1952/08/12 .Joe; . ._~ c i~J1~ll..L~~b-.~' ~.9al_i f 0 J:~J..~L A~~ s t!-~;~..L2..9:.i?-, ~- 8: <;>0 p. M. -.-..,. ...-.-._.."-.........._~..,....__.- The ri t:y t;onnei 1, of the Ci.ty of Anaheirr met in R.egular -Session. PFESE}rrr; COTJNCr' HE}I: ?eal."f,OrJ. Wi SBer i l:feyin~:. "Pcney and. Van '~lagcne1'. A.P ~..~.E}TT: COiTNC'T LMEN : None. CITY ATTORNEY t PP.ESTCN TUJUJER; Present. CIrp'Y ADMINISTRATIVE OPFTCER. KEITH A. MUHDOCH: Pr€~ent. ,JTES; The Mi.nuteB of the Regnlar Eeetine: held July 22, 1552t 8:00 P.M. and Specia.l CaJled Meeting held 10~()O A.~If., !'L11Jlday, AU~l1St 4, 1952 were approved on tr.otion by ';cuDcilman ::Snne~y, seccnded by COllDGtlman Wisser. !JIC'TtO~T CARRIED. "rEI ;.;'J~J)S; Council ma.n Van Wagoner reported (I emands aga.inst the c1 ty amoUDting to $85..769.56. Cnunc:i.lman BQney moved that report of Finance Commi~tee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay sald demands in accordance with report. Councilruan Heying seconded the. mot ton. MOTTON.CARRIEr. 1<.."..1:8L",L &:.;1>~11.i...TI1~G ~'bi:CI>~~.;; 'Reports for the mqnth of July, 1952 w~re approved on motion by Councilman Vall Wagoner, secondec: by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. TRF~SURER: General Fu.nd, $214.,1J.2LL.59 - Tots] General Accounts, $499,023.93, tots.l all ~unds, $Q36,736.41. 'PTJJNaE: Totel.~",!immert! for ,July. 2U,O," - Cash receipts for July, $7,563.78, totaJ receipts to rlate. $12,05k.07. C.ON0ESSI ON: Profi t fc.r July. $2"7. ~5, 0" 10.1.5%. TRASH: 279 loads. 5.54.57 ton~ - GARBAGE: 27 loa.ds, or 129 tons. :BUTTDING: 99 'Oermi.ts issued, of which ,6 werce Building with $274,950.00 valuation. Fees~col1ected. $1,405.65. . TJ1.BPABY: Balance Au.gust 5 t lq5? - $1.6,788.53. WEED CHARGES: to be entered on 1952-51 tax rolls, $1,053.50. CITY A1JDI TOB : Deposi ted to the severaJ. funds. $70.580.19. PUEIJC SERVICE DEPARTTVJmT: $102.880.57 of-which B.G.D. charges were $lt920.37 and Sanj te.tion charges were $6,570.00. BUSINESS LICENSES: Gross Receipt TJi.censes ~ $2.490.00 - other licenses t $1.312.10 - DOG LICENSES: $279.25. CITY CLERK: $114.001 FIRE"' DEP ART~IENT : Ac t i vi t i as. !Jct.ICE DEPARTMENT: Ac tivi ties. PAHKING METER CO:IJJ.JECTICN~: 51,700.00 aITY OOTJRT: 56? ca~es of which 2)0 were Parki~g Meter Violations - $3,000.00 collected. SITY ELECTRICIAN: Fees collected: $587.70 - 69. light wiring and 3 :power wiring electrica.l fixtures 50. Water level city wells. August 1, 19.52 - 160'8" CITY AlIDITOR: Expenses ~ald on J.C.~. maintenance. total $2.184.16 of which Anaheim paid $723.83 or 33.14%. rITY AUDITOR: Erpen~es paid on Magnol i.a. Truck Sewer: tota.l $478.28 of which Anaheim pald $106.56, or 2~. ?e~~. T'?'RARY: Annual report. CRESOEB'T AvB:\UE ;:~HU}rK SE'if.E}~: Co,mc:tlman Boney moved that the Cler~ be instructed to ~ren bids receive~ for the proposed construction of the Crescent ATenue Trunk Sewer. Councilman Wisser se~oDded the mnti.ontl HGTJON CARRIED. EInS RECEIVED: ~~~~__.____ _ ,__ __. .~. __ ____ J~t 81r!.-...! ... 1.~..~!!...2. - .l~ em..J. - .It._fJl!1.Jt- It em-5 .-!Qj;al ,J. E. Popovich P.O. Box 261, Torrs~ce 5.25 4.85 4.25 22.00 875.00 39,441.06 Bosko &: Bradarich Co. 8512 Fishman "Rd. Pico. 6.00 S.?t; 3.?c; 24. SO ~,450.00 39.985.67 6.c.o 4.75 26.00 1,500.00 47,941.27 ?4~ 5.15 25.00 350.00 .55 , J. 72. 6 J 1.QO c;.3f) 190.00 1,200.00 47,919.71 James I Gallacher 180 21~t St.. Costa Mesa 6.?S Bosko Engineering Co. 8461 E.WHitter. Pico 1()tt00 T,eo ~')' ~ 1,./. Weiler N. ~fcCle.y St. Santa Ana 6.50 AJ bid.,proposalr were acr.omnanied wit1) bid bond tn the amount of 10% of bid, and non-collusion affidavit~. Rids were referred to the Engineering Committee for tabulation. After tabula.tioIft the ~i ty Engineer re~ommended the contract be awarded. J. E. Popovich, the 10'" bidder. Councilman TIoney moved that the bid be awarded J. E. PopoYich. COUDcilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION C".ARRIED. ~...:,~,,*~,,-4~~'_..,,~~-':&__A-'_." 1_1JI ;6 "it:v Hall. Ans-heim. Caltfornia, Aueust 12, lQS2,- 8:00 P.M. .~ -._-_.,.._~---- ~'~"_.~-""'."-''''''''''''~--'-~'-----'''''''''-''-~'-'~'.'-'--'.~~'--- - - - -. ....~_....~."" F-Sl-52-25: Fred Fredickson. Councilman Hey'ing moved that the recommende:~ j on~" of the Ci ty 'P1 c,nnjng Commissi on be sustained, B.nd that reclassification t. ~'..-l be .:-rar1.teo and thereu:0011 ',ffered COl1n.ci Iman Wi sseI'" seconded he mf't I",n. l,r"T:rrN ~ARFTED. "l.E'fer to Resolution Book. 'Dage "-~- ''''''~' ~-----.,,,--"'.""- A RESOLU't'TO}Y.OF THE. CITY COTlNCIT. nF THE rITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANnE OF !JONE IS NECESf'~RY IN CERTAIN A'RFJ\S OF . THE CITY.AND THAT ORDINANCE NO. 774 SHOUI,D "RE~ A!\'JElfDEI\ TO A CCOMPT, I SH SA IE ORANGE OF ZONE. On 1"elJ ca.ll the foregoing Resolution No. 2000 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES = NOEP:~ ABSENT: COlIN(;IIJ.1EN: COUNC I JJMEN : nOUNCIIJMEN: Pearson. Wisser. ,Heying, Roney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The ~~ayor decl ared the f'oregoi.nfJ:' 'Resolu.tion du.1 "JT passed and adopted. V.;~ji:.TI }' A~_.jJi.: Pur~uant to Ordinanee No. 800 t the 01 ty Olerk nresented affidavi t (;')f publication and affidavi t (Itf 'D0sting of 'Oremises. There were no ~rotest~ receivecl,by thefCity Council; there being ~o object- (\n~ to the uroceed.ings t the M8J7or declared tt.l.e Hearine: closed.. COUltcilman Va,n Waeoner introduced IJ"ll i'-.lJlJN"C t ,2001 and moved for its T'a.~sa?e BlJd sri '"'\ption. rouncilrnan Wisser secnnded the motion. MOTION C'~IED. < Refer- tr.- ResoJution 'Book,(page A RESOT.T'TTf'iN OF "PIfE CITY CCTTNCIT. OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~! ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDON.. \1!:NT OF. AN .~IJI;EY AND AN EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURPOSES rn)01\f. OVER AND ALONG A STRIP 16 ,.'EET WIDE A1J1J 188.55 FEET IN lENGTH LOCArrED BETWEEN T,oT~ 1 AND ~ OF TRAOT.52.5 AS SHOWN ON A ~'!.AP ~HEREOF RECOHDED TN :BOCK 31', PAGE 15. ~:lISr.EJiI~11]JOUS Y:APS t RECORDS OF ORANGE e'lTTNTY ~ r'A T 1 FCHHJI A. b~r the On rr:~ll ca.l) the f'("lrep'o1np' ResoJ.lltion No. ,('OOl was.rlul~r nassed and adopted fc119wln~ vote; - AYES: NCES~ APSE1\T: ~omT (' I IJ~fF.N ; aOTJN('Ill~TEN ~ GO IJNC I I}~N : Pearson, Wisser. Heyine, Boney and Van Wagoner. Unne. No ne . The t'~laYGr declared the foregoiD.P-: Resolution duly passed and adopted. I{-.:. T\ e ed wa,~ no't g i [?led. ResoJution accepting Grant Deed was held over, as the LAL~ Y: Renewal of license for 8ft Waste water disposal line under their tracts. The M~or and City Clerk were a.uthor..ized.- to 8i~ Extensinn Rider on motion by CounC"i }TI1an Van vJagoner, seconded by Councilman Heyink~. MOTION CARRIED. 'Rrr:.ught up for final reading on motion bitT Counci l1Ttan Heying, secoDded t~{ Councilman Wisser. ~'0TICN CARHIED. Refer to Ordine.nce Bnok. Da~e A-r,:' OP.DTN~~Nr.E 0l4' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIXING THE AMOTJNT OF MONEY NECESSARY T0 :BE BAISED BY TAXATION UPON T:H]; TAXA,BLE PROPERTY IN Tf.:E CITY OF ANAHEIM AS A FEVENUE TO OPERA.TE THE VARIGHJS r:ITY DEPA.'RTMENTS AND rro PAY THE-CITY TNDE."RTEnNESS FOR-TEE CURRENT FISCAL YFJili 0]' 19<::2-53. On rn1J call the foregoine Ordinance No. 8J'3 was duly pa~sed and adopted by f.'he f(ll1f"\~:i ng 'tote: 'AYES~ NOEf: A.F SENT: COUNCT T:~rEN : COUNr I J I~~N : ~OTmCIJ!MEN: Pear~on, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. lJihe ~':ay()r decle,red the foregoing Ordinance duly TIRssed and adopted. ,..~~_."~~"'t:-:;;0""'1""'d'.<"',_'~_.-':"""'.-,._~.,."y~,,,;._.."."::~t,.!!k~~_.~~,~~_.:., -;"..-,,-~~~ ?10? ___~ _~___ C ij: '3: Hall.l._~~.E~_e 1m ,__Ca~ if ~~n~..t_~}'~~~_:t_l~,__ .J. 9 2 ~-=_ ..?3 00 P. N. 1, _____-_..~~__.'oI> ..,... ,~. .~,j,.... >Jo... _...~ ~:rohn L. Noble., 2100 E. La Palma Ave. to erect a se(~ond house on the 'P.....o.nerty. The City PlanniD~ CommiRsion rec.nmmends that the variance be granted subject to the fol1rwing ~ondition$: 1", That the ne\1T build in~ be erected conform to the "Dresent set-backs of homes in the vicinity. ,) That no building be erected on the property over 160 feet from the center line of East La Palma Avenue. 3. That a 'Record of Survey Map be filed with the City of Anaheim and with the County of Orange, showing the division of the property. Councilman ~eyimg moved to sustain the action of the City Planning Commission that variance be granted 8ubject to conditions as recommended. Councilman Boney second. ad the motion. MOTION CAIRIED. 'Ij,T IE hi.;. . 16;',: l,ocated in the Ward Annexation. con;taining ~lotS. Councilman Heying moved the Tentative Map be accepted. subject to conditions set forth by the Oity Pl8Jming Cornmission in their recommendations. to"Wit: 1. Annexation. 2. Engineering requirements. 3. Change in names of streets. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TAT rrs 1'.1\ Ap~roTal ~f Tentative Map of Tract No. 1644 WQ@ held over. I~.t. J~l,fj_: ~ ': i -tJ:k\f'~ . 1.... A~proval of Tentative ~~p of Tract No. 1591 was held ove r . l:j,':I'I'_.N: -" cot ;..[L~.>. s: STYRVrL):, N. l';AL!vI AND 10S ANGELES srps.: Communi- cation from the Division of Highv.r&Y'ft. dated t,.Tuly 25. 1952 as to survey made by the Highway Department to determine a method of providing safe crossing interval for pad.. estrians crossing Los An,geles at Pa:Lm Street and at Romneya Drive. The Highway Department stated that the survey determined, ;t~At cross walke OD North Palm Street at Los Angeles Street and at Romneya Drive were not warranted. The Clerk ~Jas instructed tcnotify the petitioners as to the ,findings of the Highwe.y Department on motion by' Connci1man Heyi.ng. seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTIO! CARRIED. .,":.,",JL_ The remoTal of metE:rs at t~e Northeast and Southwest corners of Los Angeles at Center Street and Lemon at Center Street for the accommodation of the Cross-To'nl 13U9 T;ine was approved. Changes of Parking Meters on Center Street at T~i Cab Stations and providing other locations for Taxi Cab Stands was considered and approved. f'"1 \..-11':.. TNG pertaining to Sales Tax was ordered received and filed. I Ci>PI'~N; rY,_,F 1~TJ2:.JRkTC:N ,in reference to ~bl ic Utilities Commission ATI~11cation of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company wae ordered receiTed and fi.l ed. CL.'T uN- ~ C ,~F GLEi:rr<':SA wi th th.eir Resolution opposing any further extension of Federa11y subsidized public housing projects in California vas ordered ~eceived and filed. A:,-'Dl:l:: Diehl & Company, Aud i tors. The Gi ty Council accepted t~eir bid of $575.00 f0r audit of the City Books and Records for the fiscal year 1951-1952 on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by CQuncilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. ::: ,To1mMur~, doe. Murany Plumbing ~erV'ice, John P. Robinson and Ernest J. Tramell, dba Romell Plumbing and \'1. J. T\~errithew together with Taxi Cab Policy of Insurance for T-ljrman 'B,. Nisely were ordered. accepted subject to the &:pproval of the City Attorney on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman :Boney. ~10TIO~T CARRIED. :~S'~;-~-..1'.1! r:r '>1',:'; The Ci ty Planning Commission voted. to recommend that this property be considered for annexation to the City, and be designated as the CRESCENT AVENUE ANNEXATION. No action was taken upon the City Planning Commission's recommenda- tion at this time. The Orange County Eoundary Co~mission's approval for annexation of Urban Peltzer and Zoe .June Pel tzer was subroi tted and Councilman Heying moved that the Orange County Boundary's a~roval of application be accepted. Councilman Boney secondec the motion. MOTION CARRIED. "",;-c~""_I__-_",__.-",*"~~_",,~~;;.;,,,~~~_ _-_--~..'~~;_.;;-.:,...:-_~H'i':'>!'-:~~~~~ UK ,___~_~~_._.~;i~._ Hall, Anaheim, Califor.ia, A1Wlst .12, 1912 - 8:00 P.M. The Clerk was instructed to write the ~roponents to su~mit formal petition 4'or annexa ot; ,)f the terri tory tc be designHtea as CRESCENT AVENUE ANNEXATION t and. ':J advi se that the ct ty 8XTJects the lots to be of minimum 9i ze, and it is so requested. .;.~'\..:, . ir~ , ~~llncilman Van Wagoner submit tad Ordinance N(). 811 for" final readins and moved ~or its passa~e and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, ~age ~......---...,.."..",..~...._-~.",.. AN ORDINAl~CE OF THE Cpry OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE AN~"EXA.TION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS BURTON STREET ANNEXATION. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance No. 811 was duly passed and adopted by the-follo.in~ vote: AYES ;- NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: GO UNC I J.J.1EN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. 'rhe Mayor d,ecla.red Ordinance. No. 811 duly passed and adopted. nED J~.i<Ll'j,Ail I .' lj}.DIN}..~.CE He. Councilman Heylng offered Ordinance No. 812 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoution. Councilman Boney seconded the mo~ion. fvT OTI (> N r:P.Rf; I En . Refer to Ordinance Book, page -- ."_.~-~. -'-- _.--'"'."..,.,.....-~.- -.AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A~IAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF TEE TERRI1f1{JPY KNOWN' ArID '!)ESIChlt\TE.JAS WARD ANNEXATION. in, :'011 call the foregoing Orainance No. 812 was duly passed and adopted bY' the following vote: AYES: NnES: Ap. SE1\TT : GOUNC'IT1~fEl'T : CO l1NC I L,MEN : COlm~ I liVEN: Pearson. Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. 'None. None. The ~:ayor declared Ora inance No. 81? duly passed and adopted. :h.CL.;.;.", Com~leted petition for the annexation of property to-be ncl'tlde~ i 11 the ,Ar.'tM:.!ia Street Annexation was ""1"'1 ered. acce-:>ted on motion by Councilman \~1~ser t second eo bjT Councilman Heytnp:. MOTION CAR'HIE--l1.. T,le ("lerk's Ce1-tiflcation as to quali.fication of electors residing in the l}r'oposef! Acac-1.a Street Annexatton wa,s subr1i tted. -:SC,1;7:TI Councilman Van Wagoner introduced Resol't~tion No. 2002 and moved for its na~sa;"~ and a.d(')'~ntion. Cnunci..lman Wisser seconded the lnotion. MOTION CARRIED. Hef er te, Heso 11.1 t i..")n :Book, page___ A RESOTATT InN ~ TH'E Crrry COTTNCrT (v ~HE CITY OF ANAHEI:\,: DECLARING ITS INTENTION.TO CAT.I, A SfE"'TAT, EI,ECTTON TO ST.JBMTT TO THE (~nALT~Tl~!) ELECTORS RESIDING IN THE HEREIN- Ii ~lTEH r'ESGFIBEJ-1 TERPITORY THE CJfE:;rrTo-n OF A1lIEXArrION OF SAID TERRITOR.Y TO THE CITY (':ri' ANAHET}~. nn -~f11~ 1 call the forep'oing Besol~.lt ion No. 200? was dul;{ passed and adopted the f01 owin~ vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: GOUNCILMEl'T: C~TJNrILMEN : COUNC I Ij~fE}T : Pearson~ Wisser, Heying, Boneyrand Van Wagoner. None. None. The \'Iayor decl!?,red Resolut.ion No. 2002 du.ly -paaaed and adopted. ~l :x.AT I The Ci t.\f Clerk submi t ted the Clerk I s Certification as to 0ualificatlnns of electors residin.:; in the 1)roposed Houston Avenue Annexation. Councilman Heying of'fered Resolution No. 2003 and moved for i t~ 'OaSSRf?"9 and ado'nti.on.. COllnci] ma.n Wi sse:r seconded the motion. ).,1OTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book t page ...____.._.._._____~. A RESOLrrrrC'N (j"P THE CITY' COUNCTL 0"F THE CITY OF ANAHElr~ ACKNOWtEDGTNG RECEIPT OF A COpy n~ NOTICE CF TNT}~N'rION TO CIRCULATE A PETITION RELATING TO THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY Tn THE t:ITY OF ANAHEIM ANllAFFI"JAVIT OF -PtTBT,ICATION TblITREOF, AND APPROVING THE C'HCUIuVr I 017 SA IT' DET r~I ON. "-'-~~~#,'-<rn..~-.~i'-'-'~':"~4i~'_",_5,'j*,~_~$r.~",""~'.,,.~~,i$~~~~; ~~.iiI ".",."-;",,,,.-,,,,-,-",,,.,,-_.,,,-",, 309 _~'d~__',_ ei.. ~][_J1~1~l,~~a~~~~"~ C~!_i.!,~9r!!.!:~.L_!~gq;~t __~?,. _,19j2~_li.: oQL&__ __ _,~__~,.~ ._ d.L! _, . .:.:!.J .h.t~ The City Conncll :?roceeded to canvass the returns of the electiol: neld July 24, 1152. The Clerk suomi tted certificat.ion of voters who a.re quAlified electors re- siding the the territory proposed f,..,r annexation. · 2- C:ouncilman Heyin:," f)ffered R.esolution No. 2004 and moved for its nassage and ad')ption. CQunci 1 man Wisser seconded the motion. MOTIO.N CARRIED. A. RESOLUTION OF THE ~IrrY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CAUSING A REC\\R11 O"F'CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SP:FJCIAT.: ANNEXATION ELECTION TO :BE ENTEEr~n TJ?ON rTS VTNUTES. WRE"frFJ,AS, the Ci ty Gounci] of the Ci ty of Anaheim has canvassed the returns .jf B. certa.in special annexation election held on the 24th day of July, 1952, in certain lmlncorDorated terri tory Bou~ht to be annexed to said Ci ty of Anaheim; and wm:REAS, said Ci ty Counci 1 has caused a record. to be made of the canvass of returns of said. election. which record is entitled RECORD OF CA~IASS OF RETURNS OF SPEC L~I) A...1\JNEXAT I ON EI.E CT ION. HELD ~nTtJ y ? Lt. t 1952, . NOt~, THEREFORE. BE IT 'RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM the.t said. record of canvass of returns of said election be, and the same is hereby 0rdered entered upon the Minutes of said City CQuncil. On roll call the fo~egoing Resolution was duly passed. and adopted by; the fo.! lowing vote:, AYES: NOES: . A..13 S.ENT : GOl~JC II,MEN;: COTJNCI TJMEN.: COTJNCILMEN~ .. , Pearson, WiRser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The ~~yor de~la.r.d ~he foregoin~ Resolution du.ly passed and adopted.; RECORIJ OF CAJ\T11ASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAl, ANNEXATION EIJECrrION HEI.JD JUl~Y 24, 19.52. The City Council of the City of Anahei~ hereby makes a record of canvass of returns of a special annexation election. Said special annexatio~ election was held on the 24th day of July, 1952 in the manner provided by law. That f0r said election said Ctty Council duly established one voting "precinct Nhich is designated as BALL ROLT) ANNEXATION EIJECTION PHECINCT. That t~e polling place for such election was established and.maintained at FT:ANX A. PIET110K GARAGE., at 901 South r,em()n Street 10 O~a.nge Count)"" California, which wa~ within the hereinafter described unincorporated. territory. The d.escription of the property proposed to be included in the annexation knCfi,\Tn as the "Tj,ALT, ROAD ANNEXATION is as follows: Beginni~g at a ~oint on the existing East City Limit y,ine, said point being on the South R/W line of East Vermont Avenue and 1652 feet, more or less, east of the monumented center line of South East Street; thence eastwardly along said South R/W line of Vermont Avenue to a point of intersection of the South R/W line of Vermont Avenue extended and east RjW. li,ne of Placentia Avenue; thence southwardly along east R/W line of said Placentia Avenue 1200 feet more or less to a -noint of intersection of the south line -,f IJot 18 extended and said east Rjw line of Placentia Avenue. thence westwardly along south line of IJots 18 and l? 2625 feet more or less to a point on the e~st Rlw line of South East Street; thence southwardly along said East R/w line of South East Street 1?4() feet more or less to a point o~ intersection 0f the South RjW line of Ball Road and the east p/W line of Sou~h East Street extended; thence westwardly 3680 feet more or less along Bald south Rlw 1i.ne of Ra.l1 R/)M to the eA~t R/W l.in~ of South Los Angeles Street, als0 k:no~rn as 11.S. Eie;hvIBY 101; thence Southwardly along said East R/W line of South T;,)~ Angeles Street to a. point on the South Ii ne of t~e N& of N-~ of Nit. of Section 22; thence westward.ly aloncf:' said line a di~tance ()f 2440 feet more or less to the east R/W line of Harbor Blvd; thence north\\IS,rdly along said East R/W extended. of Harbor Blvd. 660 feet more 01" less to a point on the mcnumented center line of Ball Road; thence. eastwardly 5.12 feet to a poi:nt. said point being the east R/W line of Harbor Blvd. on the N(n~.th, produced, thence northwardly along ~aid H,IW line produced, 6'0 feet more r ess to the interseetion of the easterly R!W line of Harbor Blvd. and the westerly R/v' 1.ine of Palm Street; then~e ea~t~ardly 49.50 feet measured at right angles to the 'Alesterly R/W line of' Palm Street to the ea~terly p/itT Itne of said ,Palm Street; and the existing city limit line; thence southwardly along said easterly R/W line and exiwting ~ity limit Line 1.56.68 feet to ~ point. said point being on the eSisting .southermost eity limit line: thence eastwa:r-dly continninP.' along. exi~t:ing city limit line 728.16 """-~="""~;'-"-:-'J'._""'_~"''':'~~~~i~...___'''',<,"~;~,;,*~--j-~'i,..j&....d",~,",'-',~,*,~.Wit-.;.i~ _:~~.ll~h. An~hei~ ._9a!_!.'f.2rn!.~-L..,..~14~S Ll~t~.!.222 - 8: OQ._P .'M ._ feet to a '!joint; thence northwardly alone:: exlstine city limit line 671.45 feet to a T)f)int: thence westwardly along existing ~ity limit line 299.62. feet 'to a point; thence nnrthwa"'dly ali'")Ili'" existing ~it~T li:Tit line 29().OO feet to a point on the northR.W Lne of Vermont Avenue; thence contlnuing along- eX1.sting city limit line and the north 'P /w 1 ine c'~ IT ermont Avenue ' 338 feet more or les~ to a -point on the west R/W line of !f)9 Anf"eles Street; thenee snllthwardly continuing along eXisting eity limit line 66.11 feet to a noi.nt of inte:r~ect ion of the ~~uth P /'.}, 1 ine of Vermont Avenue and the west F /W line o+' Los )I.ngeles Street; thence southwa~dly continuing along existing 01 ty 5mit ~_ine and said l1/W of r..,8 An.s::-eles Street 1077.15 feet to a TJoint: thence eastward- :\' cont.inn n~ a.lonp' existine cit..\f limit 11.ne 12,1.1J.5 feet, to a l10int on the east R/W ; ne of t he STiP~ R!1AT a.lso known a~ ~\,")'ltb 01 ive St,.eet; thence 1141.39 feet northwardly along ex:i s t in~ Ci ty Limi t Id.na ann said SPRR R/W li.ne extended to a point on the north RlW 1 ine o+~ Vermont Avenue; thence ea.stwardly continuing along existing City IJimit Tine and said R/w line 2}OO -feet more or less to a point on the west R/W line of East Street; thence southwardly continllin.F; alnn:; eXisting Cit~T TJ.imit Tine 66 feet to a T\')int f1n the south R/W 1 ine of Vermont Avenue; thence eastwa:rd,ly continuing along ev_isting rity Timit I,ine a.nd said south R/W line of Vermont Avenue 1685.45 feet more or less to the -point of beginninE;. That the proposition submitted to t.he electors residing within said un.. in~t)T"Oora.ted area was: ---S'ha~i'l"- BAT;T: ~ROA~~"AimEXA"Tr'ON"be'annexed"--to-the-~""-'-~-"-'~---., ..,,_.,---:- City of Anaheim. California.. and the property ~ lD said EATJTJ ROAD ANNEXATION be, after such annexation. subject to taxation equally with the property wi.thtn said Cit~ of Anaheim to "pay its pro Tate portion, b~sed upon assessed valuation. of all 'bonded jnde.btedness of said Ci ty of Anaheim out stand ini; on :viay ??, 1952 t "Dl' .._~h.~r.~~t of 0 ~.!, au t l\Q.;Y;.te..~t! 1..._... ..'" " __ _ ___._.__~ ._~__ ~._l_ -,-~._.---L____.. _.__....!. YES . . . . _.~_..~_,_ ..4I_!........._---!. NO t That ~aid Oity Council met a~ its regular meeting e,fter the expiration of thre~ 'iays from and after the date of said election to canvass the returna of said electi on, and at said regula.r meeting did make and complete 1 ts canV9.SS of such returns. - That, ~ro1T' and. by i.ts canvass of such returna, said City Council finds: 1. That the whole number of votes cast at such election was 61. ? That the number of votes cast at such election in favor of annexation was ,4. 3.. mhat the number (11 "'J"0t~S ca!=',t at such election against annexation waB ?? Li. That the nll.IDber of 'ballots received as absentee votes was 3. .....,......"..,...-.. c ~ -.- _~........-. ~,,,,,,,,,-.',;~---,~,,,,,,,,,,,,-:--,,,,,.~,'__t4 4 CHAHI~S E. G:11IFFITH. City rlerk of the City of Anaheim '-'-) I i ,.:~ 1\ c:~, '4': Counr:-.ilman itJi~ser introd.uced. for fir~t readin~ Ordinance No. 814. AN CR'DINANCE O"ff1 THE CITY OF ANAfmIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID C'Trry OF ANAHEI!~ O'F CEHT.AINURINCOR*PC1JlATEm TERRITORY KNOWN AS f1BALL FOAlI AmryJXATTt)N!'. Ji.l~SF'::it.. ,..uS; C':n motIon by Counc1lman 'H.eylng. sec(J~ded by Councilman Van Wagoner t~ansfer of $6,000.00 from the General ~lnd to the Emnloyees Retiroment System Fund ~rp~ authori.,ed.::nTTON CARRIEr. r'ollncilman Van Wagoner offeren Reso1ution No. 2005 and moved ,f'1r its 1)A.s~a.g'e and ado:9tion. r.ouncilman Wisser ~er!)nde0 the motion. HOTION CARRIED. 'Re-f'er to ResC'llution Book, -cage ~"~q""'" A -qESOLurrUiN (YF '11FE~ITY COUNCI T 0]' rpf'Jt "'ITY Q'W ANAHET~! 'PEJECTING THE CLA tM OF THE V ~ I"'.K. CONS'11PU(;ifilnNjO'f\'PANY FOR r.OIvrpENSATION FOP AnDTTTONAT. ROCR USED OR CLAIMED TO Hj\ 7'E PEEN nsE'"" TN THE rONSTRUCTION OF UNITS T AND J r OF'rHE MAC-NOlllA TRUNK 'SEWER OF TWE O"RANG~"'OTTNTY ,JCT~TT nUTFAtJL SEr,,'ER. Onrn'11 c91-1 the 'forepoing Resolution No. 2005 was duly pa.ssed and adopted the fo'10winp vote: A YES: NOES: A'D~ENT: COTJNC I lIMEN: COUNC r II~fEN : CX1UNCI TJ1EN : Fea.rson. Wisser, Heying. Boney and. V'Sn Wagoner. None. 110 ne. ~...;,~~.jI~";~,,,-,~'~,~'_....w_";';"'~._"~~,-"'-i.'~ ~-,-,,",-~'-.t~- ,__iOo"~"_~ :)11 . _'_-9.1:.:t?~-ri~lJJ_Anah!!J1'J.. ,,('~~}}.~rQ!n i_~.J _~_~:~.~~ .,12 ,!... J22?_:_>-:-'~ : ~'t'!1h.~_,_,__ ....... -"~-'~""_..-^-.-,,-,,- ~ Cou~ci~man Heying offered Resolution No. 2006 and moved for its passa~e and adnTtion. (".")unciJman Van Wa?"nner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRLHID. 'Refer to Resolution Book, paee - ...,.'....-..". ,..-.-.........-..... .....- A RESOIJUTION OF 'rfIE Crry COTJ1H'IT.J OF THE CITY OF ANAlIEIM APPROVING A SUPPI,EMENTAIJ A(niEEM1~NT TO 'BE !tA.DE AND ENTERED I1TTO BY AND 'BET\'/EEN 'rFIE CITIES OF ANAHEIM. FUIJIJERTON t OPANGE AND SANTA ANA, A11T) THE 'BlTENA F~RK t__,GA.RDEN GROVE" LA HABRA A:t.ID PLACENTIA SANIT~-qy n'TSTRICTS r CREATING AN EXECTTTIVE ';O!JfT'..!ITTEE AND CONFERRING CERTliIN P01:JERS UPON SAID c;nI\':J-1ITTE"B; A:N"'TI AUTHORT....TNG SAID EXECUTIV8 cnr\'1~I!ITTEE TO ENTER, INTO A CONTRACT WITH ry,'HE BOA'Rl' QF A:DMINI STRATTON 0' THE STA'r}ij "ENPT.OYEBS' RETIRE~.{Fm SYSTEM. AND AMENDI~TG STJPPLE- \~1\TTA T, AGREF.MENrrS HER'ETGWORE~fiA!''p, AND ]~NTERED TNTO. On ro'l t'!al1 the forer-oing Res')lution was duly passed and adopted by the f'n"llowtng vete: AYES: NOES; AP SENT : OOTlNCItMEN: Pea-rson t Wif:H~er, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. COUNCI1MEN: None. COUNCIT,)MEN: ,None. The Mayor declared the f'oreF;oi.n~Resolution No. 2006 duly passed and adopted.. Ii~ .:Arr:lc..N - L'::...[... Vl:., ::.:/CA.:':~: The ~ity Attorney requested vacation, to be absent from the second meeting' in Augu.~t and the first meeting in September. Councilman ?oney reauested -permission to leave the state. Counc:tlman Van. vlagoner moved that requests of' Ci ty Attorney and Councilman 'Boney's be granted.. C~nmcilrnan. Wisser seconded the motion. ~10TION CARRIED. 1,,),;.\ '-:'ou.nci lman Reying offered Resolut ion }'Tc. 2007 and moved for i t9 t)11~gS2e and ado'Ption. CO'.1ncilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIEJ). Hef'er to 'Re$olution EQok, pa.ge_.... .~~~~__.__..,.. A EESOTJTTION OF THE CJ~Y COTTNCIr, OF THE f'lITY OF ANAHEI~-: Er1PLOYING Ot~fELVENY AN!) ~1YERS, BCNTI ATjrORNEYS.. TO CONDUCT B011D PROCEEDINGS AND TO ADVISE THE CITY COUNCIL IN aOIDTECTIOJ "rJ-LE;'REw'ITH AND FIXI~TG TH]~IR COIv!PENSATION. On 1'011 ca11 the foregoin.o: Res011ltion No. 2007 was d.uly ~assed and. 8jjo:pted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCITJIi.EN: COUNCIIJMEN: Pear~~n. Wisaer, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Ma.yor cdecls.red the foregoing Resolution No. 2007 duly passed and adopted. 'LUT [UH f,J, . Councilman Heying nffered Resolution No. 2008 and moved for its Said 'Resolution "N'o. ?f)08 wa~ re'ld in full. Councilman Boney ~.~O T! ON CARR I E.D . Dassage and adoption. geconded the motiQn. Refer to 'Resolution Book. page -....-.....------,.-- .- . '..._-~--- '.......-_.~... RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCTL O~ THE CITY OF AnAHEIM. CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT TEE PUBLIC INTEREST AND 1\TECESSITY lJT~M.AND THE ACQ,UISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN ~l(TNTCIPAL TJvIPR01TEMENTS'! AND I\lAKING FINDINGS 'RElATING THERETO. On roll ~~aJl the fQregoi.ng Hesnlution 'No. 2008 ($1,000,000.00 Bond Issue) 1~!e,(:' duly -oassed and ani1"9ted by the fol1,O'lrinR vote: A YES : NOES: AI3SENT~ ~Oln~c lIMEN: COUnCIT,MIDi ~ COTT!\TOIT1KEN : Pea;son, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The !~ayor declared the fcreeoi.n~ Pegoluti.on No. 2008 duly passed and adopted. IN;~'iT:~ Gt bono s:-,;u.:) CO'lmcllman Boney introduced Ordinance No. 815 and r:;a.id Ordinance wa.s read in~"ul1 for the ftrst time in public. ;\~T '~RDINANCE OF THE rITY or ANAHEI!vI. CALIFORNIA t' OF.DERING, CATJIJING, PROVIDING FOR AND (HYING nOTTCE nF A SP"F,0TATJ ET{E~TTON '1"0 BE HELD TN rrHE CITY OF ANAHEIM ON THE 18rrH DAY 07 SEPT'gMEER. 195? FO? THE PTrHP()S"}~ OF SlTBMTT'rTNG TO THE Q.UALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY TvU" PHOPOSITTO-r-TS me TNCUR BONDED TNDERTED1\TESS BY SAID CITY FOR CERTAIN ~fUN!CIPAIJ T~-1?R01rEME}.TTS . CCC1JS .;'lL~ ~-". '[ - lnOl DJlC ~)t Gen tf~l' St.: Now in Fire Zone No.1. Mr. Coons aDdressed the Souncil and petitioned to reclassify his :?roperty back to Fire Zone No.2 """";'~';$;.-,~"""":!-,",;h-~~"'-""'.;,-,-,,,,,~~~....~IIi\'i:;.~~______-;~:~;;>~,*"~-.,,,~-~~,--,~..i!!< :'At ie. kIe !.1i _,~nah~J!~..!_..g_~!_ if 0 r.~:h.~J._. bUf=:t1 f!.~. ~ l?..!__12..'!. ?~_,,__8 : 00 I~.:!l1. r'":ir frat:e p~,'l tucco eonstruction as permttted in Zone No.2. Thig Fire Zone was cbanged art,p!" he had consumated a deal for the Dropert.y to Fire Zone 1. Mr. Coons .,,~s an"i. ~e; triBt the =np"ine€!' a.rul Sonne;'l would take the matter int,c consideration. C011T1('i= i.":,'!. '~r Wagt~ner f",ffere.: ne~()Jt.tion lYe. 2009 'and moved 'T ti; ~,r;~'::fi1(P and adoption. Counc~lrean Wieser seconded tbe motion. MOTION CARRIED. ;~eff~ tQ E.esolutJorJ 130';'/>, page _~ __ ___4 t REf~c<nrr'T Ttr}t: rrrpy COTJ"NC':TI OF THE ::Irry CYE' ANAfi""EI!v'i ACCE.PTING J., SEAJ,ED PROPOSAL ANI) AWARDI!~G CONTr~~CT TO THE IJOWEST B]JS'PoNSIF.r;F~ BIDDER FOn .FtmNTSHING AT..J, PLANT, T,AEOR, 3EF"]TCEf:. M.ArrERIAT.8 A~ID EQ,1J:Pt-rF1NT, A}ID A-LL UTIT.!ITJES AND TBA1lSPORTArrION IN- TIDING T'Oh"EE FtTEiT A1TD TJiATEE, AND PERrFORFTNG A.LT, WORK NECESSA..TiY TO CONSTRUCT AND C'f{FLETF A TRrNK SE~lER COY1MONI,Y KJ'~OWN AS THE CRESCE1T"r AVE~lJE TRU1TK SEWER AND IATEPMJ. Cn T'" 1 call the forego"; ng Re{:v'.ll~tiGn l~n. 2009:WB.f; dul~l rassed. a.nd adopted the fnJ 1 Qwir:;~ vf'te: i\ YE~. ; ("OllNC7 rI,~rEN: CQU!JCITj.fmU: COu~C I Ll'-!EN ; ?ea!'~on, Wif!ser, ~cney, Heying and Van Wagoner. l~cne . None. NCES: AE SF<~TT : The I.;ayor q.eclared the foregoi.ng Rer.oluti on No. 2009 d.uly passed and a'~~ opted. COl1.v.ci.lman Va,D, w'agoner moved to adjourn to 8:00 P.~:. August 19, 1952. Councilma:n \\~isser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AD 30 TJ'R.1"ED . co T /'1 ......... . .?~>/// F ( . x-~ ----;#r < - ." \r11'.D~_~~ ~.J4#~~-i.L. ~_..__. .' . ./ / ,,11gned ... - ~,~~.~,... -- "'''--'-'. ..._""_.~- --..,... ....----..- --_:,....,..--.~--~..~- ~j,~~!f~..,-ii_\!'.-;-i,":-"-'''''~~~_