1952/04/22 263 City Hall. ~e;1.a. Oalil'ornia. April Z2. 1952- 8:00 P.M. it was dul7 moved by Councilman Heying. seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner and carried that the City Council does endorse and commend the program to the people of Anaheim community. uEDINANCE NO~ 800: Councilman Van Wagoner offered. Ordinance No. 800 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTIOH CABRIED. (Robertshaw-fulton l)roper'ty) - Refer to Ordinance :Book, page _____. AN OEDIHANCE OF THE CITY or AN.A.HEIM AMEXDIBG SECTION :3 OF OBDIlWiCE NO. 774 OJ' Tim CITY OJ' A~'R1i!IM ENTITLED "AN OIU>IHANCE ESTABLISHING ZONES IN THE OITY OF ANAHEIM .AJm THEREI. REGULATING THE USE OF LAND" HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING TEE :BOUIDARIES OF SAID zOl$S: DEFINING THE TERMS USED Ili THIS ORDINA1JCE: PROVIDING FOR ITS ADJUSTMENT, .AMEEDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRD3INGPEliALTIES J'OR VIOLATION AND BE- PEALING ORDINANCES OR PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH-, BYCBANGING THE BOUBDARIES OF ZONES R-l AND M-l. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was dull' passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: HOES: A.:BS:mT!r : COU1iCIIlOm': Pearson, Wisser, HeyiDg and Van Wagoner. COtmC,ILNEN: None. COUHCIUWl: :Soney. !he ~or declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. :[i-'-:;1-.52-6: c.. A.~ ZIMMERhANN: Change of Zone on South Los Angeles Street was brought up. Mr. Ztmmermann who w~ present submitted sk.'ch of tentative location of the store and houses and gar~B on the property, and letter sustaining hie applicatioa which was read to the Council. City Planning CO~i88ion Resolution No. 17 recommending to the City Council of the City of Anaheim the denial of reclassification was read. Appeal from reco",~ation of the City PlanniDg Commission was filed on March 3. 1952 and Public Hearing was held April 8, 1952 and the matter ordered. held over for further advisement and studT. Councilman Wisse~ stated he thought the c1tT should rezone the whole district_ Councilman Van Wagoner moyed the reoommendations of the 01~y Planning Commi8S- ion be austained. and t~t application be denied. Councilman Heying seconded the motioD. 11)'10)1 CARRIED. Councilman ~oDe7 entered the ..et1ng. RESOLUTION NU. 1951: paslage and adoption. (ball Road Annexation) Councilman WisBer offered Resolution Bo. 1951 and moved for ita COUJnCilJDlm BoneT seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution :Book, page &5.1.1 ~ ~~/ A nSOLUTION OF THE CITY OOTmCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACDOWLEDGING BECEIPT OF Copy OF NOTICE OF-INTENTION TO CIRCULATE A PETITION RELATING TO THE AKNEXATIOH OF TERRIIDRY TO THE CITY OF ANABEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OJ PUBLICATION THEREOF, AND APPROVING THE OIRCULA."'- ION OF SAID PETITION. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COmTCILM:Im: COUNCIIMIC:N: COUBCILMmt: Pearson, Wisser, He7ing. :Boney aDd Van Wagoner. None. None. !he Mayor declared the foregoing Re8olution dul7 passed aDd adopted. AI:.--'OINTlYlENT: ROBERT H~ BONEY; Mayor Pearson re-appo1nted Robert H. :Sone7 as Alternate Director to act in his absence as Director on the ~oard of County Sanitation District No.2 of the Orange County Sanitation District. Appointment was ratified by the Oity Oouncil on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Counciilman Heying. and-'carried bY' unanimous vote of the Oouncil. .',.~EMOR.Al~Dmlll vN ADI,lINISIrF..f.TIOl~'?OLICY; "The City Council's Policy, as set April 22. 1952, pertaiuing to meter deposits for "0..1." home. is as follows: ~'---"-"''-'~~~.~'-".,..''''o;.S~"",j~:-".r.:~_ 264 01 t:v Hel~.. A.....nei>>-. California. A'Dril 22. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. "The City Council's policy, as Bet April 22. 1952. pertaining to meter deposits for G.I. homes 1s as follows: If the deposit hasbeen on hand for one 7ear or more, aDd there have been no delinquent payments during that period, the deposit mar b$ returned. If the pay:men1; record has not been good. no return .hall be made for another 7eartl. LACEN1ru~ AVENUE ANNEXATION: Verified petition for annexation of propert7 to be in- cluded in the Placen11;a Avenue Am1exation was filed with the Council by Mr~ Fred. C. Pipenbrink. Said petition recites .the d..cription of the property to be annexed; requests that Resolution be paSled aDd adopted declaring the City Council's intention in oalling a Special Election; deslgaating name by which it might be referret to upon the ballots; fixing date for Public Bearing and determining such resolution that the territor7 to be annexed .hall be subJect to taxation equally with the property withiD said municipal corporation to p~ it. pro rata portion based upon the assessed valuation of all the bonded indebtedness of the Municipal Corporation outstanding at the time of this petition. or theretofore authoriled. Petition signed by eighteen (18) persons prewumed to be qualified electors in the district, and are residents of said district. Councilman Van Wagoner moved petition be accepted and City Attorne7 instructed to prepare resolution of intention ia aocordance with recommendations of Administrative Officer. COUIlcilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CAERIED. RESOLtPI'lCN Nt. ,c 1952: passage and adoption. Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1952 and moved for ite Councilman :BoneT seconded the aotion. MO!ION CA:B:RIED. Refer to Resolution :Book, page c:;, s / -G. .s? A RESOLUTIOB 01' THE CITY COUNCIL OF fBE CITY OJ' ANAHEIM FI1iDING AND DEi'ERMIlfIft THA'l- C&TADlPERSONAL PROPERfi IS .0 LONG. JlEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE: AUTHORIZI1TG THE SALE TBIEtIOF AID DIRECTI1iG THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE PeR CHASE THEREO)'. On roll call the foregoing Resolution 'Was 4u17 pa..ed and adopted. 1v the following vote: AYES: I'OES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMl1i: COUBCILMD: Pear.on. WisBer. Heying. BoneY' and Van Wagoner. :Hone. None. !he ~or declared the foregoing Resolution duly pas8ed and adopted. F-51-S2-8: City Planning Commi..ion Resolution No. 22 recommending to the City Oouncil that an amendment 'to the Official ZOILing Map and Ordinance Bo. 774. 'that the propert7 on Borth P.iladelphia Street between the alley north of East Wilhelmina and East Borth Streets be rec1&s81fied from B-1 to .-2. 2-~amily Residential Zone. Two Public Hear- :J,Dgs were held by the City Planning Commi8sion. March 3 and April 7, 19.52. The City Council ordered P1I.blic Hearinc to be held MaT 13.1952 at 8100 o'clock P.M. on motion by Oounc111l8.1l Heying. seconded by Councilman :Boney_ MOTIOB CABRIED. City Flanning Commission Resolution No. 21 recommending to the City Council that no ohange of Zone or the Official Zoning MaT be made on the property fronting the northerly side of East Center Street from North East Street to the weBter17 boUDdar7 of Tract Bo. 1178, and all property fronting the 80utherly side of East Center Street. east of the center line of South East Street to the south side of Anahei~liYe Road on which changeof zone was ap-plied for from Future 0-2 Zone to 0-2 General Commercial Zone. The City Planning Dommission held two public hearings on this matter. March 3 and April 7, 1952. Acting upon the recommendations of the Administrative Officer. this application was held over for further stud7 and discus.ion. B'~51-:":Z-1.: Reclassification of property. Northwest corner of West Vermont Street. R. W. Maa8, Swld1v1der; requelting that said tract and~~ert7 be changed from present zone of R-A to R-:;. 1vfu.l tiple Fami17 Residential Zone. Two public hearings were held on this matter by the City Planning Commis.ion. March 3 and April 7. 1952. Public Hearing on the matter was ordered held Ma7 13, 19.52 at 8:00 P.M. on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Counoilman Wi..er. MO~IOB CARRIED. ';Ol\j;tJ11f:! Re; H0usrI.tl~ AVE ~ A.NNEM~rIO:N': Coll1ll1tmication from Mrs. Vangalia W. Rainey. objecting to the inclusion of her property in the Houston Avenue Annexation was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Boney. seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTIOB CARRIED. ;':~"":"":"::;;"~'-~'_"-"""':"fi' ':..~,..,.:-.,,'~~~-~~.~.,:....,~."'~"';:,"-- ---~c~,,-,~~ 265 City Hall t Anah.tJ.m.- California. A'Pril 22. 1952 ," 8:00 P.M. Iv~CHiL:lJLA ~rRllN.K ~.Ev{ER~ KOE:BIG & KO}~IG~ Letter to Mr. George E. Holyoke. City hgiaeer in reference to payment of claim of excess fees charg~ by Xoebig and Xoebig. con- .1dered by them as 4~ of construction costs, in the amount of $697.70 was referred to the Bngineering Committee on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- man Hey.ing. MOTIOB CARRIJID. I T~i..NTJ,1.1\IVE Iv.IJ\P tTRACT NO", 15:; Tract No. 15.59 in the Monroe E. Wallace Annexation. Councilman Heling moved tbat the Tentative Map of Tract Bo. 1559 be accepted subject to engineering requirel1enta. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. NOTIOI' CARRIED. ' fETITION: GO]'F~i.t\..N AND CYiRESS Sl~TS I~!FROVEMIDNTS: Petition in reference to the improve.ent of Coffman Street and East c,pre8. Street was referred to the Administratiye Officer. RE~UEST; GP~.K rrBEATHE: Request for the use of the Greek Theatre by the American Legiol1, July 26. 1952 tla8 referred to the Recreation DepartaelLt. rRE.ASURER'S BO~'TJ~ Treasurer'u Bond. $3.5,000.00, term of office l.t-7earlt A. G. Tuma, Treasurer, was ordered accepted when approYed b)" the City Attorney, on motio>>. by Oouncilman ~one7. seconded by Oouncilman Heying. MDTIOB CARRIED. l,lJ}JfBERS I BOliID; - J '" C, N e' z-: Plumber :Bond t $1,000.00 t J'" C. 1l et I approved by the Ci t 7 Atto~e7 waR ordered rece1Ted and filed on motion b7 Councilman Bone7' seconded bT Councilman Heying. MOTIO. CARRIED. H.bl\TF'OIill STEAN BOILER INSPECTION &. INSURJL~lCE CO...: Bond, $20.000.00 - 3-l'eare, premium $156.00, ordered accepted on motion by, Counci1man Wisser. seconded by Council- man Boney. MOTION CARRIED. Said bond approved b7 the Cit7 Attorney. ~xd\j~rU:NICATICNS: From 130b Ripley thanking the City on behalf of the Erookll11 Minor League. and requesting the use of La Palma Baseball Park for training purpose. iB 1953 was ordered referred to the Administrative Officer on motion bT Councilman He71ng seconded b7 Councilman Boney. MOTIOB CARRIED. Jv~"n.nn~IGATICn; <)ra.Dg~:1 COWl ty'Fail" AssoGiat .Lon. Requesting the City of Anaheim to participate in the Feature Exhibit Division in the Fair to be held August l)th to 17th. 1952. Said communication was referred to the Administrative Officer. Ai' OINT}>.l@:NTS; Dli"1'UTYJITY :FAT'"rlCLNEN; Appointments of Ke1th A. Murdoch and Wimer r. Friday as Deput7 Clt7 Patrolmen to the Uniformed Police Rea.rye. was ratified b7 the Oit7 Council on mot10D by Oouncilman Van Wagoner. seconded Qy Councilman Wi..er. MCTIOR CARRIED. ,]\_"MUNIC,A'TICN; Sax.ts..t\na Val;.ey Kennel Club; Thanking the City for the use of La Palu. Fark for their recent "Dog Show". GOkMUNICATION: ROLtart,.t Kendrick accepting appointment on the Anaheim Li'br&17 Board. PUCJL HA1~ AF::?LIGAfrIUN Application. due to change of ownership of Pool Ball on South LO$ Angeles Street. operated by Clarence Williamson was referred to the Chief of Police. Al;:OINTlvJENT: BOUNDARY COMMISSION: ~or Pearson appointed A. J.Schutte as Member of the Boundary Committee, acting for the City. Council~~oney m~ved said a~Gint- ment be ratified. Oouncilman Heying seconded the D>tion. MOTION CABRIED. It ~as moved by Councilman Eoney, seconded by Councilman Heying that the Committee composed of ~ar Pearson, Keith A. Murdoch and A. J. Schutte meet with the Fullerton Committee at an early date. MOTION CARRIED. 'iCEES i CITY STEEETS; Series of letters were rea4 requesting that benches be placed on the streets for the beDe~it of pedestrians. This matter was referred to the Administrative Officer. hi~iUNICATrCN; \riint,hor & Farr (CrkickeDs) Dated April 2, 1952. calling attention to the Oommercial Chicken Business operated by Buford H. Carden. 850 Borth Welt Street. and that his chicken coop. back up to several of the lots in Tract Ho. 1404 on which build,i~ge are now in the st8.ge of completion, and that the flies and odor. are such that it is almost impos8i_ble ',to live iD the house. at 839. 845 and 849 :Korth Lenz Drive. This complaint.h8s been taken up with the Police Department and the Orange Count7 Health Department. The Administrative Officer reported on the present status of, the matter. "~,,o:t;,_~.-.,..,,',:"c'~-'~~'W'>,;F -._''';'~'';;'~~~~'*'';'~'''''.'_~ ,:; ",~,">"",~,;,.~.._",","",.,,,,, 266 City Hall. Anaheia.OeliforJia. A-oril 22. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. The matter was taken under diacue.ion. and it is considered 81x (6) months w8s-8U.fflcien't time in which Mr. Car4en would be gloveD. to reaOT8 hi. chicken. fro. thi. location, and 'Administrative Officer was instructed to write to the owner, accordingly on motion by Couneilman Van Wagoner, leeonded by Councilman Wi..er. MOTION CARRIED. ~HANGE QrJ)ER ::BALL ROAD SEWER: ChNlge Order Bo. 5. Anaheim TmDk Sewer Line. pertaining to the Metering-Structure'and construction of 4 inCh, 0.1. Vent Pipe from the Metering Structure was approved on motion Qy Councilman Boney, secoDde4 b7 Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman :Boney moved. to _Journ 'to 12-noon,'l'uel4ay. April 29. 19'2. C01Ulcilm8l1 Wi seer seconded the l1ot1ota.. NeTIOI' OARRIED. "~ I ADJOURBED. SIGIED /~~/" S~c~:rk --~.~~~............~-.,...~ ~-.r:---.r:-~ ~.. Anah~im, Californ~a, ~pri1 29, 1952 - 12:01 P.M. IF ~~'.. .-........ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Selsion. PRESENT: COUBCILMIN~ Pearson, Wissert Boney 8Dd Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COmrCILMUT: Heyillg. CITY ATTORNEY t PRESTON TUm1ER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERt DITH Ai. MURDOCH: Present. CENlIIER STF.E:bT SE\tiER MAIN LATERIlJ: J. B.. Lester Boyle t Engineer Con8Ul~an' eddre...d the Council and reported on the studT and invest1ation made concerning the bide received on the East Center Street Sewer Main Lateral and the conditions to be encountered in the work on the project. Mr. Boyle recommended that the city reject all bids and readvertiae. Councilman Van Wagoner moved that the cit~ "reject all bids-. Oounc1imaB Wisser seconded. the motion. MOTION CARRLED. LA PALMfio.r.RIJNK SEw'ER: Mr. :Boyle. also brought to the MtentioB of the City Council that Bosko and Bradarich Comp~v have completed construction of the La-Palma Avenue Line JlAt. Trunk: Sewer Main in accordance with term8 of contract, except for reeurfac- 1ng around a aaDhole at the intersection of La Palma and Euclid Avenues. The City ~nglneer and the Orange County Road Commissioner have each approved all back-filling and resurfacing work. However, it was brought to the attention of the Council that some of the resurfacing was perhaps not satisfactory and the Resolution accepting the work on La Palma, Avenue Trunk Sewer and Notice of Completion was ordered held over for further report upon the completion of the Job. Said Resolution accepting the work to be again presented ~ 13, 1952. 13URTON .A.V~.FJ.DJ1.JE: H. Clodt .. John and Neie :Boege and Mr. McKinley. residing on :Burton Avenue are placing their acreage for real estate development am signif7 their intentions to annex to the Oit)~ of Anaheim. They request that sewer extension be made on Burton Avenue to Euclid Avenue to take care of this development. It was suggested that a grant of the r1ght-of-wI17 wouJ.d be required which would perhaps take up one row of trees along the property for utilitie8. HOUSTUN I.tANCID~STER A VEl\TfJ'E Al'J1~-:xATlijN: Let tar of C. E. Jaborg oppoeing 8.!me~ ation to the City of Anaheim in the Houston, Manchester Avenue area was referred to the City by the Board of Supervi8ors, and the Council ordered filing of the 8ame . C"El~SUS: Cansu. population enumeration as of April 17. 1952 resulted in a total of 17,087 persons in the City of Anaheim as compared with 14,522 on April 1, 1950, a gain of 2.565 people as reported by E. R. Lewis. Special Census Supervisor of the Federal Bureau of Censu8. "The total cost of census. $1.921..59. LAl..j- CLNTRhCT: $1.500.00 for year commencing M~ 1. 1952. Contract awarded to Brodie ilectrical Service provided satisfactory credit and delive~ arrangements can be assured the City, and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to enter into contract on motion by Councilman Wis8er. seconded by Oouncilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ;~..,...._x__,;",,~~O;;~~_~"~~+~_~"-';"'~"'""''''~!'!fu;'-~.~~___-;"--~";~~'~"";~o;;;;.4u~'~~"""-~"''':H~~~~~~:__'!t<~ ~"""c._~.~~~.~'__~_'""""":'___