1952/04/08 2.55 .__..~",___,__S.ill__~alli_~e1m.!. _C~j~.f.Q!"nia-Ll!arci!. 25, 1952 ~ 8:00 P.M. Ob~iect.Lon5 were voiced b7 ~.ayor and. Council to applic-cation because of the outdoor yard stora.ge of all t~vpes of "Dips and. used p1cum'bing suppliest and it was re- "t)ea edly stated the locat ton was no plat~e for a :pipe yard. Leonaro Smith, representing Jess Medaris and their client, Mr. Martin con- tended that not over two per cent of their proposed business would involve :pipe which would prevent the possibility of it becoming a pipe yard. Mayor Pearson stated. he drew his opinion from a visit to ntores operated by ~1r. Martin in Compton and ~l !vIonte. The City Att()'rne~ stated that this t;Y1;'e of business .presented ..very reason to believe that it was too close t~ the b~rderline of Land Use permitted at this location. Councilman Boney reopened discussion on the application of Atlantic Supply Con-paw and after a full discussion, Councilman Boney could see no reason for further delay and that Council should act upon it, and motioned that ~~plication be turned down. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CAJL~IED. COllnci:l;man Van Wagon(~r sta.ted the council act ion would remove the fear of more unsightly premises on our most prominen.t str~et t and that the b1.lAiness should not be at that location. Mayor Pearson to~k informal poll a~d it was the conclusion of the Council tha~ the business should not be there at all and that the City Clerk advise Mr. Marti. how the Council feels ~ega~ding the application and its denial. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the IrJotion, MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. ."1;.' ,cF ."> .~o..."..._ ~/ /.lC~ SIGNED ~/ ~lt.'12Y('/~; . ."~ b_..~~~ City ~_.-,..-.-,...- -...............- '" City Hall, Anaheim, California, April 8~ :1952 - 8:00 P.11. __+___..--~~_.f'_ '___'.......-...._...-,,___,..._--....-..-........-~.~_~._, The City Council of the r~i ty of Ana..l-J.eim met in regular session. I-RESENT: COU1'lCILHEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY A.1]-.1INISTRATIVE OFPICEi, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Absent. HINUTES: 'fhe Minutes or the Regular Neeting held March 25, 1952 were approved on motion by GouncilmB.-.Yl" Van Wagoner, seconded by ColIDcilman Wi sser. MarrON CARRIED. DErtlANDS: Councilman Van \;$.goner reported demands against the city amounting to $111,624.73. Councilman Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and tha t warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. 80uncilman HeyinG seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ?INANCIAL & OPERATIVE REPORTS, MARCH: The following Financial and Operative Reports for the month of !1arch, 1952 were received and ordered accepted and filed on motion by ~ouncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MarION CARRIED. ^ CITY TREASURER: Balance in General Fillld: $117,687.65 - Total General Accounts, $288,227. 43 - Total Funds in Treasury, $623,412.18. LICENSE COLLECTOR: Business Licenses, $285.30 - Dog Licenses, $18.50. ?tffiLIC SERVIGE: Deposit, $B4,l89.S5 - Industrial Waste, $53.70 - Sanitation, ~7,250.25. '~ITY CLERK: Deposit, $42.00. ~IBRARY balance April 1, 1952, $14,753.83. .3UILDING DEPARNNT: issued 177 permits of which 130 were Building with valuation of $1,149,825.00 -- Fees collected, $2,728.08. ?AR.IITNG 14ETER: $2,050.00. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Activities. FIRE DEPARTMENT Activities. SHOP & GARAGE Activities. TRASH & GARBAGE 254 loads trash, 26 loads or 90 tons garbage. VETERANS' HOUSING: Deposit, $331.60. ~ITY ELECTRIGIAN: 44 light wiring, 27 :tight fixtures and 3 power wiring perrni ts issued. Fees collected, $379.00. LIGHT, POWER & 1iATER: Activities, water level, city wells April 1, 1952, 150'10" Water purchased by H.W.D. 60,715,200 gallons, water pumped by city, 2,667,1j)O gallons. :;ITY AUDITOR: Deposited $50,085.47 in the several funds. CITY AUDITOR: J.0.8. Maintenance, total $3,230.73 of which Anaheim paid $1,1/+7.23". 8ITY AUDITOR: Magnolia Trunk Sewer, total $1,428.43 of which Anaheim paid, $318.25. CITY JTJDGE: 521 cases in city court, of which 240 were parking meter violations. Deposit, $4,550.00. ~_-"'"~_.;;-,-<c_~,c;~_..;.~_,.d,:;,,:_.,~~,..""*_~.-Ji:.-~..,.j;."i~;:.ijij.jjj,..,,_~:..~.;~~>' City Hall. Anaheim. California. April 8. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. UR.DI~'iANCE no. 800: Counci~rnan Van 1~agoner offered Ordinance No. 800 and moved for ts passage and adoption. ~olL."'1.cilman \-lisser seconded the motion. Said ordinance was :'ead in public for the first time. MarION CARRIED. lU~ORDINANGE O~ THE CITY OF A.tT\IAHEn~ .ANENDI~G SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 774 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ENTITLED "J~N ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF -LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: AOOPI'ING A r-lAP SHOWING Tllli BOUNDAH.IES OF SAID zoms: DEFINING THE TERMS USED IN THIS ORDINANCE: PROVIDI:.JG FOn ITS ADJ1JSTMENT, ANENrMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ORDltUiliCES OR PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH", 3Y CHAl\JGING THE BOmJ~Ti.IES OF ZONES R-l AND B-1. t PUBLIC HEARI~JG: F-51-52-6, CONRAD ALBERT ZIMMERMANN, 805 S. Los Angeles Street. Public Hearings before the Gi ty Planiling Commission, January?, 1952 and February 4, 1952. Appeal rrom~recOmmendations of the City Planning Commission. The City Glerk subMitted letter of Winthrop O. Gordon, attorrley, Santa Ana, dated March 3, 1952, and City Planning Commission Resolution No. 17 stating the reasons for the denial of the reclassification of the property, and petition signed by 39 persons residing in the district opposing the granting or said petition for change of Zone. Arfidavit of Publication of Public Hearing and Notices, also copy of list of notices sent relative to the Hearing is on file i.n the office of the City Clerk. :,ilillF..EN SEUTZ, appeared for J'1r. Zjnnnermann. Mr. Zinnnermann was also present. ~..1R. BARTON stated that the property was bought by the numerous protestants for residential purposes and that it was zoned as such, and that the location of a store in the neighborhood would tend to devalue the property. Q. W. WADE stated that there are forty children wi thin a radius of two blocks, and that the traffic to and from the store and parking lot would be detrimental and a danger for the children. Would create lack of privacy at the homes because of alley requirements for store deliveries and that the enjoyment of the property would be seriously intjerferred with by noise, late closing of grocery and other objections. >1RS. o. W. l-lADE also submitted compaI'able ob.jections. NRS. FLORl~fJCE LA TRELLE referred to the noise and traf.fic conditions that a market would create. MR. HENRY MA.NG object.ed and insisted that the City Planning Commission ruling be complied wtth, also that there are ample stores in the neighborhood. Mr. Mang stated that the, he found the'numberof people in the neighborhood to be a very fine grou;J, !'1any of' them ',eterans, and that t.here were many children in the neigh- borhood and that their lives would be endangered by the tra.ffi~ created by the store at its proposed location, or being there at all. IIe also stated the ~ life- sav1ngs ot +,he veterans who own property in the tract were tied up in their homes and pro~~rty and could not afford to make a change due to this objectionable feature. :<1R. OSTRICH presented objections that the people on Valen~ia Street did not want the 3tore either. ~,IRS. J. ~.J. TRlMAW says she tried to have the property in that district zoned for business many years ago, and that it 'WaS potentially a business street. She s Curther stated that she took a neutral position in the matter. ~1R. BRODY called attention that South Los Angeles was a main artery of travel, a state Highway, that the people living jn adjacent to Los Angeles Street could not stop the G1 t:r from growing or the traffIc along' the higrn-ray, that he favored business ~n South Los AnEeles Street. \dARREN SE~rTZ, that the group of r1eople prote.st,ing the application of Hr. Zinnnermann were overlookIn.g the fact that the area was not a residenti.al area, and that the ~rowth 0-[' t ci ty requires business di strict to be on main arteries of traffic and ,.hai, it irltYl1ci be imposs=L bIe to C'lt dow:rl traffie or Los :4.ngeles Street either North )r SOUt~'8 AIGO called attention that their loss of privacy was being invaded! by .,he er(::e~,;jon. a crr..1rch to the west of the property, and that the location of the 3t.ore di materially reduce the loss of pr:Lvacy due to traffic signals controls .,ear 3aid also, it \-lould appear 'i..r.la-t the people concel'l>~d may" be loosing 3omet~Tl 'Jal ues at the momen+" -] t wIll in t.ime very likely create possible in- Grease ~n~ tenci to retain the existing values. ~,'1RS. 11... TRELLE oi'fered objection that the zoninG should not be changed at this time. :1R. WADE called attention to the City Planning Consultant had set up the planning in the djstrict, and he was presumed to be an expert in his line. ,.'........-'O;""_J';i".~.-"."c""'.,-<..,,..~.______.........'i..;.,. .,._,~"~.d~".__..~;...'_~,.,"'... ~~.""''"'--~..-..-..~.-=:," 257 Gitv Hall ~ Anapcirn. Gal::,:ornia.. Auril 8. 1 gl)2 - c 8 :00 P.M. '/JAPJ1E.'J SHUTZ c vated that '~he Sta'~p "Say prohi bi ts any liquor ever being sold at this location because of the lirnnediate proximity of a church being erected. vms AMES stated that living near a store w:lich you could see from your back yards and patios and the attendant noises and traffic souId be dangerous for the school childreI:~ because of the trucks and othe~' :ehicles. :,ffi. ;~ESE lives across tIle street :-rom l"lr. Zimmerman, was 8, bit afraid of having a store there, however he said that they could not stop business progress and he was interested in the sale of his own home at a profit. ~/tRs. WrIITEHEAD objected on IJhe grounds that she does not choose to live near a store/ HRS. C~fER said that Mr. Zimme:"!!18.."'1 has a right to have his property zonee., that she lives across from the Zimmerman property a..."'1d did not find it objectionable. MR. GUEST, Mac Arthur !v1a.nor, was for prohibiting a store at this locatlon. , :/1R. \'100DIUJFF stated that small merchants on South Los Angeles street would have to fold up, as too many' Inarkets were coming into the district. HR. FORREST LEE, engaged in .the Nursery Bu.siness, stated there were only three or four pieces of property which could be used for business on ,South Los Angeles Street, and further stated that Mr. Zimmerman had fought all types of businesses coming into the neighborhood or district over a period of years. Suggested that the store be placed at another location. NAYOR PEARSON advised the group -that the Hearing was closed and that the Council would act upon the matter as soon as it had an opportunity. GOMMUNICATION: ASSOCIATION CHRISTIAi.\f CHURCHES OF ANAHEIM: Submi tted and read. The City Hall to close from12-noon to 3:00 P.M. and all employees urged to attend service Friday, April 11, 1952. Bj1L ROAD A1~TION: Petition requesting consent to commence and conduct proceed- ings for the annexation to the city of Anaheim of territory o'W!led by the following: Stephen J. TeliSka - Beverley T. Fast - Joann L. CGldwell - Leon Bennett - Mathilda Baert - Henry A. Mang. City Planning Commission recommendation of approval of Ball Road Annexation submitted and ordered received and filed on motion by Covnci1m~1 Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. _, RESOLLYfrON NO. 1949: Councilman Heyil}g ofrered Resolution :N,'o. 1949 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION GA.RRIED. A RESOLUTION OF' THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHElM CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF INHABITED ~..1ffiITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (Refer to Resolution Book, page ~.:5J ) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIIJ1EN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney'and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayer declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. GASOLINE CONTRACT: Councilman Boney moved that Gasoline Contract for the year commencing April 1, 1952 be awarded to Troutman & Scholz (Harbor Oil Products) at .17 cents a gallon exlusive of .02~ a gallon federal tax, but inelusive of .044 a gallon state tax. Councilman Heying seconded the motion, and the Mayor- and City Clerk were .authorized to enter into contract with Troutman & ,Scholz on behalf of the City of Anaheim. MOTION C.ARRIED. SPECIAL CENSUS to be held soon after April 14, 1952. TRASH CONTRAC'r: TaorIllina and Stepanian,. proposed new contract referred to the City Administrative Officer. 1'RAFFIC SIGNALS, SANTA ANA AND MA1\ICHESTER.: Petition signed 'bJ" many residents, dated March 11, 1952 and filed April 2, 1952 for traffic signals at the intersection of Santa .tna Street and Manchester Avenue was submitted and referred to the Police Committee for report and recommendations. APPOINTMENTS: Chief at Police appointed Lee E. DeHart as Deputy ill ty Patro1.Itan to fill the va.cancy created by the disrrU'1sal of Patrolman Allan W. 1Q.osterhorr, and Howard L. vJhi tney, as Deputy City PatroL'TIan serving without pay in Uniformed Police Reserve. i ::',--7.~:.','.:;:-__;:;T:;<~;;;;C: _":~<~'l":':,:"~'n;.-:li;~-;-:::;;>:,,,:.~;:$!i:-:.:-;;'.~-;.'L::Wi,:1'::;;!;,:::J:~- '.~",~i_m ::;itv Hall. Anaheim. California. April E. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. :;cn~neiL'TIan Van Wagoner moved the foregoing appointments be ratified. COmlcil- r1.an Wi sser seeonded the motion. HOTION CARRIED. LIBRARY APPOINTMENT: Mayor Pearson appointed Hrs. R..;::>erta E. Kendlch as Trustee for the Anaheim Public Library for the three-year term connnencing April .30, 1952. The foregoing appolntment was ratified on motion bJrnGolIDcilman Heying, seconded by Council- man 'Wisser. HarrON CARRIED. TRANSFER OF Fill\fDS: Transfer of $5,390.75 from the General F'UIld to the Bond and Interest Redemption Fund was authorized on motion by COlli~cilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. HOTION CARRIED. REPORT ON RUST PROPERTY between Oak and Chestnut Streets on Clementine Street by stanley Goode, Appraiser was suanitted. c On motion by Councilman Bon~y, seconded by Councilman He~~ng the City Attorney was authorized to proceed with negoti~tions, and if the property deal cannot be closed, to start condemnation proceedings. MDTION CARRIED. !! COMMUNICATION: FARR & WINTHER: O'WIlelrs and developers of Tract No. 1404 complaining or chickens being raised commercially by !vir. Buford H. Carden at 850 No. West Street, and being a nuisance to property in this district, was submitted and read and referred to the Police Gonnnittee for report on motion by Councilma.'1 Boney, seconded by CoU?cilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1946: passage and adoption. Councilm~ Heying offered Resolution No. 1946 and moved for its Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~-5 7'-~ ~ (. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN CAPAQITY RIGHTS IN THE MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER AND PUMPING PI.Ju~T AND FORCE MAIN TO MIDWAY CITY SANITARY DISTRICT: FIXING THE mICE ~D CONDITIONS OF SALE AND AUTHORIZING THE S ITY OF ANAHETI1, AS CON'IRAC7ING AGENT FOR THE CITIES AND SAI,I+TARY DISTRICTS HEREINAFTER _NED, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR Ai'JD ON BEHALF OF SAID CITIES AND SAlJITARY DmTRICT FOR THE SAlE OF SAID CAPACITY RIGHTS. On roll call -the forego:.!.!.g Resolution was duly passed and adopt~d by the following V'JI.~: AYES: NOES: ABSE~IT : COUNCIllfEN: eaUNC IU1EN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Peying, Boney and Van Wagoner. :;J r r.Le . None. The 1~1ayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~ BONDS, TRACTS NOS. 1356 and 1542. Subdivision Tract Bonds were approved on motion by COUT1Cilma.l: HeYingJ. seconded by Counci1lman Boney, S'.,lbject to approval of the City Attorney l.lOTION CARRIED. ,Bonds not approved by Ci ty Attorney) RESOLUTION NO. 1947: COililcllulan \-lisser offered Resolution No. 19.~7 and moved for its passage and adoption. Ref er to Re sol uti on Book, page &.:; / (, '~~ .-- A RESOL1JTION OI? THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT FOR SOUTH PAil.! STREET IMPROVEMENT. On rolJ call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the. following vote: AYES: NOES: AJ1g~L.T : COUNCII.}1EN: COUNCILMEN: COtThrcru.!EN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. J,one. The I-layor declared the forego:.ng Reso!ution duly passed and adopted. RESOLtJTION NO. 1948: Councilman He:ying offered .Resolution No. 19~ and moved for its passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEIE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING GRANT OF HIGHWAY USERS' 'TAX FUND }'OR REPAIRING EAST SYCAMORE STREET AND EAST AND WEST VERMONT AVENUE. Refer to Resolution Bvck, page....L:.-=-_. f'ollVn..L__u On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the - --"~~,,:itwL~-!;;;:'~'-~ ~_:il'j'--:'"~:"';:-;-:~~[~----':_~"7"'7":'~;_2~'~""'V:~::::;C"-?'"'_:'-':;-:':~:_~_,cif\'f:t'~3"T_;;'1~C'\,..c.'~_ '_'_~,_,_c">_,_,-","",,,~,_:D,,~~ 259 Ci ty Hall~~YJ.aheiITl-,-.~a)'iJ..9rnia 1I_Apri1 811 195(. - 8 :00 P .J..i. AYES: COtJ}:GILNEN: Fear oS on, 'r~'li s ;)er, Heyin~i;, Boney and Van vlagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: Hone. ABSEN'I': COUNCILMEN: None. RESOL1JTION NO. 19414-: passage and adoption. Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1944 and moved for its C01L1:nciL.~an He:rring seconded the motion. MarrON CARRIED. RESOLUTION OP THE CITY C01JIJCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: DECLARING ALL 1+1EEDS lJJD RANK GRffiITH GROWING UPON PUBLIC STREETS AND VACANT LOTS TO BE A NUISANCE. Refer to Resolution Book, page /: ~ y,-Ir .s 7'. On roll call the forego1-r..g Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COillJCIUlEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCIU!EN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly pr.ssed and adopted. LA PALN.A TRUNK SEWER: CotnTIunication from the City Engineer with reference to Bosko and Bradarich, Contractors on the La Palma Avenu.e Trunk Sewer; they have completed their job in accordance to plans and specifications, Friday, April 4, 1952, and that release has been requested from tpe Orange County Road Department. The City Attorney stated that the Noti.ce of Completion should. not be filed and work accepted until such time as a Certificate from the Boyle Engineering Company was received, further that the matter be held over for another week. TENTATIVE HAP, TRACT NO. 1142: Nurth\eest corner of South Palm Street and West Vermont Avenue, comprising 16 lots, subdivider, Ralph Maas. Acceptance .Jf the Tentative Hap wac he16 over until such time as a Ch~nge or Zone h~s been effected in the dJstrict from R-A to R-3. 1 TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. 1602: Extension of Midway Hanor ..from the a1.1ey west of South Los Angeles Street to South Lemon Street, comprising 8 lots, subdivider Dr. J. W. Truxaw Tentative Hap of Tract No. 1602 'fClZ approved subject to Engineering requircffien motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MarrON CARRIED. J rrE!JTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. 1559: East Sycamore Street east of North East istreet and adjoining Tract No. 1356, comprising 32 lots, subdivider Shinn and Klein. > Approval of Tentative 111ap, Tract No. 1559 was \Ji thheld until approval is received from the Secret~ry of State on the Monroe E. Wallace Annexation, ordinance no. 798. COHMUNICATION: FRED KLEIN, in regards to building enlargement .on building racing LincoJr:. Avenue located 140 feet west of Thalia Street, building 20' x 201. This matter was held over for the council tc look into the situation. Perrid t was wi thhel c b:y the Building Inspector. COlvfivrm~IGATIOlJ from Hr. HO'\-lard Budlong complimenting the City on their Ofr Street Park- ing provisions was subnitted and read, and the City Clerk was requested to reply to the same. INSURANCE: M. F:. Beebe, Agent: United Pacific Insurance Company Policy No. CLP-50723, Comprehensive Liability, Property Damage and Products Liabilij;y - 3-year effective April 12, 1952, prenrl.um payable aru~ua1ly, first anniversary $5,166.78 second anniversary $5,166.78. Said policy was approved b~y the Ci t,y Attorney, and was ordered accepted and filed on motion by. Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. HINlJTES, EXECUTIVE BOARD .OF THE JOINT OUTFALL SEWER meeting held April .3, 1952 was submitted and read and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. SALE OF PO~~ LINE: Southern Califorrua Edison Company sale of their section of line to the City; line located easterly aJ.ong Santa Ana Street, east of East Street, price $1,293.00. Said matter was referred to the City Administrative Officer. RESOLU'frON NO. 1945: passage and adoption. Councilman Baney offered Resolution No. 1945 and moved for its Councilman '~isser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page (, ~ GJ THE RESOLUTIOn OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 1 S24. ~...-. "-~""",.~, 'h'~""",,,,,,~..~~_c__..,,-.-._ __~1t..Y Hall. Anaheim.. Califo:rnia.. April 8. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the ,-. 0] 10\ori 1'1C: VCytp: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COtJNGI1.HEN: COUNC~IEN: COUNC ILMEN : Pearson, \'[isser, Heying, BoneJT and Van Wagoner. None. None. The ~~yor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~OLLECTION OF B.O.D. CHARGES discussed. Requirements of one month average bill to be deposited ~rlth Public Service Dep~rtment by Companies using lines to insure Gol1ection cf charges, and that a study be made as to how long an industry may run ~thout payment of charges before service may be discontinued, in line with Ordinance and supportjng resolutions were considered and held over for study. LET1~~ OF CO~~NDATION to the Chief ~f Police for the fine work that is being done by the Police Department in all avenues of law enforcement, and the help that has been a~anced bv the Officers in cases where there was dire need for assistance, all of which has ~ot gone unnoticed by the City Council, was ordered written on motion by Courlcilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. PARKING ME'rERS Ol~ SOtJTH SIDE OF' BROADWAY 'Was discussed, and amending ordinance for the placement of meters at new locations considered. Councilman Wisser moved to recess, Councilman Boney seconded the motion. HOTION CA..9.HIED. RECESS . AF1'ER P~CESS The Heeting was called to order' by ~1ayor Pea.rson. PRESENT: COUNCIL'1EN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney. and Van\.Jagoner. ABSENT: COUNCru..IEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY AI11INISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEI7H A. IvIUR~CH: Absent. .J C011RAD A!",ESRI ZIMMERMANN, APPLICATION F'OR CHANGE OF ZONE NO.F-,1-52--6~ Mr. Zimmerman1s application for ehange of zone was again brought up and discussed, ~nd finally ordered held over for further information as to the location of the store en the property a.nd other plans regarding the building and parking lot, on motion by GOllllcilm8.n Van Uagoner,al1o.. seconded by' Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. \ CHAl'~GE OF ZONE: [ti-51-52-10: Northwest. cornor (;1' South Palm S'\':&.eet and West Vermont Avenue, comprising 338.25 feet along South Palln. Street and 550 feet along West Vennont Avenl1e, be !changed from the present. zoning of R-A, Residential-Agricultural to R-), MLittiple Family Residential Zone. Two public he~.L'i,ngs n.l~ bee~1 r:elJ u)j the Ci ty i)}B.nrllng Commission on the raatter, March 3, 1952 and April 7, 1952, as result the Ci ty Planr.ing Cor.urJ.ssion :'ecommended 'le Change ,<;1' Zone. 'juuEcilman Boney moveJ that Fl1blj c Hearing be held in the matter as soon as pes;;.>]. ole . Gouncilman Wi sser seconded the motion. HOTTON CARRIED. '~ou.ncilman Wisser moved to adjollrn to Tuesday, April 15, 1952. Councilman Heying secondeQ the motion. HOTTON CARRIED. ADJOURNED. ". '" SIGNED , ..:..-.-._~.-..-..". ~.,,--..-,~.-..,_-,"._.4.;"'_";,'_'-"""~~_~"_'~~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~.,",-,,._;.~.__.~~____,~~_,_~ ~'-~:-,,-----.;""'-;,-'