1951/10/23 195 City Hall. Anaheim. California. October 23. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. !he 01 t~,. Council of the 01 t~r of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILME1T: Pearson. Heying and Boney. ABSENT; COUNCILMEN: Wisser and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. MINiffES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 9, 1951 and Adjourned Regular Meeting held October 11, 1951 were approved on motion by Councilman Boney seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. ~tIARRANTS AND DEf..lA.NDS: Totaled $74,617.28. Report was submitted by Councilman HeyiDg who moved approval of the Jinance Commi ttee Report and that warrants be issued b,. the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with Report. Councilman Boney secondec the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ?UBLIC HEARING: Public Hearing pursuant to Ordinance No. 787 was heald on Tuesday. October 11. 1951 at 1:30 P.M. on the declaration of intention of the City Council to vacate and abandon unnamed street and public street easement. There was not a quorum of the members of the City Council present at said meeting and the same was adjourned to be continued on October 2), 1951. There being oa one present at said Hearing. the Hearing was declared adjourned by the Mayor. SITE FOR NUNI :':IFAL COURT BUILDI:\JG: S1 te for Municipal Court Building was brought up for discussion and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare Agreement and Resolut- ion. rENTArIVE ~~ TRACT NO. 1546: The City Planning Commission recommended the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1546 be approved, subJect to Engineering requirements. The City Oouncil approved the Tenta.tive Map of Tract !To. 1546 subject to Engineering require- ments on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Oouncilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. AlP C01IDITIONING: Air conditioning and acoustical requirements for the City Council Room was discussed and the Administrative Officer was advised to inquire into the cost. STREET LIGHTING: The M.,or announced that the policy of the City Administration would be to place Street Lights in unlighted residential areas as soon as copper 1s available, and so mOTed by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying, this policy wa.s ratified. MOTION CARRIED. RADIO COMl,;UlrICATICN: The Administrator Murdoch brought up the matter of establishing radio con~unications with their operating equipment on the Light Water and Power Department~ to the four ears of the Light and PoWer Department, that o~ Superinten- dent's car, Inspector's truck, Maintenance truck and Line Foreman's Truck. also the Water Service Truck, Water Department Foreman's Truck and the Fire Department'. equipment. Also for consideration was the establishment of radio communication on the Street Foreman's Truck. This was presented as an economy measure and would create more efficiency in all departments. The approximate cost of the above is $8.100.00. The City Attorney advised that the City advertise for bids. It Was motioned by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney that the City obtain bids on the foregoiag equipment, the same to be received at 8:00 p.m. Rovember 27. 1951. MOTION CARRIID.($5,OOO. Light & Power Dept. - $2.500. Fire Dept. - $600.00 Street Foreman's Truck) ~v:~~~e ~~~;K b~~:E;o~~!i~~~d~~; ~~~ ~f ~ou;~~r=i::w:~v~ t~:il t:~l ~~wer Lines. These costs to be met by the bond issue of 1950. Eids called for Tuesday November 27. 1951 at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. "ITY PLANNIliG CGM1\,ISSIUN EESOLUTION NO. 8 SERIES 1951-19.52 PROCEDURE mmER ORDINANCE ;JO~ 774: Pursuant to this resolution, Small Animal Hospitals were to be classified as being permitted in the M-l. Light Manufacturing Zone, and that the Commission statf be instructed to prepare a Resolution stating the findings of the Commission. The City Oouncil moved to sustain the action of the City Planning Commission for the re- classification of Small Animal Hospitals to be permitted in the M-l Zone on motion b7 Councilman Boney, seconded by Oouncilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. ~'ITY ?LA}nJING COr':l:ISSION RESCLUTION NO. 9 SERIES 1951-1952 PROCEDURE UNDER ORDINANCE ~O~ 774: It was proposed that Xennels (7 or more adult dogs) now classified in Zoning Ordinance No. 774 as a use permitted in the 0-2. General Business Zone be removed from Section 11. 0-2, General Business Zone, and be inserted in Section 12, M-l, Light Manufacturing Zone. The Oity Planning Oommission under this Resolution moved to institute proceedings to reclassify Kennels from 0-2. General Commercial Business Zone to M-l, Light Manufacturing Zone. The City Council on motion br ~".foi"",""-.--.---,'.i!i'~~"-_-;__'-)_""~-_o;._,,'-_$j;::_'-::~._\:h<.~.:;.,---,.j:-;';,E;.$#~~~~iiIiiJ,~ 196 Oity Hall. AD&heim. California. October 23. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney approved the action of the City Pl~ing Commission under Resolution No.9. MOTION CARRIED. OEDINANCE 788: Councilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 788 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The City Council unanimously waved the second reading of Ordinance No. 788 in as much as the same had been read in full at the previous meeting and had be thoroughl7 considered by the City Council. AN ORDINAHCE OF THE OITY OF ANAHEIM, C.4LIFORNIA, REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE DRILLING FOR AND PRODUCTION OF OIL. G.A.$ AND O1'HER HYDRO-CARBON SUBSTANCES LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY, Am) REQUIRING PERMIT~ TO :BE OBTAINED THEREFOR: JilSTABLISHIBG CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS FOR THE GRANTING OR DENIAL OF PERMITS. AND ESTABLISHING ~~ULATIONS TO CONTROL THE DRILLING FOa AND PRODUCTION OF OIL, GAS ABD OTHER HYDRO- CARBON SUBSTANCES FROM WELLS WITHIN SAtD CITY OF ANAHEIM: REGULATING THE EREOTIOB' OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND ABANDONMD'l · OF D:mRRICKS. EQUIPMENT .AND STRUCTURES APPURT- EBAIT TO SUCH WELLS .AID RE~UIRING A BO]JD TO INStmE PERFORMABCE: REGULATING THE STOR- ING AND HANDLING OF OIL AND OTHER INFL4MMABLE LIQ,UIDS: REGULATING THE INSTALLATION t USE AND MAINENANCE OF SUMPS. RESERVOIR'. TAmeS AND OTHER SIMILAR FACILITIES, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION QF THE TJaRMS OF THIS ORDINANCE. Refer to Page Ord1u.nce :Book. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN : COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearso., Heying and Boney. None. Wisser and Van Wagoner. The MaTor declared the foreg~lng Ordinance duly passed and adopted. There were DO protests. Mr. Cook addressed the Counc11 and thanked them for their efforts in the passage of the Drilling Ordinance and Itated it would be a benefit to the people of Anaheim to lease as rapidly as possible and as solidly as possible to a reputable 011 compI18.7. Mr. Steele of the Steele Petroleum Corpan7 was present and introduced. TF~jSriR 01' DUTIES: The Administrative Officer brought up the matter of requiring the transfer of duties from the Chief Qf Police to the Oity Treasurer of ~uslne88 and Dog Licenses and of Bicycle Licenses to the Fire Chief and the Fire Department. UEDINANCE NO" ?89: Councilman Heying offered Ordinance No. 789 and moved for its passage and adoption. Oouncilman Boney seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time. MO'1ION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ING SECTIONS 9, 10, 14, 16d, l7, 18, 19 ABD 67 OF ORDINANCE 1'0. 701. OF THE CITY 01 ANAHEIM ADOPTFJ> MAY 28. 1946, AND ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF CERTAIN :BUSIHSSES. TP..ADES, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS FIXING THE RATE OF LICENSE THEREFOR. PROVIDING . FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF, AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF". ~)El)INANCE Nt)~ 'T:;O ~ Councilman :Boney otfered Ordinance No.790 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time. MO~ION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THi CITY OF ANAHEIM A~mNDING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 653 OF THE CITY OF ANAHE1M ADO~ED .MAY 26, 1942, .AND ENTITLED "AI' 01illINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~1 IMPOSING AN ANNUAL. LICENSE ON DOGS WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND PROVIDING FOR THE I~~OUIDING AND DISPOSITION OF DOGS AND REGULATING THE KEEPING OF DOGS WITHIN SAID CITY". ORDINANCE Councilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 791 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Heyi~g seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time. M01ION CARRIED. AN ORDINA~rCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BICYCLES AND THE REGULATION THEREOF: FIXING FEES FOR LIQENSES: PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AllD DEPOSIT OF SUCH FEES IN THE GENERAL ~ AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION eEl SAID ORDINA~rCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 683. ......---:-"~""'~'S~lff:,:;':"T!:1:!;!.:},.,~.~'-.:;:,:;;;:;:;';1';:~~';.;;;.-:':'?,,- ___' ~~~~ ~'---~;;o~i~c>-~_,,__'C;~~;~'~___"~'~;jji$:i'i';] ~ -_=:.-.....w,.c_. _,"~_'" .""<,_~._.~c;,.,.,__.".~_.~a;o,...."'_ 197 City Ra11. Anaheim. California. October 23. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. r::?;SOLU1fIon NC It 1879: passage and adoption. Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1879 and moved for its Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ABAHEIM. CALIFORNIA, lUTIlYING THE EMFLOYMEN'T OF :BURTON T. ELLIS AS JOINT OUTFALL SEWER ENGINEER AND THE EMPLOYMENT OF PRESTON TURNER AS ATTORNEY FOR THE JOINT OUTFALL SEWER. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~. ~l")~ . On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEB : COUNCI IJ.1EN : COUNOILMEB: Pearson, Heying and ~oney. None. Wisser and Van Wagoner. The M~or declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLTJTION NOe 1880: passage and adoption. Councilman Eoney offered Resolution Bo. l880 and moved for its Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ORDERING THE VA CAT I 01 , ABANDONMENT AND CLOSING TO PUBLIC USE OF A CERTAIN tmNAMED STREET A1ID STREET EASEMENT TOGETHER WITH A CERTAIN ALLEY EASEJ.L~RT. Refer to Resolution Book. page ,'-.:f..;. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC ILMEN : COUNCILMEN: COUNCI1J4EH: Pearson, Heying and :Boney. None. Wisser and Van Wagoner. fhe Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. BUSIh~SS LICENSE REFv~:Applicatlon for Business License refund by J. P. MulleD. 329 No. Yanchester Ave., operation of Service Station, in busines8 only )0 days. The Clerk called to the attention of the City Council that license refunding is not permitted under the Business License Ordinance. Refund was denied and the Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Mullen accordingly. HOUSE TRAILER: W. VEJU;iOIT: The Adminis trati ve Officer advised that he would take up the matter of occupation of house trailer at 331 West Vermont by Robert W. Kirk. who was granted a 90 d$7 extension on July 6, 1951 with the understanding that he was to vacate the house trailer for living purposes within that period. and further extension of time was refused by the City Council. FIRE CHIEF ALTERNATE: CIVILIAN DEFENSE: The matter of appointment of Fire Chief &8 an Alternate to serve in the Area X, Civil Defense at such times as the Chief of Fire Service, J. A. Scherman may be incapacitated. The Administrative Officer adTised that he would talk with Mr. Scherman further in regards to the matter before such appointment is to be ratified by the City Council. HALLOw~EN: The City Council approved the opening of city offices at 10:00 a.m. for the Halloween ~reakfast celebration. Councilman Bone7 moved to adjourn. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. -~6~~~- ~#,-:;''':-'_-''''''~C~3,:;;-"'_-~_A''''_'''''''';'_~;';~.~"$<~j:i_,_...id:J.::,~,i'~ City Hall. Anaheim. Californ~a. November 13. 1951 - 8:00P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wieser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILfJfEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER, Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. KEITH A. MURDOCH. Present. !'lJT?::S: The Minutes of the Regular MEteting held October 23. 1951 were approved on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by CouncilmB~ Boney. MOTION CARRIED. DE~~NDS: Demands against the city amounting to $153.860.51 was reported by Councilman Van Wagoner. Councilman Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasuter to pay said Demands in accordance with report. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CAP~IED. FLNANCIAL UF.,J:A~IING REFCiRTS: The following financial and Operating Reports were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTIOE CARRIED. CITY TREASURER: Balance General Fund, $129,811.72, total General Accounts, $283,697.40 Total all funds. $968.794.18. CITY CLERK: Report corresponded. 01\1 Clerk's receipts totaled $148.00. Pu~LIC SERVICE: $107,323.43. Industrial waste. $3.517.99. Sanitation, $7,398.20. LIBBARY: Balance November 6, 1951. $672.67. CITY AUDITOR: Deposited $186.199.03. CITY ELECTRICIAN: Deposited $210.l0, issued 28 light-wiring permits and 2 power wiring permits. CITY JUDGE: 464 cases of which 289 were parking meter violations, fees collected $2,387.00. BUILDING INSPECTOR: 125 permits of which 57 were building permits. valuation $345,;48.00 fees collected, $1,026.15. SUPERINTENDENT, LIGHT. POWER & WATER; Activities of department. Water level November 1. 1951. 166 feet. Water purchased from M.W.D. 84.307,100 gallons, pumped by city, 14.893,000 gallons. FIRE CHIEF: Activities of department. VETERANS' HOUSING: $1.310.80. Balance owing, $1,105.70. GARBAGE & TRASH COLLECTIONS: Garbage,,271oads, or 104 tons, Trash, 276 loads. 54 loads of Trash collected by Contractor. LICENSE COLLECTOR: Deposited $1,18S.2~ on Dog. Bicycle and Business Licenses. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Activities of Department. CITY AUDITOR: MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT: Total expanses incurred. $:3.5,154.00 of which Anaheim paid 22.2~ or $7.810.03. CITY AUDITOR: JOINT OUTFALL SEWER: Total expenses incurred, $4,207.70 of which Anaheim paid $1.414.)0. "~TY ::LANI,}L,G CUMl'-JISSICN RESOLU1'IUN NU. 11: Variance No. 152, J. H. ~1ulvey: Request permission to build twelve unit motel. six units to be ~uilt now and the other six units at some future time at 1629-1633 East Center Street. City Planning Commission helt Public Hearing, October 1, 1951 and as a result denied the Variance. Written Appeal from decision of the Planning Commission by Applicant, J. H. Mulvey was submitted and read to the City Council. Councilman Heying moved that Public Hearing before the Oity Council be held November 27. 1951 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on the matter. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. :Iry FLANNl,-~uMhISSlul~ RESvLIJ'rrCN NC. 12: Variance No. 15Li-, Reinhold and Alvina Jeschke: For permission to use the two front rooms on the lower floor as offices for a doctor or a chiropractor, 204 East Broadway. City Planning Commission held Public Hearing. Bovember 5. 1951 and as a result denied the Variance. Written Appeal from decision of the Planning Commission by Applicantst Reinhold Jeschke and Alvina Jeschke was submitted and read to the City Council. Councilman Van Wagoner moved that Public Hearing be held before the City Council on the matter, November 27. 1951 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. _ ry FLA!r-I:O~.U:ISSION :RESOLUTI:~N NO.1;: Varia.nce No. 155 t H. vi. Yost: To use a sub-standard lot at 804 West Romneya Drive. now in the R-A Zone. for a Single Family Dwelling. City Planning Commission held Public Hearing on this matter, November 5, 1951 and as a result granted Variance No. 155. It was moved by Councilman ~an Wagoner, seconded by CotUlcilman Wisser that the action of the City Planning Commission regarding Variance No. 155 be ratified. MOTION CARRIED. ANNEXATION: Ti-.e Cit~l P181lnin6; Comm'lssion recommended the annexation of the proposed x)Jeltd Ave ~ #2 Annexation e.Ild Acac,ia Stree t Ann~xation, which action ",as taken by the Planrdr~g Gommissior:. November I), 1951. ~,>,,,,+-,,,.g~'-'!~~'--'"*-;';i~1ftJ"-~,~""-~j(,,;o.~~;&Jii>d><i-w'.:i:~~~_~,~~.. -~""""-'-' '-~'-''''-_.'~'--''''''''-'''';''' ..'''.>>'~