1950/11/280i~2 Halt, Anaheim. Ca!i~ornia,! November .!4, .195.0.. On roll call, Resolutio~ No. 1~85 was duly passeA amd adopte~l By the fell~i~ vote~ A~S: CO~OI~: Pearson, Wisher, Heyi~g, ~oney ~ V~ W~omer. NOES: CO~CIL~: ~ene. · ~ ~~: OO~CI~~ N~me. The ~er aeela~ Reseluti~m ~. 1~85 d~y ~ee~ ~d ~opt~. Councilman tleying moved to adJomrn. Ceumeilmam Vau Wagoner seconded the motiel. MOT I ON CAI~RIED. ADDENDUM: On motion by Councilman Boney, Seconded by Councilman Eeying, that the City Clerk be aubhertzed to call for Bid l~roPosals ~or the furnishing of 39" Vitrified Clay Pipe. Said bids to be received up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, November 28, 1950. MOTION CARRIED. ,mm,m earn ~ mm em m, m,m ~mmm, ~ mm, ,mm,~ ~mm,m m ,mm mm ,mm, m m m m ~m, ~mmm, mm. ~mmm, ,mm, m, m .m, .m, emro .re,m, emmm ,m, m,m mm m. ,mm, m ,mm. m. m m. City Hall, Anaheim, California, November 28, 1950. . 8~00 P.M. The City Council of t~e City of Amaheim met in regular ~ession. PRESENT: COUNCILM~: Pearson, Wisser, Neying, Boney amd Van Wagoner. ~ ABSENT : 'OOUNOILM~: No~e. , ~ ~ 0ITT ATTORNEY TII~: Prememt. ~ ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Premen$. ~ · The Mi=utes of the regalar meeting hel~ November 14, 1950 were ordereA approved en motion by 0ouncilmaa Van Wagoner, secon~e~ by 0oumcilmam Beheld. MOTION CARRIED o . DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY: D~m against the city amounting to $65,62~.22 for th.e period e~ding November 15, 1950"was reported by Councilmaa~Van Wagoner for the Finance Committee. Ceuneilmau Boney moved report of the Finance Committee be accepted amA. that Warrants be'drawn :upon the Treawmrer to pay ssi& ~emaa~s in &ccordauce with report. MOTION CARRIED. :ANNUAL AUDIT: DIEH~ & CO: RepOrt of Audit maple by Diekl and Company, Certifie~ Public Acco~zut, ~llis 0. Diehl,,for the~fiscal ~ear 19~9-19~ was su~mitte&, ~ comments in regard to the audit were read. Councilman Boney mOVed that the audit submitted by Dlehl and Company ~e accepted. Councilmam Neying secom~led the motion. ' MOTION 0AHRIED, ~ AOOUSTIC TILE, COUNCIL 0HA/~ERS~ Iamtallation o£ Ace~etic Tile Materia~l in the Council room, at the approximate co~t of $$£5,00 was ordered held over, REMODELING, POLIOE STATION: ~Lminiatrative Officer submitted informa$iel am to the remodeling in the Police Station at a cost not to exceed $475,00. Councilman Heyimg moved the remodeling Be &uthorimed. Oemaeilmaa ]$oney seconded the motion. MOTION O~ I ED, PLt~[BER BOND: Plumber Bond, $1.,000.00, Faithful Performance, Richar~ 0ava~h, doi~ buslne~ as ~peri~r Pl~ing Bodice, w~e ~pprov~ on motio~ ~ 0o~ci~ Heying, ~eco~ by O~cil~ Be~ey. MOTION ~I~. MILIT~Y L~, RUSSELL E. ~: ~fficer ~asell E. ~1~, ree~l~ te ~tive duty in the U. S. A~ ~d or~~ to report ~c~ber ~, 1~0 ~a ~t~ Milit~y Leave effective as of December %, 19~0 ~po~ reco~e~atioa of the Chief of Police on motion by Co~cilm~ ~ieeer, secend~ ~y C~cilm~ Heyi~. MO~ION 0~I~, M.W.D. TAXES: M.W.D. communication as to the payment of taxes, requests a declaration as to method of payment was submitteel. The City Council elected te certify taxes of the MetropoIitan Water District to the County Am~litor of Or~ange C~u~ty te~ be extemAe~ by him on the 1951~1952 tax rolls and collecte~ in the same manner as County Taxes; on m~tton by 0ounoilmam Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. NOTION REPORT: ORANGE COUNTY DISASTER COUNCIL: AAministrative Officer reported on the meeting held by the Orange 0curry Disaster Council. Representative from cities as~ the 0eunty ef Orange were present. ~ , ~7 Clty.~_.Nall. ~e!._m.,.: California, November~ 2.8, 1950 ............ . .... ~00 P.M..,. MAGNOLIA TRUNX Sm-~fER: APPLICATION FOR ~S: The City. Attorney was instructed to prepare Resolution covering Plans for the Magnolia Trunk Sewer for' the advance of' 50~ of ,funds granted under proyisions of California Cp-11?~, Sanitary Sewer Facilities. ~him ~a re- lation to grant of $96,000.00. THACT NO. 1493: TENTATIVE MAP: Tentative Na~ of Tract No.' 14~3 sUbmitted by the Jones Bros,, Beimg the estern one-half of the Original Tr~c~ No. 1233, consisting of 48 leto was approve~ on motion by Cou~cilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Coumcilmam Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. The Jones Bros. will pave one qmarter of Wilhelmima Street and subject to the condemmation of the other quarter of Wilhelmina Street, will pave this ~trip, giving the city a half-width street. The city Planming Commissiom approved the Tentative Map of Tract' No. 1~93. Subdivision Bond in the amount of $1,000.00 has been received as A condition that the Principal will improve the north one-half of Wilhelmina Street. TRACT NO. 1233: FINAL MAP': Final Map-c~verin$ Tract No. 1233 was accepted on motion by Councilman Boney, seconde~ by Councilmam Neying. MOTION CARRIED. Cub~livision bona in the amount of $10,500.00 for all improvements in the amount of $250,000.00 has been received. Check in the amount of $2,454.00 is Beimg retained by the Engineer's Office as deposit. T~CT NO. 1468: TENTATIVE MAP: Tentative Map of Tract No. 1~ covering portiom of Let 12, ~eim Extentiom, on F~st $~uta Ann Street. Said =~__p was a~rov~ by the City Pl~i~ 0o~i~sion ~bject to the recovered c~gee ~ ~rther co~itione requir~ ~ the E~ineering Department. O~al ~d J~es Morris were present at the meeti~. Council~ -~eney-mev~t~t the ~entative ~p ~_T~ctNo._l~ ~e_acc~t~, C~cil~ H~i_~ _ · eco~~the motion. M~ION ~I~. FI~ INS~CE, LI~Y: ~e City O~cil elect~ to p~ the premi~e ~f the lattice Policies, ~ ~ditio~ ina~ce recently acquir~ on the ~eia Libr~ property. In~r~ce, $91,000.00. ~~ce of premium due ~ter cr~ita t~en, authori:~ on motion By Co~cilm Heying, aecemd~ by ~I~. J.O.S. EXECUTIVE MINUTES: The Minutes of the Executive Board of the Joint Outfall Sewer November 2nd, 1950 meeting was approve~ e~ motiom by Councilman Neytng, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. BIDS: 39" VITRIFIED CLAY SARfEE PIPE: T~e City Clerk was Instructe~ to open bids for furnishing approximately 23,000 limear feet of 3~~ extra atremgth vitrifieA clay pi~e, ~i~e received: Pacific Clay Products Co~, ~,A~00 feet omly, due to fire ia yea. rm. B1A Bond for 10~ of total bid, attachecl. Price: $14.80 per'limear f~ot. Gladding, McBean & Co,, 10,000 linear feet, at the rate of 2,000 limear feet per ~th. Bid Be~ in the amount of $~,~,500.00 attached. Price: $15.50 per limear foot. - Mr. Davids, Vice-President or'Gladding Mclean & Oo. wa~ present at the mee$img, a~ stated h~s Coarpaay woul~ fur~ilh the balance of 6,600 feet rcquired, i[ue to inability of Pacific Clay Products Company to furnish, at the rate of 2,000 linear feet per month. , Councilman Van Wagoner moved that bids be received and held over to the propose~l adjourned meeting to be held 2:00 olclock P.M., November 30, 1950. 0ouncilman Wisser secom~e~ the motion. MOTION. CARRIED. , VARIANCE NO. 133: Application to permit Ohms. H. Fisher, as owner, RaymonA .I~. Jonem, as lessee, to erect ancl operate a prefabricatecl, steel~ Building for a Lunch Room at 1A~2 North Lemon Street, in 0-2 Zone. The NeW proposed .Zoning Ordimance clammifiee this am General Commercial ]~ustness zone. The City Planning Commissiom recommended the Variance be granted. Councilman Heying moved that the Variance be granted. Councilmam~Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. VAH~.ANCE NO. 13~: Application of Mr. Joseph A. Bieb, Jr., as Agent for Walter amd Hazel Bailey, owners of Apartment Building at ~05 North' Clementine Street for permission to use the present Building for Profez~ional Office~. Area is now zoned R-3, Multiple Dwelling aha so zoned on new proposed Zoning Map. The City P~anning Commission recommended the almpli- cation be denied. Councilmam Heying moved that the Variance be held Over for further study. ' Councilmam Boney~ seconded the motion. MOTIOI~ CARRIED. $i,0~,000.00 ANAkM~IM SEWER BONDS, 1951: Affidavit of publication inviting bids on $1,040,000.00 bonds of the City of Anaheim was ordered receive~ and file~: on mo~iera by Councilman ~teying, seconded by Councilmam Boney. MOTION CATIRIED. The City Clerk a~vised the Council that the ~ailing of notices inviting bids and financial information to Bond Buyers~was completed November 22, 1950. ORDINANCE NO. 767: Coumcilmam Boney brought up Ordinance No. 767 and move~ for its passage and adoption. Coumcil~ Neying ~econded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.~ Thereupon said Ordinance No. ?6? was read in full. On roll call Ordinance No. 76? was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pear,on, Wisher, Eeying, Boney and Van ~agoner. NOES: 00UNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILM~: None. C~ity _Hal! Anaheim, California November 25, 1950 , , ~ -, - · ,, ·~ ....... ---- ~, ...... -~- , , ...... The Ma~or declared Ordinance No. 767 d~y pass~ ~ ~opt~. ~I~CE ~0. 7~ ~ 0~I~OE 0F T~ 0I~Y 0F ~I~, O~IF0~A, ~0VIDING FOR T~ ISSU~OE 0F ~0~ 0F ~ID 0ITY IN T~ ~0~T 0F $1 0~',000. ~S, ~e~t to 0rdi~nce No. ~62 of the 0it~ of ~ei~, 0r~ge Co~t~, C~ifornia, a special election was duly ~ re~larly hel~ i~ ~ai6 city on the 18th day of September, i9~0, at which election there was ~bmitt~ to the q~lifi~ voters off said city the ffollowing bo~ proposition, to wit: BOND PROPOSITION: Shall the City of Anaheim imcur a bon~ed in- debtedness in the princi~l ~um of $1,0~0,000.00 for the purpose of the acquisition and constMuction for the City of Anaheim o£ a certain munici~ improvehent, to wit: additional ~uitary sewers and sewage disposal facilities, including (1) additions of main trunk, intercepter am~ lateral sewers to the sewer system_ of the City of Amaheim$ (2) that umiivided part or share, Which is to be owned and paid for by the City of A,abe~m of (6) additions to and enlargements of the sewage treatment p!amt and clxlorination ~lant Jointly owne~ by the City of Anaheim a~ other citie~ and sanitary districts, (b) reconstruction ~ replacement of portions of the Jointly owned ou. tfall sewer Carrying sewage from enid treatment plant, an~ (c) am additisnal main trumk sewer, with conmecting lines, to carr~ sewage~t~o said sewage treatment plant (~aid reconstruction and replacement of portions of said eutfall sewer, s&id~ additions to and enlargememts of the sewage treatment plamt asa chlorin- ation plamt, amd said additional main trunk sewer, to be Jointly owned amd paid for by the City ef Anaheim an~ other public corporations)? and VEEREAS, said propQsition received the affirmative vote and assent of more than twe-thir~s of all of:the qualified voters of said city votimgat said election, amd said City is now authorized to issue bonds in the amommt and for the purpose set forth in said Proposition; NOW, TEEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Anaheim DOES ORDAIN as follows: . Section 1. That bonds of the 0ity of Amaheim, Californig, in the principal sum of oho'million, ~orty thousand dollars ($1,0~0,000) be issue~ sold for the purpose set forth in the bona proposition in the recitals hereof. Said bonds shall be designated $EWF~ BOND, 19~1, shall be 1,0~0 in number, .~ambered 1 to iOA~O, inclusive, amd shall be of the denomination of $1;000 each. Said bonds shall be dated January 15, 1951, and shall be payable in consecutive numerical order, forty (A~0) bonds annually on January 15th of each year from January 15, to January 15, 1~77, both inclusive. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates to be hereafter fixed by resolution, but not to exceed four per cent ($%) per amnmm, payable se~iammually on the fifteenth da~vs of ~~y amd July of each year. Said bo~ls and the interest thereon shall be payable in laWful money of the United States of America at the office of the 0ity Treasurer of the, 0ity of Anaheim in the 0ity of Anaheim,' California. Section 2. That the Ma~or of the 0ity of-Anaheim and the City Treasurer of said City are hereby authorized and directed to sigm all o£ said bonds by their printed, lithographed or engraved facsimile signatures, amd the City Clerk of said City is hereby authorized and directed to coumtersigm amid bonds and to affix thereto the corporate seal of said 0ity, au~ the City Tream~rer of said City is hereby authorize~ an~ &irec~e~ ~o siam ~e ~e~es~ eempe~e e~ said be~A~ By him printed, lithographed or engraved ffacsimile signature, an~ to number said interest coupons of each of said bonds ecneecutively. Section 3. That said bonds and the coupons for the interest thereon shall be issued in substamtially the following form: UNIteD STATES OF AMERICA STA~E OF CALIFORNIA CITY OY ANANEIM SEWER BOND, 1951 $1,000.00 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, a municipal corporation situated in the County of Orange, State of Californ~,a, FOR VALUE' RECEIVED, hereby ackmowledges its indebtedness and promises to pa~V to the bearer hereof the sum of ONE THOU~ DOLLARS~ ($1',000%00) on the fifteenth day of January, 19__, with interest thereon at the rate of ........ per cent ( ..... %) per nahum, payable semi- annually~ On the fifteenth days of January and July of each aa~' every year from the ~ate hereof until this bon~ is l~aid, on presentation and a~.~render of~ the respective interest coupons hereto attached. ~Both principal amc[ interest are payable' in lawful money of the ~nited States of America at the office of the Oit~ Trea~arer of enid City in maid city. , This bond is issued by tRe CIT! OF ANAHEIM under and in pursuance of and in conformity with the provisions o~ Article 1, Chapter ~, Division ~, Title ~ of the Government Code of the State of California and~acts ~Ulmplememtary thereto, amd in pursuauce~of the laws aud Comstitution of the StAte of California, and is authorized by a vote of more than two-thirds of all the qualified voters of maid City of Anaheim voting at am e~ection duly end'legally called, held ~ conducted in amid city on the 18th d~y of September, 19~0. IT IS HERE3Y CERTIFIED, RECIT~ AND DECLA]LED that all acts, conditions a~d things required by law to exist; happen az~ be performed prece{[ent to in the is .euamoe of this bona have existed, happened azcl been performed in due time, form am{[ manner as required by law, and that the amount of this together with all other inde~te~lnese of said City, does not exceed any debt li~it prescribed by the laws or ConStitution of the State of California, IN WITNESS WHER]~0F said City of Anaheim h~s caused this bond to be dated this fifteenth da~ of January, 1951, to be signed By the Mayor and the 0ity Treasurer of said City, countersigned by the City Clerk of 8aid City, sealed with the corporate seal o£ said City, and has c~used the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed by sal~ City Treasurer, COUNTERS Ci~¥ Clerk of the City of Anaheim, Oallfornla.~ (¢o~o~ ~oP~) Mayor of the City of Anaheim, California. City Treasurer of the City of ~_~eim, .Califfornia. On the fifteenth day of , 19. I, the CITY OF ANAHEIM, California, will pay to the be~-a~er At the office of the City Treasurer of said 0ity, in said city, the s~ of dollars ($ ), ia lawful money of the United States 0~ America, being the ~emiammnu~l i~terest then due on Sewer Bond, 1951, Eo. , dated January 15, 1951. City Treasurer of the 0Sty. of Amaheim, California. Seetie~ ~. ~hat the Droeeedm sf the m~e of maid ~o~m a~l forthwith be t~ned over to ~d plac~ in~ the ~nieipal treasury of the City of A~eim to the cr~it of a f~ to be desi~t~ "1951 ~~ 30~S, A~UISITION ~ CONSTRUCTION F~," ~ the moneys in said f~d s~ll be a~lied exclusively to the acquiaitiom ~d const~ctiom of the ~ici~ i~rovement deacrib~ in the bo~ propositiom in the recitals hereof. Section 5. That for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of said bonds, the City Council of the City of Amaheim, shall, at the time of fixing the general tax levy, and ann~.lly thereafter until said bonds are paid or until there is a sum in the treasu~'y of said City set apart for that purpose sufficient to meet all l~ents of principal and interest on said ~onds as they Become due, levy collect a tax mafficient to pay the interest on said bonds and such part of the principal thereof as will become due before the procee~ls'.~.of a tax levied at the ~xt 5o CitF Hall,._ ~eim, California, _November-_ 28,. 19~0 general tax levy will be available. Said tax shall be in addition to all other ts.xes levied for m~znicipal purposes a~ shall be levie~ amd collected as other city taxes, and ghall forthwith be turned ever amA. paid in~o a £un~l o£ the 0ity o£ Amaheim )o Be known as "19~1 SEWER BONDS, INTEREST AND REDEMPTION FUND.." Said fund shall be used for no other purpome then the payment of said ~o~ds a~d interest~ thereon. , Sectiom 6. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage au& a~optioa of this ordinance by a vote of more than two-thirds of all the members of the City Council of said City, sad ,~11 cause this ordi~ce to ~e ~blish~ o~ce in the A~IM ~UL~TIN, a newspaper of general cir~atio~ ~bli~hed ~ix d~m a week in said city. , Section ?. This orclinance shall take effect .thirty (30) days after its passage. 0RDI~dLNCE NO. ?68: Cou~cilmaa Heying offere~ Ordinance No. ?~) a~l moved for itc a~optioa. Said Ordinance was thereupon rea~ for the first time. 0~ci~ W~ener aeco~ the motiom. ~M~ION ~I~. ~ ~I~~ OF ~ 0IVY GOd'IL OF T~ CI~ OF ~IM ~F~ING T~ DUTIES' T~ CITY ~$~ ~ T~ AS~SS~ ~ ~X COL~CTION D~IES ~0~ ~Y T~ CITY C~ AS ~O~IOIO ASSESSOR ~ ~ OOL~OT~ TO T~ ~$~, ~SESSOR ~AX OO~O~R OF T~ OO~Y OF O~E. O~IN~~ NO. 769~ O~cil~, 7~ W~?ner intr~uc~ Ordin~ce No. 769, a~ ~e~, ~d~ mov~ for its ~otpiom. ~i~ O~i~ce %her~p~m ~m re~ for the firmt time. C~cil~ Wimmer meco~ed the motio$. MOTION ~I~. ~ O~~OE OF T~ CITY OF ~IM ~ING SECTION 1 OF ~I~OE NO. 755 ~ITL~ "~ ~I~~ OF T~ 0I~ OF ~IM ~$~LI~HING C~IN ~~TION$ ~~ING T~ ~OTION, OONS~UOTION ~ AL~TION OF ~~IN USES OF ~, P~ING T~ ~TION BY T~ OI~ 00~CIL OF SAID C~TY OF A ~, P~0I$E ~ CO~~N~I~ ZONING SAID 0I~, ~ ~SORIBING P~TIES FOR T~ VIO~TION OF ~ O~ T~ PRO~SIONS ~OF, A~ DECKING THIS O~~CE ~ ~G~CY ~S~ TO ~ ~OT I~~T~Y". P~ESOLUTION NO. 1786: Cou~cil~a~ Van Wagoner offered Regelutiom No. 1786 sad moved for its passes ~ ~cption. O~cil~ Boney aeco~ed, the moticn. MOTION O~I~. ~SOL~ION ~OPTING WAGE S~ ~OR P~LIO WO~S OON~OTS. refer to Resolution ~ook, ~ roll c~l the foregoing Reeelutio~ w~ duly ~ea~ ~ ~ept~ ~ the following vote; A~S: 00~CX~: P~raen, ~i8,er. EeTi~g, ~oaey ~d T~ W~o~er. IOnS; 00~CIL~: ~o~e. ~~: OO~OI~: ~oae. ?he ~or ~eclar~ Reaolu~loa ~o, 1~6 ~y pa, B~ ~ ~oP~. '~SOLUTION N0. 1~8~: Cou~I~ ~eyiGg of~erK Resolu~iba i~s ~aa~age ~ ~op~ioa. Oo~cil~ ~o~e~ Beco~ ~e mo~ioa. M~XO~ ~I~. A ~LU~I0] O~ ~ CITY CO~IL O~ ?~ CI?Y O~ ~MI~IS~TI~ O~I0~ FOR ~ 0I~Y O~ ~IM HIS ~~SA~I~. refer to Re8olutioG ~ook, ~e ~ roll c~l ~he forego~ ReS*olGt~o~ va8 ~ly ~Ese~ ~ ~op~ ~ the foll~iGg vote: A~S: OO~CI~: Pearson~ WiBser,' ~7iag, *~oaey ~ V~ V~oaer. ·OES: 00~CI~~: ~e ~or ~eclar~ Reaol~tioa ~. 1~87 ~y RESOLUTION NO. 1788: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1788 and move~ for its passage and a~option. Oouncilmam Wimeer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRY. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 00UNQIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXEC~E A coNTRAcT FOR AltD ON BENALF'OF THE 0IVY OF ANAHEIM AS 00NTRACT- ING AGENT WITH TEE AMERI~N PiPE AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE FURNISHING OF CONCRETE PIPE FOR THE MAGNOLIA SEWER PROJECT AND APPROVING THE FORM OF CGNTRAOT. refer to ]lesolut].on Book, page On rs11 call the foregoing ReSolution w~s duly passed an~ adopted ByI the following vote~ ~ AYES: COUNCILM~: Pear~oa, Wismer, Heying,. Boney a~ van Wagonerl NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. A~SENT: COUNCII~: None. The Mayor declmred Resolution No. 1788 ~uly passe4 and .xlopted. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1789: Ce%tmcilmam Wismer offers4 Resol~tiom No. ~1789 mad move~ for its passage amd a~loption. Cemmcilmmm Van Wagoner seco~e~ the series. MOTION GARRI~D. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY O0UNCIL OF TNE CITY OF ANANEIM APPROVING AND AGREEIN~ ~0 A~IDE BY SAID GALIFO~ CIVIL DEFENSE MASTER MUTUAL AID AGI~MEN~. 51 City N~ il, ~ei..m, California, Novemben 28, !950 ...... refer to Resolution ~ook, page _ On roll call Resolution No. 1789 was dul~ passed ~ adoptecl by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, EEYIN6, ]~oney amd Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~: None.. A~SENT: COUNCILM~: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1789 dmly passe~ amd adopte~. PROPERTY BOOKS TO BE KEPT UP ~0 DATE: ~ was motioned by 0ommcilmam Xeyi~g, secoz~l, ed ~ C~cil~ ~one~ t~t the ~=~ert~ ~kl, ~or the uae o~ the,~eo~le o~ ~eim, ~e kept ~ te date, the $~e to be u~ iz ~o~ection with o~er,hip ~ tr~mfer of real property i~ the 0ity of ~heim. . PRINTING OF SEWER BONDS: Mr. Larry Jeff~ies, of the Jeffries )task Note Lithegraphing Compamy, addressed the Council in regard to the printimg Job on the Sewer Bonds, statimg it was also brought up by the 0ity Attorney that O'Melven~ & M~ers recommended this compemy to ~=_,,&le the work of prin~ing the bonds for the cities and sanitary districts. Approximate cost of the Job to be $750.00. No action was taken,at this time. ORDINANCE NO. 770: An emergency Ordinance was recommended as a re,alt of a recent survey of the parking lots by the Chief of P~ltce, Merchant Retail Committee amd the Parking Committee of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. Their recommendations were that a~ emergenc~ ~r~imance be a~lopted ~ettin~ a two-hour parking limit in parking Tots operats~ by the City from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.N., amd that said lots be so poste~. 0ouncilman tteying of£erecl Ordinance No. ??0 and. moved for it~ adoption. T~ere' upon said ordinance was read for the fi~s$ time. 0ouncilmau Vas Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A~IM AMENDING SECTION 30 OF OltDI~CE NO, 487 ~N~ITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAEgIM P~~TING TEE TRAVEL AND USE OF PUBLIC STREETS, ESTA~LISttING A BUSINESS DISTRICT AND PROVIDING A P~EALTY FOR BREAOH O~ ANY OF TNE RULES AND REGUI~T IONS OF TEl S ORDINANCE". : HESOLUTION 0.F OONDOL~CE: RUDOLPH BOYS]N: Resolution of condolence was offered by Council,-~_~ tteying who moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Boney secon~e~ the motion. MOT~0N CARRIED. ~ESOL~TION O~ CO~DokE~oE I~S, Divine Pr~viclence h~. seen fit to remove from ear mi&st, RUDOLPH BOYS)~N, the goe~t frien~ ef mamy citizens ef Anaheim 0em~Unity amd loyal fellow worker se valuable in the administratioa of our beautiful lmmrks and parkways i% th.is W~$, "RUDY", as we were all pleased to call him, e~ficiemtly serried the people of Anahei~ from May l, 19E? ~o the time of his umtimely passing on Satu~ay, November 25, 1950, ia him cal~ity of Park ~uperinte~ent, a~ WEE~.S, there will be evidemee of his pro~mctiox~ genius ia hortie~ltmre for many years to come and his name will continue to be ~reught ia daily use ~y untold housands through his creation of the "]$oysenberry", ancl WNEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the 0ity of Anaheim for itself ~ in behalf of the Officers and ~mployees of the City, desire to express their condolence to his beloved wife, Margaret ]~oysen, his son, Robert, amd other members of his. family in their bereavement~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NO~, TEF, REFO~, B~ IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNOIL OF THE C[TY OF ANAHEIM, that it deeply mox~rns the passing of RlYDOI~M BOYS)~I~, a~ in the mmme of, amd in behalf of the people of Anaheim, St externals its deepest sympathy to his wife and B~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread upon the Minu~es of the City Council, an~ that a copy of this Resolution be forwar~ecl to Mrs. Margaret Boysen. On roll call the foregoing Re~olution was duly lmmsse~ and adopted by the following vote: ' AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney an~ Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ ABSENT: COUNOILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution of Condolence ~uly passe,l, amml adopted. ~ HESOLUTIOi~ NO. 1790: Councilmau Boney offered Resolution No. 1790 and moved for its passage amd adopt'ion. Councilman Yau Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CA~IED. · ~t Hall Anaheim California November 28~ ' - ~ 8.00" P.M. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY coUNcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AS CONTRAOTING.AGENT FOR TEE CITIES OF ANAHEIM, ~/LL~TON, AND ORANGE AND TEE SANITARY DISTRICTS OF BUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE, LA HABRA AND PLACENTIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY C!~Pj~ ON ]~EHALF OF TEE CITY'OF ANAHEIM AS SUCH CONTRACTING AGENT, TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE MOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY FOR ~FUHTHER ADVANCE OF FUNDS GRANT]ED PURSUANT TO THE APPLIOATION HERETOF~ MA_DE UNDER PUBLIC LAW NO. 352, 81ST CONGRESS OF THE DI~~ STATES, APPROVED OCTOBER 13TH, 1949. refer to Resolution Book, page_ . Oz roll =all the foregoing ResOlution was duly passed 'a~d"~i0~t'ed by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIl: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney ~ Van Wagoner. NOES: C0UNCI~MEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~; None. The M~vor declare~ Resolution No. 1790 dxzly lmmsse4 amd a~opte~. 0ouncilmau Ileying moWe~ to adjourn to 2:00 o'clock P.M. Thursday, , November 30, 1950, Motion ,secOnded by Oouncilmam~ Vau Wagoner. MOTION MEETING ADJO~. . · + ci, City Hall, A~ahetm, Oaliformia~ November 30, 1950 2:00 P.M, The 0ity 0ouncil of %he' City of Az~heim me% in AdJou?ne~ Regular Sessiom, PRESENT: ~OOUNOILMEN: Pearson, W~isser, It,eying, Bgmey az~ Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFIOER, Xeith Nmrdoch, absemt. AWA/%D OF 00NTRAOT: GLADDING MclEAN & 00.: O~uncll~ Boney mov~ that contrast ,be aw~~ ~o Gl~img M$~ ~ 0e~, ~ the Pacific Ol~ Pr0~ucts'Oo~~, as per bi~ prepos~a preaent~ m~ the meeting of November 28, 1950, ~ ~t t~ ~yor ~ 01erk be au~horize~ ~o si~ aai~ ~reemen~m for %he 0i$~ of !~abeim. Counctl~ Heyi~ seco~ed ~he motiom. MOTION ~I~. G~DING M~~ & CO. ~ PACIFIC 0~Y ~ODUCTS CO. ~SOL~ION NO. 1795: Co~cilm~ Boney offered Resolution No. 1795 ~ move~ ~or its passes ~ ~op~ion. 0o~il~ H~yi~ meco~ ~he mo~lon. MOTION ~I~. ~SOL~I~ OF T~ CI~ CO~CILD~ T~ CI~ OF ~IM ACC~TING S~I,~ ~OPO~S ~ AWNING OO~OT$ TO T~ ~ST ~sPoN$IBLE ~IDD~ FOR T~ ~ISHING OF 39" ~ ~~ S~G~ ~I~I~I~ O~Y PIPE. refe~ to Resolutiom Book, ~e --- (Pacific 01~ Pr~ucts, 6,~0~ - ~l~ding M~e~ &'Co., 10,000~ - ~olia T~ Line) On roll call the foregoi~ Resolutioz wa~ duly passed ~ ~opted by the follo~iag vote~ AYES: CO~CI~: Pearson, Wi~er, He~i~, ~y ~ V~ ~oner. .' NOES: OO~OI~: None. ~S~T: OO~OI~: Nome. The ~yor declar~ Resolution ~. 17~ duly passed ~ ~opt~. 0F~ 0E G~DING M~~ .& GO: It was mov~ by 0~cll~ Heying, seco~ by Oo~cil~ ~one[ t~t the lett~ received ffrom Sliding M~e~, ~bmitti~ their offer to furaieh the ~ity. ~" ~i~e at the rate of 2,000' per month in ~ditio~ to their conSract be held over for f~ther consideration. MOTION ~I~. The 0ity Attorney was handed bids pertai, ning to the sewer pipe proposals. SEWER BOND PRINT JOB: Acting u~on the recommendations of O'Melveny amd Myers, - Attcrneyez for the male of bo?n~ for the Magnolia Trunk Sewer, it was moved by Oouncilmam Boney that the Jeffries Bank Note Company 'be authoriied to print the bonds in the amount of $1,000.00 each, numbers 1 to ~040 inclusive. Councilmam Heying seconded the motion. MOTIO~N CARRIED. JEFFERIES BANK NOTE CO. Ordinance No. 5~1, creating a ~anning Commission of the City Of Anaheim was brought up as being insufficient and outmoded. Oouncilmas Van W~goner moved that ~he m~tter be referred to Mr. Mungall of the Engineering'Department. Councilma~ Boney seconded the motion. MOTION ~IED. RESOLUTION OF THE.BOARD OF TRUSTEES, ANAHEIM SCHOOL DISTRICT; which was received on November 30, 1950~amd pu~limhe~ by them also on the same ~atel Said Resolu~iem date~ November 27, 1950 was brought up an~ ordered held over ~ecause of previous pub 1 i cat i on,