1951/10/09 191 City Hallt Anateim, California, September 21'" 1951 - 8:00 P.M. .D. INSUR&1\fGE POLICY: POlicy of insurance #30078. Untied Pacific Insurance "~-'1.);'"'Y to A.U.H.S. }:iBt>'lc~. I;'lt I..i8~Li~-!,~v a..:,} Propert.rDams.ge at La Palma Pe.1"'kt '3t)lt~j'!1)'2r 9. I)': Novembt , 19:1, was appr:Jved by the City Attorney and rde,"ed filed or. mc~,i()n t/ Cou.n::,ilr;l;~?0ne~;) se~onded "by COlmcilrnan \v),sser.MOTION CARRIED. :c,:C:f\llMlJNICATION: Gcm'Dnnicatior1. fre,:] the state E;np1oyeest Retirene nt System in reference t)e .8. employees \\Tas r"ead. Th'3 Cit~r Couf\cil Wf;S in agreement as to the removal of the ,.....'J.S. emplo~7eE:s from the Re.,l,:"ement System and its contra.et with the City. ~;P8CIAL ~,1E"~TING OE PLANNING aOMMISSION: The City Council was informed that the Plpd1..ning COiomission wouL: hold a SlJeciaJ meetiLg on Oetober 1 t 1951 at 2:00 P.M. to ;':\;~sider 8. proposed intrjrrl ordinance for the regulation and control of drilling in t,"t1e Gi ty ()f ..'\naheirn. R-) MUTTiJTIPLE FAlvIILY ZONING OF so. LOS ANGELES ST.: ~estion was brought up, "Shall 'l~ ouncil inAtitute procee~ings for changes in present zoning of So. Los Angeles S reet?" It was recommended by the AdmtnistrB.ti ve Officer that the matter of I;' lqss:!f)e[d,ior of So. Los AnGeles Street from South S+rt~et to the City Limits be !"'(:,fer.r'ed '.0 thE' (;1 toy P1Raning Commission with the request that they consider the ....t"'..ln~3sif.tcatio:; of this portioL 0: So. L08 Angeles Street. Mof:ion 'by COlUlcilman Vnn 1t;agone r, a.rld seeD nd ec', rJJr Coune i 1 malt Roy;ey. MOTION CARR TED. VE1I'K'"tANS HOUSIIJG REPORT: Veteral:s Housing Project Report for the month of August was t):"de,:'.:;i re'~eiv8d B11(1 filed. Mo~,ioY; by COl.Lncil~f"ial: \vlsser: seconded 'by Councilman Boney. McrnTOX C..o\..~RTED. '~ol~ncilma!~ Bo.::ey move(~ to aajouril to Tuesday. October 2. 1951 at 8:00 P.M. C')1.tnc l1r1an Wisser sE;Gonclt~d t1:!le ffi0 t ion. MOlrION CA..l1RIED. ADJOUllNEJ). SIGNED (~ j.r; ~~ :M1i.:4f; Cl ty5~erk _. ._-...,--....,-~'~~ ''''..'_._,-,~-..''' City Hall. Anaheim. California. October 2. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. ""~~-,..-,~~- The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. There being no members of the Council present the meeting was adjourned by the City Clerk. ADJOURNJtD SIGNED \ ~J \ ," \ '.\ '; ~ \ ~c \ . , Ci~y ~~rk City Ball. Anaheim. California. October 9. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. "",~,,,,-,_'____~---9111"'~ The City Council of the Oity of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser. :Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Heying. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Prese~1;. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. MURDOCH, absent. INlPrES: Minutes of the Regp.lar Meeting held September 25 t 19.51 and Adjourned Regular Meeting held October 2. 1951were approved on motion by Councilman !oney, seconded by Councilman WisBer. MOTION CARRIED. W~~~1TS & D~~S: Council~an Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $267,158.61. Councilman ~oney moved that report of Finance Committee be received and that warrants be drawn upon !the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~BLIC HEARING: Public Hearing was opened at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of determining the sentiment of interested property owners relative to a verified petition submitted by Lessee. Steele Petroleum Company requesting that a Variance to the zoning restrictions be granted so as to permit tbe drilling for oil on the following City of Anaheim pro- perties: (1) The northwest corner of Patt and Julianna Streets extending in a northerly direction a distance of app~oximately 610 feet; (2) Part of w-l of the So.theast quarter (sEt) of Section 3. Townwhip 4 South. Range 10 West. S. E.B. & M. These two properties are now in M-2. Heavy Manufacturing Zone, pursuant to Variance No. 150. .'''',~ '-"-~~o_"e ~.~~-__~_'^~-"_ 192 City Hall. Anaheim. Califo~la, October 9. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. General discussion pert~~ the drilling of oil wells within the City of Anaheim followed, of which art of said discussion ~ on file in the office of the City Clerk. .,' ~ The Hearing was concluded and those persons attending the Hearing were advised that action on the Permit would be taken later in the course of the regular meeting of the City Council. YINANCIAL .,& OFERA'rIUG RKeORTS: Councilman Boney moved the following Financial and Operating Reports submitted by the seTeral departments be accepted and filed. Council- man Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TREASURER: General Fund. $118.039.02 - Total General Accounts. $262.205.24. Total all funds. $1,009,210.77. The City Clerk's report corresponded. BUILDING DEPT. 109 Permits of which 43 were :Building, Total fees, $997.40. :Building valuation $416.190.00. CITY PLUNGE: $1.304.64 receipts. - Total receipts for the season, $18,046.31. and 51.364 swimmers. CITY AUDITOR: $244.508.90 deposited. to the several fUMs. CITY CLERK: $181.00 deposited. (vital statistics. etc.) VETBRA.!TS' HOUSING: $1 t 047.03 deposi t,d. CITY JUDGE: $3,093.00 deposited - 26$ cases of which 90 were Parking Meter yiolations and 150 were Motor Vehicle Code violations. PARKING METERS: $1,650.00 deposited. POLICE DEPARTMENT: activities FIRE DEPARTMENT: activities SHOP & GARAG:I: activities BUSINESS LICENSE: $967.25 deposited ~n Business, Bicycle and Dog licensee. PUBLIC SERVICE: $90,601.44 of which $1.637.65 was industrial waste and $5.115.25 was sanitation charges. CITY AUDITOR: J.O.S. expenses on section) and 4 and recording flows on sections 5 and 6. Total, $4.779.30 of which Anaheim paid $1,482.57. CITY AUDITOR: Magnolia Trunk Sewer Ptoject expenditures totaled $186.557.46 of which Anaheim paid $41.565.00 or 22.2~. STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM: CHA....'ti.LES E. GRIFFITH: Botice was given to the C1t7 Council that the City Clerk, Charles I. Griffith elects to become a member of the State Employeee' Retirement S7stem. and her.by serves notice to the City of Anaheim of such election; to receive the same benefit. as permitted employees of the City of Anaheim. effective as of October lt 1951 and retroactive to the date of the city's entr7 into the State Employees' Retirement System by contract. It was motioned by Councilman Boney. seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner that the City Council approve the application b7 the City Clerk for membership in the State Employees' Retirement System, as outlined in the foregoing notice to the City Council. MOTION CARRIED. A'riARD OF J3ID5: STREET NAJllE SIGUS; On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner. seconded b7 Councilman Boney, :Bid for Street N8.I:le Signs was awarded the U. S. Porcelain Enamel Co., 4635 E. 52nd Dr., Los Angeles 22, California. $3.88 for 24" and 32" Double Faced Signs or $15$2 per intersection. Eid on Porcelain ~namel Street signs, double faced. 16 gauge Armco, Length 24" - 28" - )2". as requ1red. Street name in 4" letters. :Block number in 3M numerals, complete with hot dip galvanized bracket and bolts for attach- ing sign to bracket. Signs IUsranteed for 10 years against fading. chalking. loss of gloss and all corrosive action due to normal atmospheric conditions and use. F.O.E. Anaheim. delivery 45 to 60 days. It was further motioned that bidders' checks or bonds be returned to unsuccessful bidders. MOTION CARRIED. ~R~ISSI TC LEAv~ STATE: Councilman Wisser was granted permission to leave the State for a period of ten days on motion by Councilman Boney. seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION aARRIED. URCHASE: AUTOMCBILE, POLICE DEFARTl'-iEl'TT: On motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner the purchase of 1951 Plymouth 4-door sedan from Dunn Motor Co. $2.036.17 for use by the Police Department was ratified. MOTION CARRIED. NOTE: Public Hearing, October 11. 1:;0 P.M. discussion was held purSt~t to Ordinance No. 787 calling for Puolic Hearing on the abandonment proceedings of unnamed street and alley. VARIANCE KC. 152: J. H. Mulvey, 1625 E. Center St., a8 owner, for permission to build a 12 unit motel. This property is the south~est corner of Lot 6, Anaheim Extension and presently zoned as R-A. Residential-Agriculture. cl_ssified as future 0-2. General Business zone. This Vairance was held over by the City Planning Commission at their meetings held October 1 and 3. 1951. ;,tAR Ii.}] CE Boss Overall Cleaners, 1134 No. Euclid. to permit construction and .~-~,W>-~""'-"~~-~""-""i~41;.H'i;~""'~*~t~~"",.;-c~~-.;;:it~o~~~~iH'*_~Q<>~,,~., 0- C~_I"""*"~,,,,. _.".',..~,.."..;N=':''''''"-'' 193 City Hall. ~eim. California. October 9. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. ADDITION TO PRESENT BUILDING IN R-A Zone. The City Planning Commission by their Resolution No. 7 granted the foregoing Varianee. No action was taken by the City Council. COl~1J.ftJNI CATICN: from Jo. R. Thompson. Chairman of the C1 ty Plmming Commission advising that he will be absent from the Cit7 and will miss the next regular meet- ing of the City Planning Commission to be held November 5. 1951. PETITION: ORANGE RANCHPS re: STREET LIGHTING: Petition covering 54 signatures of residents in Anaheim Dr~ge Ranchos Subdivision, lying East of Los Angeles Street and South of Vermont Streett was submitted and read, requesting adquate street lighting in this tract. The Mayor req~ested the Clerk to advise that the City is now making a study in reference to S~reet Lighting in new tracts, and that the new tracts will take precedence when wi~ing is available. Wiring is now critical and the City iB limited to not more thap 4,000 pounds per month for all purposes, and due to thie curtailment the City is unable to install street lighting at this time. CO~~LAINT: F4& L. WELD~NG: Complaint referred to Police Commissioner on the P. & L. Welding Company's op~rations on East La Palma Street. The riveting and pounding on metal continues until 11:00 to 11:;0 P.M. each night, and this proves too much for the people in the neighborhood. They seek abatement of the noise and curtailed operations to an earlier hour. RESOLUTION NO. 1879: Cpuncilman :Boney offered Resolution No. 1879 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AMENDMENT BmmER ONE TO THE AGREFJ.1ENT FOa MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM WHEREAS, the ~tate of California. through its Department of Public Work.. Division of Highways. ~s presented Amendment Number One to the Agreement for Maintenance of the State Highway in the City of Anaheim dated September 4. 1951. WHEREAS. the City Council has heard read said Amendment Number One in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that said Amendment Number One is hereby approved and the May-or aDd the City Clerk are directed to sign thb same on behalf of said City. On Toll call the foregoing Resolution Was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES : NOES: A13SENT: COUNP I LlJIE!l : OOUNbILMEN: COtmCILMAN: Pearson, Wisser, ~oney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor dec~ared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 788: Oouncilman Boney offered Ordinance Bo. 788 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was read in public in full for the first time. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDlNAl~CE OF THE CIT! OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE DRILLING FOR A,1"1J PRODUCtrION OF OIL. GAS AND OTHER HYDRO-CARBON SU:SSTANCES LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY, AND I$~UIRING PERlvlITS TO :BE OBTAI}1ED THEREFOR: ESTAJ3LISHING CON- DITIONS AND STANDARDS FOR THE GRANTING OR DENIAL OF PERMITS. AND ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS TO COnTROL THE DEILLING FOR AND PRODUCTION OF OIL. GAS AND OTHER HYDRO- CARBON SUBSTANCES FROM WELLS WITHIN SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM: REGULATING THE IRECTION, OPE1ATION. MAINTENANCE AND ABANDONMENT OF DERRICKS, EQ,UIPMENT AND STRUCTURES APPUR- TENANT TO SUCH WELLS AND REQ,UIRING A BO~m TO INSURE PERFORMANCE: REGULATING THE STOBING AND HANDLING OF OIL .AND OTHER INFLAMlIi1ABLE LIQ,UIDS: REGULATING THE INSTALL- ATION, USE AND I~INTENANCE OF SUMPS, RESERVOIRS, TANKS AND OTHER SIMILAR FACILITIES, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TEE VIOLATION OF THE TERJ.lS OF THIS ORDINANCE. VARIANCE 1~O. 1.5: STEELE FETRC.LEUJvl COMPANY: It was moved by Councilman Van Wagoner seconded by Councilman Wisser. that the application of Steele Petroleum Company for drilling permit to drill on city property in the industrial area be granted, and that such permit shall contain all of the conditions, restrictions and regulations relative to 011 Well drilling and surface operations as set forth in the proposed Oil Well ~i11ing Ordinance. upon which first reading was had on this date. MOTION CARRIED ~mETING WITH HEALTH DEPART~~JT AUTHORITIES: Councilman Eoney reported on the meet- ing held with Mr. Reinke and other authorities of the State Health Department in ~~-"-'''''''1";_,,_.,:,.'-i: <i-.,..,-._"-.,,,,.-";+:.,t:ii!'i'iL--,H:"',,'~,:';o;~:>"',"~;;'''''',,,.',:,_~"_~_"'_'_">__""'_"'{~";;'~~:_'.;j'~"~~"'O_',;:.c.d~.,;:.,..;~~ 194 City Hall. Anaheim. Cal1fo~1a9 October 9. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. regards to the Chapter 20 Fund applioation for $234,000.00, and that the approval of Ohapter 20 Funds for the purpose requested was expected in the near future. --;ESOLrT '. 1878: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution Bo. 1878 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTIOJT CARRIED A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, ACCE1?TING SEALED PROPOSALS AND AWAEDING CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST HESPONSI:BLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT. LABOR. SERVI CES ,MATERIALS, .AND EQ,UIPMENT AND PERF0ID1ING ALL WORK NECESSARY FOR THE PAINTING OF FIFTY-TWO (52) MAIN HOLES IN THE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER AND PUMP- ING PLANT AND FORCE MAIN OF THE ORANGE COUNTY JOII'T OUTFALL SEWER. Refer to Resolution Book, page d~r>-;; ct~ :_ . On roll call the foregoing nesolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: OOUNCILMEB: NOES: COUBCILMEH: A13SEliT: COUBCILKUT: PearsQD, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor declared the for~go1ng resolution duly passed and adopted. The City Attorney brought ~ the matter that the City Council was requested to lease or deed the site proposed for the numiclpal Court Building in the City of Anaheim and that formal resolution be drawn covering transfer of this property. No decision was made as to the terms of the lease. Councilman Ve~ Wagoner moved to adjourn to 1:30 P.M. October 11, 1951 pursuant to Ordinance No. 787 calling for Public Hearing on that date at that time. Councilman Wisler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED . SIGNED ~/l~ . . ,/>9/:~ 4':-' ;- ~~ Oit~ rk Oity Ball. Anaheim. Cal1fo~nla, October 11. 1951 - 1;30_P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session for the purpose of holding a Public Searing pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance NO.787. The Oity Olerk called the $eeting to order and adjourned said mee~ing to October 23. 1951. 8:00 P.M. due to laek of quorum, Bearing to be ccntinued on that date. SIGNED ~~~ '''~'__'''.__''."''_~'M ._,,~,~ _~ .."",.,=,"".,.,...~,.,~_~___.._~_.,,_,~,_~_,_.... ' i:O;,~~___~