1951/09/13 187 City Hall, Anaheim, California, Se-ptember 13, ~95l - 4:15 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Special Called Meeting. FRESENT: COUNC I IJMEN : Pear son, Wi s s er, B one~r and Vall vlagoner. ABSENT :80tJlIC ILNAN: He~l ing. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON Tu~: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. MtJFJ)OCH: Present. ~3SCLt-TION NC. 1873: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 187.3 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED RESOI,UTION ADOPTING A WAGE SCAI.:E FOR FUBLIC vlORKS CONTRACT. BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY CCllliCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM that in accordance with the provisions of S~ction 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of California, that said City Council has accertained the general prevailing rate of hourly wages and rates for legal holidays and overtime work for each craft or type of laoorer, worlatan or mechanic needled for the execution of apublic work contract for the furnish- ing of all plant la~bor siervices, material and equipment and performing of all work necessary for the painting of fifty-two (52) man holes in the Magnolia Trunk Sewer and Fumping Plant and Force Main of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer, for which said Cit:.,.- is contract~,ng agent, sai.d prevailing rates so determined being as follows: T~. OR OCCUFATION MINIlVftD,l HOURLY WAGE RATE Journeyman brushpainter Jour:ne..'lman spray painter Any classi.fice.tion not listed above, not less than $ 2.20 2.45 2.20 The foregoing wage scales are for an eight hour day, fo~ty hour week, 1Jl.me and one-half for overtiE1e and double time for Sundays and legal holidays except as otherwise provided in tile Jul:y, 1950, revision of the A.G.C.- A.F.L. Southern California Master Labor Agreement and SU:9plements, which shall govern for such over- ~me ana d01J.ole timE' 9ay and fo}' the wage sca.le for foremen not otherwise listed above. Properly indentured apprentices to any of the trades listed above may be employed u}:on the project wi th skilled workmen subject to the provisions of Section ~777.5 of the California Labor Code, the Wa,.1:e rate fc,r such a:p:prentices to be deter- mined as provided in such section. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: COUNOIIMEN: COUNGI LI\.jE1~ : C01JNC'ILMAN : Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Va:n. Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor decl,ared Resolution No. 18'?3 duly passed and adopted. Councilmar.. Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the lliotion. MCTICN CAF~IED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED ~.. r~.. L' x ,';,.-+ .~~;'/~,(7c;t;;~~ . _.-,..- _._- _'_~-'--'--' -~ --.".~- _. --_.--.-...,.~ ....,. --.-.--- ----- - _..-.- --_.- - - --- - -.-..-----..-- -.--.-..-...- City HaLl. Anahaim,Celifornie, September 25, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. -.._----.. - --- ._-.- ....~..- '-"~-"-'-''''''' -..--. --.-.----."- ...-.-- ._-----,_.,.,--.._..~ -.-----.--.- '-_._-_.._--"-----,--_._~--_._- The C} ty COtL!lc11 of ~..he Ci ty of Anaheim met in regular session. Pii:SSENT; COtJ}JCILMEN: Pea.rsorJ t Vii sser, Boney ane;. Van \vagoner. .A.BSE1TT: COUNCIL?'IEN: Heying. G Il'Y A TTORm~Y: PRESTON '1'URNER: Pre se n t . CITY AD~,1INISTRAT!VE O]'FIC$: KEITH A. ~fURDOCH: Present. MINUTES: Ttle fv1iltutes of the previ.01)S regular Illeet lng held September 11 t 1951 and. S;:t'c1 a1 Call pi! Meeting of September 13, 1951 were approved on motion by Councilman Van WagOYier and second ed by C01..ul~ilm~n Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ]SI'ltANDS: COl.lrJc 1.1man Van WagOl:e r repQr ted. rlema..Y1c<. s agai.n s t the city amoun. ting to $100,44-].72. CcI11n....ilmATl Bor'fj~" rrJuved thRt. r/3:pcrt of Firlallce Committee be accepted ~.U: trlE'''' \1farr8.Yl t.s be ci rf"..:n uIJon tbeTReasurer to pay saj.d demands in accords.nce ~ri 1,11 l"'E'port. C01.l.Iicilman !tiisser seconded the mot-lon. MOTION CARRIED. ~"-.~-:""'~:;_~-_r,a;;r:_.::=-~.....~~~~~~.-~ -,",'>._-'~