1952/08/04 ',.'.)4 C,\~.~/ ..~JJ~!!_.h_~~!t_eJlr::.',~ Oa.J.Jforn.ia.t_~~l1@_~~t_ ~~,_),,95.?_ ~_.1o: QSt A. ~t_____~.._._ SFF.CTAL MEETING of the Anaheim Ci ty CounciJ was called by Ma.yor Pearson, for Au.gust Lt.~ " S~: at 10:CO A.~~. for the purpQse of considering the natter of fixing the Hm011nt of 'u:DPY neeeSSRrjT to be raised by taxa.tion U'Don the ta.xElble -property in the City HS a revenue to operate tb.e TarlOUB City De:partments. and to "Day the City's indebtedness f the enrr~rt fises.] year 1952-.195.3, and. for the pur1=ose of considering such oth.er 'ratterf-. as ma;,! pro-perly come befc,re said rneeting,. AI} merrber~. of the Cit:y" Cou.m.ci] acknowledged receipt of the Noti.ce of Special ~/eet j Ile (.};. Allf1H~ t 2 t 19.5;'.. ,F-RESENT: COUNCII:fl.tEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying and. Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCII~AN: Boney. 0TTY ATTCPNEY~ PR}JSTON TURNER: Present. rITY ADMJ~JISTRATlVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. -, i Councilman Van WRloner introd.uced Ordinance No. 813 and moved for its ado'Dtion. Sai.d Ordinance wa.s read in full for the first time in public. Motion was seconded b;r Councilman Heying. MOTTOI CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF T~~ CITY OF ANAHEI~ FIXING TI~AMot~ OF MONEY NECESSARY TO FE RAISED BY TAXATICN UP()}I THE TAXAJ3LE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Af) .~ REVENUE TOOPEEATE THE VARICUS CITY DEFARTMENXS AND TO PAY THE CITY INDEBTEDNESS FOP THE CURRENT FISCAl. YEAR OF 1952-53. The matter of BONJD rS~~TJE was brought up at the meeting. It was moved by Councilman Heying thB,t O'?4elv-eny and ~vers t Bond. Attorney! be employed t~) handle pro"P()sed Bond It.sue. and all legal matters pertaining to the ~nnd., Election and the sale and issue of bonos. Motion seconded by Councilman Wisser. 1IlOTION t';A'F.P TED . Amount of the Genere.1 'Fund, $171,145.00 - .644 Library $ 45,075.00 - .]7 Bond Funds $ 7'5,780.00 - -4~- 1.10 TOTAl The tentative Taluation of the CitJi" of Anaheim, 1952-1953: -I Secured Property - Unsecured Property $24,604,850.00 _~.J~"&9.!9Q $26tS15~lOO. 00 rrCrFA] VA LUATICN , 1)52-1953 (The Final VS.luation to be furrd.shed by the County Auditor on or after AUyUst 18. 1952). -S.A}"\rj~;.;; The matter of Water Meter and Installation Charges was brought up, and. it was proposed to iDtroduce it to the representatives of the seyeral cities of the Orange County League of Cities at their meeting of August 14th, for the pttrpo.. of Fecuring uniform charges b~T the several cities in the COUDty. Cou.ncilman Heying moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser secoDded. the motiol'1. ~lOTION CARRIED. ADJCURNED. & . r~. -::oF --.. .. ~ ... .. /'~- ,- -;7,;- SrmrED . :4Jd:;L ....., .' ~ct-tYCierk-----'--' -I m'~.;ri_",~,,,~,_~~._,~_-^,,,,-._..-. --...-,-,.,