1952/08/14 ~"""'"<,,,',".",',",',"" ;;':::;"i I "1.,.~..,r~~'., ~;~j;~ G ~ '.b'~ !f'r~~ SP:Wpt~t,~IiOF~:t, Wl1e:~~m ~~ ~;Yhm+Q'1;j.:_i,'~~J,.~'b;rJ..'i~"~~~ f~""i< Auglist !4~ 1952 at 6 ;.30 P.M. for the purpose of. consid.rbg ac,oePtanctll~'iotha~,!~_.,~ MEm:BON.E) for tract No. 1420. and other business which may come before the Oouncil: ,< ':'~:,i. All members of the City Council accepted serTiee; Ih't'!)P.~; of tkts:'ineeting.", ~~ ill; .j'}'~!'i;t PRESENT: COUNCILMEN:' Pearjson,t Wisser, Heying and. Boney. ~Sm,;.:~ CQUNCILMEN: V~Jf1agoX).er. OITY A.TTORNEY, PRESTON TUR.: Absent. CIT'Y,:JJlMINISTRATIiE OFFIO.I, OI!H A. MtJEDOCJI: Present; Councilman Heying moved lIba'li theSulildi vi ,1 oJl.:B:oJl.d i,"'Ii~ 'D~,CUfurv hU. Ind,,Mity Co. Policy No. Slp909 in the amount o~'15.(}OO.OO subll!~.ted:')7':~'~eim Dev;t.1.en t C:ompnay. coveri~g their Trac 1; N G. 1420 Ita aQfJepted..",bj:eci:t,ctthf! 'Q:are_~,Li of the City Attorney. Counbil~an Boney seconded t.emot~on. !JQ'lqN;~ID, '.' .. ) , Co~cilman Heying: moved that the requ8,st of .H. .':8. Pea11"Wlf9;:r,:Qri~,waJ':~e]!mi;Jj:}~ to lot in the 200-block on .orth Los Angeles Streett between Chartres and Cypres~ Streets be granted. Councilman WisB~r seconded the m<;')tion. !,JQ']rON'~Ra:t~. .. > Councilman :Boney moved to adjourn. Councilman Heying 8econied t'hemotion. MOTION.CARRIED. ADJOURNED. ~~c~.J(f -,. .,\ -l~ < SIGNEr'. , ~'.~" ", I' ". '{":'1* City Hall, .A.nahei~t California, Al1g11St 19, 19;52 - 8;OO~.M. The Oity Oouncil of the Oity of A:na.heim me~ in:<A.djourned 'D:eguia.?Sij~i81oD. , PRESENT:' COWOILMJJN: Pearson. 'Wisser ,Heying andVanWi.goner. A:BSI6~: C01JJJ'CI~N: :Bone~. OI!!' A!!ORRSY, PREMON: ~tm_: . Present.' CITY ADMINISTRATlVE"'OBIO. ',' Jaf!!!: A..IlmU'>OOH: . Pr'eaa:t. ORDINANCE NO. 815: Entitleci JlAN ORDlKA.!lCE OF !I:IE OIJTY 0' AlUJDJI.'. 'ajz,r:roJtl'k~ OIEII:I..>,.,;;, CALLI,)1G. PROVI;DIN~t:r~J"~ QIVI1!lG :tl~~CE OJ' A SPE9~ .EUg~IO.bT !q~ ~iIJ,;~Q~U~\,. OF ABBE I M ON!J.IDllt!tjj)'.iU:Y~ S:&!P!EMSB ..:r:~2; _~m: ptjjp()&JI\~:t'IID3:j~ ,. .~1t!. -,,,,,i, ~UAcr;IFnm VOSS CJ:p'j,&:t'b OIm' 'firQ PROPOSITIeJf~ TO rlTot!iJ8~~ :I:~ ... ." FOR CERTAIN mmIC~PMPR~sn w~8ordered ho~d ov.tt'otl'1.!ia.~~J(..'~~; held!'!Niesday. Auguet 26. 19~ on motion ~y C:8mi.cn~ n....r.~~lid.a. :jy,JitliNl.3i...t Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED... {, . < " . ORDIBNCE NO. 814: BALL RQAl) ANNEXATION: Ot'hUl~n_ .:I!.II.rbf()'light/:tp€J~~,", .XCJt. 814 and moved for its passage and adoption. CouncUIIlIUI. Van Wagoll~r .ilifdiIiM:If..", I MOTION CARRIED. -, ~_:r':D ",:'1:":'; ~,:,~'-j; " , Y,::'I'.":', Refer to Ordinance :Book, pages .If': ;I:jt~ AN ORDIlUNCE OF THE CITY OF JJWIEIM AFPROVI1'I'~ .~~. ~TIQNT() $AID CI'r'for ~I;:' OERUI,JltTNINOORPORl!ED !'EnIfORY DeD.i'8,.\ItU:L~tttO!Mr'Amu!IOI:tt~,- '.,.P:; ,,~ ' 't.", AYE~: Ne>:!S: AJ3SENT: On roll call the foregoing'era!zla.nee:.o~'8i4 ~8d.u1t~8Se4~~""fItf the Tf"o11owin:g " veftie; .': ~~ ~ " "';k' ';$!i:~~;;{:~:::,~~, ':,., .~:r-;~~~~~iJ;fJi~, , OOmICILMEI: '~etmoILME!ri: COtJNeIL~)!: Pearson, W~sser, Reyingand Va~}~agon.r. None. ' ! oney . " !rhe Mayor d'~~lar~d th~ :f drego!2'igOrdiJ1aneelfo.! 8t4'i~ !it1iLly ~~ea;:}"" RESOIig~~O. .N-NO. 29i:t :'~Q~~b.'.~.'.'..'.~~',!11".~"..:f~. :re~"::,R,..~illi:l';;'<;::;,:'lf~. ~,"eja,:,~;.:_.>\./_:.:;*.1j. 'r: pas8age.:aD.daclopt'~bX3.. \. '06~i.tlmii:tr'T~rj'i .1:lEi!r.$O~ad."d ';e'~mot'lel1~ IltOT"t:CJ ' R.i'er to Re solu't6~::Boo~~ :~:~~~h "" ".,J .. ~-.. ..', ~ '1; '. ........,0' ...J". .V :;~ ,," ',,__,.., '!,', ..J I' \ .M;~~U;I~~T~G~.I~io~~m~....~J'iI_~.~.~~_.i,. AT TUS'I'IN. CALIFORNIA, AND 'fa ~VA.LgI\O!VItt,:m_*SI"t.Ie.ALt ,Hot IJlG'Si.ibJS.~ ~"'-""""----'-"~""''''-',",'1(2i:';''_..",~~~