1951/09/25 IB7 City" Hall , Anaheim, California, September 1, t *951 - 4:15 F .M. ThE: Ci t~.. Counc il of the Ci ty of Anaheim met in Special Called Meeting. FFESE~"'T: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Bone~r and Va.n ~lagoner. ABSENT: C01JUCILNAN: He~ring. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON Tu~: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. ~~~~OCH: Present. FES,CLCT'ION FO. 1873: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1873 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION ADOPTING A WAGE SCALE FOR FUBLIC vlURKS CONTRACT. :BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT'Y ceUNCIt OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM that in accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of California. that said City Council has accertained the general prevailing rate of hourly wages and rates for legal holidays and overtime work for each craft or type of laborer, workman or mechanic needed for the execution of apublic work contract for the furnish- ing of all plant labor services, material and equipment and performing of all work necessary for the painting of fifty-two (52) man holes in the Mag~olia Trunk Sewer and :F'umping Plant and Force lvtain of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer, for which se.id City is contracting agent. said prevailing rates so determined being as follows: T~B OR OCCL~ATION MINI~1 HOURLY WAGE RATE J 0 tlrneJr'1Ilan -brushpain t er Journe.)Tman spra~- painter An~i cla.ssifica.tion not listed above, not less than $ 2.20 2.45 2.20 The foregoj-ng ",,,age scales are for an eight hour day t faTty hour week, tjJ_r:1e arid one-half for overtir:1e and double time for Sundays and legal holidays except as otherwise provided. in th.8 Jul.y, 1950, revision of the A.G.C.- A.F.L. Southern California Master Labor Agreement and Supplements. which shall govern for such over- :me and double timecB.;/ and for the wage scale for foremen not otherwise listed at)ove. Properly indentured ap:prentict~s to an:,," of the trades listed above may be employed upon the project with skilled workmen subject to the provisions of Section :777.5 of the Cali.fornia Labor Code, the wa~r:e rate fc,r StIch apprentices to be deter- mined as provided in such section. On roll call the foregoing resolution \'Jas duly. passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: :NOES; ABSENT: COUNC I 1lvlEN : C01.JNC I LI\JE1~ : C01JNCI1MAN : Fea.rson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. He~ling. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1873 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Ven Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MCTION CARF~IED. ADJUURNED. SIGnED ~ -/-; /~ ():'.!,n~/ .4-'~~, c~qI Clerk --- ---.--. ._.- - -- ---~,"-- -"','~ -"._---_._--,.~ _..- -- --,-- - -- -_._- -.-.-.---------..---------.-- --,-- -_._-- City Hall, Anaheim,Californi!?] September 25, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. .~,-~~~._--_..._._------- _._-~.- --._~_._-~.__._;..._- ---- _. ._.- '-.,--..- _.._~- .----....-.....---,.-..-..- --- _..-' _._-~--,_._,--_._._-~-----------"'------_._-...-----"_.._--- The Ci ty COilllc11 of the Ci ty of Anaheim met in regular session. PHSSENT; COUNCILMEN: Pearsor.:, V/isser, Boney ane. Van \~a.goner. .l\.:BSE1TT: COIDICILEEN: Heying. CITY ATTORm~: PRESTON TURNER: Present. G ITY AD~.~INISTRATIVE O]'FICER: KEITH A. MURDOCH: Preserlt. MINUTES: The ~1irlut~es of the previ.0'Us regular r:leE~ting held September 11. 1951 and S~;t,(dal Callen. Meeti:ng of September 1), 1951 were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner and secO.nd 00 by CouTlcilm.?,n Wisser. MOrpION CARRIED. DEI"i.ANDS: CourJcilman Van Wagorer reported. demanc.s agai!Jst the city amounting to $100,44';.72. Coun(".llm,~n Bor'eJ."" moved that re:port of Fir!ance Comm1.ttee be a.ccepted aI::.; t~lc-~. ':varr.=:3.n t~De \1rpwn u:pon theTReasurer to pay said demands in accorde.nc€ \<!i 1,h rE'port. Councilman ;visser seconded the TIlot'lon. MOTION CARRIED. :;;;o;-_;,.-.:::-;:1b~':'>-"'-w.-S:;:,i;-:"';;:"->;;;<;;:;:;:;1;r.iMl%,,~_w.;~:;;;;;;.>:W....#:""-""..;~~-j;""?_~""'."'''''7.<'''''''''~,'';;;;;r~;;f~_.;;.1!'.'''1_ l' "~ :* ...j,. ,.. ,-_.~-------_....,.::::.."::'~' Hall, Analieim, Callforr.da, Sep'~ember 25, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. ;'\PP}~AL At' ION :BY PLANNING COMNISSION: The Steele PetroleUIn Company filed Appea.l ..'t'OE Act: b~y' Plannlng CCr1JTils 10L riJlir'5 urder R~_:Fol'il1iOr' No. Sr Series 1951-1952, 'oce:,;:.: 1jT~-' li.d €!'" Ord ir:aIlee No. 77L.. !~hi ~ AI)j:'eFJl '~:,akerj under .9.nd i:11rsu.ant to the pro- 81 or:~ (If ordir:aIlce. Cowlcjlm~IJ PI) ,e;/ fJio'vE-d thn". Public: Heiif'ing on the Appea.l ",-on: Ael tel Pl~_H~..jJig "I):n;r,-js I c.';. bc' sO'.. ~or 8:00 P.M., OC:'~OQer 9, 19.51 and that notices rQ tL DO~' '1 G .ar:;': :n&: ,,-, t)E' 8.( C:offill i sbE'd b~i' t.ilt- (>!. ~;,." Er~bl f:eerB or {"j ce. C')lu1cilmar: \-itsser ~~. ccnd.ed tJ:lc: lliC't ion. MOTT011 rARFTE~~:. ..~tr.:SOLUTIO:N NO, 6, SERIES 1951-195 , CITY PLANNING COMMISSION: (Procedure under Orclinanee :~ · (74) ''''r:e i',~l PIP.};!1'11'[; GOIl1Dliss!';n 'onlluc'ted a Publ.i.c Herl.ring 'purs~t to procedllres ~ns~,i~,u lulder v~r'if;e(i petit-ieu, for VariAnce No. 151) filed September 14, 1951, by H("~.rl~S'" .}()tl1Js, EuiJ, d,r.:i::. Haw.,hGrne, Gal ifc.:r..ia , w!1f~r('in it was proposed to build not 'fer 10% c~ 2... horne$ in TrActs #1428, #1429, and #14:'.1 ;I,rith footage i:r: these home.s "f 001 sq." f7"'he C i t,~l Planni.:!t; Cornrul,s1 y,,: denie;.: ',he f{)r~goi:nt; Variance and the C1 ty Uy;cl, 81..' ,1ft: uI-,on ~:h~ samH, moved th;,t :;he ~ction of tr'Je CIty Planning Commiss1.on be 'lstallJe(:.t (HJ mo l,j on by Coun.cilmal Van Wagoner, secondr~~d by GounciJ.man Wisser. fvl0':"ION "'.iL.ltRI~::'.. :~(nlr'('ilman Borley \Iot~d "No", s"k.ting -f,.het" thE' jn:~tt€'r should be held over to 'he T.e}:.t D'e~tlL.g '~:.. order to give Mr. HJt1:L :-J':2 opport.uld ty to express himself irl the tter. ~heC'e ,'re r'.:: 24 perso,:-,;.s IT~sent ;l~ tbe Llt'E:: 1.ing opposlr;g the Variance under th~ r'equired 1 ee, feet a.1.~(L petitio~l \'lJe,s Also ~u-bm1tted prfise!:ted 'by 25 individuals in the ~:velyn lJr1.ve Tra(~l.. Several pf?opLe addressed T~he COli!lci.l stat.ing th2J~ any deviation to ft lesser fc,,:,otpt:e than 1100 squa.re feet '"rO'llld te:no ; c dC'pre'~iate i..heir propert.y and +'he ';.'o:pert~l ti'IP are~:. l>1r. Fo1yckf~ r'ltJF _~.ngtne{::'r, ~tE;,ied the 1'(> ~{'3~; no re::prpsenta.tivf:: , '.;-~sent. f!L ',be mee .! ~Ig of the Plc:nnir.g C'OP1H 1 ~~ j 'Fn 7:0ts':' thAt there wa~ no one present t he me. f :-n' I} ...j r lL ; rrE- 5T::lf. i ill&; of the ',r [t ~'5 ~U':t~ . STOP SIGl' .:. epar time ',,", \,,1 ~" ?LACENTIA AVENUE: T1.e ::1 t:~.~ E!lg:l.heer "'rns : :ns ~ru~t,:d Flae tip A'fenue. to wri te the Stat~ Htshwa~- "ir~. r eca"rtl 1) C' S .)0;: S C~ct::~ s ID PROPOSALS: GA,..<3T IRON WATER PIPE: r:G'u!{_~'llrn;-.u Tt8r 'i\rJgoli.er: moved that the bid be awarded ne Pac'} }'. S !~:-.Lt.es ':;af~t. Trct(\ P ~:::E' Cc'., :.0'" {.]1 t. (')! ca$t :..ror ....rater pipe. T t e If 1. 18 tIe ng th s - J. 64) T te 2. a If - 2.125 !"'~e;J J." H - 1 ,48 reli very JO clays. rB ~her~kB or aO:1ds be 1'etu.'tll'led to uns'1ceessful bid.dA!"S. Motion by Conl.l.cilme.r (}\H; \ .- ..~ t 'V~l.n '~fPC:"" ~ f.:~~ C (;:',~. ~ ~ ":)~T ~Ql.f:':1 ]:W-')ll iflsse r. t.1~)'T'T01T CARRIEr. EDSO:LUr.;ION NO. 137i+; COll.ncl1rnn.r. 7'1..1 'dasC;;t_ s IJ ;;tB .;.:; ~::.c ;,~-~ ~9.2":-~ ~ A.C: f:'-l.~' t f) t',. ., r r'~~ (: l_ ~~ },. J <~ i: i. ~iV ~ ~ z'~ t;'t :~. .: ,.. fer t'> 1. t: 1..' j ~ ,i. () fj No. 18? 4 antI nlO ve d. for ~ecr) ,....(1 the motion. ~!OTION CARRIED. ~ESOI)....n~l:.~~~' mill:: ':'IrrY COUNr~ T L (",F THE ~ uF .4,:N}J!:~I1.' ACCEPrr TNG SE.AL:2D PROPOSATJS A11) .;:..~,{A}'L.il"';G ..:... C~ONTRAG7 TO r:-'fIE LOWES~'RESPO~I3 -L-~LEBIDDL-q F()rt THE F1JRNISHTNG OF ALL w\";~OR ~ "~').TEE IA: .A:.~' ~:-~U'r?~,G:}:n1."Cj,,: ~~.2 I\1?ROV1M3N'r 01" SOU'rH PAT); S'T'3EC"".~~OM VERMONT AVENUE TO ~iOA~)1vAY T1J 'T1F::: '::....y ~)lf AFpJI:-~n.)~. 3u11 Call: All AYES RefF;'r' '.-:) Pabe 581 1i1'~$OI1.l{Jt.)rl :Book Absent: He~llng. ID ?ROPOSA1.JS It.'IPRCVEMENT OF SOU?H PAl].', srrREH:T: '~he .:.')regol.~:G bId. \-fas le.~~ to t!Je :'::'-l:_l~"-~'1:1 P1~c:cn~ractiDg Co. a~ 3.2~' J:)er' !c;OL !3Jj,1. Sea.l, '":oat.lnG at .05 per square foot. ID PHO.?USAI"S: 18::1erk Jpe s ~3 1-,'1 ;-~ -n ! S~ R..~ ;<~'? NAl~J S I (J.N::) . bids 0:1 Btree:, !1er;'~' BRACK~TS Al'.fD F..AH.DVl ARE: Cou.nc i 1. :"'1a.:."1 V a;.."1 \'1 agone r mO-led !:. ~dr~!1, I.Jl'~tC~>: ts 8t~d ~18rch':a:""8 p st?eouded by CC1]!1cilman '~AHRTEn . t f s" p ::. ~. 'f ! .:.'. ~r~ ~ii'~! ~. ~ .': e )QU tll.l~ Fac ",,;'I..i., ?4 f! I,Pr'~<~e I>"!: Dr.'l-i) :J9J.J.b1-e.. Faced 12" \ l:rl G~~ :per Un! t) :er1 ce Per... J_ n IJ e r s't> C !.fl 0;.1 ~~ T TIS :{EC S I~] :::.:~ : C t1 r- ~. i '2' [;.(; ~:1.<: $1. 2C' . i:'~:1 !.. " . ..\Jjf-theim-.L5 ~J) 60 rla:ls del. .l.88 J.88 15.52 (# signs) C~las. F. Ct.; :::.:,~, ~L $2?O . 6 J f . '.). . A'H3,h':l in JOO L~"l e BaJ<:ed Ename 1 tin It''iL~}rs without Blk. :!11.lIDbers @ 7.14 ea. S ta t'2 Sale s Tax $2142.00 64.26 $2206.26 300 L~! t~ B~>>-~;d El'~r(Ii::~l h HI.:;' L e r s wit 1'1 F 11~~ . numbp"t.,!;-; (.~ 9. LtQ ea. Stste 3,~'tle s Tax $2820.()O 84.60 $290L.6o V,tn1~ipa.l S reet Sigr; CI. I~J!~. 3roc~: ,N ~ Y. ';'j'lJ" 37- B lJ.-we~! '~op of posJ C'e .;~ 1. t~ ':, (~{~ t~ t: P. $ ? ~~! . .:' r: f'}' ,~'i l~ " . '_i-, 7.20 7.05 or 7.20 f' ;,,, "~ '- .. ..!U.a}l~ i [f' ';-'ypl: J7~' 3 2-\'!~lY tap ()f p08t 4.05 4; r. . i ... 4.15 4.05 or 4.15 5.20 10.20 or 10.40 Typf;.': ~-;P-5? 2-",e.~' \1{I:~G ~;,:",'.",.:,-i:i2',~&:'__<-'~"--4:.->*,~~-=''''-<49 189 _____~.Jt~,,. Htlll. Anf:~[leim,_ Ca:if()r'-2..:~Sep:,8:nber 25, 19'")1 - 8:00 P.M. '....~)ef0resoL:~t 1; LJs \t/~!"f:: referl'.ed t:o t1-ie Adffiinistratl V~ Offieer for H Le!.i')J1.. 1'<04,1,\ ~~~t "'0'1>[ co:" rr;!l.n :E()~~je~.- a.!~:'] ~t:,eonded 'by ~')n,:lcilmHrl .wis~er. " '(yr ! '> t~ ~AHE "E'f, . BID PROPOSALS: M.ANHO.tJ~ COATINGS: The Cl~rJ.<: \'Jas 1 nstl"uet~d. to open bids for PE'.:t.8.t Ln.g ;:'ro:::"~~i~J't ~O~Jttn.g of mep.holes for the ~~ag:nQlia. r'f1r-unk Se,^ler Line, Or8.nge COUl.ty Joint Outfall Sewe:r.. j.io~. ion by CfJu.nc: Imt1.~) "Boney a1J~l see'Jnded by Councilman V!~I'. Wagoner. MOTTJN CARR!~~D. 'B!1iS RECEIVED: :iCf::l~f:~ " No. Pnit 'Bid Total $l,f95. .11 1,980. 1~ 2,760. . ...; .1425 2,565. .16 2/3 J,OOO. .22 J,902.60 .)0 5.400. .19 3.420. .15 2,700. .T. F. .Just 72~, L E. ~t h s~,. j Lont: 3f~::iCrJ Klaas Bros+, LosAnGele~ Wopschall., PeJSadena. !~'.lr r:;lY Pal Tl t i ng Co. J Be 11: lO\fE' r Flot!eer Paini;ng '-% DeeC'-r9,~ing Co. Sant9.. AnA, w-ill iams WaterproofL~lg & Painting Co., LQS Angeles E_:mL Pai tine; ,~~ "')ecor"~~:.l'l[; Co. L800 1800 " II G.ardell Gro ve 11 J' Connor Rus t Proof t r~G Co. Los At:Gele'3 ~:~l ~ 11 ips) O. B., LO!1g Bea"~h H 'I COl.lnci lm811 BOfley mot toned that hid 'be awarded to J. F. Just, low 1)idder. ~icLlers checks or bonds be re turned L0 uns1J~eessful bidders. Mot ion seconded b~r t~Ott'\,::~lman Va.n 'fN"3.eoneJ".. 1..10TI01'T ~A...ttRIED. RJ;JSOLUTION NO.. 1875: Councilman Vall Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1875 and moved f':Jl'i tg ;)Hss,qge A..nd adoptian. Councilman Wisser secorJdl~d the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLtJTIO}T OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF rrHE CIffY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED '~OrrVEY!NG 70 THE CITY OF .A1TAIfEIM CEJ\TAIn REJ...L PROPERTY ~'OR THE itlIDENING OF WEST SYCAMORE STREET A'!\TD NOR~H WES'; STREET. On roll call the foregoin{; Resol'ltio~l ~la.S duly passed and adopted by the f 0 110\8/i n..g YO t ~ ; AITS: NOES: ..~SENT : CQUHC!I..JvmN: COUYCILMEm': G OU1-fG II1\1A,X: Pearson t Wi sser J :Bor~p,y and Van Wagon~r. None. Heying. Ma~ror Pearson deGlart>~, t.he foregoir.l6 Resolution passed and adopted. Et}ft'r · 0 PciG':: S-7i-.j-j'oResolution Book HE~)(jLU'T'ION NO. 1876: ':')u'~cilrnb,!l Bone~ offered Resolu:,ion No. 1876 and moved for :. tr:: pa.s sa,58 p...~3 acI.opt i.on. COTtLC 11rn~Il .~ii SS(3r se~o~Jded the mot i on. MOTtON CJ....RRIED. 1.... RESOLlJTIO~ J:P THE c!r2Y COUncIL 0]1 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GR..<\NT DEED ('eJ}riSYING 1"0 THE CITY JF A11AI-IEI1vl CERTAIN R~ PROPERTY }i'OR AN EASEMENT FOR THE ;~()1-13TEUCTtON I OPERP..TI01.T A10 lt~INTEN..,\NCE OF PT.JBLIC l~IL IT IrJS . ~ Cn ~-'o11 call the fcregoinE; Resol;ltion was j".ll~! .passeo and adoptec. ()y t)'l€ ')W i r~G 'lot, e : AYES: COTJJJ(;ILMEN": Pea Y"son, wtsser t Boney and Van v-lagoner. NOES: COIDTCILME1J: NOf\l3. A...'BSENT: COUNGILrw:: Heying. Ivfayor Pearson declared the foregoing Reso:..ution passed and adopted. Refi;: to Pag!::' sy) Res'Jlut:ton Book EESOLUTION NO. 1877: Gou..r)cilme,.n Ron8Y offe~'erl. Resolution No. 1877 and moved for : te passage B1Hl adopti:'n. CGtt~"lcilma:1 VaIl tllagoner seconded the r!1otlon. MOTIOn CAF:-tIED. A RESOLU'I'ION OF 'THE crrry GOID\1CIL OF ']11'13 CI~Y OF pj'TA.qEIM ACCEPTING A DEED CONV:EYING -'HE CITY OF Al~AREIrv: CERTAIn REAL PROPERTY FOR THE PUEPOSE OF WIDENING THE ALLEY !uc.1"ACEUT THERETO, RUNNING nORTH :4'ROi,! \~EST CYPHESS STREET. On roll c:Fl1. Lt'e f oregoir.~L ResoluL!.."Jrl was \luly passed a.nd adopted b~] the follo~rir.:..:.:; vc ':e: AYES: COUNCILMEN: COUIJC ILr~N: COU~JC TIJ1AN: Ff::'!~.rson, '~vit .3er, Boney and Van Wagoner. 1J 0 s.S . Eey1,ug. ~JOES : ABS En']" : !-~~~-,~~-*,~~._:_-- f-~~';'''''--_.''c'-'~''F~#';-~'''4-- -~-~-,;,,",j-'i~~;-"~"'~-",'_;~_~-",;:U~~i,~~~_--_ 'O;),~ __~___._,~~: '.::r Ha] 1, Anahetm, G~tlifoTntat Sept.ember 25,;.951 - 8:00 P.M. \ie~r')r Pt~al"SO!1 ,iecl.s.r.;.;d th,~ ff)r-eG(;'l~lG Re~ollltioli pB.ssed arld 8.d.opted. 3.r:':e:- .f;c ?age -) r (/ Rt~solu "1 all 'Book JRlJINANGli Nu. 786: Counet lman R0f18Y Of~'2 :rEd o rd. iEarlC!~ :N.). ?86 alHi novpj for its pa.ssage ~ln< aClo}."! Couneilman \visf:.;,~r sf;>conde: I.he moVlon. NOTION C1tR..~IED. .A.IT GR:)TN.i\.J;:::': OF fIYHE CTIIT OF ANAHEIr.; CRE.P...TINGt EST.<\3tISEING A1\.J .~!OPTING .~ CODE OF THE GITY 'JF .A:K~iliEIM ~"C:R S.AFEGUA.E{DI\~1 PERSONS AN',_ ?RCPER';'Y JL'JD ?RO?107I"'JG. ~E W'~LFARE 01!' THE?UBLIC J CRZATl Nt} ~HZ 'JFFICE 0.:-' CT.~"I ELJ:C'''RIC!AN Al{L'i PRESCHrB!NG HIS Q.UALI]'ICATIONS, DUTIES I RIGHTS A~j~ AUmTrc;HTTY; E3TABLISHr~G STAN1-".A...'Rl)S }lOR ~EL~:r;rrS.IC!i..r }}~UTPtvtENT, AND lOR ITS INSTALLATION R.EQ.UIRTN(~ ,~OUFOR!:ITY THE..RNITH. ~t'\KING IT lJN1A~irFUL r;"'O U!{;)ERTAKE THE INSTAI.T.ATION OF ELEC- TRICAlJ E(~UIP~-1ElTi"' fi~T'f1Hour~ A P&-q!v!T'~ tr'ilER~DfORJEXCEPT AS CTHERWISE PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOR ""TE: (~OT_LE~;:-'TC:~: JF TNS?:2CTt:'JN FEES. REJ~SPECTI:-f~~ }.}TI) ;;'HE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICAT:5.:S; PRO- 'lI:ING ?2;TAl TI!ES ~u:}K '!"HE V!OLt\mI01;r OF '!'H IS COT'E A!\r~ H3PEALING .ALL CODES OR ORDINANCES ANI.' ;:JARTS OF '.JODES OR ORDIN.ll"'fCES IN GOUFLI~;T vlTTH THIS ;~Oi)E. va te : OL ro1.'~ ~all ~,he for-e€;lng Or-Ii in~uice wp,S duly pHS sed and adopted. by the following AYES: NOES: .ABSENT: cOmrCILMEN': COrmCILMEN: COUHC!LYA;'J' : PeFi.rson, Wisser, 'Bone! and Van Wagoner. Nor:e. He ~"1.!1g . t1"h,~ Mayur def~la}~f.:J 1J1E foregoieg Ord inance passed ftnd adopted. Refer ~,O Page _ Ordina.r.lce :Book ORD IN.A.NCB NO. and alio}J t-1 or~ . 787: C(;~_Hlc:.: i]' ffic"! 'Bo [;t>Y (. f r :-: re,) 0 r,:li;~9fH~e Coun~ llman Wi sser second el th: 'TIO~.. j on. No. 787 allil P10ye<1 for its passage rvl0T IO!\T CARR TED. AN OR~Y;-~~ji..NCE <B::CLABING TI}{3 INTE1Y~~IO!T O:F l"it{!: "';ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AlJA..~EIM TO VACATE AND AB.A.Nr\ON jJJ tJN1~Ar.L.;J:r STREEI"'I 1'J.~-' FUEL Ie grrpcE~':' SASENErrr T:ESCRT"RED AS THE EASTERLY 2.5 ?EE~ e,I:' "'1LJCY u: t! 07 1TSIM.A.>'~J A.NT' SORRENSEN' S ATJrITTO~ RUILDrHG LOTS AS SHOWN OU A MAP {ECJ:.:C\Z::-- I'J }~-:;C~~ J: ?AGE lL..1+ OF tvjISCEL:.A.;.~E()US MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAL I:r'ORNIA, T'HCL'UI:IKG -e;1J-:' _;:ASEME~rr }1'OR ALLEY;:)1.f..-iPOS.2S OVEIi THE EAST2..""C{LY 25 FZ:~T OF THE ALT.JEY BETWEEN ':'0.'""15 6 AN'" 7 IN SI.T::'=: BLOCK "r", ~:l~~ FrXT~TG A 'T'I\rE A}rn PLACE FOB. A HEARING THEREON PJID IR.;:;C;-TP ~"F~~ F-)S'I1!~:G. OF N'O~ICES TFEF.EOF .i\.Nr'j .-r1E ?T.JBL!CATrON ~)F 7'HIS ORI:INANGE. }O~"'::: r0 ::. ...~;,ll .,he f8rtCu~ .C O~':ii ';~fj~E was dUJ.~l 1,&,ssed anti a,dopted by thE: follo\<.dJ's AYE5 : COUNGIL'vIEN: C O't.rTC TLMEJ-J: GOUnCILNAN: ?earso;'j, ~~i sser. 30Hey and. V8J: Wagoner. N 0 ~~ e . He~~jng. NO~S: AB SJ~NT ; '......te Mayor deelared the foregoirlg Ord inanr-e :passed 911<1. a.d.opted !1eter to Page Ordin.ance Book UNION PACIFI,~ RAILROAD COt.1PANY: OVEiilD~D WIRE CROSSING: Agreement #CLD 10833. Counci1- r1)aI1 TIO!ley ';,I)ved. the foregoinG Agreemtnt be en~~ered into by the Ci ty and that the Ma:.ror '4nd tIll:" Cl rc' be ~u.+,}jo!--:zf~d to 81g1' tJ~() SHMe. Secor~ded b~' Coun~11ma.n Van I,vagoner. MOTION ';.A.RRTK'. . ;HAIII1J3l-1.:.t COI-IMERCE: Et.Jquest &1 oCAtior of $1,':')00. for thIrd quarter of 19.51. Granted on !Jot tOL b~/ COil!lCil'!1al"'2 Beney aIlll f::l,)~or'd.e; '~)y COi.1n,~ilr18..n V!..'.!," "'W:3,gOIlE:~ to. MOTION CAR."R.1:ED. .d.EPORT 1e E' i, j . . :'leser. ~~X;~GUTIVl'J GOM!\1ITrJ1E::: .J.O.$. ~.3ErrrNG HELD SEPTrJNBER 6, 1951: lw1inutes I')f ~8icl C'~:' appr': '{ed ()n mo t i or ty GfJU'}C i 1 mat 18]1 We.eoner and seeonded l!y COllYiC1- lmQ.!l Mery': r)N CARR TE~~ . 3ROKr~: I?~~~ I~~ lJ1~IT J, ['!lAGNOLIA PRm'TK SEW.&'-{: ~!r. Nat Neff addressed the Council as '~h:ief Z:1~'1 'leer of 1\1agnolia Trunk Se'NeT. He -report.'3d or; the methlYls used in the in- tal1B'.10: H ca~rectlo~l of "broker. pi:J€! ~L Uni~,. J of t~ce Magnolia Trunl< Sewer f~.nd that . he ~J .O.s me;nbers "t(Jul'~ pay 1/3 tIle cos~ ~3~Hi <lha: ~,lJe co:ntractors would pay 2/3 the ~o~:-:'L h<) ',)'nme!~,1ei1 b~' ~)1e Elie:;it>er1-cg C')mmitt'3e an,5 that th{~ Cit~y of Anaheim was auth- rei: Ex.::' 1<1 1\"'2 Comrn~1 ttec nf tLr> ,T .8.3. 1, pro(~eed VJitb the repairs. Mr. .Neff t. ~. ~ i t? ~i 1:!",::-k \.n'1.S proc::: (;::1 i~..:: ~ ct. ~ ! sf ac i. ~.ly . ;i.EP 0 R iJ Jerui 88 .JERH -- Rr... CP..EAT ION : 'i',~ a $ H U ";;;[l i t 1, e d anci ta.k(;a Y5s 'Tacat i or., u.ring +,he mon th of o--.5.a',iont s COtl'Gres at, 'B(~~~'. . :v!ass. !v' ~,+ : ,)!"j n~J' G C~11 ~1 (~i_ '1 r~'~1~r \\1 s S f2r' t see 0 ~ld ed ordered filed. Mr. Derr was granted 'Jc~,l)be-r a.r:c1 t.o attend the National Gon ven t i or~ t:'Xl'f~nse 'vIas R11 o'~e.ble by b~r Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. ~eer~a' i\ c: .J.-1......"'. the CO~,tr'v' i ~ . :"~"~';-4-~'~--;~~;'-';;-~-;';:~~'Ri,0.Ci::~;jf~,,-:'W'~;:-: '-"::~;~-;~~,;;-o;;;..J2i<<W";~~i-.q~i.:>-~*~','ffi<:.J;j''IT"~!N,_~~'_;77~7~~iC:",;o;,,.,~,,,",", ,~Ji:__,,'''',~,_"''~j;-'''.:',,~-+''W":~~'''''"-','''''''' 191 ____ City Hall. ArLat:eim. California. September 2[,. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. AND .D. INSUIiA..1IJCE POLICY; Policy of Lnsurance #30078, Untied Pacific Irlsurance ":,'r'l~~:"';Y to A.U.H.S. ;iBt"le~" E;'lC';'>< LiR,'t.~ '~1,~.. 8.;,.} Propertj DamaGe at La Palma PE~r-k, :.') 3e~'~'~mr!er 9, T9~ 'C 1~()venftH::~ J , was approved, by the City Att~orney and )rjer'ed filed on mc:t~I)L t'~r GounctllJ;"-' 'R1)ne~i~ f:f?condeo 'by Councilman 1atisser.MOTION CARRIED. 'OMMTfNICATION~ CGm1'plnicatior, fro::n t,he st,ate Employees' Retirerre nt System in reference t".... ~ J.S. employees .wJ'as r'ead. T.':l"? Ci t~,r C0uJlcl'~!F.s in agreement as to t.he removal of the ,1".O.S. emplo~r{~ES from th€ Ret~;"ement System and tt,s contra.ct with the City. ?SCIAL ~1ElJTING O.f PLANNING COMiJfISS!ON: The Cit~r Council was informed that the PL~nring COir1mission woul,~ hold a special !!ieetiLg on October 1, 1951 at. 2:00 P.M. to "c';';.si:ier 8 proposed in trIrr! ord inance for thf; regulat.ion and control of drilling in :, h~ City of ,.wa,hei ~n. it-] MULTIPLE FAMILY ZONING OF so. LOS ANGELES ST.: QUestion was brought up, "Shall rj.f7 ouncil inRtitute proceedings fo~ changes in present zoning of So. Los Angeles Street?lt 1~~ ,,,,EtS recommended by t118 Admtnistre.tive Officer that the matter of .] css:!fJea~~io~: of So. :'0:3 Ar1seles Street frnm South St~eet to the City Limits be :'c,.:.'E;rT'e~~ Lo thl':: (~i ty P] Fi:lning Commission Wl th the request that they consider the :r"'t-"_'} D3S ifr ca t :(H. of this port iOL ;)f So. Lof.~ Ange Ie s Street. Mo f: ion 'by Couneilman Vr~n 'A'E.-1.gone r, a.nd seco nd ec', 1)~r Canoe i 1 man Ro!~ey. MOTION CARR TED. VETIE~;..l\NS HOUSING REPORT: Veterar:s Housing Project Report for the month of August WH.S """deI'-::d re-:;eived H:H1 filer1. Yoj~:i,!)n by ::oi.lncil:nar' ''wn.sser: seconded by Councilman Boney. l\i~cr"TO:T r.:'\.~RTED. :~(r:,~I:c11mar:. Borey moved to atljOlirll to Tuesday. October 2,1951 at 8:00 P.M. :~)unc 1IMan Wis~er s€,~onCit'd the m0 t ion. MO'rION CA.l1RIED. ADJOUitNEC. SIGNED 'tJ ;, ~ '&f" -~.~ j I' c!"I -;r~a~- , 't . .." ~ k" (k( , Ci ty '. _erk -,.,_...__._~----.-.-....,-~-------~_.~~ _...~.~.......~-..._--~.- City Hall. Anaheim, California, October 2. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. .~t:~"~";~,....,,...,._,*,~:~~ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. There being no members of the Council present the meeting was adjourned b)" the OitY' Clerk. ADJOURNED SIGNED \ ~ \ "'c~~~ \,kVr~ City Ball. Anaheim. California, October 9. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. ~'"C?'.......~__~~ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. A:BSET: COUNCILMAI: Heying. CITY ATTORNEY TUREER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. MURDOCH, absent. I-.11W/rES; Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 25, 1951 and Adjourned Regular Meeting held October 2, 1951 vere approved on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman 'Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~iJA.HRAlJ':rs & DEIviAND5: Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the c1 ty amounting to $267,158.61. Councilman Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be received and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. rrE,LIC HEARING: Public Hearing was opened at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of determining the sentiment of interested property owners relative to a verified petition submitted by Lessee, Steele Petroleum Company requesting that a Variance to the zoning restrictions be granted so as to permit the drilling for 011 on the following City of Anaheim pro- perties: (1) The northwest corner of Patt and Julianna Streets extending in a northerly direction a distance of approximately 610 feet; (2) Part of w-i of the Sottthesst quarter (sEt) of Section ), Townwhip 4 South, Range 10 West, S. B.>>. & M. These two properties are now in M-2, Heavy Manufacturing Zone, pursuant to Variance No. 150. 1"'''-c'~=i,,~'.,.,.-!~~-,..,,+e-+~'_~'''~~~-i:'C;;';;'~'.~;-:_~:'~~~,,~,;,,"'>':11