1957/05/28 2056 City Hall, Anaheim, Cal~fornia, May 28, 1907 - 7iOO PGMo The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular sessiono The meetinq was called to order by Mayor Pearton~ PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wissero ABSENT; COUNCILMENi None. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler, Presento CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERi Keith Ao Murdoch, Presento MINUTESi The Minutes of the regular meeting held May 14, 1957 and adjourned regular meeting held May 21, 1957, were approved on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIEIDo RESOLUTION NO. 3902: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No~ 3902 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF MAY 28, 1957. \$298,708.31) On roll call the forego~ngResolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOE S: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN; COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wissero None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS: PROJECT NO. 59: On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council- man Schutte, the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals, pursuant to Resolution No. 3867 and Legal Notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, May 14th and 21st, 1957, for the improvement of Center Street from Placentia Avenue to East Street, Project No. 59. MOTION CARRIEDo BIDS RECEIVED Sully-Miller Contracting Co. P. O. Box 432, Orange California (Accompanied by Certified Check Noo 9877 in the amount of $6,000000) $ 58,537003 R. J. Noble Company P. O. Box 620, Orange California (Accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of 10%) $ 56,383.97 Bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fryo MOTION CARRIEDo After tabulation, the City Engineer reported the Ro Jo Noble Company to be low bidder, ($56,383.97) and recommended the acceptance of said bido RESOLUTION NO. 3903: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution Noo 3903 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF CENTER STREET FROM PLACENTIA AVENUE TO EAST STREET, PROJECT NO. 598 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCI LMEN: COUNC I LMEN : Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedo - I 2057 City Hall, Anaheim, California, May 28, 1957 - 7;00 P.M. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING; MIDWOOD MANOR ANNEXATION; Public Hearin-g on the proposed annexation of inhabi ted terri tory known and de-~'gn-ated as the Midwood Manor Annexation was continued from May 14th, 1957 meeting to allow an additional ten (10) days for the filing of supplemental protests to said annexation. Mrs. B. A. Swanwick, reporter, was sworn in by Assistant City Attorney, Joseph Geisler, and requested to take down in shorthand the proceedings and to transcribe the same into longhand if requested to do so. The City Clerk was sworn in by Assistant City Attorney, Joseph Geisler, and questioned by Mr. Geisler regarding the protests filed and the valuations of properties, and the following report was submitted and read in full: STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that upon receipt of written protests to the inclusion of properties within the proposed MIDWOOD MANOR ANNEXATION, this office checked said written protests to determine the sufficiency thereof, and I FURTHER CERTIFY, that according to the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, State of California, the assessed valuation of privately owned property within said proposed annexation, is ................................................$ 496,380.00 AND, the assessed valuation of property appearing on the Public Utility Rolls, State of California, (Southern California Edison Company) is ............................................$ 3,120.00 AND, the assessed valuation of property appearing on the Public Utility Rolls, State of California, (Southern Pacific Railway Company) is ...........................................$ 480.00 AND, the assessed valuation of publicly owned property (Anaheim Union High School District) is........................$ 8,490.00 AND, the assessed valuation of publicly owned property (Anaheim School District) is...................................$ 4,350.00 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of all land, exclusive of improvements, within the area proposed for annexation, is.............................................$ 512,820.00 AND, I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of property, exclusive of improvements, owned by persons within said territory proposed to be annexed who have filed written protests on or before May 14, 1957, and whose ownership I have been able to verify, as previously reported, is.............................$ 580.00 AND, I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of property, exclusive of improvements, owned by persons within said territory proposed to be annexed who have filed a request to be excluded from said proposed annexation, as previously reported, is........................................................ 0.... $ 5,090.00 AND, during the period from May 14, 1957, through and including May 24, 1957, additional written protests have been filed by owners of property having an assessed valuation, ex- clusive of improvements, totaling .......................~.....$ 650.00 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of all written protests filed prior to and including the 24th day of May, 1957, exclusive of improvements, and according to the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, State of California, and whose ownership I have been able to verify, is.............$ 6,320.00 ",,;."'''.m....;"._:,,",~,,~.~~;_,,_;f'!~.&~,",'__,__~~...'..,~!""'~~~t' 2058 City Hall, Anaheim. California, May 28, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 28th day of May, 1957. ( SEAL) /s/ Dene M. Williams DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim Mayor Pearson asked if anyone wished to address the Council. There being no response, the Hearing was declared closed. - I Councilman Coons moved that it be the findings of this Council that the written protests filed and verified do not exceed the 50% stipulation, as indicated by law, and that this annexation be set for Public Election. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 3904. Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3904 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CALLING A SPECIA~ ELECTION ON THE 6TH DAY OF AUGUSr, 1957, IN A CERTAIN TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY Of ANAHEIM; PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF SUCH ELECTION AND SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS RESIDING IN SUCH TERRITORY THE QUESTION WHETHER SUCH TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN, AND MADE A PART OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PAY ITS PRO RATA PORTION, BASED UPON ASSESSED VALUATION, OF ALL THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OUTSTANDING ON THE 9TH DAY OF APRIL, 1957, OR THERETOFORE AUTHORIZED; DESCRIBING SAID TERRITORY AND DESIGNATING IT BY THE NAME OF "MIDWOOD MANOR ANNEXATION"; ESTABLISHING AN ELECTION PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID TERRITORY; APPOINTING THE OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR SAID SPECIAL ELECTION, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES. NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN : COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN : Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: NORTHEAST ANNEXATION NO.2-A: Public Hearing on proposed annexation of inhabited territory known and designated as Northeast Annexation No. 2-A was continued from the meeting held May 21, 1957, to allow additional time for the City Clerk to tabulate the valuations represented by the protests filed. Mrs. B. A. Swanwick, reporter, was sworn in by Assistant City Attorney, Joseph Geisler, and requested to take down in shorthand the proceedings, and to transcribe the same into longhand if requested to do so. The City Clerk was sworn in by Assistant City Attorney, Joseph Geisler, and questioned by Mr. Geisler regarding the protests filed and the valuations of properties, and the following report was submitted and read in full: STA TE OF CALI FORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that this office has che~ked the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, State of California, to ascertain the assessed value of the territory within the proposed annexation known and designated as the NORTHEAST ANNEXATION NO.2-A. 2059 City Hall, Anaheim, California, May 28, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. I FURTHER CERTIFY, that according to the last equalized assessemnt roll of the County of Orange, State of California, the assessed valuation of privately owned property within said pro- posed annexation, is......................m..~..8.~~.~..........$ 269,576.00 AND, the assessed valuation of publicly owned property (County of Orange)...................................m.o...m....$ 6,030.00 AND, the assessed valuation of p~blicly owned property (Orange County Water District)..............o...........o.......$ 1,952.00 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of all land, exclusive of improvements, within the area proposed for annexation, is............o.................................$ 277,558.00 AND, I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of property, exclusive of improvements, owned by persons within said territory proposed to be annexed who have filed written pro- tests and whose ownership I have been able to verify, including those persons requesting their names be withdrawn from said written protests, is.........................................m..$ 65,550.00 AND, IF FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of property, exclusive of improvements, owned by persons within said territory proposed to be annexed, request- ing their names be withdrawn from said written protests, is.....$ 17,300.00 AND, I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of properties, exclusive of improvements, which may be owned by persons within said territory proposed for annexation who have filed written protests to said annexation, but whose ownership I have not been able to verify by reason of irregularity in signature, or for other reasons, is....................................... $ 13,020.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 28th day of May, 1957m /s/ Dene M. Williams DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim (SEAL) Councilman Coons moved that it be the findings of this Council that the written protests filed and checked by the City Clerk do not indicate protests in excess of 50% of the assessed valuation of the area proposed for annexation. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Pearson asked if there were any questions. Brief discussion followed regarding the tabulation of the assessed valuation of the area excluding therefrom the valuations of the improvements on the properties. Councilman Schutte moved to extend the period for the filing of protests ten (10) days, to wit: Friday, June 7, 1957, 5:00 o9clock P. M. and.to continue the Public Hearinq to the next regular meeting to be held June "II. 1957. 7:00 o'clock P. M. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTIon CARRIED. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE NO. 733: Submitted by George King and Lloyd Hobbs, requesting permission to erect a 104 room Motel, Restaurant, Bar and Service Station on property located on the west side of South Harbor Blvd., between Ball Road and Katella Avenue. Hearing was continued from the May 14th, 1957 meeting to allow further investigation by the Council. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 210 granted said Variance, subject to: -.. ."'^-';",'~,_..,.,',.."._*"~!.,..Il<<._di'~_~__.'*- 2060 City Hall, Anaheim, Ca~ifornia, May 29, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. 1. The construction of the Motel in accordance with plans presented. 2. Engineering requirements. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. McCellum, Agent, addressed the Council advising that they had changed their plans deleting therefrom the Service Station. I~. Plans of the proposed development were submitted to the City Council for f/' their inspection. Communication from Anaheim Ministerial Union forwarding a copy of their letter sent to Mr. Disney regarding the proposed establishment was filed. No one present objected to the proposed Variance, and no written protests were received in the office of the City Clerk, thereupon, the Hearing was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 3905: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 3905, and moved for its passage and adoption, granting Variance No. 733, subject to conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commission, and further subject to the omission of the Service Station. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 733. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN : COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE NO. 73~: Submitted by Hahn Realty Company, requesting permission to erect a temporary directional sign at the northeast corner of the Santa Ana Freeway and Lincoln Avenue, advertising the sale of houses and lots within Tract No. 2317. (44 lots) The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 213 granted said Variance, subject to the nine conditions outlined by the City Council for such directional signs. Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council at their meeting held May 1, 1957. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. The Administrative Officer, Keith A. Murdoch, advised that the Housing Committee of the Chamber of Commerce suggested that the sign, as requested, could be a slgn that would be directional to the area being developed which might include several tracts in that area so as to eliminate a large number of signs having one sign suffice. The Secretary of the City Planning Commission, R. W. Mungall advised that at the meeting with the Chamber of Commerce representatives of three of the four subdividers interested in this sign were present and agreed to the one sign to have their individual names and locations, and stated they would design the sign for _Dresentation to the City Council for their aporovalo The plan being, when other developers come to this area, their names and locations would be added to the one sign. He further recommended the Variance be granted in the name of Hahn Realty Compnay. There being no further discussion, the Hearing was closedo RESOLUTION NO. 3906: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3906, granting Variance No. 736, subject to the conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commission, and further subject to the community use of the sign and the approval by the City Council of the design of the sign. Refer to Resolution Book, page "'!~ I -- I ---"i 2061 City Hall, Anaheim, California, May 28, 1957 - 7;00 PGM, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 736~ On roll call, the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE NO. 742; Submitted by Herbert E~ Lawson, request- ing permission to cut off one lot from property located on the north side of North Street, east of Loara Street and west of Redondo Drive. The City Planning Commission granted said Variance, pursuant to their Resolution No. 218, subject to: 1. The erection of the buildings in accordance with the plans presented. 2. Engineering requirements. Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council at their meeting held May 1, 1957. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Plans of the proposed improvement were presented, and an invitation was extended to those interested to come forward and look at the plans. A group of people came forwarded, and discussion was held. The purchaser of the property advised that the lot was too expensive to construct only single story units. Councilman Wisser moved that the Hearing be continued to the next meeting of the City Council to be held June 11, 1957, 7:00 o'clock P. M. to allow for further investigation. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED" RESOLUTION NO. 3907: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution Noo 3907 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE PUMPING PLANT AND FORCE MAIN. UNIT IV, OF THE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SE~~R AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE THEREOF. (Orange County Sanitation District No.1) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT REPORT - DIEHL, EVANS AND COMPANY: Report for the six month period ending December 31, 1956 and report for the nine month period ending March 31, 1957, was submitted, discussed and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. . MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORTS: Additional reports for the month of April, 1957 were submitted and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. 2062 City Hall, Anaheim. California~ May 28. 1957 - 7:00 PoM. FRANK G. CALKINS - DUMP TRUCKS: Frank G. Calkins requested permission to temporarily store four (4) dump trucks on his property (R=l zone) at 1726 East Santa Ana Street, until such time as he can sell the property and relocateo The City Council granted Mro Calkins ninety (90) days to use the lot for the storage of trucks, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIEDo - PETITION OF PROTESTS TO FROELIC-RENSKO CHICKEN RANCH: Petition containing forty- eight (48) signatures, submitted. by Sam Collins, Lawyer, protesting the operation of the Froelic-Rensko chicken ranch at 1160 and 1170 North West Street as con~ stituting a public nuisance, was submitted and read. Report of the Orange County Health Department dated April 15, 1957, which included inspection made of this ranch, finding this ranch to be "Commercially clean" was submitted and read" Mr. Joe Walters addreSSed the Council, regardin~ the number of flies in the immediate area from this tanch, and that the ranch trom whIch he purChases eggs does not have this problem, therefore he believed something could be done a~ut this situation. Mr. Sam Eo Collins, Attorney, addressed the Council and stated that they were not trying to rid the community of this business, they were only trying to get rid of the many flieso He reminded the Council of their right to abate a nuisance, and in his opinion, this was definitely injurious to the health of the nearby residents. Mayor Pearson was of the opInIon that the rancher should be given the right and opportunity to correct this problem. Councilman Coons stated it appeared that the Daly Ranch has in effect an operation that will eliminate the flies, and suggested that the City Attorney contact Mr. Daly to determine what their operations are so that it may be possible to apply their operation procedure to all chicken ranches thereby allowing them to successfully operate within the city. Mr. Murdoch suggested that the solution to this problem might be through the Poultrymens' Association. The City Council requested the City Attorney to contact Commissioner Phillips to determine what has been worked out with the Poultrymens' Association, and that this matter be referred to the Administrative Officer and City Attorney for investigation and recommendation. RESOLUTION NO. 3908: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3908 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT IN, ON AND OVER CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Arcturious-Ursa Homes-Taurus Homes-Sirius) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES; NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN : COUNCI LMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wissero None" None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted~ RESOLUTION NO. 3909: Councilman Coons offered Resolution NOD 3909 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page 2063 City Hall. Anaheim. California. May 28. 1957 ~ 7:00 PoMo A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Edward Jo Fisher) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES; NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wissero None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3910: Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 3910 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLU dON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES~ (Euclid Shopping Center) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and ad9pted by the following vote: AYES: NOE S ; ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3911: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No~ 3911 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Rene Quatacker) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YE S : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PLUMBER BONDS: Plumber Bonds filed by the following, were ordered received and filed when approved by the City Attorney, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED Duke's Plumbing (McClary and Houte) Ed McDonald Plumbing & Heating Coo Bo K. Stoneman Sons MAGNOLIA.WINSTON ANNEXATION: Orange County Boundary Commi.ssion Report dated May 20, 1957 finding the boundaries of proposed annexation known and designated as Magnolia-Winston Annexation to be reasonably definite and certain, was ordered received and filed~ PERSONNEL; City Administrative Officer, Keith A. Murdoch reported the appoint- ment of the following personnel: Daisy Rose Vuksanovich, Typist PBX - Police Department. Irene Pearl Hannon, Clerical, Part-time, Police Department. Edward John Chmiel, Patrolman, Police Department. Albert NMI Brierly, Lineman, Public Utilities Department. James Peter Balk, Lineman, Public Utilities Department. 2064 City Hall, Anaheim, Ca~ifornia, May 28, 1957 - 7:00 P~M. Said appointments were approved by the City Council on motion by Council- man Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte~ MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1142: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance Noo 1142 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE V, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 5210.4 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE. (Cost of weed eradication by City) On roll call the foreg~ing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: ~earson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1143: Ordinance NO. 1143 entitled, HAn Ordinance of the City of Anaheim amending Article VI, Cha~ter 2, Part 2, of the Anaheim Municipal Code by adding thereto a new section to be numbered 6230.6" was submitted for final reading. A gentleman in the audience addressed the Council opposing the enactment of this Ordinance, and stated his reasons therefore. Thereupon said Ordinance was referred back to the City Attorney for possible revision. ORDINANCE NO. 1144: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1144 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IV, CHAPTER 2, PART 6 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION TO BE NUMBERED 4287.1. (Loi terinq) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adoptede ORDINANCE NO. 1145: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1145 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 9200.17 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A NEW PARAGRAPHo (General Procedure provisions reqarding notices to property owners) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1147: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1147 for first read- ing and moved for its passage and adoption. 2065 City Hall. Anaheim. California. May 28. 1957 - 7:00 P.Mo AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TE~1S USED THEREIN, PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRE- SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITHo (F-56-57-55 - C-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1147, and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1148: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance Noo 1148 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-55-~6-36 - C-3 & C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1148, and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LICENSE: Communication dated May 22, 1957 from Union Pacific Railroad Company with reference to renewing an agreement which will expire August 28, 1957, covering license for an 8-inch concrete pipe line for conveying waste water on Railroad's right-of-way between Julianna and Wilhelmina Streets was referred to the City Engineer for re- commendation. MAGNOLIA SCHOOL DISTRICT - RECREATION SITE: Communication dated May 22, 1957 from the Magnolia School District regarding joint school-park program on the grounds of the Mattie Lou Maxwell School, corner of Magnolia and Orange Avenues, was submitted and read. Councilman Coons moved that the letter be referred to the Admin- istrative Officer for investigation and further report to the Council. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIEDo METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT: Copies of letters from Robert Be Diemer to the Board of Directors regarding recommended construction of specified facilities and supplementing the capacity of existing West Basin feeder, together with Policy Statement adopted by the Board of Directors were referred to the Administrative Officer. PROPERTY LEASE: REDEL INCORPORATED: Copy of letter from Redel Incorporated dated May 20, 1957 assigning option to purchase rights to Mro and Mrs. Jay w. DeDapper, per lease between the City of Anaheim and Redel Incorporated dated September 1956, together with notice from Mro DeDapper of his intentions to exercise said rights, was submitted and read. The Administrative Officer was authorized to enter into necessary escrow, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. 3248: Subdivider, Euclid Property Management Incorporated. Located 332 feet south of West La Palma Avenue on the west side of Euclid Avenue. The City Planning Commission approved said Tentative Map, Tract No. 3248, subject to: 1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation sites on Lots 2-13. 2. Engineering requirements. 2066 City Hall, Anaheim, Cailifornia, May 2g, 1957 - 7~OO P.M. The City Council approved Tentative Map of Tract No. 3248, subject to conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commission, and further subject to the completion of annexation proceed~n9s, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP. TRACT NO. 2499: Subidvider, Hintz Construction Company. Located on the northeast corner of South Euclid and Crone Avenues. The City Planning Comm~ssion approved said Tentative Map of Tract Nos 2499, subject to: 1. The payment of $2~.00 per lot for th~ acquisition of Park and Recreation sites. 2. Engin~~ring requir~m~ntso The City Council approved Tentative Map of Tract No. 2499, subject to conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commission, on motion by Councilman Schutt~, s~conded by Councilman Wiss~ro MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP. TRACT NO. 3251~ Subdivider, William Gutosky. Located at the southwest corner of South East and East Santa Ana Streetso Tract contains 11 multiple family residential lots on South East Street, and 13 light manufacturing lots with street widening from East Santa Ana Street. The City Planning Commission approved said Tentative Map of Tract No. 3251, subject to: 1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation sites on Lots 1-11, which will be used for residential purposes. 2. The improvement of a 20-foot alley from the west point of the cul-de-sac to South East Street which will line up with the pro- posed alley which will extend from South Street north to Water Street. 3. Engineering requirements. Discussion was held regarding the parking situation that could be created by the different types of manufacturing concerns in the employment of their necessary personnel. With reference to the lot marked "not a part of this subdivision", the gentlemen representating McDaniel Engineering Company advised, that the subdivider will put in the street improve~ents fronting this parcel, and the parcel can be given a lot number, if it is the city's wish9 this property was retained by the former owner. Councilman Coons moved that Tentative Map of Tract No. 3251 be approved, subject to conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commission, and further subject to the working out of proper deed restrictions by the Administrative Officer, Engineering firm and owner to take care of the parking problem. Said restrictions to be presented with the map on its final approval. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP~ TRACT NO. 3266: Subdivider, Mira Flores Incorporated. Located at the northwest corner of Trident Street and Ball Road. The City Planning Commission approved said Tentative Map of Tract No. 3266, subject to: 1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation sites. 2. Engineering requirements. The City Council aporoved Tentative Map of Tract No. 3266, subject to conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commission, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP, TRACT NO. 3183: Located at the northeast corner of Vennont Avenue and Citron Street. 2067 City Hall, Anaheim, California, May 28, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, reported that the Final Map of Tract No. 3183 was substantially the same as the Tentative Map previously filed, that all necessary fees have been paid, and recommended approval of said map. Final Map of Tract No. 3183 was approved, subject to engineering requirements, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP~ TRACT NO. 3216: Located on Orangewood and Euclid Avenues. City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, reported that the Final Map of Tract No. 3216 was substantially the same as the Tentative Map previously filed, that required bond has been posted and necessary fees paid, and recommended approval of said map. Final Map of Tract No. 3216 was approved, subject to engineering requirements, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP~ TRACT NO. 2370: Located on Nutwood Street and Cerritos Avenue. City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, reported that the Final Map of Tract No. 2370 was substantially the same as the Tentative Map previously filed; that required bonds have been posted and necessary fees paid, and recommended approval of said map. Final Map of Tract No. 2370 was approved, subject to engineering requirements, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP, TRACT NO. 3222: Located on Los Angeles Street south of Vermont Avenue. City Engineer, George E. Holyoke reported that the Final Map of Tract No. 3222 was substantially the same as Tentative Map previously filed; all necessary fees have been paid, and recommended approval of said map subject to the developer completing agreement with the city regarding the improvement bonds. Final Map of Tract No. 3222 was approved, subject to engineering requirements, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 3912: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3912 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE DEPOSI T IN ESCROW VJI TH CALI FORNIA BANK OF ANAHEIM CALI FORNI A BY MIRA-FLORE S, INCORPORATED OF FUNDS REQUIRED FOR THE FURNISHING, INSTALLATION AND COMPLETION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM IN TRACT NO. 3222; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR AND ON BE- HALF OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM WITH MIRA-FLORES INCORPORATED. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S : NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN : COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN : Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3913: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3913 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM EMPLOYING ROWLAND & JOHNSTON, FRED V. JOHNSTON, ARCHITECT, TO RENDER ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PURCHASING OFFICES AT 518 SOUTH LOS ANGELES STREET IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM; AND PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION THEREFORE. '~~."\,ii"'.kO'+",'''''~~,''~''_'''''~~,jl~._~".;,.~..~_,,"'...''~~~~. '" .,. 2068 City Hall, Anaheim, California, May 28, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I V,~EN : COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN. Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF S~EEL DECK GRANDSTAND: George E. Holyoke, City Engineer, certified that the Pittsbur9h-D~s Moines Steel Co. have completed the construction of a steel grandstand with press box in La Palma Park in accordance with plans and specifications, and recommended the work be officially accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 3914: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3914 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CORRECT, CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE CERTAIN MINOR ITEMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: A STEEL-DECK GRAND STAND, WITH PRESS ~Q~L~J LA_ PALMA pARK IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCiLMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser, None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. COMMUNICATION: Communication from Harold M. Simpson, dated May 18, 1957 regarding a nuisance created by the presence of crows near his residence was referred to the City Administrative Officer. REQUEST FOR REFUND-BUSINESS LICeNSE: Requested refund in the amount of $30.00, paid for business license, submitted by Hurley R. Talpis, Attorney on behalf of Selectile Company, Inc. was submitted and read. Refund request was denied by the City Council, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST FOR REFUND-FILING FEE: Requested refund in the amount of $25.00 paid for filing fee accompanying application for dance hall permit, submitted by Glenn A. Stroud (Harmony Park Ballroom) was authorized by the City Council, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS: Request of R. E. Duffy for waiver L~. of sidewalk co~struction at this time, on property fronting the Peter Pan Motor Lodge, 2029 South Harbor Blvd. was submitted and read. Mr. Holyoke, City Engineer, recommended that a temporary waiver of curb and sidewalk requirements be granted until such time as the grade can be established and the construction required by the city. /Yvj On the recommendations of the Ci ty Engineer, sidewalk construction be ' - temporarily waived on property fronting the Peter Pan Motor Lodge, 2029 South Harbor Blvd., on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. PURCHASE OF AIR COMPRESSOR: The Administrative Officer, reported on the following informal quotations received for the purchase of an Air Compressor, and recommended the purchase of the Ingersoll-Rand. Jaeger Model 125, Rotary Compressor ......................$3,655.60 (Smith Booth Usher Co., Los Angeles) Ingersoll-Rand, Gyro-Flo, Gru-125 ........................$3,931.46 (Blystone Equipment Co., Santa Ana) I l I I 2069 City Hall, Anaheim, California, May 28, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. Councilman Coons moved that the purchase be made of the Ingersoll- Rand Compressor due to the fact that this compressor fits the specifications of the truck on which it will be mounted. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 750: Submitted by the City of Anaheim, Beatrice M. Miller, Finance Director and authorized agent, requesting oermission to cut off one lot on Glencrest Avenue (60.77'x 99~99') and two lots on Crescent Avenue (59.3951 x 99.99') to be sold for single family residential use. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 234 granted said variance, subject to: 1. The installation of sidewalks on Crescent Avenuee The curbs are in on both Crescent Avenue and Glencrest Avenue with a sidewalk on Glencrest. 2. The screening of pump house with a suitable planting or fence. No action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 751: Submitted by J. F. and Eugenia May Snyder, requesting permission to cut off one lot (60' x 215') from property described as 7642 Cypress Street. The City Planning CommiSSion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 235 granted said variance, subject to: 1. The installation of curbs and gutters along Cypress Street. 2. The installation of sidewalks at such a time as they are put in by other property owners on the street. No action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 752: Submitted by J. C. Johnson and Dr. M. H. Walker, requesting permission to construct a rest home on the property described as 8392 North Gilbert Avenue. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resol~tion No~ 236 granted said variance, subject to: 1. The erection of the building in accordance with the plans presented. 2. The installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks along G~lbert Street. 3. Surrounding the rest home with a suitable 6-foot fence. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by residents on Gilbert Street, and Public Hearinq ordered to be held June 11, 1957, 7:00 o'clock P.M. on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 753: Submitted by Kenneth K. Kimes, requesting permission to construct a 24-unit motel and swimming pool on property located at 1759 West Street. The City Planning CommiSSion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 237 granted said variance, subject to the erection of the building in accordance with the plans presented. No action was taken by the City Council. AMENDED RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-65: Instituted by the City Planning Commission, at the request of the City Council, changing to C-l zoning property described briefly as located on the east side of Euclid Avenue be- tween Cerritos Avenue and Chanticleer Road. Public Hearinq was ordered to be held on this amended reclassification June 11, 1957. .,i'_,...,......,~.....__~_..,."'-__.....,_,~,~,",..!*(_.".,.*-..._~ 2070 City Hall, Anaheim, C~lifornia, May 28, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-76:. Insti tuted by the Ci ty Planning Commission, changing to M-l zoning that property within the Southeast Annexation which is located on the east side of South Placentia Avenue between Ball Road and Cerritos Avenue. Public Hearinq was ordered to be held June 18, 1957, 7;00 o'clock P. M. on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. ~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-69~ Submitted by Reb-Jet Incorporated, requesting R-3 zoning on property described as located on the east side of Haster Street Between Orangewood and Simmons Avenue. Public Hearinq was ordered to be held June 18, 1957. 7:00 o'clock P. M. on motion by Councilman Cdons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 232: Recommending to the City Council the incorporation in Section 9200.11 A. USE'- 5 a. the following, "no resident- ial use shall be oermitted in this zone (M-l) except those required for secur.ity personnel". Resolution of recommendation was referred to the City Attorney. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLU1ION NO. 233: Recommending to the City Council that Poultry Ranches be incorporated into the M-l zone with the following restri cti ons: 1. A new subdivision is established on the boundary of an M-l zone ne~t to an existing Poultry Ranch, the subdivider should put in a lOG-foot buffer zone between the Puultry Ranch and the subdivision and if no fence exists, a 6-foot solid fence or wall must be put in by the subdivider. -, 2. Where a new Poultry Ranch is established on the boundary of an M-l zone, where a subdivision presently exists, the Poultry Ranch shall establish the 100-foot buffer zone and erect a 6-foot solid fence or wall, if none presently existso 3. Where on the boundary of an M-l zone, a new Poultry Ranch and a new subdivision are established concurrently, a 50-foot buffer zone will be provided by each, and the cost of a solid fence or wall will be equally divided. 4. Where a Poultry Ranch exists in an M-l zone, and a new industry adjoins said Ranch, it shall be the obligation of the owners of the industrial property to erect an industrial fence with a planting on their side of the fence of Eucalyptus, Gobulus, Compacta, or a similar planting as a screeno 5. If the above condition in No.4 are reversed, it shall be the requirement of the Poultry Ranch to put up a fence, in none exists, and plant the screening. Resolution No. 233 of the City Planning Commission was referred to the City Attorney for preparation of necessary Ordinance changing the Anaheim Municipal Code as recommended. CANCELLATION OF COUNTY TAXES: It was moved by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, that the Orange County Board of Supervisors authorize the cancellation of County Taxes on property purchased by the City of Anaheim for public purposes, pursuant to Resolution Noo 37720 (Anaheim Boys' Center, Ince) MOTION CARRIED/) ORDINANCE NO. 1120 (Amending Section 6100.76 - Professions and Trades, Business Licenses) Inquiry was made regarding the necessity of licensing real estate salesmen, and the Administrative Officer advised that a survey was being made City Hall, Anaheim, California, May 28, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. to determine how this situation is handled by other cities of the County. TIME LIMIT - COUNCIL AGENDA: Councilman Coons moved that the Agenda for all council meetings be closed at 5:00 o'clock Po M. on the Thursday preceding the meeting. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Wisser moved to adjournt Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED~r SIGNED . ~. ~__,..~..~ Ci ty Clerk 1I1"'",,,,,,#~,,",,,,,~~>!~,"",""'::,:~_"'!lI".'i'\i#:'-3~..ilW'-I~~ 2071