1951/06/11 )6 City Hall, Anaheim, California, May 22, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. The matter of clerical help in the Police Department on a full time basis n connection with the duties of Police Matron was discussed, and the Administrative Officer was instructed to check further in the matter and report back to the City Council. ~ACIA STREET ANlffiXATICN: Motion was made by Oscar Heying and seconded by Robert H. Boney that the Acacia Street Annexation and all subsequent proposed annexations to the City of Anaheim be postponed pending the contemplated proceedings for the annexation of the corporate area of Orange County Municipal Water District to the Metro~olitan Water District of Southern California shall have been completed on or before-December 1, 1951, as requested by the Metro~olltan Water District and that the consent hereto- fore granted to the petitioners of the Acacia Street Annexation to commence proceedings for the annexation of said property to the City' of Anaheim be withdrawn until after the completion of the contemplated annexation proceedings of the Metropolitan Water District. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED . /7 . P S-::. SIGNED A(~.~7~ // City Clerk ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - Cit~y Hall, Anaheim, California. June 11, 19.51 - 10:00 A.M. - ..- - - .,- - - --_'._"_.~~_'L_~ - -- - - -. ~- - The C1 ty' Council of the C1 ty of Anaheim met in Special Called Meeting. FF~SENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCIL).1E!1 : None. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Keith A. Murdoch, present. CITY ATTOR1~Y: Preston Turner, present. All City Councilmen of the ~ity of Anaheim consented to the holding of the Special Meeting in the City Council Ch&l1oer of the City Hall. City of Anaheim, on the 11th day of June, 1951, at hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M., for the purpose of considering and acting upon the following matters: 1. A recommendation of the Executive Committee and the Engineering Committee of the Joint Outfall Sewer Group that all 39-inch vitrified clay pipe manufactured and furnished by Gladding Mcl3ean & Co. and Pacific Clay Products which fails to meet the specifications for the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project be jacketed to three-fourths of its diameter in concrete or completely encased in concrete, as determined and directed by the Chief Engineer of the J.O.S. at the sole expense of the contractors; and the further recommendation of said Executive Committee and Engineering Committee that all pipe delivered or hereafter to be delivered meeting the specifications prepared by Koebig and Koebig for said project likewise be jacketed to three-fourths of its diameter, and that the City pay one- half of the cost thereof not exceeding $1.25 per linear foot. 2. For the purpose of considering and acting upon the application of V.C.K. Construction Company, contractors for the installation and construction of Units I and II of said project for authority to sub-let a portion of said contract 'tJork tc Heisler and Woods, subcontractors; and to detern:ine whether or not an emergenc;{ exists justifying the giving of such consent and to adopt a Resolution setting forth the findings of said City Council. 3. To authori ze the Ma~lor and the Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Anaheim. as contracting agent for the Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton, and Orange, and the Buena Park, Garden Grove, La Rabra and Placentia Sanitary Districts, to enter into any contracts authorized by said Ci t:;- Council at said Special Meeting. 4. For the purpose of considering and authorizing the making of an &TIPlication to the National Production Authority for a priority or a directive to obte.i~ two (2) horizontal sewage pumps and two (2) electric motors for which a contract was awarded to Fairbar~s-Morse & Co. to complete Unit 4 of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project. '~SCIX'Tl Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1850 and moved for its passa€e and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLU:rrCN OF THE CITY COUNCIl. OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI?-l FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A PUBLIC EMERGENCY EXISTS AND A SHORTAGE OF ESSENTIAL !v1ATERIALS AND EQ.UIFMENT TO COMPLETE THE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER AND PUMPING PLANT AND FORCE :MAIN AND AUTHORIZING TP~ r..lAYOR A1TD CITY CLERK TO MAKE :.t;;i.:.*";~",~~.~,;+"~;;.v""_,~*"-,,,-~~,,.;;.,,,,,;,j;""-~i-W,:~~~~;,,;;""'~_~~ -~""''''''''-",,~,--~.,,- 137 --~ City Hall, Anaheim, California, June 11, 1951 - 10:00 A.M. APPLICATION TO THE NATIONAL PRODUCTION AUTFORITY FOR A PRIORITY FOR CER'=-'AIN FUr-IT~S, MOTORS A1TD EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, contracts 'were duly awarded heretofore on the 9th day of January, 1951, for the furnishing of all tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, plant, la,bor, materials and utilities, transportation, including fuel, power and water, for the performance of all work, for the construction, installation and completion of the 1vfagnol ia Trunk Sewer end Pumping Plant and Force Main and Project, together wi th the ap;urtenances thereto of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer in Orange County, ~n}ifornia, for an approximate total cost of $2tJ4l,251.l5, and WHEREAS, in order to complete said project and place it in cond~tion so that it can be used, it is necessary to obtain for the completion of the force main the following equipment and materials: 1. 2 horizontal Sewage Pumps conforming to the plans and specifications for the Magnolia TrQnk Sewer above mentioned, capable of discharging 2,700 gallons of raw sewage per' minute when opera,.ting individually against a total dynamic head of 55 feet and when operating silITlUltaneously in parallel capa.ble of discha.rging .5,400 gallons per minute against a d.ynftmic head of lIS feet. 2. 2 electric Motors conforming to the plans and specifications of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer above mentioned, to be connected to, and capable of operating, the sewage pumps above mentioned. Said motors shall be two speed similar or equal to General Electric Company ~~e K frame 633.58, 125/60 Horsepower, 6/l0 pole, l200/900 RPf'.L 440 Volt, 3 phase. 60 cycle, 55 deg. C. rise, tota.lly enclosed, fan cooled, Cla.ss 1., Group D explosion proof horizontal motors; 2-vJinding, 2-speed variable torque ball beaTing motors, and WhlrnEAS, The City Council does hereby find and determine that a public emergency exists and urgent necessity for the completion of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer and PumpinB' Plant and Force Main and Project as soon as possible, that the facts constituting such emergency are as follows: that the present sewage disposal facili- ties of said cities and sanitary districts are being utilized to the utmost capacity, but notwithstanding that fact they are wholly inadequate to carry and discharge all of the sewage arising withing the boundaries of said cities and sanitary districts; that during the summer months there will be an increase in sewage arising withing said c ties and sanitar;t districts due to the operating of canning plants and other in- dustrial plants who have heretofore discharged industrial waste and sewage into said sewerage system, that said cities and sanitary districts are obligated by law to provide for the collection and d sposition of sewage arising within their respecitve bounda.ries; that if said sewage system is overloaded beyond its capa.city, it will be impossible to prevent the overflow of sewage into the streets and highways, which w 11 create a very serio'ls health menace to the people wi thin said ci ties and sani- tary districts; that in previous years said sewerage system has overflowed into streets and highways, due to such overloaded conditions, which said cities and sani tar~r districts have been unable to prevent; that the population has greatly in- creased in said cities and sanitary districts within the last few years, and the amount of sewage which they are required tc collect and dispose of has greatly in- creased; that it is urgently necessary that said Magnolia Trunk Sewer Line and Pump- ing Plant and Force Main be ~om!Jleted at the earliest possible date, and if possible before the peak flow of sev.Tage occurs during the months of August, September, and October, in order tc avoid the creation of 8. condition that will constitute a menace t the health and welfare of the poeple of said cities and sanitary districts and to prevent the pollution of water; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to obtain a priority for qaid equipment and mater- ials in order to complete said Sewer Project and avoid conditions hereinbefore set forth. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM that the Mayor and Ctt.:l Clerk of the C1 t;.r of Anaheim be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make an applice.t ion for priori t~{- or a directive to obtain the equipment and materials herebefore mentioned and described on or before July 10, 1951, or as soon as possible, for the purI>ose of ccmpleting said -publ ic sewer project a.bove described. On roll call the forego'i.ng Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COill1CIIJ.1EN: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1850 duly passed and adopted. .--...-._.-"'--""-......--~~.- -- .'-- .,-. -'^ ---_._.._.~ Cits Hal1t An~heiJ!:-L__g!tJJ.f..ornia, June 11, 1951- 10:00 A.M. l.:.>~_: CO'.illcilman He~/ing offered Eesolution No. l8S1 and moved for its :AiS~ja.€":e ann ac:cption. Councilman Wi~ser seconded the ITlotj.on. rv!OTION CARRIED. 11 RESOLUTION CF TEE CIT~- COUNCIL OF TF~ CITY OF ANAHEI~l AS CONTRACTING AGENT FOR THE CITIES OF ,.I\}JAHEIM J FULI.JilltTCN, AND ORANGE, AND FOR THE EUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE, LA EA13F..A, Mill TLJ~CE:NTIA SANITARY DISTRICTS, FIN1)ING AND DETERMINING THAT A PUBLIC EMERGENCY ANI) NECESSTmy EXISTS A1TJ) AUTHORIZING MATT J. VUKOJEVICH, :FHIIIIF Ch1JTUK, AND JOHN KORDICH. CO=~PAJi.TNERS, DOING BUSINESS UNDER THE FIRM NAl,~E ANi) STYLE OF V.C.K. CONSTRUCTIO~! CCHFNAY, TC' ENTER INTO A SUBCONTRACT WITH T.JEE WOODS AND F.ARRY HEISLER, DOING BUSrNESS .AS HEISIEE AF: WOODS J SUJ3CONTRACTCRS FOR TIIE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, AND COMPLETION CF A POR'I'IOH OF THE WORK HEEETOFOHE AGREED TC :BE DONE AND PEBFOR!vlED 'By SAID V.C.K. CONSTRVCT:ON CO~~ANY tnIDER C01~CT DATED JA~TIJ)~Y 26, 1951. w~EAS, Matt J. Vukojevich, Philip Chutuk and John Kordich, copartners, doing bus:r..t~Sf: under the fir!.) nC1JI'E' and style of V. C.K., Construction Company, herein- ~fter referred to as "Contractors", h$.ve entered :into a contract with the Cit~t of Anaheim ar the contracting agent for the cities of Anahein~, Fullerton, and Orange, and for the Buena Park, Garden Grove, La Habra, and Placentia Sanitary Districts for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, tools, appare..tus,facilities, and all utilities and transporta.tion, including fuel and water, and perform a.Jl work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike r::anner Uni ts I and II of the Magnolj.a Trunk Sewer and Pumping Plant and Force Main and Project together with the appurtenances thereto for the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer at the location specified in the General and Detail Plans and Specifi- cations on file in the office of t:r..e Ci.ty Clerk in the Ci t~l of Ana..tJ.eim; and WJiEEEAS, said contractore have made application to the City of Anaheim for authorit;? to subcontract to Lee Woods and Harry Heisler, doing business as Heisler & Woods (License Number 122,100), hereinafter referred to as Subcontractor, the con- struction of the sewer line and structu.res between Station 119 f 33.84 and Station 115 f 83.02 in Unit No. I of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project: and WHEREAS. the City Council does hereby find and determine that a public emergency exists and an urgent necessity for the completion of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer and Fumping Plant and :E'orce Main and Project as soon as possible, and that the facts constituting such emergency are as follows: that the present sewage disposal facilities of said cities and sanitray districts are being utilized to the utmost capacity, but notwithstanding that fact they are wholly inadequate to carry and dis- charge all of the sewage arising withing the boundaries of said cities and sanitary istricts; that durin~ the sununer months there will be an increase in sewage arising within said cities and sa~itary districts due to the operation of canning plants and other ind11strial plants who have heretofore discharged industrial waste and sewage into said sewerage s:rstem; that sa.id ci ties and sani tEtry districts are obligated b~" law to provide for the collection arLQ disposi tion of sewage arising wi thin their respective boundaries; that if said sewerage system is overloaded beyond its capacity, 1t wil] be impossible to prevent the overflow of sewage into the streets and highways, y.}hich vlill cre~te a very serious health menace to the people within said cities and sani tary districts; that in pervj.ous years !3aid sewerage system has overflowed into treets arkd r:lghways, due to such overloaded conditions,which said cities and sanitary istricts have been unable to prevent; that the population has greatly increased in said cities and sanitary districts within the last fe\v years, and the amount of sewage which they are required to collect and dispose of has greatly increased; that ~t is urgently necessary that said Magnolia Trunk Sewer Line and Fnmping Plant and Force Main be completed at the earliest possible date, and if possible before the -peak floYi of sewage occurs during the months of August, September, and October, in order to avoid the creation of a condition that will constitute a menace to the health and welfare of the yeople of said ci ties and sani tar~" districts and to prevent the pollution of water; and WHEREAS, the City Council find~ And determineg that by reason of the exigtence of said emergency and necessity for the completion of said project that said contract~rs should be granted authority to subcontract a portion of said work hereinabove mentioned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT P~SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Matt J. Vukojevich, Philip Chutuk and John Kordich, copartners doing business under tte firm name and style of V.C.X. Construction Company be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a subcontrRct with Lee Woods and Harry Heisler, doing business as Heisler & Wood.s, as subcontractors, tc furnish all tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, plant, labor, services, and perform all owrk necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner that portion of Unit I between Station 119 f 33.84 and Station 115 t 83.02 of said Magnolia Trunk: Sewer Line and Project, including excavatton, laying of pipe, placing of rock mattress, backfilling of trench, flooding of trench and pointing of joints and all other necessar~r work for the installation of the 48u concrete pipe between said statio~s, as shown on the plans and specifications for se.id project on file in the office of the Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Anaheim, and j:;rg_1111'>';""':";;;-':~:~:"__':'_'~-i'~:'''.L ;':=;~'~;;;}~~'-S'~;-';;""~~"---"'-io""",~~..#; >i:'"._.,~'_",~,.-",_",___._""",.,-,.-..-",.",-c''-\U"''',-,-",-,,, '-',!H_..~~_""'~",",,",,: 139 City Hall, Anaheim, California. Ju~e 11, 1951 - 10:00 A.M. riC udi.ng excavation of all manholes except the manhole at Station 119 f 34. BE IT FlllirrHEF, RESCLVED tha,t the Mayor and the City Clerk 'be and they are authorized to execute and sign an~- contracts, documents, or other instruments necessary or -required t.c complete the grant of authori.ty hereby given to said contractors to sub- cnt~ra.ct the portion of said \\lork and contract hereinabove mentioned and described. AND BE IT FlJRTHER RESOIv'ED that said contractors be and they are hereby required to executE:' and file wi th the Ci ty an amended Labor and Material Bond in the penal sum of $727.888.08, in accordance with Title I, Division 5, Chapter~ 2 and J. c)f the Government Code of the State of California, and donditioned that if said eontractors or their sub-contractors shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, proTJ"ender, or other SUP!) 1 ies, or tea.ms used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted tc be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, that tbe surety or sureties will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sums specified in the bond, anc also in case suit is brought upon the bond, a reasonable attorney fee to be fixed by the Court. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COtJNCILMEN: COUNCIL~'!EN : Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1851 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CAP~IED. ADJOURNFJ) II ---.---.-.---- /'" SIGNED ~ - ~ ~ - - - - - - - City Hall, Anaheim, California, June 12, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. -- ,,- .....-- -.,. ------ The City Council of the 8i.ty of Anaheirr. met in Regular Session. ?RESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wissert Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTO~~Y: Preston Turner, Present. 8ITY ADMINISTP~TIVE OFFICER: Keith A. Murdoch, Present. The Ninutes of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, II/lay 22, 1951 at 8:00 P.M. a.::n:' Special Called Meeting held June 11, 1951 at 10:00 A.JliI. were approved on motion b;' Councilman Heying, seconded b:! Counctlman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ,E:l:..NDS: Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands aga,inst the city amounting to $h44, 127.61. Counc i Iman :Bone~r moved tha.t report of Finance Commi ttee be approved and tha.t warrants be drawn u:pon the rl'reasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. 0onT1cilrT,an Eeyin?" secor..ded the mct.ion. MOTION CARPIED. ~~~i~ICIA1 & l-,?3l.'RAT~:~.E:FORTS: The following Financial and Operating Reports were ordered aTroroved and placed on file on motion b;/ Councilman Van Wagoner seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED: 8ITY TREASlffiER: Tota1 General Funds, $289,754.75, total Active Accounts. $730,967.69 Total All ~mds, $1, ;48,967.69. The CITY CLERK'S report corresponded. TAX C',IIECTOR: Collected $731.55, total delinQuent, May 31, 1951 - $1,993.88. Pt'SINESS LICENSE: Col.lected $152.70 on Business, Eic:rcle and Dog Licenses. Delinquent Eusiness License, $54.00. PUBLIC SERVICE DEPT.: De~osited $84,4.54.69 of which $2,421.22 was B.G.D. collections and $5,687.00 was Sanitation Charges. '"'lTY CLERK: De1:os.tec with Treasurer, $158.84. Delinquent Ta.xes outstanding, $453.26. ,:rrT'Y ELECTRI:IAN: 2j Li€:ht wiring and .5 rOIlier wiriTlg permits, fees collected, $197.l0. "''''mv JUDGE: 469 caser, of whlch 291 ca~es <"Jere Farkin€,; }'1eter violations, total fees collected, $3,38L.CO. :;ITY ENGTNEEH: 272 loads, trash and 27 loads:)f garbage, or 94 tons, garbage. and 52 loads of trash were ccllected b:{ Contractor. =.:',~:1JGE REPORT: Recei-cts for ~lay, $762.34, total receipts to date, $901.74. AC~IVITIES OF: Fire :)e:pa.rtrH~nt, Pelice Department, Shop and Garage, j-.."~c".._~,,,-",,_..,!<-... ""<~-,O''''''-,"', ,,,,,"._..,,,...,_~,,~