1951/01/16 75 _. __~_G.i 1Y~j{a~;.l.____[Ul~J.1~JIT~. .~9.1iL Q:n.J .~._,. JJlJ.p:a:rll_~t. 12.5.1.__ _ ~________---'_, __-_ l:et:>ting .!';f thf.1 Ci Cr,l":ncil vl1 tr thp Cli,y -:::Ja.nnirg Commission. Mr. t.r.nJ" ~,!1d l\zscci.;,:.,'F>f, a:~ i':'~tJ'\t.toT'nf>Y an,5 Mm1.nistra,ti"t,re Officer was proposed l' Friday. 1:30 T;.r~;.. :ant'sl':t 12. 195~. and th~J.eu'Pcn the Cit~- Council adjourned to fB.ld time an1:ate Gr mc:tic~ oJ' C;ounc;,; 1maJ) HeJ'in;;', seG()nded b:r Councilman WieDer. mCT! ON CARR! :!i-;L . ADJ (, TJP .1'1'E'D . "'""..." "''''''" ,._,....._~~_.'... ..~. ,""II,,, .~ ~~4"~/ :-A;/#l/ . -.~ ._-_.~,-~--- City Clerk S I C1D<1D .... - -. - -- - .. ... .. - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - - - - ~ ~ - - _ _ _K~ _ -,- Oity Hall, Aaabe1m, California, Janua~ lZ, 1951 - 1;;0 P.M. -----~_.- - - - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ The City Council of the C1ty of Anaheim met in adJourJLed regular sesslo.. PRESENT: COUliCILMEN: Pearson, Wilser and Heying. ABSDT: COUNOILMEN: Bo~ey and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TtJ'RDR: Pres8n t . ADMINISTRATIVE OFFIOER; Present. The Meeting of the City Council was held Jointly with the City Plaaning 00mmil9io. and Gordon Iht'nall and AIsociatel in order to further the pregres8 of adoptioa of the proposed zoning ordimance and map of the City of Anaheim. Recommendations contained in the City Planning Commis.ioa Resolution. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 aDd 6 and Resolutions of the City Ceuncil Numbers 1791, 1792. 1793 and 1794 were considered and Mr. Whitaall was instructed to present a new Reaolutio. covering all the previou. resolutions pertaining to change. i. the proposed ordinance and map heretofore introduced. Discussion on the breaking up of lot. iato number uniform sections thus making .treet develope"" utilitie. installations difficult to maintain. Also the subdivision of residences, A-G areas ia les8 tbaa one acre tract., and review of the question of industry moving within the 330 feet boUDdary limit. of the Thomas Jefferso. School. Discussion on the limitations of chickens per family allowable in R-A and R-l distructs. The standard basis of 330 feet from boundaries of schools gea&rally, received favorable comment by the City Plaaning Commission and City Conneil. Councilman Heying moved to adjourn to Tuesday 8:00 P.M.. Jaau&r1 16. 1951. Ceuncilman Wisser seconded the moti01. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. 51 GNED ~~A~}~ Oi erk: - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - City Hall, Anaheim, California. January 16. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. - - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - - - ~ - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - - ~ - - - - ~ ~ - - ~ - - ~ The Cit7 Oonncil of the City of Aaaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESE~: COtmCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying and Boney. ABSENT: comrCILMd':. V_ Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. ADMIIISTBA.!ID OFFICER: Present. WARRANTS AND DEMANDS: Councllmaa Heyi.g moved that authorization be made for the transfer of $600,000.00 from the 1951 SEWER BORDS ACqUISITION AID CONSTRUCTION FUID to iaactive accgaa, tor the purpose of receiving payment of interest of ~,on this aaettat. Cauncilman Wisser seconded the motio.. MOTIOH CARRIED. MlNUrrES OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE J.O. S.: Meeting held Ja:nuary 4, 1951 were submitted and read. Councilman Wisser moved that said minutes be approved and filed. Councilman Boney seconded the motio.. MOTION GlRRIED. VARIA1\ICE NO. 137: The City Planning Commission held Public Hearing upon Variance" Ho. l3? gnbmitted by Tony D. Derrig., TRU-FARMS MARKif, lessee of the property of Morris Goddard, requesting permission to continue the Wholesale and. Retail Fruit and Vegetable Market at 208 North Manchester Avenue. - Councilman Heying moved the recommendations of the City Planning Commi8sioD. to grant the variance for the Retail Business, subJect to the requireme.ts that all aerchandise must b~ kept eatire17 within the building be eustained and that the Wholesale Business 1. that locatio. ""',.,"'".:....,;;,.;,'"..~."~.,..",:;"*',,.",',"'_,.,',.,'_.;"",.,,""'t$Iii~,. ".._.,~"'_...-_i""'.'".''" City Hall. Anaheim. California, JanuarY 16. 1~51 - 8;00 ~~X. BE denied as it would become a violation of the zoning for the district. Councilmaa Boney seconded the motion. ku~IOH CARRIED. CITY PLAN~rNG COMMISSION ELECTJON. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year by the City Planning Commiacion: Commissioner Thompson. Chairman. Commi.aie.er Summers. Vice-Chairman and Commissioaer Mungall, SecretarT. Terms to'commence FebrUarT 1. 1951. Attention of the City Council was called to the fact that the term. of Commissioners Gauer and Thompson expire on January 31, 1951. AFFOJl\'I1vlSNT CITY PLANNING COr-1MI~:\SION; Mayor Pea.rson a.ppointed Commissioner Joe Thompson as member of the City Planning Commission for the three-year term eommenciag February 1. 1951. Councilman Heying moved that the foregoi~g appoi.t~e~t be ratifiei. Councilmaa Bon~y seco~de! the motio.. MOTION CARRIED. GITY PLAnNING COMMISSION RES0LHTION JIO. ? SERIES OF 1950: Adopted by the City Plaaning Commissio. at its meeting of January 15. 1951 was submitted and read. Councilmaa ~oney moved that the said Resolution be received. and that the recommendations contained in Resolution be accepted as to changes in the proposed new zaning ordinance, and that said ordinance be submitted for peru.al and recommendations by the City Attorney at an early date. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1807: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1807 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Hering seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTIO:ti OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTE!r.fI01I TO AWARD CONTRACTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TEE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT AS SOOI' AS SUCH AWARD IS AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED :BY THE CITIES OF ANAEEIM. FULLERTON AND ORANGE AND :BUENA PARK. GARDEN GROVE, LA RA13RA. AND PLACENTIA SANITARY DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the Oity of Anaheim as contracting agent for the Cities of Anaheimt Fullerton and Orange and the Buena Park. Garden Grove. La Habra and Placentia Sanitary Districts has heretofore published a notice as required by law and as will more fully appear in the minutes of the City Council and resolutions oa tile in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim inviting sealed proposals for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment and performing all work nece8sary for the construction of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer and pumping plant and force main together with the appurtenances thereto; and WH}][EAS, all sealed proposals received up to and including the hour of 8 o'clock P.M. of the 9th day of January, 1951, were opened and read immediately after 8 otcloc~ P.M. on said date and thereup.. referred to Xoebig & Koebig consulting e.gi.- eers and to the City Engineer for tabulation and report: and WHEREAS. the said ~oebig and Koebig consulting engineers and the City Engineer of the City of Anaheim have made and filed their tabulation of said bids and made their report thereon; and WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Anaheim finds that the tabulatio. report of said Engineers should be submitted to the Cities of Fuller'o. and Orange and to the Buena Park, Garden Grove. La Rabra and Placentia Sanitary Districts for their approvs,l. NOW,THEREFW,- :BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of ,the City of Aaaheim that the acceptance of bid. or bids for the furni8hing of all plant. labor. .erTicea-. materials and equipment and performing of all work necessary for the construction of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer and Pumping Plant and Force Main together with the appurteaanc.. theret~ of the Orange County Joint OUtfall Sewer, be postponed until Tuesday. January 23rd, 1951. at 8 o'clock P.M. thereof; and : BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Anaheim doe. hereby declare that it is its intention to award the contract for the furnishing of all plant, labor. serTices, materials and equipment for Units 1 and 2 of said project to V.C.X. Construction Company, 6124 Ferguson Drive, Los Angelss. Oalifornia and for Unit 3 to Chas. T. Brown Company and Paul Vukich Construction Compaay, 6465 Borthside Drive, Los Angeles, California. and for Unit 4 to A. H. Famularo and J. L. McElTaney of Santa Ana, California. as aoon as such award is approved by the above named cities and Sanitary Districts, as the lowest responsible bidders for the construction and iastallation of said V~olia Trunk Sewer Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Cottacil of the City of Anaheim does hereby reserve the right to postpone the awar~ing of said contracts again if .ece8.a~. but hereby declares that it is its intention to award said contracts as .oon as po..ible. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following Tote: ""'~""'~""''''''''''''''''''<'''''''''''''''''''~'''''''''....+ adopted. City Hall, Anaheim, California. January 16. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. - COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser. Heying and Boney. COUNCIL~mN: None. COUNCILMAN: Van Wagoner The Ma~or declared the for~going Resolution No. 1807 duly passed and 77 AYES. NOES: AJ3SDT. motion. Councilman Heying moved to adjourn. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. ' Councilman Wisser seconded the SI GOD ifI~tL~ i~Wu-- Oi ty Clerk ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - - ~ - ~ - - - - - ~ - - ~ - -~ ~..~ ~ ~ ------.. .. . City Hall, ADahelm. California, January 2). 1951 - 8:00 P.M. ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - - - - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ - - The qi ~y Co~ct1 of the City of A~efl1 met 1.. regUlar '-e8~8i~o.. - - -- ~SENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser. -Heying and Jfone7. A:BSDT; OOUNOILM.UT: Tan Wagoner. CITY ATTORlEY: PRESTON TURNER. Present. ADMINISTBATIVJ: OFFICER;' lei th MUBDOCH: Present. fhe Minute. ot ~he Regular Moeting held Jaauary 9, 1951 and Adjeuraed Regular Meeting held January 16. 1951 were approved on motioa ~7 Couneil... He7ing. leconded by Council~ Eoaey. MOTION GARRIED. WABid'rS AND DEIv1AlIDS: Councilman Heying reported demands aga,inst the city Ulountiag to $64,381.34. Councilmaa ~oney Movea that report of Finance Commitiee ie acoepted and that warraute be drawn upon the 'treasurer to pay said d.emands in accordance with report. Councilman wisser seconded the motion. MO'1'ION CAIiRIED. J.O.S. CO~'STRUCTION MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER: AWARD OF CONTRACT: (held over) It was movea by Councilman Reyiag, that inasmuch as all authorizations iT for~ relolutiona have aot been received fr.. other Jei.t Outfall Sewer districts, the award of Dids for the cO~8truction of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer i8 ordered held over until ve hear fre. all the districts to rrid~. JaauarT 26, 1951, 9;00 A.M. Council... Wileer secoaded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATICN: from Burke,Matthewl .. Burke, Attonel's repre8eati-c Mrs. Jeff P. Rust regardiag purchase ot 0.42 acre on basis of $4,000.00 per acre was referre4 to the 01t7 Attorne7. JTT.NK YAHD: MA.NCHFJSTER AVE.: !he Ad.miaietratiT8 Officer vas iastructed to check OD. _on-compliance of regulations and violatioal at the junk yard new being conducted on Manchester Avenue without business license or Tariaace. CANCELLATION OF TAXES:. On motion by Oouncilmaa He7iag, seconde! 17 Oouncilman Wieser, the City Council authorized the o&neellation of taxes assessed upoa Aaaheim Iavest.eat Compaayls Tract, being paris of Lot. 2 and 3t Lot 120.4' x 60', 'due to erro..aue assessme.t of taxes commencing 1929-30. This property was deeded to the City of Anaheim in 1934, and the oity and county records show the same to be a portion of Pythia. Street. Taxes assessed and arbitrarily assessed: $44.40. Weed Chargee. $9.10. MOTION CARRIED. CANCELlATION OF TAXES: On motio. by Councilmu. Heying. seconded by Councilm&1L Wisser. the City Council ordered cancellation of taxes ia the amouat of $8.14 on Lot 5, Max JUJlg Subdivisioa of a portion of Lot D 1. purchased by the Anaheim Union High School for school purposes, 1950-5i assessmeai. MOTION CARRIED. APPLICATION TO SOI,ICIT FUNDS: by the Savior Crusadere (semi-religious organizatioa) of Los Angeles to solicit funds within the City of Anaheim was denied, their statement showed that Dot les8 t~ 3~ would be applied for expen... for ~olicatio.. Action taken on motion by Councilman Eoney, seconded by Councilman Wis8~r. MOTIOI OARRIIn. ~ , DEFUTY PATROLMAN: Chief of Police appointed Richard W.'Filchle,'Jr. as Patrol... ia Police Reserve, serving without PaJ. Ceuncilman Heyi.g moved the above appoint.eat be ratified.. Councilman Je:aey seconded the motio:a. MOTION CARRIED. MAGNOLIA 'I~UNK LINE UNDER 1w1ANCHEST:E:R FREEWAY - FINAl, ACCOUNTING, JOB 292: covering cost of co.structio:a of 3GOfeet of 39 iach sewer liae was eubaitte4. Aaaheim1e ehare. $4,291.27. or 22.2~. Total cost: $19,260.'5. Councilmaa ~oney aCTed the report be received and filed. Councilman Heying seconded the motio.. MOTIO. ~IED. 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