1952/02/26 238 City HILl 1 .. lruOlneim. California.f 'ebruary .26~ 1952 - 8:00 P.M. The City Council of the Cit7 of Anaheia .et in Regular Session. PRESEIT: COtJRCILMKi; Pearson, Visser, Hering, BoneT and VanWagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMII: Mone. CITY J.T'l'OIlIE!z.& "1110. !UII.IIl: Present. ern JJIaIIS"l"KATrfI O,.,ICIlt, DITB J.. MtJRII)IHz Present. ( HINUTIS: The Minutes of tbe Regular Meet4ng lIe1d February 13th and Adjourned B.esULar Meetings held February 20th at 8:00 otcl~ P.M. and February 21st at 4:00 o'clock P.M., 1952 were approTed on JIOt1on 'by Cotamllaan VanWagoner, seconded by' Couneil:u.n Visser. MOTIOIl ~,1WtIP. l'.IJUJnIJ: Councilaaa Van Wagoner reported demands against the, Oi ty "oUllting to 183,434.23. Councilaan Boney iIo-.:ed that report or Jinance Co.a.ittee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Trea..-er to pay said Demands in accordance vi th report. Co\1DcUaan Wisser seconded the motion. MOTIOI CADIID.. PUBLIC HIlRIMG: ORDII.lHCE NO.?96: PubUc Hearing was held on request 8ultitted b7 lv1keet Looks, IDc., (to abandon Kroeg.. street between last Banta Ana Street aDd But Vater Street aDd the wester17 106 teet or the two alleys between Iroeger and South Atchison Streets. All land adjacent to the right-et-wqs to be abandoned would revert to Xviltset Locks, Inc. The areas to be abandoned are uniaproved and COD~ no utili tie. other than a 6-inch sever line 4'ing along 175 teet of Kroeger street south of Santa Ana street and one ot the alleys. In return lwikset proposes to put in a 4D-:toot street trcBD last Santa J.na Street to the first alle7 to the south and then continue Aid street southerly as r a 2O-toot alley until 1 t meets East.South Street. ' , Tests have been aade uaing th, largest truck and trailer combination and 1 t has been eatabll&hed that the 4O-toot street would be adequate to serve any trucks delivering to the Mutual Citrus Products plant or the Pacific Lighting COrpQrat1on. - . Action taken at the City Planning COIBliss1on .eeting February 18, 1952 was to re~.nd to the C1 ty Council that Kroeger street between East Santa .Ana and East Vater S1;r..t and the westerly 105 teet ot the two alleys, between South Atchison Street and Kroeger Street, be abandoned 8I1d that the 4D-toot street between East_ Santa J.na street and the first alley to the south and the extension of this street southerly as a 2O-foot alley to East Vater street, as proposed to be constructed bJ ICwikset, be pemitted. A lo-toot strip will also be given forth. widening of kst Santa Ana Street. The soning of the abandlmed Kroeger Striet will autOlll&tica1ly be zones as M-l, Light Inducstrial Zone. Ordinance No. '796, to.lth,r viti! AfftdaYit of its pubUcation and atfidarit of posting of the pr.nses vas presented br the Clerk. Also presented was map showing propoaed changea. Mr. V.f. SII1t.h. Attorney representing the Mutual Citrus Produats Co. spoke, relating their probl_s created Bhould the 81;reet be abandoned, and concl11d1ng DGt.h1Dg under a 4fJ toot street. would be satisfacto17. He ~ded the Co\1llcU of the law whereby' the COUDCUtS onl1' consideration in the abando:naent of the street would be whether 1 t be in the interest of the public. Mr. Taylor of the Mutual Citrus Products Co. spoke telling of fiture plans of the plant and ot the proposed varehoWJe to be bull t on the propert7 irrNlftd.. His concern vas the traffic problem that vculd be created when the warehouse is COIl- pleted. Mr. Morris Jones, A.ttorney representing K1d.kset Locks Inc., spoke set.ting forth the reasons for the request and what the Kwikset Locks Inc. proposed to do in lieu of the street, he al.ao advised 'that "the pJ.an't van"ted to enJ.arge and locate in this particular area due to the transfbraer location there. Th.~ were willing ~ ino:rease the 20 toot alle1 to ;0 foot, but anything lIlOre than that wuld we the proposed new building too small as every root the alley is increased CG8leS ort the new building. Counc1l11an Heying aoved that the Hearing be continued until the next meeting to enable a lION thorough study of the situation. Mr. Jones advised that if the _tter was continued until then, Kwikset lIight just as well vi thdraw their application as they have d.tin1 te cOlBi tments in relation to defense operations that couldbtt be held up 8.D'11onger. . Gouncilaaa Heying withdrew his _tion, and moved the Council recess. CouncU- an BoDey seconded the _tion. MCTIOI CJJ$IED. 1 , 239 City Hall. Anaheim. California. FebruarY 26. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. - AFTER RECESS: Councilaan Heying .oved to coatillue this Hearing Thursday, February 28, 1952 at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Councilman BcDney seconded the- motion. MOTION CllmIED. (Notes taken at this Hearing on file with original application) PUBLIC HEiRIBG: MONROE E. VlLLlCl lNBllTION: Pursuant to Resolution Ho. 1915, Public Hearing was held on tlae proposed annexation to the city or the territorr described in Resolution No. 1915. No protests were rUed, and no one at the meeting protested against the proposed annexation, thereupen the Mayor declared the Hearing closed. GolDlcilman Heying introduced ORDINANCE NO. 798 which was read in publ~c tor the first tiJlle. AN ORDIlWfCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVIRG THE llNELlTION TO THE CITY OF .lRlHEIM OF THK TERRITORY KNOWN AND _IGNiTED ~ lOGOB B. WlLLlCE - ANRIXlTIOH. PUBLIC HElRING: Proposed chfmges to the Zoning Ordinance No. 774. The following CitY' Planning GcmI1ssion's Resolutions were received proposing changes to the ZoDLUag Ordinance No. 714: No.9: That Kennels (7 or more adult dogs) DOW classified in Zoning Ordinance 774, as a use pe_tted in G-2, General Business Zone, be raoved troll Section 11, 0-2, General Business Zone and be plaoed in Section 12, M-l Light Manutac'turing Zone. No. 10: 1. That Section 18, General provisions, paragraphflNOTlCES" be 81Iellded to read as follows: HOTIGi. All proposals for 8Ilending zone boundaries or classifications of property uses 1d.thin such zones as are defined by this ordinance, or the granting of variances as provided in Section 16 hereof, sha1l be set for public hearing by the Secret&r7 of the Planning Co1mdseion for hearings to be held before the Planning Commssion, and by the City Council tor hMriDg5 before it, notice ot which shall be given in the manner set forth 111 paragraphs 1,,2 hereof. The date of the first of the hearings before tlle Planning CODBiss1on shall be not less than ten (10) days nor more thai. forty (40) days from the time of filing or 'Such verified application or the adoption of such resolution, or the malting or such motion; provided, however, the Planning Coadssion need not hold more than one (1) hearing for the purpose of considering the granting of a variance. 2. In the case of an amendment to zoning boundaries, classification or reclassification of property uses, notice of such hearings shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulationin the city not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the proposed hearings,' and such notice shall set forth a description of the property under consideration, the nature of the proposed change and the time and place at which a public hearing or hearings on the matter will be held, and by mailing a notice not less than ten tlO) days prior to the date of the first of such hearings to the owners of property within the radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the property to be changed using for this purpose the last known name and address of such owners as shown upon the assessment roll or th1. Cotmty. Such notice shall contain' the same in- formation as is required :for published notices as above described. .3. In the case of' an amendment to the text of this ordinance, notice of hearings shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the 01 ty not less than ten days (10) days prior to the date ot the proposed hearings, and such notice shall set forth the nature of the proposed change and the time and place at which such hearings will be held on the matter. 4. In the case of an application for a variance, notice of the hearing on such applieation shall be made by mailing anotice not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing to the owners of property within a radius of three hundred (.300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the property tor whioh the variance is asked, using for this purpose the last known name and address of such owners as shvwn upon the assesSIIent roll of this County. Such notice shall set forth a description of the property under consideration, the nature of the proposed change, and the time and 24D City Hall. ll-.aheiDl. California. February 26. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. place at which a public hearing. on the matter will be held, and, as prescribed in Ordinance No. 774 of the Oitt of Anaheim, did duly hold and conduct two publiC hearings, did recelvf evidence and reports from persons in- terested ~herein. I J No. 11: That Seotion 15; Paragraph C; ,. 8Ilended to read as tollows: , !,Cornices, eaves, belt cour5es,~." sills, buttresses and fireplaces may extend or project into a requir " side yard not aore'than four (4) inches tor each one foot or the. width ot such side yard and may extend or project into a required tron~ or rear 7ard nor more than thirt)" (30) inches. ~ PEBMISSIBLE OOVDi.GE OF RBQUIDr BUR YARD: Canopies, open or closed, or ro fs connecting the aain building with the accesso17 buildings, ra.ay extend. into the required rear yard; provided that the horizontal area of anyone alone shall not exceed 25~ of the re- quired rear 7ard, and t)1at the orizontal area ot aTJ.'7 two or -.ore in combination, including accesso buildings, shall not exceed JIJ% of the area ot the required rear yard. Ho. 12: That Section 13-M-2 Heavy Manut~ctur1ng Paragraph A Use be 8Jlended to read as follows: i No. 13: J.. USE: 1. Any use pendttedi the M-l Zone EXCEPT: , ' (e) Any residential use, prort ed that a dwelling shall be~ pem1tted on the saae lot or parcel ot 1 ~ on which a tactory is located and such dwelling shall be used exclus1". y. by a caretaker or superintendent of such tacto17', and his taadl7. ! (b) Hospitals (except industrif1 .ergenoy hospitals.) , ( c) Hotels (d) Inst1tuti"ons of Haaes for treatment of Convalescent persons, children, aged persona, alcolholic5, the l'ounded or the mentally infirm. (e) Lodging Houses I (t) Schools. .lA~ (g) Trailers, when used tor hr, habitation, trailer parks. That Section 4: Section 1S, ptragraph C. Area, subparagraph L. Front Yard, it.- a. General detail () Is hereby _ended to read as follows: (1) Where lots on one side or' street between two intersecting streets are developed with buildings ha ng a front 7ard that does not conform to the front yard prescribed by t s ordinance by being greater or less than the prescribed front yard tor t e zone in which such buildings are located, the required front yard shall modified in the following manner, and no building hereafter erected or s, ructura1ly altered shall project beyond such modified required front 7atd line; i ~ (a) For purposes ot this para ph, a nODoontormingtront yard shall be deEllled to be an area as defined in this ordinance as const.ituting a front yard except that the depth the r shall be determined b)" the front of the existing main building on each ot having a nonconforming front yard, or a point distant, ine1ther direc. ion trom the! rear line of the required front yard and 8qua1 to 60% of t,he required depth of the front 7ard, wbicheTer is the closest to thejrear line of the required front yard. (b) 1'!1~ rear line of the mod1~" ~d required frrmt yard on each lot inter- vening between nonconforming r,. nt yards or between a nonoonforming front yard and a conforming front y , sha11 be established at a point on each such intervening lot formed by ,he intersection ot the line establishing the depth on each such lot and~. straight line drawn from the point of intersection ot the rear line 0" one non-conforming front yard as Iltahlllbod: in it_ (a) above and a point s. larly established on Ilhe occupied lot at the other side of such inte ening lots. Two public hearings by the Cityl Planning CoDrliss1on were held on the above proposed changes. No protests to the proposed Ch~geS we~e received by the City Council, and the reCOJlDlend,ations of the City Planning Coamdssion as contained in their Resolutlons Nos. 9, 10 and 11 were approved and the. ity Attorney instructed to prepare necessary resolutions. ORDIlUBCE NO. 797: Councilaan Heying o~ered Ordinance No. 797 and moved tor its 241 City Hall. Anaheim. California. February 26. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION ClBRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O~ANlHEIM AMENDING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 774 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ENTITLED !tAN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIc;tHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPT- ING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED IN THIS ORDINANCE: PROVIDING FOR ITS ADJUSTMENT, AMENIMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND RBPEALING OIlDINANCES OR PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT THEREWITH", BY CHANGING THE BOUNIWUES er ZONES R-l, 0-2 AND M-l. OOG LElSH LAW: Petition containing 204 signatures was sulmitted by the City Clerk to the Co\Ulcil of persons opDQsing the tentative dog leash:'~law. . The Council discussed some of the provisions ot the propo~ed ,Ordinance, and are working on an ordinanoe for presentation at a later date. ELECTION: The City Clerk presented a list ot Election Officers and Polling Places tor the consideration of the Oity Council; election to be held April 8, 1952. Councilman Van Vagqner moved the listed Election Officers and designated Polling places be accepted. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION ClRRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOIN'IMIlfTS: Mayor Pearson re-appointed E. P. Hapgood and J. E. Schlaacher as members on the C1 tyPlann1ng Commission for the three-year term ending January 31, 1955. Councilman Heying !loved the foregoing apJX>intments be ratified. Council- man Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION ClRRIED. PLAGENTIl AVENUE .lNNEX.lTION: On motion by" Councilman Heying, seconded by COlDlcilman 'Wisser, the City ,Attorney was instructed to prepare a R$solution to be nmbered 1929 gi~ng consent to the proponents to comaence and conduct proceedings tor the annex- ation to the City of Anaheim of the tertitory designated as Placentia Avenue Annexa- tion,f MOTION CJRRIED. . , CITY PLANNING COMMISSIONRESQLUTION NO. 17 - Application of C. A. Ziaermann No. F-51-52-6. At the City Planning CoJaission Meeting held February 18, 1'J52 the above Resolution No. 17 was adopted wherein tlley JIOYed to recommend to the City Council that application No. F-;1-52-6 be deD1ecl.. Facts determined as result of investigation and Public Hearings were: 1. This property is next to an R-l, Single F8Dli.lyRee1aential Zone. 2. The majority or the property owers in this R-l, Single Faai11 -Residential Zone protested the intrusion ot general commercial business so close to their haaes. 3. That tl:1e Pl~ng Commission allowed this subdivision to be built on South Los An&~les Street not too long ago. 4. That a C-2, General Commercial Zone might devaluate Single F8mily Residential values. 5. That, it changed to a 0-2, General Commercial Zone, any business allowed in this zone could be located on this property. 6. That the property in question 1s now zoned as R-J, Multiple Family Residential Zone, of which there is a great scarcity in the City. Councilman Heying 1IlOved the Council accept the recomm.endations ot the City Planning Commission and sustain their aatlons. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor replied to the article presented by the Administrative Officer on the purchase of the County of Orange of a Fire Truck and equipaent tor the unin- corporated territory ot Stanton; a ~tter that should be taken up with the League of' California Cities to see i.f this sort of expenditure ot General Fund Monies, raised largely in cities cannot be dispensed with. On motion by CouncilJllan Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney, the City Attorne7 was instructed to prepare Resolution to be nlDbered 1928 providing for the sale ot city property to the County of Orange for a Municipal Court Site. MOTION CARRIED. On motion br Councilaan Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying, that the City Attorney proceed with arrangElllents tor the purchase ot the Rust property at the stated price ot 13,100.00. MO'1I>lf CARRIED. COWlcilman Boney- lIOYed to adjourn to Tlmrsday, February 28, 1952 at 2:00 o'clock: P.M. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOlJRKED. SIGNED ~4~'~/~5L -.. Clerk 1 I