1951/12/11 City Hall, Anaheim, California, December 11, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. The City Council of the Oity of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILI\ffiN: Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCIL~~N: Pearson and Boney. CITY ATTORNEY t PREs/rON TURNER: Present. CITY AD~IINISTF~TIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. The Meeting was called t order by the City Clerk for the purpose of electing a Mayor Fre Tem for the Ci t:," of Anaheim. COlUlcilman Heying nOI:linated Councilman Van Wagoner. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTIO~ CARRIED. Councilman Van Wagoner as Mayor Pro Tem presided over the meeting. -- 1vlinutes of the Regular Meeting held November 27, 1951 were approved on motion b~/ Councilman Wisser, seconded by Counciln,an Heying. MOTION CARRIED. ~:'..i.AIE;.::; Demands against the ci t~y amounted to $224,238.96 were reported by Councilman Heying who moved that report of the Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~~.t1l', ~..'>, 'l:~-AT:~\ ~,~: 0:~,-'L': Financial and Operating Reports for the month of November, 1951 were ordered accepted and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. TREASURER: Balance General Fund, $84,897.11, total General Accounts, $239.591.66, Total all funds, $981.184.18. The City Clerkts report corresponded. CITY JUDGE: 497 cases (278 Parking Meter viola.tions) $2,895.00 collected. BUILDING INSPECTOR: 125 Permits (60 Building, Valuation $411,150.) fees collected $1,263.15. Fu~LIC SERVICE: deposit $85,751.03. (~.C.D. $8,256.38 - $8,563.75 Sanitation) CITY AUDITOR: deposited to the several funds a total of $136,32'1.60. LIBRARY; balance December 4, 1951. $3,172.57. CITY CLERK: deposited with treasurer, $107.00. LICENSE COLLECTOR: deposited with treasurer, $602.60. FIRE DEPARTMENT: activities. CITY ELECTRICIAN; is~ued 55 light wiring permits, fees collected $261.60. CITY SHOP & GARAGE: Activities. FuLICE DEFART~~T: activities. PARKING METER: collections, $1,750.00. GARbAGE & TRASH COLLECTIONS: 26~ loads of trash, 26 loads of 88 tons of garbage. .LIGHT,FOWER & WATER: activities.- Wa.ter level December 1, 162 feet J inches. Water purchased from M.V/.D. ,,63,527,600 gallons, pumped by city 11,702,600 gallons. VETERANS' HOUSING PROJECT: collections $930.07. RECREATICN DEPARTMENT: Activities and Financial Sta.tement. (Oct. and Nov.) CITY AUDITOR: MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT: Expenditures $115,073.48 of which Anaheim paid $25,638.37. CITY AUDITOR: JOINT OUTFALl! SEWER; Maintenance expendi tures totaled $3,310.37 of which Anaheim paid $1,121.60. ANAHEI~: UNION HIGH SCHOOL: Football season totaled $3,482.30 of which Anaheim received lO~ or $348.23. Councilffian Wisser moved that the City Clerk be authorized to open bid proposals for furnishing all plant, labor, services. materials and equipment and per- forming all work necessary for the construction of two trunk sewer lines from points within the City of Anaheim to the Euclid Trunk: Sewer Line on Euclid Avenue, Orange County, California., in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the City CI.erk of the Ci ty of Anaheim. Councilman Heying seconded the mot ion. MOTION CARRIED. Legal notice published in Anaheim Bulletin November 19 and 26, 1951. BIDS HECEl1lED: v. C. K. CONSTRUCTION CO., 6124 Ferguson Dr., Los Angeles, Calif. J. S. BARRETT, 1300 Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California CHARLES J. DORFMAN. 124 No. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles 36, Calif. DRAINAGE C0NSTRUCTION CO. & JAMES W. HUNTLEY, P.O. Box 671 Vista Calif. STEVE P. PJWOSt INC., 616 No. Sierra Bonita, Los Angeles, Calif. CHAS. BURCH, 2419 No. Chico. El Monte, Calif. BOSKO & BRADAF.ICH CO., 8512 Fishman Rd., Pico, Calif CEAS. T. BRcWN CO. AND PAUL VUKICH CONSTRUCTION CO., 6465 Northsi6e Dr. Los Angeles 22, Calif. ~~TT J. ZAICH CO., ~82B Farmdale Ave., No. Hollywood, Calif A. H. FAMULARO, 2740 W. 1st St., Santa Ana, Calif. M. MILLER CU~~ANY, 877 No. Bunkerhi11 Ave., Los Angeles 12, Calif. GEORGE DAKuVICH, 202.5 So. Garfield Ave., Monterey Park, Calif. ~"'-""~~i-~'-IIi"F."~""-~ ~~",~<-";;,,,-_"~i'~~~.~~ ----__~c ~-_....-.._,..,-,~,,-"""'--~"-- (63855 ) (71579 A) (16860) (109033) (127929-C4~ (117381 ) (127518) (105509 ) (75483 ) (68545 ) (106756 ) (99410) 209 City Hall, Anaheim, Cal~fornia, December 11, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. 3EBEK & BRKICH, 9638 RUBh St., El Monte, Ca.lif. 1\IIKE HAI\iLJAK CO., 3001 Warthen, Los Angeles t Calif. N.. A. AHTUKOVICH CONSTRUCTIGN CO., 723 Union St., ~!ontebello Calif. VLACI CH, R0:BER'T, 2901 Worthen Ave., Los Angeles 39 , Calif. r~lILOSEVICH AND ZARUBICA CONSTRUCTIUN CO., 1533 W. Olympic Blvd. Montebello, Calif. (19177) (119710) (115917) (71609) (86984) All bid proposals were accompanied by bid bonos in the amount of 10% of bid proposal. The foregoing bids were referred to the Engineering Department for tabulatioJ a..1'J.d report on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ,J<t1~~~.ATiICN: from Edm'4D-d M. Demler, residing at 7312 Acacia Street, Anaheim, entering his objection to the inclusion of his property in the proposed Acacia Street Annexation, namely the South Half of lots 9 and 10, Golden State Tract No.2, a total of 10 acres, half of w~ich is now developed in commercial poultry. Land Use Permit given by the County Board of Supervisors has been issued for the development of the other five acres for corr~ercial hatchery. Mr. Demler requests the withdrawal of his property from the proposed Acacia Street Annexation. The Administrative Officer advised Mr. Demler that a Public Hearing would be held in the matter of annexation and that his protest would be given due consideration at time of the Hearing. ;,.~ , X ~ ,~.^;: "c...'. Bradley & Gregory, Attorneys communication enclosing a verified claim of Sherman A. Todd for dama.ges purported to have been done to his automobile in an accident occuring October 1, 1951 in the City of Analte im. It was motioned by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser that the City acknowledge receipt of Claim and that the Clerk be authorized to file the same and that Claim be denied. Further that Claimant be notified of the action taken by the Council. MOTION CARRIED. ..; " :: ,;l~: S ,\~e~l~c: Peti tion of 19 residents of South Palm and South Helena Streets requesting thet the City of Anaheim take immediate action to put a sidewalk on the property at the southeast corner of South and Palm Streets for the safety of school children. Councilman Heying moved that the Superintendent of Streets be directed to notify owners on South Palm Street to have the work installed and that the City Council set a date for a Fublic Hearing, procedure under the 19l1 Act. Said Public Hearing set for January a, 1952. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 'C).,. Cor.ununicat ion from Andrew M. Beyer for license to operate kiddies mobile merry-go-round on the city streets for the entertainment of small children was read, !and recomendations and report of the Chief of Police per- taining to the operations in Santa Ana. and recon~ending that license be granted in Anaheim, subject to provisions outlined in his letter of December ), 1951. Councilman Wisser moved to hold the matter over for consideration until ~~uch time a.s a full council waf. in attendance. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MO'rrCN CARRIED. ,", ()~..Mc: -: LA ";'T:J1J ;~EV.'EF UN IT 1+: Famu1aro-McEl v any General Engineering Contractors were granted extension of time to December 15, 19.51, for the completion of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Line, tJnit No.4 on motion by Council- man Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. T Wa ; ] u' -. L. 'B':'erd No.8: Santa Ana, dated November JOt 1951 was read and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilm~. Heying~ MOTION CARRIED. .._~Cr- "_: ~ 1<:: ~. IE~ Dues to California League of Cities for 1952 in the sum of $435.00 was approved on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Council- man Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. U? ~ET:'\'f2::E A '/E,: Communication for the Board of Supervisors acknowledging receipt of our cOIi~munication in regard to the extension of Orangethorpe Avenue was ordered received and filed. i'..':l[ The purchase of Chevrolet Panel Body Truck for the Fire Department to be used as a Salvage and Rescue Truck for the amount of $2.011.00 was approved and the bid proposal of Cone Bros. accepted on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. :~ !.~ 1 :; ..~ .~.~ ~ ,.t.-lEC.- It was motioned by COIDlcilman Heying, seconded by d. ............h~ ~"'L ,,''^'''._'_.....'L~.<-___'~'"~_'L' ,".~__ City Hall, Anaheim, California, December 11, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. Councilman Wisser, that the Mayor Pro Tem and the City Clerk be authorized to file a nctice of completion on the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Line, Unit 1 by the V.C.K. Construction Company. kO!}:IIcN CARRIED. '- \.,..TEC i: General Contractors on Uni t :3 of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer: Acceptance of the work with the exception of the completion of the construction of manholes, which cannot be done until the entire line is completed, was approved. Construction of manholes to be done later, on order. The City Engineer was instructed to contact the Executive Committee and have a meeting ca.lled of the Executive Board of the Joint Outfall Sewer and the Engineering Co~~ittee in order that they may advise the Cit~r of Anaheim, as Contracting City', what shall be done in regards to the addi tional broken pipe. :J!:},j. Resolutions Were ordered prepared by the City Attorney accepting Affidavits of Publications of Notices to circulate petitions by the proponents of the Acacia Street Annexation and the Euclid Avenue Annexation No.2, on motion by Councilman Wisser, s~conded b:r Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. 1,)[ '~ ;~5E The City Attorney was instructed to prepare Contract for the removal -%~~J1.tible rubbish by Taormina and Stepanian, for the six month period commencing ~r~lt 1951 at the rate of $425.00 per month, on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. (~~ az-~~) .~". ..-..", ,c:~~(.:REl(EKT~ The Joint Outfall Sewer filed with the several c ties and sanitary districts, report of the Actuarial Board on the retirement plan for the Joint Outfall Sewer Employees. Said report dated November 30, 1951. The City Coanedl approved the foregoing report on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Council- man Wisser. MCTION CARRIED. AN;)'E,...;2t~ id~~!i').Y;;:;; Certificate of Issuance of insurance by the Los Angeles Airways Incorporated of property damage liability and, :UI,ll.NCE:.,' S1T:c~Y .~..l,nIJLEI< !.~Lr:;rI'l'~CT,. CC Certificate of issuance of insurance, Sully- Miller Construction CompaI~ on property damage on their street operations, were approved by the City Attorney. and ordered filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council~an Heying. MOTION CARRIED. ;: ;d',i. -, S~ The Chief of Folice appointed E. Roger Sherman as member of the Police Reserve, serving without pay. Councilman Wisser moved that appointment be ratified. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. t. Orange Cou.nty Joint Outfall Sewer filed report of December 10. 1951 with the cities and sanitary districts of the complete report of Mr. Gillespie with respect to the Joint Outfall Sewer's sewage disposal of the overload for the 1952- S3 seasons, and copies were issued to the several members of the City Council. Proposed Subdivision Ordina.nce was held over. and adoption. for the first Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 792 and moved for its passage Councilman Heying seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was read in public time: MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDlNANC~ DECLARING THE IJ'JTENTION or THE CITY COUNCIL 0]' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO VACATE AN EASEMENT ACROSS THE SOUTHERLY EIGHT FEET OF LOT 10, TRACT 1071 AS SHOWN ON THE MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 34, PAGE 39, OF MISCELLA1~OUS ~~PS, RECORDS OF ORlUJGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI4, AND FIXIlIG ;~ T lIvrE AJfD PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON AND DIRECTING THE POSTING OF NOTICES Thi....HEOF AND THE ?lffiI.JI CAT ION OF THI S ORDINAi';CE. I-Lc"., Councilman Heying offered Ordinance No. 793 and moved for its passa.ge ani adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDINAh8E DECLARING TEE INT'ENTIJN OF TP~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIrrY OF ANAHEIM TO VACATE AND A})Al'~DON AN ALLEY AND AN EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURPOSES UPON t OVER AND ALONG A STRIP 16 FEET WIDE AND 188.25 FEET IN LENGTH LOCATEDBET'v'JEEN LOTS 1 AND 2 OF TRACT 525 AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOD 32 t PAGE 35 t MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNrry, CALIFORNIA AND FIXING A TIIvlE AND PLACE FOR A HEARING THEEEON AND DIRECTING THE FOSTII~G CF NOTICES THEREOF AND THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. Request of Fred C. Piepenbrink et al for the consent of the City of Anaheim to commence and conduct proceedings for the annexation to the City of Anaheim of the following described property: A tract of land including aportion of Lots 10 and 11, the northerly one half of Lot 13 and the northerly 28 acres more or less of Lot 14, of Anaheim Extension as shown on a map of a Survey made by William Hamel in 1868 and filed in Book J, Pages 162-164 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, also a portion of East Santa Ana Street and Placentia Avenue (a.lso kno\vn as State Highway Route No. 180) in the County of Orange, State of California. 211 _0__ Ci ty I:!all t Anaheim, _ Ca1Jfornia, December 11 t 1951 8: 00 P.M. Councilman Heying moved that the City acknowledge receipt of the request and that the Ci t;T COlIDcil awai t a report of the Ci t:v Planning Commission in the matter. Councilman Wisser secoI1ded the motion. I-lOTION CP.w.1lliIED. Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1891 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~F ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A PETITION FOR THE ANNEX- ATION OF C~~TAIN m~INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. GIVING NOTICE OF THE DAY, HOUR AND PLACE WHEN AND WHERE ANY PER~;nN OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRI- TURY SO PROPOSED TO BE ANnXED IvIAY APPEAR iEFOP.E THE CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH T3RRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEx..SD TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (~t.?J-'~) Refer to Resolution Book, page \::>> ,,:7c-' j 7"" . On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUN C I LIvIE~1 : COUNCILMEn: WisSer, Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Boney. Mayor Pro Tern d~clared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ... ~ ~ passage and adoption. CO\Ulcilrnan Heying offered Resolution No. 1892 and moved for its Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESULUTION OF rfHE ClifY (tOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING SEALED PROPOSALS AND AWA..'qDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CAST IRON WATER PIPE. Refer to Resolution Book, page ;... ';',J' - .,.) 77 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NCES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Wis$er, Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Eoney. Mayor Pro Tern declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. o 'J passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 1893 and moved for its Co~cilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI"rY OF ANAHEII~1 GRANTING A VARIANCE. Refer to Resolution Book, page On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and. adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABS~IT : COUNCILMEN: COUN C I L~lEN : CQUNCILlvlEN : Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Boney. Mayor Pro Tern declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Heying offered Resolution 1894 and moved for its pag~a.gQ and adoption. Councilmar Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O:F THE CITY OF ANAHEIl"l ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CON- VEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEI~l CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR DRAINING ADJOINING LAND AND FOR A FIPE LINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. Refer to Resolution Book. page On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: C01JNCI LIvlEN: COUNCILNEN: C DUNC I Lf-IEN : Wisser. Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Boney. Mayor Pro Tern declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1895 and moved for its t<'_.-.:>...""i;~;~"~'ii<~~~!l;.-,>:~Jc~>CiWf,'M""~' City Hall. Anaheim. California. December 11. 1951 - 8:00 P.M. passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A HESULUrr:IuN CF TilE CITY COUNCIL OF 'rHE CI'ry OF ANAHEIlvl AUTHORIZING THE AMENDMENT OF PARA- GftAPH 22 OF 'fHAT CERTAIN SALE A1ID PUHCHASE AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 28, 1951, BETv/EEN THE C: TIES OF ANAHEIM, 1'DLLERTON t ORANGE AND SANTA ANA AND THE BUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE, LA HAEM AND F.LACENTIA SANITARY DISTRICTS AS SELLERS AND COUNTY SANI'fATION DISTRICTS ONE, TV.O. TP..REE, FIVE, SIX SEVEN AND ELEVEN AS BUr-ERSt AND AUTHORIZING THE }.1AYOR AND THE CITY Cl..ERK TG EXECU'rE THE AGREEMENT HERETO ATTACHED SETTING FORTH SAID AMENDMENT. Refer to Resolution Book, pa,ge cv /'s - ~~ 7(;;., . vote: On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Boney. Mayor Pro Tem declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ',SOLt"': Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 1896 and. moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTIC,N OF THE CIrrY COlJUCIL CF THE CI'TY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 15 t 17, 18 AND 23 OF THA'r CERTAIN AGREENENT DATED FEBRUARY 28 t 19.51, BETWEEN THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM, FULLERTON, ORANGE AND SANTA ANA AND THE BUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE, LA H.AERA AND ?LACENTIA SANITAP~Y DISTRICTS AS SELLERS AND COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS ONE, TWO, THREE, FIVE, SIX. SEVEN AND ELEVEN OF OPANGE COUNTY AS BUYERS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CrTY CLERK TO EXECl~E THE AGREEMENT HEP~TO ATTACHED SETTING FORTH SAID A~~NDMENTS. Refer to Resolution Book, page On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Wisser, Heying. and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Boney. Mayor Pro Tem declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. - ,L '~...:J,~;.s 4' ZO:NE NC .~;' To rezone the property brought into the city by the Morales Annexation, by classifying the portion along South Spadra Road for a depth of one hundred and fifty (150) feet as C-2, General Commercial Zone, and the balance of the property as M-lt Light Manufacturing Zone. s Annexation) Public Hearings were conducted by the City Planning Commission, November 5 and December 3t 1951, and as result, the Oity Planning Commission moved to recommend to the City Council that the rezoning of Morales Annexation be made in accordance to plans set forth in their Resolution No. 16. The City Council on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser ordered Public Hearing be held in the above matter on January 8, 1952 at 8:00 o'clock I.M. MOTION CARRIED. ~ jL: ::~: F ZO, ]' , To rezone the property brought into the City by the Euclid Avenue Annexation, by reclassifying the protion on the North side of the proposed Santa Ana Freeway as R-A, Residential-Agricultural Zone, the portion on the South side of the Freeway as 0-2, General Commercial Zone, and the property of the RobertshAw-fulton Company as M-l, Light Manufacturing Zone. Public Hearings Were conducted by the City Planning Commission, November 5 and December 3. 1951, and as result, the Oity Planning Commission moved to recommend to the City Council that the rezoning of Euclid Avenue Annexation be ma~e in accordance to plans set f orthin t,he ir Resolution No. 17. - )::-';'~ ~ . The Ci t:{ COtlncil on mot ion by Councl1man Heyint;, seconded by Councilman Wisser ordered Public Hearing be held in the obove matter on January 8, 1952 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. MuTIuN CAREIED. 1'.. ~,\) =""-'- To cons ider the rezoning of the property along the east side of South Los Angeles Street, between East Vermont Avenue and the South City Limit Line, from the present R-), Multiple Family Residential Zone to R-1, Single FarT,ily Residential Zone. Public Hearings were conducted by the City Planning Commission, November 5 and December 3, 1151, and as result, the City Planning Commission moved to recommend to the ~~,c~"""",,,,","-,",~:'.~.'<Irlfi<-,:;;Ji;jliiilli"'~-~"-"T'.(,,,i'j!"*-~,,,-,'_:\".:_,.;.;'I"-'\~'r.~~;iC'!I<''- "::"'_:_':i'&''OO''~-;';::'/''Y'!;:'(~'~';;-h';,~,::-~""",:,,~;;c;~'~,:.p;:,k;kl,....:;.,~;,;:" :>.;'--:.~:~~~;-~';f!~~.;~_-:'~ ~""_: '_'"_'__~~~__"''''''C. _- __,"'_o',,,,_,~.'-"7",,~~'_',_,,,,,,,,,~,,-= 213 -'.....-...~',.----.~--- City Hall, Anah~im, California, December 11, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. City CO:.lncil that the area rer:lair: zoned as at present. No action 'Was t~ken b:,r the Cit~l Council on this Resolution. >.~ .~- ~ .: To change the propert~r in Lot 1. of Tract No. 1054, located at 860-900 South Lemon Street (except the North 116 feet) from R-l, Single Family Residential Zone to R-3, Multiple Family Residential Zone. ( ". :...( ~ SE 1~>" ) Public Hearings were conduct~d by the City Planning Commission November 5, and December 3, 1951, and as resul t, the Ci t:l Planning Commission to recommend to the City Council that the petition be denied. No further action was taken by the CitJi COQncil on this matter. '. ' H _C..UL,<'~. Crosb;1) Request that a variance be granted permitting hiffi to use property located at 1005 North Palm Street for a Clean & Dyeing Agen~~r, a Shoe Repc.ir Shop and a Sash and Door and Redwood Lawn Furniture Display Room. Public Hearing was conducted December ], 1951 by the City Planning Commission after investigation and inspection and study, and after all the evidence and reports were offeree at siad hearing, the City Planning Commission moved to recommend to the City Council that said apwlication be granted. Councilman Heyi$g offered Resolution No. 1897 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CAIL'RIED. A RESOLUTION UF irHE CITY C01.JNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A VARIANCE. Refer to Resolution book, page ~ ... y~ ':;7/. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ABSENT: COL1iCILMEN : COUNCIL~1EN : COUNCILlvlEN : Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Boney. AYES: NOES: Mayor Fro Tern Van Wagoner declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. .. " 1.i~.. e S c!i[.,f er ) Requests that a variance be granted permitting them to use the southerly 100 feet of the property located at 1940 East Center Street, for a garage for the repair of automobiles. The Ci t:i Planning Commission conducted Fublic Hearings December 3 and 10, 1~51, and as result recommended to the City Council that the Variance be granted. There were several protestants present at the meeting who stated that they did not receive notices of the Hearings which were conducted, and the City Council on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser, moved to refer Resolut- ion No. 21 back to the City Planning Commission for reconsideration. MOTION CARRIED. Final Maps of Tracts No. 1560 and 1356 were approved and Tentative Map of Tract No. 1563 was approved on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. .I~ On Motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Council- man Wisser, the City Clerk was instructed to request the City Planning Commission to create more R-3 Zones in the City due to the critical housing situation in the City of Anaheim. MOTION CARE~IED. Councilman Heying moved to adjourn to l:CO P.M. Thursday, December 13, 1951. Councilman vJ isser seconded. the motion. ~10TION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. S IGJ\TED / / / ~, .If.- <c~C?A~-/k C~ t:l Clerk'// ""'c......'"_ -"--~.i--:-~;--~-,~_~__;.,,;___*,,,",.,..,.__,.4.'''i\4~~_~;'~~~'F_~,;L~"!~'_",,,_,<c:;';"'~_'-~'~~~1~