1952/02/21 237 City Hall, Anahel., California. FebruarY 21. 1952 - 4:00 P.M. ~The City Council of the City of Anaheim m~t in Adjourned Regular Session for the purpose of acting upon bid quotations receiTe4 pursuant to ResolutioDS Nos. 1917 an4 1918. PRESENT: COUlfCILMIN: Pearson. Wisser and.,. Van Wagoner. DSJINT: COUNCILMIN: BoneY' and HeyiJLg. ADMIIISTRATlVE OFFICE, Kl3!'!H A. MURDOCH: Ab...t. OITY ATTORNEY t PRESTON TURlflm: Present. T Those addre~slDg the Council were Joe Lieb. Sr. and Joe L1eb. Jr. calling attention to the probable affect on propert~ in wAichthe7 have an 1ntereat, and requesting the Council to hold up the leases for further inv..tigatioa to inquire iato the probabili~7 of securing more aone7 for oil leaaes by the City aDd the more advantageous terms for the benefit of the people of Anaheim~ Mr..Cook addressed theCouneil setting forth the position of~th. Steele Petroleum CompaQy in regards to the bids. Acting upon the instruction. of the City Council. the City Attorne7 gave his reeommendations as to, the matter of acceptance by the City of the,bide 8ubmi tted by tae Steele,;Pe1;roleum CompaDy. AViAJ:ID O:F BID: It was motioned by COUJlcilman Van Wagoner that the bid on the~Cd.t,. property submi tted. by the Steele Petroleum CODlPaD1' be accepted.,- on condition ~lIat,- there, be inserted in the Lease a provision giving the City the option to take it.~ ,1/6th share of any gas prod.uced in kind, and also aD. option to purchase any acid- itional gas at the well it m&7 require for its own use at the prevailing market price at the well, providing it does not interfere with the sale of the balance of the gas. In regards to streets and. alle;Y8, that the bid be accepted u.pon the condiilon that)le will lease only such stree,ts or portions of 8treets~ and sueh ~ alleys, and portion of alle~8 as the Ti tie Compan1" cer1;ifies that the 'Oi tT owns the mineral rights under. Motion seconded by Councilman Wilser. MOTION CARRIED. It was further mq1iioned by Councilman Van Wagoner~Becond.d,- by Counc111l8ll Wi.a.r that the Mawor and OitTClerk be authorized to sign said Agreement for the City of Anaheim. MOTION OARRIED. , Oouncilman V8Jl Wagoner ~ mOTed to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seeo1lded. tlte motion. MOTION CA.'BRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED 4L'~......~~ . OitT-C~ .. ) '(, ~ " ,]'J[.