1951/11/16 203 City Hall~ Anaheim, California. November 11. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. (V. C. Rail) Lot 9. Tract 200. excepting therefrom the Easterly 50 feet. City of Anaheim (Hazel E. Whiting) Lot 6. Tract 200, City of Anaheim On motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner, the request of the Anaheim Union High School District was approved and that the County Tax Collector be so informed. MOTION CARRIED. HAPTFCRD ST"~l'< BeILER IlJSPEC'rIOH ANTI INSUP..ANCE CCHFAl7Y: Report on the Water Heater at 518 South Los Angeles Street, was submitted and read. "FLEET INDORS.EMENT: Policy No. C.L.F. 32795, policy 91-14826 was ordered accepted and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. RSFT~1J): BUILDING FER1<IT: Refund of unused building permit issued to Harry I. Horn in the sum of $35.00 was authorized and cancellation of unused building permit was ordered on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. C0MUNICATICJN: HA1TOv~'EEN: Communication from the President of the Anaheim Ohamber of Commerce. Adolf' SChoeps, thanking the City for its part in staging the highly successful Halloween Festival was submitted and read. AN1~UAL AtJDIT: Annual Audit was presented by Diehl and Company through Mr. Harold Yrank and the same was ordered accepted and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. This audit was for the fiscal year 1950-1951. FIRE DAl.1AGE: PU3LIC LI:BHARY: Communication from the General Adjustment Bureau, Inc. regarding P83ment of fire damage claim to the Public Library in the amount of $24.4:3. They request this settlement be made at the anniversary date of the policy, since the coverage is written with a ~Cumulative Loss Clauseu. This arrangement was approved by the Cit~ Council. FIRE CHIEF: CIVIL DEFENSR: The Administrative Officer reported on the appointment of Ed. Stringer. Anaheim lire Chief as Alternate Fire Chief in connection the Region X. Civil Detense activities. I,.;..ROVE!<ENT OF ORANGETHORPE; State Highway" Routing of truck traffic through the City of Anaheim and the improvement and widening of Orangethorpe WAS brought up. It WAg moved by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney that the Clerk write a letter to the State Highway Department stating the views of the City Council in the matter. CP.ASE: FIRE PANEL BCDY TRUCK: Proposed purchase of small panel body truck to be used for salvage opera\ions and equipped with flood lighting an:~~:t"id..e. quip- $ €~Q VEQ ment, for use at small fires at a estimated cost of 2,000.00 was e eft'r~on ~ CouneilJMn Vas Wag<mer. se~.>l!ded ~. COtH1ail~T\ Wi:s:Mr. MOTION CARRIED. ~ Councilman Heyiag moved to adjourn to Friday, November 16. 1951 at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. ~;~~ A ~. J-,f/-' . - SIGl1ED ~~~"~~ ~'~ . Cl$rk __"_'_..~~__ ,........_ ___"'_"_.-."'_"'___ __".._...___....____,____......._,___~-_,-_,...,""__.__,..__.-___,A City Hall, Anaheim, California, November 16. 1951 - 2:00 P.M. ..-,,"_.-._~ .._.-____ ..__-~_.._.-,.___--,..., ,_,...~_-_~_.-"_.. -_______..-......._...._,._.-..-,..___"...,....,....__..-.--...,..,,-.-~_,_..__-_.._.._'.-f__......~ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT: COUNCI1~~N: Pearson, Wisser. Boney, Heying and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. 2SGLT IeN NL. 1883: was rescinded on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Council- man Heying. MOTION CARRIID. }_ESOLUTIC1~ NC. passage and adoption. Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1890 and moved for its Councilman Heying. seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU1~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPOO:VING THE DESIGN, PLANS. .:.,:,-:-."'.~;::.~ti,;.~,....._.:o,.,;.~~~;;<;,,:~_,~.~,...~......,' ',' .;,.~_''"'~_,....,..~.,;;..-._...._._.....~,,'''',~+<-'" ':'u'-t City Hall. Anaheim. California. November 16. 1951 - 2:00 P.M. A!;D SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR THE OONSTRUCTION OF SEWER MAINS FOR THE CITY OF ANAHEIM; Au~HORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAID SEWER MAINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PlANS Atill SFECIFICATICHS AND AUTHORIZING AND DI1.ECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE IXVITING SEALED ~ROPOSALS FOn THE CONSTRUCTION THEREO]': ";-'- ~7 / __ ,/.", _ ~ 4"...;:"'- / On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILIv.EN : COUNCILJ.1EN: Pearsont Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. INT Lm!GHEU~': The C1 ty Council ordered arrangements to be made for meeting as between the Council and the Officials of the Aaafte4ftl....yBiefl-Higft-iehee~-~Bie%!'4:e"-8ftd-.fte Anaheim Elemenwy School District; for noon luncheon meeting, Tuesday, Nover::!ber 2?t 1951. A letter submitted by the City Clerk to the Board of Orange County Supervisors in reference to the improvement and widening of Orangethorpe Avenue was approved. Mayor Pearson stated he would call upon the P. and L. Welding Company in order to seek a reduction of factory noises during the night hours by the P. and L. Welding CompanJ". This was in connection wi th a peti tion s1~ned by 45 residents submitted the C1.ty Council requesting the recession of noise caused by the operations of the P. and L. We ld ing Companj-. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilnlan Wisser seconded the motion. MOTI(JN CARRIED. ADJOURNED: SIGNED - i'~4~4~~r4~7'~ -," 01 ty ClerIs.'/c / ~. ..._ _.,_., """......__e....,. _ "._. __._"....~~_..............__._ ,.,._...- _~'. 'r .....R_...._.....-.._._..... ,__ ..__.... Cit~r Hall, Anaheim, California, November 27, 1151 - 8:00 P.N. .....--.- -- -.- .- ..-..--...-..,- The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. ?RESENT: CO;JNCILMEN: Pearson, vJisser, Heying, ]one~r and Van Wagoner. AESENT: COUNC:LMEN: None. CITY ATTuRNEY, PRESTON TlJRNER: Present. CITY AD!-iINISTRATlVE OFFICER, KEI'rH A. ~1URDOCH: Present. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor for the purpose of holding a ?;~blic Hearing to determine the sentiment of interested property owners relative to a v rified pettt on submitted by J. H. Mul"fley, 1625 East Center Street, owner, for permission to build a Twelve Unit l'-lotel, Six units to be built now and the other six ~lnits tc be' built at some future time, at 1629-l6j3 East Center Street. This property iz located at the southwest corner of Lot 6. An~~eim Extension. and is presently zoned R'"A, Hes id en t ial Agricul t llral Zone, and class i fi ed as Future C-2, General Bus iness Zone. The City Planning Commission held Public Hearing o tober :, on this application for Variance No. 152 and as result denied the a~J?licat i on for variance, stat ing their reasons therefore in their Resolution No. ll. ~!r.. r'1ulvey was represent.ed by Attorney Stephen F. Gallagher who addressed the City Council on behalf of his client. Mr. Gallagher called attention to the atjtached fficrp adopted by the City Council upon adoption of OrdiY'J.ance No. 774. wherein it is shown a tentative future zone in the area in question as C-2, General Business Zone, and that the Council would have to realize in the future, as a 0-2 Zone. no one would buLld B single fan-lily dwelling on the North side of Center Street. The area stiitab fc multiple dwellin.gs a~1d f()r business, this fact having been previously established. !'-;r.. Gallagher further stated that Builder, Hahn St. John recently purchased acres in this area, 2C acres purchased from his client, and planned to build 200 nor;ies, and tha"_ they. have no objections to the granting of the variance. He a~;{ed when the City Flanning Commission intended to grant the first 0-2 V;;iriance in this area. He realized at the present time, it would not be sui table for a Drug Store, [.,ed ical Unit, etc. But his client t s investment represents about $20,000. s.nd depends on outside business. He pointed. out sections of the Zoning Ordinance No. 7'74 whl.ch wo De fully met an:1 asked the Council for the legi timate use by his client 0:' his propert.l. ~,=,:~~~'f-',~,JG;f ~'*,C':.-_~:;...::..c~~~;;,;:::>i"i:--L';jiXi~g,~~4;;.::;:::~,'~.-'~.~,-,-,-_;;.;~,-,;;;-~-,~~~~:!<.;'!;~';f";oH!'F~c1"~.~.:CZ;0';~7 _'... ~;;.,,'-.,-~,_,__.,""'c..""'""..:"""'"'>o.....