1951/01/09 TJ' 1 1 A 11' ,... .1' f . T . ~ 1 0- f~~L=-.1__,n.~_...e 1.!P.!. .;:..0. ..l_OJ:':'G_~ ,_._~r:nu.a...rx_i.!__;!-J-2l,____ 7) ___-___ 8: 00 .p.~;. 1!O~!, ~l-iF1?EFOR~~. :BE I ".1'~:ESOtT~1) by the Ci. ty C01:!.Y1c11 of t h~ Ci t~r of Anr-thetm, ~-.i~+ flTIfl O~ctn;e, al>TSa,ni.tt~:r;l" T)~.st~5ct,s f" JGel,Lcl }-,a:rk, Garden Grove, La Habra 19C'P)~+if!$ tLGt t.h~ Atffl"'ic2','I F:rp~!, COTH't'f"lLetic:n C:)~:pn~i be not.ified tha.t t.h~ ~... )f Anr;1.hei.m 1,10 8''':---h nntre"t ,C1~ent, ha;~ "'1 ect~d to ;;;all for' the del tver~r of the or";' ~'~ ~.. ')(v') ~ inA~'r ~~?t?t cf T>-'1'11ill.:';pt~1" :?/'"1 1ined C'onerate Pipe specified in sc.:.i sul'.:"i:J11 ro. :.779'k'1d the ,::n.t,rac'; made and entered. into with ~aid American Pipe and ~.:Jn,,"d:r'Jct:ion COi'rpan:'" O!~ the 2nd :la..;r e,f Janna.ry, 1)51, D...."'1.d ?F rlT1 .Ft~~r::'~,mn 1rE;S'OV:J1;~ t~,)Fl.t sa-]cl .Arcie'r'i(~a.n ?ipe a.nd Construction Compa~r be "cQuestec tc furr.ish tlle Cit:}T 0 ~ Ar.a1'1eiD \t.l th a J.ett8r stating wheth.er or not it wj11 ('ry,~ sh f" the contra.ctor or contractors to Wh,0ID are awarded contracts for the con- ,;trl)(,tion cf t:he 1,jagnc1ia Sewer Project. an addttlJnal 1.640 feet of 39" diameter ":' '3 lL:v:::d ConcretE: IJ1.:r,'e D.f $pr\.'ified i:c... sa:ld P.es01~ltion a.n.d agre::~ment at the aa.me _ "!~: and ~,hE t the. Cj t.y Clerk ,~.:f t.he. C-1.. ty of ArMeim be and h~ is h~reoy authorized '.C~;-~~ (~lrectf'C tQ IVit:f:-r the Amer:Gan P1.pe ane GOIlstroct:1.,Q:r1 COlilpany of the election Qf :-",;c"'li~..;t t)f .ArJ1'1....\,H~i.1 t:J :;9.11 fc'" t-"'ie deli't.~ery of ~.').id S.'100 feet of Concl'pte Pipe a.bove men'!:.,~ ,)r:ecl. and t.o reqnpr,t from sa:id. Awc::i can Fipe and Constru,:tion Company a cOlI'Jr,itment 2(;1" an :.ld~,i.tionpl ~,6LJO feet ().(' f'!.eid pi-r(3, a.nd th,qt he ~end certified copy of this ~~eSl:."ltion t;c sa.id fu'11erlcan Pipe aIld JO!l9t:ruction CO:TT.>any. On 1';)11 call t~e fOref~()i.np: Rpsoluti on No. ] 805 was duly passed and adopted t~e ~ollow1ng vot~: ~YE$: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying and Boney. NOES; COU!~CII~~:EN: l~one. ABSENT: COmTCIL~1AN: Ve..n ~!a.goner. The Ma,:ror declared the for~soin~ ResQlution "'{o. 1805 duly pv.ssed and ed.opted.. ,~Gl>.._'N :.:Ar~'IUN: A\..6.E C1L. ~IfE A:rD CC.W31'RU~TICm cot Coamunlcation from the American -':<pe anc: Constructi.on Com:na.ny dat~d rpcpmoer 29. ] 950, "\<Jnerein the American Pipe and "c)nstructton C'J~(c-::cny agrees to furnish It6J.~O 11:1ear feet 3911 2/3 AEler-Flate T-Lock ?lact.:ic Reinfnrced Concrete F'-,e, 160Q-D at $16.30 per linear fc.ot. Commnnication wap orrlered p~aced on fjle with Con~-act. Mr. A. KQebig was pres~nt at the meeting and \Vas },nfcrmed of thi.r. acceptanc~. :UlT HtJ. 1 COU11cilman :Boney 0::'fered Resol'~tion No. 1806 and moved for its ,:'F~t,a2'e a:ii..:1, 2.!.:)option. Counci];nan 1,\fisser ~econded thE'; motion. !\fOTION CARRI:ED. P3S0LUTION JF~NTING A VARIANCE. WHEREAS, :Jr. :harles V. Schutz a....Yld Dorothea 3. Schut~, as O\'lners of certa.in real pro:pert~r 8i tr1ated at 2Z6 NQrth Clementine Street" in the Ci t~r of Anaheim, C01Jnty -;.J O;-ange, S~9.te ('f CaJ iforrd.a, depcribed as 'lineyard D 5, Lot 1 :Block G. has filel with t'J.e City Pla~:.nin~: CIJrnmissicr. cf the City sf .Ar~heirr, a p~tition req,llesting tha.t 'EJ. va,!"'j3.~-:e -be granted permitt r.,:::: tho:;! to enlarGe ]jl"eeent dental office by a unit Liel'ti.c~al in s~ze with the prp.s8nt. l.:nit; and vr.:8:EREAS. thp. Cit~.. COUY.:.cil finds frorr; consideratj!)n and investigation of the *""",..t.c. and. t:1e r?p:J1"t and rACO:::.:: ,...,ndation'Jf the Ci.t:l Planning COmL.'1ission that: (1) S:p?cial c:51"~u.mstar("~z and e:.ltcept1.ona1 conditions do exi6t as to the 'pro.pe:rt~r C'" cl~HH'es of use2 "5 n tt:.Q same zone or d 1. str'; ~t; (2) That a variance is nec~ssary for the pr8servatio~ and enjoyment of a ~nbsto.ntial propert;," risht of ~aid. retitjoner; (3) That the granting of such corlditional variance will not be detrimental the publ i. ~ ',;':elfa:-'e or injuri cn~ to the :propel"t~/ or ir,~:provements in the district ;'!~'(~~"'0ir..' ~aid propprt.:: i~ 1 ocnted. Trov1~lcd, the conditi.ons hereinafter set forth are cr'pl i ed v:i tr... ~ NO\\ t THEFJ"FORE, :BE rrJ1 RESOT.JVEl.t' :BY rrH:E CITY G~mNCI1 OF THE CITY OF ANAHET~1, . :lr:-. r. contii t ion!!,: va:."1 ance be. a.nd~ t:te same is hereb;y" granted' to Dr. Oharles V. Schutz and Do!'otb~a "5. SCh1ltz DeY';:lltt.jr~G then: tc er~J a.Y'ge present dental office by a unit. i:jent:ica] in s~ze vdtb the present 1'init-u-por. the '!ol1olring condittons: 1. T}-'.a't said busirp~s; f!halJ \)3 \,):pp.rated in a.cccrd.anc~ wi th 1:.11 laws, of the 3t,,'t.e ()f Cali fcr1".1.a 8.nd Q'!1dira::wes pnQ Ep,g1.l1at'lon's of the Ci ty J-: Al:.a.heim. TI'-at the anpe3.!'ftIlCe of stdd real }!1'o:pert:r'- 1.~C].Udi.T1g all buildJings thereon \-G~'1 b~ :;:0J;t a.:-~:'. ,;...! ~"'~ cad. ~.~1 th ~. P>D..'t-i ~faC'+.:):r7 ar;pe2rance J.r: keepi:z:.g with the uses r e "{-'> 1. :!"~p8r;:; j. t tree.. '1. Tr.e:t +.~';' r..c.1nt e!'ln.r:ct: and operation of said build,ing sr..all comply",i th [.11 :re~ttir'f'ffiC'L.Jc,.f of th::- Chiei" (jf tl'e Flre Dcpart.r::ent of the City of Anaheim as to ['H.fet3:- and fir(:prev~r"; j on. h. Thp t the City Counc i ~ herE'by ;:-p~;eYVest:1e right to revoke said -..-c~r1,a.."'1ce "erllit ;'d!' gOD0, Ccll,r:e. Or roll. ca.} 1 the fQreg~~rg R~~olution ... ..... ~.:.~ . 1803 was d111y passed and adopted t 'h P; ,~ C ~ 2, c '..;1 r",{'; Y C, b:~ : .-. -.......... "' """_"",,,,,"";;.~,;'i~,,*",,,,,..,,;~..,,,,,,,,~~,,,,-.t..,i''';;'"'''*-'~'-'___...._..;_".i:llil ..,,, /'--t- ..9..::JLJ1a~1 J-L Anahe iJrL_~l. t f ornt~_t.__,!L'1.11Jd!21'~Y_3-..!...-J.921..-..___~_ 8: 00 P. M. t, VI;: c: . ~~-.. .''"-'. ::'c:.m'JII~L8:K: Pear~on, W~t'C:8r. Rey-jng a,no :Boney. ~J('!Ff:: ....OP1TCITJ,!E}.T; Nonro. f~B~E'\Y'" '''DT1-TCI TMAN: "~T; Wa.f~()n;)":'. "'he Ha.~torif>cJared Rp~3vlutl(m No. 1806 duly passed aDd adopted. /Ai- l.ti.J ANAEEIh Gf.ED.DN:;;J; Variance No. 1:~J. A!2a.bejm Gardens. for :perm is cion to nse 1 (\1 ~ 1 to s. in(..h~!t'ive. uf rp1"'A~t No. '.1 20, fer the C'onstruction of a Markc-t. Thie prcperty if:' 'Jcat,ed at 1200-1 East Center ~tr€et fmd. is now in the R-I. Single Fa.m1.1y He~ide!'\('p 7,('r:e. r,:bl{c BAa-ring 'tmp, hf)ld by the City Planni.ng Commission SepteIl!ber 18, 1950. The City fla.tl.njng Cmmnisr,ion reeorrnuHJded grantjng the varia.ncfI! with cert.ain atipulat.)on~. rT"he City .....oln1':::il hf>1d Pu'b1ic H('~~;i.n,,; rela.tiyc to thp petit/ion on Oc,tober 10.1950. CO'J!1Cl 'I man Boney rr.01rec. tl"J\t ap~J".~catio!l for varis.ncA No. 111 be fraDted subject to con- ditior:, as ,~ontf.dned in tb.e le-tt;er of the City Planning COmInlr.:iOIl of their meeting held Sertembf?r l'~. 1950. CO'lln~ilmM He:,ril1e; seconaed +hp fU:)+-~(J:I. MOTION CARRIED. The :)1 L;r ,AttGnv:; -"'as 1TIDt,rl~C'tt;>,Q tQOr(1paTe!\~~c"lJtiQ::I pccording~y. (Gli.AN'I'ED) J\1~hE~ "A. l) ("'1;, Nu. 154~ t b.;;':'.Ci.E. ,,'as granted permission to hang banner advertising their Minstrel Shew to take place Februe!'y 2 t J 951. P:ro('e~d s of the show B.re to be usad for chari ta,:' f' prupo sc~. rt:'qnes t ~-ran t'/ ~d on t:;:ot j on 'by C01mei 1 man TInney, secc!Dc.ed by Counci 1- man W1 r'1i' eT. MOT T ON CAn] I ED. COI'LkUN1 froJl1 the La.urel S~hooJ P.T.A. dated Decpmber 19, 19.50 was read. ,=;OM~Il:N from the Freemont, Board rela,tive to t'.Jllloween celebration was read. '.;Oi,U<UL f :"v..u ::nJ i.fc:,rrd.a Cad,et Corpf\ regard ing the Dri verI!! I Training Program at thp.4.nAheim vTn~ ~t", High SChOOl, were granted rarmi.E.Htion to use Cypress Street west of the ;{i~r' ~k,;"'rl "or the p\)rpor:.8 of Jri.vet'!"' educe.t.i.cr.. Tbip, port,ion of Cypress Street i~ dead-~rf2 f'tT'pet ar~d hEl,s 'nt'} thr"""'f'h t!'R.ffic. Chief of PoJ.'j.c~ Tp.commeY1ded the request be z;ra..rtt?d. ')~{1 rf'fpl.??t f,rantp.Q on fj;otior by COllucj]man Hey'ing, seconded o~r Cou.nci.lman 1:li sa er . i,:OT ION CARR ~ E:D. ) A '~,t'., or: :,0 t :~E.;Er\iElIT : H. ~. Rer;~111ar:i reque~tg that +'r.e City grant vacation of easement 31 y 8 t . fat.rI requert referred ta the Engineer Depa,rtment. 1 '"' i 11", Tra:t No. 1 ".." ,,'- I ' . fro:n ""ra~ t e \i~ t. e- [:1 9]:J(' hEll C:c':;pan:r peTta i n:_ ng to j ncrease in rental charges by t.hE' ~Tci n.-t', Outfall 2p'We:r wa8~(,)a.d.. Aill~1 '''l~(Il.j\,iE}T: The "::ity ('t)1~nci1 rati:fi~d a*T)r~cir.trr:ents of seven Special Reserve F'ollcA Off'i"'PTS made by thA::t-Jef ')f F)"':ce. December 29.1950 on moticn by Councilman Lone;y', sp.condec 1;~.. '::ouncl1:llfU'; "WiSEer. Iv[OTTCN C4TIPIEr. ThoF,e appointed were: Leona~dLeRo~,.mfgl et;ton .. Robert \/{. TJont; - My1 es Davi s ]radley - Lee Fdward DeHart - ClAude Calvi Il BST'11ett, - Robert J. IIutchecon - Oral Farless. l~j'~.l'J S ;1:_rw :,Ul.f])S; The C1 ty T~easurer")fu~ author} zed to transfer $10,000.00 from the tc t te Sani ta t i en ["1n.C, 0r !to t i ')"'1 by CC1.1ncd lman :Boney, seconded by CO\lncil- /vICTI c!r CAt::RIE1:. Genera] ~'t)n(':; man .~: 1. ~ f f' r . The City Attorney was i!1~truet;ed to prepar€' Resolution establishing "MAGI'OLU !BUU SEWER PROJECT CONSTRUCTION FUNDIJ. ~OtU<'~~,jl~ ~,.r~ ,~ from JlrnE'ricar~ Le.gj en, .A:an.reim Post No. 72 on black-topping of Legion ',das ~'r.ed a,nfl. t.;he Council If,:i.lJ cher::k into the matter of doing the work on an ".~t (jf $375.(1(' to,) be JJs.id "by the F:.H':t. r'aT'kic{" -.ct ectirnnted ;"INANC A &.J?:h:B.ATING F.EiCHTS; for Dec'ember 1950 a:lc:. Annual Report s of :PoJ.ice, Fire, Bui1diIlg H('t.':vitip.~w€re ordered A,cceptAo and filed 0n motion by Councilman Wisser, second eo 'by C01IDC i "mar: ;TpyiDf'. t'10~I or CAR: "'}~,;: rp1"~ac:;"Y'(,:': ,A!lp1'pl F~ind. $2Li'7,lS1.11L totaJ. all :unds, $304,983.79. - Ci"~y CIG:ck: -;'€Dc!'1 rfs'"'nanC1.E::G. \dtb. that r::f T'teaf;n.""er~,.. "1 ty '~lprk cepos1.t, $35l.92 - Tax Coll€(:t.0"'~ ej'C'r-lt $h;tl1h.L!~g - Ci.ty Ele('t;-r1ci8.ll: rlepnsit $190.60,28 electric li.ght 'Ni!"1np- '~)eT'rr ~ r~ ar.d ~, e1 ectric rCv:er w-l ;'ing nerIr.it - CitJr Judge: depostt $2.c.76.00 hS"'" c~e.!~, ''''it' wh' ch ;1'"" \,'",,..p ps.,.ldng !!,pte:r vi,o}etlon~ - T..ibre.ry 'balance, January 2, 1951 $27,,2!.11.. - C t:r A~ld' t~r do,!,csit, $8'3,6')8.:.:6 - :.ieenr,e collector deposlt, $257.75 - ?ar'dnp' 'etJ''!' '~~r, I?ction~ $2,275.00 - ?'\11)~i:~ S('rV1("'e (ie-P;Hdt. $?2,423.Q.2 - J.O.S. report AnJihp;r'''' 9hare (.f expendit.1:reg $905.80.- -,;pter rept.1 \Ja.t~T' pumped by city, 11.185,000 E':eJ.l'T1"!~ r-:l'chaf\ed fro":: i'/,.W.;-. /~1,671?11.."'C lon~, water level i.n City Wells, January 1, 195J t :", 'I!, - Ac; +; '1 vi t 1 p.S '1+~'!;st e!' DeTI3!'tiTPnt. (+ATba,ge and fT1ra.sh ,::ollect ions, Poli ce .'JF!'cartrJ"rt. ?i.-p DeT)artn:ent and ;:1'1op 8nc: Ga1'sF';€. - 131}i',diTIg Depa.....t.rr:ent, 140 permits o4'owhi('1:- 6 ....B7.", B1]~lctng wi+r ,q=\,111at'!0T1 $1}S:3,1 .CO. "p~H" ct"J~1~cted$ltl.}26.55- _. ,,' t ..:! '. t' .,... "d' 'f P t r J:..nnua~ 't'ArO-r't~ of =P:put~' ~1ounc.:. r..aF er. nTH.' .~!.C _Ing .tU1.; lng ,.nr. .I'H' i) . ")E{c:Ju<.; i:E C '1'1; ar:C1H1t i ng to $69,917.'" '7 was reported b;y- Counci.lmar. Heying. ~c'lr:ci:,man Wl$f'er rrnvod that ~-e})ort 04' '!;1lance Committee be accepted and t,hat 'Warra.nt.s 'Qf> a. ray!') n !:he ~~e~leral arr.o'UIl t ~ tv pa~r saj d ;1 emanc c j n ~l'?c(;rda:oce "Ii tb report. Council- man Boney Feconded the fiction. ~,10TI01T GARFIED. 75 ,,_ .,. .__.... ..... ~."" ..Qi.b,v_JIa:'J: ",__Anah~~:xr--L ..Cal if 0 .E.!.:!~J. ..~ an ua;x. ..2..L 19.5 !...-.,_ .......-~..---~- FeF'ti.ng cf thA Ci COl:;ncjl '",:itt the Cl-l,~T ?J.anning Commission, Mr. U.rmJ '1 ~x;(i lu~socL?"+'::;f'. al ,~rj"~ t:>;A.tto!'r,.Py a.n'~ Administra,ti'tre Officer was proposed r Fr~day, 1.JO ;;.1'-1., C'anL'f),;T 1~~, 195~, and th~.reupcn the City Council adjourned to ~t:lid time and dale (;!: m~;tiC'r. by ';()ul1c:i lma.r HG~.i!lr~ ge~onJ~d b~r Cou:n~jlms.n Wisr,eJ'. mOTI eN GARTCEL. AL-.....JOTP~TET: . 5 I G IfJ1}l) ~ ~.~ - .--. -.--...- -_. -----.--- ...-- --1 A' \t!k~~/,--~/Jr-'!L__.___-- Ci, ty 01 erk <.v - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~- - -,- City Hall. Aaaheim. California. January 12. 1951 - 1:30 P.M. - - - - - .... - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The City Couneil of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular .essio.. PRESENT: COmTCILMm1i: Pearson. Wiseer and Heying. ABSENT: COUNCILMEB: Boney and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TU1tNER: Present. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER; Present. The Meeting of the City Council was held Jointly with the City Plaanlng Co..i.s10. and Gordon Vh~~nall and Associates in order to further the progre.. of ad.piie. of the proposed zoning ordinance and map of the City of Anaheim. Recommendations contained in the City Planning Commielion Resolution. 1. 2, ), 4, 5 aDd 6 and Resolutions of the Cit7 Council Numbers 1791, 1792. 1793 and 1794 were considered aad Mr. WhitBAll va. i..trneted to prelent a new Resolutio. cOTering all the previoul resolutions pertaining to chaage. i. the proposed ordinance and map heretofore introduced. Discussion on the breaking up of lotI i.to number uniform section. thu. making street devel.pa..', utilities installations difficult to maintain. Also the subdivision of residencet, A-G areas ia less tbaa one acre tracts. and review of the question of industry moving within the JJO feet boUDdary limite of the Thomas Jefferson School. Discussion on the limitations of chickens per family allowable in R-A and R-l distructs. The standard basis of JJO fa.t from boundaries of schools ge.&rally, received faTorable commeat b7 the Cit7 P1aaning Commission and City Council. Councilman Heying moved to adjoura to !uesd~ 8:00 P.M.. JaauQrT 16. 1951. Councilman Wisser seconded the motio.. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. 5I GNED ~~tt~ - ~ ~ - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - ~ - ~ - - - ~ - - - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - - - City Ball, Anaheim, California, January 16, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. ~ - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - The City Connell of the City of ABaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT.: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying and ::Boney. ABSENT: comrCILMAI':, Tim Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. ADMIlIISDA!IU OFFICD.: Present. WARRANTS AND DEMANDS: Cou.cilmaa Heyiag moved that authorization be made for the transfer of $600.000.00 from the 1951 SEWER BONDS AC~UISITION AiD CONST.RUCTION FOlD to iaactlve accOUA' for the purpose of receiving payment of interest of ~.o. this "_11&'. qouncilman Wisser seconded the motio.. MOTION CABRIED. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE EOARD OF THE J.O.S.: Meeting held January 4.1951 were submitted and read. Councilman Wisser moved that said minutes be approved and filed. Councilman Boney seconded the motio.. MOTION ClRRIED. VARIANCE NO. 137: The Oity Planning Commis.ion held Public Hearing upon Variance1io. 137 wubmitted by Tony D. Derrig_, TRU-FARMS MARXEf, lessee of the property of Morrie Goddard, requesting peraiesion to continue the Wholesale and Retail Fruit and Vegetable Market at 208 North Manchester Avenue. - Councilman Heying moved the recommendations of the City Planning Comm1s8io:8. to grant the variance for the Retail Business, sUDJect to the requirements that all aerehandise must b~ kept eatire1y within the building be lustai:aed and that the Wholesale iusiness 1:8. that location ,",,',"';""'''-,~._.'h_><~,'''<l''i''P''''''''--''''' ~,"-"---'