1951/07/10 ^~.____._____ _ Qi t7 Hell:, Anahei~~l ~_Galiforn ia, Jul/ ~1951 - 8: 00 P. ~1. TLp Ci:7 Counc:1 0::- t}-:.e C: t;r of Anaheim ::let . ., . In reg'11ar seSSlon. ~T'.ES~NT ~ -:C'rT:J~~II_J:E:-J: Pearson, Wisser, He:riYL;-" Bone:t and Va.."1 "tJagoner. A?SENT; :OUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. CITY ADr,ll:T""STI~ATIVE CFFI~ER.; Kei th ~hlrcioch, present. IN1JT:;:S: '!'he Ivli:1.utes of the meeting held June 26, 1951 were or(lered approve and i'-LIed on ::~::ti.";fl 'b~T Counc:lx.an Van v/agoner, seconcAd b~T C01.illCllma,."r). He:,"i.ng. MOTION APR :EI;.. rEI~1ANDS: Councilman Van Wagoner repor ted demand s agains t the ci ty amount ing to $501,432. 76. CO;ln(~ilman He:rin~7: rroved that the report of the Finance Committee be accepted and that warrant~ 00 :~^~awn a])on the treasurer to pay said demands in fl2co:rdancE-' 'i/,i t , re,port. COtlnc1.1~lan. Eone~" secondecl the ~:;otlon. MOTIOn CARRIED. ~~ NANCI1L~; AIm OP~p_A.rING RRF.ORlS: The follo.wi:1.g financial and opE:rating reports 'v.,ere oT'ier?Q accepted and filed on moti8n by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Counc:. '^man Wi S~jer. ,MOTION CAH.RI~:D: I?~EASUREl{ :--eported -bale.Dee in General fund, $111,811.1+7, total general accoUllts $295,724.77. Total acti7e fund_s, $699,521.85. Total all funds, $1,317,521.85. ITY CLERK 1 S report corresponded wi th that of Treasurer 1 f'.. TAX COI.JLEC'i'uR depos-:.. ted $441+.80. Bal$.nce del inquent ana. transferred to COunt~T, t.T':n e 2;:. 1;' 51, $ 64L .. 7 J . "TY CLEEK: e~~;osi ted $190.54 of \\'hich $177. j3 was delinquent taxes. Balance el inquen t. and t ra...11sfer red t 0 COtL.~t:,,., June 29, 1951, $ 34-5.55. ::;~IBLIC SS:~VTCE DF.2ARTtvlENT deposited $$0,271.22 of whi.ch $1,571.40 was B.O.D. charges and $5,117.55 was sanitation charges. TREASL~ER reported weed charges levie~ $764.50. CITY FLUNGE: collected $3,200.02 tot$.l swi~;'rr:ers for June, 9,173. Season receipts $4,101.76; total swilIuners for season 10,540. "IBRARY balance 3n1:r 3, 1951, $11,353" 1..+.0. ~;A.1tBAGE col1ec't.ions, 253 ::'oads of trash ar.o 26 loads of garbage and. 52 loa.ds of trash col1ect8d oy Contractor. ~ITY J'JJGE: -;84 cases of which 212 vvere Pa:-'>{ing I'~eter YiolattQns, fees collected $J,324.~'J. -ICENSE CCL:E:~OR: $53.85 an Business and Bicycle licen~es. Delinquent business ~icenses, $54.JO. F.ARKING METER COLLECT10nS: $2,165.00. :EUTLDINe; DEPA?Tr.1ENT: issued 93 perlIiits of whi.ch 48 were Building with valuation f $428,750.00, fees collected $1,095.52. CITY AUDITOR: deposited $4~5,J9?70. CITY AUDITOR: reported on expenses paid on the Magnolia Trunk Sewer, total $344,236.:; 0: ~~ich Anaheim paid 22.28% or $76,695.80. :ITY AUDITC!?: renort.ed on ernenses Da,id on the Joint Outfall Sewer, total $4,042.80 , f' 'h ~ ~,}-. \,.., .-, "\r. ~ ~. :, ,. i'" ~ .., 1 (.,1 . ~ ~ 1 2. ;. 7 r:: ., ! ... v, "- J. ~ '", ... ..... A .i.U;;' \ .o.c It ~J a _ u. j I. '..JfJ 0 r 't' , i::.. ...)..L. "'IITY E-rE:T'HTC:~AN: iSS1:f-'d Jh "J;Jjrin;s per:-n:ts an6 5 pov:er- perfJits, fees collected $240.30. SUPT. 11 ~:r & ?OVIER: reported \'Ja~er pUr.1~~:>3d by- cit::-, 53,112,600 gallons, purcha.sed Peory- M~ . ~ t;;~31E,2!)= gallon~;, !' le81Ted iL ~it;r wells. Jlll;r 1,164 feett 2 inches. Zlectr: C>l'lerC:::l purchafeci 3,561+,00 KVJh. ACTIVITIES: - FIRE DEEARTiviENT, SECP & Gb.?.AGE and 1=01 ICE DE:?ARTMENT. ~J:B1I: E.s;~Err VARlANCE NO. 14S~' To permit a variation from the zoning restrictions ;:-:pecif~ri!':~~ 7:" t fr.-:r:tF:ise b~l 'j,OOO sq. ft. in area on. lots in an H-O, One FaInily SLtburbar:. :.'>):1(>. The pror:ert~" in:r_:est.i()D .; s thecrODosed Subdivision No. 1404. The lots ir~ t ~ s ::~,':cdivisiOD 5.:2 s~o1,"'rl on t::e rnaT) \\ould helve aree.s ra;-:lEing from 8,518 to ,712 s~. ft. and will range froo 62 to 64 ft. in :Jth by IJ~ ft. in length. This subdivision is loceted on thp north si~e of ;:est North Street, between North Citron Street 8.r,-' Nt-^' th .,: es t Street, ex~~ end ~ r~ a. nor therlyi 1. rec t ~ or for a (:1 i s tanc e of approxisat ly 845 feet: :i t:r Planning Commi ss i')t} on J;.lne 25, 1951 recori'u'T!ended the Variance be enied. :,F.:col';c.1endetion as result ofPnblic Hea:rin;:'" held on the matter. Fet~t:-on containing si~natures of 21 residents in the area in favor of grantinz= tl:e Variance was subrnit",=ed and read. Thc2e ad6:ressin[ the Ct)',Ulci1; lvir.:B. H. Carden, 350 North 'ltlest Street: ~-le 'A!OU~ j, 'L::e tc see a ~~tY'eet go thru th.Ls 1ocation before the S)J.lidivjsion gets in. ;:: +. <:"! + ~^!l11. the :9ro})f.'yt~r o',\ncrs invo'"';i~8o. ~;et toge't":-c'r with the Subdivider to an"~l h"JrK'Jllt no:":"'te 'iJa:r thD.t t::,?se deep lots can be d.ivided to allow streets thru ~ ~J.err;. om:: tj ".Y' Jess l-iedaris: Rem~~d;~d that the Tentfltive Map had been ap~proved quite e.gG ~ and that h.!.~ clients were tr;rin~~ t be co':--,peratlve and that further t3. te""fer with the deveIapi11;.... of th~f! arna. The 'Prope~t~r is in escro~J and arTa~geDents are so that t~e7 are ready tc go ahead with the building. t':1nt. the:; had chanGed the ma:p to conform ~flith the overall picture of the oi e.la:r c. :: r 'inane 1 [;2 -:e stated entire a!''''a. Ad'~..n5_strati.ve C:ficer: Tlle c1.1anges. weJ',? the removal of t.he alleys, for 153 --- ci.t~":.:J1.~l}, AnaLe~::-;, 9a.J_iforni~~~1",-;.r 10, 1951 - F3:o0 P.M. ')11.e thing to .n..... e th,~ ~~ '1f +1,., ~ ~. , and. f' (>^Jtt!'se to take a~a;\'" the onjpctloIi' ~l~^. (~.. -, ey at the end i.n~- of '\'~1fto:1'] r~rt~e: a'n~1' tp1, atl"A~t c0miY1P' f)tt of the nClrth ar:d south st.rnE't t.: oI'An tLp area to thE east of tr,E'~ subdivision areas.As to the north aT: tJ:a:. 'vle:'e 6.rt..:~'n tq) 0:: the Engineeri T\;:\ Depn!"tment were drawn up subseq11en~t, 'Go .. \-- .; Co ~. :'8 ::: t 1 L :)1... . I'r. J ord t: Asked v:h:l they cou.ldn! t put a str'eet or two thru there. He "as infQrrr.ed tl1J1.t ~he Eng~r.i-"2r:'~s Depart:iient had :Tiade <J.11ite a fe\\r studies of it. Cla~r ~te'bhart: Stated that "if streets 1,':Ant thru, property oWners 'i:ou.ld 10.rld t.o 1 oOSP. O'~ :':rc~:nd to t hp back that wouldn 1 t do anybody any good. "1:(-" stated that r:oneJ: the lct~'.,'ere tho sa:ne length back. Herbert Eldric}:: St~)ted that 'if.iE; needed a !vlaster Flan showing the proposed JLS ;- tV,fj streets, ar:d h~!:. much it '.,vouli C()~t per foot, so that \^Je will know the Ci'Jt of t~ese st.l"eets. Ee f:tatcd. he v!or;~j ~o alant; 'v.'i th the plans, but he wanted to know t~lf.; ~ost. I-ir. Fhill ips: Statscl that in his particular situation, to :::ut in another treet would resul t t~at he \>Jouldn I t be on a cornt::r or a cu1-desac. People to tr,p V:ei3t haye large lots JDc<ing u:p to it., anc~ pnt t ing in another street would Give tbem an extra lot. Dr. Jordt: He bel levoe the :'lannin~ Commission tried to get avJay from Cul-desac. Ed. Hund: I undeyst,and the Subdividers are going to bring the street to '~Jr I~ roper ty and s t t. here, dead. end. Mr. Medaris: Tl1ey will go BOO-some feet north of North Street, this will corJ'3 to a dead end st '''eet.. When that st reet, goe s thru North, there will be a place. Thi s s;,) hap:Jens to oe [1 resul t Jf 2. .r.etec & bounds sally. 'rhe people who "buy these ots s~'r:etiY;:e sr,""fer the 2.0S3 of the value 'J[ t:-~p back ends of their p~operty; a and: t ion tha t h8.~~ e:c:^ s t ed for some time. All per'sons i.nt~re~~ted in this matter adjoarned to the Ci ty Engineer IS ,jfr1.:~~~ fa'!'" fUY'ther discu~si.on. After discu.ssion~ all interestered persons returr1.ed o the COllY!.ci 1. Chamber. lvlr. Medar:,s sta+'ed that several of the Gentlemen were n Y'''~e'c_ ~~:a.: ~ ':1115 ~:~>:(" ';are of thp.ir Tropert~r tluite nicely when thA;T move r" ') x't ~:.. I-1r<< Hol:lo,.:e inf;r:^ ed the meet ing that th~ next hee.ring of the Ci ty Flanning Com.i,";; ~,^~i.on \"Inuld ()f' or: tbc~ I"ecalr,sificat:.::H:' 'Jf t1":is zone. Counci lman Bone;r moved tha t t:hc~ VaTian~e be granted. C01illcilman Van Wagoner e'>Jnded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: ~l;.RIA~L;E GPJl.lTirED. R~;..r::<..~~3S :;^.::~~:c:r Gl:; :-iA(}NCLL;' SEW~R }: Y NA T H. l\r~F}-': Chart presented showing the fo;~;:' sections. ~JL:; 1: will be completed except fnr the welding of binders, this Friday. Vr. i^ t I I : They hav~~ r1<=n },nto very bad water condi t ions. They have les s than w,OOC feet to cOLplete tr-:e Unit and should be c01l1~leted somewhere aronnd the idcLLA of AUGust, fol1o\tJing 111,' i th the bandir:.g the first of Septer-::ber. UNIT III: Jela;-: in this sectic)n becau~;,e cf the CIa;: .F'actory-lsi.nabilit~l to deliver Clay Pipe. rht~Y :icnre hac great i1.ffictll ties ~ re~:-' ,1 t~Tl:t in the alloHing the encasing of No.2 -^~'rr~de pipe. This unit should be cOl1lplete b;{ the first of September. lJNIT IV: ':'l..lli".!J elivc'rj8s Ecl'l:;'d.~~~ed t:18 midd.le of Se:.ptember and hear that they will be delivered on tr:;;t date. !..lr. Neff furth'::r discl.tS2ed the diff'ic11lties encountered by Contractors '..~d Y'f:;lI.nrkcd UI.JoL''l''^ricus (~'r;i~-:"ment. used. He f\n"t1ri\-'r stated that it looked as if it >'.'oulti be finnjsht~d thE=: first cf Se:.nt!~Lber. The Cit~r of Fullerton and the City of La Habra have ro~arded Contracts t continue the line north of Orangethorpe to ...,o;~rr<: eal tt 8.'::' a:? Ma;-oI' Fearson thanked I.lr. Neff for the report and expressed ~. he des ire t 0 ha') e t. 1'1 e jot h u r~ i ed a], 0 ng . ,,'1.':: Al.l.' J....',. ~_H V .~.K. CONS'1.RUCTTCN CO. - United Pacific Insurance Co. <<,aDor and hrtcri.al 30nd No. 1=i01.32 in the a.rnount of $727,888.08. This bond is in ^1 ieu of former bond fi led [1'') :!'nsul t of s'Jb-contract of job. Bond approved by Ci ty Attorne~/. Counci1mcn Ee:1:Ln~.; mcn/eJ. that [Jo':ld be accepted and filed. Councilr::an '~)Ile;- secc'-;1~:81.~ t~:p :,otion. J..I0'~IOn CARl::I:SD. T~i.;:- .:E.A~). ,-if: 'UNIT III 'J r"~aGy.Glia rrrD.nk Sewer - Request for an extension :: t:::e fo;' tLt~i at; (',n: t"'l:S rroject. c.lle t,-, ~elays caused by factors beyond tflejr c~)ntrol.. It ~as mOve;Q b:l Counc1.Jman ]one;y", seconded by COlIDci.linan Heying,' ~hat an extension of ti:T.~ e'qua.~ to the amOtUlt of delay ca.used by the delivery of ^:pipe. to be det.crrr,1nr'C: b:: t.:-e El~t~~:lne0ri.r~E Gcmmj ttee be granted. MOTION CARRIED. JA lloscJe R. Hess, a~tor~8Ys for V.C.K. Construction Co. with reference to :.:;n:'"IJent cf ~'ock \1sed i"n C~':(~8;~,S to an~011n+:s set forth on bids. Communication -'j~fertr<l t(,En:::,~nee: n.~ Cor.! tt.e.{:, for recnr~T'endation9 on motion b;r Councilman Van r, spcnnied b:,)tU1!~j'^man He;.'-jr:.g. [:OTTON 8AP.RIE::J. ~~ SJtl~.~ corD~:l1Hlj caticn to City' Arlditor regarding June bill for r.iagrJl.i.9. Trunk Se'vJer vJas su1")!I,:tted ar:d read. Il:ltl,::E ~.G. : 'IAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CF ANAHEIM Al-1ENDING SECTIONS 6 AND 8 C:F ORDINAl.'CE NO. 730 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING 'THE -' ~''',M--,,",''''-~.w.~'~-~_H' '~_.,~._".:- -_.~-_.- : i t;I Hall, Anaheim, Cal iforni$., July 10, 1951 . 8: 00 1\ ~f. :rE Ir/L :._~ T~Ol1 rCAPD ANTI T~E CF?I~ES C:S- ,d' 1.-\, "" F'R~;.:, "~:-R ;~- I :1HE E::GU~TIOXS FOE T:TS r;3E TIG: ME1.1J3:-SRS THEEEOF: ESTABLISHIUG THE C>EA ~ I (}~:__ F T~IE ANA~{E I P"sCREA T I on FUND ,/.F TEE 1.IU13YS IN SAID F1J1TDI1 - Second ~ T~~ :ES CF- s;~ ~ =- CA:C~D: AIm ??OVII Iye; FO? TR:E r for further study. =NA1'TC~., Was discussed and corre,:;t'ions or chan2:es made, therefore it was '~8red fCJ1' ~as2age and adopt.ion b~r COllncilman Bone:r, seconded b~r~ouncilan Van Wagoner. IO:K CAlTEI:sD. Corr!?cted Ordinance No. 780 was read in public for the first time. A:~ JRDINANCE OF ~IHE CITY OF ANAHEIl.i A1.IE}TDI1JG SECTIOnS 50, 51 AND 53 OF ORDII1ANCE NUl.3ER 374 OF THE GITY OF ANAHEIM ENTITLED "AN ORDI~ANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF PLUMBING INSPECTOR FOR THE CITY OF ANAHEI~l ~1) DEFINING HIS DUTIES AND REGtJT...ATING '1"1IL~ CCNSTR'JSTIC1'" AND INSP~CTION OF '?LUI\$ING AND HOUSE DRAINAGE WITHIN SAID CITYu. i.NA~.rc~ Counci lman Van ~Nagoner off ered Ord inance No. 781 and moved for i. ts passage and ado"?tion. Councilman v,Tisser seconded the motion. 1,';OTION CARRIED. AN GRDINANSE OF THE CITY OF AlJAHEIN AI.1E~rr;ING SECTION 31 0]' ORDINANCE NO. 701 OF THE !".~ITY CF ANAEEI!'.i ENTTT~D !1AN ORDINA~fCE OF T~~ CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FOR THE LICENS ING OF' CE3.T IN EUSINESSES, T~DES, pr'OFESSTONS AND OCCU?ATIO\S I FIXING THE RATE OF :.JI""'ENSE Tt::ET EFCF, PPOVIDTNG FOR THE COLLECTION T~REOF, A1ID FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE /I:.LA':. I en TE-ET' Fe? 11 . TT~ CITY COL1QCIL OF Th~ CIT~ OF ANAHEIM DOSS C~DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That Section 31 of Ordinance No. 701 of the City of Anaheim enti tIed itA"!:: OEDINANCE OF TBE CITY OF A~TAHET?o1 FROVIDING FOR TIIE LICE1TS ING OF CERTAIN 3HSINESSES, T'RAr:BJS, PROFESSIONS Al'ID CCCUPATI01'S, FIXING T~~ RATE OF LICENSE THEREFOR. ?ROVIrING FOR THE CCI:T_EcrrION TPEPEO"?, MID FIXING :::ENAI/PIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOFn be amended to r~ad as follows: SECTION 31: EV8r~T person conduct ing, managin? or carrying on any publ ic amnserr.en~ r,-c,rn, -:;usiness or parlor, other than a theatre, sho"" , theatrical performance or other cf ~~Dsement or recreation in this Ordinance elsewhere described, shall pa? the fol10'\'::1n5 annual 1 icens.e: (a) For an~r such puolic amusement roo;;~, bur::iness or -:-;arlciI" , \",herein no tables, btllia.rd tables and/ or bO\rl1ing a11e:rs a!" kept or maintained for use by the :c, an annual license of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00). -I ) ~"Jr an;:! such :p1J^~tJl i.c amus.ement rooD, business or parlor, wherein pool tc.::;:les, oil1.1ard tablef) and/or bow2in~alle:rs C::ie kept or maintained for use by the IY.,~c'lic, en ann11al 1 icense of TvJelve j)ollarr:. ($12.00) for each pool table, billiard and/or bo~lir~ alley. ~ECTION 2~ 'rhat all ordinB.naes or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith arp hereb7' ~"'epD~lled. SECTION 3: Any pe)'son, fil"m or cOT'porat:ion yiolating the :provisions of this ...,.,., inar.;.ce ~.hal1 be subject to a11 of the tprms, conditions and provisions of Ordinance Ne. 701 and to the renalties as provided in Section 4 of said Ordinance No. 701. SECTIC1N 4: The City Clerk shall '"'eTtif~}. t anJ sha1' ca11 ~ e t!lP 3a~'E: t be PY'l 'r,: eo and pub1 i shed Fi ... er ~. t ~ aj r~-o t -} on ':Ln the AnaheiL^ Bullet ~_n, a np'.~s-'--'a-: ~ r-1-:c': C.i .- .~ :'C1:} n.tee. 'in sai'~ c': t:,~ an'.-; ~'.h::.~ t?' (JG) saE':C' ar.c: f'}::i~J 1_ t~:)ke effect and cie in full force. the nassage of this ordinance once ;'i t~i n :i" teen (15) days .er '-)f ?,enera1_ clrc1'lat:l on printed. ua~s from anG after its final OI: rc ~ 1 call the forego ~ .('~~-= Ord l.n?TIcP N'J. ?Sl \',ias d'11:.;" passed and ado-pted 'by ~ 0 ]~}. C l;~/ -1rl t e ; 11 ~~~s ; COT"'NCILME~\T: re~~rso:n, Wi.sser, 5eY'.ng, Boney and Van'tlagoner. Hess: COUNCI LME~J: None. ..;3SEFT: COUHCILI\1EN: None. T'::e T<ayor declare<l Ordi.r:aY1Ce No.731 dt::l:r9assed and adopted. .it '..\~S F~F DS: Uoon the r;::;cOffi~^:lends,ti..ons of the C:ty And-itor, the Cit;r Treasurer and in~tructed to transfer $10,000.00 from the General Fund to the ]"und on mot'1..Q!: [;~T CO"J.ncilDan Eone;.r, se:onc1ed b:'" Councilman Heying. a '.1 t. .-,., ?~aff i c S af et:,/ I.. '..~. ';' IOn ..~A ';:~:', I EI . I:i........; .:; c~ 1. it':) n ~. ~ .. 1.-- ,~ t" l) ,~... .. ~. 81.:z1e ;':::()'T'~~;()rtion 'v1~s discu~sed. Mr. a,~'c11catliJn under the new Ordinance could 8-r..rdon Whi tnall, ?lanntnft Co;^,s~lltan t stated D s~bffiitted by either owner of ~~aDerty or Lcssee. ;;i~-~~~'~'"__;''''''~''~,?--<'>oi.._.;~...;jta:f;",;,~_.;i~~<<'=i:_~"~_''' :~-~~~~'_~~;' ,:s:;ili,,,,,,,,,,,-:i~#~I!iSi""-"-~~"''''~~$L~,"_~.'-,,,~ __'^____~i ty. HD..:.;l1., Ar~alu~iIl;, California, July 10, 1951 8:00 P.M. :O:Jf;:'l'" ~{j3~"}r. ;-:~C".]P~~ t'h..aJ. ::1"~. ~r~tlnn for V8!'ia.nce No. 143 slJ'bmi tted b;T p;:' 1"",. ?~.' 1 P: :.:Y'()O'-'Ftt~:)Y: .. r'-~~ ~ ~hC\ t~rectirjn and o-peration of a Dehydrating c:; ~ ':':t)r;'''e I;ee;,., the c:~~l r'~l: t r -.,;'hich 15 ::::attle feed at 304 South Atchison 1an t{]::'~.:"''.np S0'~ ,~c: +.1",-. ."::otion. MOTION CARRIED. : 1: _.... .~. /-~p ~:J~ . i: 111'.1 r' i 1"', .~ t'"\ .,...... -'..1'.) . TL,:; Trrn:ele~,~s Ind.eF;ni t;,T Co.. in the a.m:::unt of $1,000.00 for Sanders ,~,jae a~;~-T(Y7ed 07," Ci t? At t c:rne~r. Said bond ordered accepted and fi"1. ed C:()U~"'1C i 1 mar. He:"'; ng t ~Jecon: ec. :;,.T :O'1n(~ ~ Iman Boney. MOTION CARF TED. . ..../....,J..,o.... '')-:1 mo t. i on ~ L:S~},}; .."\.l.r:::::} J1.~.,h ~ . [T'EE L:F T ~:E A}~A:::2 II-. CliAJffiER OJ? CCI<LE? CE : Oscar G. SeIter, Chairman nf the COliJ:;j.ttee was pT'Psent a.t the meeting when tr-:.e report was '~b::~J t(:'~i arid read t the:o'Tcj 1 scttirg fc,~th fi't!8 recoL:lL'.endations for the con- :,derbt.1Jn and a}Jrr'Ci\^a:~ of t[^P Cou.nci~. All rpcomrrendatjc.ns considered good and sho\rJed let ~ th01.L2'ht in i;;,~'royi condi tions ^)f a:,le~:;-f' and ~a:rking. Said report ordered cce1ted and f~lcd. ,^l-2<: Johrl Macl~ghlin raIling attention to cros~ wal.!:s in the area bcn:nc..ed the \.es: b~y No;-'t,( Clau~ira, on t::e eaf=t D? Noyth Fr.-d.l::" Street, there a.re four :"csr- wal'cs 'Ad tbirl '^ :i :^St~1:nCf' of "~Jne blocK. The neceGsit~r of all four cross walks ^,'ClE, refer::'ed to the ;?olic,e I'2~><::~tr:1ent... f',;:!' ~t'udJ-" anc~ recormnendation. ~Ir. Me,cloghlin IS t~t,teI' ~Jas a,ckr:ov,lec::;ed w,j th t~:anks for hiE trterpst:. and to 'be assured that it will ven cGns~ erat!Jn. n^:.J-). ,_.F }\==;)EI~~CE: :TlJ_f~S 'r\-. F~~c'~s, ~:J 7:r.~~,:~ilpf of ?olice reque~ted lea.ve-of-ab~ence 'H? ~ :il1nes~ 1>'1' Cffjc.eT Jorn: r/[Lee2er., effectl";,"e, Jul:/- 7,1951. No c,efinite time ':lr~'bE' det.r'r::"iLec~ ',;.r+~iJ aft.er dL2.gnos~~ n: hjs C0YKli,tton can De receiv,ed fror.1 the s~';.:.t~3. COl.lnc':]r;:an V-an ,:-.r meveel that. 'lea.ve-of-abr.ence be granted. Councilman ,> sseI' sec"''irLle( t:tJ~ ;rrot ion. r,IOTION CAHPIED. = ~=A~ cn~,: J. ,R. HIT TRT informing that his c~)"rlnection wi th the Kemmerer Engineering Co. ~s ermineted. TBE SCl?rE:3:R:i:-: COU1.TTY BANK; t Yan~(':, r].t~J: tr-~e C011nc i 1. for the use of La Paltla Park and ~acilities for t~eiy picnic. A~~AF:~Ir-~ JTJlTIOR CRA~'/GER OF C01,'}EFCE requesting use of the Gree'k Theatre to hold' ~)eallt: contest J:::..y 1.5, 19.51 at 2:0C) F.lvI. (Origi~a}cl:{ sched1::.1ed for July 4) Council- f,.all Ef::,:Ting mOVOQ request CrC' ,~::r2.r~ti.<i." 80U!"'C';'d!::an Bo~E':';.: seconcle'a. the motion. ~.10TION -,.::.l~.R T EI . '..I;,-S~E WArrER DISF-GSAL CO. JJl"c~.ositjon to purchase space in the J.0.8. },T3LSC:lT >:. :'lA~}l~EF, :lenera.l i\lar:a~:er of t,r-~p.. tJ. O.~. cal1 ing attention to the serious -:-1('1' J. cae) eo c erei i t :1~ s ')f t }', J .0. S . l U 1<3 GJ.~ ^ 1-:...::- ~verett Cone to re~:&cp A. " ,)1.,r c~. , marl Var: \'h~G()r,2r mo',: isser see ndeJ t~e ~ot~OL. !-:Irs. Carr1.e K. Ro::~prs to replace H. H. Sta'b'bert a.nd }:. Shirke:f were a;:I'oirtec. to the Recreation Board. the fcregoirg ap~,'oir:tments be ratified. Conncilrr:e.n r-:CfT"IOn CAE'?: TED. \J Y _JA ~ = s 'r C:t : iE:'T:r, 20ft x281! OIl 3. wood.en -::rus t. I'~anc;. ::-~ t er aLG .B roacl.'ll.:a;:- 301' d C' e~n t E::' _Tevic11s1y estc1bl.i s'recl policies. f01 er::;j.f~~ion to ills tall four metal directional at .Fa~r;. and .Broadwv..:l, Los Ange1es and Broad',A;'ay, aYH5 01 t ron Stroets. Request was denied, dUtj to "J1.~.l.t.o.i ;~':~l- ;;;i".2K 1S; RecoGu:lprdea ~;nleT~r 8dJt~FtI:lentf were referred to a Corn::i ttee af t '\p \;j~"~o 1 e fr r tiC +. i on. ~"- -I,,:::SEE:E JC da:: =.erti"E'~<;f--a ~('Y:ce~'Jere E!'anted to the following cm:plo~rees '::',le te illnesf, v,d t:-;oct saJpy':.,r :JL ffioticn b~r Counc".Jf.1an Van 11/agoner, seconded b~p :ol'n:::~J,';,ar; Wipser. :'.CTICY ~..A..:-.rTED: Ra:n;cnci La\vt'on, Ed~",!ard Stephens and Ed. MAne. ", ~__:?F:rn.t:7nt t K':!CL cnd Kc'c1~ip:, 4% 0:'" construction costs of t!-~C' ,,:af:"r ."- ~_c T"'l-..!:i':" S ; .oill in,-~" 1I3€f 4% cf ~^he ~'cost to repa.ir the line. Reference 'a~ ~~: ~~ ( r:.nc. 1: ~:^ c ~. r:,,:v 1 r-"1 S l;- roc e 1 \7('8- -; r-t t (-' r f rorrl t l~e La Haora Sani tar;; Di s t r i (' t e'4.1'^.~t~r ~~~-f...tl ^"^,e.::lT::erts 1-'8 ii~hhe~d. Tr:is matJt.er "JetS referred to the Engineering ~or;Hl1, ...tee fc,rreccL;:8r,r::at~ O~;.(: a~ t E~xtC=:l~t "1' :pa~rffic~~:t. I}:~: :"~ ~<~' " I. o'~ -1 C~-. e s t~-:;:r~i:, i rig Jllrle ;~ (:';, 115l t (, vari C1.lS agent s irlc J_ ud eel in 1'r._:"'.ce '..~~-:~' ()}'2 e~"ec. :r'(C,LP\'.,;eG. ~1Yl: c.'!:' ~^',he sane v-al't:.et ions as IGst :L,::~ 1:.a:', DC' sec,'.y:Jed J;,-r:.o':nciJman Eon8~r. MOTIOn CARRIED. :'lr~rl:'-' ~~ r:c - ~. f)c) r )n l1:C ~ j UL ~;~ C 1 \j.-....:..- STA grar-'.tt,ci 1.1aycr' Fear:~Gn on motion 'by Councilmen Wisser, eccn(:ec l;"[,~ Counc11r:lan $e;-:l'ls. 1. . ii. 0 (. 1 0 n . Councilman Va.n vlagoner moved tc.! aujourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the './.TION CAEEIFJ). ADJOURKED ~>::'/' ~ /.. '. -. /'7.'"r.r/- SIG~JEI __~~:4L~~~t~~~>~ ~'",_.;?,-,,,J'-___';.;)#j':"O ;.i);._"","""j~Sr~..,.'...~,C,~.,-i! '__~"'''',~",;c*_".,