1956/04/171463 City. Hall..,. Anaheim,!California. m Apri.1 .17, !956.-..7so0 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENTs COUNCILMEN~ Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. ABSENT I COUNCILMENs Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER~ Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, "~iTH A. ~UHDUjHs Present. The Mayor called th~ meeting to order for the purpose of canvassing the returns of t~e p~cinct vote, and for the purpose of canvassing the absentee vote of the Municipal Election hel~ Tuesday, April 10, 1956. Mrs. B. A. Swanwtck was sworn in and requested to record and transcribe all proceedings of said canvass, and to file a transcription thereof with the City Clerk to become a part of the record. For the purpose of Conducting sai'd canvass, Mayor Pearson made the follow- ing appointments i Councilman Schutte, Inspector CouncilmaP Frym Judge Councilmah Wtsserm Clerk Co~lmah Pearson, Clerk. MayOr Pearson extended an invitation to the public to observe the canvass. The Election Board compared the semi-official returns filed in the office of the City Clerk, with the tally lists o£ each precinct and declared the results o£ the votes cast at said precincts. The following certification of the City Clerk relative to absent voters' ballots was submitted and read: CERTIFICATION OF THE CITY CLERK I, DHN~-M. WILLIAMS~ City Clerk of the City of Anaheim hereby certify that pursuant to Section 5902 of the Election Code of the State of California, Thirty-one (31) applications for Absent Voter's Ballots were received in the office of the City Clerk, and I FURTHER CERTIFY, that pursuant to Section 5?02.1 of the Election Code of the State of California, before the day of election, to-witl. April 9~ 195§, comparison was made of each signature on each application for Absent Voter's Ballot with the signature upon the original affidavit of registration, and comparison was made of the place of residence as given in the application with that in the a££tdavtt o£ registration on file in the office of the COunty Clerk of the County of Orange, State of California, and I FURTHER CERTIFY, that it appears that each signature on each appli- cation is that of the person Who signed the original affidavit of registration, and tP~t the place of residence as shown thereon is in the same precinct as appears ~n said affidavit, an~ thereupon an AbSent ~oter's Ballot was furnished to each applicant therefore. DATED this lOth day o£ April, 1956. ( SF. AL) /S/ D~N~ M. W!LLI, AMSr! . ,, .., City C~lerk 'of the City of Anaheim The Election Board compared each signature on the Identification Envelope of the Absent Voter'S Ballot with the signature appearing on the application for said ballot, and in addition thereto, comparison was made of each signature with the signature on the original affidavit of registration. It was found that all of the signatures appearing on said Absent Voter's ~.nvelopes were genuine. ~ '!.~he Election Board inspected each identification envelope to ascertain if the date thereon was on, or before the date of election, and found and determined that all of said emvelopes were dated on, or before the date of eleCtion except one, which was rejected. 1464 City. Hall~ Anaheim; .Cai.if.omit; April 17~ 1956.-.7~00 P.M. After comparing the signatures on each of said identification envelope with the signature on the original affidavit of registration, and ascertaining that said envelopes were dated on, or before the date of election~ the name there- on was announced in an audible tone, and all persons present were notified that a challenge could be made to such vote~ if anyone wished to do sol that each Absent Voter's envelope was compared separately with the original affidavit of registration~ the date ascertained and announced, and the name stated in an audible tone of voice, and an inquiry made as tO whether or not anyone wished to challenge the ballotl that no challenges were interposed to any of the Absent Voter's Ballots. As each envelope was compared~ and the name thereon announced, and no challenge interposed, the envelope was thereupon opened and the number removed from the ballot and destroyed, and the ballot deposited in a locked ballot box which had previously been inspected by ~the Election Board in the presence of by- standers. After ail of the ballots had been so examined and removed from the en- velopes and placed in the ballot box~ the ballot box was thereupon thoroughly shaken, and the ballots removed, one at a time, and tabulated by the Election Board and the final results declared. Said canvass was conducted openly, at a public meeting and in the presence of bystanders· Upon the completion of said canvass, the City Council thereupon adopted the following resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 3225~ Councilman Wtsser offered Resolution No. 3225 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING RESULT OF A GENHRAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ON TUESDAY, THE 10TH DAY OF APRIL~.. !956~. WHHREAS, a general municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Anaheim on Tuesday, the lOth day of April, 1956, as required by lawl and WHEREAS, it appoars that notice of said election was duly and legally given, that voting precincts were properly established for the said election, that election officers were appointed, and election supplies furnished~ and that in all respects said election was held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and returns thereof made and declared in the time, form and manner as required by the laws of the State of California~ governing elections in general law cities~ and WHEREAS, the City Council of said City met at the Council Chamber in the City Hall, on Tuesday, the 17th day of April, 1956, to canvass the re- turns of said election, and install the newly elected officers, and that said City Council did canvass the said election at said time, in the manner and form required by law, as a result of which, the said City Council finds that the number of votes cast~ the names of the persons voted for~ and other matters re- quired by law to be as hereinafter stated. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS~ That said regular municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Anaheim, on Tuesday, the lOth day of April, 1956, at the time, and in the form and manner~ as required by law~ That there were 23 voting precincts established for the purpose of holding said electio,~, consisting of a consolidation of the regular election precincts established by order of the Board of Supervisors for holding general state and county elections, as follows: 1465 City Hall,.. Anaheim, California,. April 17, 1956 - 7:00 P.M. Cons°tidated ¥otin~. Precinct ~[," comprising state and county precinct, "Anaheim Precinct No. 48.~'' Consolidated Voting Precinct '°2, ~ comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 40 a~d 41."  '~ comprising state and county precincts, Consolidated Votin Precinct "3, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 30, .8, and 39." Consolidated VotinQ Precinct "4," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos° 1, 1~, and 25." Consolidated Voting Precinct "5,'" comprising state and county precinct~ "Anaheim Precinct No. 36." Consolidated Voting Precinct "6" , comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 5, 6,~ and 7." Consolidated Voting Precinct "7," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 2,3, end 4." Consolidated Voting Precinct "8," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 26 anld 44." Consolidated Votin9 Precinct "9," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 28 and 43." Consolidated Voting Precinct "10," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 15 and 27." Consolidated Voting Precinct "11," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 10, 12, and 14." Consolidated Voting Precinct "12," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 8 and 29." Consolidated Voting Precinct "13," comprising state and county precinct, "Anaheim Precinct No. 42." Consolidated Voting Precinct "14," comprising state and county precinct~ "Anaheim Precinct No. 47. '' Consolidated Voting Precinct "15" , comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 31 and 45." Consolidated Voting Precfnct "16," comprising state and county precinct, '~Anaheim Precinct No. 46." Consolidated Voting Precinct "17," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 16, 187 and 19." Consolidated Voting Precinct "18," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 17, 22, and 32." Consolidated Voting Precinct "19," comprising state and county precincts, '~Anaheim Precincts Mos. 13 an(~ 20.~ Consolidated Voting Precinct "20," comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 9 and 24o'~ Consolidated Voting Precinct "21, '~ comprising state and county precincts, '~Anaheim Precincts Nos. 33, 34~ and 35." Consolidated Voting Precinct "22," comprising state and county precinct, ~Anaheim P~ecinct No. 37." Consolidated Voting Precinct "23," comprising state and county precincts, ~Anaheim Precincts Nos. 21 an8 23." 1466 Cit¥.Hal!..~.. Anaheim, Califo..rnia, April 17.! 1956. - 7:00 P.M. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Px~cinct "1" w~s 82. That the whole number o£ votes cast at said election in Voting Precinct "2" was 187. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "3" was 422. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "4" was 332, That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "5" was 191. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "6" was 438. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct '~7" was 290, That the' whole nmmber of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "8" was 230. That the whole number o£ votes cast at said election in Consolidated Votin9 Precinct "9" was 203. That the whole number of wotes-cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "10" was 199. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "11" was 304, That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "12" was 296. That the whole number o£ votes cast at said election in Consolidated Votin9 Precinct "13" was 120. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "14" was 154. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "15" was 235. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "16" was 128. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "17" was 236. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "18" was 279. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "19" was 160. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "20" was 218. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "21" was 301. That the wt':ole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "22'~ was 109. 1467 City Hall, Anah~ei.m, i Californta, April 17~ !9.56 .- 7,00 P.M. -'That the whOle number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "23" was 272. ._ ._ That the whole number of votes cast in said election in said City was 5419. That the names of the persons voted for, and the offices to fill which they were voted for~ were respectively as follows: Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van WagOner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L, (Rex) Coo~s Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK~ _ , , Dene M. Williams FOR... CITY TRFJkSUR_E~..! May Belle E. Spencer That the number of Votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "1" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR ME. MBF_R OF THE CITY COUNCI!c: Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van WagOner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK; · Dene M. Williams FOR CITY TRFASURSR; May Belle E. Spencer 30 23 5 43 31 20 65 64 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "2-I'! for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR MJ~ER OF THE CITY COUNCI~.~ Chas. A Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuch) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CL ,SR_K: Dene M. Williams Bob Miller ' FOR CITY TREASURER; May Belle E. Spencer 70 29 2O 120 104 20 166 1 159 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "3" for each o£ said persons for ~he office to fill which they were voted for; are respectively as follow~, to w~t: FO~I M~MB~. OF THE CITY COUNCIl: Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler R~ctor L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton 198 92 46 218 182 74 1468 _ , ..... Ci,ty Hall,l Anaheiml California, Apr~_t 17, 1956- 7:00 FOR CITY CLERK: --- ,ill ,,,1 , ~, Dens M~ Williams Charles Griffin FOR CITY TREASURER: May Belle F. Spencer 347 1 348 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "4" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for~ are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) C'h'an'd ter Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: , Dens M. Williams Charles Grt frith FOR CITY TREASURER: · May Beile E. Spencer 217 112 14 141 120 39 294 2 286 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "5" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for~ are respectively as follows~ to wit: .FOR MEMBER OF YHF_ CITY COUNCIL: ,,, Chas; A, Pearson . Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L, (Chuck) Chandler Rector g. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: '"' - ,J ,,,,,. ,, i _ Dene M. Williams William Munstock Robert Long FOR CITY TREASURFR- 111 i , , r~ '-- ,1 i ,~ May Belle E, Spencer 96 59 7 86 96 26 156 2 1 158 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "6" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIl,: Chas. A, Pears~)n Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B, Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: Dens M. Williams ~OR .,,C!TX TR,~ASURER, May'"' ~'ei'le E. Spencer 350 205 17 102 141 5O 276 377 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "7" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for~ are respectively as follows~ to wit: _FOR MEMBER OF THE CIVY COUNCIL: Chas.'A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner ROy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton 201 127 7 9O 73 54 1469 City Hall~ Anaheim,~California, April 17~ 1956- 7:00 P.M. FOR CITY CL~RK: Dene M. Williams May Belle F., Spencer Pebley 243 240 1 That the number of ¥otes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "8" for each of said persons for ~he office to fill which they were voted for~ are respectively as follows] to w{t: FOR MEN~3ER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: ,, i ,,, , dj i .,ill ~ '(J]~as. Ao Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chaadler Rector L. (Rex) Cooms Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams FOR CIIY TREASURER.. May Belle 5. Spence~ John Spt elman 119 45 10 122 118 32 195 187 2 That the number of Votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "9" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were vOted for~ are respectively as follows~ to wit: FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: 'C'has. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CIIY CLERK: , , Dene M. Williams FOR CITY TREASURER: May Belle E. Spencer 123 55 10 81 90 31 172 171 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "10" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for~ are respectively as follows~ to wit; _FOR ..~EMBE,R OF THE CITY COUNCIl,: Chas. A. Peargon Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK= Dene M. Williams Bill Hunstock Edward Portillo May Belle E. Spsncer 108 52 68 104 37 173 2 1 171 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct ."11" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for~ are respectively as follows~ to wit: FOR MEMBER O_F_THE .CITY_.,COUN.CIL~ Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Boy M. Bender ©dra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton 206 123 9 93 106 40 1470 ,City Hall, Ana..h. eim, California, Apri!......17! 1956 -.. 7:00 P'M. ,FOR C, ITY ,CLERK, Dene M. Williams 241 FOR CITY ?REASUR~R: · I I _ I Il . May Belle E. Spencer 245 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "12" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for,. are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR ~~ OF tHE CITY COUNCIL: · ., Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy .M.~ B~nd~ Odra L. (Ghuck) Chandler Rector L"" (Rex) Coons Charles, B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams FOR CITY TREASURSR: May Belie E, Spencer 233 138 6 9O 85 30 235 250 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "13" for eech of said persons for the office to fill which they were vo~ed fOr~ are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR ~.~,~,F.R OF TIlE CI!X, jCOUNCIL, Chas.. A. PearsOn':' Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. 'Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B, Cotton FOR CITY CL~K:- Dene M. William~ ~OR CI!Y TR~R~: May Belle E. Spencer 83 50 4 42 44 10 105 102 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "14" for each of~ ssi,d persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to wit: ~OR ...~5R OF THF CITY COUNCIl,: Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams c!r¥ May Belle E. Spencer 88 51 11 67 63 20 134 132 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "15" for each of said persons for the office %o fill which they were voted for~ are respectively as follows, to wit': --FOR MEN~_ER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Chas. A 'Pearson ' Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CL~RK: J , , Dene M. Williams FOR C ! TY IR EASUR ER: MaY Belle E. Spencer 142 69 12 106 91 38 201 201 1471 City NailI AnaheimI Cali£o.rnl.at ApriI 17~.. 1956 .- 7.~0.0 P..M. That the number of votes given in Consolidated-Voting Precinct' .,,16', .... for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to wit~ Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Re×tor L. (Rex) Co~ns Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams FOR CITY TREASURER: ,,,, May Belle F.. SpencSr 67 31 9 67 55 20 115 115 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "17" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNC~: ' 'Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams FOR C ITY TR EASUR ER: May Belle F. Spencer 155 114 9 121 124 29 227 230 That the number of votes Given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "18" {or each o£ said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams FOR CITY TREASURER: May Belle E. Spencer 184 106 18 92 113 35 234 236 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "19" for each of said persons for the of£1ce to fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows, to wit: FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCI~L: Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK~ Dene M. Williams FOR CITY TREASURER: ~,,lay Belle E, Spencer 108 55 4 63 60 19 138 140 %'hat the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "20" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for,. are respectively as follows, to wit: 1472 City .Hall, Anahe.im. Oeli,fo, rnia~. April. 17,, 1956- 7..OQ p.M. FOR MEMBER O-F THE CITY COUNCIL: Chas. A' Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B..Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: - Dens M. Williams Wi 1 liam Hunstock FOR CITY TREASURKR.. May Bel~e E, Spencer 151 75 14 74 92 12 177 2 174 Ihat the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "21" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, are respec-tivety as. follows, to .wit: FOR MEMBER OF TME CITY COUNCIL: Chas. ,-A..-pearson 189 Ray Van Wagoner 80' Roy M. Bender 13 Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler 137 Rector L. (Rex) Coons 117 Charles B. Cotton 52 --FOR CITY CLERK: Dens M. Williams 269 _FOR CITY TREASURER: May B~lle E. Spencer 270 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct '"22" for each of said persons for the office %o fill which they were voted for, are respec.tiv~ly..as, fellows, to wit: FOR M~J~BR OF THE CITY COUNCIl.: Chas. A. pearsOn - Ray Van Wagoner Roy. M. Bender Odra L. ('Chuck) Chandler Rector .L. (Rex) Coon~ Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK; Dene M. Williams May ~elle E. Spencer 76 41 10 29 38 11 95 95 That the number of votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "23" for each of said persons for the office ~o £ill which they were voted for~ are respectively as follows! to wit; _FOR M~M!~_ER OF THE CITY COUNCIl,; Chas. A Pearson 191 Ray Van Wagoner 135 Roy M~ Bender 4 Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler 85 Rector L~ (Rex) Coons 99 Charles B, Cotton 24 FOR CITY CLERK: Dens M. Williams 219 FOR CITY TREASURER: ... May Belle £. Spencer 214 That at said time the City Council duly and regularly canvassed ail the votes in said city cast by absent voters, and found that the absentee votes cast at said election were thirty-one (31) ballots, that the persons voted for and the number of votes received by said absentee ballots were as follows: 1473 City Hali~ Anaheim, i California~ Ap.ril 17; 1956- 7~00 P.M. _FOR ~E ,K~BER O? _THE, CITY .COUNOI,~~ Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chamdler Rector L. (Rex) Coo&s Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK~ De-ne ~. Williams FOR CITY TREASURER: May Belle E. Spence~ 22 12 0 10 13 3 25 22 That the total number of votes received by each of said candidates in said city are as follows: .. Es FOR ,~...~BER OF TH5 CITY COUNCI~ Chas. A. Pearson Ray Van Wagoner Roy M. Bender Odra L. (Chuck) Chandler Rector L. (Rex) Coons Charles B. Cotton FOR CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams Bob Miller Charles Griffin Charles Grl f£ith William (Bill) Huns~ock ~-dward Portillo Robert Long FOR CITY TREASURER: ~- . i i , ~, L"', May Belle E. Spencer Pebley John Spielman 3407 1879 268 2147 2149 726 4602 1 1 2 6 1 1 4587 1 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLV~ that at said general municipal election, CMAS. A. PEARSON and RECTOR L. (REX) GOONS receiwd th~ highest number of votes given for the office of Member of the City Council, and they are hereby severally declared elected to such office respectively; that DENE M. WILLIAMS~ reCeived the highest number of votes qiven for the office of City Clerk, and she is hereby declared elected to such-office; that MAY BELLE E, SPHNCER~ received the highest number of votes given for the office of City Treasurer, and she is hereby declared elected to such office. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall, and she is hereby directed to, enter upon the records of the City Council of said City a state- ment of the results of said election~ showing: 1. The whole number of votes cast in said city. 2. The names of the persons voted for. 3. The offices to fill which each of said persons were voted for. 4. The number of votes given at each of said precincts for each of such persons. 5. The number of votes given in said city for each of said persons. 6. The number of ballots received as the absentee votes was 31. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall immediately make out and deliver to each of such persons elected a certificate of election, signed by her, and duly authenticated~ she shall also impose the constitutional oath of office~ and have them subscribe thereto, whereupon they shall be inducted into the office to which they have been elected. 7HE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 17th day of April~ i956. ATTEST: /s/ Dene M. Williams CITY CLARK OF',THH CITY OF ANAHHIM ./S/ Chas, A. Pearson MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ANAHFIM 1474 ........ City Hall, Anaheim, Cat~._.{~.9.~@, April .t7~ 1956 T 7:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Van Wagener. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted. City Attorney Preston Turner~ administered the Constitutional Oath of Office to the City Clerk. /he City Clerk administered the Constitutional Oath of Office to Council- man Pearson, Councilman Coons and City Treasurer May Belle E. Spencer. Reorganization of the Council~ .Councilman Fry nominated Councilman Pearson, Mayor for the City of Anaheim. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Councilman Schutte moved the nominations be closed° Councilman Fry seconded the motion. The motion was thereupon put ~o vote and unanimously carried and adopted, and Councilman Pearson was thereupon in~talled as Mayor for the City of Anaheim. MAYOR PRO TEM[ Councilman Schutte nominated Councilman Wisser, Mayor Pro Tern for the City of Anaheim. Councilman Fry seconded the nomination. Councilman Fry moved the nominations be closed~ Councilman $chutte seconded the motion. The motion was thereupon put to vote and unanimously carried and adopted, Council- man Wisser was thereupon installed as Mayor Pro Tern for the City of Anaheim. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION: Councilman $chutte offered Resolution of Appreciation and moved for its passage and adoption. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION CITY OF ANAHEIM WHEREAS, Ray Van Wagoner has sierved the people of Anaheim in the capacity of Councilman~ continuously from the date of his election in April, 1940 to April 10, 19563 and WHEREAS, the fellow members of the City Council are mindful of the tremendous value his fine talents and services have been to this Board and to the citizens of Anaheim~ by reason of his unflagging in~ retest in the city's business and deliberations~ and WHEREAS, Ray Van Wagoner has through his councilmanic duties secured outstanding results in connection with law enforcements, and in his handling of park and recreation problems in addition to other ministrative matters, serving far beyond the regular requirements of his office. NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, that. on behalf of the City COuncil and on behalf of the citizens of Anaheim~ we do hereby express the sincere thanks and appre- ciation for the fine services he has rendered Anaheim community~ for the many achievements made possible through his cooperation~ and, tooT we find it most fitting to recall the wonderful fellowship we have enjoyed by r~ason of his presence as a fellow member of our City Council~ and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Council~ and a copy b'~ forwarded to Mro Van Wagoner. Signed this 17th day of April, 1956. _TT~EST: s/ Dene M. Williams CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM-- /s/ Chas. A. Pearson /s/, L. N. Wisser /s/ A. J. Schu~te /s/~B1e'nn G. 'Fry _/s/ReCtor L.' _Coons 1475 ' City Hall.., Anaheim,i.California, April 17~ 1956- 7:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing resolution of appreciation was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES~ NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN~ Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. COUNCILMEN~ None. COUNCILMEN: None. . The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Mayor Pearson announced that in appreciation of Mr. Van Wagoners many years of service and wil~ing cooperation, a gift of an out-door Chaise Lounge and coffee tabl6 would be presented. PURCHASE OF LADDER-TYpE DITCH~R~ The Administrative Officer reported that informal bid proposals had be~n obtained for the purchase of a Ladder-type ditcher, and recommended that purchase be made from the low bidder, the Warnock-Bancroft Equipment Company, 9635 Rush Street, PoO. Box 568, E1 Monte, California. RESOLUTION NO. 3226: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 3226 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page . A RESOLUIION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING /HE PURCHASE OF ONE BUCKEYE MODEL 407 LADDER-TYPE DI/CHER~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN.. Pearson, Coons, Fry, $chutte and Wisser. NO~_S: COUNCILMEN; None. ABSEN/~ COUNCI LMHN. None. Ihe Mayor declared the foregoin9 resolution duly passed and adopted. P $ONNEL; The Administrative Officer reported the appointment of the follow- ing personnel~ Derrall L. Guest~ Gardener, Maude Saenger, Recreation Attendant~ Don C. Tripp, Construction Inspector- Richard Do Everitt, ~ield Engineer- Donald R. O~Donnell~ Instrument Man- George L. Laughter, Patrolman- Joseph Geisler, Part-time Assistant City Attorney, and William~H. Anson- Charles Mo Johnson - Robert Do Wilkinson- Sam Bogoshian - Donald J. Cronin- Paul W. Lewandowski ~ Bdward R. Heinze~ Jr. - Garth Eo Menses and Edward C. Lawler, Firemen for the new fire station to be operative May 1~ 1956. Said appointments were ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilman $chutte~ seconded bY Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. COMPLETION OF IN$IALLATION O[ CURBS AND SIDEWAIXS.~ Director o£ Public Works~ W~ F. P~iday reported that work was completed on the construction of curbs and ~idewalks at various locations within the City, pursuant to the 1911 Act~ and recommended a date be set for Public Hearing on said improvements. On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, Public H~aring was ordered to be held May 8, 1956, 7:00 P.M. on said improvements MOTION CARRIED. - .... Councilman Schutte moved to adjourn~ Councilman Wisser seconded the mo%ion. MOT I ON CARR I ED. ADJOUR NED. SIGNED City Clerk