1951/06/26 Citr'/' HaJ.l, Anaheim, California, June 12, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. AND UFON THE TERf.1S A11D CONDITIONS HEREIN SET FORTH, A1TD AUTHORIZING THE f.1AYOR AND THE ---ITY CI.J~J{ TC ENTER INTO A CONTRACT \vITH CliAS. T. BROWN, DOING BUSINESS AS, CRAS. T. ?ROWN CC" ANT?AUL VtPAICH JR. ~ DCINC~ :BUSIITESS AS PAUL VUKICH COnSTRUCTION COMPANY, POR T1--3 T1JSTALLATION OF SAID PIPE AS HEREIN PROVIDED. Refer to Resolution Book, pages, 564, 565, 566, and 567. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was dul~l passed and adopted b~T the following vote: A YES : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL~.1EN : COUNCILr.-tEN : CQ1JNCILt.1EN : Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The f.1ayor declared Resolution No. 1856 dul:r passed and adopted. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGIIED $~j; (~~ ~ CLERK * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cit;y Hall, AneJ1eim, California, JUDe 26, ~1951 - 8:00 F.~l. ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Ci t~\i Council of the Ci t;y of Anaheio met in regular session. ~~'HESENT: COT..!NCIL!'lEN: Pearsor., Wis$er, HeyinG and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Bone:\-~. CITY ATTCR1~Y: PRESTON TlffiNER, Prese~t. CITY AD~:INISTPJ..TlVE OFFJ GEE: KEITH A _ MURDOCH : Present. The Minutes 0: the Regular r;:eeting held Une 12, 1951 were approved on motion b;i Councilman Ee;.'ing, seconded by Councilman Wi~:ser. NCTICN CARHIED. DEI.iAKDS: Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands agair~st the ci t;T amounting to $88,863.72$ Councilman Heying moved tr~t report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrant s be drawn upon the T]!-easurer to pa.~: said demands in accordance wi th report. Councilma.n Wisser seconded the motion. ?~OTION CARRIED. :J3LIC E~~:.AF: Nc;: C~ilil:G.E CF ZCFE: Public Hearing relative to petj.tion for Variance and Change of Zor.e Subr:1itted by Mrs. Sue Jro"v-ln, for the recla~sification of the area bounded l:;,r SOl::th Ler:1cn Street, West :Broad"~'a:Tt South Clementine and Elm Streets, now in Zone R-3, Multiple Famil:l Resldental Zone and F-l, ParkinE' Zone, to 0-2, General Commercial ZO~P, as recommended by the City Planni~g ComDi~sion. Mrs. Sue ]rovJn a:'Dpeared before the Council requesting her original request fc;r VariaYlce t }Jermi t her to opel"'e..te ar: :Jpholstr~r and Drapery Sho:p at 210 West Broad- \vay be all OvJ ed . Mr. Yellls prfsented a letter of opposition from the Free Methodist Church protes t :'tl!'f,her e~croachment of business ~-n the neighocrhood of the several churcheE irl this vicinity. The 8jty Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance covering Change of i>Jne in this district and reclassification of the area to C-2, General Commercial Zone, as reCOI'2")Denaed b~t the City Planning Commission, but more limited in its scope, motion Counc:lman Van \'lagoncr, seconoed b~,'" COt~ncilman He;{ing. roTOTION CARRIED. .})LIC E~..,A: VAEIA~;C:E NC. =-~.: Public Hearing to determine the sentiment of 'propert;:' c\!Y~ers re[~ard inG the granting of a Vari~ce tc the Zoning Restrictions, as per peti tion sLtbrnitted "b:r the E. A. Silzle CarT_, 212 South Atchis0I.!. Street, to build arid operate a 00\-l :E'eed Processing Plant at 203 Scutt Atchison Street. This Hearing be stmJ..em,;;ltal to tV.lO ?ubl ic Heartngs held before the Cit~.. Planning Cornmis~ ion. Mr. Fel tzer a:;:peared on be:half of the Si 1 zle Corp., eAl.Jlaining some of the features o~ the operation. Telegram from VI. F. ~1antey of the l-Unute-'Me.id Corp., Olanda, Florida was 1:!"'esented anti T'e~d wherein he states that the Dehydrator and Waste Disposal install- ~tion provedver::- sa,tisfactorly ar..d eleminated SO,%> of all objectionable odors, and t~at no co~~laints were being received by them. A so check was make on the operation of the California, Marine Curing ~. (:;cklng Ccr'~~Dan~:" :in Los Anreles Connt~ra~ tc Air Ioluti()n. that the plant a~ set up ] ;; sat i sfae tor:.r. Staf report of C. M. Shartle, Flannin~ Tec}t....nician, as contained i11 the file 1'pceived from the City Flanning Commission on this matter. Those present who addressed the Council opposing the granting of Variance 149 ~) ~..~ Ha' 1 AY'I h ~ 'i' ,.... 1'; f", . T . ...... 6 1 ,..... ...1 __~____.___~L ... .J..~'.Ual.e.....i'" va..L..i...LCrn1a, vune L t .l./2 , - 8:00 F.M. tte pro:posed or'f~~~(:<ti()n b:r +:}-:e 311z18 Ccrr~. were: Mr. Y~lliSt Mr. Ja.ckson, Mr. Huarte f,..., i~1cEridp1 Mr. I,lor':':,", Mr. T.K.r.:. Sfilith. i.lrs. Fraher ar.d I~Irs. Gunson. There were ~~e"...en2if.~'natures to the Detition requesting that the City COl..IDcil } l.d E'.:r,:.lC Hec'1"~!jg cn thp :L:3tter. Ther8 'Were one.-hundred, thirty.six signC":.tures attached to the peti tior.;. l-psented opposing t~e granting of the Variance. CouDei lr.-.an :re:,~i.n€ rroved that the applicatj on for Va.riance be denied. There v,nr no second. Councilman Van Wagcr..er moved that the matter be held over for further cunsideration. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. =~. ~NS: 1ea~le of California Cities Meeting to be held jointly by La Habra anc Brea at Brea. Orange County Water District, June 14, l~Sl outlinin~ excursion to be con- lJ(~tAd of aqueduct, Irado Dam and Ea.sin; inviting cit;l officials to attend. COfillTlnnicat1,on from A. H. Famular'J, Contractor for Unit 4 of the Magnolia rJ.: ,;:~'dc~,r ect, request ing an extens i on of time to fulfill their contract date d~le to the fact that suppliers are unable to deliver necessary materials in time to iTeet contract date of c1)mpletion. On motion b~r Cou.ncilman Van Wagoner, Beconded b:~ Counc~_lman Wisser, A" H. Farr:al2..T'o, Contract8r for Unit 4 was granted an extension .{' 60 da~ls for the completj.GTl of Unit }+. NCTION CARHIED. Oran2e COUlltv Peace Officer Association letter of thanks for the use of La ?al~a Park,~6/9/51.~ Oran2:p:ol1nty Methodist Union request tlse of the Greek Theatre July 23, 195] fc,y- a prosram, also u~,e ~f PUblic Addres~ System and Operator. Request granted and the r~~qui red char,c;e of $;5.1)0 made. Natic;nal r'rOQ:~cti A ,... ,per our Resolution No. 1850, requesting f.':'icrity to obtain equipment and materia.ls for the con~truction of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer ::?roject has been assigned, Request No. 6.509 and referred to Mr. Harvey Howe, D'i.rect or, Water Resou"rces Di v:~, ion. Applicai:i.oL i'r er ~'? .1i'~lnos: has been assigned No. 1672. ~ :-~1~v~uSA1~, C .'[fry FE ING AiTD ADi;~Eir I SING: The Ci ty Clerk was inst ructed to open b is for the City Pr-;:1.ting an:' Advertising for the year commencing July 1, 1951 to J'~.ne 38, 1952. Bid received: Anaheim Enlletin: Bid was accompanied wi th Chasi er IS C:-:eck in the a::-iount of $50.0C an..1. quoted the follc1,;:ing: FI;~ST: For all advertising to be done b~r said cit~r required b;r law to be published in a daily newspaper published within said city, 60~ per column inch for the first nse)~tion and 50~ pe:!~ colw:,.n inch fo:: each sUbsequent insertion. SE;:JOr:r.J: For all ad'r[e'1tisJ.ng net req'J.ired l)~T 1a\<,' to oe printed in a daily newspaper, to'; per column inch for the first insertion and 50rp per column inc~ for each subsequent ~i:lsert"ion. 'rUTED; For all a(~vertising not re';.ll1.red by law to be printed in a daily newspaper, ~., requ:rea by law to be printed 8ach issue for a definite period of time, 6o~ per coluJnn inch fo-:' the f.trst insertion anj 50i per column inch for each subsequent in- sp~tion. Councilman Van vlagonc.r mov8d that bid be awarded to the Anaheim Bullet in, ." :':rt !v~r moved thE:' Mayor a.nd Ci t~r Cle~k "be authori zed to sign said contract on tehalf 0:: the Cit~~ of Anaheim. COtlncilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,:,)UFJiJ.":CE: Uni:,ed Ff.1Cific P.L. 8fl:i P.D.policy, AgeTlt!, IvI. E. Beebe, premium due as {' a:"r',u=tl B~tj~t at (~nd of poll:::;?" J."ear, $90.79. Payment was approved on motion by Councilman He,ving, seconded b:r Council:T\a!l Van l{>jagonp'r'. NOTION CARRIED. ~)I.,~ : Mas t e~~ F'l J.m[) er Bond, v-l. J. 1vIerri the\Al, Southern Pacif ic Railway Co., was accepted when approved b;v" t.he C:. ty Attarney, on motion b~T Councilman Heying, seconded " CO:.LUC i lrr~an Van Vlason er . MOTI ON C&~.R TED. .~ .~tl:AT- FCF 'L"i.XI~j'..~ :?j<~~.i,-= : Application for permj.t to operate Taxi Business and ~~xi Cab Stands. at 182 W. Center Streett submitted by Lyman E. Nisel~y and accompanied Fal1 cy of Insurance, 10/20,000. \.;as sttbr:1i tted for consideration. It \.vas moved by Councilman Hc?in€;, seconded b:r Councilman Wisser that the Taxi ~ao Permi t. be appro".,.ed, subject to the approval of the C1 ty Attorney. MOTION :AREI"SD. The City Attorne:r \.;~thheld approval until satisfactory disposition of claim r,t-:.~aj,nst this COli(pany has been made. '-:ATI,A\": The C:ty Clerk was instructed to acknowledge a letter received from ~ C. :[\'laxwel1 expresstng his vie'w's on thp East to West Traffic Problem in Orange CDunty t and favoring the Oranzethorpe Route and the earl~T commencment of work on said Ro~te by State Highway Department. 2E :'.SS')FJir<::E: Mr. Stabbert and Mr. Walker were present at the meeting and were advised. that a COIrlInittee of the Council would be named to stucl;r insurance and whatever Hction ta.ke1~ by the Co;;:mittee \'/ould be binding upon the City. Council, and this action G apIiToved on motion ~o;" Counc~"lman He7ing, seconded D:{ Councilman Van Wagoner. ".'~ CT I 211 CA?E ~. '[J: . ";:7.EN '2C: The A:iministrative Officer re}:o~ted that Mr. Mungall had contacted Mr. Kirven wr-:o advised tLat the ~:}'ound,s of the Kirven Co. would be enclosed by a solid ,.:".._,.~_",.o'_';.-=.~"";'~__.W"~""i"~',,,,,,, """,:,,~,,~"~:.:...... _._...._-_._~ Ci t.~j". Hall, Anaheim, Cal ifor~ia., June 26, 1951 - 8: 00 P. r~. ." '~'nce w'l thi!l :hirty dajTs. -R::::EJi5.S II'l',L3.:NT: Upon the recommendation of the City Administrative Officer, H:1Q approval thf'> Supertindent of the C~.t:r Garage of t.hA mechanics of the equipment, :not i8I1 ~otIT;.ejlman Heying, seconded b:r COtL.Ylci 1 man Wisser, the city purchase a Road Procegsinc:; 1vlachine at the approximat.e cost of $4,800.00. IvlOTIOU CARRIED. :F3RSGNNEL: The Administra.tive Officer suomi tted a letter received by the Chief of Folice signed by the seven school croSsing guards requesting an increase in salary of $10.':)0 per :l.or:th. No action on this ~atter was taken by the City Council. The Administrative Officer ~rou6ht up the matter of hiri~g a Junior Engineer, Q..;"1Q. also tILE': hiring of a Draftsman for the SUJnmer months at a proposed salar;{ of $210.00 per :TIonth be allowed. These reQuests were authorized on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded b;.~ Councilrr.an Van Wagoner. IvlOTION CA..1i.RIED.. J.,CATIGN: ::HIEF CF ~-CLICE: I~ark A. Stephenson was granted vacation period on motion Councilman He:!ing, seconded b;r Councilman Van Wagoner.. MOTION CARRIED. 'F~SOLUT= . lE357: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resoluti.on No. 1857 and moved for its passage and ado}:::tion. Council.manWisser seconded the motion. ~10TION CARRIED. F..ESOLUTIDN OF THE 8ITY C01JUCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING MElwl0RANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPE1TDITUHE CF GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, has presented a 14emorandum of agreement in accordance with a rroject statement sub~itted by the City of Anaheim for ex~)enditure of the gas tax a allocation to cities for the fiscal year 1952, and WHEREAS t the City COlmc:.l has heard read said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof, and desires to approve the same: THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Cou..~cil of the City of Anaheim that said agreement for expenditure of the gas tax allocation to cities be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said Cit;l. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the vollowinr~ vote; AYES; lIDES : ABSENT: COUNC ILI~:EN: COUNCIL~lAN: cO~rnCI~:.MAN ; PearsQn, Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Boney. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1857 duly passed and adopted. CP..DINAN~~E NO. 779: Councilman He:ring offered Ordinance No. 779 and moved for its passage and adoption. COllncilman Wis$er seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was Tead in public for the first time. r-rCTION CA...1ffiIEJJ. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTIONS 6 AND 8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 730 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEII~l C:8.EATING THE ANAHEIM RECREATION BOARD AND THE OFFICES OF THE lJiEMBERS THEREOF: TESTABLISHING THE DUTIES OF SAID BOARD: AND 1 ROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF THE ANAHEIM EECREATION FUND AND PRESCRIBING THE REGULATIONS F;)R THE USE OF THE MONEYS IN SAID FUND". CRDINAHCE . 780: Councilman He~Ting offered Ordinance No.780 and moved for its ~;assage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the @.otion. Said Ordinance was read in puolic for the first time. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A11AHEIM ~~lIDING SECTIONS 50, 51 AND 53 OF ORDINANCE NilllliBER 374 OF THE CI'rY OF ANAHEIM ENTITIJED "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF ---LIDffiING INSPECTOR FOR THE CITY OF ANAHEI~l ANTI DEFINING HIS DUTIES AND REGULATING THE ~ONSTRUCTI()l'I AND INSPECTION OF PLillffiING AND HOUSE DRAINAGE WITHIN SAID CITY. ETII t'JA~'~~:: ?El: Councilman Heying offered Ordinance No. 781 and moved for its ~,assage and ad opt ion. Councilman Wisser seconded the mot ion. Said Ordinance was read in puolic for the first time. MOTI~JN CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AME1IDING SECTION 31 OF ORDINANCE NO. 701 OF THE CITY ~:F ANAHEIM EN~ITLED II AN OPJJINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIlvl PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF :ERTAIU BUS ~NZSSES, TRADES, PROFESSIONS AND OCCTJPATIONS, FIXING THE RATE OF LICENSE T:1E.."R.EFOR, FRO~/IDI1~G FOR THE COLIJECTI01N' THEREOF t AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION ':'HEREO:b-'H r1:~:r~:t~',~:-"'~[",:,_O.'(::';~;~&;_i_'."~or;c~ii'~r f.-;_~:~ei;.~~;:;~__:_\!~_ ".~~ ->.'__""~"""-_hi. .~-.--"^,.,~",,,,,_-.....-...--,," 151 City Hall, Anaheim, California, June 26, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. -:-1:~J1~J = ::3 pre~,ented Resolut~:'Jn No.4 wherein Public Hearing was held t:lt?rr. to c'Jnsider ,." Variance No. 145 * to per17j2_t the lots in subdivision No. Ih04 deviate in \'l/idth from t!:A rc'strictions established b:;. Ordinance No. 774, under the 1-'---:), suburban'=resid tial z;)ne classificat,1. on. Fropert;l in question is desc:;ibecl as aportion of Lot .38, Anaheim Extension, fron ~ ing upon West North Street 295.47 feet east of Nort,h West Street and being approximately 310 feet wide by 970 feet long. The Commission, as a result of its inspection, investigation and studies has established the existance of the following circu~stances: The property is at presen0 zones as R-O, Suburban-Residential Zone. Thf~r a,ppear to be no syecial condi tions or circumstances applicable to the subject T operty or its intended use, whjch do not apply generally to other property in the sar-:e vicinity. I-fast of the s. rrcund-.i.ng property is at present divided into lots of greater size than that required b~l the Ord inance. 4. Several propert~r owners appeared and voiced the following objections: a. Lots should be kept to the width required by Ordinance, which might lead to the building of homes with a greater floor area. b. Fropert~ owners have been in favor of the R-O Zane and they see no reason to break down the zoning practically as soon as it was put into effect. Fropert~T o\;,ners on the east side of North West Street have petitioned, between West No~th Street and West La Palma Avenue, whose lots have a depth of 300 feet cr m07'e, that a street be put through along the back of their lots to enable them to utilize their Troperty. ~. The Commission has consistent voted against allowing this subdivision to go in th leGs than the specifications required by the R-O Zone, as long as the area is zoned a R~-O. Therefore, it was the recommendation of the City Planning Commission that the variance No. 145 be denied. Public Hearin:::; before the Ci t;r Council vIas ordered held at next regular i:1eeting, July 10, 1:51, 8:00 F.1-1. on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded 'by C01.1ncil- n:an Wisser upon the a~)lJlicntion for Variance No. 14.5. !vl0TION CARRIED. Counc -1 Ima.n Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Cou.ncil:man Wisser seconded the ~~ ion. I,!Orr: ON CARP TED. lill J 0 lJ'1ilIED . ~.~,.~ SIGNED _._-~ ~ 'Jhi1f' . ' -:- elf '~r Clerk -~",.,"-"'~""'~""" ,".~>~.~,~..,,:,-:o,.,.:,:,=.~,:,.~ .~~"':,",",,.. ,.;(r.;"'~~_;..~=._:_.io ~-,~~,,"~;,..,-,;o;.