1952/02/13 229 City Hall, Anaheim" Californ~a, January 29, 1952 - 4:45 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Special Called Session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, P~STON TUR~: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER:' KEITH A. MURDOCH: Pr~se~t. Special Called Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, called for 4:45 P. M., Tuesday, JanUary 29,1952 for the prupose of considering and acting upon the following matter: ~~:c~~~~:eN;dl~~~ti~:~C~~=i~:~n~~f~:;~~e~e:~~~:~~~ ~:~ ;~;io:d :~;~~Nf~IEID A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~CIL OE' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYINC TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTA~N REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRVCTION, OPERATION AND fv1AINTENANCE OFiA STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM. (Tract 1493) Refer to Resolutiop Book, page ~d2./ i On roll call the fbregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN!: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILM: None. ABSENT: COUNCILME: None. The Mayor declared! the foregoing Resolution duly paased and adopted. Councilman Van Wagpner moved to ad~ourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION~IED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED __~L~~ ~ I Oi ty ~ rk __,_~__ _~__c_.._~.._--+--_.._. '_ _'." ~ __" _.__.____ _ C1trJ~all_L ADBh~~l!4-Q~llf..oJ"nil!L,-teb~ry '11. 1 m_~~tQO P .M.__________ The City Council olf the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Heyirng. Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearjson and Boney CI1'Y ATTORNEY: PRESTON T~: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER.! KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. The Meeting was c~lled to order by the City Clerk for the purpose of electing a Mayor Pro Tem for the City of Anaheim. Councilman Heying 'nominated Councilman Van Wagoner and moved the nomination be closed. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Van Wagoner was seated as M~or Pro Tem. l'lIl'JUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 22 t 1952 and Special Called Meetings held January 28, 1952 at 4::30 P.M. 'and Ja.nuary 29, 1952 at 4:4.5 P.M. were approved on motion by Qouncilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION OAB.RIED. ]lINANCIAL & OPERATING REPORTS: The followin~ Financial and. Operating Reports were ordered received and filed on motion by COllncilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Heyin~. MOTION CARRIED. CITY TREASURER: Balance General Funt, $182.176.60, total General Accounts $350,494.22. Total all funds, $~,049,726.67. CITY CLERK: Report correspondet. City Clerk's receipts totaled $72.00. PUBLIC SERVICE: $91,748.11. Industrial waste, $1,817.66, Sanitation, $7.753.25. LIBRARY: Bala..l1ce February 5" 1952, $3.521.23. EUILDING INSPECTOR: 81 permdts of which '52 were building permits, valuation $232.394.50, fees pollected, $631.70. VETERANS' HOUSING: $1.255.1~, Balance owi~, $1,637.76. SUPERINTENDENT, LIGHT, WATER & POWER: 75 electric light ana power wiring permits, Total fees collec~d, $818.55. LICENSE COLLECTOR: Deposlte~ $423.)0 on Dog ana Business Licenses. CITY JUDGE: 414 caSes of w~~ch 245 were parking meter violations. fees collectet $3,750.00. CITY AUDITOR: Deposited $188,134.21. ,: .j\. City Hall. Anaheim. Calif9rnia, February 13. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. GAPJ3AGE & TRASH COLLECTIONS: Garbage, 27 loads, Trash, 278 loads. P.'\RKING ~!ETER COLLECTIONS: $1. .500 .00. CITY AUDITOR: JOINT OUTFALL SEWER: Total expenses incurred, $2,264.91, of which Anaheim paid $802.79. GITY AUDITOR: MAGNOLIA. TRUN1{ SEWER: Total e).."Penses incurred, $87,942.3.5 of which Anaheim paid 22.28% or $19,593.56. SUPERINTENDENT, LIGHT, WATER AND POWER: Water level, City ",ells as of February 1st, 156'. SHOP AND GARAGE: Activities of department. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Activities of department. FIRE CHIEF: Activities of department. WARRANTS AND DEMANDS: Warrants ant iemands ~ainst the city amountin~ to $238,172.00 were \-, ord~red approved on motion by Councilman Wisser and seconded by Councilman Key1~. MOTION CARRIED. \; VARIANCE NO. 159: A Public Hearing was held by the City Council on Variance No. 159 on application by Geor~e and Olive Schafer for construction of a ~arage at 1940 East Center St. As a result of the City Council's investi~~tion it was moved by Councilman Wisser, seconaed by Councilman Heyin~ that the action of the City Plannin~ Commission ~ranting said Variance be reversed and that Variance No. 159 be denied. MOTION CARRIED. TRACT NO. 1429: FINAL MAP: Hahn-St. John, builder. Comprising 47 lots. This map was approved by the Ci ty Plannine; Commission. Terta.tive map approvei by the City Council June 12, 1951. Councilman Heying moved tlmt Final Map be accepted, seconte4 by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. TRACT NO. 1563: FINAL MAP: Final Map of Tract No.1563, comprisin~ 8 lots on Victor St., R. F. Klein, sub-divider, approved by the Planning Commission February 4, 1952. Tentative Map accepted by the City Council December 11, 1951. Councilman Wisser moved the Final Map be accepted, seconded by Councilman Heyin~. MOTION CARRIED. TBACT NO. 1544: TENTATIVE MAP: Tentative Map of Tre,ct No. 15l}4, being an extension of Damon Ave. from Pythias Ave. westerly to the S. P. Tracks and compri~ing 18 lots. The Planning Commission approved the Tentative Map subject to improvement of the Oity portion of the street and the necessary- Ene;i:'leering requiremen ts on Februar~r Lt., 1952. City Administrator Murdoch advisei the sub-dividers who were present that the City will a.ssist in the street ,,,,ark and the cost of street construction and would deed a portion, of the land necessary for the street. The City Council moved that said Tentative Map of Trae t No. 1544 be accepted. Motion b:>r Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman t'lisser. MOTION CARRIBID. COUNCIIJIu\N BON",j,~ ENTE...'qED THE MEETING. TRANS]'.2R OF FmmS: Tra..YJ.sfer from the General Fund to Traffic Safety FWld of $15.000. to cover e~enses alreuy incurred was approved by Councilman Heyin~J seconded b~ CO'Wlcilman Boney. MOTION CARJtIED. FLAG CONTRACT: The five year FlaG Contract between the City of Anaheim and the American Legion, Post #72, was presented and Mayor Pro Tem and Clerk were authorized to enter into said agreement for the City of Anaheim. Motion by Councilman Heying wld seconded by Council- man Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. MlNUT,ES OF THE 3lXECUTIVE :SOARi) , JOS: The Minutes of the Executive Eoard of the J. O. S. held February 7, 1952 were ordered received and filed. Motion by Councilman Heyin~, seconded b;yr Counc i InJan Boney. lv!OT ION CARRI 'ED. COMimNICATIO.: Request for sidewalk and curb on SEe South Olive St. and E. South St. for better access to the Tho!:1as Jefferson School, signed by Mrs. Delia Leeb, 'who being present 8,1:. the meetinG' '<'las assured b~T the Administrative Officer that the work would soon be com~enced on this project. COMMUNICATION: The American Legion, Post #72, was granted concession at La Palma Park Baseball Park o.urin~ the 1952 baseball season. Motion by HeyinG;, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. -, I COMMUL~ICATION: Annual Heart Day Committee of Volunteers of America for Ta~ Day March 1, 1952 was referred to the Police Department with power to act on motion by Councilman Heyin~, seconded by CouJlcilman Wisser. MOTTON CA..ttRIED. COMMUNICATION: Request of the Disabled Ametican Veterans for mobile -exhibit was ~ranted on motion acting upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police. Motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilmro} Heying. MOTION CARRIED. OO~JNICATION: Pll>>~b~rs License Bond, Downey Plumbin~ Company, was ordered accepted subject to approval by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. 231 Ci ty Hall. Anaheim. California'l February 13. 19S2 - 8: 00 P.M. INTRODUCTION OF CIVIL ENGINEER: Alfred R. McDaniel, Civil ~ineer, recently hired by the City was introduced to several members of the Council. ANAHEIM JUNIOR FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief. Ed J. Stringer, Sr., presented report on firemen and activites of the A~Dheim J1L~ior Fire Department whicll was started January 1.5, 19.52. The Chief rEtPorted. constructive and beneficial results and that more than J5 fire hazards and corrections have been made in the respective departments by the Rtudents who have given the pro~ram W1 enthusiastic reception. The pro~ram is sponsored by the Anaheim Bu~letin who have given it much valuable publicity. Councilman Heying moved. that the Council express its thanks to the Fire Chief and that he be commended. by Resolution '4-pon the success of the program. Seconded by COWlcilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED DOG LEASH ORDINANCE: ,A lar~e_audience was present interested in the passage of an ad.equate ordineJlce for tl:f-e better control and regulation of dogs \vithin the City a.nd the Council vIas presented "ith a petition by Mrs. J. E. Fisher, 70) So. Ohio St., 8i~ned by 198 resiients demand~n~ that dogs be kept on leash or fenced. Petition si~ned by 11 residents and presented July 24, 1951 in another portion of the Ci ty' 1JTaS also, broU4i:ht tq the Council's attention. Protestants addressi~~ the Council were Dave Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Xellenger and Mrs. J. E. Fisher. The au4,ience and protestants were assured that the Ci ty Council were giving this matter their ~onsideration and that shortly a more adequate ordinance re~ulatin~ the keepi~ of do~s would be inaugurated. BONFIRES: Mr. Joseph Schwab, 1~23 Flower St., addressed the Council calling attention to bonfires being built thro~out the day by buildin~ constructors and others and that fires almost daily were b~ilt in the Anaheim Cemetery which created sID1mge and smoke throu~hout the entire ne!~hborhood. The Administrative Officer advised that fire permits were issued by th~ City and checks were mad_6 as to hazards which might be created. CHANGE OF ZONE: Verified petition of Conrad Albert Zimmerman, South Los An,eles Street, requesting proposal F-,$1-52-6 for a change of zone of property at the sf_Ie of South Los An~eles Street. rres6nt zoning is R-J and it is proposed. to ch~e the same to 0-2, General Commercial. The Plannin~ Commiss~on, acting upon this verified petition at its meeting held Febru2ry 4, 1952, va t.ed a.s follows: AYES: NOES ; NOT VOTING: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSt COMMISSIONERS~ CO MIvII S S lONERS l COMNISSION.ERS~ Schutte and Mune:all. Gauer, Hap~ood and Thompson. Riutcel and Schumacher. Holyoke. The motion before th~ Planning Commission did not carry and no other motion being introduced, the Cbmmission is in the position of taking no action on this reclassification. Und.er Section 17, Pat-acraph 5 of Ordinance No. 77,4 "Not more than forty (40) days following the fina.l required 11E:~2.rj rlg, the Planning Commission shall annoUllce its find.ings b~T formBl resolut,ioYl aLd. said _Y'esolui.'1on shall :~ecite, a.mo~ other things, -~,'rLe f~d'ts and "r'easong \-ibieh, in the o;dnio:c of the Commission, make the granting or \5 enial of t.he ;;;mendmen t necessf:try to carr~t:)ut the general purpose of this ordinance. tt' The City Planning Commission, therefore, is requested to take some definite action DJT 2/3 vote of the members upon tbis peti tion for reclassification =fFF51-52-6. Motion bJT Councilrr.ar.. HeyiIl;;, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. CERTI:E]CATIOl~ OlP COMPLETION, UNIT #2, M. T. S.: NR..t H. Neff, Chief Engineer of the Magnolia. Trun1: Sev!er, J. o. S., transI:litted to the Cit~,. Council, as Contracti~ Agent, Certi:ficatio:n of the Completion of Unit 12, M~nolia 'I'rv.nk Se",er, as constructed by V. C.K. Jons truc t ion COmlJarl~T t and. recomrnended. that the cons truction of Uni t '2 be a,c(~epted a.s of Ja,nuary 21, 195~ and that Notice of Completion be filed. His report also recommended that an exten$ion of time be grp.nted the contractors to January 21, 1952. CourcillilH.Y' He~y-ing moved the Certi.ficate b,. accepted and filed. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOrJ;rON CARRIED. RESOLUTION ON MUNICIPAL COURT SITE: Resolution on Muxlcipal Court site was not ready for toni~ht's meeting. CHANGE ORDER *1, :BALL ROAl) & ~ PALMA SEWERS: The Bctll Road and La Palma Trunk Sewers Change Ord.er #1 due to a ohan~ in the methoa of caulking of joints would result in H savillg of $964. on La. Palma ~e''i€:r' and $),100. on the BAll Road line.. The Adminis- trative Officer recommended tbjat the Council a.ccept Chan~e Order =1/:1 and was so ordered on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Courcilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. The City Attorney ad~ised that the proposal would be studied. Git~r Ha,ll, AnabeJ..E).J--9i~11f2rnia, Feb..r~E:!LJ...1L1952 -8:0Q P.M. CONDEMNArr:ION l'ROCE.lill)INGS: The City C01.Ulcil instructed" the Cii.~r Attorney to proceed ",ith concl'-:'Y"lnatioYl rroceed:lr:gs ~.\ri tl1 immediate possession on that portion of land owned by Mrs. Rust require6for the opening aI.l.d widenin, of Wilhelmina street from Palm St. west. PLUNGE FIL'IERS: The Ci t:r Clerk was instructed to advertize for bid.s on plunge fil terse MO:.ic by Con:c,ci.lman Heyi!l.~, seconded by CouDnilman "tlisser. MOTI01~ CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1920: Councilman HeyinG o/fered. Resolution No. 1920 and moved for its passage aZH2. adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the mot:Lon. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COu~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, ACKNOWLEDGING CO~~LIANCE WITH CONTRACT OF SALE AND At~HORIZING CONVEYANCE THEREOF 1......... Refer to Resolution Book t paget;2-/ - t:, ,z..~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follotvint; va tr=-: AYES: cOtnJCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABS]JNT: COIDTC IllMEN' : Wisser, He~in~, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The M8yor Pro Tern declared the foregoing Resol1.ltion dul~r passed and BAiopted. RESOL1~ION NO. 1921: CouncilmB,11 Boney offered ResolutioI) No. 1921 and moved for its passage a.nd acloption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PESOIUTION Au~HORIZING EXECUTION OF THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR RENTAL OF FACILITIES 0]' JOINT OUT]'ALII SEWER vlITH THE CITY OF N:!WPORT BEACH. Refer to Resolut1.cn Book: pa~e & ;L.:L On r011 calI the f ore~oiri~ Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the 1'o11ot,iflng va te: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSE1~: COUNCILNOill~: Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wa6oner. none. Pearson. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1922: COUI1CilmaIl Boney offered Resolution No. 1922 and moved for its pass~e ;;1,nd adoption. C01l.:rlcilman Heying seconded the moti'Jn. MOTION C.ARRIED. P.ESOI!'tJTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SANTA ANA TO ENTER INTO THREE YEAR LEASE OF LAND FOR THE Pu~OSE OF UUJD DISPOSAl OF SEWAGE AND THE MAKING OF A PAYME1~ IN AMOUNT OF $3150.00 TO HP.KE SAID LEASEl POSS IBLE . Refer to Resolution Book, page t~ -'~J...1 On roll call the foregoing Resolutio!l was duly pa.ssed ancl. adopted by the following vcte: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Wisser, Heyir;Et Bonejr and Van Wagoner. COUNCILMEN: None. COUNCILMEN: Pearson. The Mayor Pro Tern decla.red .the :f oregoint; Resolution o.uly passed a.nd adopted. RESOL1JTION NO~ 192): Councilman :Bone~ offered Resolution No. 192) and moved for lts l1assage Bricl ac_option. Gou~lcilman "tllsser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,A RESOLUTION OF 'l1HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .AHAHEIN AOKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A NOTICE OF IN~ENTION TO CIRCtlliATE A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXJ.TION OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ...A..1JAHEIM ''}iOGETH.LR WITH THE AFJ!\IDAVIT O:b' THE PUJ3LISHING THEREOF. AND APPROVING THE CIRCULA- TION OE ..t_ Pi.:r:I~'IOl~ FOR TILE A1T1TEXATIOH 05' 81\.1-: TERHITORY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, TO THE CITY 0]' A~\JiUiE I 1"i . Refer to Resolution 'Book, page ~.:z_j' __. On roll call the f oregoir.:.C ResolutioL was clul~' passed and adopted by the fOllc\.:inE; vote: AYES: OOUNCILMEN: Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COu~CILMEN: None. AJ3SEJ'JT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. 'rhe Mayor Pro Tern declared the foregoing ResolutioL clulJ~ passed and adopted. 233 Ci ty Hall, Anaheim, Cali::,:'ornia., Febl:ua-ry 13. 1952 - 8: 00 P.M. RESULUTION NO. 1924: p8~~saGe and edoption. C01.Ulcilman HeyiIlg offered Resolution No. 1924 and moved for its Councilman :Soney seconded. the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A ?~SOLUTION OF THE OITY COUN~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCUL!TE A PETITION FOR THE ANlmocATION OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIN TOGET~R tilTH THE .AF~'IDAVITOF THE PUBLISHING TIfEREOF t AND ~iFPROVING THE CIRCULATION OF A P~ITION FOR THE A}J.NEXJ.TION OF SAID TERRITORY HEREIN- AFTER DESCRIBED, TO THE CITY ~F ANAHEIM. Refer to Resolutiol1iBook, page C~Y-'.2.b: On roll call the fotegoin~ Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES: COUNCILMl1,"N: NOES: COUNCILM}m: ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The Ma~or Pro Tem d.clared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1925: pa,ssage and adoption. Comlcil~an Wisser offered Resolution No. 1925 and moved for its Councilman Heying seconded th~ motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN1l'IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION TO S MIT TO THE Q,UALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE HEREIN- AFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY THE! 'tUESTION O~., ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. Refer to Resolution Book, pae;e ~~.6--~.2(, On roll call the f o.te~oin~ Resolution was duly passed and adopted b:~r the following vote: AYES: COUNG IL!-fEN: NOES: COU1~CIL~~: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. . None. Pearson. The Mayor Pro Tern 4eclared the foregoin~ Resolution duly passed and adopted. I crTY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF PtTITIONERS: CI~I CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF P!TITIONERS WHO ARE ~UALIFIED ELECTORS EUCLID AVENUE ANNEXATION '2 I. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, ~ity Clerk of the City of Anaheim, hereby certify that I have examined the registra,t~on lists of voters through the County Clerk's office of Orange County and have exaJliined the recoro_s of the Public Service Department of the City of Aneheim, and obta1ned the names of all persons residing within the boundaries of ss1d Euclid Ave1$.ue Annexa.tion #2, and I have found from search,and examination that there are twenty-seven (27) qualified electors residing 'v~ thin the boundaries of said. annexation, ant I further certify that s41d petition is si~ned by eighteen (18) persons who are qualified electors residi~~ within the territory as shown by the County Re~istra- tioD of Voters who constitute imore than one-fourth Ci) of the qualified electors residing within said territorr. I further certify that all qualified electors residing within the territory proposed for annexation are r$gistered \"Ii thin the precinct 1imi ts of Orange County Preci:nc t West Anaheim II. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 13th day of February, 1952. SEAL CHARLES E. GRIFFITH CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RESOLUTION NO. 1926: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1926 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNQIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE WORK Mill CO!VJPIJ~TION BY V. C.K. OONSTRUCTION COl\.PANY OF lrnIT 2 OF THE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER MID PUNPING PLA!--'rT AND FORCE M1\IK OF THE ORANGE COUNTY JOINT OUTFALL SEWER, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ANAHE~M AS THE CONTRACTING AGENT FOR THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM, FULL}JRTON Mil) ORANGE AND FOR _ BUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE, LA HABRA. AND PLACENTIA SANITARY DISTRIC~S TO FILE A NOTICE OF COY~LETION AlID AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE :BALANCE DUE SAID C01TTRACTORS !N ACCOPJ)ANCE VfI1'H THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Refer ~~O Resolution :Book, pAl~e t:;l.~'~-C:):', 234 Ci t:,r Hall J' Anabeim, Cal ifornia., February -1.), 1952 - 8: 00 P.M. O:} "011 call the foregoing Resolution 1t!as duly passed. and aD.opted. by the f 011 o\'.7ing vo te: AYES: NOES: ABSEnT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I L~~1N: Wisser, Heyir~g, Boney an.d Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The M'a.yor Pro Tern d.eclared the foregoin~ Resolution duly paBsed S-'Yld adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 796: COUAcilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 796~ld mov~d Jor its pass~c.: and adoption. CO'.l.!:'cilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTImr ~~ f1:::J 1tA,N ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO i.., VACATE AND ABA1~ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF A PUBLIC STF~ET AND CERTAIN PORTIONS OF PUBLIC ALl.EYS A...lID Ira AB.liIDON THE EASEMENT UPON, OVE...!{ AND .ACROS S THE SAME. AND FIXI NG A TIME A]ij) PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON AND DIRECTING TrlE PO~TING OF NO~ICES THEREOF AND THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. The Mayor Pro Tern declare(l the foregoing; Ord.inance duly passed and adopted. BALL ROAD ANNEXATION: The Planning Commission cor:sidered the proposed. Ball Road Annexation wi 1,h certain a.dded. portions sou th of Bell Road, between South West Street and U. S. High- way 101 with a depth of 660', and_ added that portion between the S.P. Railroad and the Sa,Eta Fe Railroad for a. depth of 660' and. ext.encling the line a.long the A.T. & S.F. Railwa.y southerly until i~eets Lewis street and then extending northerly along Lewis' Street until it meets :Bal] Road. (The foregoing; description appe8,rs to be faul ty.) The Plarning Conunission voted. to recommend the Ball Road. .Anr.~exation vl1 th the additions as noted. The proposed. ::Ball Road Annexation is to be ,made up from the several requests of applicants for anr:.exation. ~-, Cou:n.cilman Heying moved to adjourn to Wednesda.y, February 20, 1952 at 8:00 P.M. Govncilman BorLe~r seconded the motion. MO'l'ION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED /d/L ../~/~- ~ ~ Clerk J1.L._LIHJM: L~~S(....Lt ION ~<v. 12b-A: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1926-A and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION C.1" CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page t :L?- (g .;J-f . A RESOLVTIGN OF Tr~ CITY C01~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FlNALI~Y ACCEPTING THE FURNISHING OF AI,I. PLANrf, LABCR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQ,UIPME11T AND PERFOR~lING ALL WORK NECESSARY FOR THE PAINTING OF 52 MANHOLES IN THE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER AND FUMPING PLANT AND FORCE ~'J.AIN OF THE OHANGE CotJNTY JOINT OUTFALL SEWER AND FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION THERE- OF, A1TD AUTHORIZING FAY~IENT OF THE EALANCE DUE SAID CONTRACTOR.. On roll. ca.ll the foregoing Resolution \.vas duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A Y'E~S ; COUNCILM.EN: COtn~CILlvl:EN : COUNCILMAN: Wisser. Heying. Boney and Van Wagoner. N OIle . Pearson. NOES: ABSENT: The Mayor Pro Tem declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. SIGNED City Clark