1951/02/15 84 Cit~ ~1,:Anah8im, California, February 13. 1951 8:00 P.M. :rt;SOLUT: U}j (,~ C01\i1)CLENCE: ~iES. DuRA L. PEAESOH: WHEREAS. the Governing Bodr of the City of Aaaheim has learned with sorrow of the death of MRS. DORA L. PEARSON and wish to express their sympathy to her sons, and WHEREAS, MRS. DORA L. FEARSON is survived D~ her two sons, Oharles A. Pearson and Harry B. Pearson, both reliding in Anaheim, California, ani WBEREAS, the,Oit7 of Anaheim haB as,ita Mayor, her eateemedeon, Oha.. A. Pearson. and the Anaheim City Library Board ~8 &8 its Truetee. her esteemed aon, Harr~ B. Pearson. who in consider~tion of their valued servicea rendere4 this city. and fQr the very real friendlhip fe~t for them. feel a very real sease of 10sI of one whose memorT will remain a cherished possession of their lamiliee. NOW, T~ORE BE IT RESOLVED ~Y THE CITY COUNCIL OJ TBE CITY OF ANlHIIM that thil Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Council and copies be sent her sons, Chas. A. Pearson and Harry B. Pearson. On roll call the foregoing Resolution of condolence was duly passed and adopted by the following Tote: AYES: OOU1fCILME1i: Wieser, :Boney and Van Wagoner. NO~S: COmrCILMD': None. ABSENT: COUNCILMD: Pearson and Heying. Mayor Pro Tam Van Wagoner declared the foregoing reaolutien of condolence duly passed aDd. adopted. l'RACT NO. 1496: FINA.L'NAP: Tract No. 1496 covere 16 lots on which J~ W. Tru.xaw.M.D. proposed putting in all improvements to aerve tHe lot.. Tentative Map approved December 19. 1950. It was moved by Councilman :Boney. seconded by Councilmaa Wisser thai the Final Map of Tract No. 1496 be accepted. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Boney moved. to adjourn to 7:30 o'clock P.M.. Thur8d&7. J'e'Dru&ry 15, 1951. Councilman Wisler seconded the motion. MOTIOH CARRIED. ADJOUIUiED. SIGNED ~ ~/7%r~.rk -..~_... ~ - - - - - -~~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ . . - ~ . - - .. City Ball, Aaaheim, Califoraia, February 1;, 1951 - ':)0 P.~ -........-..... ... - - .... ... - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - - ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - - The City Council of the Cit7 of Anaheim met in adjourned regular se.si.a. PRESEliT: COUNCILMEB: Pearson, Wisser. :Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSD'T: COUNCILMA1T: Heying. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON~: Present. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI~: KEITH MURDOCI: Present. PurBUant to Resolution No. 1817. Pablic Hearing was held for the purpose of hearing any objection. which .., be presented to the proposed annexaiion of cer~a1a uninhabite4 territor7 designateci &s I1JCLID AVBNUEANNEXATIOJT. Bo objections vere recaiyed. and no one was present duriDg the meeting objecting to the proceedings. Those present ai the meeting were: Mr. AI. Pape and Mr. George Heager, owners of adjoining property to proposed annexed property. Mr. Ardea, General Manager of the Gr~eon Controls. As no objections were presented to the proposed annexation. Councilman Van Wagoner introduced Ordinance No. 773 and moved for its passage and 'adoption Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The City Clerk thereupon read Ordinance No. 773 in public for the first time in full. AN ORDIN.ANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF AEAHEIM OF THE .TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS EUCLID AVENUE AD'EXATION. ~)AN'I'A ANA KE111rEL CLUB: was grantedpermilsion to use La Palma Park to >..14 their annual Dog Show. April 22. 1951 on motion by Councilman Boney. second.ed bY' Counci1maa Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ANAhEllv, POST' NO. 72 At.1EEICAN LEGION: CONCESSIONS: Anaheim Post, American Legloa was granted permission to operate concessioa stands during the 1951 base ball season at La Palma Park on motion by Councilman Wisser. seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOT ION CARRIED. -!\i''IIH!' .....".,,~.~,... .'o,i7.'!'!',-:" ,:":_.,.~_9:-':~'"&,.,""-'"i<:'.>>i':-.'./1...,i$i.'.;;,Ak~;;;;~<lCa.~.._,,j.":"":,~.i~..""".<c_'_,.,,"'_",,.,c,,';~'_",,,",,,'- 85 Ci~y Hall, Anaheim. California, FeDruary 15. 1951 - 7:)0 P.M. The City Clerk was instructed to wire members of the Wayland Means Co~ittee and our Senator and Congressmen from Oalifornia in the House of Repre8en~- ative urging their opposition to the proposal of Secretary Snyder'g ta inereale .~ federal revenue by taxation of State and Municipal securities DOw e~emp~. Councilmaa Van Wagoner moved to adJoura to ~e.4~, 8.00 o'cleck P.M. February 20. 1951. Councilman :Boney seconded the metioD.. MOTIOH CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED cft~c'i~~~?-L - --_._---_._-------------------_._-------~-- City Ball, Anaheim, California, February 20, 1951 .- !;oa P.M. --~-----~~-~~--------~----~-~--~~-~----~~-- !he City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned "regular session and special meeting of the City Council, to consider and act upon the adoption of an Ordinance approving the annexation to the City of Anaheim of oertain uniBhablte~ - ~erritory ,known and designated as EUCLID AVENUE ANNEXATIO~. < PRESENT; COUNCILMD: Pearson, Wilser. Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSDT ,: COUNCILMAN: Heying. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON TU.RlfER: Present. ADMII'ISTEATIVE OFFICER:' QITH MURDOCH: Present. CITY DGlDER: G:lORGE E. HOLYOD: Present. Councilmaa Heyi. wired consent 'to the ho1cliac 'of 8aid. special ...'bin&' of the City Council on February 20, 1951 at 8:00 o'olock P.M. Said telegram receive! by the City Clerk at 11:55 o'clock A.M. February 20, 1951. ORDlNANC~ NO. 773: Couxicilmaa Boney brought up Ordinance No. 173 and moved. for ita passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motio.. Thereupon the City Clerk read said OrdlJL&nce in full. MeTIOE' CARRIED. AN ORDlNANOE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ADEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY DOn AND DESIGNATED AS EUCLID AVENUE ADEXATIOH. Refer to Ordinance Book, page . On roll call the foregoiag Ordinance No. 773 was duly paseet and adopte4 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : OOmrCILMlN: COUNCILMEN: COtnTCIUWl: Pearson, WisBer, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. ReTing. The ~or declared Ordinance No. 773 dulT passed and adoptei. VARIANCE NO. 139: Petitioaer Tarver Montgomery. et alt requested variance from R-l, Single Family'Residence ZQne to M-l, Light Manufacturing Zone,on the southwesterl,. 21 acres of the BIt of the sit of Section 8, fronting on Euclid Avenue and the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-waT, when and if this property is annexed to the City. - - The CitylPlanning Commission faTored the granting of the zoning varianoe from R-l to M-l, upon the completion of the annexation of the property to the Cit7. Councilman Eoney moved that the recommendations of the City Planning Commission be sustained. Oouncilman Wisler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. . RESOLl~ION NO. 1823: passage and adoption. Councilman Eoney offered Resolution No. 1823 an4 aOY84 for ite Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. P..ESOLUTION GRANTIBG A VARW'C:! (Tarver Montgomery - Variance No. 139) Refer to Resolutie. Book, page . On roll call the foregoing-Resolution No. 1823 was duly pa8.ed and adopted by the following vote: AYES; NOES: ABSENT: COUNOILMEN. COUNCILMD: COUNCILMA.B: Pearson, Wissert Eon.T and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1823 duly pa.se4 aDd adopte4. ,,",'.t>r< -,---':. ''''jI!'.IIii..i!!f<,,''':;''''''''PI\....,.;t.<:.,'",.~;'."i.:i.,~',;.;.:;.,.,.",..,.,;.~."'''~~__\o,j;A.!i'''''''''..~_''' 86 City Ball,'Anaheim. California- Fe.rwary 20. 1951 - 8;09 P.M. VARIAN:~E NO. J.4,Oi Petitioner Frank Kellogg. for permission to erect a Car-por~ on t.. south aide of hia ~re8ent residenee to come within one foot of the property line. at 530 North West Street. This would not be permitted under Ordinance No. 609. but with the revised'new comprehensive zoning ordinance would be allowed in the front tw.nt~ feet of the side yard. - - The City Planning Commiesion recommended the variance ie granted provided that the Car-port be placed one foot inside the property line, aDd that the same be open on three aided and that water from roof MUst'drain' on petitioaer'_ property. - _. Var1aace !fo. 140 'Was held over for study and investigation by the C1~7 Oouncil. VARIANCE NO 141; Petitio.era Charles E. ana Lenna M. BalleT. 703 North Lemon Street for permission to conduct a Real Estate Office at this addresl. Property now EO.ad ~-)~ ~ - ~~eCityF1anniDg Commi..ion recommended that petition be denied stating rea.ons therefore. .: -~ S-aid -Tari-ance waa~ hela.-over 'Ior- rur1;h:er stUdi' ana ibvest1gat-. ion. - - - - -- VARIANCE NO. 1)8: Petitioners Edward J. and Vida T. Naffziger, 5Z7 South Lemon 6tret' for permission to conduct a Real Estate Office at this address. Property now Eo.eeL R-l. - - The City Planning Commission recommended the variance be denied, stating their reasons therefore. - - Councilman Van Wagoner moved to sustain the actio. aad findings of the City Planning Commiasion and that said variance be deniet. Council- man Wisser seconded the motion. MOTIOli CARRIED. Denied. RESOLUTION NO. 1815 was brought up for authorization to make certain change., namely, Bat H. Neff from Resident Engineer 'to Chief Engineer. Said R~solution No. 1815 be corrected by interlineation on motion by Councilman Boney, secoDdet)y Councilman Van W~oner. MOTION CARRIED '(RESOLu~IION COP~CTED) The City Council approved the renewal 'of member.hip of ,the City Planning Co..ission to the Southern California Flanriing Congress 'for the purpose of receiving their '-II.tin. and published reports. Cost. $25.00 for the year. Action authorized on motion by Councilman Eoney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. GOFlJON WHFJ.1NALL & ASSOCIATES. TERMIN.ATION OF CONTRACT: It was moved by Council_ Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Boney that the required )0 d~s notice be given to terminate the ~ontract of Gordon W. Whitnall, Consultant Engineer for the City of Anaheim, and that the City Clerk be instructed to express the thanks of the Ci~7 Council to Mr. Whitnall for a very fine Job performed and for the valuable service. rendered to the City of Anaheim 'and the City Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED. The matter of installation af water mains and the charge per linear foot to be applied was brought up and discussei. PERIvlI::3EI()N TO LEAv"'E TEE STATE: Councilman Van Wagoner was granted permission to leave the State on motion by Councilman Wis8~r. seconded by Councilman Eoney. ~10TION CARRIED. Councilman Heying' was granted permission to leave' the State on Januar~ 23, 1951. This permission was om~t~ed from the Minutes of the January 23rd meeting. Permission to leave the S~ate given to Ceuncilman Heying ,on motion BT Councilman BoneT, seconded by Councilman Wieeer. MOTION CABRIED. " 4-Way STOP: CENTER & OLIVE STS.: Petition requesting the Ci ty of Anaheim and the State of California Highway Commission to install signala or a 4-w~ stop at the intersection of Center and Olive Streets. Said petition signed by 78 resident. of Anaheim community. Petition was held over for further studT. The-Engineer Department advised that the State ,Highway Division notified the city previously that there was not sufficient traffic at this corner to warrant traffic signals. The members of the Council requested that a letter be writ~.. to the State request- ing them to make Mother suve,_ The matter of Sanitation District representation was discu8sed. IvII:N1Y1'ES..>F' THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE JOINT OUTFALL SE'WEF~ Meeting held Feburary 1 and 8, 1951 were ordered approved and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~OTION CARRIED. Communication from the City of Santa Ana pertaining to the Minutes of the Executive Board of the Joint Outfall Sewer Meeting h~ld January 25, 1951 was ordered filed on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ' MOTION aARRIED. TENTArp !\i.AFJ}f 'P:'iACrr l'ifU~ 1504: Tentative Map of Tract No. l504;(Mr. Ralph,MuI)Q.8 taken under consideration. Mr. Ralph ~. addressed the Council on matters pertain- ing to the Tract. The City Planning Commission at its meeting held Friday, January 19, 1951 moved to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1504 with recommendation. ;i,..j;,,,,'< ....".,..,".I!f:\I~i!V,,{. .,>,,,...i~' .:....- ';;;;;;'.;" "";;',...:J..._~.'"~"",,,,,,'_,,,,.,;~,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,~ ......,....,'--""'~....."",."".."""",..""'-_,_.__._':""'4'I;<J_~,<,,C$\'_"w_~::_...'.". W