1952/04/29 265 City Hall. Anah-,-ims- California. AJ)ri1 22. 1952,- 8:00 P.M. lIiAGN{:lJIA TRUNK SEWER: KOE:BIG & KOEBIG~ Letter to Mr. George E. Holyoke, City Engineer in reference to payment of claim of excess feel charg~ by Koeblg and Xoebig, con- sidered by them as 4~ of construction costs, in the amount of $697.70 was referrei to the,Bngineer1ng Oomm1t\ee on motlo~ by Councilman Van Wagoner. seconded b7 Council- men Heying. MOTIOI' CAImIJ:D. TE~bTlVE IVW? ~ TRACT NO . 1559: Tract :Ro. 1559 in the Monroe :B. Wallace Azmezat1oD.. Councill1a.n Hepng moved that the Tentative Map of Tract 1'0. 1559 be accepted eubJect to engineering requireaent.. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded ~he motion. MOTIOI' CARRIED. ' PETITION: COF'FlwiAN AND CYFRESS Sl~TS IlJPROVEMENTS: Petition in reference to the improv...nt of Ootfman'Street and Ea.t ClPrel. ~treet was referred to the Adminiltratl.e Officer. . REQ.UEST: GPDK THEATRE: Requeat for the use of the Greek !heatre 'b7 the Americ8D LegioD, Jul7 26, 19.52 was referred to the Recreation DepartmeD.t. TREASURER I 5 BOND: Treasurer' ti :Bond. $35.000.00. term of office l.f-7ear.. A. G. Tuma, Trea8urer, vas ordered accepted when approved bT the City Attorn87. on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTIOR CARRIED. FLUMBERSIBOIID: < J... C" Netz-: Plumber :Bond. $1,000.00. J. C. !letE approved. b7 the C1t7 Atto~e7 was o~ered rece1Ted and filed on motion by Councilman ~oney. seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTIOI CARRIED. HAR.TF'ORD STEAM BOI.LER INSPECTION & INSlmANCE CO.: Bond, $20,000.00 .. 3-7eare, prea1ua $156.00, ordered. accepted on motion by, Councilman Wilser. seconded by Council- man Boney_ MOTION CJ..RRIED. Said bond approved 'b7 the C1t7 AttorneT. COic,MUNICATICNS: From :Bob Riple7 thaDking the CitY' on behalf of the :Brook1111 Minor League. aDd requesting the use of La Palma Baseball Park for training purpose. ia 1953 was ordered referred to the Administrative Officer 011 motion bT Councilman Heying seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTICI CARRIED. COJliU4UNlCATICN: Orange COWlty Fair Association: Requesting the Cit1' of AMheim to participate in the Feature Exhibit Division in the Fair to be held August 1Jth to 17th, 1952. Said communication was referred to the Administrative Officer. AP:;OINTMEN'TS: DEPUTY GI1'Y I;ATROLME.N: Appointments of Keith A. Murdoch and. Wimer Y. Pri~ as Deput7 Cit7 Patrolmen to the Uniformed Police Res.rye, was ratified b7 the Clt7 Council on motion by Councilmaa Van Wagoner. aecoDded b7 Councilman Wiesor. MOTZO. CARRIED. C,_.jC,J.ruNIG.f..lIICN; San 1,a .Ana Valley Kennel Club: Thank1ng the 01 ty for the use of La Palma Park for their recent UDog Show.. COMMUNICATION: Roberta Xend;rick accepting appointment on the Anaheim Libr8r7 Board. POuL HALL Af?LICATIuN Application. due to change of ownership of Pool Hall on South Los Angeles Street. operated by Clarence Williamson was referred to the Chiet of Police. A.Pi.'OINTMENT: BOUNDARY COMMISSION: Mayor Pearson appointed A. J.Schutte as Member of the BoUDd8.r7 COD1ll1~teet acting for the City. CouncilUZL:Boney m~ved said appoint- -ni be ratified. Councilman Heying seconded the D>tiOD. MOTION CARRIED. It ~a8 moved by Councilman ~one7. seconded by Councilman Heying that the Committee composed of ~or Pearson, Xeith A. Murdoch and A. J. Schutte meet with the Fullerton Oommittee at an early date. MOTION CARRIED. B:srJCHES t CITY STF~ETS: Series of letters were red requesting that benche. be placed. on th9 Itreetl for th@ bADo~it ef pedAltriaa.. !hie mat~er was referred to the Administrative Officer. GCf.J-.iUNICATION: Winther & Farr (Chickens) Dated April 2, 19.52. calling attention to the COlUDercial Chicken ~u.1ness operated by ~uford H. Carden, 850 Borth West Street. and that hie chicken coop. back up to several ot the lots in Tract Bo. 1404 on which bui1di~8 are DOW in the st'age of completion, and that the flies and odor. are such that 1t is alm.ost impos8i_ble .,to live in the houses at 839. 84.5 and 849 Bortb Lenz Drive. . This complaint.bas been taken up with the Police Department and the Or8l1ge Count7 Health Departmen~. The Administrative Officer reported on the present statue of" the matter. ,~_ _'''_ o"hJ:~~r~'o_~~'- ,,;" _--:-__'~_A"___ - ---.-CJ-_o",jji-_-~-,-,,- --.L.L~_:O'-'_-~---~- -~ ''11')1 :--~--':-:""--:_.~~_'P~~~-'iiI.'J~'~o~'~~-;-"-~_ ~__<:___ ._.:____ 266 City Hall. A.n&heim.C81ifon4a. A'Dr1l 22. 1952 - 8:00 P.K. The matter was taken under discusslon. and it i8 considered six (6) months was sufficient time in which Mr. Carden would be CiTeD to reaOTe his chiCken. fro. this location. and "Adminlstrative Officer was instructed to write to the owner, accordingly on motion by Councilmen Vem Wagoner, seconded by Councilma:n Wisler. MOTION CARRIED. (~HANGE ORDER BALL ROAD SElNER: Ch.anp Order No. S. Anaheim TmK Sewer Line. pertaining to the Metering'Structure 8nd construction of 4 inch, 0.1. Vent Pipe from the Metering Structure was approved on motion Qy Councilman ~one7. seconded b7 Councilman Heying. MOTIOB CABRIED. Councilmen ::Boney aOTed to &4iJourn to 12-l1ooa.!l'u.elClay, April 29. 1952. Councilman Wiseer seconded the motlon. MOTIO. OABRIED. ADJOumtED. SIGNED /~/~<!. ~Cl~t'k ,~,.~~,.;" ~~-______~~ ..-~~~.....-.o-.-r- Anah~im, CalifotBJa. ~pril 29. 1952 - 12:01 P.M. .,.. ----.--.,..,.. ...."~...... The City Council of the Ci.y of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCII}nm~ Pearson, WiB..r. ~oney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUliOIUWI; Heying. CITY ATroRNEY t PRESTON TUm1ER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. DITH A. MtJBI)OOB; Present. CENT'ER STF..E:h;'I SEviER lvIAIN LATERiL; J. R. Lester :Boyle. J1ngineer Consul 'ant addre...d the Council an4 reported on the studT and inTestiation made concerning the bids received on the East Center Street Styer Main Lateral and the conditions to be encoUllterecl in the work on the proj..t. Mr. Boyle recommended. tha.t the cit7 reJect all bids and readvert1se. Councilman Van Wagoner moved that the city "reject all bids". Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION eJ.RRLED. LA PAL~1fj,rRUNK SEv{ER. Mr. :BoTle. allO brought to the _tention of the City Oouncil that ~osko and Eradarich Comp~v have completed construction of the La. Palma AvenuI Line "A" Trunk Sewer Main in 8(l;cordaD.ce with terms ot contract, except for resurfac- ing around a aanhole at the intereection of La Palma and Euclid Avenues. The Cit~ Engineer and the Orange County Road Commissioner have each approv.ed all back-filling and resurf-.cing work. However. it was brought to the attention of the Council that some of the resurfacing was perhap8 not satisfac\ory and the Resolution accepting the wort on La Palma, Avenue Trunk Sewer and Notice of Completion was ordered held over for fur'ther report upon the completion of the job. Said Resolution accepting the work to be again presented ~ 13t 1952. BURTON AV-E1\J1JE~ H. Clodt - John and lels :Boege and Mr. Mc1C1nley, residing on Burton ATenu8 are placing their acreage for real estate development aDd signif'1' their intentions to annex to the City of Anaheim. They request that sewer extension be made on :Burton Avenue to Euclid Avenue to take care of this development. It was suggested that a grant of the right-of-wa)? would be required which would perhaps take up one row of tree. along the property for utilitie8. HOtJSluN .."lrL) ;.;ANCIDiSTER A VE1'lJ'E AN1~TI(A!rI0N: Letter of C. E. Jaborg oppoeimg anne2!- e.tion to the City of Anaheim in the Bouston~ Manchester Avenue area vas referred to the City by the Board of Superviaors, and the Council ordered filing of the same. CENSUS; Census population enumeration as of April 17, 1952 resulted in a total of 17,087 persons in the City of Anahe~ as compared with 14.522 on April 1, 1950. a gain of 2.565 people as reported by I. ::B. Lewis, Special Census Supervisor of the Federal Bureau of Census. ~he total cost of census, $1,921.59. :LAl.LF GCNTBr..c'r: $1.500.00 for year c:ommencing M~ 1, 19.52. Contract awarded to Brodie Electrical Service provided satisfactory credit and delive~ arrangements can be assured the City, and the Mfqor and City Clerk authorized to enter into contract on motion by Co~ci1man Wisler. seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MO~ION CARRIED. .-....# ,.. "".;......-- ,""',- - .;;,._.,--"._~, ",--_,~""""",->-~,,,,~,,,--~,,,-''''''-~ 26? ~eim. California. April 29. 1952 .. 12:01 P.I-I. ~;IG1~1 t SURV!.:Y: The Administrative Officer reported the State Highwq Department advised that they will make another survey and report on request for installation of Traffic Signals at. the Santa Ana and Manchester Avenue intersection. .L}U,.. ;rE ~]"\ AF,SE::'~C:t.: Request of Conard Lee for Leave-of-absence for 90 daTB to leave the State was referred to the Admini,strat1ve Officer. OF1{AMEB'TAL STHEJ:!:T LIGHTING: The Administrative Officer presented the estimated cost of $42.500.00 for ~he installation of ornamental modern type street lighting in the down- town business district between Palm and Olive Street.. and between Sycamore and Santa .Ana Streets. Al'iAHEIlvl JUNIOR FIRE DEPARTMENT: The City Clerk was instructed to write a le,*te.r of, commeDdation to the Anaheim Bulletin for the sponsorship and publicity of the Anaheim Junior lire Department given this progr~ which resulted in a aaving to the eit~ and a reauction of the number of calle to be answered ~ the Fire Department aDd the program continues to be enthusiastically received by the partieipant.. HEsuLU'IION :0;C ~ 1953: Counci1:man Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1953 and maved for its passagen and adoption. Councilmen Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution :Book, page (J fl. . ..... f - '" t A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ABAHEIM ESfABLISHIBG A FUND TO BE KNOW! AND DES~IGNATED AS TEE ttSEWJ2; CONSTRUC'TION AND MAINTENANCE FU:ND" AXD- DIRE'CTING THAT ALL IOBEY RECEIVED FROM THE SALE OF THE. I~ST OF ,TEE C~ITY 1nrk.(...I;"I. IN SECTIOI' 1 OF THE JOINT OUTFALL SEWER :BE DEPOSITED IN SAID FUND, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH 'FUND SHALL BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOIT AND MAINTENANCE OF S;EWERS. ' On roll call the for~going Resolution was dulr pa~sed and adopted by the following vote: AJES, : NO:ES :. ABSENT : COUIOILMmr: COmlCILKDT: OOUWCILMU: Pearson. Wi~8er,( Eoney and Van Wago~er. Hone. Heying. . , The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly ~S8ed and 8do~ted. EESULU,I'ICN NC. 1954: Councll)nan :Boney offered Re,sol~tl~o~ No.. 195~ and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION ~IED. . . Refer to Resolution Book. page'?S\c:.,.S(I- , L=) A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY OOUNOIL OF THE CITY OF A~IM DECLARING ITS IBTEBTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION TO SUBMIT TO TIm Q,UALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY THE Q,UE5TION OF ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY OJ' ANAHEIM. Flt:1centia Avenu~ AnnexatiOD} , - On roll call the foregoing Resolution wal dui~t 'pas,!eO. and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: &BSElP.r: COUNCILMEN: COUNCIL)4D1: COUNCIIJWl : Pear50D. Wieser, Boney 8nd Van Wagoner. None. He:rin~. _ The Mayor declarei the for~going Resolution duly passed and adopted~ ,:-',APKIliG fI,[E;T1J=1 LOCATIcIE: The matter of placement of parking meters on :BroadW&7 and. Lemon Streets and other locati~ns was discussed. and the Administrative "Officer prepared a list of locations to be considered, and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare nece8sary ordinance for the placement and setting forth the locations of meter installa- tions on motion by Councilman Eoney. seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRI1ID. ChANGE SI~gS~ The City Engineer was instructed to change the population figure on signa at various entrances to the City t91the new total. I,iCTHJiIR COLO:NYHOUS~: The proposition of Mr. John D'q'er to deed to the Oity the two houses and barn in the 400 block North West Street to serve the City &8 Memorial Property and Historical Mo....' was brought up and considered &s to the fees to perpe'uate the maintenance and. upkeep. and the City Attorne7 was requested to prepare a resolution covering the acceptance of a conveyance of the property. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman :Boney seconded the motion MOTION CABRlED__ ~ ADJOURNED. City Clerk ~ ~-~.~~-;-~~ i2i1i~~;"';<ii'~t~,:f~._"~,~' City Hall, Anaheim, Californ!a, May 1), 1952 - 8:00 P.M. The CitJ Council of the Cit1 of Anaheim met in regular session. ,pRESENT: COuliClaJEN.: Pearson. Wieser, Hey1ng. :Boney and. Van W~oner. ABSENT: COUlCILMEI: Hone. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TUmmR: Present. CITY ADMI~TISTRATIVE OFFICER, DIm A. MUBDOCH: Present. The Minutes of the Regular MEteting held April 22, 19.52 aDd. Adjourned Regular Meeting held April 29. 1952 were approved on .ot1on by Councilman Heying. seconded ~ Councilman WiEBer. MOTIOB CABRIED. DEI~MrDS: Councilman Van Wagoner reporied demands against the city amounting to $102,729.68. Councilman :Boney moved that report of Finance Commiitee. be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to p~ laid demands in accordance vi th report. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. E'lNANGIAI, & t~;P~RATING REFORTS: The following Financial and Qperati ve Reports for the aonth of April, 1952 were approved and ordered received and filed on motion b7 Council~ man Heying. seconded i)y Councilman Wi..er. MOTION CARRIED: CITY TREASURER: :Balance General Jimd. $112.733.86, total General Accounts, $286,787.19 Total all funds, $814,808.11. PUBLIC SERVICE: Deposit, $87.913.26. of which $6.987.25 was Sanitation and $1,379.84 was B.O.D.- Industrial Waste collections. Balance delinquent on >>.O.D.~ Industrial Waste, $5,842.35. CITY ADDITOR. Deposit to several fundi. $279.510.52. CITY JUDGE: 571 cases in city court of which 239 were Parking Meter violations and $4,429.00 collected in fin... CITY CLERK: Deposit $135.15 - Vital S~atistic8 and Variance applications. LICENSE COLLECTOR: Deposit $311.10 Eu.inesl licenses, $50.00 Gross Receipts >>usiness Licenses aDd $2;.00 Dog Lice.sea. VETERANS' HOUSING PROJECT: Deposit. $~68.46 Total delinquents. $2.830.33. MAGBOLIA TRUBK SEWER: !otal expenses '2,908.24 of which Axaaheim paid $647.95. JOINT OUTFALL SEWER: Total expenses $%.812.82 of which Anaheim pai' $980.94. LIBRARY BALANCE; May 6. 1952 $11,858.25. POLICE DEPARTMEHT: ActiTities. FIRE DEPARTMDT: Activ1t1ee. ~! )GF'IJrlLIC B.:EA.RING: F-5l-.52-8.. C.F.C. Ko. 2, .. Lots 19 to JO. inclusive and :Block :B. and Lots 1 to 12 inclusive,' ~lock 0 of the Elk Park Tract (712 to 161 Bo. Philadelphia) Change from R-l to R-2, 2~fami17 residential zone. Public Hearings held by C.P.O. V~rch 3 and April 7. 1952. The City Planning Commission recommended the above change in classification. There being no obJections, the Oity Council on motion by Oouncilman He~ing seconded by Councilman Wis8er. moved that the applieation for reclassification be granted. MOTION CJ.RRIED. Xi- ,JELl HJ!JLFdl\iG: F-51-52-10 - C.F. C. No. 23 .. Requested by Ralph Meas. The Easterly one-hal! of Lot 7 of the Re-plat of Orchard Park Tract, change of zoning from R-.I. to R-). (BE corner of So. Palm St. and W. Vermont Ave.) Public Hearings held by the C.P.O. March 3 and April 7. 1952. The City Planning Commission recommended the reclassification of the propert~ Mr. Fick. owner of the Antique Shop soutb of Vermont brought forth the suggestion that the property should be left in ~t or zoned for Single family Residences, that the Mu1ti~le Family Dwellings would tend to depreciate the propert7 in the district, also, that the district was too far on the outskirts to become good rental property. Mr. R. W. Maas referred to the property as a distinct asset to the Cit7, and that renta1s were in great demand in ~he City of Anaheim. Councilman Boney moved that the action of the Oit~ Planning Commie.ion be s~stained. Councilmaa Heling secoDde4 the motion. MOTION CARRIED. x'T,j~rr.e~1I\ft. l'~r TRACT 114,2: R. W. Maas, containing 20 lots. Mr. Maas states that the housing in the tract will be subject '0 are~tect supervision and restrictions. The lot size will average 7St x IO'~and 100' x 801. The 01 t~- Planrting Commission recommended the acceptance of the Tract. Councilman Wisser moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1142 be accepted subject to eDgineering requirements. Councilman :Boney seconded the motion. MOTIOB CARRIED. ;'-Ji~LE uF V]/L1P..h1\:S. HUUSING~ Councilman Wisser moved that the Clerk open bide received on the sale of the Veterans' Housing Project. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ..'_..~~............'h"" .~,~_",~,...~ ",,,~",_'____'a_,."',',._,,~_ .___ ,_,,__,,' ~;"""H"'-'''' "~,,,,,,_~,,,-,~,,,'~-'-"~"'" J