,er,~ Inc, Lee ~elea, to place ~vertisi~ beaches on Los ~gelea Street athe the aever~ ~s Steps was deni~ on ~otlon ty O~cii~ Heying, aeco~ by 0o~cil~ V~ ~o~er. PLIER BOED: E. ~UINN~ Acting upon the recommendations of the City Attorney, the License ]~oad submitted ~y E. M. ~i~ $f ~~ Park, ~lfomla ~e~d be acc~tabl, by the 0ity wheh ~i~ License ~o~ ia correct~ to r~ Pl~B,r~ or Pl~bi~ Ce~tractera, ~ t~t the ~uaineaa License Be ie,u~ for the business of PI~biM Contractor to Qui~ on a~lication, on motion by 0o~cil~ V~ W~oner, eeco~ by C~cil~U~i~aer. MOTION ~I~. C~CH T~ ~~IOE. ACCEPTS: ~fi~avit Of C~rch Exertion ~aa accepte~ by the City Oo~cil, ~ the City A~itor be in~tEct~ to pr~re ~warr~t to cover as~eaameat_ ~0~ to the Apostolic C~rch Inc., 1112 ~. Homer Street~, ~eim Home Tract, Let in the' ~o~t off t~. $1~.53 to be r~m~ra~, on motion by Council~ V~ ~oner, seceded By C~cilm~ Wiueer. H~ION ~l~. V~I~CE ~0. 132: ~rol~ B~rli~, lessee: Vari~ce No. 132, veri~i~ petition of -~erlia, as lessee, of the eeco~ floor, 110 ~et C~ter Street, for the ~~t~iag of l~iea g~eata, ~ ~2, Light M~aCturing use in t~e Gener~ ~ueinesa zoae, ~e City Plying Co.lesion reco~ended tbs vat.ce Be gr~t~ for one year ~ Be subject to review at the ead of t~t peri~. C~cit~ V~ ~oner moved t~t th~ rece~e~atioaa of the City~Pl~i~ Ce~iaaioa be aust~~, ~ t~t the City Atto~ey be iaat~ct~ to ~~are Resolution grating eai~ v~i~ce of Mr. ~erli~. Motio~ aec~~ by C~cil- ~ Boney. MOTI~ ~I~. ~2 Qi_t~ ,..Hall,;...A..naheim,. Californ..i.a., Novembe. r .%4., 1950 8100 DEPI~Y PATROLMEN APPOINTMENTS: Appointment of Deputy ,City Patrolmam, Gleam A, Streu~ by the OMef of Police as apprcva~ on motiem by Oou~cilmaa lleying, secomdeA by Council' man Boney, with the provision that he successfu/ly pass a physical examinatiom. MOTION CAHRIED. Appointment of Deputy City Patrolman, John T. Flymm, serving without pa~, w&s ratified on motion by Ceuncil~ Van Wagoner, seconde~ by Councilmam Wisser. MOTI ON CA~IED. RESOLUTION NO. 1781: Councilman Vas Wagoner offereA Resolution No. 1781 and moved for its passage amd a~optiow. RESOLUTION AUTttGRIZING TEE SUBSTITUTION OF VALVES NOT SPECIFIED IN TEE PLANS, AND SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL COSTS TE~F~Olt. ~ refer to Resolution Book, page_ = On roll call the foregoing Resoliation No. 1781 was duly passed a~d aAopte~ by the followimg vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearaom, Wisser, Heying, Boney an~ Yam Wagoner, ~ NOES: COUNCILMEn: Nome. ABSENT: 00UNCILMEN: Nome. The Mayor ~eclare~ Resolution No, 1781 ~uly pa~sed a~d a~lepte~. RESOLUTION NO. 1782: Councilmam ]easy offere~ Resolution No. 1782 and ~oveA for ~SOL~ION O~ T~ 0I~ ~O~OIL 0F T~ CIT~ OF AWA~IM A~~IZING ~ P~O~ AOC~TING C~Y~ OF ~ ~0~TY. ~ , refer to Resol~tiom ~ook, ~e ~ roll c~l the foregoi~ Resola%lem No, 17~ was ~y paas~ ~ ~opt~ ~y the followi~ vote: A~S: ~ 00~OI~: Pearaom, Wt~ser, Heyi~, Boney ~ V~ W~emer. NOES: ~ OO~NOI~N: None. ~~: CO~CI~: None. ~he ~r ~ecl~ Resolution Ne' 1752 ~[ ~mm~ ~ ~SOL~ION NO. 1~$3: O~cilm~ ~ome~ offer~ Reaolutiom No. 1753 ~ mcv~ for l tm ~ae~e ~ ~optiom. ~soLUTI~ OF T~ CITY CO, OIL oF T~ CITY OF ~IN A~H~IZING T~ ~0~$~ ACC~TING OO~~ OF ~ P~~TY. refer to ResolUtion ~e~, ~e ~ roll c~l the foregoi~ ReaolUtiom No. 1783 wae d~y paa'a~ ~ ~ept~ ~ t~ followi~ vote~ AYES: C0~CI~: Pearson, Wlaser. Heyi~, Bon~ ~d V~ W~omer. N0~$; O~OlL~: None. ~S~: OO~CI~: Nome. The ~or Aeclar~ Reaolution No. 1783 duly ~~ ~ ~ept~. ~SOLUTION NO. 17~: Oouneil~ V~ W~omer e~fer~ Reaolutio~ No. 1~ for i t~ ~me~e ~ ~optiom. CI~, ~S~IBING P~$I~ ~I~TIONS FOR ~PLI~S ~R O~~IN POSITIONS WITH ~ID CITY, ~ ~S~IBING C~~IN ~~TIONS AS T0 HOLIDAYS. refer to Reaelmtiem ~eok, ~e ~ roll call the foregoi~ ReeolUttem Ne. 17~ ~s"'"~~ ~~ ~ ~opt~ by the foll,wi~ veto: A~S: O~CI~: Pearson, Wt~eer,-Heyi~, Boney ~d V~ W~ener. NOES: ~OI~: Nome. ~~: '~CI~N: None. The .~yer ~ecl~ Resolutiom No- 17~ ~y ~mse~ ~ ~opt~. $1,0~0,000.00 BO~ ISS~: O~I~OE NO. 7~: ~Ce~ci~ ~oney ~r~uc~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~ o~ ~~o,ooo. WttEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 762 of the City of Anaheim, Orange Ooumty, California, a special election was dully and regularly held in said city on the 18th da~ of September, 1950, at which election there wac submitted to the qualified voters of'msiA city the following bond prop~sition, to wit: ]~OND PROPOSITION: Shall the City of Anaheim incur a bonded imdebtedmess in the principa~ mum of $1,~l~O,O00.00 for the purpose of the acquisitiom ama construction for the City of Amaheim of a certain mumicipal_ improvemewt, to wit: a~ditiomal sanitary sewers and sewage disposal facilities, including California, Novembe~ 1A~, 1950 ..... and (1) .additions of ~ain tr~,~, interceptor and later~ sewers to the sewer system of the City off ~eiJj (2)Shat ~itid~ part or ~e, is .to be o~ ~ ~id for by the Oity of Ameia of (a) ~ditioaa to ~d enlarg~tJ off ,the sew~e tr~Jent pl~t ~ c~ori~tioa pl~t Joiatly o~ by the Oity of ~ei~ ~ o~er citie~ ~ ~ita~ 4iatrict~, reconst~ction ~ replac~ent of ~rtiona of t~ Jointly o~ ~~1 ae~er ~r~ing a~age from said tr~tment pl~t, ~d (c) ~ ~itie~ ~ia t~-~ sewer, eith cc~ecting ~iaea. te c~ry ae~e to asia ae~e trea~ ment pl~t (asia reconst~ctioa ~ replace=eat of portions of asia o~tf~l sewer, aai~ ~ditiona to ~ e~ar~emta of the ~~e treatment pl~t ~d c~ori~tion pl~t, ~ aai~ ~itio~l ~ia t~ a~er, to te Jointly own~ ~d ~iA for by the City of_~~eim ~d other ~blic ce~eratioaa)~ YHERF~S, said proposition received the a~fir~ative vote a~d absent of more thaa tvo-thirels of ~1 of the q~ifi~ vote~ of ~aid city voti~ at ~A election, ~ aai~ 0ity ia new ~thoriz~ to i~,ue bonds in the ~~t. ~ for the ~ene: set forth i~ acid ProPosition; ~ NOW, T~R~, the City CmAncil of the iCity of Anaheim DOES ORDAIN. ab follews~ SECTION 1. That bonds of the City of Az~heim, Oalifer~ia, in %he principal su~ of one million,--fferty thousand dollars ($1,~,000) be issued a~l sol~ for the l~lrpOll set forth in the bond proposition in the recitals hereof. ~aid bonds shall be Aesi~t~ $~ ~, 1~1, a~l be' 1,~ in. n~ber, a~ber~ 1 to 1~, i~cl~,ive, ~ I~l be ef the A~omiaatioa ef $1,~ e~h. Sai~ bo~a 1~, 19~1, ~ s~l Be p~a~le in conceptive n~eric~ o~er, fert~ (~) ~~ly om J~ 15th of e~h year both iaclusive. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates to be hereafter fixed by'' resol~tien,' but act to exceed four per-cent (~) per annum, payable eemiaanually ew the fifteenth days of January ~_ July of each year. ~aid bonds and the interest thereon shall Be parable in lavi'al money of the Unit~ States of A~erica at the office of the City ~reasurer of the City of Anaheim in the City of Anaheim, California. SECTION 2. That the Mayor of the City ~f Anaheim am~ the City Treasurer of 0ity are hereby a~Athorized ~ ~irect~ t~ ~i~ ~11 ~f ~i~ Bonds B~ their printS, litho~hed or e~av~ ffaeaimile ~i~~e~, ~ the Ci~y Clerk ef ~aid City i~. hereby ~thoriz~ ~ direct~ to conte~ai~ said bo~z ~ ~e ~fi~ thereto t~e cc~orate s~ off acid City, ~ the City Treasurer of aai~ Dity ia. hereby authogiz~ ~ direct~ to si~ t~e interest c~pona of asia bo~ ~ ~a priat~, or engrave~ ffacaiaile mixture. ~ to ~ber said i~terest coupeaa of each said bonds conae~tively, SECTIOI~ 3. That acid bonds smd the coupons for the interest thereon shall be iasue~ in substantially the following form: $1,000. O0 : · T~ CITY OF ~I~, ~ ~mulicip&l cer]~or~tion sit'ted in the C~t[ of Or.ge, State off California, FOR V~ ~CEI~, ~eb[ ~owl~ges its i~ebt~ezs ~ ro=i e to the bearer hereof the 0f HOUS ($1,000.00[ the fifteenth ~ of J~ry, 1~, ~ith interest t~reon at the rate of' ' per c~t (~) per ~~, ~aBle se~i~~llF ca the fifteenth days of J~~y ~ ~y off each ~d eve~ y~ ffro~ the ~te hereof ~til thi~ bo~ is pai~, en preseatation ~ ~rre~er of the respective interest,coughs ~ereto att~h~. ~o~ princip~ ~ interest are ~able in lawf~ ~oney of the Unit~ State~ of ~erica at the office of the Oity Trembler of s~id City i~ said cit~. Thi~ Bond is issued By the CITY OF ANA~IM u~der and in pursuance of and in confformity with the provisions of Article 1, Chapter ~, Division ~, Title ~ of the C. overmment Code of the State of Californim ~ acta supplementary thereto, and in pursuance of the laws and Constitution of the State of~ California. and is authorizeA by a vote of more than two-thirds of all the qualified voters of said City of voting at an elec~tion duly a~d legally Called, held and conducted in amid cit? on the 18th day of September, 1950. ~ ._CitF ~1, Anaheim, Oaliforn_~.a.., -_November 1A~, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AI[D DEC~ that all acts, condi, t ions amd things required by la~ to~ exist, happen az~ be performed ~recedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, halmpene~l and been performed in &us time, form and manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of said City, does not exceed an~ debt limit pr~escribed by the laws or Constitution of the State of California. IN WITEESS Wt~OF said 0ity of Azaheim has cause~ this bo~l to be da~teA this fifteenth day of JanuarY, 19~1, to be signed by the Ma~cr'~ the City Treasurer of said City, countersigned by the City Clerk of said City., ~ sealed with the corporate seal of said 0ity, ~ud has caused the interest coupoms hereto attached to be signed by sai~ City Treasurer. COUNTN~I~ I 6NED: Anaheim, Cllifermia, Amaheim, California. 0~tY T~eas~er~0-f- t~e'"Oity of Anaheim, California. Om. the fifteemth da~ of .. ( c oueo , the CITY OF ~IM, Oalifor~ia, will ,pay to the ]fearer at the office of the City Treasurer of said City, i~ said city, the in la~ money of the gnit~ Statei 0f~eriea, be~ the aemi~ imtere~t them ~ue om Sewer ~o~, Amahelm, OalM ~rnla. S]~CTION A~. That the proceeds of the ,ale~ of sal~ bon~s shall~ forthwith be~ turned over te ~ pl~ im the ~icip~ tr~ry eft the Cit[ off ~eim to the cr~it ~ the ~om~ im said ffu~ ~11 Be a~li~ e~lueivel~ to the ~uleit'iem conat~ction off the micipaI i~rovememt deacrtb~ in th~ bo~ prepoeitio~ in the recites hereof. SEOTI~ 5. T~t for the ~ose cf ~i~ the princi~ the City C~cil of the City of ~eim 8~1, at the time of fi~ the gener~ t~ le~, ~ ~lly there~ter ~til said bo~s ar~ ~id or ~til there s~ in the tr~~ off aai~ ~ity set a~rt for t~t ~oae ~ficie~t te meet ~1 p~e~ta of princi~ ~ interest on said collect a t~ ~ficient to ~y the iatereat ca said bo~s ~ ~ch part of the pri~ci~l t~reof as will be~me due before the proce~s off a t~ levi~ at the next g~er~ t~ l~y will be available. Sai~ other t~xea levi~ for ~ic~ ~eses ~ ~11 Be levi~ other ~city t~$, ~ a~l ~ertMwith be ~~ over ~ paid iate a f~ ef the Ct~y off ~eim to be ~o~ la "19~1 $~ ~S, IN--ST Said f~ aMI be us~ for ne other ~eee t~ the pa~e~t interest thereon. SECTION 6. That the City Clerk ah~ll certify to the :p~s~a~e 13~ adoptio~ of this ordinance by a vote of more ~ha~ two-thirds of all the members of the City Couaci! of said City, and shall cause this ordinance to be. published once in the ANAHEIM ]$ULLETIN, a newspaper o£ general circulatiom published six days a week in said city SECTION ?. 'This ordinamce shall take effec$ thirty (30) days ~ter its passage. ~RESOLUTION NO. 1785: Coumci~ Van Wagoner introduced Resolution No. 178~ amd moved for its passage and adoPtion. Ceunc.ilmam~ Beney, seconded the motion. MOTION PJESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANANEIM, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING THE CITY CLEtLK TO PUBLISH NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR $1,0~0,000 1951, OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, am ordinance providing for the issummce of bonds of the 0ity of Amaheim in the amoumt of one ~illion, forty thou~ dollar~ ($1,0~,000.) to Be de~i~t~ S~ ~0~. 1~1. ~ been intr~uc~; ~ ~S. it is desirable ~t said ~onds ~ sold~ NO~, THER~ORE, the City Council of the City of Am~aheim DOES ~[EREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE ~ GRDER AS follows: $ECTION It. That said bonds be sol~ and that seale~ bide or proposals for the purchase of maid bomdm be received up to the time stated in the notice hereinafter met forth. SECTION 2. That the City 01erk be ~nd he is hereby authorize~ ax~el directed to publish said motice once ia the ANA~IM BULLETIN, a newspaper of general circulation publishe~l mix Aa~m & week in said city. SECTION 3. That said motice shall be ~ubmtamtially as follews$ NOTICE ~INVITING BIDS ON $1,0~,000 ; BOI~D$ ~F THE CITY O~ ANAHEIM, 0ALI~~. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ci.~ Coumcll of the City o~ Anaheim. 0alifermiae will receive men,leA proposals for the lmarchase of $1,0J$0.000 par value gemeral eblig~tion bonds of said 0ity, at its Chambers in ~he City Hall in said city, up to the hoar of 8:00 otcleck, P.M., December 12, 1~50. The bonds are designated SEWER BOND, 1951, are to be 8~te~l Janury 15, l~Sl, are 1.~ in n~ber. ~ber~ 1 to 10~0. ~alusive. of the denomi~tion of $1.000 each. are tc be ~able in con~e~tive m~eri~l or, er. forty (40) 1~ ef each year from J~u~ 15.' 1952 to J~ry 15, 1977. both imclusive. SaiA bo~e are to be ~ble in la~ money of the Umit~ States of ~erica. at tke office ef the City Tr~aurer of the 0ity ef ~eim i~ said city~ The Bonds are' gene~ obli~tioma of ~the City. of ~eim i~su~ ~s~t to the laws ~d 0o~stitutio~ of ~he State of 0alifo~ia ~ ~er ~ ~ct semetime~ referr~ to the ~ici~l ~o~ Act of Each bid she21 state that the bidder o£ferm par amd accrued interest to date of delivery, the premium, if any, amd the !reforest rate or rates not to excee~ four per cent (4%) per a~ul~m, lm~ble eemi~~~, at which the bi.er offers to ~ ~aiA Sai~ rate or rates ~et be in ~ltiplem of 1/, of 1%. Not more t~ two imtereat rates ~y ~e bi~. No be~ ~1 be~ ~ore t~ ~ne imterest rate. No bi~ for a ~rt of Bo~ will Be conaider~. The bo~e e~l be ~old for eaah oaly ~ for net le~ t~ p~ ~d acc~ imtereet to date ef delivery. . A certifi~ or cashier's check on a respomsible b~ or t~t comfy, in the off three per cent (~) of the princip~ ~o~t of the bo~ bi~ flor, ~able te the order of ~he Oity off ~ei~, ~st acco~ each proposal am a ~~ty t~t t~ bi~der, if smccemmful, will accept ~ ~y for ~i~ bo~e in ~ce~ce wi t~ the te~a of his bi~. The process of the check ~co~ing ~ accept~ prepom~ ~1 be a~li~ em the ~rc~se p~tce or, tf ~ch propom~ is ~cept~ ~t net pe~o~, ~leaa ~ faille ef perfor~ce s~l be caus~ ~y ~ act ~r emieeiom of the City of ~eim, s~ll them be retaim~ by the 0ity. ~e check ~co~~i~ each ~ccept~ proposal will ~e~ pro~tly. ~he ~q~iffi~ approvi~ le~t eptmio~ of 0~elve~y & ~erm~ attor~ey~, will be fu~i,h~ the ~ccewsf~ bi~der or bidder, at or prior to delivery of the be~a, at ~he e~e~e o~ ~e 0it~. At the time o~ ~ent for ~d delivery cf the b0~., ~the City will ~mieh the ~e~ a eertifi~te t~t there is no litigation pen~img ~fecting the ~lidity of the Pa~ent for ~ ~elive~ of said be~s ~11 Be ~e ia the office 6f the ~Tr~rer of the City of A~eim. DeliVe~ ie ~ect~ to be m~e on~J~~y 15, 19~1. The City 0c~cil rose.es the right to reject ~ or ~1 bid~ ~ te'~lve ~ irre~larity er imfo~lity in ~y bid, to the extemt permitt~ by 1~.. The bid~ will Be opem~ at the meeting of the City ~ci! to be ~el~ ~e~, December 12, 1~50, at 8:00 o~clo~, P.N', in the 0o~cil 0~Berm is' the City ~11 maid city. Gives by 0r~er ~of the City Co~cil of the City of ~eim ~opt~ November 1~, 1~50. (S~) ~iferaia. O~ity.._ ~lt.,_A~a~eim, Ca~. i_f, ornia, ,.,N.o.,vember 15. !95,0.. _ On roll call, Resolution No. 175% was duly passe~ and adopteA by the fell~i~ vote~ A~S: C0~CI~: Pearson, ~isser, Heyi~, ~eaey ~ V~ ~oaer. NOES: CO~CIL~: No~e. ~~: 00~0I~~ ~ae. The ~or ~eela~ Re~olutiOa Co~cilma~ Heying move~ to ~iJC~n. Oea~cilma~ Va~ Wagoner seco~ieA the merles. MOTION CAHRIED. ' ~ t C~ty~e~k, City Cf~ei~ .... "' , ADDENDUM: ' ~ , On motion by Councilman Boney, ~econded by Councilman Heying, that the City Clerk be autherlzed to call for Bid P?oPoeale for the furnishing of 39" Vitrified Clay Pipe. Said bids to be received up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, November 28. 1950. MOTION CARR City Hall. Amaheim. California, The 0try Oo~uactl of t] ~PRESENT: O0UNCI~: Pearson, ABSENT ~ '¢OL~IOILME~: Nome. CITY ATTO~Y ~: Present. ~MINIS~TI~ O~IO~: Preeem$. November 28, 1950. . 8~00 P.M. ,elm, ~ ~ ,m. m ~mm ~ ~m, m ~ [e City of ~eim met im re~~ session. Wiener, Neying, Boney ~ V~ W~oner. , The Miwutes of the regalar ~eeti~g held November 1~ 195$ were ordered approved on motion by 0ouncilma~ Van Wagoner, seconded by Oo~mci~ Beheld. MOTIoN DEMANDS AC, AINST THE CITY: D~m against the city amounting to $65,62A~.22 for the ]~er~c~l e~ding November 1~, 19~0 iw&8 report~ B~ Omcilm~V~ W~omer for tho ~i~co Oo~ittee. C~ci~ Boney moV~ report of the Fiance Ce~ittee be acc~t~ ~, t~t w~r~tm Be'~ra~ :upon the Trea~e~ to ~ 8ai~ d~e in accor~ce wit~ report. M~ION ~I~. :~.~ A~IT: DI~ & C0: R~0~t of A~it ~e by Die~ ~ Comfy. 0ertifi~ ~Blic Acco~t, Ellis C. Diehl, ~ffor the~ffisc~ ~e~ 1~1~0 was ~baitt~, ~ cements ia re~ to the a~it ~were re~. C~cil~ ~omey mev~ t~t~the a~it ~bmitted ty Dle~ ~ 0o~ ~e acceptS. O~cil~ Heyi~ seco~ the motiom. M~ION ~I~. ~ ~ ACOUSTIC TILE, COUNCIL OHAMBERSa Installation of Aesthetic Tile Material in the Council room. at the approximate coat of $$25.00 was ordere~ held ever. REMODELING, POLIOE STATION: Administrative Officer submitteA i~for~atien as to the remodeling in the Police Station at a cost not to excee4 $~75.00. Ceuncil~a~ Heyi~g moved the remodeling be authoriSed. .0~ei~ Boney seconded the motion. MOTI0~I CARRIED. PLOMBER BOED: Plumber Bond. $1,000.00. Yaithful Performance, Richar~ 0awaam~gh, doing business ae ~uperior Plu~ing Service, wa8 approved on motion by Councilman Heying. seconded by O~x~cil~ Jeney. MOTION CARRIED. MILITARY ~VE, ltU~SELL E. HAMLYN: Offficer Russell E. tla~l~A, recalleA to active duty in the U. S. Ar~y and ordered to report December ?, 1950 was granted Military Leave effective as of December ~, 1950 upon reco-.aendation of the Chi~ef of Police on motion By Councilman Wisser, secende~l .by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. M.W.D. TAX~S: M.W.D. communieation as to t~e payment of taxe8, requests a declaration as to method of lm~y~ent was submitteA. The City C~uncil electe~l te certify taxes of the Metropo~ita~ Water District to the County A~litor of Orange Ce~a~ty te~ be extea~led by him on the 19~1-i9~2 tax roll~ a~ collected in the ~aae manner as County Taxes; on motion By Ceuneilma~ Heying. seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION REPORT: 0EANGE COUETY DISASTER COUNCIL: AAministrattve Officer reporte~ om the meetin$ held by the Orange Oc~nty Disaster Council. Representative from cities the County ef Orange were present. ~