1959/10/13 3678 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson (entered the meeting at 7:35 P.M.), Thompson, and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: Fryo CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner. CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersall. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Robert W. Mungall. ABSENT: PRESENT: _MINUTES: Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held September 15, 1959, regular meeting held September 22, 1959, adjourned regular meeting held September 29, 1959, and adjourned regular meeting held October 6, 1959, were approved, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompson. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 5553: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution No. 5553 and moved f or its passage and adoptionQ Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF OCTOBER 13, 1959. (Warrants Nos. 3715 to 4001, both inclusive, $551,605.78) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Coons~ Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fry. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5553 duly passed and adopted. _pUBLIC HEARING ~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-18: Submitted by Keystone Savings and Loan Association (Arthur H. Shipkey, Sro, Authorized Agent), requesting C-l zoning on property located on the west side of Palm Street, between South and Vermont Streets. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 53, Series 1959-60, recommended said reclassification, subject to: 1. That standard C-l Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim approved by the City Attorney, limiting the uses to a Masonic Temple and Business and Professional Offices. 2. That plans for development, more complete, be submitted to the City Council for review. 3. Install sidewalks on Palm Street. 4. That there be a payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting. 5. That a 90-day time limit be set for accomplishment of the above conditions. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Shipkey, representing the Applicant, addressed the Council and advised fuat they were willing to comply with the recommendations of the City Planning Commission. Plans from the file were reviewed by the City Council and it was noted that said plans indicated Plam Street as a 24.75 foot half width street. Mr. Piersall advised that the dedication requirements on Palm Street should be 34.75 feet from the center line of the street. Mr. Byron Dahl, owner of property adjacent to the area designated as tentative map, Tract No. 3492, addressed the Council, objecting to the proposed street extension to South Street through his property, and requested that said tentative map be reconsidered. ~'~;"''''~''''''~~~'i''''~' ..-- .. 3679 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. 3492: Tentative map, Tract No. 3492, was reviewed by the City Council, Mrs Dahl and Mr. Shipkey, and discussion was held relative to the propoged relocation of the street to extend to the east along the north property line of the Mattis property, on which an agreement for future street dedication is onfile, and which would allow traffic circulation through to Palm Street, instead of out to South Street. With Mr. Shipkeyus consent, Councilman Coons moved that previous action taken by the City Council on October 6, 1959, approving revised tentative map, Tract No. 3492, be rescinded, dnd that a hold order be placed on any building permit on Lot 24, Tract Nos l886, and further, that the complete development be referred to the City Engineer, City Planning Director and City Manager, to meet with the interested parties involved, for reappraisal of the street pattern in the drea, and to be again considered by the City Council at thei.r meeting of.Q~tober 2_4m1959. Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. .RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-18: Councilman Coons moved that public hearing on Reclassification No. F-59-60-18 be continued for two weeks (October 27, 1959) to dllow time for further consideration of the street pattern in the area. Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-JQ! Submitted by Fred Robinson and S~ F. Hilgenfeld (Gordon Ls Hodge, Authorized Agent), requesting C-3 zoning on property located at 1919 and 1927 East Center Street (north side of Center Street, between Coffman and Placentia Avenues. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 54, Series 1959-60, recommended said reclassification for C-3 for a motel only and any C-l, Neighborhood Commercial uses, subject to: l. That standard C-3 Deed Restrictions limiting the use to a Motel only or any C-l uses. These restrictions to be approved by the City Attorney. 2. That plans for the Motel be presented to the City Council for their consideration. 3. That there be a dedication of 53 feet from the centerline of East Center Street to the City of Anaheim. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 5. Installation of sidewalks on East Center Street. 6. That a 90-day time limit be set for the accomplishment of above conditions. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Gordon Hodge, Authori.zed Agent, presented plans of the proposed development and advised that they propose 96 motel units. The City Council reviewed the plans and discussion was held. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 5554: Councilman Thompson offered Resolution No. 5554 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, changing the zone as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, and further subject to development per plans submitted and reviewed, and signed and dated October 13, 1959, by Mr. Gordon Hodge. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-59-60-19 - C-3) On rdll call the foregoing Resolution was duly pas~ed and adopted by the following vote: -~_.'"~~._._- -...----"....-.-- ---'--~-'- 3680 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fry. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5554 dUly passed and adopted. PUB~ICHEAHING - RECLASSIFICATION NO~ F-Sg-60-?O: Submitted by Clearbrook Lane Corp:~-"n~i.-L. Wo~then, Authorized Agent), requesting C-l zoning at 1818, 1824, 1828 and 1834 Colony Street (east side of Colony Street, between Vancouver Drive and Colchester Drive, Tract No. 2701). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 55, Series 1959-60, recommended said reclassification, subject to the following conditions: 10 That standard deed restrictions of the City of Anaheim be placed on the properties, approved by the City Attorney, limiting the use to business and professional offices. 2. The erection of the buildings essentially the same as plans presented. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Plans of development and map of Tract Noo 2701 were removed from the file and reviewed by the City Council, and discussion was held relative to parking and the prohibiting of vehicular access to Colony Street. Mr. Worthen, Authorized Agent, addressed the Council, and stated that he would be willing to relinquish all vehicle access rights to Colony Street. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. BESOLUTION NOo 5555: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5555 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, changing the zone, as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, and further subject to the condition that all vehicular traffic access to these four lots from Colony Street be prohibited. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A.CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-59-60-20 - C-l) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fryo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-2l: Submitted by Dr. William Kott, requesting C-1 zoning at 601, 611 and 617 South Palm Street (west side of South Palm Street, between Water and South Streets). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 56, Series 1959-60, recommended said reclassification, subject to: 1. limiting the 2. on South Palm 3. conditions. The filing of C-l deed restrictions approved by the City Attorney uses to Medical and Dental Offices and related uses and a Pharmacy. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes Street and Water Street. That a 90-day time limit be set for the accomplishment of the above The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. "'~'~'",'~_'-'-"'--"~.'~ ".f-~'~~"~""",",;",,.,,~~ 3681 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13. 1959. 7:00 P.M. Plans from the file were reviewed by the City Council. Dro William Kott, Applicant, addressed the Council, advising that he is presently operating under Variance Noo 778 on Parcels 1 and 2; that at the present time he has no proposed plan of development, however, the present building will be removed when the need ari.ses. He further advised that there are now 22 parking spaces for his present development. Mr. George Downs, 610 South Pine Street; Mr. Wesley Rapp, 606 So. Pine Street; and Mr. Charles Patin, 614 South Pine Street, addressed the Council in opposition to said rezoning, their reasons being: inadequate parking; that the present Variance 778 appears to be adequate; that C-l zoning would allow any type of business; that the present alley is becoming a thoroughfare and is badly in need of repair; no plans of development; that they understood there W8S to be an ambulance station included in the proposed development. Dr. Kott advised that whether the development be by variance or C-l zoning, he would be willing to stipulate that there would be no ambulance service from the building, except in an emergency. Further, that the alley referred to is in need of repair and in his opinion, should be resurfaced. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. Further discussion was held by the Ci.ty Council, at the conclusion of which, Councilman Coons moved that action by the City Council on said reclassification be withheld until November 3, 1959, to allow for examination of the premises and a report from the Public Works Department and City ManagerVs Office, relative to the alley. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTJDN CARRI ED. E~LIC HEARING- BECLASSIFI~ATION NO" F-59-60-22: Submitted by Mrs. H. S. Currie and Mr .J., A, Currie (McDanie: Engineering, Authorized Agent), requesting R-3 zoning on property located, briefly, at the easterly extension of Catalpa Avenue, between Mohican and Euc Ii d Avenues 0 The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No.. 57, Series 1959-60, recomInended said reclassification, subject to the following conditions: Attorneyo 10 The filing of Standard R-3 Deed Restrictions approved by the City 20 That Catalpa Street be extended easterlyo 3m That there be a dedication of 60 feet on Catalpa Avenue. 40 Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the Office of the City Engineero 50 The payment of $2,,00 a front foot for street lighting purposes. 6. That a subdivision map be filedo 7. That a 180-jay time :imtt be set for the accomplishment of the above conditionsm The Mayor asked jf anyone wished to address the Council. Mro A. Ro McDaniel, Authorized Agent, addressed the Council and re- ferred to the previous zoning hearing (F-58-59-l18), at which time the Council requested that the additional Currie property be included in the application to assure the ult3.mate construction of Catalpa Avenue, and advised, that to the best of his knowledge:- the recommendations made at said previous hearing have been included in this new applicationo He questioned Condition No.6 of the City Planning Commission9s recommendations~ advising that it was not their intent to develJp the property as a subdivision; that a record of survey map has been filedo Further, relative to Condition Noo 3 of the City Planning Commission"s recommendations 60 foot dedication on Catalpa Avenue), he advjsed that they have been unable to negotiate with the owner of the property to the south, and inasmuch as the use of the property would be limited, requested that they be allowed to improve the northerly portion of this street ~"~__ ,,_,_+. ,_~."~ ~4~__ 3682 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October l3, 1959, 7:00 P.M. at this time (the James Currie property), and dedicate the property to the east (Mrs. Currie's property)with improvement to be at the time of development. The land use study of the property previously submitted, was again reviewed by the City Councilo Mr. Conti, repre5enting the Applicant, addressed the Council, urging the granting of said reclassificationo The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closedro BESOLUTION NO. 5556: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution Noo 5556 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the preparation of necessary Ordinance, changing the zone to R-3, subject to the following conditions: 1. The filing of standard R-3 deed restrictions as approved by the City Attorney" 20 That Catalpa Avenue be extended easterly to and across the subject property, terminating in a cul-de-sac at the easterly end of the extension. 3. That there be a dedication of 30 feet on Catalpa Avenue and a half cul-de-sac dedication~ 43 Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on ftle i.o the offi.ce of the City Engineer, for the improvement of the easteTly extension of Catalpa Avenue from Mohican Avenue to and across the property owned by James Currie; and prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements on Mohican Avenue. 5. Payment of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes along Mohican Avenue and in front of the James Currie Property. 60 That a Record of Survey Map be filed~ 7. That l80-day time .~ imi t be set for the accompli.shment of the above conditions. 8. That $25uOO per dwelling unit Parks and Recreation fee be collected as part of the Building Permit. 90 Before any building permit is issued on the property owned by Mrs. Currie, Sro, that the payment of $2500 per front foot for street lighting purposes be made; that street improvement plans and installation of improvements on the Catalpa Avenue extension, in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City FJ1gineer, be complied with; and the payment of $25000 per dwelling unit, Park and Recreation fee, be collected at the time of a.pplication for said building permito Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. ~ F-59-60-2~L - R-3) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNcr LMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fry" The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE NO. 1144: Submitted by Dowvs Acreage, requesting per- mission to install two electric signs at 218 Brookhurst Street (east side of Brookhurst Street, between Ljncoln Avenue and Broadway). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 47, Series 1959-60, granted said variance, subject m the following conditions: 1. That the sign set backs be a minimum of 60 feet from the center line of Brookhurst Street or Lincoln Avenue. 2. That the signs be erected i.n conformity with the plan presented having a ground clearance of 12 feet and an overall height of 20 feet, 3 inches. .;;;)~_0.-t_,,"W"1i$\111i1';:S,';;'=';':;::";S=-~-_~:::::;::E,--_~~;"3'~'~~~,_:,::;;::;~~___}~-; 3683 Cjty Hall~ Anaheim, Cali.fornla - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. 3~ That the present sign be removedo Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council and public hearing scheduled to be held this date. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Louis Ellowitt, representing Dowis Acreage, addressed the Council, advising that the drawing i.n the file was in error; that it was never their intent that the signs face the street; that they propose to erect two double faced signs} facing the traff~c {n each directiono He questioned Conditon No 3 of the Ctty Plann2ng Commlssion"s recommendations, advising that it was not Mrw Dew I: s intent to convey the thought that the present large sign was to be removed lmmediately; that satd 5 gn would probably be removed when a new bui~ding 5s erected A diagram prepared by the Ci.. ty Planning Department, determining the effect of tne lights from the proposed signs upon the residences in the area, was placed on the bulietin board and expiained by Mr. Murdoch. That it would appear that the sign proposed to be located on Lincoln Avenue would not shine into any homes~ however, the s~9n to be located on Brookhurst Avenue would interfere slightly and would affe t about three homeso Mr@ Edward Yfttke~ 2185 Hiawatha, addressed the Council in opposition to said variance, ad'I~.S '\9~ that !;n hi s opinions> the light from the proposed two adcHtiona s-; gns would not be objectionable, as the light from the existing large sign lights up the entire premises" That if said variance was granted, he felt the applicant shou~j comp w~th the City Planning Commissi.onvs recom- mendations and removetne large existing s gn Mro ,Jim Chavos~ 1903 Embassy~ addressed the Council, calling attention to the undeve OpEj prOpt;r ty r the aLea 9 whi ch ~ when developed, would be affected by said signs Mro Clarence Barton, res dent on Hiawatha, addressed the Council in opposi~ion to said variance, ana a so referred to the objectionable noise created by the operat~.on of the air compres~ors in the existing store building. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response declared the hearing closedo Further discussi.on was held by the City Council, and Councilman Pearson moved tha t a c ti on by the Ci ty Counci 1 be steferred for two weeks Oc!pber 27, i959tSi to ailow time for further investigation and possible visitation of the prem~ses by the City Counc~.l, Councilman Thompson seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDo PUBLIC HEARING ~ HOUSE MOVING PERMIT: Submitted by O. Mo Halvorsen, requesting permission to move a dwelling from 1201 South Eucli.d Avenue, to 2012 Orange Avenue. Public hearing was held pursuant to Legal Notice published in the Anaheim Gazette, October 1, 1959, and Notjce mailed to property owners in the area, The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Orval Halvorsen, Applicant, addressed the Council, urging the granting of said house moving permit, and presented blue prints and two plot plans, and requested permission to use either plan, depending on whether or not the existing trees on the property can be saved. Said plans were reviewed by the City Council. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. B~$OLUTION NO. 5557: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5557 and moved for its passage and adoption, granting the ApplicantUs request to move a dwelling from 1201 South Euclid Avenue to 2012 Orange Avenue. _"'_"""'"",._,......,_.._<._~.4~<._"'"""",........._A...._..".''"''~,,~__c"'c~'""'"~;.~__~._.~~'" 3684 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A HOUSE MOVING EERMIT TO Oe M. HALVORSEN TO MOVE A DWELLING FROM 1201 SOUTH EUCLID AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, TO 2012 ORANGE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN~ COUNC I LMEN : Coons, P8arson, Thompson and Schuttea None" Fry. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5557 duly passed and adopted~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. F~59-60-,5: Submitted by Leo 8" and Emily Mo McGavren, requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3, property located on the north side of East La Palma Avenue, between Baxter and Acacia Streets (Tentative Tract No. 3493) u Public hearing was held September 29 1959, at which time, a resolution granting said change of zone was introduced and failed to carry by majority vote. Petition of protest, containing 21 s5gnatures, and filed with the City Clerk s office October SQ 1959~ was submitted, and the addresses noted. Mr0 Lynn Meeks, 1927 Redwood Avenue, presented three additional petitions of protest~ contain=ng approx~mately 72 signatureso Mr. DuJley Frank:p r'o~ptesen +:.ing ttv;:: App: -i. cants ~ addres sed the Counci 1, urging approval of sa j re lass fication and advised that they have complied with the recommendations of the new R".J :anJard:3;that the 1mmediate property owners do not object to sa d propose) USE That La Palma Avenue is now considered a main thoroughfare~ anJ ~n h~s op: ~0n, the ~ogical and best use of the property would be for R-3 purposes Mr. Lynn MeE!ks, 1927 ReJwood Avenue; Mrs $ Roland Beck, 2420 E. Normandy Drive; Mr, Joseph Riley~ 1516 Hedgewood Avenue; and Mr. Art SChutz, l5l7 Eo Romneya Drive, addressed the Coun 1 in OpposiTion to said reclassification, their reasons for oppos5 tiorl be~rg, over-crowd ng of schools; increased traffic; referred to the exist':;ng R~ jeve"opmen:.s on La Palma Avenue; the owners of ddjacent undeveloped property would also ask for rezoning to R-3, due to the increase n property values Mr Al White, 288 Spruce Drive9 addressed the Council in opposition to said rezoning, and referred tc the recommenljations of the Ci tizen i s Commi ttee regarding long range planning for the C~ty, which he understood included the recommendat~ on that this land.~~n question be consi:iered for a community park site. RESOLUTION NO. 5558: After further discussion by the City Council~ Councilman Pearson offered Resolut~on No 5558 and moved for its passage and adoption, denying Reclassification Appl~ ca t5 on No F-59~60~5, Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A ~H,i\NGE. OF ZONE SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED IN A CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED. (F~59-60~5) On roll cal the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES; NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo Coonso Fry, The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5558 duly passed and adopted. '.01c~_~~'i,#<i\1~"..,.' .;ir.lt"",....,.".;~~~~,..."~!<~~~'-,,,&.~ "-...' .-.~..",>~~:~~ 1 3685 City Hall,; Anahetmg Cal~ forn~a <" COUNCIL MINUTES .. October 13, 1959~ 7:00 P.M. rENTA1Jjf~~MAL~TRACt NO,,___3493t Subdi j-;_df\r, Assocl;Jt0s Funding, Inca Tract located ontne north ~ j~ of Eas La Palma Avenue, between Baxter and Acacia Str00 ts ~ dnj conta ins 3d p:ropOS8J R-3 ,ots Act~or on sa; J ~entat~ve tra was deferred from the meeting of Sep~ember 29, i959 to th~ 5 jate~ at the request of the Applicant. Mr, Dud ey Flank~ T'::!presenting the Applicant, addressed the Council and requestej that Tentat~ ve Map, TI8Ct No 3493, be withdrawn, in view of the act] on taken by t,he Ci tv C')uncli in denying Reclasslfication No. F-59-60-5. Gaur i.mar: C:./)ns mo/!:' J tha L the App i cant !J s verba 1 request to w; th:Jraw TEntative Map.~ Tract; Nc. 3493, bE: grantedo Councilman Thompson ~) e co n jf3:j ';V:: IDa!: ~ cw MOr:- ON CARRTE D" ~f~~t\SSIFICATION NOo F""53, 59n"cJ5~ s- ~ .'0'1,' nCj at ~L8 ar:3404 Nortt"'t P_3 Subm~ tEd by Fischbeck and Hasse, requesting nUa Avenue 0 Tht'.' C~ PLanr,-ing C:;mm1 s; on pursuant to their Resolution No. 22, Serces i959-60 IPcommen'iej saiJ ree a ifjcatton to C-l for a depth of 220 feet from the cente'r 'Jf P:,acer~ a Avt"nue~in accordance with Plan No.1, subject 1-__C; ~ n(f~ f; rg" f !::. ~ a rUa C~,. Deed Res trj cti ons of the Ci ty of Anahim, approv~d by the C~ ty At r~y. ? r~lt j,~:j ~..a 'on r"s ~hE ;:'i ty of Anahe'i.m of 53 feet from the center _~ne of Pacer:=a A nue 30 Pn~par tle'~t 'mpIOJemf:nt plans and install all improvements in accordanc~ w= th s~arjar approveJ p'~ns on fjle ~n the office of the City Eng r0fH. Pa I/m.'- t f $2, 00 p~; f +- foot for street lighting purposes. 5.. E^tCfJ 2:) f:>Jt a'. rt:<: tht:'Lly along Wtjsterly line of property rJ WF.:S t,::::': ._ to P 0. tT t a A 1 r,::f'W' 6. Tha 2 9D- jay t~ '.lk i.. 2 m t bf.~ set for the accomplishment of the above coP:t~ t ~ Pub ~ 5 tIea r fig wa s ht~':. J S ep tt'mber 1 ~ 1959, at whi ch time, sa id h~ar:ng was lcsed and a 'on deferreJ by the Council from the meetings of SepTember 8tha 15:~ 22rJ and 29Th~ i959 for the presentation of revised plans e9ar1~ng the prop ~J a ey. Commur cat] or :iateJ SeptJ~mber 30, i959 from Harold Hasse, requesting w=thdrawaL of hj.s propEI'Y from rec~as ifjcation Application No. F-58-59-l05, wa := s u bm' t t e J a r.1 r P a J. Mr Raymon~ Spehar, Authorized Agent, addressed the Council, urging the grant-lngc,f sa'J_d reL::Jci ng requested on the Fischbeck property; that Mr. Hasse felt that he coul) rot f~ranc;~all.y comply with the City Planning Commissionus recommendations at his time He presentee) a proposed plan of development, which was reviewed bv the c~ Counc~ and discussion was held regarding the width of the aiLey and existirg setbacks 5n the areao Counc~ man Coons mov~d that the request of Mr. Hasse for withdrawal of his property from sa5d Tec~a5 f~Gatjon application be granted. Councilman Thompson seronjed the mot;on, MOTION CARRIED. BESOLUTION NO. 5559: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No. 5559 and moved for its passage and adopt;on, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, changi.ng the zone, as requested, on the Fischbeck Property only, subject to the recomml-?ndations of thE~ Ci Planni ng Commi ss on, wi th the exception that Condit~on No.5 be amerJed to read, Extend 20 foot alley northerly along the easterly iire of the property. :n accordance with the revised plan submitted and signed by Mr" Speha: and jat"ed October 13'1 1959.H Refer to Resolution Book~ page to, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEI M MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID ".._..,.~:,~.".."*",~~..__.".:....~......:..._;;.".,.~."~.,._,,,~~.~~,,~""" 3686 City Ha11~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 PaM. CHANGE OF ZONE. F-58-59-105 - C- ) On roll call the foregoing Resolution No~ 5559 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES; NOES: ABSENT; COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; Coon5~ Pearson Thompson and Schutte a None. Fry. The Mayor declared Resoluti.on No. 5559 duly passed and adopted.. RECESS: Councilman Coons moved fOT a five minute recess. Councilman Thompson seconded the moti on MOTION CARRIED, ( 11: 15 p, M. ) .AfTER REGESS: Mayor Schu-t.b: calle:i the meeting to order, Councilmen Coons, -Pearson, Thompson and Schutte being present VARIANCE NO. 1152: SubmitteJ by Una Mutschle:r~ requesting permission to operate ~ home for the aged with six guests instead of three, at 946 Hampstead Street (east side of Hampstead Street, between Ball Road and Crone Avenue). The City Planning Comm-ission, pursuant tc their Resolution No. 72, Series 1959-60, granted said variance, subject to maintaining the residential character of the dwe ling and that no sign be displayed No further act~on was taken by the C5ty Council. YARIANCE NOa i154: Submittej by Frank L:;re~ requestlng permission to sell beer and wine for table serv5ce only at 1219 Brookhurst Street (west side of Brookhurst Street, between Ball Roa~ and Kate la Avenue'. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 73, Series 1959-60, granted said varjance, sub eet t:o the installation of sidewalks on Brookhurst Street. No further action was ~aken by the City Council~ VARIANCE NO. 1155: Submitted by George G Gregory~ requesting permission to operate a motel, restaurant and cocktail bar at 1401 South Harbor Boulevard (west side of Harbor Boulevard. between Ba 1 Road and Katella Avenue). The City Planring Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution No. 74, Series 1959-60, granted said Variance, subject to~ ~. The dedication of 60 feet to the City of Anaheim on Harbor Boulevard. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with standard approved plans on file in the Office of the City Engineer. 3, Erect; on of the bU'..lJings l.n accordance with plans presented~ 4. Building 1 ne set-back to be 50 feet back of the property line on Harbor Boulevard. It wa s noted tha t Vari ance No 1028 previ ous ly granted the Appli cants requesting the same use, has expired! however the plans of development are still as originally proposed No further action was taken by the C~ty Councilo .vARIANCE NO. 1l56: Subm; ttf':, j by Swentek Construction Company~ requesting waiver of minimum front and rear yard setback r qu~rements on property described as Lot 15, Tract 3396~ an] further ::iescribl:~) as c:ated on the east side of Euclid Avenue between Romneya DT~ an.j Art tngt::H! Avenue The City Planning Comm~.ss cyn~ pursuart to thei.r Resolution Nos 79, Series 1959--60 grantej sa~ j var~ance for a front yare:! set-,back of 8 feet on a portion of the lot as shown on plan and ~ 9 foot rear yard as also shown on plan. Plans from the file were reviewed by the City Council. No further action was taken by the Cjty Council. J.-ic,._."'.......,."....."._.~__._ ~-~~-111 .-. -. 3687 City Hall. Anahei,m. Cal5fornia ~~. COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. ~E.I:_QJ_f.\L USE PERMIT~,NOJ 5,1: Submi ttej by Carrte Bo Cardenas, requesting per- mission to operate a 40 un~t mobile home park at 10081 Stanton Avenue (west side of Stanton Avenue, between Ball Road and Stanton City Limits). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 75, granted said special use permit, subject to conditions. Discussion was held by the Ci,ty Council, and Councilman Coons moved that said special use permit No. 51 be set for review on November 10. 1959. 7:00 POMJ9 and that the City of Stanton be so notified, as it was noted that the property in qupstion borders Stanton City Limits. Councilman Thompson seconded the motlone MOTION CARRIED. .--- cwJ TI~:r:iI6:rIVE MAP - TRACT NO. 3365~ Subdlvtder~ Giacomo Lugaro. Tract located V ( a t the south~~i- corner of Cres cent and Magnol:ta Avenues and contains 29 lots. (Reclassification NOn F-59-60-27). Mr, Murdoch reported that the Agent for the Subdivider, verbally requested that action on sa5d tentati.ve map be deferred to November 3, 1959. On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompson, action on Tentative Map Tract No 3365 was deferred tO,November 3, 1959, pursuant to the verbal request made to Mri Murdoch by the AgentQ MOTION CARRI ED. "- RECLASSIFICATION NO. F~59-60-27: Submitted bttGiacomo Lugaro. (Tentative f)-:-W -tract No. 3365 \ . R~o3 and C-l zoning 1) south~-g: corner of Crescent and Magnolia. . On moti.on by Councilman Coons~ seconded by Councilman Thompson, Pllb1ic hearinq on Reclas ification i'J~_f-,59-60-27 was rescheduled, to be considered on ~ovember 3i 1959. 7:00 PoMo, n conjunction with Tentative Map, Tract No. 3365: MOTION CARRIED. TENT A TIY; ..~~ -, TRACT NO, 3566: Subjj v'1der, Robertson Investment Corporation. Tract located south cf Wagner Street -3nd east of Placentia Avenue, and con- tains 87 lots, The City Planning Commi on approved said tentative map, subject to: That a Var5ance be fi ed or' Lots 8 and 9 which are slightly under 70 fe8t ~n wiath" 2 That a Variance be fi.ied on the lots which will only have 7000 square feetu 3. That an East-West Street in this tract be extended easterly to the tract boundary, 4 Subject to annexation to the City of Anaheim. 5. fhat pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. 6 Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subd5vision. each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval, fentative Map~ Tract No 3566 was placed on the bulletin board. Mro A R. McDaniel, representing the subdivider, addressed the Council and submitted elevation and floor plans, which were reviewed by the City Council and discussion was held relative to the proposed substandard lots due to the CountyUs requirement that Wagner Street be made a 90 foot street. Councjiman Coons moved that Tentative Map, Tract Noo 3566, be approved, prov5ded the .lots are brought up to standard size in conformance wi.th the Anaheim Munj cipal Code~ with the exception of Lots 8 and 9, which must have action by the City Planning Commission in the form of a Variance before said Tract can be finalized. Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. I~NT,"~.ILVE_MAp'_-:.. TRACT NO. 3597: Subdj vider, Robertson Investment Corporation. Tract located south of Wagner Street and east of Placentia Avenue, and contains 84 lots. ,"""',""",..'."",~.,..,....,.~:..;ch.:;';;,","-~""" .....-.4_,_...-"..,""_~",C;.i!I,;;;.-w:._.=.-~.~~'.~~."""''''''<--''........''''~ 3688 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUlgs - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. The City Planning Commission a.ppr'oved Tentative Map, Tract No. 3567, subject tOi 1. That Wagner Street be made a 45 foot half width street to conform to the County Arterial Highway PIano 2. Subject to annexation to the City of Anaheim. 3. That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review. 4. Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. Tentative Map9 Tract No 3567 was placed on the bulletin board. Mr. Au Ro McDctniel~ representlng the Subdivider, addressed the Council and submitted elevation and floor p18,ns, which were reviewed by the City Council and discussion wa~ heldo Mr. Frank KroglJ\an~ adjacent property owner!p addressed the Council and requested a wall be erected along his property line where it borders said tract. Mrs. Rhea. Todd, representing the Subdivider, advised that all the back yards will be fences as part of the development@ Further discussion was held regardjng the ultimate width of Wagner Street and Mro McDaniel requested that action 00 said tentative map be held in abeyance for determination by the City if any further arrangements can be made with the County for reduction in width of Wagner Streeto Councilman Coons moved9in accordance with Mr, McDanielQs verbal request, that action on Tentattve Map Tract No, 3367~ be deferred9 to allow time for further negotiations w:th the County Road Department relative to the determination of the ultimate width of Wagner Street" Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ..RANCE PERMIT: Appli.cation for public dance permit, submitted by Daniel Ba Barragan representing League of Latin United Citizens (Lulac), requesting dance permit for October 319 1959 at CarpenterVs Hall, 928 East Vermont Street, was submitted, and on the recommendations of the Chief of Police, said permit was granted, on motion by Councilman Coons9 seconded by Councilman Thompson. MOTION CARRIED. IBACT NO. 3501 - SUBMISSION OF PLANSi House plans proposed for Tract Noo 3501 were submitted and reviewed by the City Council and City Managera Councilman Schutte moved that said plans, as presented, be approved by the Council, Councilman Pearson seconded the motionG MOTION CARRIED. REQUFST: ,Request of Disabled American Veterans~ Northern Orange County Chapter 94, Fullerton, California, for permission to conduct their annual for-get-me-not sale on the streets of Anaheim, November 6th and 7th, 1959, was submitted, and granted on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Pearson. MOTION CARRIED. YV,RCHASE OF EQUIPMENT - TRANSFORMERS: Mru Murdoch reported on informal bids received for the purchase of three 833 K"V"Av Transformers, as fOllows, and re- commended the purchase be made from the low bidder, Westinghouse Electric Supply: Westinghouse Electric Supply, Long Beach (Type P Uptegraff) Maloney Electric, Los ~ngeles (Maloney) General Electric, Los Angeles (G.E") Maydwell & Hartzell, Los Angeles (Kuhlman) Parks & Company, Long Beach (Federal Pacific) Line Material, Los Angeles (L~M.) Parks & Company, Long Beach (Allis Chalmers) $l4,005.37 (3 units) l8,l45.92 " " 18,339.36 " " 19,968.00 " " 20, l83.28 " " 21,325.20 " " 2l,7llo99 Ii " On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Pe~son, purchase of said transformers from the low bidder, Westinghouse Electric Supply, was authorized. MOTION CARRIED. -,",.k"",~..;"""",;",'M~~~~;'~'~~~"';"~~i~'~ 3689 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7iOO P.M. PYRCHASE OF EQUIPMENT - STREET SWEEPER: Mr. Murdoch reported on informal bids received for the purchase of one street sweeper, as follows, and recommended the acceptance of the low bid, that of Dearth Machinery Company for the Wayne Sweeper: Dearth Machinery Coo, Azusa, Callfo (Wayne) A. M. Danaher & Son, Los Angeles, Calif. (Elgin) ~. (red &. whj te un5 ~) Sm1th-Booth Usher, Los Angeles (Austi.n We~tern) $8,971.04 9, 182 . 16 9,062.56 8,314.00 Counci.lman Pearson moved that purchase be authorized from the low bidder~ Dearth Machinery Company, for the Wayne Sweeper. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. p~RCHASE OF EQUIPMENT - AIR COMPRESSORS: Mra Murdoch reported on informal bids received for the purchase of three air compressors, as follows: Smith Booth Usher Company~ (Jaeger) Essex Machinery Company (Worthington) Blystone Equipment Co. (Ingersoll Rand) Ga rdner-Denver Co. (Gardner Denver) Pneumatic Machi.nery Co. (Gardner Denver) Southern Equipment Co. (Ingersoll Rand) Ingersoll Rand Company (Ingersoll Rand) Compressor Service Coo (Gardner Denver) #85 $3~010080 3,108044 3,237alO 3,614.00 3,465080 3,634080 39634080 no bid #l25 $3,907a28 4~019057 4,200Q04 5,l06.40 4,86l.48 4,732..00 4,742.40 no bid Stationary Unit no bid no bid $2,335.63 2,512.64 no bid 2,375.88 2,274.48 f.o.b. New York. 2,166.32 My, Tra v Cushman 9 Mechan") ca 1 Maintenance Superintendent, addressed the Counc~ 1 and compare.] the var10us types of compressors and recommended the purchase of all three compressors from Blystone Equipment Company, Ingersoll Rand, because of the ease in maintenance and operation. On the recommendations of the City Manager and Mechanical Maintenance Superintendent, Councilman Pearson moved that purchase of all three compressors be authCJ~ ~'.ed from Blys':one Equ.:pmert Company, Ingersoll Rand, ($9,772078). Coun-::ilman Coons secondc:l the motion~ MOTION CARRIED. E~LRC_HASE .:::___AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT: Mr, Murdoch reported on informal bids received for the purchase of the following automotive equipment, and recommended the acceptance of the low bi :ls: One De - 2very Truck: M. R. Thompson9 Anahei.m 1960 International Metro-Mite $2,034.32 Two 1/2 Ton Pickup, Chassis Only: McCoy Motor Company~ Anaheim Rober~ Boney, Anaheim M. R. Thompson, Anaheim Cone Brosu, Anaheim Stilwells~ Anaheim F> 100 Ford Dodge International, 8-100 Chevrolet Studebaker 3,080.00 3,577060 3,801.66 no bid no bid Three 3/4 Ton Pickup McCoy Motor~ Anaheim M. R. Thomp5on~ Anaheim Robert BoneYi Anaheim Cone Bras>, Anaheim Stilwells~ Anaheim Fa 250 Ford B~120 International 0-200 Dodge Chevrolet Studebaker 5,734Q05 6,237.5l 6,767028 no bid no bid Three, 4-door Sedans - 6 cyl. , stdo McCoy Motor Company, Anaheim Citrus Plymouth, Anaheim Cone Brose, Anaheim Robert Boney, Anaheim transmission: 1960 - Fai.rlane 1960 - Savoy Dodge Dart 5,596.87 5,812.56 no bid no bid Twelve Police Cars: McCoy Motor, Anaheim Citrus Plymouth, Anaheim Cone Broso, Anaheim Robert Boney, Anaheim 1960 Ford - Fairlane 1960 Plymouth - Savoy 18,320.91 20,097032 no bid no bid ~,:;;~~~;~t-iji,-;__",,,,,,,~,",,,;,\~*_,'Bo1;n;;'-,.;d;~~E;i<ik' ,'..~22,:;S~~c.E;;;>ii<~~:~i""'-'" 3690 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. Two Travelall: M. R. Thompson, Anaheim 1960 International $4,529.36 On the recommendatjons of the City Manager, Councilman Coons moved that purchase of the automotive equipment, as outlined by Mr. Murdoch, be authorized from the low bidder in each caseo Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. _R~SOLUTION No. 5560: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5560 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (OvKeefe & Merritt Coo) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons9 Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. BESOLUTION NO. 5561: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No~ 5561 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Maf!1i~__Ao Brumagim) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I LME N : COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: Coons, Pearson~ Thompson and Schutteo None, Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NOe 5562: Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 5562 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. LC.larence E~_. O_chs & Russell A. Hodge) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson~ Thompson and Schutte. None. Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. B~SOLUTION NO. 5563: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5563 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES 0 (Robert Ro. Stearns & Walter Ha Duff) b'~~_~~<i<.c=~*,4'-.-"~__"",-,<~- --, .. 3691 City Hall. Anaheim9 California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13. 1959. 7:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOE S : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; Coons~ Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None, Fryo The Mayor declared Resolution NOQ 5563 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5564; Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No. 5564 and moved for its passage and adoptionu Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. AUTHORIZING A REFUND TO COALSON C. MORRIS, JAMES L. MORRIS AND ARVAL MORRIS OF THE ,BALANCE OF THE UmJ~ED FUNDS DEPOSITED BY THEM FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER MAIN ALONG SOUTH STREET NECESSARY TO SERVE TRACT NO. 1696. On roll call the foregotng Reso lution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN: COUNC I LMEN: COUNCr LMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None~ Fry. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5565: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution NOa 5565 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF ROMNEYA DRIVF, FROM SPADRA ROAD Iy LEMON STREET, JOB NO" 482 AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened November 5, 1959) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Fry" The Mayor ::leciared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NOD 1407: Councilman Pearson offered Ordinance No. l407 and moved for its passage and adoption. Sajd urgency ordinance was read in full. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE II, CHAPTER 1,_SECTION 2100 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF 0 (Council meetings) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. Noneu FrYe The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 1407 duly passed and adopted. ~,~""~<.-"",-,;,:;o..,..".;,;",.~i,,,,,.,,-.-=-_...._. ,'c,.".o.,"*=-.-'~".i.i..~."d"''''.J4'''=~==-.. .c. .,'~;~._~~,-_~="~..""'__:""~~"~^ 3692 City Hall, Anaheim, Californi.a - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. QRDINANCE NO. 1394: Councilman Pearson offered Ordinance No. 1394 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND~ HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PRO- VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F~ 58- 59-=~J__ =-~~ 1_ and P-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Noo 1394 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waivedo Councilman Schutte seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fry~ The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 1394 duly passed and adopted. ORDIN\NCE NOli 1395: Councilman Pearson offered Ordinance No. 1395 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE .ESTABL~SHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PRO- VIDING FOR AD~ruSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECT'IONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. .( F-58-59-108. -- C-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. l395 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordjnance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson~ Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Fry~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance No. l395 duly passed and adopted. 93DINANCE NOL 1396: Councilman Pearson offered Ordinance No. l396 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoptionG Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID Z ONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F~58~-24 - C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1396 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION '",,,,,,;,;a,,-,_",.-;;,,.;;--'~ ru - --"....7,.,~++~.,--",.;:-~-~- 'V" -,~ '-U7.'~ 3693 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 131 1959, 7:00 P.M. UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED" On roll call the foregoing Ordinance Noo 1396 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Fryo The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 1396 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1397; Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1397 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY KNOWN AS__KATELLA PARK ANNEXATION. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. l397 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Fry. The Mayor declared Ordinance No" 1397 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1399: Councilman Pearson offered Ordinance No. 1399 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM_AMENDING ARTICLE II, CHAPTER 7, SECTION .2IlO___OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE. ,,( Pub!,~~.E:t:'-21ec~_ P_rocedure _ for opening bids) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. l399 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Pearson moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons~ Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fryu The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 1399 duly passed and adopted. A~I~9RIZATION - BID OPENING: On motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Coons, Al McDougall, Office Engineer, was authorized to preside at the bid opening, October 22, 1959, 2:00 P.M., in the absence of the City E~ineer. MOTION CARRIED. QRDINANCE NOo 1401: Councilman Thompson offered Ordinance No. l401 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CAHPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PRO- ~<,~'_4c..,:;;',;'-, -.;:......'>,,~'""_.~- ,,'~"~.',_.....h.:. '.I.~.""';.q,,,,_,.. ....+.:;;;.:y..c..'._.~.yc.."..".".,,',. ,Cj0;",,,_'",,,,jnWto.if,,,~',,":'m;';'j,]j"'D!d'~.I'lJnii!('JI:~ill'r,,,' 3694 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. ,( F-58-59-:lQ9 - C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1401 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Pearson moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance No. 1401 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN : COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutteo None. Fryo The Mayor declared Ordinance Noo l40l duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1402; Councilman Pearson offered Ordinance Noo 1402 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS ~9S0UTHEAST ANNEXATION NO.2". After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. l402 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waivedo Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fry. The Mayor declared Ordinance Nos 1402 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1403: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1403 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE AN~XATION TO THE CITY OF ANA~ 1M OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS HCHAPMAN-HARBOR BOULEVARD ANNEXATION". After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1403 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waivedQ Councilman Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the fOllowing vote: AYES: NOE S : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fry. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. l403 duly passed and adopted. QRDINANCE NO. 1404: Councilman Thompson offered Ordinance reading and moved for its passage and adoptiono No. l404 for final Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS "DOWLING STREET ANNEXATION. II '",..c.:._::::".,"..~c.;;.;~:~~..":..:..",~....,,:'i',.~~ )7" 3695 City Hall, lklaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 p.M. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1404 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of s8.id Ordinance be wai.ved. Councilman Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance No. l404 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN : COUNC I LMEN : Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. FrYQ The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 1404 duly passed and adopted. _9RDINANCE NO. 1405: Counci.lman Thompson offered Ordinance No. 1405 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS "SUNKIST-RIO VISTA ANNEXATION". After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1405 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Pearson moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waiveda Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance No. 1405 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOE S: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN : COUNCILMEN: Coons, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. None. Fry. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. l405 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1406: CArrlending.DxdinanQ.Q...NQ-L-l240 regarding F-57-58-23, ~g~~tituting plans of. developmento) Discussion was held by the City Council relative to the use of shake roofs in said development, and final reading of said ordinance was withheld, to allow further checking of the plans, and to be again considered by the Council at their meeting of October 27, 1959. ~EC~A?SIFICATION NO. F-?8-59-99: Submitted by Central Baptist Church of Orange Count Yo Clarification of action taken relative to Resolution No. 5525, amending Resolution No. 5349, was requested, and the Council advised that it was their intent to allow the development of the C-l portion to proceed as soon as the conditions applicable thereto are complied with; that Conditions No. 7 and 8 of Resolution No. 5349 do not apply to the C-l portion of said rezoning. TgtLlf\TIVE TRACT NO. 3562: Mra Leonard Smith, representing Golf Associates, owners of property adjacent to Tract No. 3562, addressed the Council, relative to the proposed street pattern and drainage problems existing in the area of said tract, and requested further consideration of Tentative Tract No. 3562 by the City Council. Councilman Coons moved that said matter be referred to a joint committee comprised of the City Engineer, City Planning Director, and owners of all property involved, in an effort to work out a plan of development satisfactory to all interested parties~ and to be again considered by the City Council at thpi~ meeting of October 27, 1959. Councilman Pearson seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDo RE.CL~ICATION NO. F-58-59-83: (Arthur Morales, Sr. - M-l zoning requested). Petition of protest dated October 12, 1959, was submitted and read, advising of conditions existing on the property in violation of Resolution No. 5260 in reclassification proceedings No. F-58-59-83o Councilman Coons moved that copies of said protest petition be made and distributed to the City departments involved, and that the matter be re- -.....,~~~""""''''-'~~,''~;j<.,-.;;:.:.;......".~,.,~.~l;t~"'~-, --.''''''''''iiirIit''''''.:'T "!Ii" ",~ 3696 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 13, 1959, 7:00 P.M. ferred to the City Attorney for necessary actiono Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIEDe ~ECLA?_~IFICATIOt:! NOo_f=-_?_~::?..2:--67: Request from Robert S. Barnes, Attorney representing LeRoy A. and Mildred F. Turner, for a two weeks extension of time to Reclassification F-58-59-67, was submitted, and granted on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. MlNUIES~ Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Joint Outfall Sewer meeting, held on September 3, 1959, were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Pearson" MOTION CARRIED. _CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence not requiring vote of Council was ordered received and flled on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Pearson. MOTION CARRI ED. FIRE INSURANCE: On the recommendations of the City Manager, Councilman Pearson moved that renewal of fj,re insurance policies (5 year plan) and payment of premium in the amount of $2325.87~ and renewal of library book fire insurance policy and payment of premium jn the amount of $l88033, be authorizede Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. fINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORTS: Financial and operating reports for the month of September, 1959, were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Pearsono MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST - USE OF CITY PARK~ Request of Lynn E~ Meeks, dated October ll, 1959, for use of the ball diamond at the Anaheim City Park, October 25, 1959, for an exhibition ball game between the North Anaheim League and the La Palma League, was granted, on motion by Counci.lman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURN: Counci Iman Coons moved to adj ourn.J Counci Iman Thompson seconded the lID tion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: /.t~: 00 A. M~ ) SIGNED: L k.-~~<,:~ City Clerk City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 20, 1959, 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: ABSENT; ABSENT: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Noneu COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. CITY MANAGER: Keith Aa Murdoch~ CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turneru The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim was called to order by the Deputy City Clerk and adjourned to October 27, 1959, 7:00 P.M., due to lack of quorum. ADJOURNED: ~/ )ll' r5::~' Deputy City Clerk SIGNED: ~,~:,,0";'f ,-~ ,,,,,,,,,,,',~;,,<,,,",,,~:^~'iiiiI----B:_Jr--,--:...xm"l "'\J. j;''':C~-iiiil, ~