1951/01/23 ~opted. City Hall, Anaheim, California. JanuarY 16, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. _COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying and Boney. COUNCILMEN: None. COUNCILMAN: Van Wagoner The Ma~or declared the for~golng Resolution No. 1807 duly passed and 77 AYES: NOES: A:B SENT ; motion. Councilman Heying moved to adjourn. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Wisser seconded the ADJOURNED. ' SIGNED ./fI~.~ V/L Ci ty Clerk - - - - ~ - - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - ~ ~ - - - ~ ~-~ --~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ City Ball. ADahe1m. California. Janua~ 23. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. --~-.. - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ ~ - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ - - ~ The qi ~y Co~cti of the -Cfty o-f A~e:Un luiti. regw.-ar aes-afo.. - - ~SDT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. -Wfsler, Heying ana :S-mieT. J.:BSD!: COmrCILM.U: 'Ian Wagoner. CITY ATTORlEY: PRESTON TURNER, Present. ADMINISTRATIU OFFIOER:' lei th MURDOCH: Present. The Minute. of 1Jhe Regular Meeting held J....uar7 9, 1951 and AdJeuraeG. Regular Meeting held January 16. 1951 were approved on motio. ~7 Oouncilmaa Heying, lecoDde4 iT Councilman. Boaey. MOTION CARRIED. WA.BBMITS AND DEIv1ANDS: Councilman Heying reported demands age,iast the city Mountiag to $64,381.34. Councilmaa :Boney mOT_ that report of FiJUmce Couitiee 'be accepte4 and that warraat. be drawn upon the 'treasurer to p~ said demands i. accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motio... MOTION CABRIED. J.O.S. CONSTRUCTION MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER: AWARD OF CONTRACT: (held over) It vas move! iy Ceuncilman Heyi." that inasmuch as all authorization. iT for~ relolutionl have aot been received fro. other Joi.t Outfall Sewer districts, the awart of Dids tor the cO~8tractlon of ~he Magnolia Trunk Sewer i8 ortered held over wntil we hear fr.. all the districts to rri~t Jaaua~ 26, 1951, 9:00 A.M. Council... Wieser secoaded. the l1oti~.. KOTIO. CA:RRIED. CO~1MUNICATICN: from Burke,MatthewI Ie Burke, Attera8Ys represeati-.g Mrs. Jeff P. Rust regardiag purchase ot 0.42 acre on baais of $4,000.00 per acre was referre4 to the Oity Attorne7. Jlrfi YAP.D: MA.NCBESTER AVE.: !he AciaiaietratiTe Officer was iastructed to check on .on-eompliance of regulations and violatio.. at the JuBk 1&r4 .OW being eonductet on Manchester Avenue without Dusines8 license or variaace. CANCELLATION OF TAXES:. On motion by Councilmaa Be71ag, secoDdet by O.uncil..- Wieser, the City Council a~thori~e4 the can..llation of taxe8 a88e..et upon Aaahelm I:avest...t Compaay" Tract, being p~ts of Lots 2 and 3. Lot 120.4' % 60', 'due to erro..ous assessme.t of taxes oommencing 1929-30. This property was deeded to the City of Anaheim in 1934, and the city and county records show the same to De a portion of Pythia. Street. T~e8 aseessed and arbitrarily assessed: $44.40. Weed Chargel, $9.10. MOTIOB CARRIED. CANCELLATION UF TAXES: On motion by Oouncil... Heying. seconded by Councilmaa Wisser, the City Oouncil ordered cancellation of taxes i. the aaouat of $8.14 on Let 5. Max JUJlg Subdivisioa of a portion of Lot 1) 7. purchased iy the Anaheim Union High School for school purposes, 1950-51 asse8sment. MOTION CARRIED. APPLICATION TO SOIJICIT FU1fDS: by the Savior Crusaden (semi-religious organizatio:a) of Los Angeles to solicit funds within the City of Anaheim was denied. their statement showed that Dot leS8 thfa 3~ would be applied for expen... for ~olicatio:a. Action taken on motion by Councilman Eoney, seconded by Council... Wis8~r. MOTIOI GARRIMD. . , DEPUTY PATROLMAN: Ch~ef of Police appointed Richard W.'Filchle.'Jr. as Patrol... ia Police Reserve, serving without PaT. Oouncilman Heyiag moved the above appoint.eat be ratified. Councilman ~o.e7 seconded the motioa. MOTIOH CARRIED. MAGNOLIA TRUNK LINE UNDER 1vtA.NCHESTER FREEWAY - FINAJ.; ACCOtJNTINGt JOB 292: coveriag cost of c01structioa of 300 ,feet of 39 i.ch cewer li.8 was lubmittet. Aaaheim'. ehare, $4,291.27. or 22.2~. Total cost: $19,260.'5. OOUDeilmaa JOBey aOTed the report 'be received. and filed. Couacilmaa Heying seconded the motio.. MOtIOJ' CARRIED. ""I~:Iii;,i:q'iiit:"o::I!~':;' ,..L~~i.'",:ij';;"'~;;:; ~:':O;:"""'_""''''";:''~~~;;':';'_,~,'''-'^'""'''',''''',,',","4>'"<..'_,,,,~;,'' _d~_.._..._'_'.'" '~:'-"-:', .. , .... iIIIi ,..__~, 78 City Ball. Aaaheim, Caliio_aia, Jaauary 23. 1951 - 8;00 F.M. tRELIVINAH ~)IJR.VEY} l"J,AGNOLIA TRUl~K SEW-Jili CONSTRUCTION PROJECT; ACCQunt ;03-1 wa. submitted by the City Auditor. the same vas orderet received and filed o. motion D7 Councilman Boney. seconded by Oouncilaaa Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~EW1~ ,BOND~: Final opinion of O'Melveny & MYers on the sale of Anaheim Sewe~jondl. 1951 was read ana ordere4 received and tiled on motion D~ Oouncilman ~o..7. seconded by Councilmaa Wisser. MOTIOI CARRIED. Councilman Boney moved to adjourn to 9:00 A.M.. Jrid.,. January 26. 1951. Councilmaa Wisser seconded the aotio.. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURBD. SIGNED ~/~~. , _ .1;7 Clerk --.-.--- ~ -- ~. .- --.......- -----------~-------~------~~~~~~~.~. City Hall, Anaheim, Cal1fo~n1a, January 26. 1951 - 9:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - TAe City Council of the City of A18heim met i. A4jour.ed Regular Se.lie.. PRlSDT: COUJlCILNmT: Peareon, Wi..er. BOlley: ud. Va. Wagoner. ABSDT; OOUBCILMAI"; Heying. CITY A.!'TORiEY: PRlS!lOIl T'tJR)tER: Pre8!ent. ADMIJiISTRATIVE OFFICIR:DI!R MUBDOOH: Freseat. Settleme.t and release of claim in the amount 'ot $45.00, Pacific IBdemBit7 Comp~ account, Griffith Co.. 10s8 ~st 4. 1950 due to damage was helt over for more iaformation OB the city's claim of $97_00 damages. (The City Attorney later recomaeD4ed the acceptance of ihis compromise p~ent of $45.00) HESOLUl'ION NO. 18l2: Councilmaa Van Wagoner offerecl Resolution 10. 1812 aDd. aovecl for its palsage aDd adoption. Counc11maa Wisser seconded the motion. lOTION aliRIID. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU1iCIL OF THE CITY OF AEABEIM APPROVING AN AbNDMlCNT TO THE JOINT CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION AGRnMENTS HERETOFORE MADE AND ENTERED IETO :BY THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM, FULLERTON ~ OR.AJfGE. A1TD THE BUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE. LA HABBA AND PLACENTIA SA.!lITARY DIS'1'B.ICTS AND AU'fHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO IXECUTm AN AGBEEKEII'f AHENDING SAID AGREEMENT HERETOFORE MADE .AED ENTERED IN'l'O. Refer to pl.\€e Resolution :Book. OR roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passet and adopted by ihe followiag Tote: AYES: COUNCILMEI': Pearson. Wisser. :Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COmTCILMEI': !Tone. ABSENT: COUNCILMAB: HeY'ing. The MaTor declared Resolution Bo. 1812 du17 passed and adop1;e4. RESOLu~ION NO. 1813: Douncil8aa Wisser offered Reso1utioB No. '1813 and aOTed for its passage and Mopilo.. ! Ceunc~lmaa Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTIOI CARRIED. I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUlCIL OF THE CITY OF A~~IM AWARDING COITBAC~S TO THE LOWES! RESPO}TSI:BLE :BIDDERS FOR THE FUBlISHIIG OF ALL PLAI'1!. LA:BOR. SERVICES, MA.TElUALS A1tD EQ,UIPMEBT AND PlRFORMI:NG ALL WORK BEQlSSARY FOR TEE COISTRUCTIOJJ, INSTALLATIOJi JJD) COMPLETION OF THE MA.GB'OLIA nun SEWIitR Am) PUMPI1iG PLAe AND FO:aC~ MAIN AID PROnO! TOGETHER WITH APPURTDAHCES THERmo CB THE ORANGE COUNTY JOINT OUTFALL SEWER: PROVIDING FOR THE PAYME1iT OF ITS PROPORTIOJIATESBAEE OF THE COSTS TB.E:BEOF AND AtJDQlIZIH TD CITY OF ANAHEIM TO ACT AS CO:vT.RACTING AGENT .AE TO INTER IEO COBTRACTS FOR THI CONSTRUCTION OF SAID MAGNOLIA TRUNK SIMER PROJECT. Ref er to page. n ResolutioJl :Boo~. OR roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adoptet by the following vete: AYES: ODUNCILMlla Pearson. Wisser, :Boney sad Van Wagoner. NOES: COUJrC ILM:D : I' one. ABSENT: COtJNCILMd: Re71-.g. !he ~or declar8d ResolutioB !To. 1813 dulT passed and adopted. F~SOLUTION NO. IB14: Councilmaa VanWagoner offered Resolutioa 10. l814~and movet for its passage. ue. adoption. COUD.cilmaa Wisser seconded the motion. MO!fIOI' CA.RRIED. A BESOLUTIOIl OJ' THE CITY COUNCIL OF !HE CITY OF .uwmIM. AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIOI' OJ' .d AGUEMEft :BUWED THE MEMBERS OF !HI JOINT OtrfJ'ALL SftER AND STANDARD OIL COMPAn OJ' CALIJ'OD'U :RELATIVE TO THE USE OF !lEE JOIn' OU'fJ'ALLSEWEBAGI FACILI!IJ:S :BY S!A.IJWm a)IL COMPANY OF CALIFOlUTU. ,...._~'''';_.,-'''''''-'''.-,''I-"~-'''''....OI<..."._~~'''_,_,,!I''''',,....=''''"~~-~=''';;~'~'C