1952/05/13 ;:? Oity Hall, Anaheim, California, May 1;, 1952 - 8:00 P.M. The CitJ Council of the Cit1 of Anaheim met in regular session. .PP.ESENT: COmfCIaIEN.: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, :Boney and. Van Wagoner. AB SENT: COtnlCIIJ4EN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TUmlER: Present. CITY ADMI}liISTRATlVE OFFICER, DIm A. MUBDOCH: Present. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 22, 1952 and Adjourned Regular Meeting held April 29. 1952 were approved on motion by Councilman Heying. seconded ~ Councilman Wis8er. MOTION CABRIED. DEI.~.Al{DS; Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $102.129.68. Councilman :Boney moved that report of Finance Commii~8e" be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay laid demands in accordance wi th report. Councilman Hel'ing seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. F l\lANGlAJ:., l).: uf~F;ATING BE?ORTS: The following Financial and Operative Reports for the month of April, 1952 vere approved and ordered received and filed on motion by Council- man Heying. seconded by Councilman WieBer. MOTION OARRIED: CITY TREASURER: Balance General Fund. $112,733.86. total General Accounts. $286.787.19 Total all funds, $814,808.71. PUBLIC SERVICE: Deposit. $87.913.26. of which $6,987.25 was Sanitation and $1.379.84 was B.O.D.- Industrial Waste collections. Balance delinquent on ~.O.D.- Industrial Waste. $5,842.35. CITY ADDITOR: Deposit to several funds. $279.510.52. CITY JUDGE: 571 cases in city court of which 239 were Parking Meter violations and $4.429.00 collected in ii-n... CITY CLERK: Deposit $135.15 - Vital Statistics and Variance application.. LICENSE COLLECTOR: Deposit $311.10 Business licenses. $50.00 Gross Receipts >>uslnes8 Licenses aDd $2;.00 Dog License.. VETERANS' HOUSING PROJECT: Deposit. $268.46 Total delinquents. $2.8:30.3:3. MAGBOLIA TRU1IK SEWER: Total expenses $2,908.24 of which Amaheim paid $647.95. JOINT OUTFALL SEWER: Total expenses $2,812.82 of which Anaheim pail $980.94. LI:6BARY :BALANCE; Mq 6, 19.52 $11,858.25. POLICE DEPARTMEHT: ActiTities. FlEE DEPAR~T; hctlv1t1ee. )Gl-UBLIC Ill!~AHI~'G; 1'-.51-5z...e... C.P.O. 1'0. 2Z .. Lots 19 to )0, inclusive and. :Block :B, and. Lots 1 to 12 inclusive. ::Block C of tha nk Park Tract (712 to '161 Bo. Philadelphia) Ohange from R-l to R-Z. Z-fam11y residential zone. Public Hearings held by a.p.o. V~rch 3 ~ April 7. 1952. The City Planning Commission recommended the above change in clalsification. There being no obJections, the Oit7 Council on motion b7 Councilman Hering seconded by Councilman Wisser. moved that the application for reclassification be granted. MOTION CARRIED. X",; lJbLl H}.AhING"~ F-.51-.52-10 - O.P.C. No. 23 .. Requested by Ralph Meas. The Easterly one-half of Lot 7 of the Re-plat of Orchard Pa.rk TrACt. change of ~oning from R..... to R-3. (HE corner of So. Palm St. and W. Vermont Ave.) Public Hearings held by the e.F.C. March 3 and April 7, 1952. The Oity Planning CommiBsion recommended the reclassification of the propert~ Mr. Fick. owner of the Antique Shop south of Vermont brought forth the suggestion that the property should be left in R--A. or zoned for Single Family Residences, that the MUltt~l. Family Dwellings would tend to depreciate the property" in the district, aleo, that the district was too far on the outskirts to become good rental property. Mr. R. W. Maas referred to the property as a distinct asset to the City, and that rentals were in great demand in the City of Anaheim. Councilman Boney moved that the action of the Oity Planning Commie.ion be sustained. Councilman Heying seconded. the motion. MOTION CABRIED. ~l_''::NTATI hi:.:, TRi:..G;}i 114,2: R. W. Maas, containing 20 lots. Mr. Maas states that the housing in the tract will be subject '0 arehitect supervision and restrictions. The lot size will average 7S' x IO'-and 100' x 801. The Oi t~,- Planning Commission recommended the acceptance of the Tract. Councilman Wisser moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1142 be accepted subject to eDgineering requirements. Councilman :Boney seconded the motion. MOTIOI' CABRIED. -}~'1.1l, S! HUUSING: Councilman Wisser moved that the Clerk open bide received on the sale of the Veterans' Housing Project. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTIO:N CARRIED. ."'"'~-------,"""~;"';,,~---.. ~",."-;.__'~'__;~~""'';';~~.;=.';'~;'__'~;O;~';~_:""",",,,,~~~__,_..-"_~'_""_~,,,,'~';'~,*,~:J-~'~~~~"",,""'='o';'; ""7.~,,_~-,_'__""~_~-"~<~.~~ 269 . City Hall, Anaheiffit Californiat Ma..v 1),1952 - 8;00 P.~I. DOLAB' MOVED HO)lIES CO. OF AJlAHEIM'- $2,J91.8't for all the buildings at the Veterans' Houeing Project, corner of La P~l~? Oli? Streets, An~eim. Ca.~; ~hec~J, in the amount of $1.000.00 each OJ. ~d' 1C iC:.J9~J' 6"- -a-..r--:/ d. - (f-C)F. UNSIGEED :BID on 31 or 36 UJ11ts in the amount of $1.600.00. Rejected. Not accompanied with cash or other evidence. (Said property to be sold ~o highest bidder for cash) On motion by Oouncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, that the bid be referred to the Engineering Department for study and report. MOTION CARRIED. GA.NVASS OF ELECTIC1I RE'l"lJRN$ uF ELECTlulJ HELD APRIL 22, 1952 - EUCLID A VENUE AN1"'EXATION NOf;" 2. ~e City Council. in accordance with law acted as a :Board to canvass return. of the election held April 22. 19S2, Euclid Avenue Annexation No.2. The reeults of the votes cast as displayed by the following: REOOBD OF CANVASS OF RETuEJlS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION HELD APRIL 22. 1952. The City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby m~es a record of canvass of return. of a special annexation election. Said special annexation election was held on the 22nd day of April. 1952, in the manner provided by law. That for said election sait City Council duly established one voting precinct which 11 designated as EUCLID A VENUE AmTEXATION NO. 2 ELECTI011 PRECINCT. That the polling place for such election was established and maintained at MALEY'S MARKET. at 10911 East Lincoln Avenue. Orange County, California. which was within the hereinafter described unincorporated territory. The cle.cription of the property proposed to be included in the annexation known as Euclid AT.nue Annexatloa ... 2 1.' ae follows: A tract of land including a portion of the Swt of the Swt of Section 9. a portion of the sEt of the Sit of Section 8. a portion of the BWt of ~he BWt of Section 16. and a portion of the BEt of the lit of Section 17. Town.hip 4 South. Range 10 Weet. San Bernardino Base and Meridian, and Lots 1. Z. J. 4 and .5 of Tract 6.58. as" shown on 8 map thereof recorded. in :Book: 20. page 36. Mittcell.meou. Mape. Reeordl of Orange CountY'. and also including a portion of Lincoln Avenue and' Euc11d Avenue, 1n the County of Orantse, S,tate of Cali:torn.ia. and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the present westerly city limit line, said point being on the southerl~ line of Lincoln Avenue and 346.0 feet vesterly from the center line of Loera Street; thence B-lo-oi'-45ft-W along the present city limit line a distance of 310.38 feet to a point; thence B-S70-1J"-Jon..W along the' present ci ty limit line a distance of 1125.44 feet to a point on the easterly line of Euclid Avenue; thence S-Oo-4J'-28"-W along t~e present city limit line a distance of 244.41 feet to a point of intersection with the South line of the Nt of the SEt of the SEt of Section 8t Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian proJected eastwardl7: thence Westward17 along said Soutb line of the Nt of the sEt of the SJlt of Section 8 and laid line pro- jected to the Westerly line of the sEt of the Sit of the Sit of said Section 8; thence Sout~wardly along the Westerly line of said SEt of the SEt of the SEt of laid Sectio~ 8. Townsh~p 4 South. Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base an4 Meridian and along the Westerly line of Lot 5 of Tract 658 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 20. Page 36. Migcellaneoue Maps. Records of Orange County and said line exteDded a distance of 689.91 feet. more or less. to the southerly line of Lincoln Avenue; thence Eastwardly along ~he Southerly line of said Lincoln Avenue to the point ot beginning. That the ~ro~osition submitted to the electors residing within said un1ncorpora1t4 area. was; . . ~ ~ Shall EUCLID AVENUE ANNEXATION NO. 2 be annexed to the City of Anaheim. California. and the property in said EUCLID AVEJiUI ANNEXATI01I NO.2 be. after such annex- Ins: ation. ~bJect to taxation equall~ with the propert7 : within said Oity of Anaheim to P&7 its pro rata portion; based upon assessed valuation, of all bonded indebt- edness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on November :BO 13. 1951. or theretofore authD~ize~' . . . . . L I : . . . . ; i That said City Council me' at its regular meeting after the expiration of three days from and after the date of said election to canvass the returns of said'election, and at said regular meeti~ did make and complete its'canvass of anch returns. .--.-. ~........-, .'".~. ,~.. City Hall, ADar~eim, California, May 1), 1952 - 8:00 P.M. That from and. by its canvass of 8UC~ ret-u.rD@, said City Council finds: 1. That the whole number of votes cast at such election was 24. , < 2. That the number of votes cast as such election in favor of annexation was 24. 3. That the number of vote8 cast at such election against annexation was O. 4. That the number of ballots received as absentee votes was O. /s/ c~s ~c. Gs.Ini~~~ . ,.--- City Clerk/of the Oit7 of Anaheia "\.E SuLlJ1I 1 v ['iNG ~ 1956 : passage and adoption. Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1956 and moved for its Councilman WisBer seconded the motion. MOTION CA.BRIED. A BESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .ANAHEIM CAUSING A RECORD OF CANVASS OJ' RETURNS 0)' SJ?ECIAL ANJ:lEXATION ELECTION TO :BE ENTERED UPON' ITS MINUTES. WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Anaheim has canvassed the returns of a certain special annexation election held on the 22nd day of April. 1952, in certain unincorporated territory sought to be annexed to said City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS. said City Council has CaRled a record to be made of the CaDTaSS of returns 01 said election, which record is entitled RECORD OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION, HELD APRIL 22, 1952: NOW t THEREFORE. EE IT RESOLVED-:BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM that said record of canvass of return. ot said election, be and the same is hereby ordered entered upon the Minutes of aaid City Council. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN : COUNCILMEN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson. Wi'sser. Heying, :Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ,"RDINAl~'CE 801: Councilman Van Wagoner offered. Ordinance No. 801 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser s.econded the motio~. Said Ordinance was r'ead in public for the first time. MOTION ~I~. I AN ORDINANcE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING TEE AN.NEXATION TO SAID CITY OJ' A>>AHEIM OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY KNOWN AS It EUCLID AVENUE ANNEXATION NO.2". 4A_ i'ALjvJ, ,h\i~i,!Jlli trR1JllJ"K SEv~EH: Communication from J. R. Lester :Boyle. Consul tlng Engineer including estimate on final p~ent and recommendint acceptance of the work on the La Palma Avenue Trunk: Sewer was read. The City Council. ac\ing upon their discussion with BoSko and Bradar1ch. agreed upon the acceptance of the work and final payment with deduction of $200.00 for the final 'completion of La Palma crossing at Palm Street by the City of Anaheim. ESu.LU'; Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1955 end moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The reading of this Resolution was waived by the Council. ,,:. ' Refer to ReBolution Book. page!U \; (. II \,.. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE FlJ.RNISH- ING OF ALL pLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQ,UIPr.!ENT AlID ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION. INCLUDiNG POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORX HECESSARY TO CON- STRUCT Ai'ID COriJ.PLETE A TRUNK SEWER MAIN COMMONLY KNOWN AS TEE LA PALMA AVENUE TRU1lK: SEWER MAIN.. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote; &BUNT : cotmCILM.E1T: COUNCILME1i: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. Wisser. ~oney. Heying and Van Wagoner. Hone. None. AYES: NOES: The ~or declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. '-~"O;''''-''''''",~_#;4'.,{-.,,,,,-.-,;s..-,,,,,~;S;''''~:,",,,,d!''_:'~,=i_~~~~.,~;;~ --'<'-'---""'-'-'~'"_.~---""-''''' 271 City Hall. .Anaheim. California. May 13. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. c ,.,El)INANCE NO M Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 802. AN OBDINANCE PROHIBITING TEE SALE AND DISCHARGE OF CERTAIN TYPES OF FIREWORKS AND EXPLOSIVES, AND REGULATING THE SEELING, DISPLAYING AND DISCHARGING OF OTHER FIREWORKS AND EXPLOSIVES AND REq,UIRING LICENSES FOR THE SALE THEREOF, AND PROVIDING PEltALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF AIrY PROVISION HEREOF. AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 627 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE PROHI:BITING THE SALE AND DISCHARGE OF CmlTAIN TYPES OF FIREWORKS AND EXPLOSIVES AND REGULATING THE SELLINGt DISPLAYING AND DISCHARGING OF OIBER FIRE WORKS AND EXPLOSIVES AND REQ,UIRING LICENSES FOR THE SALE THEREOF, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF .am PROVISION HIRJDOJ'u. This Ordinance being an Urgency Ordinance was read in full. A committee from the V.F.W. requesting permit for sale 'of Fire Works for the period June 30 to July 5. 1952. said Committee was pre.ent at the meeting. The 01 ty Attorney reci ted the various changes encased by the new ordinance controlling the sale and handling of Fire Works. The Fire Chief~rEd. Stringer was present at the meeting and favored the changes contained within the Ordinance. Councilman Heying requested that the Ordinance be held over to see that the merchants having stocks. or having ordered stocks of fire works would not be affected by the requirements of the ordinance ae presented, and the same was ordered held over. GIJ4~I}t FOR DAl~AG"E; i:'ACIFIC T17J.w;PH{;}{[ AJ":-D 'rEIsEGRAPH 00: Verified claim for damage in the amount of $125.00 call.sed to their 26-pair. 24-.gauge aerial cable by equipment owned by the city of Anaheim. The Pacific Tel~hone and Telegraph Co. state that their verified claim in this amount would be subject to change until the true amount of the bill has been compiled. Councilman Heying moved that the Claim for Damage be denied as presented and that the same,bereferred to our Insurance Agent, M. E. Beebe. Cou.n.cil~ Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. R.ESOLUI1IG1~ l\jC~ 195'7: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1957 and moved for its passage and adoption. Oouncilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CABRIED. Refer to Resolution Book. ~et./, 1- [b ;;--- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A!rABEIM REQUESTING GRANT OF HIGHWAY USi1RS' T.A.X FUND FOR REPAIRING LA PALMA AVENlJE. On roll call the foregoing Resolu.tion was duly passed and 8dopted by the following_vote: AYES: NOES: -ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC ILMEN : CO'ONCILMEN: Pearson. Wisser. Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolut~on duly passed and adopted. AJ~j~'LIC.,b.TION! C A1JD C~:.;TAG pC,.,J~ Roct<: 1:37 So. Los ~geles St. for operation under partnership. The Chief of Folice recommended the application be granted. - Councilman Heying moved that said application for :Business Lic ense of C and C stag Pool Room under a partnership bas~8 be granted. Councilman Eoney secQnded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ::1 IY OF FRESNO, l;ai YUXL3' AlfD be held June 12th and 13th. attend the meeting. CCTjl~CI J~~.[EN ~fEErrING: Meeting of Mayors and Counci~en to The five m~mbers of the City Council were auth~rized to SA.I.JVATI,cN .li.~,:Y requesi to place placards on the ornamental street light standard. was denied on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner. seconded br Councilman Heying. MOTION CAP.RIED . MIliurrES OF litE ~~>C,~:,~lJ'TIV"E iOP,..B.D UF 'rh~ ,JUINT OUT]"'ALL SJ1':;'vf~R meeting held May 1.1952 was ordered approved on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman ~is8.r. MOTION CARRIED. uRANGE COU1~TY EOARD U.Bi SUPEltVISOR R];SuLUTICN granting an allocation of $6.538.23 for improvement of East Sycamore, East and West Vermont Streets from the Highway Users Tax Fund was submitted and ordered received and filed. 'i.,~,....__~.-.".-,...,.~*,.~~ t:. _City Hall, -Anaheim, Galifornia, ~ 13. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. r 1-i,,1.RIi'.l~ ~ C. Fe. RES0LlJTION Ne f JamES t~l Du.ffy. Application \0 us. property located at )03 W. La Palma AVA and 939 No.. Clementine for the construction of a Duplex Dwelling. The City Planning Commission held public hearing May S, 1952 at which time recommended to the City Council that Variance be granted. Councilman Heying moved the recommendations of the City Flanning Commission be sustained and that Variance be granted. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. f,. 'IARlA.r_'~::2 ,." 8~F'.C., l'~SGL"UT:IC~1 N\ ~cwe~rd.. 3teinbri.nk: Application for permission to subdivide property located in the unfinished portion of North Sabina Street between East Wilhelmina Street and East Sycamore Street. into three lots each 51.5 feet wide by 113.32 feet deep. The City Planning Commiasion held public hearing May 5. 1952 at which time recommended to the City Council that variance be granted to use the property with less frontage and. area than allowed under Ordinance No. 774, subject to the following con- ditions: 1. That a Subdivision Map be filed. 2. That the Petitioner put in all street and alley improvements and also the utility requirements of the City of Anahei.. Councilman Heying moved that the Variance be granted subject to the conditions as recommended by the City Planning Commission. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. K)TION CARRIED. i. 'JARIAH,.>~ ,,16:3: C.. P.. C.. F.ESULTjTIGN. Nu.. 26: Doro thy Farker Ford: Application for permission to enlarge the public dining room area by the addition of a new building to the present restaurant on propert7 located at 1418 East Center Street. The City Flanning Commission held public hearing May 5, 1952t at which time recommended to the City Council that variance to enlarge the present restaurant be granted. subject to the following comditions: 1. That no building be erected less than 60 feet from the center line of East Center Street. 2. That no building extend more than 160 feet from the front propert1' line. 3. That parking be permitted on the balance of Lot 3 only. 4. That an adequate easement be granted for a sewer line along the ~a8t Center Street frontage. Councilman Van Wagoner moved that the action of the 01tyPlanning Oommission be sustained and the Variance grantei subJect to conditions as recorded in City Planning Commission Resolution No. 26. Councilman Wieser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~ITY :.HT C()j,ll\.ISSIl..iN R}JCGl'.n.;E1~TILTIONS AND P~SG~LUTI,)NS COV~RINGRECLASSIFICATION ZC}f:8.:S: Public Hearings on the following applications were held April 7 and May 5, 1952: {F'-.5 Ii.e\i:;olut ion N . ~:7: Change of Zone from R-A, Residential-Agricul t- ural to R-), Multiple Family Residential Zone, property located in the area bounded b7 East Sycamore Street. North Orange. (A.T. & S. Fe Rwy) East Cypress and" North East Street. ""F'-~~'l-.:,,~-.. ~. ion l,~ . ,:8: Change of- Zone from R-A, Residential-Agricult- ural to R-J, Multiple Family Residential Zone, property located in the area beginning at the nbrtheast corner of Tract No. 724. extending in a northerly direction 388.25 feet along North East Street; thence Westerly to North Orange Street (A.T. & S.le Rwy) thence southerly. distance of 388.25 feet, to the northwest corner of Tract No. 724, thence easterly to the point of beginning. i-. .;g;: .::..C.. Re801ution H). 29; Change of Zone from R.,A. Residential-Agricult- ural to R-), Multiple Family Residential Zone. property located in the area bounded by West Eroadway. South. Citron. West Santa Ana and South Palm Streets. ....F'- 1- ..--,X: ,,~,. ~ H.€solulcion . 30: Change of Zone from R-2. Two-Family Residential Zone. to R-), Multiple Family Residential Zone. Property located in the area beginning at the northeast corner of the alley east of South Claudina Street at East Vermont Ave., and extending easterly along East Vermont Ave. a distance of 336.J8 feet; thence Nortb.erly a distonce of 428.:4 feet, more or lesst thence westerly a distance of 336.38 feet; thence southerly a dir.tance of 428.)4 feet, mOTe or less, to the point of beginning. ~. F- 1- ~ - J"t',C$ c;rl.)1 Change of Zone from R-J., Residential-Agricult- ural to R-J, Multiple Family Residential Zone, property located in the area beginning at 'the northeast C(Jrner of Tract No. 168 and extending northerly along Walnut St. a distance of 658 feet; thence westerly a distance of 658 feet; thence souther17 a dis- tance of 6.58 feet; thence easterly a. di sta,nce of 658 feet to the point of beginning. ~\T~_"0_~;-'_4"~'t~4';,~;,'_',#";""~~_~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,~~~~,-_,oT-~~~,~~4.~ +"_~"_,_"",__,y__":__,,__,_,_,:,,,,,,,,~"~',"'''~O'''''_'~.. 273 Cit~__l1all. Anaheim. California, Ma~.13, 1952 - 8;00 P.M. . ~..-.52'-19; *E..C~ EE:Fc.lutiort no. Cr.a.ange of Zone fl~om R-l, Single Family Res- idential Zone, to R-2!! Two-fsmily Residenti.al Zorle. Property located on North Topeka Street, between East Wilhelmina Street and East N01~~:t~.eg~ ~~~~-;~. Pursuant to City PlaD.ning Cowaission Resolutions Nos. 27. 28. 29. )0, 31 and 32. all change of 20nes were approv ~!d 9.nc1. recommend.ed b~y' the Oi ty Plarming Commi ssion. On motion bJ" Councilmar1 Hejing. seconded bl' Councilmen Van Wagoner, Public Hearings were ordered to be held J1Ine 10, 1952 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. en said Application Nos. J-;1-52--1,..... :1'-.51-.52-14, J'-.51-.52-1;, 1'-51-.52"16. J'-Sl-S2-1E. 8Dd F-.51-52-19. MOTION CAF-RIED ./' -7JI" r ~,. _~ . .. . / -? . ~ · l.. t",..- >' ~ ./__r>> L "e- ~:'d .~. r;:>~---9 <~70 4~~-.<<____tf F.c:,i:.:.j/~,." J' ./ \ve.ge Sc~~l€') RESOL1Y.PluN NO", 1958: Councilman Boney offered / Resolution No. 19.58 anG. moved for tt~s passa,ge and aO.optlon. Councilman Wisser secoDded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,~EI'i~'J~ SIIR~~81 SJi:\.:sF. ~ Refer to Resolution Book. paget. t...l~ t t..!,.. RESOLUTION ADOPTING WAGE SCALE FOR PUBLIC WORKS. CONTRACTS. On roll call the foregoing Resolution W8$ duly passed and adopted by the follo\ting vote: AYES: NOES; .A:B SENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; COUlICIu.mm : Pearson. Wisser. Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declexed the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. .~ElrT'EE STR~:t'}l' ~E,\~ER: T..l!~SuLUTIl,J~ Nt.. 1959: Councilman Heying offe~ed Resolution No. 1'):39 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution :Book, page Li3-{#b.'i:~ A RESOLUTION OF rrHE CITY OOUNCIIJ OF TFE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PU13LIC INTERESTS AND NECESSITY REQ,UIRJ'.8 TEE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT t TO WI T: THE :lAST CENTER STREET SETdER MAIN LATERAL, AND APPROVING THE DESIGN, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF,. AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTICN OF SAID SEWER MAIN LATERAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH BAIS PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS AND AUTHORIZING AED DIF~OTING THE CITY OLERK TO ~LISH NOTICE IBVITIBGSEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE COE STRUC'1 I ON THEREOF. On roll call the foregoi~g Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following. vote: AYES: , NOES: ABSENT: GOUUCILHEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. COUNCILMEN: -None. COUNCILMEl\f: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. .'\ I:t~L M...'i.P t TF_,.G'I ~\\~. 1'12(:.: Hahn 3t John: FineJ. Map approved by the City Planning Commission. On motion by COW!1.cilman Heying, seconded by C.ouncilman Wisser, Final Map of Tract No. 1428 was approved and eccepted. subject to engineering requirements. MOTION CARRIED. >< fLL\Lrl.L i\;.o.i t Tl;AC1: >;;J.:inz., &- Klein; Comprising of ;2 lo.ts on :Buttonwood end Hawthorn Streets was approTed by the City Plann~ng Commission. On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Heying Final ~~p of Tract No. 1559 was approved and accepted, subject to engineering requirements. MOTION CARRIlID. .->\ lINiJ.L l-Ji.f, T}J1.CrI Nl Dr. .J. ~. to TrU';':BW: Comprising of 8 lots 'on Midway Manor. was approved by the C1 ty Planning Commission. On motion b~r Councilman Eone~t seconded by Councilman Heying, Final Map of Tract No. 1602 was approved and accepted. !ubject to engineering requirements. MOTIOI CA...ttR I ED . :,<,FE~"'rTA'l)IV E 1.J.AJ't T'PJiCI '." 16C";: ['.ir j>.:bC !;: Comprising 24 lots t at the southwest corner of West Broadway and South West Street. was approved by the Oity Planning Commission. Councilman Van We~oner moved that said Tentative Map of Tract No. 160? be approved, subject to engine6ring requ1.rements. Counci.lman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. m"~"""~'';'#'"''''~-;'~!~<~_'-_ ,_,__,~....__,."y;,"~.;;.L,"",'>;~.~~~,"-- -t',.~^~--"-'~ 274 Ci~l Hall. AnaheJ~tCaliforn1a, May 13. 1952 - 8100 P.M. SE',,J 2~T.n~~1}~, ~ Transfer of $4,450.00 from the General Fund to the Recreation Fund to complete the fiscal year was authorized on motion by Councilman Heying. seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION C.A.RRIED. c ::dCK LEi;, George Hatfield and Joe Garcia sick-leave due to injuries sustained while working was ordered held over for further consideration. ~~SL1UTll..J.iNL Councilman HeJTing offered Resol'U.t10n No. 1960 and moved for 1 ts passage and adoption. Councilmen Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CABRIm. R~:t'e~ to Resolut~on -Bo~k. ~e - ;;~;f ~. A RESOL'tJTIOH OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM DEDICATING AN EASEMENT UFOS, OVER AND ACROSS CERTAIN REAL - PROPERTY OWNED :BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followint:; vote: AYES: NOES: ABSEJfT: COUNOILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILME1i: Pearson, Wisser, Heyi~ Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declare4 the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~)~JR EhLJ<E}1 The City Attorney- bro\tght up the matter of acceptance of a proper conveyance of the Dwyer Property, as to limita~ions etc. This matter discussed by the Council. :,.ESOLUTlcl~ 19b1: Councilman Heying offered. Resolution No. 1961 and moved for its passage and. adoJ)tion. Councilman Van Wagoner secoDded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to ReBolution Book, page t C'~, ('{"!)-- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST A,1"D l\TECESSITY RE'C,UlRES THE AC~UISITIO:N OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. NAJ.1ELY: A PUBLIC PARKING LOT. (condemnation) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: An~s: NOES; ABSENT: COUNC IIJvIEN : COUNC IL~iEN : COmTCI~N: Pearson, Wisser. Heying. Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ;:'AR;{INC~ BLACKTOP}I:NG.: The Administrative Officer displayed figure. on the coat of blacktopping the parking lot. as received from Sully-Miller Oontracting Co. and R. J. Noble Co. (Approximately $3,500.00) Work to be done by both the City and Contracting Compa~. HIGlf~l\ CT: The ADaheim 01 ty Chamber of Commerce submitted recommendations outlined on Highway Project which was recommended to the ~oard of Supervisors of Orange County for inclusion in the approved list of road projects for circulation to the State Highway Department. Mr. Moeller stated that all the cities had in- dicated they favored said project. and requested the Oity of Anaheim to approve by Resolution to be sent to the Board of Supervisors. City Engineer. George E. Holyoke said that he considered the project feasable from an engineering etandpoint. Mayor Pearson suggested that the Chamber of Commerce take up the matter at the meeting of the Collier Committee on Highways to be held in one of the Beach Cities in the near future. ~~";E'II "'IJ~K:b..\A"'IO:r~: ;.Burt 11 AV"eIlUe The City Clerk submitted Petition for annexation of porperty located on Burton Avenue. The City Clerk attested to the sufficiency of the Petition as to the assessed valuation and inhabitation; that the property is contiguous to the City of Anaheim and the same covers not less than one-fourth of the valuation and not less th9~ one-fourth of the area proposed to he annexed; aDd that the said property is not a part of e.ny other municipal corporation. ~ Councilman Boney moved that the petition for annexation be received and that the same be referred to the City Planning Commission for approval, also ~hat a copy of said petition be referred to the Bounda~ Commission of Orange qounty for their approval. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,-.,"..~~..".,;,~~~_..,=,*~~~,..."",~~ ~-..:,: ,,&i~'~~,;;~~~~~~~~~...... "_"CM'''''''_'"'-~''''""' 275 Ci ty Hall, Al1ahei~1!, Calif ornia, I~la:r 13, 1952 - 8: 00 P. ~f. - :3 _. Peerless Ca~ualty Co., $1,000.00, was ordered vihen appro\red 0;." th(\ City Attorney, on motion b:r Council- iluA!1 Wisser. r~IOTICN CA...1U"?IED. a::prC~,,~E;d t ac\;epted aYld filed f~:(?n "Se:{in~~, seconded "0;:- Co' 1': r.. ~ Ci t:y' Treasurer '~'~S given :permission to leave the state during the month of June t 1152 on mot.ion b~y Councilman Van vJa.f;one::., ~econded 'by Councilman Wisser. MOT r cn CAlli~ I ED. '.SuI,;;TL..Jl'" · 1 80uncilman :Boney 8ffered Resolution No. 1966 and moved for its passage ana adoption. Council~an Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer tl) Resolut.ion E~ok, page I t<}- (7c./. . .d RISCLTJTIUN UF TF-!."E CITY C,- UE~ II. CF THE CITY CJ:F' ANAHETI.') URGING THE STATE HIGIrwA Y DEPARTMENT OF CALIFCIUTIA TO SSlrA3LISP A FRE~WAY TC BE Kli(IWN AS T~ CORONA FREEWAY 'EJ~T~l.;DI~!G }'RUI't TH~~:::;ITY 0]"\ CCRGY:A TO TEE T01\fG BEA-:E HAP30P .:\REA .^.S EER~~IN.\F'J.13R NORE 11'~'?TIGTJLAR!.Y S"8T E'CFT:H" On :roll ceJ.l the fcregoing Res01ution was duly passed and adopted by the followinE; vJte: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: com~CIL~~N: Fenrsont Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. COU1-:CIL!\lEN: None. COUNCIL~~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. :..Sc. I\.1< i,. 1'- Counc i 1 man Van Wagoner offered Resol 1.1 t ion No. 1967 and moved f)r its passaGA and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book. page {Ic tv . A RESCI..JUTICJN OF TEE C:IT~~' COUNCIL CF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~GIEG THE COLLIFJl CO~.lNITTEE TC CONSIDER THE NAJOR EIGlfwAY NBTV;ORK :=NCLUDING CCUNTY ROADS AND MAJOR CITY S'rREETS AS vlEIL AS STATE HIGHWAYS IN THEIR DELIBERATIONS. On roll call the foregoing Resolut ion was dul;l passed and adopted by the folIc-wing v0te; A!~S: COU1ICIL~~N: FearsoTI, Wisser, Heying, Eoney and Van Wagoner. IJCES: CC1JNCILMEN: None. ABSEYT: COUIJCILMEN: lIone. The r.layor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. On motion Councilman Van We.gener, seconded by Councilman Wisser, the City Council adjourned to 8:00 :'P.M 1-:3;' 16, 1952 for the purpose of holding Pu.1bic Hearing en the proposed annexa.tior to be knO\,ln as t}-!.e Placentia Avenue Annexation. r-rOTION C~-qH I ED . AJJJ OlJRNED . ~.. t J '.' , /, ,. ..;rc;.r..~;/4: ''by Clerk. SIGnED -_, __._Gi t;L_:ff?~l t Anaheim, Cal ifornia, II/lay' 16, 1952 - 8: 00 P. M. ',.,..~~..---""'.~*- The C1.t;l Council met in Adjourned Regula.r Session. FE.:;:SE;;T: COUNCI:JiEN: 'Hisser, He;71!:g, Bone~,r and Van Wagoner. ABSE.NT: COUNCILMAlT: Pears: on. e I IIY A TTGRNEY. FEES TO:: Tl)R~"'ER: F res en t . AD;'.INISTRATIVIE 'vF}'r::E"p ,KEPI::; A [..tJRDOCE: :,-'resen t. Tbe meet ing was called or order b;t tl1e Ci t;l Clerk for the purpose of elect- ing a r.la~"'or Pro Tem 10!' thf' Cit:l of Anahein~. COUllcilman Heying nominated Counci]man v2.:r: v{agonp:r. C':J1.1Y.c; J .an Wi.sser ~~econd.ed the ;:lotion. l\l1()TION CARRIED. Councilma.n Wisser moycc. t}~..n.t n(;r'~n3ticnE be .:lc~,pd. Counci.lman Heying seconded the motion. !" ,.J11C1"; CARH:1']:D. r..Ir~.~~cr .t'ro Te:'; Ven 1'~a~:r)ner lq).S seated. 11'. J\ Public Hearing for the pur:pose of hear- iLL, objections to thE, :JroP05ec. Placer.tis. Avenue AnrH~xation. There were no o'bjections filed iT.: v.'ritir t te::it~~:lf;rk, and no objectioTlE presented at the meeting of the C'~)~-,~n~2 i ; . r.J!"~. Alice SchJ:lid and HO'Y>}(3.rd Fannier were ~oresent at the meeting, rnistak- in~Tl:l thir..ki.rr:: t.ha t their rrO}:lert;T t w:-~ich l:i e~ in thE: proposed Ball Road AnnHxat :i. on ',.i[~L :1 11 "1 U0 Be 1.n t rLi S ;)1" C.i:O r :. t ~. on. ~-,,~~\:__J;i"",'Fi~~;h-_,,",.~~,~____ -'->-;$."':_.,,_->;';;"~'~'"':;C''' ~.:$;"-~d~~'~",~~