1957/10/08 2289 City Hall, Anaheim~ California, October 8, 1957 = 7:00 PoMo The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wissero ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Fryo CITY ATTORNEY; PrestoQ Turner~ PresentG CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER~ Keith Au Murdoch, Presento .JUNUTES: The Minutes Of the regular meeting held September 24~ 1957 and the adjourned regular meeting held October 1, 1957, were approved on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coonso MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 4137: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution Noo 4137 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF OCTOBER 8, 1957, {$410,635.14) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: CO Uf\(; I LMEN : COUNC I LMEN : Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wissero None) Fry, The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptede BID PROPOSALS - JOB NO. 150: On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte, the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals, pursuant to Resolution Noo 4106 and legal notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, September 24th and October 1st, 1957 for the Orangewood Avenue Street Improvement from Ninth Street to 550 feet West of Ninth Street, Job Noo 1500 MOTION CARRIED. BIDS RECEIVED Griffith Company 1060 South Broadway Los Angeles 15, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of $300000) $2,588,,00 Sull y-.Mi ller Contractor p" 00 Box 432 Orange, California (Accompanied by Certified Check Noo 12210 in the amount of $350~00) 2,356050 R~ 10 Noble Company P. Oe Box 620 Orange, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 2,120,,00 On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Coons, all bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and reporto MOTION CARRIED. After tabulation, George Eo Holyoke, City Engineer, reported the Ro Jo Noble Company to be low bidder ($2,120~OO) and recommended the acceptance of said bido RESOLUTION NO. 4138: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No~ 4138 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLAN!, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE ~QRANGEWOOD AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT, FROM NINTH STREET TO 550 FEET WEST OF NINTH STREET ~ JOB NO. 1500 .",'*'"',..........,';.~.".,'".,..?.,"'", ,..~~.c."..;._'*'_.;,.,~.._~"'.,.~<"...,.;.,.".......~.~,;~,~=_._"'....~;..."''''''''''" ."f~.."""_""""""'",.- 2290 City Hall, Anaheim. Ca~ifornia, October 8, 1957 - 7:00 PoMo On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wissero Nloneo Fry The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedo BID PROPOSALS ~ JOB NO. 151: On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons, the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals, pursuant to Resolution No. 4105 and legal notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, September 24 and October 1, 1957, for the improvement of Palm Street from Harbor Boulevard to Ball Road, Job No. 151. MOTION CARRIED. BIDS RECEIVED Griffith Company 1060 South Broadway Los Angeles 15, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of $600000) $ 5,713094 Sully-Miller Contracting Coo Po Oe Box 432 Orange, California (Accompanied by Certified Check No~ 12209 in the amount of $700 00) 5,384e75 R. J. Noble Company P. O. Box 620 Orange, California (Accompanied by a bi.d bond in the amount of 10%) 5,325010 On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons, all bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and reportG MOTION CARRIEDo After tabulation, George E Holyoke, Ci Engineer~ reported the Ro Jo Noble Company to be low bidder ($5~325 10\ and recommended the acceptance of said bid. RESOLUTION NO. 4139: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution Noo 4139 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND .AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF PALM STREET, FROM HARBOR BOULEVARD TO BALL ROAD, JOB NO~ 151" On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the foIlowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. None.. Fryo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~ID PROPOSALS - JOB NOe 1106: On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser, the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals, pursuant to Resolution No. 4104 and legal notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, September 24 and October 1, 1957, for the Loara=Broadway Sewer Latteral, in Loara Street from 150 feet south of Lincoln Avenue to an existing manhole 550 feet north of Alomar Avenue, and in Broadway from Loara Street to Adams Streeto MOTION CARRIEDe BIDS RECEIVED Izzi Construction 4819 N.. Arden Drive Temple City, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) $ 18,168eOO .".""'.""~'."."'.*._-~'""",.""""-,",,-~,_. ,.,..._",.., 2291 City Hall, Anaheim, California, October 8, 1957 - 7:00 P.Mo F. J. Moran & Son 610 Holt Boulevard Ontario, California Leo Weiler Company 10616 Stanford Ave~ Garden Grove, California O'Shaughnessy Construction COB 12934 Imperial Highway Norwalk, California Barnett Bros~ Construction Coo 13152 Century Boulevard Garden Grove, California M. Miller Company 877 Bunker Hill Avenue Los Angeles 12, California J. P~ S. Contracting Company, Inc. 12084 Westminster Blvd. Santa Ana, California Plumbing Contractors, Inc~ 11662 E. Westminster Blvd. Garden Grove, California Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of $2,000000) $ 19,795..30 (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 18,024.27 (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 15,259.00 'Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 17,846.40 (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 29,260.25 (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 13,406060 (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 12,849.75 On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte, all bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report. After tabulation, George E0 Holyoke, City Engineer, reported the Plumbing Contractors, Inca to be low bidder ($12,849075) and recommended the acceptance of said bid. RESOLUTION NO. 4140: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution Noo 4140 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE LOARA-BROADWAY SEWER LATERAL IN LOARA STREET FROM 150 FEET SOUTH OF LINCOLN AVENUE TO AN EXISTING MANHOLE 550 FEET NORTH OF ALOMAR AVENUE, AND IN BROADWAY FROM LOARA STREET TO ADAMS STREET, JOB NO. -11060 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NO E S : ABSENT: COUOC I LMEN: CODOC I LMEN : COUOCILMEN : Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. Noneo FrY3 The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS - JOB NO. 1107: On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons, the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals, pursuant to Resolution No. 4103 and legal notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, September 24 and October 1, 1957, for the Romneya-Cypress Sewer Lateral, in Romneya Drive from 660 feet west of Placentia Avenue to Placentia Avenue, and northerly on Cypress Avenue to a point 670 feet south of Orangethorpe ~venue. MOTION CARRIED. M. Miller Company 877 N. Bunker Hill Avenue Los Angeles 12, California BIDS RECEIVED (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) $ 23,756.55 _- . N ,.. ..'4_..,..,~ _ '..'_~_~._.' _".._~, ....'-_.....,...._""...._""''"''....., ."',..'"'.."..".'''*'..A''~~..=~" 2292 City Hall, Anaheim. Ca+ifornia. October 8. 1957 - 7:00 P~M~ Barnett Brothers Const. Coo 13152 Century Boulevard Garden Grove, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) $ 31,885..90 J.P.S. Contracting Coo, Inco 12084 Westminster Blvd. Santa Ana, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 20,659035 Plumbing Contractors, Inco 11662 Ee Westminster Blvdo Garden Grove, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 20,262075 Leo Weiler Company 10616 Stanford Avenue Garden Grove, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 20,085.95 F. J. Moran & Son 610 E. Holt Blvd. Ontario, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of $2,000.00) 16,519.70 On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Coons, all bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and reportc After tabulation, George E. Holyoke, City Engineer, reported Fa J~ Moran & Son to be low bidder ($16,519070) and recommended the acceptance of said bido RESOLUTION NO 4141: Councilman Coons offered Resolutlon Noo 4141 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution BOQk, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE ROMNEYA-CYPRESS SEWER LATERAL, IN ROMNEYA DRIVE FROM 660 FEET WEST OF PLACENTIA AVENUE TO PLACENTIA AVENUE. AND NORTHERLY ON CYPRESS AVENUE TO A POINT 670 FEET SOUTH OF ORANGETHORPE AVENUE. JOB NO. 1107. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. Noneo Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS - WORK ORDER 1526: On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte, the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals, pursuant to Resolution No. 4108 and legal notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, September 24 am October 1, 1957, for furnishing and installing one electrically driven, deep well, turbine type pumping unit, including concrete base, in Well Noo 12, in the City of Anaheim with credit allowance for existing pump 1n well@ MOTION CARRIED. BIDS RECEIVED Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 4535 South Soto Street Los Angeles 58, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of $650~00) Net Price $ 6,190,,00 Byron Jackson Pumps, Inc. (Accompanied by a Certified 2300 E. Vernon Avenue Check, No. 11064, in the amount Los Angeles, California of $800.00) 6,599.92 Johnston Pump Company 3272 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena, California (Accompanied by Certified Check No. 2640 in the amount of $630000) 6,106.76 ~_.- .,.......-. "..4'... __.__.~._._.~__. 2293 City Hall, Anaheim, California, October 8, 1957 ~ 7:00 PoMo Peerless Pump Division Food Machinery and Chemical Corpo 301 Wo Avenue 26 Los Angeles 31, California (Accompanied by a bid bond i. n the amount 0 f 10%) $ 5,950,,28 On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons, all bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report. After tabulation, George Eo Holyoke, City Engineer, reported the Peerless Pump Division of Food Machinery & Chemical Corpo to be low bidder ($5,950028) and recommended the acceptance of said bido RESOLUTION NO. 4142; Councilman Schutte offered Resolution Noo 4142 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANt, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: FURNISHING AND INSTALL+NG ONE ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN, DEEP WELL, TURBINE TYPE .EUMPING UNIT, INCLUDIN~ CONCRETE BASE~ IN WELL NO. 12. IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM WITH CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR_EXJSTING PUMP IN WELL, WORK ORDER NO. 1526G On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YE S : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIUv1EN: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. None. Fry, The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedG pUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE NO. 821: Submitted by Gm E~ Earp, requesting permission to erect four, one-bedroom apartments (two story) at 12822 Midway Drive (south side of Midway Drive, between Clementine and Lemon Streets). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution Noo 50, Series 1957-58, granted said Variance, subject to a revision of the location on the lot so that code requirements as to yard spaces, set-backs and parking are mete Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council for the presentation of the required revised plot plan. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. He W~ Munga1l, Secretary of the City Planning Commission, pre- sented the revised plot plan of the proposed development. No one present at the meeting objected to the granting of the Variance and no written protests were received in the office of the City Clerk, thereupon, the Mayor declared the hearing closed~ RESOLUTION NO. 4143: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4143 and moved for its passage and adoption, granting Variance No. 821 as per altered plans submitted providing that the applicant turns his building 900 on the property and provides for four parking spaces on the area, and further, there be a minimum of 10 feet space from the existing structure. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 821. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ",.. ~'.~,....~-">~.+,,,,"~~"",,,,~ 2294 City Hall, Anaheim, Ca1ifornia, October 8, 1957 ~ 7:00 P.MG A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wissero Noneo Fryo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. pUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATI~ NO. F-57-58-8: Submitted by Leonard Smith, re- questing M-l zoning on property located at 411-415 South Claudina Street0 The City Planning Comm~ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 65, Series 1957-58, recommended said Reclassification, subject to the erection of the building in accordance with the plans submittedo Communication dated October 4, 1957 from Chester C@ Rodieck, owner of property to the North, was submitted and read, approving the proposed reclassification. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. No one present addressed the Council in opposition to the proposed re- classification and no written protests were received in the office of the City Clerk, thereupon, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 4144: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 4144 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the preparation of necessary Ordinance changing the zone as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-57-58-8 M-l) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. None" Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-57-58-3: Submitted by Brandes and Gordon, requesting M-l zoning on property located at 216 and 222 South Manchester Avenue (east side of Manchester at the corner of West Broadway and South Thalia Street). Hearing on this matter was held by the City Council at their meeting of October 1, 1957, at which time said hearing was closed and action deferred by the City Council to this date for receipt of City Planning CommissionQs report re- lative to performance standards for noise. The following recommendations from Mr. Ro W. Mungall, Planning Director, was submitted and read: Memorandum with reference to Reclassification No. F-57-58-3, John G. Brandes, Elizabeth A. and Robert W. Gordon, requesting M-l zoning_ Performance Standards for Noise: Any use established on this property, if reclassified to M-l, Light Manu- facturing, shall conform to the Standards for Noise as hereby set forth: A. Sound levels shall be measured with a Sound Level Meter and Associated Octave Band Filter manufactured to Standards prescribed by the American Standards Association. '""i"'",jj""<;C'}"~""":'0,,",,,;bj;"i'."_'__4.~~,,,~*._.;;i:i&._*,:.~''''i.;:;'it~4"~,*,,'"~i;0,~':',,,:oO'''''<;;>''~:'-''~..~~. --'",-_..-, 2295 City Hall. Anaheim. California. October 8, 1957 - 7:00 P,M, B~ OCTA VE BAND IN CYCLES PER SECOND IIF NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL MAX. IN DECIMALS PERMITTED IF COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL MAX. IN DECI- MALS PERMITTED 7 A~Mo-7 P~M~ 7 P"Mo-7 AoM.. 0 - 75 72 69 79 76 150 67 54 74 151 = 300 59 47 66 301 600 52 41 59 601 '..::.;.:J 1200 46 37 53 1201 .~ 2400 40 34 47 2401 = 4800 34 31 41 Over 48100 32 28 39 Co These values to be measured at the boundaries of the propertyo Do No Sunday work permitted on account of churcho Discussion was held regarding the conditions as recommended by the Planning Director and it was further reported that the standards for noise have been adopted by several cities, including the City of Los Angeleso The Pastor of the adjacent church appeared to have no objections to the reclassification~ subject to the recommendations of the Planning Director" RESOLUTION NO. 4145~ Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 4145 and moved for its passage and adoption9 authorizing the preparation of necessary Ordinance changing the zone as requested, subject to the filing of M-l deed restrictions, which are to include the specification regarding sound and prohibiting Sunday work, as recommended by the Planning Director and noted aboveo Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F~57=o58=,3 M~l) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ Coons~ Schutte and Wisser. None Fryo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted~ CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ~, VARIANCE NO" 798: Submi tted by Horace To Crain, requesting permission to have an auto electric repair and tune-up shop with the required amount of supplies on property described as 8942 EQ Lincoln Avenue (south side of Lincoln Avenue, between M~gnolia and Dale Avenues) 0 Public hearing was continued from the meeting held October 1, 1957 for the presentation of plans showing the re=design of the exterior of the building for more attractive appearance0 The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Councilo Revised plans were presented by Councilman Coons who stated that due to a previous engagement, Mr Crain could not be presento Said plans were reviewed and approved by the City Counci1e No one present addressed the Counci 1 'ei theT favoring or opposing the granting of the Variance, thereupon, the Mayor declared the hearing closedo RESOLUTION NOe 4146: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution Noo 4146 and moved for its passage and adoption9 granting said Variance, subject to the recommendation of the City Planning Commission and further subject to the revised plans as .,. -~ "L"",.,_-=,~i;~,~....c_..-.:,:c_.:""...,d'~:":..",,,.c"'_,~:,,==-,,,,,,,,,__~:,~.._',._'_ -......,".:~::._.c,._":""_:;i-:::.=;_.",,:,;;..__.,, 2296 City Hall, Anaheim, Cafifornia, October 8, 1957 - 7:00 P"Mo submitted and the agreed 28 foot setbacko Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 798, On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fOllowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wissero Noneo Fry@ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopteda VARIANCE NO. 811: Submitted by Jerry Vo Maler, et aI, requesting permission to construct and operate a 30 unit motel on property located at 2437 Wo Lincoln Avenue (north side of Lincoln Avenue, between Gilbert Street and Magnolia Avenue) 0 Public hearing was held on this matter September 17, 1957, at which time said hearing was closed with action to be taken at the meeting of October 8, 1957. Requested report regarding survey with reference to setback lines was not available, due to the adjournment of the City Planning Commission prior to acting on this matter; this matter to come before the City Planning Commission at their meeting to be held October 14, 19570 Action was further postponed to October 15, 1957 for the report of the City Planning Commission, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY~ Action on request for permit to construct spur track across Placentia Avenue, north of Orangewood Avenue, was de- ferred by the City Council unti.l report from the State Highway Division has been received8 REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER: Communication dated October 1, 1957 from Robert D" Lightfoot, Attorney, for and on behalf of Albert Trout, was submitted and discussed, wherein request was made for waiver of curb, gutter and sidewalk requirements on property fronting 527 Dale Avenue~ Discussion was held regarding the area with reference to future side- walk requirements and also the ultimate width of Dale Avenue, which is shown on the master plan to be an 80 foot dedicated widtho The City Council deferred this request at this time, to allow the property owner to be contacted to see if an agreement can be reached for the dedication of the required additional 20 feet of right-of-way, which will be necessary for future street widening in exchange for the waiver of curb, gutter and sidewalk requirementso REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK WAIVERS - ERLA W. BENNETT. LYNDA SPRAGUE: Request for temporary curb, gutter and sidewalk waiver for property fronting 1305 and 1305t West North Street, was submitted. Discussion was held regarding the R~3 development immediately West of this property that will carry full street improvement, and it was considered that in this particular instance, installation of the street improvements should be required, thereupon, Councilman Coons moved that the request of Mrs. Erla Wo Bennett and Lynda Sprague, be deniedo Councilman Wisser seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER: Request of A~ Bo Scott, Resident Manager of The American Thermos Products Company dated September 30, 1957, for waiver regarding the installation of sidewalks at 1300 South Lewis Street, was submitted and reado On the recommendation of the City Administrative Officer, said request for temporary waiver was granted for the installation of sidewalks until such time as they are deemed necessary by the City, and on condition that the CompanyOs landscaping be carried out to the curb in lieu of sidewalks, and further, without ~'"':)-""-""'-~~- ".' , '.......-, '." ". '~__e~,", ~ _'_""''''h._ .__. "~">" "","'--- 2297 City Hall, Anaheim, California, October 8, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. the City assuming the obligation for their installation when required, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. FENCE EXTENSION: Request of Hawaiian Village Recreation Club, was submitted and read, asking permission to extend the cyclone-type fencing an additional eight feet above the existing six foot block wall on the north length of their fence in order to protect neighboring yards from volleyballs, etc. This request has the written apDroval of the neighborso Said request was granted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons" MOTION CARRIED. HAWAIIAN VILLAGE RECREATION CLUB: Request of Hawaiian Village Recreation Club . ~' for extension of membership to others than those residing within Tract Noo 2659~~ was submitted and read~ The Administrative Officer stated that the Club has served a definite need and benefit to the community, and recommended the request be granted on the condition that the total membership not exceed 200 members. RESOLUTION NO. 4l4?..L Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4147 and moved for its passage and adoptionG Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3343 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO DONALD WELLS OF IVAN WELLS & SONS. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. NoneG Fry~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. WADING POOL - CITY PARK: Communication from E0 J. Irvine, regarding the wading pool at the Hawaiian Village Recreation Club and the one at the City Park, with reference to the necessity of a filtering system, was submitted, read, and di scussed ~ It was noted that the wading pool in the City Park was constructed without a filtering system prior to the time such a system was required by law; that this was not completely satisfactory, however, there was no danger to the children using the pool as a great amount of care and supervision is given this pool when in use. REQUEST TO SOLICIT ADVERTISING: Request of Temple Beth Sholom for permission to solicit advertising during the months of October and November, 1957, from merchants in the City of Anaheim whom they patronize for the development of their church calendar, was submitted. The Administrative Officer recommended the granting of this request as this Church serves ~naheim people and is the type of request previously granted. Said request was granted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schuttem MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-73: With reference to the matter of setting a future date for rehearing on this application, Robert V. Faust, Attorney, requested this be taken off the Councilus calendar indefinitely~ BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: Application of Southland Bus Lines, Inc. for authority to operat~ a passenger stage service between Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove, Long Beach and Harbor City on the one hand; and Marineland of the Pacific Oceanarium on the other hand, hearing to be held November 7, 1957, 10:00 A.Ms at 835 Locust, Long Beach, California, was submitted. .-" """'"",".,,".._'.';;'-"'~~~~',,",-__",,__,,_..,.-gj _''17 2298 City Hall, Anaheim. Ca~ifornia. October 8. 1957 - 7:00 PoM. REQUEST TO ERECT "WONDER" BUILDING: Reverand Charles F. Wichner addressed the Council with reference to the er~ction of a Wonder Building on property located at 2040 West Ball Road. A brochure showing the proposed building was presented to the City Council and noted to be similar to a quonset type building. Reverand Wichner advised that this building would be 60~ x 401 and set back approximately 200 feet from Ball Roads That their future plans were to construct a masonry type building facing Ball Road, however, this temporary building would then be used for their Youth Halla As far as it could be determined, this type of building does not conform with the provisions of our building code~ Reverand Wichner advised that the property was presently leased by the Church with a 2t year option to purchase. It was agreed by all that Reverand Wichner would determine what financing could be obtained for the construiction of a permanent building at this time. TENTATIVE MAP - FINAL MAP_ TRACT rOe 3321: George M. Holstein and Sons. The Administrative Officer reported that the subdivision was a portion of former Tract No. 2779 and lies north of Cerritos and is an extension of the property on which George M. Holstein and Sons are presently developing. That the reason for the resubmlssion of this tract was to i.ncrease the size of the lotso Tentative map and final map of Tract Noo 3321 was aoproved by the City Council, subject to the following recommendations of the City Planning Commission: sites., 10 The payment of $25000 per lot for the acquisition of park and recreation 20 Engineering requirementsa and further subject to the payment of required fees and the filing of improvement bonds as approved by the Cjty Attorney, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutteo MOTION CARRIED. YARIANCE NO. 835; Submitted by Griffith Brothers, requesting waiver of the 70 foot frontage requirements on certain lots within Tract Noo 33109 Said Variance was granted by the City Planning Commission. TENTATIVE MAP. TRACT NO. 3310: Located at the southeast corner of Loara and Crone Avenues (95 lots) was approved by the City Planning Commission, subject to the following: 10 The payment of $25000 per lot for the acquisition of park and recreation siteso 20 Engineering requirementso The City Council ordered Variance NOa 835 and tentative map of Tract Noo 3310 to come before the meeting of October 15, 1957, as it was noted that the lots were under required width and required area, and further investigation was necessary prior to action by the City Councilo FINAL MAP = TRACT NO. 3266: The Administrative Officer reported that the final map was in order and ready for acceptance and does compare with the tentative map previously approved, however, one condition exists pertaining to the lot in the middle of the tract, numbered 310 Mr. Bert Lowen, representing the subdivider, stated that they could not find a legal way to put in writing their intentions for the improvements and maintenance of this lot, however, no building would be constructed upon it. That it had not been determined whether they will give this lot to the people in the area to do whatever they want with it, or pave it for a parking area. Mr. Murdoch stated that the blacktopping of the lot could be included in the bond posted to insure off-site improvements and would be at the expense of the developer, however, the preferred idea was to set up some kind of a corporation where all the property owners would have a shares That the lot could be either paved or some agreement satisfactory to the City Council could be entered into for the improvement and maintenance of this lot. """''''''~''.'''--"''''~''~''''''''''''-<4.'''~"""C''''';;''''"""","',*''i''';'"''''.';"''''.'_''''_''~'_~_'''''''''~'''_'''_'_.&:a,,''''__ ",_,.;.""__~"""J;,~- 2299 City Hall, Anaheim, California, October 8, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. Mr Bert Lowen stated that they intended to deposit money in escrow to pay for the off-site improvements and the deposit would be an amount large enough to insure the improvement of blacktopping this lot. Councilman Coons moved that the final map of Tract NOe 3266 be ap- proved upon condition that an amount be included in the contract sufficient to either landscape or pave this lot, but that the matter, whichever it shall be, shall be reserved until they have developed the tract and they have an opportunity to set up some sort of an organization or plan to maintain it as a landscaped parking area, if that is the final determination~ Councilman Wisser seconded the motion@ MOTION CARRIED. CANCELLATION OF CITY TAXES: Cancellation of City taxes on property purchased by the State of California for highway purposes and formerly assessed to West Anaheim Medi ca.l Center, IDC] and Hulda Meger Hemmerling, was aporoved by the City Councj ~ on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wissero MOTION CARRIED~ COTTAGE PET HOSPITAL; With reference to the Cottage Pet Hospital, Assistant City Attorney, Joseph Geisler, reported that they had contacted Dr. Tangley and that a meeting will soon be held (next week) between the Administrative Officer, Dro Tangley, the Owner of the property, and himself, to try and work out something sat.isfactory to the people in the area. That this was a very difficult problem, operating a hospital without any outside kennels; that it was necessary for dogs to be kept outside for many reasons and to keep all dogs inside presents many problemso The Administrative Officer advised that the meeting has been arranged for this coming week. TRAVELERS INSURANCE: City Attorney, Preston Turner, explained the endorsement to the Travelers Insurance Policy with the City of Anaheim, which policy provides for a $1,000.00 life insurance on individual employees and that this rider to the policy will allow the inclusion of dependents of City employees, at their expense and at their election, and authorize the City to deduct from salaries and pay the additional amount of the premium" RESOLUTION NOe 4148: Councilman Wisser offered ResdUtion No~ 4148 and moved for its passage and adoption0 Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING A RIDER TO BE ATTACHED TO AND FORM A PART OF GROUP LIFE INSURANCE POLICY NO. G-6269 OF THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO~PANY. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, PROVIDING FOR INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE OF DEPENDANTS OF CITY EMPLOYEES. (Effective November 8, 1957) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUOCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. Noneo Fry~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4149: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 4149 and moved for its passage and adoptione Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN : COUNC I LMEN : COUNCI LMEN : Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wissere None. Fry~ . ~~. ,_<..,., "_m__'.___ .~____~_..___,_. _..___".___~____ r ..."''''-",__'",",''''- 2300 City Hall, Anaheim, California~ October 8, 1957 - 7:00 P.MQ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4150: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No~ 4150 and moved for its passage and adoption$ Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF ROMNEYA DRIVE, FROM PLACENTIA AVEN~E TO 660 FEET WESTERLY, JOB N08 154; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PRO- FILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened October 29, 1957) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN ~ COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. None" Fry~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4151: Councjlman Coons offered Resolution No", 4151 and moved for its passage and adoption Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF SYCAMORE STREET, FROM PLACENTIA AVENUE TO 965 FEET WESTERLY, JOB NO~ 155; AND ApDROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PRO- FILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened October 29, 1957) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. None._ FrYB The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedo RESOLUTION NO. 4152: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No@ 4152 and moved for its passage and adoption8 Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: TijE IMPROVEMENT OF BROADWAY~ FROM ADAMS STREET TO EUCLID AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 63; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened October 29, 1957) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUN: I LMEN : COUNCI LMEN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. Noneo Fry The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. """~'""'"'~'~""""'A'~"'_"""""""""""""""'-~f<c'M_~"',<1ii4!';~ -4""~",,.- 2301 City Hall. Anaheim, California, October 8, 1957 -7:00 P.MG RESOLUTION NO. 4153: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No~ 4153 and moved for its passage and adoption.) Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND .NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF LOARA STREET. FROM LINCOLN AVENUE TO CRONE AVENUE. JOB NO. 156; AND APPROVING THE DESlrnS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CON- STRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened October 29,1957) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. None. Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1148: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1148 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRE~ SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-55=56~.36 - C~3 and C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance NO$ 1148 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN : Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. None. Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1175: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance \10$ 1175 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE III. CHAPTER 2, SECTION .3256 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SUBDIVISION "jllo (Parking Limitations = certain sections South Los Angeles Street, between certain hours}".-"--" -.. ....--.-... . ._...~~-_.._.._--.-..__.- After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. l17~...~nd having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived0 Councilman Wisser seconded the motion$ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ _..~. '.. ~-" ". ".,... .~. ---.-.- ...-.~.._~._- ......-. ~,-,,"""'-,.""...... 2302 City Hall, Anaheim, California, October 8, 1957 - 7:00 PoMo AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser$ None~ FrYe The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted5 ORDINANCE NO. 1176: Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1176 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION THERETO TO BE NUMBERED.327455o (45 mile speed limit, Brookhurst Street) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1176 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived~ Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YE S : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN : COUNC I LMEN : Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wissero None@ Fryo The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. TRAFFIC SURVEY ~ ROMNEYA DRIVE: The following report of Mro Gordon Steen, City Planning Technican, was read by Mr Murdoch, regarding Reclassification F-56-57-88. "Since it was learned that this reclassification would include approximately 400 dwelling units, it would be reasonable to assume that this would add at the lease, 400 additional cars to Ro~neya Drive" At the present time there can be presumed to be approximately 430 vehicles from the present dwellings on the north side of Romneya (between Euclid and Spadra) which must use Romneya as a collector street The traffic engineers wish to make a thorough study since they feel that with the possjble addition of some 400 vehicles this could very well exceed the capacity of Romneyao Such a study would involve the placing of traffic counters at the inter- sections of Romneya and Euclid, Romneya and Spadra to determine the number of vehicles entering and leaving, and the peak hours which, of course, is the critical question0 The study would be completed in a few daysu times" Discussion was held regarding the traffic situation in this area, and Mr. Murdoch advised that if a complete study was made, it would require additional time. The City Attorney advised that he was of the oplnlon that the traffic study could not be imposed as an additional condition to this rezoning, as action by the City Council was previously taken wherein resolution of intention to change the zone on certain conditions, was adopted, and the traffic survey was not one of the conditions considered at that time~ (Reclassification No. F-56-57-88 _ Resolution No~ 4065) Affidavit of Deputy County Recorder showing the recording of a deed to Raymond A. Bernes from Spadrom Estates was submitted. Discussion between Mr~ Barnes and Mr~ Lesser resulted in agreement by Mr~ Lesser to also include the improvement of that portion of the street as deeded by them to Mr8 Barnes and Mr. Barnes agreed to waive his request for reimburseme~ for engineering costs~ ~+.._,.__. _._.,_.-~._- ...-."'""""-----.' 2303 City Hall, ~naheim, California, October 8, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 1179: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1179 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL COD~ RELATING TO THE ,ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWI TH. (F-56-57-88 - R-2 and R-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance NOe 1179 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waivedo Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S : NOES: ABSENT: COUJNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Schutte and Wisser. Pearson. Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1180: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1180 for final -reading and moved for its passage and adoption~ Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE II. CHAryTER 7 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION THERETO TO BE NUMBERED SECTION 2710 DES IGNA TED ','PUBLIC PROJECTS ~ PROCEDURE FOR OPENING OF BIDS". After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1180 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be wajved~ Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I lNIEN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Schutte and Wisser. None" Fryu The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORTS: Financial and o~rating reports for the month of September, 1957 were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman CoonsG MOTION CARRIED. PERSONNEL: The Administrative Officer reported the appointment of Richard Kenneth Kamphefner, Landscape Technican, Parks and Recreation Department. Said appointment was ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 834: Submitted by Anaheim BoysQ Center, Inc., requesting per- mission to construct and house administrative offices for the Boy Scouts of America on property described, briefly, as the south side of La Palma Avenue, east of West Street and immediately east of and adjacent to, proposed V.F.W. Hall. The rity Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 68, Series 1957-58, granted said Variance, subject to: 1. The erection of the building in accordance with the plans ~it';O"'i;:;;_;;;;-(;:;~" '"':. ~;.~:.,.:;;;"::C:'::_;":'~~;:"""""';;"";;io-, ,..:-,,-.:.-.:..,;;';;;_;'~"''''_:,;;;,;''';_:,:",,0'-;;;o:~'';''''''''''''''',>>#,,~o:;,.;;":.""",,,,.,,,,,,~,,,,,,':~.;,,,,,.". ~':".,_.~,...~.~".o:".w...*" 2304 City Hall, Anaheim, C~lifornia, October 8, 1957 - 7:00 P.M. 28 Engineering requirements. No action was taken by the City Council. APPOINTMENT - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION: Mayor Pearson appointed Lenzi Allred, member of the City Planning Commission, to fill the unexpired term created by the resignation of Mr. Donald Bates. Said appointment was ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. TAX SALE: The Administrative Officer reported receipt of communication from Orange County of intention to sell at public auction, Lot 7 of Tract No. 255. Councilman Schutte moved that the City of Anaheim object to the proposed sale and offer to purchase said property. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-86: Clarification of conditions with reference to change of zone pursuant to Application Nos F-56-57-86 (Loara Street from Lincoln Avenue to Broadway, and on Broadway) was that the dedication of property be at this time for future street widening, but improvements be deferred until such time as the property is built upon~ MVNICIPAL GOLF COURSE: Report received by the City Council at their meeting of October 1, 1957, regarding a Municipal Golf Course, was ordered referred to the Recreation Committee for further study and recommendation, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman CoonsG MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Coons moved to adjourn to October 15, 1957, 7:00 P.M. Councilman Wisser seconded the motione MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNE~ SIGNED, . <- .~. :u--~ City Clerk ;.~""""",,,,,-.,,c~;<.,.:=~~,~~,,,,,,.............._~~:~