1959/03/03 3205 City Hall. Anaheim. California - February 24, 1959 - 7:00 P.M. Councilman Coons moved to adjourn to March 3, 1959, 7:00 P.M. Councilman Fry seconded the motionG MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED*O: l:::Mo)---, 9--; _, SIGNED: ,,/% ~/__ LL'.... -- -2-~ City Clerk City Hall, Anaheim, California - March 3, 1959 - 7:00 PoM.. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular sessiono PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutte~ COUNCILMEN: Coons and Pearson0 CITY MANAGER: Keith Ao Murdoch~ CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turnero CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williamso CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersall~ CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Robert Wo Mungallo Mayor Schutte called the meeting ill ordero PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-53: Submitted by Jo Ro McIntyre (Ted Eo Hudson~ Authorized Agent), requesting R-3 zoning on property located at 8671 Magnolia Avenue (west side of Magnolia Avenue~ south of Crescent Avenue) .~ The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No~ 153~ Series 1958=59, recommended said reclassifications, subject to the following: 10 The placing of Standard R-3 Deed Restrictions on the property limiti.ng all dwellings to one story in height as shown on the layout presentedo 20 The payment of $2~00 per front foot for street lighting purposeso 30 The payment of $25000 per family unit for the acquisition of Park and Recreation siteso 40 The dedication of 53 feet from the centerline of Magnolia Street to the City of Anaheim~ \ 50 The preparation of street improvement plans and the installation of all improvements on Magnolia Avenue in accordance with Standard plans on file in the office of the City EngineerG 60 That a 90 day time limit be placed for the accomplishment of the above requirements. Petition of protest containing 29 signatures was filed with the City Planning Commission. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the CouncilG Mr~ Ted Hudson, co-owner-builder of this development, addressed the Council and presented an artistis rendering of the proposed developmento He advised that the petition of protest was presented at the first hearing of the City Planning Commission; that no one present objected to this development at the last meeting of the City Planning Commission. He called attention to the distance from this property that some of the signers of the petition of protest reside~ He further advised that this would be on a 10 acre parcel of property and would have 128 two-bedroom units containing 835 square feet each; that the buildings would be 64 feet by 54 feet and each apartment would have a 16 feet by 32 feet private patio~ 3206 City Hall, Anaheim, Califprnia - March 3, 1959 - 7:00 PaM~ The petition of protest w~s studied by the City Council and the location of the signers notedo It was also noted by the City Council that the general plan does not envision any high density in this areaa Mr Hudson referred to th~ 10 acres immediately south of them which is the church property and presently zOned R-3~ It was considered that in all probability, the church property would not be used for R~3 purposes, as there is a church constructed on the property nowo Mr Roscoe Van Dyke addressed the Counci19 advising that the general consensus of opinion, as far as the opposition was concerned, was the fact that they thought the streets would be running through their tract and that the buildings would be two story structures, which, if allowed, would detract from their own property va 1 ue s ,) My Hudson explained the plans to Mro VanDyke 9 showing where the block wall would be constructed, making the development a self contained projecta My, Van Dyke further advi$ed that the plan, as presented, as far as he was concerned, would not detract frcm their propertyo MrJ Hudson called attenti~n to their particular problems involved in endeavoring to develop this parcel of property for subdivision purposeso Mr Murdoch advised that although this proposed development does appear to be a eTY well prepared development and does have considerable merit, he called attention to the tentative master plan on the west wall in the Council Chambers, that the area does not contemplate high density, which appears to be contrary to the proposed Ordinance and map which will be heard for the first time by the CIty Council tomorrow eveningo He recommended that the entire area be considered, not just the subject property, in conjunction with the zoning ordinance so that any zoning that takes place here that differs from the tentative master plan will be thoroughly considered as a unito He also explained his concern regarding the street pattern~ noting that the plan indicated three streets apparently to be dead end streets" In view of these facts, Mr. Murdoch recommended that the City Council postpone any action on this until at least one or more of the hearings on the proposed new zonIng ordinance have been held and consideredo Mro McIntyre advised that prior to their application that they had checked the proposed master plan which indicated R-3 for this areao Mro Murdoch explained that this was a proposed zoning ordinance, the proposals at this time are nothing than, more or less, a proposal and cannot be assumed to be about to take placeo Councilman Borden moved that public hearing be continued four weeks (March 31~ 1959) to allow for further study in conjunction with the new proposed comprehensive zoning ordinance~ Councilman Fry seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING ~ RECLASSIFICATION NQ. F-58-59-55: Submitted by Johnson-Hall Construction Company (McDaniel Engineering, Authorized Agent), requesting R-3 zoning on property located on the east side of Knott Avenue, approximately 330 feet north of Orange Avenueo (Proposed Tract No.. 2863). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution Noo 1579 Series 1958~59, recommended said reclassification, subject to: 10 That Standard R-3 Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim, approved by the City Attorney be placed on the property with a further stipulation that any lots adjoining R-l property be limited to a Multiple-Family structure, one story in heighto 20 That 53 feet from the centerline of Knott Avenue be dedicated to the City of Anaheim@ 30 Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in ac- cordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineero 4@ Payment of $2~OO per foot on Knott Avenue for street lighting purposeso 5" That a 90-day time li~it be placed for the accomplishment of above conditions" - I ) I j ~.~".,' ........ .. -. .'~ . ~"~.....,;:-.~"",-,-.,-, 3207 City Hall, Anaheimg California - March 3. 1959 - 7:00 PoM. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Counci10 Mr~ Allen Johnson, representing Johnson-Hall Construction Company, addressed the City Council, advising that this would be a lot subdivision, the lots to be sold individually and developed by private ownerso It was noted on the tentative master plan that this area was indicated for high density residential~ or adjacent to it; that the property to the north has already been zoned R~3~ The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closedo RESOLUTION NO~ 5060: Councilman Fry offered Resolution NOG 5060 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the prep?ration of necessary ordinance changing the zone as requested~ subject to the recommendations of the City Planning C01!nmissiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-58-59-55 - R-~) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo lowing vo~e: AYES: NOES~ ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutteo NoneB Coons and Pearsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopteda PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-56: Submitted by Dra EG Ho Kersten~ requesting change of zone from C-l and P-L to C-l and C-3 (C-3 at the corner on property located at the southeast corner of West LaPalma Avenue and North C~tron Street0 The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 158, SE:I';,eS :958=59, recommended said reclassification~ reclassifying the Southeast ':o:ner of North Ci tron Street and West La Palma Avenue for 150 feet on each street to C~39 Heavy Commercial for a service station, and that set-backs and landscaping and access from North Citron Street be in accordance with sketch attached, and subject to: i~ The dedication to the City of Anaheim of 53 feet from the centerline of West La Palma Avenueo 2c The dedication to the City of Anaheim of 32 feet from the centerline of North Citron Streeto 3~ That street improvement plans for all improvements on West La Palma Avenue and North Citron Street be prepared and all such improvements be in- stalled in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineero 40 That deed restrictions be placed on Parcell, limiting the use to a Service Station onlYG 5, That a revision of the Deed Restrictions be made on North Citron Street ~n accordance with the attached sketchG 6. That a 90=day time limit be specified for the accomplishment of the above requirementso Correspondence from Mro and Mrso Jo Dolan was submitted and read, withdrawing their previous approval of said reclassification and recommending the reclassification be deniedQ Correspondence from Mre Dick So Heffern for Dr. Eo H. KerstE:n~ re- questing postponement of the public hearing for one week, due to illness, was submitted and read0 Councilman Fry moved to continue the public hearing for one week@ 3208 City Hall, Anaheim, Califprnia - March 3, 1959 - 7;00 PQMo Councilman Borden seconded the motiono Mro McGinnis addressed the Council, requesting postponement for a period of 30 davsc Mr B~... .fo ssaint secon4:ied Mro McGinnis D request for the 30 day postponement, Councilman Fry amended his motion to continue the public hearing for two weAk No second to this motion)& MIa Heffern addressed the Council advising that their deadline was th~ 15th of the month on the transaction of sale. Councilman Fry amended his motion to continue the public hearing for one week Councilman Borden seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. AWARD OF CONTRACT - JOB NOo 1151; Mr. Piersall reported on bid proposals received for the Broadway Street sewer improvement from 680 feet west of Magnolia Avenue to ShJeld5 Drive, as follows~ and recommended the acceptance of the low bid, that of Dp Leon Construction Company: BIDS RECEIVED Edwin L Bark 2059 Newport Avenue Costa Mesa, Ca fornia (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of lQ%) $ 10,544~88 Plumbing Contractors, Inca Sanitary Di sion 11662 Eo Westminster Aveo Garden Grove~ Ca fornia (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 11>J793Q45 Bebek=Rodriguez 14418 Cor.Lett Ave) Compton Ca~ fornia (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) l89436006 Leo Weile7 Company 10616 Stanford Ave Garden Gravs, California (Accompanied by a bid bond l.n the amount of 10%) 17~272050 Orange County Consto COQ 2069 Margie Lane Anaheim, Cal~fornia (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 16,337.60 Ace Pipe ne Consto Co. 1312 W First Sto Pomona. Ca 4fornia (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 14~613065 De Leon Construction Coo 131 Coffman Avenue~ Anaheim, Cali.fornia (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10%) 8,837.45 RESOLUTION NO. 5061: Councilman Fry offered Resolution NOQ 5061 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PRO- POSAL AND ,AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TG CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE BROADWAY STREET SEWER IMPROVEMENT. FROM 680 FEET WE$T OF MAGNOLIA AVENUE TO SHIELDS DRIVE. JOB NO. 115l. {DeLeon Construction C00) Or roll call the foregoin9 Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followlng \jote~ ~,~"",~~"',w,o"""".';""o,',"-"""""'''''''i''.."~.,,,,..,..:>,.,.,-:: -,,",-~ '<:i V"f- ~ 'I I F~'';:;.~~:,,,_,,, 3209 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - March 3, 1959 ~ 7;00 PoM, AYES: NOES~ ABSENT; COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; Borden, Fry and SchutteQ Noneo Coons and Pearsona The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopt8do SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 26: Submitted by Chet Herbert, requesting permission to construct and operate an ice skating rink with included restaurant and skate shop~ to be located on the west side of Manchester Avenue~ between Orangewood nd Katella Avenues The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution NO$ 167~ Series ~958=59 granted said Special Use Permit, subject to the following: 10fhe plot plan and elevation presentedo 2" Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Eng~ 3 The payment of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes~ ActJon by the City Council was deferred from the meeting of February 24, 959 for further investigationo Communication from Mra Herbert dated March 3~ 1959~ submitting a sed plan9was read, and plans reviewed by the City Councilo Djscussjon was held and at the conclusion of said discussion, it be 09 thoroughly understood that there would be no bar facilities established n the development9 no further action was taken by the City Council. IENTATIVE MAP ~ TRACT NO. 2938: Subdivider, Butler=Harbour Construction Companyo Tract located on the north side of Broadway, 663 feet west of Magnolia Avenue and conta 41 lotso With the consent of the subdivider~ action on this map was withheld one week for further investigation relative to the possible extension of Stinson Street A map prepared by the Planning Department was placed upon the bulletin board and reviewedo Mr" Murdoch explained the location of the flood control channel and dlC':,angements apparently made wi th Mro Stinson by the Flood Control District, were to provide access across the flood control channel when it is put through, by means of a bridgeo That a study has been made by the City of the entire area at_vG to future development and traffic circulation and it is felt that the extension of a street east and west running perpendicular to Stinson Street and ng north of the Butler-Harbour proposed tract would adequately solve the :~rcu ation problem in that section, in which case~ Stinson Street would not have to be extendedo Also, that even though Stinson Street is a dedicated street, there has been no provision made for the improvement of said street at this time, south of the flood control channe10 the Ci Mro Mungall advised that a revised tentative map Is scheduled before Planning Commission at their adjourned meeting to be held March 9, 1959. After further discussion, Mr. Harbour, representing the subdivider~ withdrew tentative map, Tract NOQ 2938, with the understanding that the revised tentative map will be considered by the City Planning Commission at their meeting on March 9th and come before the City Council at their mee!ing next Tuesday~ March 10, 19590 Mro Stinson addressed the Counci.l, requesting a block wall between h~.s property and the proposed tracto Mro Ted Eimers, owner of property east of the proposed tract, ad- dressed the Council requesting a fence along his property lineo Both gentlemen were advised that consideration of their requests would be given when the revised tentative map is before the City Council. ~'~',~, . -,r '1 'n'",," III' ~ ..__'~ 3210 C1ty HalL. Anaheim" Calif~rnia - March 3!J 1959 ~ 7:00 PoMo REQUEST ~. CITY OF LONG BEACH: Requ~st of the Ci ty of Long Beach was considered, requestlng endorsement and support regarding their public hearing before the Civil Aeronautj.cs Board pertaining to improved scheduled air line service at the Long Beach Municipal Airporto to coota hlm that which W' County oy, a o ftr: i.rn a t MIJ Robert Davis~ AdmInistrative Assi.stant!J reported he had been unable Mru Ldurner~ however~ he had contacted Supervisor Phillips, who informed are present having a study made by the Stanford Research Institute oVer as part of the sutvey, the air transportation needs for Orange ong~Tanqe baslso He felt that action should be withheld on support and suggested it be discussed with Mro LaUTner for hIs oplnlon. Mx Murdoch reported, that with the amount of information that we have been abLe to recejve~ it seemed evident and apparent to him that even though Orange does go ahead with a $tudy, which is underway~ it will be years before we w: 1 be able to have any of the services that Long Beach already haso Although we should support Orange CQunty in its activities~ we may be acting to our d~tr men Dot supporting the Long Beach activity at this time, even though we may wa to expand 5ervices as our population grows with an Orange County activi My Raffety Manager of the Long Beach Airport, reported that they had di5GU5~ej s matter with the Cities of Garden Grove9 Newport Beach~ Laguna Beach9 Huntington Beach Santa Ana and Westminster and have received to date~ three or four s Iu~on5 of support~ Counc lman Borden moved that this matter be held over one week (March iOs,L959) 0 Councilman Schutte seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP ~ TRACT NO, 2222~ Subdivider, Associates Funding, Inco Tract located east of Nutwood Street on the north side of Katella Avenue9 and contains 46 lotso Mr) PlLersa reported that this was an R=3 and commercial tracto That al f.5es haVf been pa:ci and bonds posted wi th one exception and recommended the accepta of the fina map9 subject to the developer posting an additional bond for the block wa ,as approved by the City Council, to be constructed between the s~ng fam~ sidential and the R-3 developmento F '1.3 map 1 th~; ommfrja'~' by Coure Iman Fry ract Noo 2222 was approved by the City Council, subject to of the City Engineer9 on motion by Councilman Borden~ seconded MOTION CARRIEDo BUSINESS LICENSE~ Request for refund of $25000 to Mro Charles Munyon for peddlers license ssued November 21, 1958, was denied by the City Council, on motion by Counc:lman Borden, second~d by Councilman Schutteo MOTION CARRIED. BUSINESS LICENSE: Refund in the amount of $25000 to Dairy Bar (Disneyland) paid inadvertently on busjness that had ceased operations9 was authorized on motion by Counc Imar, Fry ~ seconded by Counci Iman Bordeno MOTION CARRIED. DRIVEWAYS ~ ERNEST GANAHL LUMBER CO~ANY: Communication from Ernest Ganahl Lumber Company dated February 259 1959 (copes furnished each Councilman) was submitted~ request 09 permission to construct two 40 foot driveways, one on Center Street and ODe on Santa Fe Street, serving the Lumber Company located at 501 East Center Street Mr0 Piersall presented a sketch of the property, outlining the request, and discussion was heldo At the conclusion of the discussion, and on the recommendations of Mro Murdoch and Mro Piersall~ the request was granted to construct two drivewaY5~ up to 40 foot openings to allow for the working out of a plan with the City Engineer, to serve the purpose and also keep the driveways from being excessive~ on motion by Counc lmall Fry~ seconded by Councilman Borden~ MOTION CARRIED. .AlrEY: Communication dated February 26, 1959, signed by Annie Ao Bonkosky, Lill e F Ahern, Mary EG Macres and A~ Pressel (copies of which were furnished each Coune Iman) was submitted, requesting that provisions be made for an alley at the rear of the existing commercial properties located on the south side of West Center Street in the 500 and 600 blocksQ 3211 ':::ity Hall. Anaheim, California - March 3, 1959 - 7;00 P~Mt Sketches of the property, indicating the parcels which have already Jedicated land for said alley purpose, was submitted to the Councilmen, and djscussion was heldo At the conclusion of the discussion~ the City Clerk was instructad to no:ify the BulIdtng Department to hold up any action on buildings and permits in this area, pending further investigation regarding this matter, on motion bv Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry~ MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO~ 1321: Councilman Borden offered Ordinance No.. 1321 for fInal reading and moved for its passage and adoptionm Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF fHE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN T HE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED rHEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRE- SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-55-56=14 _ R-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No~ 1321 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Borden moved the reading in full of a~j Ord1nance be wajvedo Councilman Fry seconded the moti.on~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoj.ng Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the follow~ng vote: AYES: NOES: ABS ENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutteo Noneo Coons and Pearson, The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adoptedo ORDINANCE NO~ ~331: On motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Counci.lman Fry, the City Clerk was instructed to amend the title of Ordinance No. 1331 as orded in the minutes of February 24, 1959, page 3203, to read as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VACATE AND ABANDON AN ALLEY AND AN EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURPOSg~_UPON, OVER, ACROSS AND ALONG THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY; RESERVING AN EASEMENT FOR PUBL:C UTILITY PURPOSES OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS A PORTION OF SAID PROPERTY; FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON; AND DIRECTING THE POSTING OF NOT '.CES THEREOF AND THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. .ORDINANCE NOo i331: Councilman Borden offered Ordinance Noo 1331 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VACATE AND ABANDON AN ALLEY AND AN EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURPOSES UPON, OVER, ACROSS AND A LONG THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY; RESERVING AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS A PORTION OF SAID PROPERTY; FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON; AND DIRECTING THE POSTING OF NOTICES THEREOF AND THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCEo (Public hearing March 24, 1959) Af hearing read n full the title of Ordinance Noo 1331 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Cou~ilman Borden moved the reading in full of sai.d OrdLna b~~ waived" Counci lman Fry seconded the motiono MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED~ On 1'0 :all the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by tne fo ow~ng vote: AYES: NOES~ ABSENT; COUNCILMEN:; COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Borden9 Fry and Schutteo Noneo Coons and PearsonG ~"",~",;""......,,,.~. .""'<....u....;::;..,,,....'.~,~.~,..,,."... <""'IA "-"~~~'.......- 3212 _~!LH;:dlg Anaheim~ Calif;ornia -. March 3, 1959 ~ 7:00 PoMo 1"'8 Mayor d('clared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adoptedo RECESS, Counc man Boraen moved for a ten minute recesso Councilman Fry seconded the me:" MOTION CARRIED. RECESS. .AF fER Rt:CESS~ AftsI' ss Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order~ Counc:1.1man :oma", Fry be] n9 present9 and the busi.ness of the meeting resumedo BOTd"',"':.; Cou;; 85 WATER WELLr ROMNEYA DRI\I1Eii George Fo Oelkersg Director of Public "ecommende'i the purcha se of a 14 inch wa ter well and si te:J 12 feet by f.&'vm the Romneya Drive Mutual Water Company, sald we I located 0f Romneya Drive between Citron and West Streets~ n the amount or t:he of $:2~7 RESOLUTION NO" 5062; Counc iman Bo~den offered Resolution NOQ 5062 and moved for i~s pas gL an~ adopt~on8 RefeT to Resolution Book~ page A RESOLJTTON OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND ACQUISIfrON OF CERTAIN REAL PROfERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (Water well site ~ RCmfiJ5va Dy.' )i" Mutua: Water Company) T'O. foregoing R~.solution was duly passed and adopted by f '~c::w '. -, l:j <'I C, t AvES .~ NOES .~ ABSENT~ COD NC I LMEN : COUNCI LMEN; COUNC I LMEN: Borden~ Fry and Schutte~ Noneo Coons and Pearsono Ma d~c a:ed the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedo .RESOLUT r ON J~~ "3, +:T" As s emb :_ e M'~ E P Hapgood~ Director of the Metropoli tan Water c~ of Anaheim9 addressed the Coundil regarding stat n9 ~he reasons why the Metropolitan Water District G f 1c.hi. S b5, JL 10 M Mu po nte,j out that this should be a matter of Metropolitan po ~v and was questionable whether it should become a matter of nd the~eupon~ recommended the adoption of the resolution of Wa State oppos . or' RFSOflITION NO 5063: Councilman Fry offered Rpsolution Noo 5063 and moved for its passage 300 ~dop: on" Refe! to Resolu ion Book, page A RESOLUTION Of fHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM URGING THE ORANGE COUNTY REPRESENfAT"'CVES TN THE LEGISLATURE to.OPPOSE ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 286,. AND ANY SIMILAR BTLLS THAT MIGHT BE INTRODUCED INTO THE LEGISLATURE FOR OPENING LAKE MA fTHEWS ro ~-HE PUBLIC, Or' rOI ~ ~ c;a the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the to '~wi~g vots: A{ES~ COUNCILMEN: NOES3 COUNCILMEN: ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutteo Noneo Coons and Pearson Th~ Mavor dec:ared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NOu 5064; Councilman Fry offered Resolution Noo 5064 and moved for tts passage :10J 10pL on R~ter He iut on Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ORANGE COUNTY PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION. INC~, RELATING TO THE USE OF ITS mGET RANGE. ",-;~,'.~;""'<''''.'''''-''''" - 3213 City Hall~ Anaheim, California..., March 3~ 1959 - 7:00 PoMG On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fa lowing vote~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEf'.: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutteo Noneo Coons and Pearson~ Tne Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedo ~ESOLUTION NOo 5065: Councilman Borden offered Resolution Noo 5065 and moved foy ~ts passage and adoptiono Refer to Re$olution Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Hulda Mo Hemmerlinq and Emma Meqer) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by fc -ow;ng vote~ AY ES ~ NOES; ABSENT: COUNCILMEf'.: COUNC I LMEN: COUNCI LMEN: Borden~ Fry and Schutteo Nonei Coons and Pearsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedo CUMPLETION OF JOB NOs l135: City Engineer certified that Plumbing Contractors~ T s ha completed the construction of the sewer in Cerritos J>>venue from Place~tia, 1000 feet easterlY9 Job No. ll35, in accordance with plans and specifjcations, and recommended the work be officially acceptedo RESOLUTION NO. 5066~ Councilman Fry offered Resolution Noo 5066 and moved for ~~e passage and adoption R~ Res~lution Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING ruBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE CERRITOS AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT, FROM PLACENTIA AVENUE TO L1000 FEET EASTERLY. JOB N00 1135p On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by tne following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutteo NOneo Coons and Pearsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptede CANCELLATION OF. CII_YH_TA.X~~: Cancellation of Ci ty taxes on property acquired by the Orange County Flood Control District for flood control purposes and formerly assessed to the following: James and Donalda Ralph (Book 4568~ page 214); Broadway~,Ha e Stores~ Inc~ (Book 3877, page 432); Broadway-Hale Stores, Inco Book 38~7?, page 435); Claude Lo Cameron, Trustee, Jo Barton Hutchins and Edwin Wo Pauley, Jro (Book 3877, page 438), was authorized on motion by CouDe Iman Borden, seconded by Councilman Fryo MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 1028: Pursuant to the request of Mre George G~ Gregory, srx months extension of time to Variance Noo 1028 was granted by the City Council on motion b'\f Coupe: .l.ma Fry ~ seconded by Counci Iman Bordeno MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence not requiring vote of Council was ordered re~ :ei led and fjled or motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Fryo es havi.ng been furnished each Councilman) 0 MOTION CARRIED0 32~>4 C5uty HalL) Anaheim, Calitornia - March 3, 1959 - 7:00 P~Mo KNOTT-~ORANGE ANNEXATION: The follQwing Certificates of the City Clerk and the County Clerk were submitted and read in full: CERTIFICATE RELATIN TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF INHAB TED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ DENE Me WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that upcr n9 in my office a petition requesting the annexation to the City <of Pf'a:-l'-;~m ofcertaln terr:1'.tory known and designated as KNOTT.."ORANGE ANNEXATION, I have h0cke~ sa d petition and have examined the County Registration of Voters to a5 er~a the total number of qualified electors residing within the territory descr~bea ~ said petition~ and that I further certify that from such examination and 5UGn i~spect~on I find that the total number of qualified electors residing n sa~d te is 28 electors and I find that said petition is signed by 21 persons and that 20 of the persons whose names are signed to said petition are qua fipd e ectors res5diog within the territory described in said petition, as shown by Registration of Voters of Orange County~ California, and I furthe~ that said last mentioned number of qualified electors constitutes not es one=fourth of the qualifjed electors residing within the tArritory propcspj ~ be annexed, as shown by such County Registration of Voterso T FURTHER CERTIFY that siad territory described in said petition is cant guous ~ Ci of Anaheim and does not form a part of any other incorporated DATED th~s 3rd day of March, 19590 /s/ Dene Mo Williams CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM SEAL' CERTIFICATE RELATING TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF INHA~~1ED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHE~M, STATE OF CA~IFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE 55 CITY OF SANTA ANA T. L. Be WALLACE, County Clerk of the County of Orange, do hereby certify that T ~m he County Officer having charge of the Registration of Voters in the County f Orange and I do hereby further certify that I have examined or caused to be exam"Ded the petition received by the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim for the annexation of certain territory to said City of Anaheim known and designated as KNOTT-ORANGE ANNEXATION, to ascertain the total number of qualified electors re- siding w~th~n the territory described in said petition, as shown by the County Rpgistrat an of Voters9 and to determine the number of qualified electors whose names a:-t: s"gned to said petitiooo fourth 01 I FURTHER CERTIFY that from said examination it appears that the total f Jua f=ed electors residing within the territory described in said 28 ~ectors and that the total number of qualified electors whose names '0 sa d petltion .is 20 electors, and that said number represents one~ more of the qualified electors residing within said territoryo number pet~ t~ O~"\ ; are 5 DATED thlS 3rd day of March, 1959~ /s/ Lo Bo Wallace COUNTY CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SEAL ORANGE RESOLUTION NO~ 5067: Counctlman Borden offered Resolution No. 5067 and moved for its pas5ag~ and adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE HERE= INAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY THE QUESTION OF ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ (public hearinq April 7. 1959. 7:00 PaMo) . <c., -.. ~ 3215 City Hall, Anaheim, California - March 3~ 1959 - 7:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo:lowjng vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: Bord~ Fry and Schutteo Noneo Coons and Pearsona The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5068 - KATELLA PARK ANNEXATION: Councilman Borden offered Rp5oiut~on NOJ 5068 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CORRECTING THE LEGAL DE~~RTPTION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF KATELLA PARK ANNEXATIONo On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by tal ~ow~ng vote: AYES ~ NOES; ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutte 0 NODeo Coons and Pearson~ r~w Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted~ KATELLA PARK ANNEXATION: Receipt of Orange County Boundary Commission~s r'eport;jated March 2, 1959, fi.nding that the boundaries of the proposed ~n~exat on re~sonably definite and certain as corrected by the County ~ however~ this proposed annexation overlaps proposed Annexation to the City of Garden Grove9 was ordered received and filed on motion bv Counc lman fry~ seconded by Councilman BordenG MOTION CARRIEDo BEVERAGE APPLICATIONS: The following beverage applications were reported on by MIG Murdoch~ Mayfair Markets 9 406 Eo Center Street and 929 S0 Euclid Str:"f":~ ne'w off sale beer and wine; Clock Liquor~ 1217 So Euclid Avenue~ joub~ ":ransfer off sale general license; MikiQs Liquor, 2666 Wo Lincoln Avenue; Carl 59 1200 No Palm Street, New on sale general; Royal Palm Liquor, 1112 No Brookhu~st, new on-sale general. I was moved by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Fryp that a protest be f51ed regarding the application of the Royal Palm Liquor, 1112 N~ Brookhu=s~ as S81d location is in a C-l zone which prohibits o~-sale liquor estab shments, and the City Attorney be instructed to notify the Alcoholic Beverage Cortrol Board of said protest. MOTION CARRIED. APPLICATION FOR AMUSEMENT DEVISES - ANAHEIM BOWL: Application for amusement ievises submitted by the Anaheim Bowl, 1925 West Lincoln Boulevard, was reported upon by Mra Murdoch, with reference to investigation made by the Police Department Subject to the recommendations of the Police Department and the City Manage:r~ sa d permit was granted on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by COU:!C~ lman SchutteQ MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 5069~ Councilman Fry offered Resolution Noo 5069 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE ROMNEYA DRIVE SEWER IMPRQ~'!);MI:Nll~ FRQM 600 FEET EAST OF EUCLID AVENUE TO EUCLID AVENUE. JOB NO. 1153: AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETCv; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOFe (Bids to be opened March 26, 1959) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by ....."._;,._.___".."_b."'~~~~'"""-~_.._...___ " . 3216 City Hall~ Anaheim, Calif~rnia - March 3~ 1959 - 7:00 PoMo the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT; COUNC I LMEN: COUNC I LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutteo Nonee Coons and Pearson~ The Mayor declared the fo~e9oing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5070; Councilman Borden offered Resolution Noo 5070 and moved for its passage and adoptionm Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF fHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSIJY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE ~MPROVEMENT OF CLAUDINA STREET. FROM SANTA ANA _STREFf TO WAfER STREET a PROJECT NO. 64; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE' CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHOR1ZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PRO- POSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF~ (Bids to be opened March 26. 1959) Or roli call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follow-Jng;tote: AlES; NOES ~ ABSENT~ COUNCI LMEN; COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutte~ None0 Coons and Pearsono T~le Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO~ 5071: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No~ 5071 and moved for its passage and adoptlon~ Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF fHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. .(Westfa;, ~ proper ty! Or roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo low~ng vote: AYES~ NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN ~ COUNcr LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schuttee No ne 0 Coons and Pearsone T~e Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoPEdo RESOLUTION NOe 5072~ Councilman Borden offered Resolution No~ 5072 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUfION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (Spencer property) On roI cal the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follow~ng vote; AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutte. None w Coons and Pearsone The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted~ RESOUJTION NO. 5073: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5073 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page - I . -, """"'__.".";O;".'......._."_M.,;,"~".."~,,i',,,,~~'" 3217 City Hall~ Anaheim! California - March 3~ 1959 - 7;00 PoMo A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO~ 46 J g, ENTITLED VI A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING A BASIC CO~ PENSATION PLAN FOR CERTAIN CLASSES OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE OF fHE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF EMPLOYEES WITHIN THE WAGE AND SALARY SCHEDULES; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN FRINGE BENEFITS, PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS, HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NUMBER 3Q40 AND AMENDMENTS THERETOo (Accountant) On roi call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and ad~pted bV the fa lowing vote: AVE S ~. NOES; ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden~ Fry and Schutteo None 0 Coons and Pearsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted9 Counc11man Fry moved to adjourn to March 4~ 1959~ 7:00 PoM~ Counci 1-, ma Bo;~:)en ser:onded the motion" MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED.&.. SIGNED, .. L_ A < "2),.;/';~....--: City Clerk City Hall, Anaheim, California - March 4~ 1959 - 7:00 P. M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session9 pursuant to Resolution No. 5028, and legal notice duly published in the Anaheim Gazette and Anaheim Bulletin February 19, 1959, for the purpose of holding Public Hearinq on a Proposed New Comprehensive Zoninq Ordinance for the City of Anaheim. PRESENT: ABSENT : PRESENT : COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: Pearson. CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner. CITY CLERK: Dene Mo Williams. CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersall. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Robert W. Mungall. Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order. Mr. Eisner_ Planninq Consultant addressed the Council, briefly explaining the contents of the proposed ordinance as recommended by the City Planning Commission, and with the assistance of Mr. Steen, indicated on the map those areas that would be affected by the new zoning ordinance. Before the meeting was open for general discussion, the City Clerk submitted the City Planning Commission9s file of correspondence received on this matter and also called attention to the many letters received by the City Council. It was considered,by the City Council, that to go into the correspondence at this time would consume considerable time at the public meeting; that these letters which had been duplicated and copies thereof furnished each Councilman would be discussed and considered at later meetings, where there were any questions. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. '~--'"''''''''-*''''''''''''''''''''''"'-''''-''~-''''-''.~_.."..-~..^ .IIIIII"""'~~.~,-,,-,