1952/07/22 ~___~___E_! t J' _Hal h":!n~e i m, - qa-l:i f <?Tm.ia t J~.!z....?.?..L_ 19.5 2 - 8~20 P. M. ' 'l'he ni ty Counei,l of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. FPESENT: r011NrILME'f\T:. Pear@on, Wisser. Heying, Bone:y~ a.nd Van Wagoner. AB SE}T'1': COTJNC I lJtIEN : None. C I fry ATTOF.11EY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY AD"'tlNIST'RATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MtffiDOCH: Present. The Minutes of the regular meeting held July 8, 1952 we~e approved and ordered filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION. CARRIED. rOlmcilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $128.790.LI,6. Councilman 13oD.ey moved. that report of Finance Commi ttee be accepted, and that warrants be drawn u-oon the Trea~u.rer to pay said demand~ in accordance with repnrt... Coun~ilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ..IH~:~<l' IL\L.~~:X.h.if'l c,rq: PUr~t1B.nt to R.esolut ion No. 1971 t Publ ic Hear- ing was held on the Burton Street Annexation. No one present at the meeting protested the Burto~ Street Annexation $nd no written ~rotests were received. Councilman Heying offered the first time. -, ',' - r......---. ~,.... :'\1. ;\...,..t.c l\JL,.. and moved it be read in public for AN ORDINANCE OF TliE CITY OF ANABEIM~PPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOw'N AND DESIGNATED AS BURTON STREET ANNEXATION. Mayor Pearson declared the Hearing closed. J:'~'1'..b~' vJA.Fill A:r:l~TM-. TCN: Pursuant to Resolution No. 1972, Public Hearing was held on the Ward Annexation. No one present at the meeting protes1ted the Ward Annexation and no wri tteD. protests were received. Councilman VaIl Wagoner iDtroduced INAlrCI~ NC. (312 for firet readi:ag. A1T ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY DTOWN AND, DESIGNATED AS WA.RD ANNEXATION. fvIayor Pearson d.ecls.red the Rearing closed. :.11. : nB..~ (Solomon Tract t 104 lots) T",ocation: __st Vermont Stre.t. 'FinaJ Map was accepted, aubject to Engineering requirements;. and ordered ileo on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION ~IED. .U~h. f f.c..- :<ap (Dwyer a.n.i Kersten, ? lots) Councilmen Van Wagoner mOTed. ~ina.l Ma~ of Tract Ne. 1456 ba accepted, subject to Engineering requirements. Council- !tan Wtsser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. >.,no Bond in the sum of $55.000.00 covering performance in the Dwyer- ~=erf,.ten tract was ordered a.ccepted, subject "to the approval of the Ci ty Attorney on motion Djr ConDcilD".aIl Heying, seconded by Councilman VaD Wagoner. t L n[j. ;. .aT) (BonDB t and Fox) Held oyer. R.A..CT f: n fJ a t v e Area: North of Placentia Avenue. _nHe1d over. as revised, was offered for final reeding by Councilman Heying, secoaded by Councilman 'Boney. MOTION CA-.lffiIETI. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE OBDINANCE CODE TO 'BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE "ANA-REIN M:tJNICIPAL CODE" AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINA1~CES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFI,ICT WITH S.1ID OODE. Heferto Ordinance "Book. page 279. On Toll call the foregoiDg Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the fol1o~iinf. vote: AYES: IOES : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILM&N: eOUN' ~IJ.Jr>OOi : Pearson, Wisser. Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor o.ec.la.red the foregoi.ng Ordinance No. 803 duly passed and adopted. B9D t_.~jC:~_4~':)S Lii :<J4...I leKS: First readiD.g of Ordinances pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 1994, 1995 and 1996 were held over awaiting passage of the Municipal Code. ':~'-~_*"~"'~_"'i_~~-,;~:",,~~,_<,..-,,,,-~,';i;t~~r-i'~~~-----'-"'-"-I'f'.-'<;Ji- -"-_--~~---~~,~- ."","''''--''"'-~'-- :301 ~._~__9"!y-"Halh~_~~eim:',_.Cali!9I.!lia,..:Iuly 22. 1952 - 8,:00 P.M. t Pr()poseG. OrdinRnces Nos. 804, 805 t 80? and 808 on which first readings have bef~n held were ordered held over lUltil the Municipal 0od-e becomes effective. Proposed Ordinance No. 806 was held over until such time as the Municipal Code becomes effective. :fL ;~~l:~Krl1: /.:..t, ji~L".:.~~:\..:;.. .< ':,N: Councilmaa Heying offered Ordinance No. 810 and moved for its passage and-adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CAHRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, pages 284, 28.5, 286 and. 287 AN OHDINAlfCE OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEI~'f APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY QF-ANAHEIM OF CER['AIN UN I N CORPOPA TED TERRITORY KNOW AS PLACENTIA AVENUE AENEXATION. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the follow- ing To'te: AYES: NOES"! AB SENT : COUNCILMEN: COf:JNCILMEN~ COtJNCII,MEN : Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The I ~Ia;}ror declf~red the foregoing-Ordinance No. 810 duly pas1Ied and adopted. iU.l~ Ii'/'ENU:: .t'~KKb:X1', UN: On motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman :Bo.e7, the City Council accepted the Orange CotU1ty Boundary Commission's faTorable report en - the Houston Avenue AnnexatioB. MOTION CARRIED. :<[S\&!Lf;r:ICl~ NB. /:;?A~ Councilman Bone~" offered Resolut;ion No. 1997. Hafer to Hecolution Book, page _.____,. A; RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Al~HEIM CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE Al~TEXATION Of INHA"RIrr'ED rpERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM "....st AVFr-~ue b-nr'f.xe - n) On. roT} call tte foregoing Resolution was duly pae-sed-and adopted by the following vote: A YES : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: C01JNC I LME...'ti : C''() UNCI LMEN : Pearson, Wiaser, Heying, Boney and Van W~oner. None. None. The Mayor decla.red Resolution No. 1997 duly passed and adopted. rTGC:kEEY Ala~:b:XP/r} C~j: CouncilmaJ'l. Van Wagoner introduced RESOLUTION NO. 1998 and mOTed for its passage and adoptioa. Refer to Resolution Book, page ___________. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCITI OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: GIVING NOTICE OF SUCH PROPOSED ANNEXATION, DESCRIBINGI THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE DAY, HOUR AND PLACE WHERE AND WHEN ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY SO PROPOSED TO 'BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE CITY COUNCITJ AND SHO'~ CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ~:l c E, :ar.llG , c,. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted bY' the fc 11 owing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : CO UNO. I LMEN ; COt'INCI.IJ4EN: CotJNCILMEN: Pearson, Wis$er, Heying, ~oney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1998 duly -p&ss.ed and adopted.; LA s'rF.._~.E"AL::EXAT' :,.iN: Held over. R::~CLASS " F I C.ri T' CJ:~S; ,FI-51-52'-22 - C..;:. C .:~:_~~~~...'~iUTl~:', NC ."3: Peti t:i on from B. G. Mi tchel1t 347 Reeves Drive, Beverly Hills, California, owner; Thelma Reagaa,9l8 West Center Street, Anaheim. Calif~rniat Authorized Agent, requesting reclassification of approximately twenty acres located at the northeast corner of North East Street and East Center Street from R-A to 0-2. (Shopping center) "'~">'~~''''+~,_-Ai#~~ ,_ ,__'~ _._-9 i t.l' Hall 9 Anahe im~t Gal i fo rn1a t '_ July 22, 19S2 - 8~ 00 P. M. ( _.-------- f'~F ')}1 ()n: ReclaRsification No. F-.51-52-22 be approved, chang- ing the zoning of the south one-half of the property fronting on East Center Street from R-A to C-l. TI',jK Petition from A. H. Shipkey, 506 North East Street, W. H. Hu,tton, 517 North Vine Street and Mrs. Sarah Hutton, 703 North Clementine Street, owners, requesting the reclassification of their properties located at the northeast corner of Ea~t Syca.mr)re Street and :North East Street t from R-A to R--l. (19.25 acres). ss:n e ')t Reclassification No. F-51-52--23 , be approTed changing the zoniBg of the ~ropeI.ty st~rting at a poin~ 33 feet from the center line of North EaBt Street and )0 feet from the center line of East Sycamore Street extending in a Northerly direction 790.40 feet; thence Easterly 1058.71 feet; thence Southerly 795.19 feet; thence Westerly 1058.64 feet to the point of beginning, from R-A to R-I. - ~- ,-,_"-I - I;_t~ Petitio.. from ma.jority of the property o'Wnera on South Rose Street, between East Broad~ and East Santa Ana Street, requesting that their properties be reclassified from R-2 to R-3. . LallL ission C~lTlI, ,.:::rlcCJ.,tion; Reclassification No. F-51--52-24 be approved. changing-the zoning of the properties described as Lots 5 to 16, inclusiv.. Block E, B,nd Lots 1 to 13, inclusi va, :Block :F t of the J.Jore1e~ Tract, from R-2 to R-3. on 1>. Augu.st 26, On motion by Councj.lman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying, Public Hearingl F-;.1-52-22. F-)1-~)~:-2:3 :3,nC) F-5'k-)2-2L were ordered 8;00 o'clock P.M., 1952. MOTION CARRIED. F-)1-';2-::, .. c. Ji}~SCLUTICl\ NO.4: Peti tion from Fred Fredrickson, 9521 East Maple Avenue, Bellflower, California, owner, requesting reclassification of his property at the northwest corner of East Vermont Avenue and South Orange Street. from R-3 to M~l. :'si(JI: 'llL,en,D. ~on: R.eclassification No. F-51-52-2.5 be approved, changing the zoning of this property" described as beg;..nning at a point approximate17 871.57 feet on East Vermont Avenue from the Center line of South Olive Street and ex- tending easterly a distance of 28].56 feet; thence northerly a distance of 659.76 feet; thence westerly a distance of 283.56 feet; thence southerly a distance of 659.73 feet to the point of beginning, from R-J to M-l. On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wiaaer, Public Hearing on Application F-51-52-25 was set 8:00 o.clock P.M. August 12, 1952. MOTION CARRIED. t'l.lE)S: Transfer of $7,500.00 from the General Fund to the Recreation Fund. to apply on a 1952-1953 budget was authorized on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRI.:ED. '.11; ~ ,Department of Public Works advise that the EUCLID AVENUE ANNEXATION !TO. 2. under Ordinance No. 801, will add 99 persons to the census eJmlleratio. for allocat- ions of Gas Tax Funds. :.;::'; AVENtJE TF(,~NI\ S=~,~',ER Sewer pla.n$ for North Street, Loa.ra Street and Crescent Avenue. / f Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1999. and moved for its Councilman Wiaeer seconded the motion. MOTION ClRRIED. passage and ado-ption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~. A RESOLUlJiION 0]' THE CP1IY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING A:ND DETERMINING THAT PIJELIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQ,UIRES THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC 1M- PROVE:tvtENTe TO-WIT: THi CRESCENT AVENUE TRUNK SEWER AND SEWER MAIN LATERALS; AND APPROV- IlIG THE DESIGN, PlANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF: AUTHOR- IZING Tltij CONSTRUCTION OF' SAID SEWER TRUNK AND LATERALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS ",l\ND SPECIFICATIONS A1\'D AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CI.lERK TO PtrBLISH A NOTICE IN- VITING SEAlED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopt~d by the follo~iinE?: vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1999 duly passed and adopted. ',1\-1 I 'N".EXt-, I~)N: Submitted by Urban Peltzer and. ZOG June Peltz.er, joint- OWJler.a, of twenty acrea, uninhabited territory, ,Southeast corn~ of Euclid and Cr~scent Streets. Description of property attached to the petition and prese~ted to the City C~uncil. The City Council on motion iy Councilman Van Wagoner referred the Petition to the City Planning Commission for their recommendation and to the Crange County Eobndar7 ~i'-,~,~~",,,,,,,-C~'O<-';;'i,~-.,",""_-'..4' - ''" '~'"",,"""~;-"''''~O'';;'~,,,*,_'~-!-_':.ri~~':''''~''''''''=~,''_'''''_'''';:_'4iE*",,,,,..;.-..::~,,",,.~,,,,,.,._,,-~;';.-!;i'J-.:31Io>if';;;~';"'i'i';iji#'~;;;;; ".";: .~_ ,,_>,._'_~'~;;;'''~_' _, 'C", ,__."""""~_,,,,_' _._',.'~_.'~~--=". ,--. -<.~ )0) --------~-,--- City Hall, Anahe)im, -CaliforJlia, July 22, 1952 - 8.:00 P.M. Commission for aT):proTal a.s to the definiteness and certainty of the proposed bOUlldaries. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. L_N(',~ Y ..c1,~ SEi. ~~l< [!.'ENT: The matter of bimonthly billing was again 'Presented to the Counci 1 by Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Oelkers.- After discu.ssion, Councilman Heying moved that the bimonthly billing~t thorugh the Public Service Department be :put into effect. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. It was estimated that it would require three months for 'bimonthly billing to become effective. h~E and other service charges was brouth up for discussion, and ordered held oyer. i. :3ICN Ed~G-!J:j~~: !.the matter of Subdivision Regulat-ions was. thoroughly d~scussed and ordered held over for further study. -~~,J v~; .~~{-~~R ~.tUJ: Maintenance b:,r the 01 ty as a Historical Monument was held over for further study. n~' ,RAISA:W: The City Council ordered appraisal be made of ,the property at Olive and La Palma, formerly occupiei by the Veterans' Housing Project. The matter of establishing a policy of ANNEXATION CHAR.GES was discussed and ordered held over for further wtud7. After discussion of the Manchester Avenue Freew~ CroBsing Elevationst it was decided by the City Council to continue with the present State Highway Plans for the several intersections. Councilman Boney moved to ad tjourn. Councilman Wisser :seconded the motion. il/10TION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. . - . ( SIGmID -~~'~~~k ;-:'"'~'--:'-.,.;I\-;_~'-",,~._-:....-.-..:,:.- ._~.'--.~..,:.:.:,.",".,..tf.~~-';'*~~