1950/11/30~{ty...._Hal!, Anaheim. Cali_forni.&: :Noyes. bet 28_,. lpg0 ...... . .......... [ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY 0F ANAHEIM AS 00NTRAOTING.AGENT FOR TEE CITIES OF ANAEEIM, .FULLERTON, AND ORANGE AND THE SANIT~Y DISTRICTS OF BUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE, LA NABRA AND .PLAUENTIA, AUTHORIZING TEE MAYOR AND CITY OI,~RE ON ]~ENALF OF THE CITY 0F ANAHEIM AS SUCK CONTRACTING AGENT, TO MAKE APPLICATION TO TEE EOUSING AND EOME FINANCE AGENCY FOR .FURTHER ADVANCE OF FUNDS GRANTED PURSUANT TO TEE APPLICATION HERETOF~ MADE UN~Ei~ PUBLIC LAW ~'0. 352, 81ST CONGRESS OF THE STATES, APPROVED OCTOBER 13TH, 1949. refer to Hesolution Book, page _ · vote: AYES: COUNCIL~: Pearson, WiSser, Heyi~, Boney ~ Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNOI~MEN: None. AB S~I~T: COUNCI L~: None. The Mmyor declare~ Resolution No. 1790 du~7 l~msse~ amd a~lopt~. Councilman Keying moV~ to adjemrn to 2:00 o'clock P.M. T~rsd~F, November 30, 1950. Motion ~secOnde~ by Co~mcil~ Va$~ Wagoner. MOTION 0A~IED. City Hall, Anaheim, mia vember , 1 2:00 P.M. The City Council of the' City of Anaheim met in J)~l. Jo~~ Regular Session. PRESENT: ~00UNCILMEN: Pearson' W~isser, H,eyimg, Bgme~ a~A Van Wagoner, . ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY TURI~: Present, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, Keith ~hzrdoch, absent. , AWARD OF CONTRACT~ GLADDING M~EAN & CO.: Councilman Boney move4 that contract .be awar~e~l to ~l.adding McBean &0omp~, amd the Pacific 01ay Pr0ducts'Oompa~, as per bid proposals presented at the meeting of November 28, 1950, amd that the Mayor ancl Olerk ~e authorized to sign eal~ Agreements for the 01fy of Anaheim, Councilman Keying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. GLADDING McBEAN & CO. AND PA0iFIC OLAY PRODUCTS 00. RESOLUTION NO. 1795: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1795 and moved for its passage and adoption. 0oumcilmam He. ylng seconde~l the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ACCUteC AND AWARDING O0NTRAGT$ TO TE~ I~OWE~T REsPoNSIBLE ~IDD~ FOE THE FURNIStIING OF EXTRA S~OT~ VITItI~_IED CLAY PIPE. refe~ to Resolution ]look, paEe (Pacific 01ay Products, 6,~H30'- Gladting Mclean &'Co., 10,000' - Ma~aolia Trunk Line) On ~cll call the foregoing Resolution wa~ duly pa~eed and adopted by the £ollowim~ vote= . AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, ~°me, y aud Van ~agoner. NOES: COUNOILM~: None. . ABSENT: 00UN¢ILM~N: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1795 duiy pas~ed amd adopted. OFFER OF GLADDING McBEAN ~& CO: It was moved by Councilman Keying, Councilman Boney that the letter received from Gladding McBean, submitting their offer to furnish the city, 39~ ~ipe at the rate of 2,000~ per month in addition to their contract be held over for further consi&eration. MOTION CARRIED. The City Attorney was handed bids pertai~ning to the sewer pipe proposals. SEWER BOND PRINT JOB: Acting m]~on the recommendations of O'Melveny amd Myers, - Attorneyez for the sale of bends for the Magnolia Tr,~ Sewer, it was moved by Councilman Boney that the Jeffries Bank Note Company %e authoriz-ed to print the bonds in the amount of $1,000.~0 each, numbers 1 to ~040 inclusive. Councilman Keying seconded the motion. MOTI ~ON 0AERIe. JEFF~IE$ BANK NOTE CO. Ordinance No. 541, creating a Planning Commission of the City ~f Anaheim was br~a_ght up as being insufficient and °mtmoded. Councilman Van W~goner moved th_at ~he matter be referred to Mr. Mungall of the Engineering~Department. Councilman. Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION OF THE.BOARD OF TRUSTEES, ANAHEIM SCHOOL DISTRICT; which was received on November 30, 1950~and publilhed by them also on the same date~ Said Resolution date~ November 27, 1950 was brought up and ordered held over because of previous publication, 53 O~ity Hall,.~Anaheim,..California, _N._ovember~30, 1950.. ............... 2:00 P.M~ .... GOHDON WHITNALL'S INSTRUCTIONS umier ~&te of November 15, 19~0 was submitted and rea~ to the Council. O~I~A~CE NO. ??1 (First Reading) Couacilmam Vas Wagoner brought up O~dimance No. ??1 amd move~ for its passage. Ceuncilma~ Boney seconded the motion. MOTION 0ARRI~D. Said Ordinance No. 771 was read in public for the first time. AN ORRINANCE ESTABLISHING BUILDING LIN~ SETBACKS ALONG CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, DECLARING TEE PURPOSE THEREOF, PROVIDING FOR.TEE ADMINISTRATION THEREOF, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION~TEEREOF. ~SOLUTI~N NO. 1791: Councilman Van W~goner offered Resolution No. 1791 and m~ve~ for its passage amd a~option. Counci~ Bon~ seco~-ed the mot:ion. MOTION 0~IE D. . A ~SOL~ION OF T~ CITY CO~CIL 0F T~ CITY OF A~IN ~~STI;~ T~ CITY ~~NG CO~SSION TO ~ C~IN O~GES IN T~ ~OPOS~ CO~~SI~ ZO~NG O~I~N~ ~ ~Q~STING ~T~ A ~ORT ~OM T~ CI~ P~ING CO~ISSION ON SUCH PROPOS~ C~GES. refer to Re~lution ~oeM, P~e ~ 515 (c~ge In ~p - - N. side of E.Water$t. BetWee~' E' Side S. Cla~i~ St ~d E line of ~ther 0olony Sq~e to R-1. - - E~ side S. Olive S. line of Lot 5, Weight-Freem~ & McOl~h~ Sub. to R-1. - - S. aide Mills Drive between N. Phil~elphia St. ~ N. Ola~i~$t. to R-1. ~ , Tri~~lar property on E. side of ~chester ~i~ S. from W. S~ta A~$ St., property lyi~ between ~chester Ave. ~d propose~ S~ta ~ ~eew~, to M-1. - - Lots cz E. side of S. b~ the following vote: A~S: OO~OI~: Pearson, Wi~er, Heyimg, Boney ~ V~ W~oner, NOES: CO~CIL~: None. ~S~T: OO~OI~: None. The Mayer declar~ Resolu~io~ No. 1791 RESOLUTION NO. 1792: Councilman Van Wagox~er offere4 Reeolutiom No~ 1792 aa~ move~ for its passes ~ ~op~ion. Oo~cil~ ~oney seconded ~he mo~ion, M~ION ~I~. A RESOL~ION OF T~ CO~ISSION TO ~ C~TAIN C~GES IN T~ PR~GS~ CO~~NSI~ ZO~NG O~I~N~ ~ ~Q~ST!NG ~T~ A ~ORT ~OM C~GES. . refer (C~e in prope~ ordi~nce, Sec. 12, A. Use. A~ 330~ from the e~erlor bo~aries of ~ ~blic acheol site, alas ~l of Vineyar~ Le~, m~ll be a~bJec$ to m speci~-~se permi$ ms provided in Para. E of ~Sec. 16) On roll cal~ the foregoing ReSolution No. 17~2 was duly passed amd adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisher, Boney ~ Van Wagoner. ' NOES: COUNCILMAN: He¥ing. ~ , AB S~NT: COUNCILMAN: None. ~ , The Ma2or declare~ Resolution No. 1792 duly passe~ a~ :a~opte~. , RESOLUTION NO. 1793: Councilman He¥ing paasage and adoption. Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1793 and moved ±'or its ~econded the motion. MOTION C~IED. A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY C0UNCI5 0~' TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM R~UESTING TEE CITY CO~,~.4ISSION TO MA~ CERTAIN CHANGES IN TEE PROPOSND C0~[PREHENSIVE ZONING 0RDINAN~ REQUESTING FJRTHER A P~EPORT FROM THE CIT~' P~ m~ING COMMISSION ON SUOH PROPOSED ORANGES. refer to Resolution Book, Page 516. (Change in proposed Ordinance, Sec. 16, Variances, E. Review. - Ail matters require~ to be reviewed shall be considered in the manner set forth in ~his :section, a~ if approved, be ~ranted a epecial-ule permit, provided no filing fee, nor"[~lic hearin~ shall ~e re- q~irei and the showings in Para. C above neei not be maple. ) On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 1793 was d~zly passes a~ adopte~ by ~he following vote: AYES: OO~/NCILMEN: Pearson, Wiseer, Heying, Bone~ ~ V~ W~oner. NOES: CO~CIL~N: None. ~~T: CO~OI~: None. The Mayor declar~ Resolutiom No. 1793 duly B~ESOLUTION NO. 1794: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1795 an~ move~ for its l~aasage and adoption. Councilman BOney seconded the motion. MOT~ON CAPJtIED. ~City ~Ha.l.1, Anaheim, California, NQvembe. r....3o, 195o 2:00 P.M. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQ~STING THE CITY PLANNING CON~!SSION TO MAKE CFd~TAIN CHANGES IN THE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND REQUESTING FURTHER A REPORT FROM THE CITY PLANNING CO~tMISSION ON SUCH PROPOSED CI{~NGES. refer to Resolution Book, page 517. (Poultry & domestic animals shall be subject to provisions of Ord. No. 512, and conditions set forth a to e inc].usive. (Sec. ~. "R-A" Residential Agricultural Zone A. Use. 9.) (Sec. 4, Para. C Area, sub-para, $ (b)- Sec. 5, Para. C. Area, sub- para. 4 (c) - Sec. 6, Para. C, Area, sub-para. ~ (c) - Sec. 7, Para. C. Area, sub- para. $ (d) - Sec. 8, Para. C. Area, sub-para. 4 (d) the words "of record" stricken out.) (Sec. 9, Paragraphs B. Height and C area be omitted.) (Sec. ll, Para. C. Area, sub-para. 5, Parking Areas, a. Required public parking area. (1) the word "or" be inserted between "Street" and "Lincoln" and the word "and" be stricken out,) (Sec. 22 Enactment and Repeal, the words "Anaheim Gazette" be changed to "Anaheim Bulletin".) (Sec. 22, Enactment and Repeal, the following Ord. Nos. 639, 651, 689, 692 and 698 be stricken out and Ordinance No. 718 be added.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wi~ser, Haying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNC ILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILNEN: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1794 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to recess. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. RECESS. AFTER RECESS. The City Council convened for the purpose of meeting with the City Planning Co~ie~ion for the consideration cf the Re~olutions and Ordinances before them on the proposed new zoning map and ordinance. Councilman Van Wagoner Offered to the City Planning Commission Resolution Number~, 1791, 1792, 1793 and 179~. ~ ~ ~ouncitman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Boney ~econded ~he motion. MOTION CAP~ IED. ADJOURNED. C~ Clerk City Hall, Anaheim, ~Ca!ifor~ia, December 7, 1950 3:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Special Meeting to consider the matter of authorizing, and bo authorize if necessary and proper, the publication of ~ noti~ inviting sealed proposals for furnishing 18" 1Q-gauge Welded Steel~ Pipe, Steet "Dresser" t~e Couplings for steel pipe, 2 Electric ~Motors and 2~Sewa, ge ~Pumps for the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project of .the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer, and to consider and act upon such othe~ matters as may be unanimously agre~ed upon and con- sented to during the coUrse of said Special Meeting. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. ~ ~ . ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: Heying and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TURI~VER: Present. ADMINISTP~TIVE OFFICER : Present, All members of the City Council consented to the holding of this Special Meeting. RESOLUTIOI~' NC~ 1796: ~£ouncilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1796 and moved for its passage' Councilman ~~r seconded the motio~n. MOTION CARRt]~. RESOLUTION OF THeE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING 18" IOiGAUGE WELDED STEEL~ PIPE, STEEL "DRESSER" TYPE ~OUPLINGS FOR STEEL PIPE, 2 E!iECTRIC MOTSRS & 2 SEWAGE PU~[PS. refer to Resolution Book, p~age . On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 1796 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~tEN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ ABS~,T: COUNCILMEN: Haying and Van Wagoner. ~ The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1796 duly passed and adopted.