1951/02/13 81 City. Hall. Anaheim. California. February 13. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Wi.ser, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT; COUNCILMEN; Pearson and Heying. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON T\T.R.NER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OnICIR: KEITH MUBDOCH; Present. "". The Meeting was called to order by the City Clerk for the purpose of electing a ~or Pro Tem for the City pfAnaheim., Councilman ~oney moved that Councilman Van Wagoner be elected. as Mayor Pro Tem. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRItD. ~or Pro Tem Van Wagoner was seated. WAPJUUfTS ~D DE~'~f.DS; Co~cilman Wisser reported ~emands against the city amount- ing to $210.157.45. Couneilman Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED MIlftJ1.i1ES: The Minutes of the previous Regular Meeting held January 23rd and Adjourned. Regular Session held January 26th and Special Called Session held January 31. 1951 were approved on motion by Oouncilman Boney. seconded by Oouncilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. FINAnCIAL & OPERATING REPORTS: Financda1 and Opera.ting Reports for the month of January. 1951 were submitted and ordered approved on motion by Councilman Wisser seconded by Councilman :Sohey. MOTION CARRIED: . Treasurer's. General fund balance: $80,)11.68 - Total General Accounts, $22;,810.20 Total Active Funds, $721,004.85 - I~ctive account, $600,000.00. - City Clerk's report ~orr9aponded with that of Treasurer's. - Tax Collector deposited $1,295.80. Balance of 1950/51 taxes to collect. $41,862.73 - City Clerk deposited $~3.04 on delinquent taxes, unsecured personal property collections, and vital st~tistics. - Public Service deposited. $77,689.87 of which $2.561.05 was Industrial Waste. - City Auditor deposited. $26,453.05. - Reports of Garbage and Trash collections. Fire Department activities, Police Department activities. - License collector deposited .947.75 of which $536.50 were ~icycle Licenses - Euilding Department issued 94 permits of which 43 were building permits with valuation of $286,425.00 fees collected, $1,165.65 - City Judge handled 422 cases in city court of which $3.216.00 was collected. - Parking Meter collections, $1.600.00 - City Librarian reported $22,298.34 balance as of February 6. 1951. - J.O.S. report $909.48 on preliminary survey, of which Anaheim paid $202.6) and $1,483.21 for ~aintenance of which Anaheim paid $551.16 - Total flow 162.366,600 gallons, of which Anaheim produced 63.236.800 gallons or 38.~. Park activities were reported. },IRE, rrlIEFT, CO:1FIiEHENSlvtE INSIT'-iliNCE: CITY FLEET: ~uota.tion of Mr. M. E. :Beebe & Co. on Fire, Theft and Comprehensive Insurance on the cit7'S automotive equipment at a annual premium of $676.07 was ordered accepted by the City Council. also Mr. Beebe's quotation on renewal of insurance on the Sickle Whirlwind Mower and two 76u Toro Power Mowers, equipment located at the city's parks. premium $13.16 was ordered accepted and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser. seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. The quotations wereapproved by City Attorney. Preston Turner. .;UBRlCA.TION OIL CONTRACT: Standard Oil Company Lubrication Oil Contract, effective April 1. 1951 to March 31. 1952 for city's requirements, RPM Deleo Heavy Duty. SAE 10 to 50 inclusive and RPM Deleo Special Lubrication Oil. SAE 10 to 50 inclusive- $.645 to $.695 and $.645 to $.695. Said contract approved and accepted on motion by Councilman Boney and that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign same on behalf of the City. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION OARRIED. ,].o.s. EXECUTPlE BOARD r,lINTJTES: The Minutes of the Executive :Soard of the Joint Outfall Sewer Meeting hela January 25, 1951 waa read and ap~roved on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION OARRIED. A?POINT~~NT UF crrr PATROLV~: Chief of Police, Mark A. Stephenson appointed Richard A. Hoag as City Patrolman. Applicant successfully passed physical examination. Councilman Boney moved appointment be ratified. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOtttION CARRIED. SALVArrION ARNY: Granted permission to place pla~ards on the light standards in the business district for their "'Salvage Week" campaign June 4 to 9. 1951 inclusive on motion by Councilman Boney. seconded b~ Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED CO:t<!NUlHGATION: :sDW. LEE RUSSELL, 1.LD.: CoUnty Hea.lth Officer, in reference 'to the Clements' Chicken Ranch was read. ~~"";,,,:;::"'~+"":"".';ii...,,~.. '.'h""",'iif;jI;,,,,,;.,,,,,:,,,,*'-*:"iik.;;,."_~#~~-~i~d~~ 82 City Hall. Anaheim. California. February 13, ~95l - 8:00 P.M. :::Cl~lli..;t; "r" ()If from :illiott and Wilmsen calling attention to the increased cost of hAnd. labor of 15; per hour, disking charge 50; per acre and furrowing and ridging to depend upon the necessary work. AF.fLI:;ATIUl~ ~;;'OR SOLICITAT ON OE' Fi.J1'IDS; THE RESCtJ'E A..1ti.1Y: 9405 S. San Pedro St.. L08 Angeles ), Calif. was held over for investiation on motion by Councilman Eoney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. COMII'IUNI CATION from Anaheim Lodge No. 1345, B.P.O.:! thanking the oi ty for permission to hang banners advertising the Minstrel Show was read. CO~~fu~ICATION from Fire Ohief, Ed. J. Stringer thanking the City Couneil for his appointment as Fire Chief was read. PLUr-IBER EOtJ""D: ERNEST J. TRA.J'vl}.1ELL AND JOHN P. ROB INSON; Indemnity bond in the amount of $1.000.00, Romell Plumbing of Cathay, California. Said bond approved by the Cit7 Attorney. Councilman ~oney moved the bond be accepted and filed. Oouncilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Introduction of California Legislature in its 1951 regular session of Assembly ~lll No. 840, which bill was referred to Committee on municipal and county government January 15. 1951 in the State Legislature was read. City Oouncil recommended the passage of this Eill and Mr. Nelson M. Launer. General Manager of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer was advised acc~rdingly. On roll call, the vote was unanimously carried by the City Council. 00 lvJ-mH I CATION: From 13. J. Daily, residing at 846 So. Olive Street, requesting that the property lying on the east side of Olive Street between South Street on the north and Valenc-1a Street on the south and ext.endi,ng back and abudding to the school property to the east has been set up on the proposed zoning ordinance as R-1 as result of public h-earing in regards to zoning in that distric,t, for this strip of property to remain zoned as R-I. Mrs. Daily in support of her l~tter to the council requested that it be changed to R-} for multiple family zone. Mrs. Emily Dunn, a resident at 834 So. Olive Street also submitted communieation requesting that strip of land be changed from R-1 to R-}. Those present requesting change of zone were advised to make application for change of zone after the passage of the proposed zoning ordinance as it was the intentions of the City Counoil to hold a first reading of the ordinance at this meeting. The proposed changes would require presentation of request to the City Planning . Commission wherein another Hearing may be necessary before the Council could act upon the matter. Mrs. Dunn also read a letter as to a dispute in .regards to the laying of cement along and besides her garage, and in the matter of putting wi~ows in the garage which was opposed by her immediate neighbor. This being a civil matter and not a municipal problem, no action was taken. ORDINAl{CE NO, 774; First reading of Ordinance No. 774 was held on proposed zoning ordinance for the City of Anaheim. Inasmuch as the ordinance was read in full before the City Oouncil, the proposed changes as presented by action of the City Planning Commission and the City Council were read in full at this meeting. Said Ordinance No. 774 was offered by Councilman Eoney who moved for its passage and adoption. Council~ Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED (first reading) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ,THEREIN REGULATING TEE USE OFlaAND. HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YA:BD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BouNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TEID-iS USED IN THIS OBDINAliCE: ,PROVIDING FOR ITS ADJUSTMENT. AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ORDINANCES OR PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLIOT THEREWITH. ;'.EQ,uEST ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Mr. A. J. Schutte and Pastor of the Zion Iiutheram. Church were present at the meeting and requested the use of the Greek Theatre for the 1st and 2nd Sundays in May and the 1st and 2nd Sundays in June for tt,BUDdom Services" by the Zion Lutheran Church. which programs will not in any way interfere with the Highschool and Elementary Schools preparation for graduation exercises. Re(Uest granted on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. GOll1.IUn.l ; from the Ci ty Clerk oalling attention to violation of Ordinance No. 609 by Lawrence E. Wedin. 517 E. Sycamore Street, wherein a lot was sold by him for building purposes containing less than 6,000 sq. ft. This was brought to the attention of the City Clerk through the Secretary of the City Planning Commission. Said matter was referred to the City Attorney on motion by Councilman ~oney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. RESGLVI JD , 12.18: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 1818 and moved for its Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. passage and adoption. 83 City Hall, ~eim, California, February 13, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. A RES 0 LUT I ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE OITY OF ANAHEIM AS OONTRACTING AGENT FOR THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM. FULLERTON .Am) ORANGE AND THE BUENA PARK. GARDEN GROVE. LA HABRA AND PLACENTIA SANITARY DISTRICTS AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF !.NAB:I1IK, AS SUCH CONTRACTING AGENT, WITH THE CONTEACTORS FOR THE CON5TRUCTION OF SAID MAGNOLIA TRUNK. SEWER PROJECT. Refer to page Resolution Eook. On roll call the foregoibg Resolution No. IB18 was dulT passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: OOUNCtILKi1N: Wisser. ~oney &ad Van Wagoner. NOES: ' COUNC[LMEN: Bone. ABSENT: COUNC~LMEN: Pearson and. Heying. MaJor Pro Tam Van Wagoner declared Resolution No. 1518 duly passed and adoptet. RESOI.UTION NO. 1819: Councilman Boney offered Resolution Io. 1819 and moved for i te paesage and. adoptioa,. Oeuncilmau 'Wieser secoDded the motioD. MOfION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF fEE CITY OF ABAHEIM AS CONfRACTING AGENT FOR THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM. FULLERTON AND ORANGE AND THE :BUD.! PARK. GARDE GROVE, LA HA:BRA AND PLACENTIA SANITARY DISTRICTS Atr.rHO:RIZII'G, APPROVIlfG Am) BAi'IJ'YIlfCi '!'HE EMPLOYMENT OF ASSISTANT mNGINEERS. INSPECTORS AID OTHER PERSONS TO AID AND ASSIE! HAT. H. NEFF TO DO THE INSPEOTION AND 5URVEYIIG Olf THE -MAGliOLIA TRUlI:-SEWER, PUMPING PLANT AND FORCE MAIN AND PROJECT AND FIXING THEIR COMPENSI!IO. . Refer to page Resolution Booke On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 1819 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES; COUNC,ILMEN; Wisser, :Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COmTCiILMEN: None. . ABSENT; COU!iCIILME1J: Pearson and Reying. Mayor Pro Tem Van ~agone~ declared ~eso1ution No. l8l~ duly passed 'and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1820: Councilman Bpaey offered Resolution No. 1820 and moved for ita pa8sage and adoption. Council~ Wisler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF CER~IN EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY AND !MElDING RESOLU!ION NUMBER'l?84. Refer to page Resolution Book. On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 1820 was duly passed and~adopte4 by the following vote: ~ AYES-: - OOtmOlLMEB:~ Wi-8ser-, Bonq andYan }Iago-Ile%e_ ~ - ~ - - - - - NOES.: COUJOILMEN:, None. f , ABSENT~ - COtJl'OILMD:- Pear.son and H81'ing. - - - - ~ ~ - - - - Kafor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared Resolution No. 1820 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION OF CONDOI.J::NCE: WI LIJIAK D. GRAFTON: WHEREAS, the Oity Council of the City of Anaheim has learned of the death of our esteemed friend and fellow workert WILLIAM D. GRAFTON. and WHEREAS. William D. (Eill) Grafton throughout the years of his residence in Anaheim was well known for his efforts and intereat in civic and community welfare. and in the upbui1ding of this community, and WHEREAS, he s.rved the people of Anaheim as Member of the City Council from February 1925 to 1930, aDd served continuously on the City Planning Commission from 1929 to the time 01 his death; also as Chairman of said Planning Commission for nine years: NOW. THEREFOEX, BE IT RESOLVED :BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, that it deeply mourns tlte passing of WILLIAM D. GRAFTON. and in the name of, aDd. in behalf of the people of AnAheim, it extends its deepest sJEPathy to his wife and family. EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the City Council, ant that a copy of this resolution be forwarded his wife. Lo~' A. Grafton. 207 So.th Kroeger Street, ABaheim, California. On roll call the foregoing Resolution of condolence was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Wi.eer, Boney, and. Van Wagoner. NOES: OOUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson and Heying. Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared the foregoing resolution of condolence dul7 passed and adopted. ",:"'"0ii")\;';.,j~...,~.::...:"-:.~~~",,,,......-,,..~./~#.~;'~#.,.....:..:.-....,,~,'''":4~:-~'''"'~'":~,...;;;''',:_,'';Jio&-_~''''\!ti!iii.<,~,":,.;FjJil!.!:tiall!!.!!i1"_"~ 84 Citf Hall. ,Anaheim. CalifQrnia. February 13. 1951 8:00 P.M. .....-- ~.._- --.... - RE50ltUl ul~ ,~r C01\iDOLENCE: IvIES. DOEA L. ?EAESOU: WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Aaaheim haa learned with sorrow of the death of MRS. DORA L. PEARSoN and wish to express their sympathy to her sons, and WHEREAS. MRS. DORA L. PEARSON is aurvived by her two sons, Charles A. Pear50n and Harry B. Pearson, both residing in Anaheim, Oalifornia. aDd WHEREAS. the City of Anaheim has as ita Mayor. her esteemed.on. Chas. A. Pearson, and the Anaheim Oity Librar~ ~oard ~as &s its Truetee, her esteemed SOD, Harry B. Pearson, who in eon.ider~tion of their valued aervicel rendered this eity, &ad fQr the very real friendship fo~t for them, feel a very real lease of 1011 of one whose memor7 will remain a chert8hed pOIBe8.ion of their families. NOW, T~ORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OJ THE CITY OF ANlHIIM that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Oouncil and copies be sent her 8one, Chac. A. Pearson and Harry B. Pearson. On roll call the forego~n6 Resolution of condolence was dulT passed and adopted by the following Tote: AYES; COUNCILMEN: Wis.er, Boney and Van Wagoner. NO]/5: COUNCILKD: None. ABSENT: COWCILMmt: PeaI"soD. and. Heying. Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared 1he foregoing resolutiom of condolence duly paslet aad adopted. TRACT NO 1496: FlNAL>~~: Tract No. 1496 covers 16 lots on which J~ W. Truxaw,M.D. proposed putting in all improvements to lerve the lots. Tentative Map approved December 19, 1950. It was moved oyCouncilmaa Boney, 8econded by Councilman WisBer that the Final Map of Tract No. 1496 be accepted. MOTION aARRIED. Councilman Boney moved to adjourn to 7:)0 o'clock P.M.. Thursd." JeDru&ry 15, 19.51. Councilmaa Wisser 8econde the motion. MOTIOX CARRIED. ADJOtmNED. 5I GNED ~A..~.~ Is rC~: . 01 ty C~erk ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - --- ~ - - ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - -. City Ball, Aaaheim, California, February 15, 1951 - ':)0 P.~ .. ... WI ..... .. ... .. - .. .... - - ... - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -, - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ - ~ - The City Ceuncil of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular 8e8si.a. PRESENT: COUNCILMEI: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSDT: OOUliCILM.UT: Heying. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON~: Pre..n't. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI~R: KEITH MUBDOCH: Present. Purgaant to Resolution No. 1817, Public Hearing was held for the purpose of hearing any objectio.. which ~ be presented to the proposed annexation of cer~a1. uninhabited terri'tor7 designatei as JUCLID AVlNUlANNEXATIOB. No objections ~er. received, and DO one was present during the meeting objecting to the proceedings. Those present at the meeting were: Mr. AI. Pape and Mr. George Heclger, owners of adjoining property to proposed. annexed property-, Mr. Ard..., General Manager of tn.e Grayson Controls. As no objections were presented to the proposed annexation, Oouncilman Van Wagoner introduced Ordinance 10. ??3 and moved for itl pQllage and !adoption Councilman Wisler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The City Clerk thereupoa read Ordinance No. 773 in public for the first time in full. AN ORDIHANC:i OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN Am> DESIGNATED AS EUCLID AVElroE AlBEXATIOB. SliFrA ANA V;'~lJI;EY KENNEL CLUB: was granted permission to use La ;Palma ;Park to >..w. their annual Dog Show, April 22, 19.$1 on motion b~ Councilman Bone7. seconded. by Councilmaa Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ANAHEJJJi posrr NO. 72 AMEF.ICAN LEGION: CONCESSIONS: Anaheim Post. American Legio. was granted permission to operate concessio. stands during the 1951 base ball sea80. at La Palma Park on motion by Councilman Wis8er. 8econded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. "'"",,,"ii, ,;"',."'.J',~",.,,,..::..jj.""~K "":'~':'.~'i,-;;;<::;;."",r~i:...:"",:.~'..H.""~",,~.,,1<.",,.''',:j;_.."'~';'_'"",: .~"",_,.."_~ '_.,-,'''',..~,.",~;;......".".,..