1951/09/11 183 City Hall. Anaheim, California, September 11, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. The Ci t~l Council of tee Ci tJ- of Anaheim met in regular session. FRESENT: COUNCIL~lEN: Pearfon, Wisser, He:{ing, :Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNC ILlviEN : None. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON TUP~~: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. MUF~OCH: Present. ~ITJT~S: The Minutes of the previous regular meeting held August 2J. 1951 and Ad- journed Regular Meetings held September 4 and 7, 1951 were approved on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by C01Ulcilrnan Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. r~~I;Alrr:s: Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the ci ty amounting to $350,767.24. Councilman Heying moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. F~:\!Al;CIAI, & O?EEAty'IKG R~POFTS: August, 1951. Councilman Heying moved the following Financial and Operating Reports be accepted and filed. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TREASURER: Balance, General Fund, $116,233.87 - Total General Accounts, $273,568.43 Total all funds, $1,119,314.90. CITY CLERK: Report corresponded with that of Treasurer's. FllliLIC SERVICE: Deposited, $90,135.77 - of which $1.396.89 was Industrial Waste. and $6,200.75 was Sanitation charges. LICENSE COLLECTOR: deposited with Treasurer, $1.773.45 on Business, Dog and Bicycle Lecenses. CITY JUDGE: handled 312 cases in court of which 124 were Parking Meter violations, fines collected, $2,931.00. CITY CLERK: deposited $21.53 on Unsecured Personal Property taxes and Vital Statistics. VETEIW.~S HOUSING: deposited, $1,384.33. rentals. PARKING METER COLLECTIONS: $1.800.00. BUILDINGDEPART~1ENT: $787.90, 103 permits of which 44 were building, valuation, $261,030.00. CITY ELECTRICIAN: $384.00, Light Wiring, 43 permits, Power. 2 permits. I,IBAEARY: Balance September 4, 1951, $6,760.16. G~AGE & TRASH COLLECTIONS; 276 loads of trash, 27 loads of garbage, Contractor collected an averaGe of 2 loads a day, or 54 loads. SHOP & GARAGE; activities. FOLICE DEPARTMENT: activities. FIRE DEPARTMENT: activities. ~~GNOLIA TRUNK SEWER: $233,655.58 of which Anaheim paid 22.28% or $52,971.51. JOINT OUTFALL SE\~: Total, $4,236.19 of which Anaheim paid $1,403.89. StJPERINTENDENT: LIGHT, PO\\rrn & WATER: Wa.ter level, September 1, 1951, 169' - 3". Water purc~ased from M.W.D., 109.432,200 gallons, pumped by city, 27,411,900 gallons. CI TY A1JDITOR: 0-1~:51 FINANCIAL REFORT: City Auditor submited the 1950-1951 Fina.ncial Report which was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded b~/ Councilman He;y~ing. MOTION CARRIED. ~ -~EuPCSA1S: CAsrr THeN ~v';A~iEE I:::E: The Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals onmotlon by Co~il~aIJ: B()n~Y-L secWl}i-€S b~r Coyncilman Heying.. MOTION C.AlmJ~~ aJJ t2 :Bids r~ceived: /ct.~C9' ()h;.--U-QI(#.J:.-0~~~ :t - 3" -"~ 4. ,~s ~ Name iTEM f.o.b. Mill - f.O.b.hA~elm~ u. S. Pipe & Foundry (18' lengths) 1 3..51 3.73 Certified Check. $6,500.00 2 2.049 2.179 3 1.~28 1.514 1 3.28 4.20 2 1.92 2.45 3 1.;1 1.67 1 3.14 4.08 2 1.83 2.37 3 1.26 1.62 fer tabulation and report at next meeting Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. National Cast Iron Pi~e Co. Certified Check, $8.000.00 (181 lengths) American Cast Iron Pipe Bid Bond, $7,000.00 (16' lengths) Said bids were ordered held over on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by LD CSALS: I ,?p!~ T.h.ilENr] SC'~,.TF. FALr" STREET: The Clerk was instructed to open bids on the improvement of South Palm Street on motion by Councilman Heying. seconded b~' Councilman Boney. f-IIOTICN CARRIED. nIDS P~CEI\~: Plant Mix Leveling 370 tens J .26 Course- Plant Mixed Surfacing, including paint binder 1,800 tons 3.25 3.26 Seal Coat, Class tlC-Finen, 171,756 sq.ft. Sully-Miller Contracting Co. . J. No b 1.:~ Co. 3.25 .0.5 .06 c:i_t]::: )i~llL..Anahett!!_1-California, S~e1)terllber 11, 1951 - d:OO P.M. a",ardE.~d Sully-Miller Contracting Compan~T on motion by COtmcil::nan Van pr '- o:r~._:~d ~c:' CO~JncilE:Jan Bone:l. MOTT'-N CARRI:SD. The Ci t;." Attorne;>r was in- ~, ructeo t pare an AGrec:,ent and the Ma~;'")r and Ci tr Clerk were authorized to sign said AgreerLen t for the Ci ty of Anaheim. . .1:'.- on motion rece:i.veti: r.-: _ ;\fG1::'Ji'.[ I LJ\T TJN (,..,F OEJ I [~.A~,lCE CODE: Informal bids were opened Councilman Hey'ing, seconded by Councilman :Boney. MOTION CARRIED. Bids HeME TOWN i::RIN~ERS: Price per page, $4.0.5, includes cost of three permanently bound books, 100 books, 200 pages to the book, as per specifications ($810.00). ~iERC1~Y STATIG}~RS AND PRINTERS: No bid, due to lack of facilities for such a job. :~ MONT ?RINTING CO~WANY: Total price, $1,545.00, as per bid requirements. C("NKLIN ?RINT COhPANY: $1,529.80, total pri.ce. as per specifications. The foregoing bids were referred to the City Administrative Officer and City Ci erk wi th power to act, on mot, ion by Councilman Boney, seconded b~r Councilman Wisser. r~iGTI0N CARR TED. F(..,1-. :.;~ I"u\.NHOLE COAT' INGS: The Ci t:,r Clerk was instructed to advert i se for bids ! or Manhole coatings for the Magnolia Sewer Trunk Line on motion b;l Councilman Heying, seconded b;". Cou.ncilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIZD. Advertisement to be upon completion of specifications which are to be furnished by Mr. Neff, Chief Engineer. 14...h.LLUWE.;;~N ~ Hallowt~en Parade Commi ttee of the Chamber of Commerce was granted use of La Palma Park Base Ball Park for parade night, Wednesday, October 31, 1951, on motion bJ Coune i lman He;ring, seconded b:r COlillC i 1 man Boney. ?--10TION CA.li...'R.IJ!~D. Additional lighting was requested on North Lemon Street for the people to S8e the floats properly and the utilization of seats at the Ball Park at sale prices was advocated by lvir. NoeTler. These matters are to be furt~er considered b~r the Council. PALMA 3A=.L}tOAD IRU1{K S~~\(sR: Preliminary Report on the La Palma and Ball Road Domestic Trunk Sewer by J. Lester Boyle as preliminar:l steps to the design and pre- parat.ion of constructions plans and specifications ~Iere submitted. It was motioned by Council~a~ Boney that Mr. Boyle proceed with detailed plans and specifications of both the Ball Road and La Palma Avenue Trunk Lines. Motion seconded by Councilman Heying. ~.~~('- T I C>l~ jPA?~.~' I S:D. EANSFEh Ci- .:'~'!'~:(JS; :Flund wa~ Stl thOT':. zea MOTION CAR:EIED. Transfer of S20,OOO.'']O from the General Fund to the Sanitation on moti0n b:." Councilman He;ling, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. ^'~SOI.;1n:~. _ ,...~?l: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resol~~tion No. 1871 and moved for ~ts pas age an~~ adoption. Councilma.n He:rring seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTICN ,-.~ TEE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, API-OINTING THE MAYOR AND .i:'?ESIDI:::JG CFFI,:ER OF THE CITY COTJNCII; OF SAID CITY AS A 1v1EIv3ER OF THE BOA.1tD OF DIRECTORS l.B CL.lJ1Jrry SAN:'~Arr'ICN DISTRICT NUMBER 2 OF OHANGE COUNTY, AND A??OINTING A MEIvillER OF THE G: TY CCU~~C = =- TC ACT AS ST..:CH lv1EI~rnER OF SAID 30APLD UF DIRECTORS AS AN ALTERNATE DIRECTOR t Tu ACT ~~vR AND IN Tf<:::E PLACE AND S'rRAD OF THE MAYOR DURING HIS A3SEHCE t INABILITY OR S:BUSAL T'~ A ~~ . '?EE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Al'JAEEI i\il DOES RESOLVE .l\S FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor. who is presiding officer of the Council of the City of Anaheim, is hereb:r" designated and appointed c~.s a member of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District Number 2 of Orange County. SECTIDN 2. RO.BERT H. BCNEY, a menber of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, 0 ther than the presi.d ing officer of the Cl ty C01.lncil thereof, is hereb:{ a~~~~,oint8o. an an al ternate direct:)r of the nOcl..rd of Directors of County Sani tat ion District Number 2, to act in the place and stead of the !~1a~tor of said City in his aosence, inabi1ity or refusal to act. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Jllovring 'lot : AYES: COUN~ILMEN: Fearsont Wissert He:ring, Boney and Van Wagoner. nOES: COFNCILI<EN: None. ABSENT: COt~CILMEN: None. The Ivia:lor declared Resolution No. 1871 duly passed and adopted. 135 City H~ll,!.._ An~~eim..t.......California, September 11, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. t'~st read 1 ng on ;,"CJTI eN CARRIED. Due to alteration in Section 2. Ordinance No. 786 was ordered for motion b;r Conncilrnan He~rlng, seconded by Councilman Van 'Wagone'r. AN ORDINA1~ OF T~~ CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING A CODE OF THE ,.;~TY OF ANAHEI !l-l FOR SAFEGUARDI~JG PERSONS AND PROPERTY AND PRO!\.10TING THE WELFARE OF T:{E FUBLIC, CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY E1ECTRICIAN A1~ PRESCRIBING HIS ~UALIFICATIONS, :JUTIES, RIGHTS AND AUTHORITY: ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, AND FOR ITS INSTALI-ATION REQ.UIRll~G CCNFORMITY THEREWITH. MAKING IT tJNUWFUL TO UNDERTAKE '~~::E INS'llALLATION OF ELECTRICAL :sq,U:::I'.;ENT WITHOUT A PEP.NIT THEREFOR, EXCEPT AS OTHER- SE PROVIDED: PROVIDING FOP THE COLLECTION OF INSTFECTlON FEES, REINSPECTION AIID THE :SSlJANCE OF CEFT1FlCATES: PROVID~NG ?ENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS CODE AND REPEALING AIL CODES OR ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF CODES OR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS CODE. I\JA:"CE Ire. 7E~7: Councilman Van vlagoner offered Ordinance No. 787 for its first reading and moved for its passage and adoytian. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion ).~OrpI ON r"ARR lED (Se 'C, n~ -:-e lO{., f'c,~ t.; -4. 1 e) l......... v.... . \, ' t~< ..;... C~:..J,j C' .....J ,1. ... . .1. l; ...... ~ INANCE DECLARING THE I~ENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM T VACATE AND .~D STREET AND PUBLIC STREET EASEMENT D HE EASTE..TtLY 151m FEET OF B~ NN ~ ADDITION BUILD ---~~S, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORD]JIJ IN BOrilL-3--,- ..:.J T NEGUS RECORDS . .- GELES COUNTY, CAIJIFO;FNT li, .A.Hjj lflXING TI}''lE AND PLP~CE OF HEARING THEE..:.; , T NO. ~IN& u~I}0'TICES THEP.'-EOF, ANn THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE..tc'~' -, --___ ;::,i.AI, ANIMji:~ He.:::? 1 T!A=~: The Clerk submit tea resume of the proposed Small Animal Hospital at 1217 South Spadra Road, Dr. C. R. Dean, as to the several actions by the City Planning Commission; the City Planning Commissionls ruling on September 4th t as fo1.1ows, to-wi t: "A mot ion was made b~T Corrunissioner Summers, seconded by Commissioner Holyoke and carried, that the Commission institute proceedings to re- classify Kennels froIl: C-2, General Commercial Business, to M-l, Light ~1anufacturing Zone. It Mr. Medaris addres?ed the Council in recapitulation and attempted clarificat- jon of the entire deal. and gave references as to Mr. Dea.nls ability to properly handle a small Animal Hospi.tal. Mr. Stevens addressed the Cou.."'1ci.l objecting to the location on Spadra Road, and spoke in reference to what Mrs. Dean told his wife. Mr. Laird addre~sed the Council stating that he had talked with Dr. Dean September 7, and he was still anxious to secure the location. Mr. Gartner, objected to the odor and noise, and the particular odors that sick dogs create. \0'\ ~ .~ Mr. Heinz, resident at 1224 N~ Spadra, objected to the locating of the Small Animal Hospital, and stated the number ofhe~ickens, 3,000 or 4,000 as stated i.<:as exaggera t ed. Mr. Frisb;r, 1239 So. Spadra, operator of the Belle & Beaux Shop. in that location, objected to the Small Animal Hospital being located in that area; that it would prove objectionable to his clientele. Mr. Medaris again addressed the Council stating that the Health Department of Orange County had yery capable staff and would see that the odor arising did not become a nuisance. City Attorney stated that in no place in Ordinance No. 774 is "Small Animal Hospi tal n ment ioned, and that it is not authorized any\olhere 'by said ordinance; that the permit was issued erroneously, although in good faith. Further stated that if the permit for Small Animal Hospital was granted at all, it should be granted in the M-l Zone, and that the citr must grant a Special Use Permit. if permit is issued at all, and in his ol-Jinion the matter requires an a.rnnendment of Said Ordinance No. 774. Councilman He:ling moved that the action of the Ci ty Planning Commission, as oi' SepteI:lber 4, 1951 be sustained. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARJ{IED. Fi:_:FMISS IeiN TO ~EAV~ THE STA"'::E: Cou.ncilman Heying was granted permission to leave the sLate on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. .:LID AID i<AGlJOLLA L1N~~~S: The matter of capacit~/ in the Euclid and Magnolia Lines and the purchase of usage ill tb.e several sections was discussed at length, as result of fi~~res recently presented by the City Engineer as result of the findings of the Engineering Committee. -~-"';"i';" --. A<'<..'i~_ -.ii'.... ....~- '''''-'~'-':'~,</_"..,.t'~-_~->;~~~'~'*~.:i> w.-~"C:_;;<-~;;i.-,~<.;_.,,,,- 6 City Hall. Anaheim, California~ Se~tember 11, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. l1.C';. FINA I\:.A.:?: Final Map suomi tted for acceptance. Tentative Map approved both Planning Commission and the City Council. City Engineer has all monies \~t~ vering in:r:.ro\ ement s. Councilman Heying mo".red that Final Map in said Tract be accepted, COlffici.lman Boney seconded the motion. l-ICJTION CARRIED. 'I FcAC'T Tentative Map covering portion of territory south of La Palma. to City lLmits. ana ear;t of East Street (Roquet) being a portion of Tract No. 1.5.56. Said Tent- ative Map was ordered accepted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Heying, ~econded b:;' COl1ncilman Boney. MOTION CA...TffiIED. T"RAC'r NC: FlEA: l\IAP: Being a portion of the original Jones Bros. Tract. Council- man ]one:r" moved acceptance of the Final Map. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. IIIIOTION CARRIED. 'cACfI N\_;. Mr. Robertson addressed the Council stating he thought the area may be damaged by the small, homes and lot sizes proposed in this Tract, and that the area ii-ad high'.~..value potentiality which should be retained. C TY ?LJ\N~\;ll';,} COlvU"nSSION, RESOI;TJTION NO.4 -, SERIES 1:951-1 Covers procedure under Ordinance No. 774, as to granting a va.ria~ce to allow Tract No. 1460 to be established wi th a lesser area than required by the R-~, 1-Family Surburoan Zone. The Ci ty Planning Commission granted said Variance to allow said Tract 1460 to be established, as shown or: the I~iap on August 6, 1951. The City Council sustained the action of the Cit:r P1ann- 11lG Comr~11ss1on on motion by Counc:,lman He~.'insS, seconded by Councilman Wisser. for the granting of said Variance in accordance 'wi th Ci t~l Planning COIIlIllission Resolution No.4. M c'r I ON CA..'tffi I FJ) $ 11Y .;....r._, ~" ,;1\'LkI SS ION, TI su~ur I iJc/. ~ ,IS~S 1 Appeal from aet ion by Ci ty Planning Comn:ission, no action was taken on ap:.;:'eal from action by the City P1ann- Lng Commission as to its rulings under Resolution No.5, Series 1951-52, procedure un:ier Ordjnar.c~? No. 774 whereb;r that pursuant to Resolut-LOll Ho. 5, Series 1951-52, the ~..al Gse Petmi t be denied for the reason~the commission has not had time to C1cterrnir;..s .;,nd what condi tion~~i t mi,g11t "'DE: granted ~ if granted at all, and that Variance l~'c'" 0 be deL~ed. s: of" the meeting held September 4, 1951 were submitted. 'jJDE~'GE(/ '~T'::'~AL c:_r~~':~:'~T Geori:e Oelkers, Super in ~ endent t Lif:;ht t Power and ~ater addressed the Council in regard to underground electrical connections; the additiona1 st of such connections and the cost of maintenance. and recommended that a Ic,lic;:" :)e tE:t~.isLc~d under regulations drr-:cwn as to underground installations, maintenance c 0 nr~ e c t i. ( "'" '"C). nr" ~."". ~ Y'" t '~r, .r- .c."1 .,' \ T . \~e~c~.relvf;Q'LJiCj.,l+J,...,:t..uC:.J.C\ll d "".!"'\ ., w. , t "_____ ,L t ':Jas :not 1 oneo b~{ vounc -:..lman He;rLng, see on eu by lJonne LLman ~ s sert t ,.,. eS~:lt-;1m~-Ml~ (';l ..)"Qv~rn~ns. unclergronnd services to individ~l~ r ,t \, and that char,,,es for undergr~\l~d in~atie~i, ~nt~~~c-onnections s ab . shed a tal ';j], tr--;an for 81mllar ov~,h.ead-H't'Sta1Tat lOn~1'n8-l:RtFnAl}Qe and/or 1 C 1 . t,""1.Ht aIJ. c~.t.ewr]atecr-.projects re~~~~rln~ u~derg~ound e:e~tr ca charc).'eQ at...-~her rate as may OP (;staoL 1 shea tnrol1;'n thp Or flee of the ~---^ __-' It. _ ,~and iO\';E':~ Decar tment. Ivli_TI::'H :AR.EIED",/.('.c.. tion. :ot1n,~ilman Van 'Wagoner Loved t adjou::~n. Councjlman Wisser seconded the CAE:F Y E.:) . iJ...tTl'~'RNED . ,/ C i. t~/ "-' Clerk ,. , . /) S IG'},~:i:D L/ .,.... ~ ". ';;L - :nJJ BE GH C', 21..~'..;1F ~'J~ ~.: CONSECT i L.NS ; ( Co::::'1' ec t ~.. on u f above 1:10 t ion) It/as rriotioned bjOO GOu12cilme,.Il Ee;ying, seconded oJ' CouncIlman Wisser that the estab::sL a Folic:r governing tmclergrct:nd servicf;s to individual homes or tracts, ane tl'4at ."brgcr, fer '.{nc.erc;rollnd instalJations, maJ.ntenance and connections be established follow: T~p conS~ffier will pay t~e cost of alJ materials used, less the credit for mater':c_ s 'ar.L equiyalent orve":qe'~"<lr:rt~b.l.:lnd.r.~5une~'Q':e:Cr'~r.o_lmT~lee\""l....i-~.ctt.t\'rwl..cialll ~'ollr:rl~leicSht~ 1c8.nbsorbe. cAhana.l~gfeUdr~, ~I""\ tl~at all contemrlatedprcjects ,u.. b ~. ~..:; 1~.I.';" . S1;Cr: :r rate. MO:IC1~ CARR:ED.. 'll\Al; C:::' . 7'37: JV~ ORlJINAN2E DECLARING TEE INTENT:ON OF T:EE CrT: COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIIvI TO VACATE Al.JD A:B.ANICN Ar~ UNNA1.E) STEEET AIm PtS:SI C STHEET EASE1<EN~' DESCRIBED AS THE EASTERLY 25 F"EET CI b TiceK HD" CF HEll,iANN AIm SORRENSEN' S ADDITI eN BUILDING LOTS AS SHOWN ON A lvlAP H?:COF..DED Ir BeCK 3, PAGE 144 OF MISCELLANEOUS IvlAFS t RECORDS OF ORANGE COID~TY t CALIFORNIA, T:TCLrD! A1~ EASEI'iBl:-T FOE ALLEY PURFOSES eVER THE :EASTERI,y 25 FEET OF T:8:E ALLEY BETwDN = UTS 6 AKD 7 IK SAIl' BLOCK uD" t AlID FrXIrG A TIr<E AND ?LACE FOR A HEARING THEREON AND, !~1 DlRECTINGl'RE ?OST1l\G OJ!' NOTICES THEFEOF AKD THE ?UliLICATION OF' THIS ORDINANCE. --=:-'(A2,'-I~