1952/02/20 2J5 ____Qi~_Hall!.._Anaheimt Californi!. FebruarY20,-122g,_- 8:00 P.M. !ae City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEI': Pearson, Wi~.er, Heying and. Van Wagoner. A:BSD'~: COmiCILMAI': Boney. CITY ATTORDY, PRESTON Tl.JRlmR.: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OnIOD, 91TH A. MURDOOH: Absent. Pu~LIC MEETING: Public Meeting k.14 pur8uant to Resolutions lUmbers 1917 and 1918, to receive Etd Proposals to l..se cit7 lands and city streets and alleys for the purpose of 611 drilling in the City bf Anaheim. The City Council UDder terms of Resolutionl,'re.erve8 the;right to reject any or all proposals 8eparatel~ or collectively in such combinations a8 the 01t7 Council m~ deter.ine to be for the beat iatere.t of the Cit7.aBi to awart ite lesses in accordance therewit.. and the City Council makes no warranty of title as to any of the property described in 8aid resolutions. Resolution .0. 1917 refers to citT laDde. Resolution No. 1918 refers to city lands in Itreets and alleYI. BID :PROPOSALS: OIL vlEL1 DRILLING: Ta. 01 t7 Clel'k vas instructed to opea bid proposals on motion by Counctlman yan Wagoner, seconded by Councilmaa Visser. MO'!I& CARRIED. BIDS RECEIv.ill): nSOLUTIOH RO. 1917: RESOLUTIOB NO. 1918: S~e.1. Petroleum OOmP8n7- S~..le Petroleum Company_ 1- CouaeilMan Heying .eved that bids be receive4 and referred to the Cit7 Attorns7 for his recommendations as to wa.~her or not the bid. are in compliance to ~.~ifieation8_ Co~eilman Van WagoIer seconde4 the motion. MOTIOH CARRIED. Mr. Cook and Mr. Stee18 were present at the ...ting. BALL ROAD ANNEXATION: Letter protesting the inclusion of 35 acres in the Ball Road Annexation by the ..1r.'o the Panaier I.,.,. was 8ubaitiei and read and ordere4 held oyer for Public Hearing on the Annexatioa o. aotloa iy Counoilman Van Wagoaer. 88cond8d by Oouncilman Wi...r. MOTION CARRIED.' ' Communication from lhe City Planning Commislion tated February 20, 1952 in which the7 advise at their meeting of February 4. 1952 itrwa8 the vote of the Commlsiion to recommend the Jall Road Annexation. w1~h addi~lon8 8S noted. The City Planning Commission's recommendations were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilmaa He7ing, seconded by CouncilmaD Wisser. MOTIOH CARRIED. ::~.J'..G:~NT':'A AV.E1JLJE AlfNEXA1''ION: At the Dec~I1'ber 11, 19.51 meeting or the 01 ty Council, request of Fred C. Piepenbriak et al, for consent to commence and conduct prcce8diaga for ann~xation to the City ~f Anaheim of the following described property was re- ceived: A tract of land including a portion of Lots 10 8nd 11, the northerly one- ! . half of Lot 13 and the northerly 28 acres. more or les8. of Lot 14 of Anaheim Extension as shown on a map of a Survey made by William Hamel in 18681 and filed in Book 3, Pages 162-164 of Maps, Records of Loa Angeles County. also a portion of East Santa Ana Street and P1aeentia Avenue (also known as State Highway Route No. 180) in the County of Orange, ~tate o~ California, in addition, . ' A tract of land including a portion of Lot 12, all of Lots 13. 14 a portion of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16 of Anaheim Extension (signed by Paul W. Goebel) Oommunication from the City Planning Commission dated February 20. 1952 in which they advised at their meeting of February 18, 1952 that it vas the re- commendation of the Commission that this territory be considered for annexation. On motion by Councilman Heying, the city acknowledges receipt of the request and receives and files the recommendation of the City Planning Commission. Motion seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. I{ESCLU~ION NO. 1927: (Purchase of Property) CoUncilman Van Wagoner offerei Re8olution Bo. 1927 and moved for its passage <and adoption. Councilman Heying seQonded the motion. MOTIOI CARRIED. (Refer to Resolution Book, page t~7 . ) 236 City Ha~l,__Anaheim, Galifornia, FeE.!:uary 20L,~9g - 8:00 P.M. A RESOLUTI01T OF THE CITY COUNCIL OJ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND ACQ,UISITION OF CERUlli REAL PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PUEPOSES. (Melvin E. Stevens and Nina M. SteTen8 - Anaheim Rome'Tract. Lot. 11. 13. 15 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 27 &: 29) .. · On roll call the foregoing Resolution was dul)" passed and adopted by the following vote: f AYES: HOES: A:B SEll! : COl1NCI!aMD; COlDlCILMElI: COwelLMAll': Pearson. Wi_sert Keying, and Van Wagoner. None. ' lio.e7. ....... ; The Mayor de~lared the foregoing ~e.olutio. dulT passed aDd adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 797: Councilman He7ing offe~ed Ordinance No. 797 and recommended its p&BSBt;e aDd adoption. Said Ord.iDance was Itead in public for the first ti.e. AN ORDIDNCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMDDIlfG SECTIOJr :5 OF ORDIlWTCE JrO. 774 OF TEE CITY OF ~IM ElTITLED "AN ORDIIlNCB ES!ABLISHING ZONES IN-TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AID 'lHIREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND. BEIGHTOl' BUILDINGS AID YABD SPACES: ADQPTIJrG A MAP SHOWING TEE BOUlIDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DUItING THE TERMS USED IN THIS OllDIDlTCE: PROVID- ING FOR'ITS ADJUS'fMEll'.r. AMDDMElf'f .urn DFO*C:&MEft: PllESCRIBING PDAL'rIES FOR V101.4'IOlI .urn nPEALING ORDINAlfCES OR PORTIONS OF ORl>INANCES IN COllFLICT Tm:mlWITHII. :BY CBAllGlIG THE BOUIDARI ES OF ZODS R..1, 0-2 AID M--l. UNS,,;CTE\.EJ) iOE?, 50 NAL i'ROPERT Y TAXES: CanceUa tion' of the following ite.s were autaorize' on motion by Councilman Heying. seconded b, Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTIOJr CARRIED. A..eas..at No. N... 710 ' Mrs. G~ Dyckman Acldre88 5436- Freaoat Ave. LOB Angeles, Calif. Amount $ 1.)5 7Z3 Hamp\oa ~lectrie 7)0 Mrs. A.llen A. Hutt 1)) A. Lovering 7:34 McDonald · B Cottag~ Shop 149 M. BlLlne 750 R. w. Sand.berg ;42 W. Oenter St. Cit7 (CODaignaeat) :Box 586 t :Bal 'boa I eland. t Calif. 2.25 8.64 ,~ 7pO N. Clementine St. Cit7 (gone) J17 I. ~i17 St.t Cit7 (gone) 2.16 $38.34 2.79 18.90 2.25 Address unknown (gone) Address UDknOVD (gone) - ' TEANSFER SCE(j()1 GUARD STATION: Ae result of su.rTe7 made, aDd. apprf!)val of Mr. Paul Cook, SuperinteDdent of Schools. the Chi., of Police recommeDded a change of Icaool ~ard Oro.sing Station from Palm and >>ro~w" Streets to ~ast and Center Street. Recommended change was authoriled on motion by Councilman HeTing, seconded by Councilmaa Wisser. MOTIOX ClRRIED. - LNS1S.c::.A,NCE: ' FLEET & EQ,UIFMEliT: Fire. Theft and Comprellensi ve, Aetna Insurance Co. t PolicT No. 92-25077 on City's Fleet and equipment and Float.r Policy No. IMr 1-343782 of Park equipment was accepted aDd ordered filed. subject to the approval of the Cit7 Attorney, on motion bT Councilman Heying. .ecpnded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTIOB CARRIE. P=IUr"U3ERBOl~:J; Ohio Casualty to Lynwood plumbing CoDlp&n1', license has been iesued.. Coun~ilman Wisser ordered boDd accepted ~d filed. when Ipproved by City Attorney. Councilman Van Wagoner seeonaed the motipa. MOTIO. QARRIED. OP..AHGE C01Jl~TY LEAGUE OF CITIES: Meeting, to be held at COllllDWli ty Center Club House. Se:nta Ana. Februa.17 28, 1952 - Howard ~er to De the speaker. l-lAGHOLIA 'I'RUNIC SE"tiER: UNIT IV - A. H. FAN1Jl.AR0 & J. L. M&ELV.ANY: PlqIlent of 10.' Retainer to A. H. Famularo and J. L. Mc~vany was approved on motion by Council... Heying, seconded 17 Ooun~ilDla:a Wilser. 'MOTION CARRIED. Councilma11 Wisser moved to adjourn to Thursd~, o'clock P.M. Councilman Van ~oner .e.o~ed the motion. ADJOtmnD f .~~...,. ~ SIGNED ( ___ r . / erk I Febru&r7 21. 1952 at 4:00 MOTtOI CARRIED.