1952/05/16 ~ j '~',.,~_....- City HalhAnahei;:., ,California, 1'1C1.~r 11,1952 - 8:00 P.~I. .",,,,," In;:~ , sec:)nG OJ Peerless Casual t~'l Co., $1 tOaD. 00 t was ordered file5 v,'hen ap~)ro\"8d b;r the (;it;.,. Attorney, on moticn b:r Councll- ao~ r":':.' i L:Ar: VI i ss pr. i"lOT I C'l! CA-"Fl? TED. fJ. )T e'\: (;5 ~ ac:~ ep:. ('~d a.r.d .r....; C1 ty Trf:.asurer '1'J2. S gi ven !,ermission to l.eavA the state during the month nf june, 1'1.-;2 or LIOt.:L;TJ. by:or:ncilman Ven 8.{;0ne~! geconded by Councilman Vv'isser. J~:C11 I Cli CARli I ED. :ouflC'i lrLan 30n(;~T 8ffered ResolD.tion No. 1966 and moved for its pa.ssage and ad.option.. Councill.:lan Ee7:lng seconded the motion. ~'10TI()N CARRIED.. Ref er t c) Re solu t ion B Qok, pa?;c i r:'~- i'1c.: . , rk R~SCLTJTIvlJ 07 TEE CITY Clt.Tl'!'";IL CF THE CITY C:F' ANARSII.i lffiGING THE STATE HIGHWAY DEFARTi\;lElTT ,--,F 8ALIFCEl:Il\ TO EsrrA?LIS? A FRE:8;WAY TC BE KN('v!N AS T~ CORONA FREEWAY E~.rE;"DI~;G FRUl'l TI-n~::LrY GE' GCBCLA TO TEE Tr)'lfr,. EEA....f. RAR3UP .AREA ."'..8 EEP..EIN.\F'l~JjR MORE r JA.?T I CULAI{f. Y S~~ li<P TT.1, On ""'(')11 c:~l.J the fcregoin.g Res01ution \^!as d'~ly passed and ado"Oted by the f llowing vte: AYES: NCES: C C U1I C IL~.EN : COUI\;CIL~.EN : CO TJl~ C I LNEN : fears on , Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None.. None ~ AbSE1IT: The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~:" Connc.ilr:1an VaIl Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1967 and moved fJr its passaGA and ado~tion. 00uncilman Wiss~r seconded the motion. MOTION ~~RIED. Fagetk &-7/ Refer to Resolution EOOK, A RESCT~UTI':':iN OF TFE CIT~~" COUNCIL cF TEE CITY OF ANA HE I 1;1 u:r:;GIJlTG TEE COLLI:sR CO~.INITTEE TC. CONS IDER THE r.1AJCR HI GEl/fAY NET';;CRK :}TCLtDING CCUNTY ROADS AND 1-1AJOR CITY 8'rREETS .AS WELL AS STATE HIGHWAYS IN THEIR DELIBR..'RAT IONS. On roll call the foregoing Resolutinn was dul~.r passed and adopted by the follC'wing v te: AYES: Ness : AE SET:'"rr : CCl1IC I Ll\IEN ; CO T'lTC I LMEN : COtJNCI I,MEN : F"?D.r30n ~ Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. n()ne. The I.1a?or oeclarec. the f()re€~oi r15 ReBolution duly passed and adopted. On motior l;.r Councilman Va.""'! Wc-'.gcner. seconded by Councilman Wisser, the City Council adjc'llTned to 3:0D F'..I,i ~IB:' 16, 1;:52 for the purpose of holding Ptllbic Hearing Of} the proposed anncxetior to bp, 1~:rl0\,,'n as t:-:e Flacentia Avenue Annexation. MCTICN ::AI.{R IED. A::JJClJR1JED . SIGFl.D ~ If ..... "... - . . _Tc;.J~ ,"'t;r Clerk. -_,~~'-..__.,._.-..--_----._..~.. ----------.--.-..-.--.-- ______ _ ~..Q...~t.:z:_:tI:~~l, Anaheim t Gal ifornia, Nay 16 t 1952 - 8: 00 P. ~1. .......__.. - -.... ~ -. TLe City Connci.l ruet in Adj()urned Regular Session. -~SE> T : CO U}f C I -J.IEN : T,: is s (, r, E (~:r } r~ E:' B on(::,~ and Van \\ agone r . A:5SEl-iT: CCUlrCr::J,L;\l7: Fearf'::'l:. .:I;1Y AT:TCRNEY I I;P~:ST(}:". TTjRWi:r~: Fresent. AD: . I N I S TRi~ T: Vl~~c FT:' I :1:.:'1': .l!.'5: I ~n ii LURDO CE ; :: res e!1 t . T};e rneet inf: was cal:ed or order 'b;,r t:1e Ci t;/ Clerk for the purpose of elect- ing a Ma~7or Pro TeGi f:J:r' the Cit~r cf AnahEcin.. Councilman He~ring nominated CounciJrr.,an iiat:onpT'. C-:Y:lT.ci J. hr ttllS8E1~ ,;;pcondec. tLe ::;otion. i'.10TION CARRIED. Councilme.n 'i'iiS'.s~r tlCVC'C t1-.[J.t nc.'::l''t[,,+ionf .:.:lcrpc. ::onnctlmar.L rr.,'ying seconded the motion. I c:~ CAF.HI'E:D. t Fro T f< Van'~ c.:.g'('Y.e:: .~,. aE; sea t E'C . j' . ob.jecticn.~ fil.ed i v'ri+~}y r'nbl ic Hparing for the :pur~pose of hea.r- to thE :;rOpOGFC F~ELcer:tia Avc.nue An.nexation. There vJerc no oD.jecticns t t e :it:. C:erk, and no objectiGn~ presented at the meeting of the ncl .~ l,'!'s, Al i ce Schmid and Ho'"'.'eTd. ranT; ier were ~oresent at the meet ing, rnis tak- irL:'l~/ thtrkj n.:.' that their r:ru::~;prt\.. t vi'.'ich 1. i sr. in trLe proposed Bal] Road AnrH~:xat1on ,- J~:" L-- }, rl \.10 E~G j, IJ t }-~~ i s ,l~ 0 f.: i : ()I"1. '">c,.,..".<C-....;,,__,-._. ~.,__.~"..,_~~t,;;,.,>Ii;,~_""""'-~4c.~~;i;,.:.;~.=~~~__~"':_. ___~.__Cit~ Ha'~lt Anaheim, Ga+ifornia, ~1a:.T It:..t-..1952 - 5:00 P.M. Counciln:an Ee~Ting offered Resolution Ho. 1962~ and. moved for its SS[igE' [:11,-; He \tie'n.. ~ol:tncil.;,al: 3one~r ~ccc)nced ti.;E' ;notien" I,ICTICN CARRIBD. ...~ ~r~~~cL1~1f"'~, T1:ill CITY CCt~:TCII: cF THE ,:ITY CF ANAH}~I! CALLI1\G A SPECIAL ELECTIOn TlIE DAY U]' vlJ1JE. 1;52, IN r.~"'FTAT1\r 'T'EERITOEY J!iJ 11:;'(? COrrT\T'T'Y OF ORANGE C01\TTIGUGUS TEE CITV T_'Ii' AN1.HET1.: ::T'C~(;SEr' TC EE Ar1'~}::\ED TC SAID CITY OF ANABEIJV~ FROVIDING FOR THE ,. -,LDIl\G ..'<J'~E EL~~C!IUr A}TD STTJ. :T'lI:~TG TC THE -q:IJ:CTCES E :::S IDING IN SllCH TEHRITORY THE "..~ :::8,= I ell wEE!T}',:::R SrCE T-:::RRrrrCRY S?ALI. BE AFnEXED TC, Il~CQR};UFATED I1T. Ah-r:D IvlADE A PART ~." SAID ClfTY l,]' ANl~EEIL, A}JT TF'E ~;;EL:t-ERrr'l 11:: SUCh TERRITORY BE 1 AFTER SCCH A1"11JEXATI011, S'c.:)f.r:EC'l~ 'Ie TAXAIITCIf EQ,UAlI.Y vJITE :i"RCFEF.TY WITEIK TEE: CITY CF ANAEElf.'. TCI PAY I'rs PRO ='~A'lA FruIT ,EASEl UFON ASSE~~SED VALUAT I CI., 0]' ALL TEE 13c::DED INDEBTEDlI-r:ESS OF SAID :: I TY c,J;-' AliA}J~ I , OUTSTA:I:ill ING Ol~ TEE 22N DAY UF Al-E: I, 1052, OR THERETOFCF..E AUTHORIZED: :.'-.::.SCR:-EI:'G SAI=-~ TERHITGE:,r M~D DESrGEATI~:G IT L;.~' T!rE IrA. Z C]"\ II ?LACENTTA AVEInJE i~:\:;}JEX.AT::(iNn, EsrrAELISEING AN ELECTION PRECI1\'C'T AN'D FOLLING ?lJJ>CE IN SAID TEF.RITORY t IL :'OI:tTTIFG '1:3.: UFEICERS (.,F E1ECTIUN FOR SL'D SFECIAl ELECTION AND ?POVIDING FOR THE :,:"BLlCATI" U}' ~'JuTICE CF SUCE EIECTION. Hefc'I' to Resolution 1300];:, pages, 665, 666, 667 and 668. fellow i 1: ,:," On roll call the foregoing Resolution was d1Jl~l passed and ado1)ted "by the '~r. +- · ~ "-~ LA e AYES: NCES: CCtJl~C I I..r,'E1J : comrc I LNEN : COlTNC I LHAN: v!l s ser, He~liDg, Bone:,:-- and Van Wagoner. None. l(B SENT: PearE,on. r.;a:ror Pro Tem Va:n. Wagoner declared the fcregoin.g Resolution duly passed and adopted. ,I..!'... ',',Are prCS0!1t. Eoquet faL,l 1:;" Ordinance ~o. 802 was brought up because a number of V.F.W. members Also present were Sully and La. Verne Roquet a.,-,d one other member of the The Fire Chief was al~o prese~t. The Fire Chief rer)orted that one merchant had qui te a. bi t of stock of mer- c:'.a.nc ir,e o'-er ~row last ;rear and had already ordered a. ne\'J stock of fire works. Eussell Roquet steted that hi.s store had a big supply on hand and had ordered additional g1J~2"'li~)s, al~o that a sta.r~d is teirg built at a considerable expense and \ cl~ld. 'be p}.ea~ed tr) have the Cou.ncil Carl)' on under t::'1e }J!"esent Ordinance as to the sale and disposition of fire worke. Tlle V" W. F. l\}en:ters s ta tf~d tha. t. the f;C~)T)l ips on ha.nd would be taken over 'by tr~e V.F. \-J.. to protect the merchants havinf~ stocks on han~ or ordered. kr. Schroeder, r-lercb.a.nt on Nanchest.er Avenue stated that he had al>plied for Fermj.t of S&le, for the sale of Fire Works at his bu~iness oper~ted on Manchester Avenue, cL.d die.. not think there ':lec::; sufficient tire to ~a':e ce.ncellatioTI)j turn hi~ stock 01Ter €t +:.:ris t-:tE .~Ld rE'quer;t.e~ th~t the Qit.v !.rerc,te under pre~ent regulations of Ordinance ..... .t..~. ( .. COlU1cilrr,an EeJ<nt; st8.tf:(~ he did !h~~t consider this W3~ an urgency measure aLd nc necess1 ty of Pa.ssf='~2'e of ordinance at tbe TIresent time.. ::ouncl1ma.n Bone~r saicl he CGuld see :10 reason wh~'" the Ordinance could not be ~. '.LQ o'\'er. [-layer Frc, Tern Van Wo.g0ner concluded. the di scussion on the proposed urgency f're work "rQlne...r~ce' No. 802. r:7he Adminir~trfltive Officer outlined an oral rCQ.uest for the construction of I hC~i;S en I;a FaJma. and Euclic. Avenues. also st.st.cd that the lot sizes '.'lere in cf:>ill-oliance ""':. t tr~e Ordinance, and it \':DS 1 ikFl;r that tl:ere wcnId be other homes built ': th f"re~t~,r squ.P.re foctage iT: the 1n"O~0()s€d tract.. c=; 1(', [J r;,Et and ~uclid) .~ ",as c:r01)OSEC tl"lElt JoTln .Ardai:' sucnit skr'tcb and elevation in order to rn s~ tht, CO'_tncil what he actuall:~r had 1.n mind in ~ec."arcis to t.he 'buildings. :::.. cr:. ",,,-c JJop-plication fcr ccnc,lJctlng Poc,l Room and Card Room - Or:DTQ E. T(/000, 122 ~T0rth 1ef.lon Street.. I''!' '" oeo has previously 'oeen in business iD Anaheir... anr3 has taken over the '" f ~-h i E c',: sine ~~ s e ff e c t i \T C JU!lP l: 1.:::52. Ul1ciJr:lan He:tint; rnoved that the a'~fclicatio:D oe gra.ntndt su.bject to the +~>,8 Chief of Polic(C:. CoancilIY1~:n'-: '.'lieser seconded. the rl';otion. I.lOTION CARRIED. . ~ 1:mj t t a~:..-pruval. .., ~A~~~ The City Cle1'k was reque~ted to write the Steele ":c. stp.t ing that unJer the dri 1 ing permi t, the;T would 'be held 1 iable for :3~r~ri('e Bill of $209.85 fer electric an(~ i:.'ater used b:i' the Acme Drilling Co. j ~ ~ t rc 1 e:'.li. t..e fubl i ....*"-~~'"';.I;C'""--;';-......"~""J<;i.'"-~i-_:"'iI...,.~~"_"__"__~__________'"_~""~_ .' _................... ....,'~"~.,...."","~,-~""'"'_.o<;-_".... 277 -". ~"".--""'--'-'- City 1iE~ll, ~!lahf:~ir,.Chli:(J~};iH~ ;'.<1:\: 16, 1952 n ,8:0C F~.r.l.~ '", f.hp dl~il1 _._ fbc (' + · IC5] :J::.:rt"': I'f'tt. Street .fer Jar:uar~T.February and part of March, DoJ.an !,(c)'~rt;~d Hor~es Compan;r of Anaheir.'J, bid . $2,..391.8.[: ''/V't:~r [H..:ceLtea on :notion b~/ GOtl1ic1,lman Heying. seconded b:,..- Councilman Wisser ' I elf G.A:f(E IE:J . Council1Uill Bone~- l~lOVec. tc' adJourn.. Coul1cilrr.a.n Wisser second.ed the n~ot1.on. 1\, i~ I eN CA.,'q-R : r;D . ADJC1.GJ{ .D. SIGlTED ~. . C . .... ! ~7 .. /' _ /~X ~L~h .tk . Ci t:l Clerk~? -.......-'" .~.-------.~--,_.,-~-- Ci t:,- HaIl, Anaheim. Cal if ornia, Ma;r" 27, 1152 - 8: 00 P .JIt~. -_.~ The Cit.y Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Sessioa. .FP~SENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, He~ring, :Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COm~CIIJ-1EN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER; Absent. l:'I~PY ADMINISTRATIVE CFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. iijIE1JT1S: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held. May 13, 1952 and Adjourned. Regular ltoieeting held lvlay 16 t 1952 were ordered approved on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Bor~ey. MOTION CARRI:E:D. DE1,-,~"NDS: Con.nc1.1man Vall Wagonp.r reported demands again$t the ci ty amollnting to $76,Z18.22. Councilman Willer moved that report of Finance Oommittee be received and that WQlerantE "be dr6.'\t..'n upon the Treasurer to paJ- sa:ld demands in accordance wi th report. Councilman Heying seconded the mQtion. MOTION CARRIED. .,'.r....., }.;}( .- Si-;,_~h I.jjl i-AT:::~:'...r..i...:PursWUit to Resolution ~To. 19.59, June 10, 1952 was the date set by the Council for the calling of bide, and publication dates were set accordingly. IAi."-L,,b i"U. Councilman HeyiDg offered Ordinance No. 801 and moved for its passage and a,doption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page .. AN ORDI1~CE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ APFROVING THE,A1rnRXATION TO SAID CITY OF AEAHEIM OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORJ~TED TERRITORY KN01w{N AS tt EUCLID A VE:N1JE A}.~~T ION NO. 211. ine; vote: On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the follow AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI Lf.ifEN : COillJCILMEN : COUNCI~ ; Pearson, Wisser, Heyin.g, :Boney and Van Wagoner. None. No:p.e. The It'layor declared the foregoing Ordinance No. 801 duly passed and adopted. i\U:..l~C.t ,(h.. * Councllma.n :Boney offered OrdinBnce No. 803 and moved for its passage aI!e adoption. Said Ordin.ance w~e read in public for the: fir~t time. AN JF-DINA1TCE OF TEE Glry'y COUnCIl. CF THE CI'rY OF Al;rAIDaM ADOPTING A~ COMlREREltSIVE OtIDIN.ANCI CODE'TO BE KNOWE'AND DESIGNATED AS THE ttANAHE"IM ).f(JJlICIPAL CODIIHAND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID CODE. J:..'.L_~ ~. ~ d Wi th reference tG the ss.! e and display of Fireworks was ordered held. ever on motion by :~ouncilmB.n Heying, seconded by CO'J.1lcilman Eoney. !.10TION CARRIED. .H.i ~ i r) rleeolution No. 196.3 enti tIed uA Resolution of the Ci tJ Council .)f the Ci ty of Ana.heim est.ablit;hing locations for parking meters pursuant to Grdinaoce No. 70: and fixing the. tiJ.e fo.r the commencement of the operation of such :Y.i€tersUWBs ordered held. over awaiting recomrr.endations of the Chief of Police on motion :.>.;,uncl1man 3oneJio, s€co1:',deci 'by ~o'.1ncilrr"ar. Wjs~er. MOTION CARRIED. LUt I.~ . Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1964 and moved for , ~ passage ana aaopticn. ~;~.._". '> '!/P",'f..';;'.'.;..e.h'-.-.c"'""",,"__~~_"'_'_:'~',,~_ "'''''-,-'~''-!'''--~'~.i4t,c.~:'d-~~:','i':i:;--'_''''';;;~''_'4:,u""_,'MI~!,:"',,,,~_;'ioj;;it;'i'~~