1956/04/271496 City Hall, ..An.abels, Californ, i The City Council of the City by Councilmen L. N. Wisser, Glenn G. FI Notice by telegram of propose A. Pearson and Councilman R.L. Coons, ~ the time set for the holding of said M, . Acknowledgement and consent ~ NY recexpt of telegram sent by Mayor C~ purpose of the Special M~ The a resolution of public convenience and~ of a steel-deck grand stand, with pres.~ 7,100, at La Palms Park~ in the City o~ i'zlng the publication of a notice invit the purpose of considering such other m other business that may unanimously cot PRESENT: COUNCILMEN~ Fry~ Wtsser ar ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson and Cc CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON /"dRNER~ Present CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A N~ Mayor Pro Tern Wisser, called STEEL-DECK GRAND STAND: Discussion of for the construction o~ the Steel=Deck RESOLUTION NO. 3252: Councilman Schutt for-l~s passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ pas A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE a,, April 27~ 1956- 8aOO P.M. of Anaheim met in Special. Session~ called y and A. J. Schutte. d Special Meeting was sent to Mayor Chas. ore than Twenty-fOur hours prior to eting. o. the holding of said meeting was given as. A. Pearson and Councilman Coons. eting was to consider the adoption of necessity for the construction and completion box, with a seating capacity of approximately Anaheim, and for the purpose of author- ing seaied proposaIs therefor, and for afters in relation thereto~ or any sented to at said Meeting. d Schutte. ons. · RDOCH: Present. the meeting to order. the necessity to call for new bid proposals Grand Stand at La Palma Park, was held. · offered Resolution No. 3252, and moved e No. CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY ~,HQUIRE THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIl~ A STEEL-DECK GRAND STAND WI/~ PRESS ,~OX, WITH A SEATING, CAPACITY OB ~ m< T~ 'm~ C~T¥ O1= ANAHEIM IN ~CCO~A>~ E~INARY PLANS A~ SPECIFICATIONS P~ O~ ANAREtM AND ON FIL~ IN THE O~FICE OP ~D SP~IFICATIONS CONFOR~NG TH~TO ~ co smuc :o CITY' CL~K.TO ~BLISH A NO/ICE INVITING THER~F. [Blds to be opened ~aY 8, 19~ On roll call the foregoing re by the following vote. .100 SEATS. APPROXINbkT~LY. AT LA PAL~J% ~;E WITH AND CONFORMING IN'GENERAL To ~PARED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY THE CITY 5NGINHHR, DHTAILED PLANS O ~ SUBMITT~ BY THE BIDD~ AUTHORIZING SEAL~ PRO~SALS FOR THE CONS~UCTION 6. 7~00 P,~; solution was duly passed and adopted AYHS: COUNCILMEN': Fry, SChutte and Wtsser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearso~ and Coons. The Mayor Pro Tern declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. MOTION CARRIED ~ I There being no further busineSs before the meeting, Councilman Fry moved the meeting be adjourned. Councilman ~Chutte seconded the motion° NDTiON CARRIED. ADJOURNED . SIGNED City Clerk