1952/03/25 251 Cill.J!I!]'hAnahei[~L California. March 21, 1952 - 4:30 P.M. ,.L'i Councilman Wisser offered Resolut- j on No. 1937 anti moved for its -passage and adopt ion. Councilman Van Wagoner seconder the motion. MOTIGN CARR.TED. Refer to Resolution Book, .page t ~/ ~ ~~. A RESOLUrrrOl'i" OF THE CITY COllliCLL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF COpy OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CI.RCULATE A PETPrlON RELATING TO TIm ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE,REOF AND APPROVING THE CIRClJ.L&ATION OF SAID PETlrrrON. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: Al.ri:S: NOES:- ABSENT: CGUNC I 1JvIEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying. Boney and Van Wagoner. None. ! None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1937 duly passed and adopted. On West Vermont, 300-400 Block property frontage, installation of curbs in front of properties. Request that 'city construct on percentage basis. To complete payments with the four month period, submitted by the Administrative Officer. The City Council held the matter over for further consideration. Councilman Va:n Wagoner moved to adtiourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the mo t i on. MOT ION CAR.T:{IED. ADJOURNED~. /~/F "~ ../' ~;L:~-/- SIGNED ,/ 0/~A: /(,. / ,. ~G/-':"" "'-' rCi tYCIJr~ __ .... "'-~ ,."M-- - '-- --.-..-- -- --- -- ............--. --. --.-- ----".... '.' ---..' -,-~---._._,- City Hall, Anaheim, California. March 25, 1952 - 8:00 P.M. .~ _. _. ~,.._____.~.,,-__.__,...--._.._,____ __._' ___,_.__ _.-__. a.>_. _"''''.,_ ............,,,,_.n>.; . ---~._--~- ~ - The 01 ty Counci.l of the Ci ty of Anaheim met in Regular Session. FRESENT; CO~CIIJMEN; Pearson, Wisser, 'Boney and Van Wagoner. J.:BSENT: COUNCILMEN: Heying. CITY' ATTOREEY: Preston Turner; Present. CITY ADJvt IN I.STRATI VE OFFI CER: Kei th A. Murdoch: Present. .._,r:ss ~ The ~finutes of the Regular meeting held March 11t 1952 at 8:00 P.M. t Adjourned Regular meeting, March 13. 12-noon, Adjourned Regular meeting held March 18. 7;00 P.M. and Adjourned Regular meeting held March 21, 19$2 at 4:30 P.M. were apprc'\.ed on mo tion by Counci Iman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOT I O,N CARR rED. Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands' against the City amounting to $74,453.62. Councilman Boney moved that report of Finance 'Committee be accepted and that warrants 'be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said Demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wlf.'$er seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The Cit.y Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals on the Cityts gasoline requirenlents for the ~eeJr comrnencingApril 1, 1952: Regular Grade: Approximately 60,000 gallon9. Bids received: Seaside Oil Company - $.17 Troutman & Scholz .17 Rich.field Oi1 Corp. - .175 Sta.ndard Oil Co. of Calif... No bid Union Oil Co. of Calif. ..: No bid It was motioned by Counci.lman Van Wagoner. seconded by Councilman Wisser that the bids be held over for consideration. MOTIO!! CARRIED. M d, .1,;', !.j lli.rK: The 01 ty' Clerk was 'in- structed to open bid ~roposal for the installation of a new filter system in the ~resent filter room of the City Plunge in the Ana.heim City Park. on motion by Conncilmsn Boney. seconded by Councilrnan Wisser~ MOTION CARRIED. ,-~~;.;_,:",,f;';"~~""'"'!.','),"o;+,,~,,,=,t~;..,~~i;.~,*,""""~;'&""",.;;+-:.",j.''''~~~:iAH'''"''-'''''~':''''';''''''~~''~~f_." ___~.._~___9ity Ha.ll. Anaheim, California. March 25, .1952 ,- 8:0Q P.M. Bid received: Paddock Pool Mainten~ce Company, together with bid bond of 10%, total price. $2,995.00. The City Admini.strative Officer recommended the acceptance of bid sub- !Litted by the Paddock Pool Main'tenanee COInPany. , It vias moved by Councilman BoneYt seconded by Councilman Wisser that the bid be awarded the Paddock Pool Maintenance Company for the installation of a Jlew filter system in the present filter room of the City Plunage in the Anaheim City Park for charge of $2.995.00 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized :to sign said contract for the same for the City of Anaheim. ROTIOB CARRIED. e..J1.J\I. T1. ~~T~_.J-..hIIC .: (Frank: L. Martin) Land Use Permit was brought up for consideration. Petition withdrawing preTioue objections was~submitted COTor- ing ten of the original signers against the proposition. Land Use Permit was for building of supply store for the sale of p~umbing fixtures, electrical fixtures, builders' hardware and paint. also outside storage of clay and pipe. Leonard Smith and Mr. Frank Martin Qoth addressed the Council. Letter from Anaheim Union High School District stating that it would regretable to have any building that might ~e from the beauty of the High School Campus and attractiveness of the neithborhood. IJetter from Warren Hodges withdrawi~g his previous objection to the con- atruction of the Atlantic Supply Co. building and warehouse. The City Attorney ruled that the question of proper classification of business was a considera1~ion in the granting of permit because of the poss~bilit7 of the g~ounds being used as pipe yard storage and warehouse, and to receive in- coming second class soil pipe and for the storage of soil pipe, sewer pipe, gal- vanized water pipe and as storag~ for used pipe and plumbing fixtures and ap:pliances which would create an unsightly condition. The Council was of the opinion that no permit for business of thii type should, be granted at this locat:i.on at ~ time. On motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner, t.e applicatlon for laud use permit 'be denied at this location. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Martin accordingly. .'II::. The Fire Chief and Building Inspector request~d the brOc:r;ning the scope of Fire Zone No. 1 to correspond with General Commercial Zone 0-2. with the exception of West Center Street west of West Street to Thalia Street, East Center Street east of the Santa Fe Tracts and Los Angeles Street north of La Palma Avenue. The City Attorney was instructed to pre~are an ordinance governing the Fire Zones in the City of Anaheim. It was recomnlended by the Administrative Officer that no permits be issued pl:tceeding th'e adoption of a. new Fire Zoning Ordinance' which might be contrary to the proposed regulations in new ordinanc~ establi~hing Fire Zones. ","j,. .EXATIO:N: Problems were discu88'ed. IL~-~/iLLJd' j"~~-=~ ~'<l I \E;_~Cr.Hr" Jl. ULrr:FAL~ S:SvJER: M-eeting held March 20, 1952 was approved on motion- by 'Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by 'Councilman Wisler. MOTION CARRIED. The City Council approved the purchase of 9 - K.V.A. transformers, total cost, $6,672.12 on motion by Councilman Boney. seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. J. . . '-,.~,_ The cost of operation and method of charging costs in the sunmier TIrogram of Land Disposal indicating to Joint Outfall Sewer members of their c&pac i ty usage. The Executive Committee report stated that the capacity adjustment was carried over to the next meeting for consideration. The City of .Anaheim overage of 4~ according to report* ~ Request the use of 'Greet Theatre for outdoor serfices,Sundays, May 11, Ma~,'" 8, May 25 and June 1 WB.S granted -on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED: :)Ri 1.0!.h~ Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordina.nce No. 799 and moved for its passa~e and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. The reading of s~id O~dinance in full was vaived by members of the City Council. The City Clerk proceeded to give to the audience the pertinent facts relative to the , Ordinance and its regulations. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance .Book, page __.___. ~~~~~:,.~'-.k;ii,:_,_.,..;.;:,.;.,,_._,;._.:;~"".~.-v~.J;.;~~ .. 1,;/ 2.5.3 Ci ty Ha.J.l't Anaheim t -~ Cl;1.1ifqrnia, March 25. 122-.2 -, 8: 00 P. M. AN ORDINANCE OF 'rHE CITY OF ANAHEI[\C I!<POSING AN ANNUAL LICENSE ON DOGS WITHIN THE CITY OF' ANAHEIlvl AJ\JT :FROV ID ING FOE THE COLLECTION THEREOF ,REGULATING THE KEEPING AND CONTROL DOGS WI THIN THE CCHFORATE LI1vilor.PS Q,F SAID CIrry t DECLARING DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE OR TEESPASSING UPON THE F'RCFERTY OF ANOTH:ER A PlIBI;IC NUISANCE, PROVIDING FOR Tflli IMPOUND- ING OR DESTHUCT10N OF CEHTAIH DOGE, FIXING FEES FOR THE RELEASE THEREOF,. PROVIDING PENAIJTIES FOB THE VIOiATION OF SAID ORDINliJCE Al'.ill Rf{;PEA1ING AI.JI, OF..DINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the follow- tng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUUCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 799 duly passed and adopted. ~. :).i,. .., ~.~~<],~'Y : For the annual Salvage Week comapign in Anaheim during the week of June 1 to ? with permission to place some placards on the light standards in the business district advertising Salvage Week. On motion by Councilman Va:n Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, permission waf~ granted to conduct Salvage Week during cTune 1 to 7 t 1952. however permission was not granted to advertise the same by placing placards on the light standards. MOTION CA"RH lED . The Council ~equested the City Administrative Officer to sit in on meetings on financial distribut,jon tc. the city and counties under the new cour,t procedure sa5.d hearing to be held in IJos Ant~eles. 'l, '...;'; '.1\ "u'':':,J1.;\,....:" _'~_,,\ _ l~ ,_::..ld': On motion by Counci1man./ Boney, second~d by Councilman Van Wagoner tr~t the owners of the Kuder Mill and Orange 3:xtraction Flant on Manchester Avenue near Center Street be notified to discon-tlnue O'U :n~~.~s \\hi-..:h has been operated in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. MOTION CARRIED. ~. ""- ~_. CouncLLman Boney offered Resolution No. 1938 and moved for ita Counc-ilma.n Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. aassage ffild adoption. Refer to Reso 1.~t ion Book. page ~-~J!:::::3;;.. __. A RESOL'lJTION OF THE CITY COUNCI.J OF' Tl-lE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING 'ro THE CITY OF :ANABEll\ol CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR THE 'wIDENING OF WILHELMINA. STRE8;T. On roll cnl t~he fore~oing Resolut:. on .was duly passed and adopted by the fo 1 owin",: va toe: AYES: COUNCILMEN: C OUN G lIj~J : C OtJ'N C I LMAN : Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van W~oner. None. Heying. NOES: AB SENT :. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution d111y passed and adopted. :'~ouncilman Van Wagoner offered R.esolution No. 1939 and moved for t~ 'pa~sage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Hefer to .Resolution Book, page r; ~~-~. o/-,::!.-. A. hESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIIv1 FINALLY ACCEPTING THE WORK AND COHPLETION -OF MANHOL]1~S I ~1) J AND THE REPAIR WORK ON 24 JOINTS OF J9-INCH CLAY PI?E IN UNIT III OF TIrE :-1AGNOLLA TRUNK SEWER Affi) "PUMPING PLANT AND FORCE rvIAIN OF THE URANGE COUNTY JOINT' OUT:&~:::L SE~~R. On roll call the foregoing Resol.1tion was duly passed and adopted by the fo lowing vote: AYES: NOES: AE SENT: CQUNCI LIv'LEN : COUNCI:LMEN: -COUNCILMAN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Souncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1940 and moved for 'its passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION ,CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, TJage -1Li/i.~_. A T~JDSOLU11ION OF THE Cltpy eatINCI L OF rpHE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING ....c.""-~.,_.O.:__:~~,....,_~""..~_'_,..4_'."".-_"... 0,", ..~ ~,,,,,,,,-,~'".-i;,-,...,.;,,,,,,,;;._,_,t.,;>,~-...;&, ~'W~-""'-.~~.'_~~ "-,,',,,",c' >'-~~"" )4 _~l.~t Anaheim L_~~~lif9..rnia...1._YtB.rch_~1952~:~~!.ao. P.M. ._._.___~ 1:0 THE C l TY OF ,ANABEl M CERT...\I1I REAlJ PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. ,- )PEP~ 1'1 ON AND MAINTENANCE 0 F?UB 1 I P UT I ;.JI T rES. On roll call the foreg()ing Resolution fNas duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A TIS: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Pearson. Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ..w~'I~, N,.. _. CouncilmaD Ve:n Wagoner offer~d ReGo~ution No. 1941, and moved for its passage and adoption. Council~An Wisser secpnded the, motion. MOT70N CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page t:, f'-~-& ~v -~% to ~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ![IHE CITY OF ANAHEIM DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST Ai'ID NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQ.UISITION OF A RIGHT OF WAY FOR OUTFALL SE1tlER ?UPj?OSES. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted bY' the following, vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI.LMAN: Pearson. Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. '~.~;:;'UL Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 1942 and moved for its \ passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page (p r, __.__(, Y:-:? . RESOLUT r ON ADOPTING WAGE ,SCALE FOR PUELI C ~tlORKS CONTRACTS. On roll call the foregoing Resolution wa.s fduly passed and adopted by the followinE vote: AYES: NOES: AJ3 SENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed 8~d adopted. Councilman Wisser offered R~solution No. 1943 and ~oved for i ts 'Pa.ssa.~~e and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner second~ the motion. MOTION CARRIED Refer to Resolution Bookt page ~~_. A RESOLUif'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZI~G THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY TO THE ,COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR A MUNICIPAL COURT SITE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was ,duly passed and adopted by the followin,f" vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: CODNC! T.JMAN : Pearson. Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. 'l ,. t [~,~'~.l\ StT- I~C; t" Clerk): Previous petitions for and against the applioation were submitted.. Letter from ~eim Union High School District read - opposing. Petition s\gned by 10 former signers in opposition to &pplieatlon, read. Letter from Warren Hodge~ revising his stand.. ,Sketch presented- Blue Frints. Mayor Pearson said "City has no control unless gra.,.~ted bit a Variance setting forth prohibitions in the matter of pipe yard, warehousing, storage and handling of used materials and used plumbing equipmentu. Mr. Martin stated, city has control in that Use Pe~mit was subject to re- vocation. and that it was their intention to carry out the regulations required. Councilman Wisser object~d to two entrances to yard from Center Street and not sufficient access from alley. ~';,~~,'^':;,-,,':_~""_~.ffl:'j;<:i';"'_"'~''C''~'_'''f,:;__".._..:,'~-!"""""';~~:":':..,..L'*"\~:~~~,,,-.;;;,-~ ~ " .- --.....--:~_."",. 255 .~____....__~____~.~__Hall.L~J!heimL _C~l:.f..Q.rnla~arch~195~_~ 8:00 _P.M. -.--------- Ob~iectLons ~e.re voiced b:,T JvfAyor and Council to a-ppl~cation because of the eu t,:i DOT yard stora.t:~e of all types of -r) tpe a.nd. "Used pl,umbing supplies t and. it was re- -oea edly stated the location waa no plat~e for a pipe yard. Leonard Smith. representing Jess Medaris and their client, Mr. Martin con- tended that not over two -per cent of their proposed business would involve :pipe which would prevent the possibility of it becoming a ~ipe yard. Ma.yor Pearson ~ta.ted he drew his opinion from a visit to stores operated by ~1r. Mart in in Compton and El !vionte. The City Attorney stated that this ty~e of b11siness presented every reason to bel eve that it was too close t~0 the bqrderline of IJand Use permitted at this location. Counci.lman Bc.ney reopened discussion on the application of Atlantic Supply Co!},qaItyand after 1:1 full discussion, Councilman Boney could see no reason for further delay B,nd that Council should act upon it, and motioned that application be turned down. Gouncilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Co'unci~man Vn:n Wagon(~r stated the council act ion would remove the fear of more lmsightl,v premises on our most prominent str~et, and that the b11~ iness should not be at that location. Mayor Pearson took informal poll and it wa.s the conclusion of the Council t.!lat the business should not be there at all and that the City Clerk advise Mr. Martin hOi.4/ the Counctl feels ~ega.rding the application a.nd its denial. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded. the motion, MOTION CARRIED. ADJ OURNED . SIGNED ,./ .,< ...'. ~"'!"?'~""" ., ~ .' ,"' - ,.: ."., ,...------- . "". ~_...._--------- ----,._,,'''-~.-..... _...-.-~--.,~...... City Hall, Anaheim, Californj a, April 8~ ,1952 - 8:00 P .11. ~""_"-_'''-'''''''''''_'-~_''------~-~-'.~'-~'-''-''''--"----~~..-...----- The G.i ty Councl1 of the Gi ty of Ana..'1eim met in regular session. PRESEN1': COUNCIU1Jt~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNC ILME!T: None. G rry ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER; Pre sen t. CITY AIJ"IINISTRATIVE OFJ:."'ICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Absent. ~'1I:\nJTES: 'fhe Minutes of the Regular }"1eeting held March 25, 1952 were approved on motion by 'Jo1IDcilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councj.lman Wisser. MarION CARRIED. DEl\tUL.f\IDS: CounciL'1lan Van Vagoner reported demands against the city amounting to ,~111 ,624.73. Councilman Boney moved that report of F'inance Committee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. :~ouncilman Heying seconded the motion. MarrON CARRIED. ?TNANCIAL & OPERATIVE REPORTS, MARCH: The following Financial and Operative Reports for the month o.f Harch, 1952 were received and ordered accepted and filed on motion by "~ouncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MarrON CARRIED. 'ITY 'LREASURER: Balance in General Fund: $117,687.65 - Total General Accounts, $288,227. ,43 - Total Funds in Treasury, $623,l~2.18. ~ICENSE COLLECTOR: Business Licenses, $285.30 - Dog Licenses, $18.50. PtJBLIC SERVICE: Deposit, $84,189.35 - Industrial Waste, $53.70 - Sanitation, $7,250.25. :~~ITY CLERK: Deposit, :$42.00. ~I3RARY balance April 1, 1952, $14,753.83. 3UILDING DEPARTl1ENT: issued 177 permi ts of which 130 were Building with valuation of $1,149,825.00 -- Fees collected, $2,728.08. ?ARKING l\1ETER: $2,050.00. POLICE DEP.ARTMENT: Activities. ?IRE DEPARTMENT Activities. SHOP & GARAGE Activities. TRASH & GARBAGE 254 loads trash, 26 loads or 90 tons garbage. VETERANS' HOUSlliG: Deposit, $331.60. ,'~ITY ELECTRICIAN: 44 light wiring, 27 light fixtures and 3 power wiring permits issued. Fees collected, $379.00. :'IGHT, POWER & 1~ATER: Activities, water level, city wells April 1, 1952, 150'10" Water purchased by M.W.D. 60,715,200 gallons, water pumped by city, 2,667,400 gallons. C~ITY AUDITOR: Deposi t.ed $50,085.47 in the several funds. CITY AUDITOR: 3.0.8. Haintenance, total $3,230.73 of which Anaheim paid $1,1/+7.23'. ~ITY AUDITOR: Magnolia Trunk Sewer, total $1,428.43 of which Anaheim paid, $318.25. SrTY JTJDGE: 521 cases in city court, of which 240 were parking meter violations. Deposit, $4,550.00. .- ~o."...,';'~.""",-;.;."_=.-"'~~_k~.~'~_,,,,,,~,,,,,-,=,,,,-;,,,,~