1951/04/24 -_-___Q.i.t-:{ Hall, Anaheim, California, April 10, 19.51 - 8:00 P.M. the City of Anaheim the following described real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Count;rl of Orange, State of California., a.nd more pa.rticula.rly described as follows: A~l of the water alley 16-1/2 feet wide lying between Vineyard Lots A-? and B-7, a.s per ma.p thereof recorded in Book 4, pages 629 and 630 of Deeds, records of L08 Angeles County, California. a.nd extending from the Easterly line of West Street, 66 feet wide, to the Westerly line of Citron Street, 49-1/2 feet wide. be and the same is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim on this the 10th day of April, 1951, and that the City of Anaheim accept a conveyance of said real property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim be a.nd. he is here by au thori zed to pa;{ the owners of said real property, out of General Funds of the City of Anaheim, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00). ";{\JFU5.M:; C:-~)L,AN~~: First reading of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 667 to affect collections and enforcement of provisions of Ordinance No. 667 and Resolution No. 1667 was brought up on motion by Councilman Boney and mo'!ed for its introduction. AN ORDINA1~CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 667 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC SEWERSI1. ~.dVAL SA.NT ~~lT; REVGKIJfG" Of EESvLUr;.lIOlii lJO, 1484; The matter of revoking Resolution No. 1484 granted to J. P. Duval, permission to operate a Sand Pit was again brought uu. After a thorough discussion of the problem, it was moved by Councilman Van Wagoner that the Variance of J. P. Duval for the operation of Sand Pit be revoked. and that Resolution be submitted by the City Attorney covering such revocation and allowing 30 daJ's in which to comply with said Resolution. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the ~otion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. -oJ C l ,/ SIGNED --L:UL~-...- ~/ ,V; ;/:. "~ ?h 6it~ Clerk _._--- ...- -.- -,- - -citj; -!fuli t- -A~~h~i~t---C~l if;;~fa ,---April -24~ - 1951 =-8 :-o6-P~-I~~-------"----- ----- .- ._.- ._.._.._-< --~--- -_._--_._._~------- --- T:~'e Cit:c i~ouncil of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. FRESENT: CUiJNCILMEN: Pearson, Wissert He2)'"ing, Bone~r and Van vhigoner. Al3 SENT; CO UN C r.JMEN : none. CITY ATTURNEY: Preston Turner, present. C:1:Y ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Keith :Murdoch, present. T:IC I.;iw..ltes of tb.e reg;ule.r meet tleld A-_~Jril 10, 1951 weTe aPJ?roved on tien b:':o(J.Y.cil:::1ai'~ Van WE.gC"Jl1!:.cr, seconded D? Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. Li..AhIiS: COLcIlciluan Van 'vJagoner re-porteci ciemancie against tile ci t~r amounting to $123,470.11. COQncilLan He;ring moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted 2..Ld tnat WErre S cle draVIY1 U::?Olc the T,re,asurer to 'pa~r said del~lands in accordance with report. CO,lLCilLJan Doney seconded tLe Illation I>'lOTION CARRIED. '.> LFI:,h (~.: CliDli\JAl\C.L~;3: tv'lr. D. G. Wettlin su"omitted report on t!le work of codif~{irJ.g t:~e Cite Crciina:'lces. j:L~c:)0L?='I Councilman ::i3one~~ offered Resolution No. 1839 and moved for i~Js pass2<:';e ~Jro aQo)tion. CouncilLan HE,."ing seconcied tr~e DIotion. MOTION CARRIED. j',. ES~vLU'I.~ 'vl<T~\.E ~I['Y CUUNCIL Glf TEE CITY CF ANAHEHI AUTEORI Z EIG THE CODIFICATION vI" ALi.J CITi vHDIl~A..<':;ES AIm AUTH.;F.IZIl<G THE El'.li=LOYl~'IENrr (.,;:' DAVID G. 'v'lETTLIN TU DO THE wLP.K l;F CLDIlYIHG SAID CEDn:Ai,JCES UlIDER 'TriE DIREcrrIGI~ UB' ~lflE Clrry ATTORNEY ANTI FIXING HIS COk:-Ei-rS.A In FOR SUC~i SEHVI:JES. '<.HE'E~~AS, there are -1]5 __ Or-: inm:.ces in t::..e Ci t,\~ of Anaheim; and V'l~~2~P.~S, said. Ordi::"-CtLCtjS !::..e.~/e ~oee ellEle tec_ over E\ peTiod of ?ears from 1888 to preeeLt time and. t11at duri:nF~ saicl:Jeriod of time rnan7 of said Ordinances have '...,~;;{ ':..:"'~':i~&.....~j-.~.,..._.ti;;c,ii:""",""-;;:;-,,,~..,i,",_.o;:;,',::,,,"'~'_-~~Ei8Ja:~~_ -, I ..~,~_Z:--_. 111 __B~~1l.Ld)~11~~~ei;~) :;~li:fQrniE;? )~2r: _~LL,_ )3.5.1_=_~ LQQ_~=-M:"..___ .__,_ ._____,. __ __ _ c on \'J c.... , Q~ in part, or re-eDa~ted; and V;~L~l".sAS. t:.erc :.8 1 lL'...,l~ 2E'C~~. J:Il tl1e;~eo~c ,'" '.." '- (......1 effect ire in;;': ex \'J;uc~-~ said Ordinances or aL~' part- Tcc.dilc f,~~nj!~eL l.ecessa~~;: to refer t:nereto; and VlH:LT,~~S, t~~le City CO.u.cil I'lL S ~;lcLt it 'c\'ol~.ld be for tte best interest and e;_I&l~e ,1 t~le Ci ,ci off~cials, citiz8;lS of Am1-:1eim ana oL'ler person.s \'\"1::.0 ",,,:ish to Tc,er tJ sa~ci cit=. OrCi~i(lLCeS to ',c.ve tie S8.~,e C(Jdi~~ied a.nd a complete cross-i:"lc':ex t:1ercf'~r clLC, t;.e.t said codifice.ti:) s:lOu10. be made in the form cf a mULicipal e [:\Y~,l t ,.f~ Ci t:- '~o\:>eil f.:c,t ~~r f,~rLds t'\Dtt:W (::;21~1ctr)eIlt of suer. municipal cede \'0 lei savc':.e c i tL 7 e. s ar...d cessa:r'" t 'oe e:::.cpnr,ceo. f~'.r' siderable amount of moneJ now icatia~ Jf eac ordinance or amendme~t to an ,~ 1 r~Ft.:','. c c~ e :.-~ El c -t e ci . nUll!, T~IE1~,SY\_R:.~, 133 IT RES'''':LTSD 3'~ T:=iE Clrry CCT..n~CIL OF TF.E CITY OF AI),AHEI~I, :f,t [}.l ci t;' cr<iir"fn'ces of tLe Ci t::t of Anar.eL:l be codified nnd incltlded in a muni- c~}al c:c-e to 'Je {:::nc)v"n c;,nd cies::",';:H,:,i,eo. S'l:18 Anahei Nunicipal Coc,e and be cor:;,})letel~r '2::c~d 8::~6 cr...')sG-ino e:::ed. fL to'oe in SL1C i'cr'!:I t:"~2.t sU'~Jseqnent additions or amend- T r" - ts ~';"-le':'eto CE~rl be ;':iac..e lj~ t:'.le aLl,erldi~-le~-J.t ':':'!~ t"he sect~-aIlS of the code cr o;~r tlle i tier:. ,:)1' nci., sections tLe'~'eto. Alm EE IT f".!RT:tJER RES()Lr~D t(~f:..t David G. ~~ettlin be em:oloyed to do SaId. "i'Y::'1\: 0: CJQ said c)l'(L, ~lL~.LCeS &.'1d. COLl::-:': i 1 [aid l"'1unicipal Code under the dir- cti()~l a:c:.o.. su~pervis~c;'l of L:.e Cit~." Attorne~r of tLle City of Anaheim, said em~)lo:.nnent _, date fro::. Fe.c:ruar~ 27, 1 1; a~lO ~hat l:..is cGl:;pe:c.sation for said ,\;,ork be anct tile 8<,,,;,e is fixed. (l,t tLe sL;_rr,:)f EiSi:r:..tee Hundred ($1300.00) Dollars, \"!hich COlr:- (;' <~ S 8.. riG }l S :~a 11 l~ l) c: i c,. (~:.:~ sol 1. c\ VI: f : ~;ine Eun~;.r8ci ($900.00) Dollars 'X)Oll ccr:rf~l tion, to the satisfection of the __ v. At.Lc)l1l.:.e~/ :;,f' t'ce'::::i sf An[..~:ei:ij, of t~:..e \1lor~c cCLtemplated and specified 'b~y" iH 2 01' the p::'o.:.Jcsal SULT,itted to tr:e Cit:c COD.ricil of the Cit;/ of Arral1eil:l, 1,,~lcer' 6.8.:;e :)f Fe'br'jE:,r< 27, 1'- 1, ":caid. David G. Wettlin, and the swn of Four Hundred (.$4CJ.:J:J) Dollars at tilC t-':;;ie-a,t, tne C 8;:;ed code of trl cocification of t::..e cit~r ~_~.:LCC~S of t:18 Git<. '.jf Ana:leiu is toe s~)r::.itted to the :~)rinter for print- L:.6 .:; il8 re;;f:i~l in{: F:ve EUT.c: red ($5 CO. (0) Doll;:TS of said cOE12Jensa t i on shall "be lCY. [,.fter 1:,':'.8 )roof l'e<d...l. a:.:,G. fine.l::;riilt of said Code. 1.10'\:',' i 0'" roll Cc.:. ::. t_~.8 ~. 01' vote: '[lG Rescl~:_tiGn wo,s -:Jassed and adopted o~,. the AYES: !~OillTC I LI'IEl': : :::- ear so:'., Wi sse r, He:,' , Boney aLd Van Wagoner. I:::C:5}S : GUU1~CISI:ElJ: Nr;ne. A3SEI<jT: GOlH.JSIL:.;Z1:.:': Nc)ne. T':.e 'or eclared ResolQtion No. 1839 passed and adopted. . )[\. s~' E~., a;~ (' EO Councilman Boney offered P.es:.:ll:tion :No. 1840 and moved for its >::.n. COU1':,C =. ;.;:,e>..n :S:e;'~il.-' s eCGLci ed t~'le Lwt i :::n. l','iOTION CARRIJ1JI). ...f.. r::SSCLUl'ICiT CF' rrEE ':I'I"'.: CCU~:::IL CF 'THE Clr-:{ CF AlJATIEIIvI A:'PPOVIUG THE REPORT ANTI :;cr'::E.:;TIAT T C}( LF 'I' fiE C~IEF EEG LEER AJ<D 'T:iF~,SNG 1 \EER ING CCr.1HITTEE RELAT I lifG TO THE !SE CF J:" VI'TRIFI:SD CLAY FIPE A~',:D AUrIHCRIZIt,JG THE !,1AYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EWrZR IjTU A CC',,'r?RACT WITH CHi1.RLES T. 3RC\I/:j:.,; & FAUL VUKICH, JR. FOR THE INSTALLATION CF SAID 'fIFE IN THE 1'.IAN2rER RECC!.l!'i:ElJDED BY THE 'CEIE]!" El,IGll;:EER AJ,m THE ENGnr~ERIHG COMMITTEE l~_ , 'ii}n~E:EJi...S, heloetofcre, tc \".';.t, on ~)l~ aoor:.t t::.e 26th da~r of Januar~r, 1951, .e Cit~,' of AnE,>."eim as c;ontl'ne1:,~ agel~t fc:r trie Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton and arid for tiLe ::3J.eTla Per!:, Gar'Cen Gr:)ve, La Haora an.d Place:atia Sanitar;r District~ 0l-.:.c.1.8. T. 3r.;)'v,-L ar.cl Faul Vill.o::icL., Jr. d~l~l made a:c,d eEtered into a contrq,ct for ~ ~e I'Tlis sa COl:t:r(,c\~';rs of al::" to:ls, eq,lJ.i:~)rnent, apparati.::"s , facilities, ._,~lLt, lc,:o:=:r, ma.ter~::l.s ar:ci)_c.~:;'i t. Les a,nd l,rCu~sportc.tion including fuel, po'vier and ,jU:C i,:;J,C,:6 :,~::,~,,,ar.ce ".... ,.l~ \,'ork ::'0:;:':' CGL2tr'ction, installation ami. cc;:.\~)let- c. ill 2;tr t~. cc.~rd:;:LCf~ \vi G_J:' )laLs aLe. s:)ecificcit:~ons preyared by Koebig aLa. cOl~Si"lti. er..':,l:eers I [),8 set f~jrt.:_ L.. said CCL~,rc"ct for t~.le constructiorl of it III of t;J: ;lib iI!'~c~c Se\\'(3r ~ili.d rlal'~t ar:..d Force II/lain and Pro,ject t .er vJ:;, -+.8 a;= ~lr'+:'eLa:_.ces t..erctc of tile OraL~:e County Joint Outfall Sewer, at e lacE;. _ SlJCC fl.::d lYl IJ. c.etL ~lec 1J1a1.s a::_o. s)( cifications and in tl:.e manner (,cit:le~"ei.L aid in str:~ct c.:jl.f',;l'ldt. tJ"erevJ:Ltq and ., ce '0 CC; Gladd I'.ic:Eear::. & CO[:::;:;8n~r for t :le fur~ is of July, 1950, the City 1757 authorizing the purchase type required for said Magnolia Cla~r Products Compan;r; that aforesaid was authorized by Sanitary Districts to make such July, 1950, order No. E6556 was of :Four Thollsand (4,000) feet \'-hEIr~s, t"el't :'81'8, t v.~t" OL tiie lltl COJ...cil (.if t~,E~ Gi+:,; ,f Ana;.eL:. ad eci HesoL.itior: No. . Eo:r T~lC..lSs,nd (4,:)00 ) fee t, f ipe of t;le size :3.1.6 TL~.lLZ .s[~\,ler :fr8m GladdiL~' l'Ic13(::~aL & COL~;E:,n, cU.d Pacific ioy thereto t Ci of Ana~eim as co~tract a~ent -," (:~. s i) 1 ti~; 11 S Cl .Jas s eo. ane; ad G p t. cd. b~" said C i tie S cn-:ci .,;urchase; t.hat tLereafter, to it, on. t~.e lct.h c,e,,~c :-)f ""'i"i.".';""",..,;;k''''''",'~;,,""~';';:''''~.'~'_-''~* ""'""^'_""";'_'''_';,'''~':i''",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,~-"., -.:.... ,.'\ J_ ..., -'- '... H8'~:~L AnE:c';eim, C8,1 ifornic..::, A-oril "'-.1 '::::4, '951 -. 8:0C ?l'~_____________ .~ ~ II ., -" , ~at -'- ........ e&~- vitrified C_&. aut~G~ize6 sa:d resclution No. 1757; OJ:' 8.-DO;.~L, t e L~ ca;:r c.{' D(::,~e:::"Ger, 1 0, an a?;reernent was ir:.~O aLa lJE'tv.,'€, ~c.ce vI :)1' AEa!:eir:l, n rnll1icipal corporatioYl, c' :;' or 8[~ ~ ci Ci ~ i e s ~t:r.6 SEc.: i.~ c,.r;' Di s t l' i ct s, ar"G. GlaciO. ing NcJ3ean & Company, iT' .YJr; , v: e2"t?iT a>o. w;;er said Gle..cid McBean e.nd Corrrpany did agree <12.:d f';rr::isL ter:. tLou,sand (lC,O'Y)) linea.r feet of 39" extra streng:th vit- o ~ e ~~:: s~)t?cLfieci if. tfle YLotice L-:'v'it s8rled }:J),cY;:Josals a.nd the pla.ns arj.d for said DroJec~ 28 Koeb and. Koeb , consulting eLgineers, S reet, Los An~:elE's, Califort.ia, Hy}d made available to said bidders prior on of sealed ~roposals; and r:.E:.,C s, c ,):~~, t :r Ca'ifcr '(J ~;. f i ed ~:_~ -~.~ e c i i" i c c- So. ti:e ~'. 'vJEEHE.A.S, saici aE~reefileEt d.id :5)To'1id.e thi:"i..t '-"lhen a cOEtr,~ct or contracts \\rere awarded c;.,ci e~;teTed into for Ll8 cOLstruction of saici r\:!aE:r~()lia Se\\;er Project includin@; t_e furn',s::::f L:.e )e end suret~/ ocnds, as required b~,~ ti-1e plans and specifications ,ave been exec teci B.T"a furnished the c tractor or contractors under such cor:..trB,ct as :cequireQ tee plans and slJecificatiQns aforesaid, that said Glaciciing McBean & Company v':C)ulQ trler8upoL enter into a cor,tract wit}: tl1e contractor or contractors to furnish to s..1.cn cOLtrl.';.ct:.;r or cor:tractors the amou::.~t or amounts 01' sewer;::i~oe aggregating tIle acount cc:.lled i' r sH'~(i cOLLtract ente:!'ed into v:i,th tile Cit.." of Anaheifrl on said 26th da~' of DeceLioer, 1 j \h_ ter:;lS ami COl1o.i tiJ.:1s slJ,,'bstantiall:r the saLle [:,S set forth in said con- 0r~act; ~;..l~Q W:ti.~.JLi.AS, after tf.Le contract was Q'-LL~/ r:lade e.nd entered into b;,r and between the Cit;., of Ar...al~eLl." as contract a;:~eLt, and ClIas. T. BrOivn and r'au1 Vukich, Jr. for the cOYlstructi , instc,llation 6nc.i co;;;pletio..:; of Unit III of said NaE~nolia Trunk SevI'er and. . ul;rpin~:: Plc,nt cl.l1d Force Main, and the furnis:lin,:" b~;. the aforer:lentioned Chas. T. ErO\\ln a:r;Q Faul Vu;..:ich, Jr. of the fai tr....ful perforli~ance bond a.Y-d. 2.abor ami m8,terial bor.:.d as l'equirec_ t, "l8 plaLs a.LeI s:;Jecifica.tions, ['" cOLtract \v2.s made 2.ncl entered into with said Glacial. I'lcBeaIl and Cor;;pan~' for the fu..n..is:,.ine; of tL.e 39" extra strength vitrified clay l"lJ?e E~S s;;ecified in the plaLs and specifice.tiorrs for said Project as pre~ared by Kc.ebi,:;: Hna KOE:~~ ,eor.su2. tir.:.g engilleers, to tlle (lelivered D.~ nee:.r 8,S prc.1cticable to t'.e trer-c>, Eic:.e 0: t~-i.e l'~agn()lia Tr;nk Sev.'er Fro,ject; and Will~r~':;AS, said Gladc:ing IvlcEean and COL::?an~,:r have [llarluf2,ctured and deliverc;d to said Froje t &D9roxi8ately 5,000 fect of said clay pipe, and that Chas. T. Brown and I-su.l Vu.kic:l, Jr. ll2."\.re instrlled iYl said sev'er Ibie a:':I)rcxir:1Ptel~:.. 1,800 feet of said pipe from Engineer's Stc;tion 4;9foe to En.':i::.Jeer's Ste.tion 507f26; clYlQ t[18t approximately ,000 feet f said ipe H.re n~v; 1_ or~ to],) c,f tDe gro;;_nd at t;""e trench side; and ,'.E3:~:;.::AS, creeks EiLO cie:f'ects hF;.VC "oeen ciscovcreci in certain sections of the pipe Leretofore iEs~.allC3d in said ille BLo. Ln -::;:~e pipe alOLt' t.l~e trer:.ch side, \\rhereupon said. ipe cieli'.' Tee to the trenc' side, but r...ot ;:et irJ.stalled, aIilOuntint:'; to 762 joints, was U:..ereupon e:x:a":"~.neG E:'io. tested and 172 joints tr~ereof rejected and 42 other or additional j ints ci c :r'CQ b~" the Chief Engineer of the Cit~, of Anaheim to be of questionable qUcLlit;;r; teat teL (lC) sar:iples were t:":.en c>J):::en iI.. t~~e prese~.ce o.i~ arici ii!ith the aljproval of re- f'eser:t:.::+ "TC f GlaciO. McBean and Companx for testing and therce.fter tested b::.~ testing laborc:;t 1'i s; t:w.t 4a-Jo of said IJi:;:'e tested WC:i.S found to >~8ve less strength than required the pla.l~s arid s})ecificCit' o:ns ar"d the:r'eupon all of said :CJipe si tUB,ted along tr..e trench side WBf reJec eO. b; tte Chief Engineer of the City of Anaheic; and iiE2!-'.E:AS, tile C:lief Engii,eer of tile Ci t, Df Anal1eim 112.S recormnencied th~it certain Jrt~oLS seLl rejected pipe heretofore o.eliverecJ. to said. ~)ro.ject ma;y be installed Y":::>vidL certc:;in r.etcods fc.>r reinfcrc Lle saLe are used in t}-:e installation thereof b..S l~el'ei~af set i1crtL, providei ~~owevel~, tile Chief Engineer of the Cit~r of Anaheim ~ .all i1c'/( t. to QiSCeTd cOL(;:letelJ an:.' joints of SUCIl )ilJe which are obviousl:' lY'okeL., C,Le. v t, sud'..:. Cl.ief Engi:neer in:s F,ole discretion. a:t1d. judgment shc:dl select L."d determine v;hc::,t =JOrtioL SLeC;. rejected pi_De SLlclll 'De installeci as 11ereinafter pro- \ lC e<i B.r.:.d e ,J cc BT.~,- oi~ "".: C Vi;: i ell in lli s j udgrn.; L tis not sui table f or us e -o~,. Lni'::)rc, .-:; r 'J t2"er\\' i s e. ~\VW, :r}J.E}'~:l'2:F\.R}.; I be it resolved tile Ci t, Co".ncil of the Ci t~, of Anaheim that ___t recur:.i:.c:=(lEtions of Nat H. Neff, c:lief eLgin.eer, for the use of said. pipe to the extent e[J.Q in t:i.8 rii.aLner LS recoG,mended :"lIn -oe and t21' sallie is heY"c:'o;' e,ccepted and approved, e:LO_ tl".;..E.t. ~[dd Ho"" H. Neff ce aut:',orized &210 Lstructed to use said pipe to the extent, er Gilt .~ t::. a:ec in i:;he mLI.i.ner C,)!:JIleCc.ea .im as as mo:'e pc.:.,rticularl;i" set I ')r t.l in t:,.f a"TeemEm t ~~ere t;] H.t t,: c:'lt:::d; aLd ....J ~ }.'U-'LITi!.:E RESGLVED trlBt ti"iE: ;;ia;'cr ane the city cle:'/,:: be a.na the~r are hereb;{ E;,l:tl:orizeo. ELlie directed to execl.:te ti1e E~{~reeIJe:nt he:"eto Elttac:J.ecl, for and on oeiclalf of the C of AnF..~.ei. r,s contracting a.gE~nt for the Ci ties of An8.heirn, Fullerton and Ora.nge and :>Jr tIle :B~:Li::;;r.e, Fa:' , Gar':en Grove, L8 Ha'br[:.. and. FIacc:Ltia Sanitar;v Districts. '-1 IJ1.~ ELd Disast o bserv"cr' s ''':.~;)::.,: T:le Cit:' Co )Lcil 8.1T9ro\L'o, t[le E'.p oiLtmeILt t~"e Counties Civil Defense 1) lief Couf"cil :)f :Sen Lieoerr:ic}"nn 8S CO\Hlt~T-\"Jide Coordinator of the Ground , i:'.~,-_ ..._cl_d^l_ tl'~e Filter Cer~ter, acting UPO!1 t~~.',;.e rc:coI'1'lr:.ter:~d8..tions of the AdminirtrLtivc Officer. (.,~.,.;,c".."""",~..""_;..:""",.."...",.,~_,....._.,.".~,,,....~,,,,,-,.,._.....""".'.'.".';"".".-""~'_~,,"'..T""~""'e_#.... _.'-"'""''''.'--''''''''"'"'''-f' 11J C_t Hall, ALo'lei;;" Co,liforDiB, A"Jril _. -_.._- ~I, L'+, 1~51 - 8:0~: F.M. \., Den Derr :s a-.., c ;.,,) l' f' + ..:..... v F'Q ,,;. en, Division of Civil DefeLse, CD tJ to n He:c' \lr, :!""jerls. 'j <, 2Q~_:J'~.C. '.L -, S,id V: a:,:;; 0 L~ tr:len t I,i,C S au t;l or i zed on Llotion seC01' e(; '~\i ~ . MOTION CAR1{IED. 1.:J). '21 1;;: t' 1~ Q J ~'~ -,~_ .,_f:? L; ;;:'" ;".1 { , c_~, E.'d April 11th, requesting "hold ci t:r: G'J.e t::..e C'J;Js1),l ting engiIleer, Koeo and ce sptisfr:ctGril~7 settled, W8S s',Jbr::itted c?110 rectd. s d u_e , , ~l.':"L t i 1 :,cYJ i :1 t s cor~tl I'{ C t T?- y, J.. ,: Cl.i:fr :ce~ ceg '].'If:{ ~:~VvEF: "~~l:~_~ _, _. C~la~ ,;e C~der No.1, Unit III, to use ,--i(::1 reL.:orced C'Lc;'ete Alnerpl.:.'te T-loCl.:: L:LLeo. Fipe i:::lstead of 39-inch Vitrified " :-:/ ~>? ~)e L~ L:e ,..,. :out.s, [,S a'q~Jr>':/ c" t1e E~l[-;ii.leeriLZ; Cornr:1i ttee was a~):::)r')\'ed t ~-..e C ::"c,~ CO;;LC i 1 at ion Gourlc i 1r:18.n :B c.L:.e:', second ed 'by Connc i 1 Elan Wi s ser. _ Ij Cii.:-r!R ~~D. ;!)0~_I.:~ 1'1'n ilZ S~~\.'~~E: ~~~U~~.::S '..;' C":..anC;e Order No.2, Unit III, to suo- ~ tl~~~e J_.e is-inch H')_ Erla. Ge" e Vc:tlve (RellSc.elB,er List 12) for one 16-inch BUI' EYld oE VaJ_\"e it J-iLC{l 'c~.-p2.ss. ~~, spe~cifieQ ailci lLC.1Ci (0. on Sheet 34 of tile con- ~'i..CG I'D""; Said C .an{e s rCCjLLile':Jceci and Koeo , cO:lsult E~~: fUJ.. a -'TO'E~G Ne.t H. Neff. C.~lief , and a~)~)ro'}ecl o~,r the Ci Co Eci1, c:1S COTL0}'fCt_. cit:/, on ..O'G1Cll ~oL:ciL"c:.I: . seconded 'b~." CounciLlan J, :::: ~ U 2:' . 1110= I v}~ Cj.RR=.2.D. ..L":'.:" _ .'; Xc .i:\ I ::i~Fu~;:T, 1<11 L':, ed April ~~~.~: Re~ort on Magnolia Trun~ Sewer, J9-inch 12, 1 1, S~~~ rscs s for the rejection of o:n., ie,S si_ -CS I':;ci ;::"1G.. rer:d to tl::.e Ci t;;: COtLLC i 1. .. C. r 8, Unit III. "' s, 0 t:' -~:~E;(~ ~.':'J ir!.\-,:::c' nt ':)U';~:",~~) ; I~l I ~ ; 0 I c 0 ~).l_,C -~ ~i'i'l(_.:rl l;;t.L, 1951 hrere 1'lu1'1 <F CAR':' lED. riiect' Qeld A~ril 5th and S~8ClaL Coune i 1I~lan B cme~7, secc:nd. ed Cre. ~t3~..:er, "\lJE3S E ))u~_, ~1 IS \_,FL ::: ~__;l"'il"i I ,~11' ~.~ : ;..-i1C:: Vitr~:fiecl Cl: : t.. cd ,.ci ~'crci. d.ated. A~ril 16, 1951 with reference to P ilJ8 i:" U:.,i t No. I I I. of tr_e Magnolia C;'..... V.~~ ~.L.j)].I~<~2~1 ~l'~YeE 0CCtlrii~g in :':::J:..T"l';: i'r-JL: L.e AllCY.if 'rC;p81';:E, BL.cl Sc:.rn~, }"e Eailwa~;'" Coml)an~l stE.ti:;:~,!; t:leir so~s f~r tie r ina ility st - eir SaL Di i~ Anaheim were outlined.. :S. R D t~~e1' s: .e1' .,,[,_ .,. , i. el :c<,.- Cfficc:r, An(~,ciL Folice DepE~rtr.,ent, '',-l:.S E;l'anted r,L.'.:r] c::Lfcre:'.cE :==: t::-e C[;_~ifor:n,i8 St,ete Divisic::i of t:~le if:, E i :,0 D ~~ t (,'},:o. ~ ~_...:.. ..., (-1 n~l Ass cieti~~ f:r IdentificatiJL, )f vLich he is a mecoer of the Board -: T f' ;, e c:t La:':::a Bee, c:-- .:c;l 11'01' ie, 2Jrd to na~,;- 26th inc'2. s i v e, Co_;.Lc~l;.E.:L He~'i:r ,secLc.ed COU1::.Ci:!.:d3_L :Bone;:'. r'iCTICN CARHlED. Di:::.' :.;' \.. C'; {;, t, 1'1 C. C:.: I-I i 1 -. c r , ..:;. _.t: ';, 1 1. IvIOTI c:~ CAR}~ I:ZD. ... ,. ~ [;r 2.1::' t eo. C 0 ':,,:~.~:.~ C ~~ SiOL to take Dortion of her vacation C:':..~'.i V(<.I~ t sec(:.:nded b'" Cou.r:ciln-Lan ~\j . s . c' ,-' e~_ t t .e J. ... c i I S {;;,C t...:.. YL 11 Hr. ;;~L i.,J's. :~erE,J_G E:::!.cL'cctt Cil1d otl:er residents of the DU\;2.1 Sa::d Fit. \;,;CS l'EL.':d. CO;:,LiUJlicF~ti()n eX::~.;1essed tJ:leir thanks ~..e ;;;c. ter, 2LU _Y B,;,:roval if !vir. Duval \~is:'cd ::J ::. S 2.~, C. 1 t VJl t sol i C S Fl. Q S 0 i 1 s in e f fer t t 0 f i 11 -::; fj. e ::;c ,j - UT:'ci C r .~ ciZ E t E: :::.. L '.,LE' ... (~ sj, le SE,,'~A ~s r c E._ ial )1' ';:'c J 0 ~":..2'.L '~. ;.,- f;[j..C E: 0~' 'j~ eel' s A f: f L '~)...i. , i:)(_t'l..1.~C.C~:, J;~nc 9t:.., 1951 i.L :Le :2.8 c ~....QeQCo..nL: ilL;::,L Van ',i a~.:)0:.:.e:::'. S Ecteci BsioH to llnld tl:..eir A::r;u.c.l La L"'E,J..Lc< FCiTk or.:. Ii~oti,:;n b~l COlUlciliu:::n I'lOTI(;if CARRIED. C. cL ~ le~ . .L.... .. ......i.' J.. ~~ .,,, ,... -< j,I:3;IA:.[~.,,~;I.f. JF.. i'J..CADEHY, to raise a!:proxir:le_tel~r $40.).:)0. r::..iE 18 e l'tJ._ OUS oLinLza.tiun:.:,1' U.elj.c1 rrrk, California. Requ.cst ~;J'c,~lted E,Ot' 0_. Co,J.l1ciL::an Van Wc:.~o~el', Scc.,L.eo. Cou~ciln18,n Wisser. MOTION' CARFJED. ."EL~c_l il h.....; i.,A r.~"~I, . ;..: .::..:r..l::JA1';: GUL n:,.ct wi tll T2.ormina and Stepanian 'J.i. '- J.~ j;,le rutilE.!,", in J...JLc 'Ci\:;'E~.LCSS district, f::n" a tric"l period ........ ~ .l.j. J- S. \!]OL{ Comr:lenc Mc:~~, 1, 1951, '..rE Dcce;Jt<?cl ::::In L:lotion o~/ CouLci'2.,.2..n ) ;::~:='l~ COL{~~c,~'_ll.~c.,.ri ..bO~J.e~." l~ll/::IC1T CAlillIEL'. .,.... L J.;,..... bCTEc;;;eI~ t vm.s .eld over. -;-; . ....~..;...;.... . Mi~e G. Hernandez wa~ E'mi-' 1 o:r eci 1, 1:51. E~.S LtLc:orer, $1.23 per hour for t:~1e .vr.~jCI" D€~)c::'~"-~ll..e.'rlt, t!.J C01~,:~.le2'-_J~:E~ r,la~ ~~.~C\ F _F ;::,.AS~ ".::.::';:CA:".;JAY TC l.A ;..'JE.: Re::c-1ra tile o~)ening of :Broad\'<la;y", east S~rcct to Fltc(]~tiE. AV,:":l;,;jE::, I-iT. Rcte!'tscm stc:; sd he 'believed trla.t property f' irJO'l116. deed t:.i.C l<-:::'ld e:.G1.,.t (1.'-3':", .:.,C' tl~"e Cit;r \\Toulci surfa.ce :Broad'\.\'a~r to t}-~e Limits. The m8-t~.er of E;r2.d E.LQ.J.. by tJ:Le City and CorU':Lty \'JeS.S discusfed. "~l,':.l .,.." 'vO J.. ... u~ "-*'''''='';><''''_''''''''''';''.''~",W''''''''~'''.'''''''''''F{'FH~_''-''.___~'" E.0..l1_,_.f.._,~[:;c:..ejl;J..'_, _=_~L.IJfgJ';'...Ls:.,J.l'...rit :?-::'-2-.1 ~;_l_ ...-_ 2. :.2.C_.~.:J::_~____._______._ l-r; !""'\ ~U ;' - f"' ~ '0 " +- E' A6;;lil:. 8 1:" t '," e C:' f ~. c c'r ., . " "/ 0 .~_:_.i.. a. O:J' . ;_- E e \J fC' ,;' L .Jl- ~ t r~;--' ~. ~ ~- I:> j _ t; in touch ith the Street in c nect O~ ~ i1Y C i 1 [[1[..1'. Ke:~th !<urc.oc}::. v:a.s D:,.?oLteo. Ac.t .r'L. i..eel' I Je r:::::e l!.i. E.,::: 1.' oke or n,otiJ:;:~ :'..iUr I C~J CARr: IED. Ci t;,' En:;ineer durirg the CO'J,cilLl~~i": Boney. seconded '03" c'iCsence (-,,' nl....'"'.., ...1 . --,__c. 2;c~: T',e Cit~,' Plaro..niLE_S COL;miss~.OJ:1 submitted letter .i.. w~-:..icJ.-J. t.;(;'L s te t.le fclJ.mv recommeLd.at OIlS t relc_ti ':re to 01'(:1- ~I:.aLCe No. 441: Tf12t L.e l-'lr-:n::l CommiSS~(:::ri is 0:;;'") OSCQ t... "~~~e cirillL. of c::,li.;' Oil 'I';ells v'fithin v.,e Cit:,' LLll~tf: of Analleinl. 2. TlleJt OrGL1(E:~~e No. 44-1 be rel)erlc)Q in ~;S nmch D.~ it tc i0S o..l'i ~~~ Cel'tei.L Dl'e[c.S \\iL.i:c t~.:.e ci lilllits, a.ncit::J.at said Ord.ir.;.ance is \~;,~tl.icaeQ. Tllb,t UrciLal,ce 1,. . 774 i:. 58ction 14: UNC1.hSSLBTI.D USES. A. USE, sub- .,;( r;:, liLt 1 Resources, oevclopu82t of, t~ier vd th necessar~r .ouildir.e:'s, a~<Ga.ratus l' a:.~::'Jlurtencuces irjcic.er.t t;lereto". Tllis :jrovid8d tl~at tLe authorit~l for location aLQ C1Jerc:,- :>)1:: of al1~ USES of IINc.-:.t,:~r()l Resourcesll srJ.all be si...:diject to review (3".:;- s.::)eciEl-use-gerEL~t 8.S set fortL iL SE:?Ct1.0L 16:E. This should also take care of hLJ provis .:l..S ~:. cirill of 'vJater 'vveLLs :s in 1.;:.:.e opLJion of Cit;r AttorneJ:- TUTIler, v,at. r can ':)8 CCL8io_er,::d F~E a l:..a.tur'::cl rc;s()urcc. CbED Ji..:.,:,',1.:\ .,1 \..l-J: NChrr~srr S1.,CT="N ~ F:I . 3(UlmARY: Act U:)Qn the request of tl~~e-,~it~r C'"~:~1{1~f'ot!i~tt recon'~lend.atlo~S,._OlJ. tl:e .:.Jr?}Jos~Q Eu':neXa?i;n in ?:~e .Nortl?e~st see v L.:n 8f C -'- t, OOlliKlary, a)I)rOxl;:.( t ely LL::. &.c:res, t':le Cl t~/. PlanYll1':g COffiInJ. SS 1 on ao.. vlsed t tLe l.:.._G. i questioL c.uld be se,tisfD.ctorilJ subdivide6., if o_8veloped from a M~ s t E~r Flan, ~':Lci fUT t~..er reco;:;r:-".e::- ci c~ci to ~~e C i tJ CO\lllC il tLa t L_e [trea be cons iciered fC:cvorable :fOr annex;:., . on to the Ci t" of AE8Leim. The:}' furtl_cr ad. vised that 90% of t: pl'Opu:'t, 0" ':::T~ 8.re iL favor of the [l.lll'"e.xat~_on bno tLat tl.:.e territory involv-ed is uninhc:oi tea. E..11G. is c()nt i;uous to t..e Ci t, of Anaheim. r<1'. Iciso r(:q'!J_ostHi :LLf:~l'L:CltL:;r:. E~S t I\<:,t tiie ci:)12~'2',eci to do as to vJc:ter maiLs 8X c:.nsioHs. _ -- -. VVtlCJL.LJ GxT€-vO ~09"'/r.s 0/1117 Bp..s//VG.s.5 Dl1J1..s.I,-rlle. 'VVA""~:!!?~'='> .,~ ,~"'/'" .f~Nt.j..-:.I(': / ~:;/: /V~ Y41fi!'hI''' .Hi" Pf!. 7#.€'CrT9., ~fOe:./Y OflVCi ~I ~ 1!€..!J.' r}1rr /VI 0 INS Tp -$cRn; 'liE HIs T__e c;;.GV.Lseo. '-.di.a.vA L.e Clt,,) wIi. b~/-pass c:..recs not c:.u prc;sent, or ln " fu t lD'F', "',0 'ce served ,u.ntil l:o'~s L..g r f;q ui rC1ThT t. s d e~.c:nc it. An.d tLat the Ci ty '\rlould qG' CC'T;/ t~c ~,t _f t~J;~,.n~c-,crved liLC :.,.nti1 't, c.ree ccr:,:,;;f' i)_to U2e of utilities and ~ 2 rviceE Te ~red. l'ccoLLeLC.iec. ,11:::0 tLlht e, COL~::':' 1; tee from t2-:..c gro).p c~esiring annexa.tion l:,,~et I\'it L18l?rS c:mu r;:e;:.-ocrs of t,_e Council tc c::rlti:ue tIle understa.nding rE:gard. pr opo~' eO. e.,:"-~LeXE. j on. ThE; ~ c t i '.In tile Cit;, C01.-c:nci1 I','<.::'S ~'JostpoEed until this meeti!it'S '\.Vould be , ." ne.J..Q.. .:.,;-I'S ...- :L';' Ci t,- fla.r"Li::'1~ Commiss ion re~qor eO. ,-,',u Fin[~,l Maps of TrE:cts :;:.~ :';. 1493 ,>_1(, 2~, J:.",Tl r,'1. Bal_n. rPese t\"o subciivis~cr:s are portions of original 'll'c.ct 124]Jf :".e JOl'iCS Dros., there is 1:0 cI1all~_e in the Tracts from the original l",[,_OS prE:se:',t 1tJ. Cll I,'e"'e e.):proveci lc:i.st ~re::':;T. The Cit:,-' Flannir:.g Couuission recOErmended :~.e a.l]~0r L.l. of t.C Final Ivl8.IJS. T:le Cit, CO.I1J.cil took no action 8,S no bonds were presented es reauireci. ~~Cl NL. RevisPQ Tentative Map of Tract No. 1460, s 47 lots was pre- ;ctL.teci. T:"c Ci l::lcLL. t; COLIL.iss_<J~ on A>ril l~t;-i reCOLu;;CI10.cci thc,t a.;;~:Jroval be ~\Ten to t. ~. Tract, sLLb:ect to EIL.~Leer Req:ireg;er.:.ts. 1J11'. Medaris and Mr. Millett c~.d.. Nr. S ock cAci}'eu~(;Q Lle CO'J.Lcil in sUP:JOrt of (,cceptaEce of t:::.e Tentative 1~1ap of t~ Tract; C',' t~'"E COl;.:lcil. T:.ie CitJ Coancil aecid.eci tllF.t tLis mc..tter be -brought 'oefore e. 'jJlllt mee of L~e Cit:,' FlannL~g COfanissi:JH ana. the Ci Council for discLCssion &.~.Q. C .J.l1 C 1'..; son <.l t a.n e2.r l~;- d. c.< t e . :>1" i.Jl.. ..L~-i- j~; A(~tf~d 1.11=;011. b~r tr.i.e City F'lall}'li1.-1~~ COI.lI:iissil::r--. on April 16, 1951. Sciid :F2-a.nn:"~'e; Cou,ission fD.ileci to 82prove the 'I'enta,.tive r-lap stating tl~at the Street a..nd .Alle~y Plen cnfJrm ',0 tl:e Mester Ple.nt bi._t cn: E,CCQUll-':. of 10. sizes the Su"ociivision cc~ld not B~}rcved, ~eint situated in tie R-O Zone. COLL;~,LiCc10' Oll from t:.e Exccuti'e Vice Presider,t of tL.e Ro-oertshaw-Fulton CUd.trols Co...:pal.:.~- to )'-11'. 1"1edaris "\''ES siJ.bm:. tted a.L.ei reed \Vllerc:in r.e requested information f:.f; to avcilc:"uil: t~l oi' sui tE'ble Lousi.Lg for their personnel cOLLing into Ana.heim in the ne~,r .: ut,'x;:"e. hI' .. I'+d2.ris, I''li1let 2.I~d 3ar:~j$ r~;qu. teo. SFxil1.,,:::s, L081:18 Buildi:'"lg As~och:.tion ...8 district adje.cerit. to -~!::'oco~ed. tract. Le,'ncke, EldrEKJ, 2Td Hc,mc_, 7, al 2..d6ressed ~;he Cm:;3Jcil and spoke favorably L.e Ci 's acceptance of tl.le Ter:.tc..tive Nap of t::1is rrract. 'J.1r:::.ct c tE.iLS 29 lets \-Jith square footage from 7,7001 to 7,5001. ., sic_e~ ~~. i: "~ile f..:.reE: favor tLe clcce:utan.ce of t;::.is Su.-odi vision befo"'e i tLe areE; is s~:;oilec C~l:t up aIle. ce11Lg sar.1e O~7 metes and ~ ~: i a. en c (~ s .... su.')~.,; 0 l' to:.' T~e T l.o ~. 1 __ S ~; l~ C. -c e ::'., ~') O_U1cl S . lvh'> IJ;(.:\cir:ris furthcl' statc~a that 11l1r. Leimert has :;:18':::'1s to COIne into the district \,'cst of Ana:neim aLa d.evelo~ aGeut 100 acres :Cur i:--.:.igh-class hor,les. T;i8 C~lairman of the Cit~:. PlannL::.::; CO:.:mission, Joe Thompson and I-lr. Mungall, ~~.':'=~~"~?o:,"",*7= - ":;~:'-"-'J;"~'?~:~:=,,,,.J'~~"'-;:"'---1'-~v-~,,,,,-'--m':'-,,,":V~"i:-:'''ff~~-~~;:;r~;~;;:-';'2~-'";;i$_~'Vi!iiWWf&P~,~~);;~~.'...~iIII!iiWf ..L""' 1 I::' -.../ __.___._. Ci~:..._Hall ,....P~i!:....t.;c: Jjfg.r,,;: i8 ,_k-.2Lil, 2:,., ~:;jl - 8: 00 F. M. ~ .J c.,.. . .. c~jJ ~~- GI s~ c:c ~~_C Co' ;"J:~~: i.1 ;.. E', \ ~- " c ~', s c f "~ J) C i Plann:l'lg COL;Ei:..ssi::;l1 t _ _ S ~; (:.' G.. >=; r (:;. \_~ t . Co lLC i lrrlarl S G. L ic. .i.l~~: JS.... 0 see tDe Zarling Crc1Ll[:,:-'lee rc .L....C luns ;)1' (;rCeL u '. ,E. l;'"" C c~.l' '? 'os lIe c;;L,,-UIlGEt :fr'Oi:l t:..e t_;e'::lerc~l sta.nclpoi:-:.t e..s to let ze E,"~~L !J< __ e ,::;f LC.L1CE ~c':_ t,e Trc;~t. or PeE~rjL aav~se~ t~2t t~ie f .::J r ::":iT te 8 r s t_:ciy [:nc~ C . S '." >lil:,~. D L L C,:lei. C it, C v l.:l.C i} . Llc: t,ter 'c..'oulci n8cessar;J1 have to -be taken C' rl, ~e0t of the City flan~i~~ 1...:11 );.,., ...\\., 'r6 ~ COLJ,ILci1..ar. Vf;',~l V~E<s:=lner offered. Ol'din~:L:~ce no. 776 and. moveci for s ,)a8S&,,;:, Dl'..c1 ac..o~"';t on. CO.:cLciL:~an Wi.ss(c.r sec~~(; t'le ::lotion. MOTION C_ABRIE:D. Sc.:c O::.'C' iCl.cce \d::U: rCb.c.. J.Il ic for tLe :rir~,t til;W. A_ CF.J)Il;;A}~CE OF TH:?] CITY OF AEAHElI. AHEl~DI=,;'G SECTIONS 16, Zl, 2Z, JJ A11D 46 OF CEDIE.A:,.CE He. 701 ENTITL:E[) "AiT CEDI~:A=j':;~ CF TIIS CITY CF A1JA:f..::EIM PROVIDING FCR TEE ;E:.~SIl1G UF CEETAIN 3USINESSES, TF.ADES, ?EOFE55IOJ:T5 A:'D UCCU?ATICJ:~S, FIXnTG TEE Ej~TE 0}:' :;-,1 8",',,'8:2 11E~n~::FCE, IEC:ID:::'\G FOR TEE GCLLECrI'I THEREOF, AND FIXING ~::;ENALTIES 1: T.~"' '\"LT.Jl\TICN Tp:'~F3CF. II ~-1..' :"'x L. ~ : \fernOl~ Rold, c;. Te:::ideLt Jr:, LL.e'.Jln Aver:.ue, addressed t.~~e CauTLcil. 0\:;- (;,'(;J'~:t 11 <:C:'ES v;"ic;. ,e iiJi<hes to L~e ann::-:ed to the City. He sta.ted that he e<ieci v:ater ve::c'y:-,acil:,r. His lJYo'L~ert, s c tisuous t t)'"e City on Lincoln A'v'er:..ue. I1. Ro1d strted he ~1C:~ci c:;r:tc-,c-:,E'cl Mr. SteirJE,rt \\'l:..o ()vns t}:e 'balance of the land. in the e west of h&~c _ester, net i~c 8Q i~ )revioQs annexation proceedin~s. Mr. Ge~lerC:tl l'lb,11, ,:~;er c:;' '::. e AL.,~::-:..eirL C~J.8.L(~eI' of C~or;lmerce spoke on gett in tl~,e entire ,r-L":: ;]1 terri tor~I in t:::"t e ~L"e, ami Llc:t ....e \".'o:.Jld 2sSj.st in tTinf:inr: the :peOI)le clvcd. to~:;:'t:,6r c:":::"(~ ellUCE;;\'Or to ofi'sct b 1<"2' 8.rnexetion. I-Jr. Reld ";[".8 :is-cd '::-;= ,. tD t"-.e Ci't 'L~eer ~'::r :Je~iti (,1' Annexa.tion;,:;f Unir;.l1aLJitcd .:.C1'l. Gr/ C3,J.,C to Sl1.-:.:;~,it letter l'equ..est r:.__Lt \':E~:er te fu.r:nished to his :.:)rOIJert~,:'" !"" s q~J_i c S os::-i e. l:';_;:-,~':' i~L.~X.A It...N: I"lr. ErL\;~:-t hoellcT' _. ,_", eC:L ~~etiticn for anEe:K2,tioyi. of Ull- ,~c ' eo. Terri: or;y e:.ci~ CEY.t to Gi t~:. LiLi <:; s L.c1 on North LeL;on Street. _ ::. i t:L C;ll \'\l[~ S i ~lr. Buberl, J O;~ eph iN i 11 ie,I.: IiEdLZ D,nd R. Rodriguez. '"SlLl I"E i,l,;. l:,.:.H; CO'J.JlcLl"LL :a:e~ ..J1.'f red. EesollLtion No. 1841 End moved for S ~:f'ss2,ge and adoption. CO:J~_C ~l1:lan Bone;,' sec eCL t:1e ~~;otion. MOTION CARRIED. .t1 ;U:;~S01UT IGI~ OF T~IE CITYCVJL ~~,IL OF I1HE CIT'; 0F .ANAHEll,] ACKl':iOviLEDGING RECEI?T OF A E~~Ir:rhj'J FeR TE2 Al~5~X.it.i"IGN 0F CEETAIli; UNI~\HA.~rrED TiEERrrrORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: .1IVI:...G ]uTICE VB' SUCH FROPOSED ANNE:xf/fIC,N, DESC}:I3U,;G THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TEF.EITORY OICSED '1\." :BE ANLEX::::D J~HD G-I-\.:n:JG N(yrrCE UF rEJE DAY, HOUR AND ?LACE WHERE AlID 'v'J:iliN JLY FEFSU<u-liirl~',G REAr, ?RGFEETY 'iiI} EIlIJ SUCH TEEEITGEY SO ?P.O?OSED TO BE ANNEXED MAY ,n.., .1AF: D~;:FlEE ThE CPIY COUEC~I.., A 1,;1) SFV\'J CAtJSE WHY STj,~H TERRITORY S~IOULD NOT :BE ANNEXED THE CITY CF ANAEEIL. hEELS.AS, t~:E? Ci t;' Council of the Ci ~" cd A:L[:.heim o..id on the 24th cla~,r of r"JT'.~, 1')1, receive 8. \'.rit.t .:Jetiti'i1:1 aSK,L-::.:: that certain new territor:r described i1: sai(,_ oet it i ,):"1 "08 a]'L~e:{eQ 0 the Ci t~' of Ar.EL-:..eLr" 8J1Q ',;HEEEAS, sDic terri tor, }ro'JOSCC to De anLle:xed to se,id Ci t;l of AnaheLn is sitU8, ce. i:. tl~i.e COuI:; (~f C~T:.~>:,'c;, Ste.~Jc of Cc:,lif~")rri:c" al~d is, contL?u.ous to the Cit;r .)1.' Ai~E...:.c;ir:'l p....rJ.Q is ':~~.r.o-irl1:1ablt.E:~c~, terri tor~7, ElIld. s8..id. ~9f~t: ti.:::)11 con_tclirled a descri~9t~Lon sF,~,-i terri tor; if- v'ords cl~~d. f~(:"~res Lf' l-l:':reinaftel' in t;'ds Resolu.tion descri11eci, ana rdHi..::F~~AS, Lie Ci t.~ Co,-,_nci1 fi s from evidence and re.ports received that ()t tl ,e -:; '..ide ()~' t 11J':: :f il b,no. ree e :;1' said "Oct it i un, it "vas and nOi'll is s ie::ned boe \:;:1<::':1"," :1' j,"ot less t~::..aL cne-i'ot,-rth (4) of t~~e area and not less than one-fourth' (!) 01 :'-:8 as:? 8ssed valuat ien of Lee lend iL ~,uch terri tor~r :proposed to 'oe annexed, " 1- to t 12st }j1'Ececii E'cuali7ed. c~ltJ.nt:_ essessment roll, and '~,iH:J(,::.JiS, tLe Ci t~~ Council finds from I'roc, s8.id ';)8titi:J'tn t[lat [1.i -::_.eC tlLe D1 the fi,l "at said. 1,e'V'; terr tor~ proi)oseci to :8 Ei,:c.;J8XeCi .;[:,rt of [:"'Y(' mu.;.icipe..l corp8rCltio::~ 2.nQ tLE:t salCl l. ti,':::;_o'"'--~ to the Ci of A~jcd::eiI11, and evicience and reports received and and presentation of said petition to said Ci t;l of Anaheim did not form a territor:r was uninhabited and. is i\HS~.:~AS, t:...e Cit.. Co"u:cil fin,de from sa~_cl:.oetition and evidence ami reports _ CE-J ',' Q t.'"ct t ,t.~ 'iJ,~'-;_;:-lu.cr:,=,s of t~e territor:,r s )ro;;osed to be annexed to t~l.e Cit~r .,.1. .A._J.alleil;; Circ as fcllJ\\'s, to v,i t: A trE...c tJ::' 18.::':0. L,c1' c.:...l.~ c;" ~)orti,).L of Lot 5 of 1.-1iles Ra.ncho &.s Sll.c\\:n on <A mD~J rcc()}:'ced iL :Book 4, .,!F:.,("'t:; 7, r,iiscellar:..eo'~ls I\iia}Js, Records of Ora.nr:S;e Count:~ and :f:'J",'t.:. =1' StE,t.e HiE~:n.iiJa~,- Haute 101, a1;:,o la.own as South Spad.ra Road, in the Count~y .:;f , StE.;.te of Califorr~ia, and f.-jore pE~rticulD.r1r o..escri.oed as follows: i',"",ii';',',;;;;;:'~';:;;;;<.:r';UX;::~~4':!-P!.;L~~'-.:;!t,-~~~~~ ,-" ",.,~"Ao.'>I..Ji";""-'~""'~'-" \...' _____.___.._._~Q1_t4__ HaJ~l_? 1il1f~ eir;1, Ca1-if.clrr-Li~!., .A.,.cril :':::'4, -LJ.Sl,- G:GO P.I~1. 11 . c L t t:.~e )I'eso!l1t ~lO:' "cit, licit line f the Cit:" of Ane"heim, 10 -00' ;.._, :;.'ce~: \'.'t~ft ;JI~ j;,~1 ~,' Cel1~~tT -~L,e oi' X rti:c Ler::cn Street and 20 e1'. ~ -"'E" '~",:t,:~t~-.c c. _ __lL l:;: R:<(;e:'2. Drive; ti-Le-;~ce Northwardl;F alon~:~ the c:- _ L~( f s2ic~ N .rt: Le;:l S'1'eet c:llCt tt~e re:::e.t ci t:' li;;.-:.. t line a distance of XL 12 i::t; 't;'i.E'r:ce SC'.lt~:\"est',c'r61;/ c: dif'ta.::ce of lJ~)7.l8 feet, more or less, &. rC:Jt':1'~:' "in!? of StD.t Hi ROiJte 1']1, other\vise knovJn ~. SO'.:.t:: SpcJ,c:'c R::...ecl, 8<,:i6. . :::-:t ,.(:'? 1,77 feet r.02"t' ,.rl: f-or:l the north li e of ,;-mr;e:"C1 ,said~;_~r li:e c:.~_so beL t _8 reseLt cit:' li:,.:..t line; tl~ence Westwprdl~.'" t ri G-j J. ~'81d Cc st -"':;DC::'t., '_iLC ()f S~ate Higl1\\'c.7 rtoute 101 a distance f tJ fe [,~ t e v.:es y.,. " c>rt lirL(~ of SE:.id State Hii:;hwa.~1 Route 101, sale. '"estcrl'- rt;- li:::Le E..lso De tice p:: sent cit~c lir:;it line; t:]e~'ice South~'ardl~r along .e sc'ic stt-' "'::r:::::.)c>rty li:r:e ~;f Stpte Hij{L\\!a::' ROi]te 101 and t\e :qreseDt cit;r limit ine e C:~i 'e,:r.ce of 351.77 feet to a 2JoL',t er::. tt.e northerl~' line of Rorrmeya Drive, sa.id Lort:~ere li::'ie of Rorrme."[l Drive also tH? t:-:e )resent ci t l_imit line; thence Easbvardlil along the sai~ northerly line of Romneya Drive and the ~re~ent city limit line a distance f 130C.90 feet to t:ll"' :point of -Deginnins_ Area - 17.31 Acres - - .02705 square miles. Ui., TF...ERKB'CRE, :BE IT RESGLVED :3Y TEE Cr>.I:Y CUUNCIl, OF 'I1HE CITY OF ANAHEIM: ... S' ~JrO~OSca A.nE\c;xatio:D oe designated b"S IvlORAL2S AJ?NEXATION and that ul'Cj.~)oseCt E;,:n.11l,-:xa,ti0:-: -ue Et~~C 0~le' sac;e is ;'lc::'re.b~. \;-eJ:;1., a.nd ;,otice)... S :c, ~.2.J 1 .t1~v:FLiI1:L:~Jl~~ .tL..Sl.1"I~ill J1E.0 t.....c 2Z;.,.CL d.oJ:.7 of~ 1v1(1:,r, 1951, at tI1e fJ.our of 8:0C1 I clock _- .1.", [;"t L:.e Ci Council Ci'larnber in the C:. He,ll of the Cit;y of Anaheim, be (:;J.lQ t~'~e sChue i s{J.creby fixed &.s t:::.e d.fj,~, ;~our anc._L~E:,Ce WIlen cl.n.d wJ1ere any pe:!:'son. wr:.iYlc.' rCf 1 i;I'opert~. wi t;'lin sa.id. :, '3:r-ri t or~: so propos eo.. to be anne:z.ed, and ha.ving any Jojection~ tfie )roposed annexa~ion, may appear before the City Council of the City )f .A:1.E~l:.ei C-LC SllC\'I' ca.u,se W~l~l sU.cl~. -serritor;' sh.oulci Ect be so 8-:::nexed; that all persons G. an~r E~ctions to such ~;Jro)ose6. BJlllSxation are heret~t noti:f'ied to appear on said cia~' at. salo.. ~lOl.lr an.d place to st.01.r: CE.L:.se, if an~r the;,' have, wh; such territory ::: noul(j t CJE.' So C ElLU;Xee, aLe BE FURTME RES,,1'vED tilat tl-:.e Ci t;. Cler~c be 8~Jd he is ilereb:t authorized c,~'),a. airect.,:ci .. l:Lsh or ceuse a cop:,' of ti.lis Resoluti(,n tcbe l')1).b1ished at least ~-Le a V,'E:C:L: fcr t\.,Q S1)CC SSi"/8 we8~':':s p:ricJr tJ tne 22nd da:' of I.Ia~,', 1951, in the Anaheim -=::c....lletin, c.c rJWs.A:l,~er of genere,l circulatLon, published. i':J. the Cit? of Anaheim, County 0f Uran~e, State of California. OL roll call the for;;gol!1g Resol~ti()n Wl:::S dulZ)" passed. and adopted b~l the :,:' .:)11 o\,!i TL. Dt : AYES: COlTNCILI,:EN: reFi.;'SOn, \'liscer, He:'ir_:~, :Bane:' and Van Wagoner. 'tiES: COUNCITjjEN: l~or,-G. A3SEl:-T: COlJ1~CIL>lEN: NOEe. T:cie r-ia;ror declared Resolutlon No. 1341 duly passed and a.dopted. :'i-tGlXLY1~ lj;",JG:~ES: grant.ed pel'l::issioL to use 1a FaILla :Baseball Park, June 18th to 21st, .icl_,si\Tc <ao $1;). JC .pc::" c.a~r -.:,n ,;lotiol~ b; CO;.J~,ci~man He~' ,seconded O;'l Councilman ii is s er. 1'10'1:' l(J.11 CARE lED. -,~I\D Il~Al\ Ci l~\.J. -,777: Cou:ac i l_"an V<.ilJ. "iiagoncr offered OrQ inaLce }8,SS&.c;e anc_ c.:.(.L'.J~cti::m.. C01JT1Cillll~Ul \v':'sEer sec0LCied tile ;"otion. Gro..inhLce V:E"S reaci ill public for the first tLne. .l:W. 777 and moved for its MOTION CAP~IED. Said ~'1.i:J lHDlnlL CE 0F THE CITY CCT";l~CIL RE?F.ALING LiEDINANCE 441 EHTITLED, "Al~ ORDINANCE .JECLAEING ClL wELLS IN CEE'l'AIN ?vETIONS OF' ~rrtE CITY CF ANAHEIl'l ITJISANCES, IviAKL.JG IT j.;.'iLAvl]'FL '~G DJ~_ILL, I..,'lAINiI'AI}j GR U:fZRATE OIL ViELLSTHEREIN, REGID....ATING THE CONSTRUCTION -,Ii' D:2:RICKS, :FHUVIDE;jG .t'El~ALTI;S ]i'OF. I'RE VICLArIG1~S 011' THIS CRDI2TAi:'CE AND REPEALING ./'itJL UEDILA1..CES OP. FAH!rS OF CJRDI:irA~.;CES E{ CC~:FLI~;T THEREWITH". ,1,SCL, , L:>.t.:::: COLl1J.cilrn[~,n BOLe; of:Eer Resolution 1.,To. lbLt2 ana moved for ')p:'L~Jn. CO~llciluc:.n 'I~'isser sec~)Lded t[18 otion. MOTION CARRIED. . ./... ~vS )b S sasf c:id.... ... hE6~,L\.J!i. <~l< ~~,J:' 'IIli!: ClrI":~ C~1JNCI1J u]~ :I~I1E C~Iill~,~ C~'~F' A~'.lAEiEI~'~'i Ei'.C:'LO~~(I_~'{(J- c. v. TACRI~'lI:\JA ~_lID "... ST:;;:'rud~~L AS Ilm:s.:::_:::mEj)T (x{r~P.AC'IX;RS rIG OCL1:2C1\ :- ICK-UF A:.m DIS?OSE CF ALL c.;:BBISH ..~~I -r'EJ\.S3 ALUNG CZETAIN S':'p3ETS II 'n-;~ CI'rY LF ANAHEIM: FIXL\"JG THEIR COM- .r:,"ENSA'II..,I-J AND AUTtiORIZI\G THE IvlAYUR AND Cl'T"! CLEHK rre E~?rER INTO i... CCNTP.ACT \HTH THEN i;C.,R Al'.D !~l'. :.J:::~IA1F L1 'rH:S CITY u:E' ANAHEIM. -d~; ~"': _:-~"S, C V. 1'2.0 J'L in[; and Wm. Stepani::::u1 rl.;"\C SU-C1:;:"~tecL a.oropos~Jl to the Cit~;- ~' l'.lli; if [Hi trus:j, [;,10-" oot:-i, sid.es of the following .. :.,r t "~.', ~... \.....~ .,4. escr:beci ....,_. ... ~-, s r- 1:6 rlIle~Ts : Al-~8:- no;~'t of C(;;ter Str(~et fr:...L l..tc>j.S(;::l Street to Falm Street. -:~V~;'{If::;,-:-;':'if.:,'-,.:",":";;~;;'-':'~;:;';~Jb..,__,,,.,~,~~~:,...,.,.,.,*,~,.i~:':.' ,;..,,~.j,"~I!<"'.<'iI'~'~~~"IIf'!.~\'MWIt"!!!:"F.."'j-;,-.'\!1~:~':':,iO!" ~-""~,--,-,---,-,....:......,.~..."- 117 _ _____ _ _ _ C i.t~g~~ 11" Ana:'w i 1:~ ~_ Cc,"l i f? rJ.::L~ '_. b,.) r i 1 24!... 1 ,:';'51 - .:3::J 0 r.I,.'1. Ale, sO.;tL Ce S ./'!:-'ect :'r()~:~ Atc~:'~is()::~ 0 r;a.lm Stre(~:t. (All e~.' c;y..O o&,~ S~-r'eEj~ ~.rc SE .i. ) . Los ArF'ol S 5 ree ';"'1'om b roeD Wb to 'de.ter S tree t . Alle:.,- east ,)1 Los A~~?:e~es 5t1'eet ceG\\een :Dr~ad.waJr and Santa Ana Street. Los Anp'eles Stref t troI;, Chartres to S:rcaLlore Street. Alley east C:.~'iQ \';e~t of Los Afl:::;el S Street froT:! S~,tc2il:ore to Hart}} Street. Ll~L,Orj Strec t - - 3rc.&G\iJ2, tG Oci.ic Strcet. B r 0 2..cl \r.' ay' 10B An~eles to LeGan Street. fill six days per wee~ fer a period of six LOLttS for the SUD of $300.00 ~er .".~th. S)c.. c 11 ct. <-liCi ci~spos61 of ;:~B.l(), :::obisl~ e,llQ tre,sh to 'oe 'b;/ tr'..lck si.,~ils.r t t"::,:)se llSHcio. the Cit:" 2XiQ 'v'm:E~:EAS, the Ci t:- CO'..'..::-,-ci1 firms t"~Lt t~::'G [,_cceptance of said offer fLEd ~Jp:J2,,}_ w()H..ld E i' r t lJcl;ef~t a::-lG st Lltc:rest of t~le Cit~. of Anaheim, arm nOLical, b.::lO t:.l~J.t SUC>L offer sh.oulci ~)e ccce)ted; :::;IC.W, THE':~}'C,P'.s, i):;<: I':1: HESCLVED :bY 'J:1ciE CI;I:Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI1-'1 - nt t".e )r~)osal sU.ciuitted C, said C. V. Taorr~.ina cXJ.Q Wm. Ste~'::>anian oe acce-pted 2t L bE [.8 lLQC ent cOLtractors for a period of six months to ll,:;ct. ick-up, relJlOVe V.Lei (~is-(..;~e cf EJ..l :','b'oish Cix,d. trash upon and aL"ng tlr-Le .) ::'ectf ::::1C: (.lle~'E Ll.oc;~~o:~'( Le;ti("~l:eci c,'_(~ c.esc:-icea.. and :B:~ IT :.F"_rr:;:'J:}R R:~S:":;LtED tl'...c:..t said c 11 ct >AL, removal and dis:?osE:" of SC:.lG. 'bis. tr~ s'~~;=-l ,;8 six GE.S . cr ".'ee~;: G.ur said term of six months s..8~_l L.otaI' tr1_lck. F'l.'.ii.l.'rl,c t'..::.:::e '_:sed L:.e Cit:i" of AnaL.eim and t~Lat the "e:f cJl.ect; CL ~:.i.C ick-L_; s'.L..ll tel~et\reen 6 A.I'i. 2nd IJ A.I-'I.; that the dis:.posal :['[;,.pt-.'1' CillO. ci<rdooarci s:1.a}..l l)e '0; oali:.. at V'e Venilont Street dump; that all other ~lis G~ci tr~s~ s~hll GO tr8Ls~ortca ~ee~l~'t or ~ intervals as required by tte ":::.L- leer, ~"r:":., :;~~e Vel ~ S reet 0 t>,e Count? QlUnp; that said contractors s:,al ::c2..1.ntai.n the arealsed ti-:.em at the VerLlont Street Qumj'J in a ill2.nner sat is- _.c ct:;I" to ~,f.e Cit2- ..:!.J.ecr, [LO. S E I '~~ }~:_Tr~ '.L!':-".~}:_' ?~ES Ci L \:-;'.~.0 ~ ~-lr~ t S3. i c~ C ~J 1_ ~ l~ (;...c t c. l~ S -0 e, ar...d. t r;..e:r a.r e [18 r e ~o ~.'~' , ,~ il'c'o.. t fL1r;':.is,i ":,~Le C-~ t. _:f Anele,eir:. 5. f2.::" tLf'.ll perforlilaLce "oLd iL tLe sra _-'- T-\,;o T,:'Ol~EEL1:'C:~ ($2,:='00) Dol1a.rs ":;0 gu.an:.lltee t.:.e i'aitLfu.l _)erfOl'IianCe of saicl tr ct, b[,Q ~E rrr ],~JRI'~L~H RES~LV"SD t:-Lat S&lG r,,.;o is,: t::LC tre:.sh shc:_ll be ccllecteQ anci pl<:. es )f tl,sines~ cLOL.~~ ~,..th sides of Center Street from Atchison aLel i~10l1_; 'c II si:ie .:-~f Lor, ALt;eles Street froI;:l \1'ater to North Streets, e s:)c::~ )lc~cCS b.S Aller...' s I-iari<'et. Roquet I s r,larket and the Anaheim CG. 1'r::::, ::...1 Fc..L. Streets L"~_ci s~~c~ll incl ;.1 ~L e t :. Ii, c:~,i i.Cl .::::E IT F~:Er..r~-Er' RESCTJ'-lW t_1Ett saiG contr,ctcrs 06. and. they are he1'eo;'", 11-eo.. tG u;,rr;- ana. Lai;,taL... cO;'Jensati~)L i;lS~}rc;L(:e satisfactory to the Cit2' of .h...i.8..lieiL co t'r al2. of tr:ei:' era lo~'ees, and ic lia'bi1i t~.r and propert? d&171c';e __S1:rr.(;e ~';l t1_(~ a~.,C;i_,.Gt of $5 ,coo. -- $100,000 '...iJ:"jon ec.cl1 verlicle o~oere.ted b:- tl:em, {,.:iQ Ol' Ctfu.1Le Lr.. :"le 2_..0:iL of $5, oeo - - $2.5, O()O t1~jon each vehicle operated ~~ .c~ e;I.d . A~ill :BE 1'[' FTj}i.TRE" RESCLVED t LEt said cOLtrcctors shall receive HS cO!Dpen- fur s'; c:, C DEt J:'E..C t aLl5 \,; cr.::, t [Ie S':.l@ o.1~ $ y.Y). CY) -per I:lOIl th t pa~{al)le on the 1 s "j +,:,e iuont , COI;:lmfllCil.l:-: 0;. tfle 1st da;~ of Jucie, 1951, and upon the first G.2,"! c' L.-,C:~, E: 1..6. 8,r f:r :.~ L~ c; ~ i t ~~ t ~-~ c j" ~~:- (~', j-" t ;:'"; r' 0_ ~,l]~ i ~'~E'; sa 'l.G. ~Je r i ad. 0 f six rnon t hs ; h'TD 3E I i;"JETHE;~ E:';S(~~'r~~D t~~8.t if t:J.e COI-~tract herein authorized and the r.': 'ue clOllC t'~~E:"r ,lY',.cier r"re SF L; sfc..ctoril,perforL~l?d. that said contractcrs so,hall c v C' c. t !'_ C' ; , cd' ( , E: ~. nei - UY...s b.S he~'e in Sf; t f .c' .'.I.L tu :er..e; sC'.id contract u~Jon lL-ce terms and ::Ir 82 ide: De ~dut 1'- 'i;2:1'eed u~:Jon. .i'.~.IJ =<:~ IT.;TTTHEr~ ?::!.:Se::'N"SD L:'bt t~':E~ r;:a/or Gnd the city clerk lie, a.nd the~r e , fn;thorized c..nc5. eLl.O' e1'8C tc; eL."~e:l' ilj.tO 8. contra.ct for 2Tid on behc:..lf of e C:..L of A.nc.,heiw v;i t~'L sai'.-, co.:.-~tl'(}.cturs for t::1e d.Oi::1S of said work upon the terr:1S .1.C-~~_ti.C)liS;_"J.c;r'c'i~~ set ~_ J~'tll. U:.l Tc11 C:cL=- tr-LE: fJY' Ee~iJlu.t iCl: '"(=,,S d:~l:r passed and adopted by the f 0110\; vo~e; "",-""-._,,,,""V~"""~'."""""""f"_""""'''''''"''''''_'"",.--"",'-""," ",.,._-=.,." ..v _.____~.=_.~,_" Ha~~_ All(..'~1~~,~~, Califarni~, ~ori1 24, 1~)1 .- S: 0 C ~ 'I r . l'l . A.~IES: COU1JCILI~'i.BIJ: :t-'(;E~T' ori, VJisser, He~;' .;\~~:;::s : COUHCI LI,'lElJ: Non.e. l...;jS::';~lfr : CG UIJC ILl.,EH; None. , jjone;...- and Van Wagoner. 'r .(-.; c..ec1sTed Resolu.7timi. I'; . 1d42 0.1112/ p2.sseci ailli b.iopted. COLi....cil::!an VE.ll ~w'{t:o!.:e:r LIO;c;d to e.cijou.rn to Ttlllrsday, A:9ril 26,1951 at L:OO 01 cl. 0 C,l': I'.I,:. COClYlcilElan ~Jisser Sb201i.cied the motion. r,iOTION CARRIED. AD..! C uH.UED . SIGI"ED -~,.L-d'{~~4~f0 Clerk .- -' _.. .. _..'-_. _. - -.. _.~ --~._- - ,~------, - - - - ..--.-".- . _. -- ---'-- -.-- _.-- ---- - --~----._- --...-.-----.---..------------- C.iJ.:', liaIJ.,- !'-J,.c)1.eJ':;'J__C_8JJJ',OJ'j~j..LL ~JJYJJ_ _2_t~L~13jJ_ .-. _~_:SS)_j_.J~____.__ _ _____ ___ L...c2i :,~. ~o;~ncJ.l of t.iC Ci t~;' :..If Ana~teim met. in a.ci.jouTned regular session in -..:CI.i.Lecti (~c.: JOL:.t v:iL.i. tLe Specif>.l CEL11.~ci l'''leE:t of tj:le Cit~ PIaL-nine; Cor:rHniseio::.~~ at :JO Olc.,-O(:.,- :: .1".., T:'_urscH2/, AiiTll 26, 19j1, for tLe ~;ur~)ose of ~;eileral ciiscussioll and c t i c;::."~ J... C:~ i Li.lf:-'~ t; 1"' E . li~S~l\ T : ~>_-t,..L,; ~~ I L~, ;El~' : reE.,r ~ 01. , 'j, i. sse r , .he ..:.. ... ...~~:; , ..c:i OLt::;' c'.LC:: Van V.; E;EOT.i.e r . A1J SEi-J'T' : CuLrlTCILj"iEl'J: iJOTl8. C I'rY AT'l\...B.KSY, :f r e f~ t u nTJ..rr. p r ; A sent. C I 'IY ADi" = t-. IS i='}-C.L'T = ',j::': 01':b'L:::ER, Ke i tl, II/lure" () cl::.: F re s e::l t . The ue:.;"cers of thE Cit:,' F1al1~, COi;l;ni~'sion ',/GO h't.:I'S present: Joe Thompson, ,-,.~alI'l:l[~.E, E. 'i.. NUlL'::Ed.l, Secretbr., COLiL:is~: :rs: SC~,c.Lbclccr, Hap€;ooel, Summers, Gauer ~:L:tce1 c..'-' v .j.. e. 1.;1'. S'"12.rtle, Flem}L~;' TE~ctnici&.n :for the City of Anaheim, present. Uncer discussion v.e}: S,~(..,d.ivisiGl~s iracts KGs. 14048':'_c 1460, l~oth in the R-O 'Zone. I- e q 0_ est. .~ t mef: t >. COIJC of t:::..e r:wet ove tEO ciUSC1~_SS i OLS C.~.S tC) rees s of Tract Developers ee sn tlve M2CS ~1 Tr~cts ~e ea in t~is zone, althoQgh they do R-(: lot size stc;.~darcs. Thc:t mar:..:- lots no\!: L'J. tLe cdeE. aTeI:1Uch smaller '1'18 -' - - '- ~: ':lB..1'.t. ~~~, 2 '"' '"' s c~ 1 :f fj e t . ~ fer F,tr in ciFt:::'i,:t ..i_ L l' l- varirt:OL of squE.re foota,":,;e requirements ""- l_ot s ,-p ~. ::12.:' t r of b r ec1k ci O\'/ll in ~ 1"1.-,8 CLS cd :.e R-O zone requirements. :riie l)C; S 0 ~r ~l'Jr:~ f~ s 1 i'~~c ~_ ~>~ t 0 ~. \.:~ E:LE.Lci III L.C: (,rei: lLC:J:'te: of Nort:i Street. ,,-. ., tiC., (' to 7 tSOO SqU,U'E foot fl"J(.tc1f::e by IL5 foot ciepth on north isde of \'.e:::t sic;,e .:f -i'~est Street and t..Lt ,.:JorTJic,;,;, :)1 .:.Jrese:.t urK~eveloped "crt~. S rel (_:..~...C r 0;: e r' iUr;c~ 0_ il:::g z o~~ ore lL,", CE:~ to C:CC(c:;t;(; 8. R-OO 2.o:.e of 7 tSOO squ2,re foot .~'eqt~ir'f31Lcrj,w s. :'..A.~ T 1< Ci t,' 1"' lhrL .c:~;.cl: t t f-~, ~7; lc\~~e-, Tentative r,LaI) cri,:i.nc,ll;y apJ~:ro..;eel Sep'e:,'-oer 18, 1950, by the su'cject to engLreerint:~~ reqllirements. Sa.id map wa.s referred COLJLiss-,.O:1 t),e Cit~,- Co'~nci1 et its meeting, Tuesday, 80lYILi s sian, ...., -~ .!-., '-, '" -..., . :: ..:... c;.ll ~ 1 ~_ ~.g; ;:-;ep~) (,1;,:)8 r .:.. ~~,:.::. Ci . It 'i.S ~)vcci to. C;OLL1Ci:;i:f;{;:O ;LE. , scce;:J.CCo. ent8ti::: -- o:f Tnct l'T-. 14S.J C; 8.))T eel S~lJJect t 7, S~J(re fJotc:c rec~Uil'(;i:lentE t t~,c Qe:.~t;j ,~",f one ~" Ncrt~' Strc/.t, :::.1.0. t1..Dt all E.ccef::"S strs!t in t~'le :~r2,ct CO'...Ui.C i ll;.c.L He~:"- ins the.t the pI' 0 V ,,_ S . 'J::. s t :-,E. t t ~:1 ere c e t of '0.,.8 four lots facing liHE' ~_QeCL 'O~T tl1.e Sll"'ndivider S E;' .> rti s to S F ~- ~~. . r. _ :~~/r I C' 1 ': Ci~RF:' I ~~D . !"chi.:. ". t ei t i."\l E: 29 lots. SqLlare f 00 t8c;e from 7,500 square [1Ai vis e6. i'i t ~~!.e ire Ollli[l uni CF' t ion Tentative l'.Ia~) because it didnot cet to '(, ( e t cd. .A: , -:"-:.1 o up 1 ;',- ", i sqUC';2"e feet. Tt.e Cit:, F1E..llLin Cor;H:;i~si , 1;51 t :.b::t i'ailed t ~i~)l)rove s8.ia e R-(: Zene requ:.r8"TLts. It 'ia~ lj,oticLed CO~lciL:1al 3()Le~, thE:.t t>e Ire.cte.tive 1'.Iap c.f Tract No. 1404 CC)1iTcilm~.Yl VEIl 'vJa~")rer sec!Jll(jed tte Lioticn. MCTL':N CARRIED. COU1wilman ,-0. "noli (1'6 ~tateo. {U~. I'E:DSO:'lF' t.:,e::cefcrc. ';f-": aT>DJ'O ..n.\";-,." S.':':'1,-:~:F: S .:~~ ion: A.ct~,~c: u:;;o:. t'(,e recoL...enc~e.tions of Nat H. ..\;eff, C'.--:ei 'Sleer, &r,o t :.at ,:;f Koebi ~ind. Koel! c~nsl":.lt ell"i:rleers, thEt t~1e 'utf,tit t:" :;f All:Ls C".clmcrs Hc..r:zont81 Tlll'DulaY' T;.'~::e Ex,~losioY: Proof Motors in lieu of L.e Ge Erel Electric COL~)8n:v' ;:iotors s~;ecified for tr,e SE,V:8~;e ~)l.;];1pS, Uni t IV be [;,P.::-:;:;:' C'c. 01 ,:.OtlOL 8ow~cilr;lan .BoLe:)''', seconciedo? CounciL{,c:;.n He;,1'ing. Iv10TION CARBIED. _.......i._."_,"""..,~'''''__"''"''""''''" .4.,.i...'_"",;."~_",_,,,"_,,,~,,",,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=_,,,>,,,,,;,,,,,,...._,,,=,.','~_',""';!:G.'_""'^___f ""i1<;""".___,.,~",,_w~~