1952/08/26 1]lJ -; 1 i_ r_C~!'J~Lia! A.L~t01S_t )9H'.. J.~2~,-?~__:-___8-t0..~L F :){~~_H'- r:' ~l t-" .'*' ~ +- -~ ~ (; t~! ) ~ f~ 1 t,;,' (f' A Dp.h e' i"" me t. i r: R 8f'ular See s ion. ~ ~...i.,~~" ~~~~;r.~:Jr - !? r:'-_ -~ f; r: '!'"'. ~~f~r~ arld Var~ v!aponer. :'~1;rrr '"'rrl'~('''' ~~'A l\r. n.nne~r. A T 1\_ 'R iTS Y! r:"F\ E; S f[\ ;,' 'T1TJR l'TE.t"'F': }. t s en t v ac a ton P 'i.; ISTDAfJ'Il.~ ()1=";"I(:Er' KEIT7~ A, ~':t"'PT"'CCE: Absent (vacation) rrrle ~,\irnt s ,-'.~~ L'te 'ref2~1JJar neeting Lelct Au~ust. 12. 19529 SneciaJ r.aIled Meeting 6:-:: T:.r/., AUJ:i)';', a.n~i Ad.Journeri 'RE::p"'.ll~r Meetir..g held August 19, 1952 were n ~d on t.: - r''''.'J.1:c:"1 :;:8r, W sse::' f,p.cJnded b;.' Councilman He~{ing. ~.IorrION CARRIED. (1()urc liar.. V[iX~ "',eg! Df:r report d81lHnds a;;ai~8t the city amOLulting to '. ':i::t:n Hc;tin_'" ~noiJcd tIlat re.,nort of Finance Commi ttee be accented and ~(t ,L'~;cn ~(..~-' Tr<:~t"<~~rjTC1" rr1.:r said ;l,eraands in accordance wi th report. L ~1 S C;.!" 3 C C e'~ t }~,~ r r} ':'", :) n. : ~T: "'A OR L~D . r. "1' '1e llT)I')n t.'1e Mont,C'('iJlerJT 11.r:"'-~expt on. lL: :\'rit';:,en-'--'rl)t(~st.s \';el"e l'c(~ei\.r(:~CJ ai'd no onenresent entered ob.jections to the -:1~rc:'Jant to Resolntion Nn. 1::::;Q8, Publiro Hearing ~ f~'~ -flrlll (:; ~'~.~.l \~ ,~~_ -'; r.;. . \~:~'yo:r e:;-"'~~.)r~ rl8('lp.....'c~; t,na h.8,;'1r ~...,J;/ ('If\s8~. f' i 1"" f' +. .... (~:~: ~: : Councilmr.n R(~vin:? intT'0duced Orr3inance No. 812 A~J ilT'_,XAlf('t~ iF Th"1:';"'TY \~.., ANI\l{;SI P..:YcpOVl ~HE ANNEx..A~TION TO THE '~'TTY (17 AHA}lE--r,r '}' ~.T~--I ~~T;Trry,pv V}Tr",!!1>J :\~rr TYF;SI(;-}iATED AS ~;~ON'~~G.OMEiPY A "f"'"f: ;'~:j. ~: n N . spn ~etitioner, R. G. ~itchell, fTlh.81r'D. -::'f)'!:j-ml. 1)enJ as"-: i "'-.~~t lOT: "~ a:ncrf'xl:7'rtel;r t.",rent;l aCJ"'8S located at the r .f 1\Tr"!,'~ Bas St~e('+ an~ BA.;~t""entpr ::3t~eet frnr~ 'q-Q to C/? for thefi' ll:' -:-nt j~ln (J' t.r1 s rr"\0P~ n f'r\]' -r) ?,,ovi p"'n ~'''Jy',ni npo ('ente~' I '!:. ,I .1 + ... ~, ,/. :. /""l' r., t\. -' ~. ::. 4 ~1." 't . ''"'. -".,...,., l' n' , "GrI rsuarLt; vO ~',he ;"~u r: L-- l';"',n' , / nil P.. P. r . 1 .. I. e ). ',llaD I er ,..,. I-''U 0 ..' 1. C t1 eB.r lYl..~ 'ljrp ~ ~ ... the n (-l :,- e r 1. ' 1. f' R t i (1 n {' (j Y' .... (~f' 1 ::l (':< ~:~ptlon nf the 7onin? re~11ati0ns. ~r'lJnC'j, 1 in rep'ard to the tY"nAS of bn5_1din~s rrhe }~r: T) e;:t....'"er, .A :Yen '\, .ar10 ~ e;. s er; t,_~___~p ~.1"'ca. ~/~ ..., I":. H:: t ---he] 1, ',' "leT r"~ t IJln:l t was n~"er~ent an.5 stated that i t \v~l!~ hi~ 1I 'In t,r 'c'_avE? ;!Lo''h-''''Jn"~.g('~,,\'(), l't pf' lfr-:')n the 10cation and aR~ured the Council that '-'Y'('~/f C1. ~tn8 ~"Tle of 0'rp~'Y'-:~'lent. ,~Jl~ a r>~edtt to the di~trict and to the city. t,'r. 0f"~"';:' St:~S\J2.~t ~,~ re~S!P; t .f~ ~n Ylr-i1. eXT'rec~sine- concern as to the t:..rr;8 of t +- T"'!:' '~e!",~'i t",e n"Y"~-")eY'~~r f::'f" he '..,'as a residr:nt in the nevI T.sondeA (y"p" -""-"''.Y': '""n En.--t l"\;rnT'C'I~f'; S -Get. ea~t n+' Ea~t St.reet t and "TaR concernAd as tc ~~rrf' bl~ ~ ,n."'~ l>''lt Wn[l ('2\'1-- 1:'-' to r P~"". 'In':e~~ there lJ1J:':,~ n tJuffer stri-r .. - r-'" T ",r t; ,-~ C"1 ,~!-~.~.: 1 ~J 0 "'8(1 H'f.... St-,P',;'~'v.t ;jtd,."I.-1. Z0 :n!'" pprtains onl;.r to the sr'i11th ''''cr- "'Y' tnp C"!. '1 t'h ~'j r 0"''' thn ':')("! 8cre .'''':>:-('81.. n,...~ t '. ~..... l' 6.! t....,.I"'- j;) I 1 ~ ~ - j , I. _ 1 an ~ ' ~..: ~ ~~ D e p, ,:'a n ~~atpd that ~uildin~ restr1ctinns will be h~t the;r \'ll1 have definite oEildinf' 1"8- ~ty ~n~in~ Center Street. They fu~ther ~0 nhp~~ ~ith their develo~ment of the east- r'" ''''"'1Y'lr '1nt. rJeed T'estricti()n~ Ip..ter on the (" t r; f +-. q" A b" '. ~ n c" 2. a 1i (i ,0(- .... e e t f"'~ t 1'-' ~ ~~ .~"'1 r he e;-> c~ t~ en t t ~-~ c ,c ,. .0 e 8 n f t-.~ ~ (..~ ~ 0~. ~i ~~~. t ("' .... e e t 't t t- ',.-11. s t- "':"'C. an'/rp r'''' i ~~ ~ 'j ("'1"" '~p n-f' :~ he rrr'-'ler C C'llD n i..l_ ~':'n mr"7p{< t,';'-iet +,>'8 ,~ t~~ Cl'rar1t thp Chane-e of 7.one to the easterly f""n~+ : "I.:n~,p~' St;-eet to f"-_l, and that the remainder of the 0e >1f' rl iT' !1t'.p -.-.,'ICP "rlr t:--12 :-'0P1Tl! etion of de80 reRtrictions trr;e~l+? t :'c;~'p' 7f'rl ()'I,' the f"'ou.ncil. CCHillCi l:nan Van WAP'nner ,;~ e t ~ t. (' '::'8'" u t m b.p. '1 t' ,~ f' , '<f1o -, ~\''''. 0 "" -<'. "":,"' .:::finite c.'; 1-:~'" If'"\.,' e:i t ;'V~ ~ t i 'Tn. The .. T' 1I:T ('!lr T: ~ '8' .. p," r f~(1 t i'H') He; ,":-: "Dr')' ..-. 1 1"\ (' e " ,"1.____, 1 n '"" L' t'-r'D Fe 71 '1 n :-...., ~ fer e':' r-: e I'" .J 1 t: t i'J n No. 2 n 1. '3 lJ i t h the und e r stand _ r,r;'~' -1 t "he :NHrc:rne-~ 'r:y the ('(\r~H~n~:'t... :"(' ~_on thnt th~ ea~t~l"ly 300 feet of the south- .,1" r~ ?:1~'''' S "net bt'!-' C""EY~ tr."'.! t. t.hi~ tir::e, and the remaininp s01J.th-ha.1f +-~. t' ,.., .'~,n:-,~(' "":: ," .=> -bllil,--i ~()'''Dr;itments and deed restrictions 8.:-:'rrny~y~ <--,p ""'nn"i"1. nl;n"': -"':1 It;'~~'''''!er- (--:e('()nc18ci the moti0n. r.10TlnN CARRIE: Ref(}V' ~-<f ~:). (~ -...~ TL ....: r -~e A D -S;~ (', T r,1 I 'P l-!J~; "'""" ~ :"';1 \., r: ()T :1>T,~ I ~. r'-' T!ff~: ': I fr)r (~!~ .A;!'TAHEI!'!,.'~ FI~mI~JG 17 r1"~:'E IS ~1}1;~ESS~J")Y IN CERTAIN . -"'7 H,-' '7'?h SHOTTLD BE AMENTIED l\ ~~\r ~ E ~~~:) \'~ ;- i~~f T !\~ (~ ':; ~-IF A. C qI;,'.T'~E A PTjljl S nF -rr, Ij'1 ~ .; 1.-" '"' I 11 Y A}Tn -r'El\ 'T1 ':~~. I ~ - '~;-A - T\ 0 ~-l.t~, 1\1 r:- E r ~ ~ '7 (~;.~ r~ . ""n ....~1 1 -'a. ~. '-:8 t"OT;':lC-r--i'1.P' ne~ril tinrr r.T!) ?(':ll":a~ duly 1')as~ed and ado"9ted b;r in r'i +',(' · A y-:..:S = c(}[nJ01T.}SN: T:ear~on, \'lis~er. Feyin~ and Van Wa~oner. NOES" 0nTP-V'TT1'IEN: NlJne. A~ s~~'rrr ~ 0(!TTNC ~ T.\IPJ!: P "';1 PY . Tbe ~'a70i'" e.....l ~:;--e.-. tnp fnr.::;:~r; Re~-"" ution No. ?013 nuly nassed and anoT'ted. '1.~,.:'"j;I"~-;;;'~'-;~-0~-'--;<'~"'~<":i-'t:r~t.::';;;:';:;;~'~~_":';~"""-,,,~'~~~-~~j~~JW~-':~~ .~ 1 r-., Hn.1 i.. f '- 11 t. J;h2~,~__=-_2_;"Q2" P. ~.1 ~_ _. _ " mhl'-~ (' i t;r f' (j l.: n r" 11 , - ~.~[1 '-r~~ :2. ~^l ~7 cej.:iec1 t.rl C'han2'8 the date of the ':'lrr,:'()~ed t('l!'~s~~r . l_::~')t ~ ne'\" ordinance ('allin~'" rT'~r1;: I"" T'flV n4'A~TAREI ~J t ;-;A 1. TH'QU"!\TT.~ ~ ('P"""'S"? JNC'j, r;~ F' '" ~ IT ET,:E0~ 10N Tn "SE Fr_;:.!"] IN rfl1-j}i] S T my he'" 1 r piA t ~,' t:2 (1 0 ~ ^ ~'.'" s. --r-: '-"_ T l\T!~ '. r ;""'\ 1.' ,. ~ ~,-!"-~'-;-r- --'~:. t:.~~ ~,," ("'1-"O.T ';"':lJ.~~; '''';m''':J ..,-... ( -~ Ti ~: ,._-~ }~~1? ~r:p rnT[~: """'UR~OSE OF Sl,rpr.TTrnrrT[\~(; fT7(j m}f8 T T;' 1 r:-~' ~!(";c" (';4 c; "'1 .1. ,') : .: n ..-' , {; f"" {:l "t'" 'l'Y'r" ~f' '!l ;' C. ~.~ (' C" T : C" ... loT r" iT: ? ("\ :'T"YR~ I !T"" ~ m~J?-JE S S 1:< Y S !\. T-:-' '},~i'~~Hrr:::-~" "~1'" 1.n--r-~,~uC~~r1 by C()uncilrl~n Ee;rinp', ~ec!')nded Ln . ':1'" ~'~e {'i..~~t rea~_ in? ~, ,,' ~ ':. ' rr1 n" n~npYn+ (')1") "'f B:l'~:n:"t;'int~ fi,rp acres ad.ioinin{~ the "'lard Annexa.-, y, ~n~ +-'r"r_t~.:""] (.,~ Anahein'-C:l: "'Ie "P"nr1 '-~A.~ ll~flnpht un a~ a rr:atter 0f information for '" i t.- '; .J 1 l 1: !"'\ '1. ' ,,:. ::' n " n () tit ~ r; ~ "'1 ~ c~ : r f) the en r e ~ e i y e [1 .. :.lL S~Ult.8 Ana l'1]~:dnesf ('nn'~ernt l.nforrJally s1.1bmi tted ~i inn .I. f-' ,...._~ t<'/ "''')lnF' 1 +'nr S1Jb(' i~ris' l)YJ "'nr:-n~.e~ on Snuth St:reet. anTJroxir1:-1te]y , ft::;e~., 1'p~t" 'If 7'lr~r'prltip ~4\"'eDHe +'1 YJrr'c-,y-ide ~~.H}l to--:1es 0f 7'10 sQ. ft. to 1,000 sq. ft. '" r)tln c i 1 m:-l n "It an :,: ,"" "r. r:' e r '")(1 Sf' n:"'8 81l.d n,l. t'n. ~n1'Jr.~11Tlqn Hi:--?:AY> 'j-rfered 'Re~nlution No. ?(')l6 and moved seC()ndfV~ the motion. pnrrrON CA"P'RIE~. for Fp'{'er t f". .. ",11 J t -1. f) n ~ '" ' ! k ~ :-L')r"E' t. 'C~:~()TT"rr:Ir"!'T ('\~ TH}~ t'P"TY '"'OFN"'}' ('1;1 mirE f'lTTY nF ANAHEIM AFPROVING mHR ~srrA"!1TT("T.n.8~~ 01"," .~, ~Trr:TPE 'POTJ1r-',,'\"PY 'T~\JE 1)~~rrWE~}\T THE CITY OF A!{AREI~fAH" "FE ,'jI'TY ,',~ VTTTTEt:1mnE :-1'0 TPE APEA \TEST CH' HIGT1\lTAY In~.. !"'In ""'t," ., ,<:1 1_ to. hp. f 'yr A;"C' i n :-.. "Ref' (11 '1 t iJn It;~) s'11l1;.r na s ser; Ctnrl ad ont ed by the .) ~i;' j !" ~ i.r :" t e : A ~rRr) : .... .""\ T T'H r:' T ..... HEN' N:~S~ ~ ,",~ rq(~ I -}.r~~T t -enY'son ~ 1Yis"'eT, Heytnrr and Vnn Wa~ol1er. 1',JoY:e.. p " 1: P :I . t;.5 S ~1:'T! "i~,1'nl"""I J\1A P; t; eri . 'in;': ~q" 00"" ~ID "i "":~ J 0 -;. f~'~ t -'1f.' fore :.)'0 in:" Res () J Tt ion }T'). 2016 d 111;:'" ~as sed a.na r"''''uncilman Van Wa:::oner of'fe-y.ed "1),t, ....,TI \T'^).. '--)!\'7 a~'; r;-V''TTe;'J f"r -it-:-- nnssa78 an,j a(~'1rtl.r)n. CounciJman He;:.rin~ ~e(,,:",nded t ' Y'. ~. .,!~ ~ T r,l\T ...., r~.-r~"C) I -~~ ~ .. Rp,f'pvo +- P '..'" n + 1. (il) f~"'. ~ ~ (' ~)}~ ~ V":'l~e .4 D:;'~nTTTrrT;'!~J "7 mE"!: rTTY ''''nTnY~IT f)4' rn~~~f'\TTY CF ANAHET~,~ AC~E?~ING t~ c;X)Anm ~:FJ;.'ln?'Ul""I!EYrrT~ f11(' 1T1fIE ':ITY (~F ANt\FEn,"~ERTAIN PFcLAI ?}"{O?E,?rpy F1(jT.' :\ 1'''T E~~, SE"rL'T';rp ~or ::nAT' -Trp::)("\~'""JS. nn ,~:"; ~ ":h..0 fr-"!1e,-,'-d.n:- ~PSf"'1)tl("\n V7f:S (luly pegsed and aoonter4 by the "'~:j t t~ ~:~ : Nt";E':< ~ AT} SE1\r : '"'/1 F}'''"'' T T ?iEN . .,' er> '/' ~ nn. V. i. ~ ?-:r, 1{ e:-rL n(~~ and 'V an Vva~oner. r-" () n P . '" ()T il"''-' T .,. :'EN ~ ""nTry:r(~ ~ ~.LAX: ~-' ') r..8;t . rr:;le \:c)~r;Yr' p,r' !'l"Y'p,3 fht~ f--'~p:-"~"in:" ""oC'r,'nt,-j0n lT0. 2017 duly '!)assed ann adonted. . ':; 1 , (\ n. -"." 1" ~- C":if p..' '1 the ('<it'I +8X. mhe : 'tetter-\f AUP1.l.st ??, lq~? with reference ~~\l1r('lia~p n ~maJ J D0rtion of the electrical d is- r'\alif'crr:ia Edi.pr:~ C';J;n~)B.ny, on Santa Ana Street, an"~ no!' servin,;:- fonr customers, at the sale nrice ttcr st~tes that the nroposal is satisfactory tn :'~J-"c}--;r'sp Bur:iect to the "Droyisions of an '..-.. ,'~'"l"" ~... ~<-. ,c: f" ,...... i t~,. . \ -{' A 11..8 hf;; t r; t '11~ TI.T f' ~ -~ 1 ~ ~,~ p ~ F", f t~le S~~'J,theY'n ')," ~n? +, ~':' ~T'ee t. r r,' p.... ,')rr:, -:, n:T e r< 1 -:'0 ~r'nS:l:n~. l: c~rj ? BP () 'TI c~;~ -~ r">: f- ~~ "..; 11'" (""'> ,.-, C, (:0. ~1'" . r~ e r: ~-l 0 ,.., ~ ..... ':);n..c1 ,,-, I · '9::'1 :'':''1',--: ,te o'~-'>0"TL~ OTlS?S cnntained in the understanding- Snuthe:-r: '':~:l :f'-I1"'-;~~l 1.}ljc;on rOf"-nnny. Stater1 furth8r, in the !::' ~lO'r'-" .,..~ ,,--. ",...ll'~l'~rien ann a(1)'rf')'/(~d by Ci.ty Att.orney, 'D:reston i-- ....." r--j"'Y" fl. r.:'(} t r)D(1 . ,'- VI _~~~~-....~+- ....'1 :-\ r J.- ',.L - '..,.i' np ~'." ,-, o~... t [! ~ ---'tan .... "n::1c' r-\.'~e"!' ~ 8 ' ;":r,jpr"{~r! t ," f"< .-; 1:' T': T r. e in t'r:.p 1etter, and the -'-;Qssib28 need :~~Ted h,c.;la ')ver nno refefer'1 to City Attorne~r r';Yl >'rn-f:'.ir;p b~r "'ounr;il.L'1Rn He7il1;)~t seco!lded .~ '--'I'Y't, IY~' '--'C''l'rp'"'' ", Yl ""1 .....~ f? 'l'> .r' ("', 'Y' {'I: '!" t -" 8 'V" :1 t ..';-1.... r~;;'n ~,;-' (",c;.'.~~. ,11"''1'1'\1 .... ~' .'-'" ~.. (""} r1 ,.--' "~--c,.-,. -r ;.:~ '"': ~- r.) t. ~ f)!: " ~'[:"" "'~i 01"'- /"'P'1:::','''"(' Out-lini.n- t-he (n;e~"~;;v T:r'0~)osed in the 8rescent Av~enue 1: Ya:",d1 ey. IT'raC't ;""':ntnjns aPT'T'o7imateJ.yS8 lots. f'r';')n ar--'--'~"",~(.,;d trlP Te!ltattve ~f(~n on Auc'ust It., 1 2, of- +.:-l8 (>,1. ...... fllnci 1, sub.iect to the foll(),!,rin~ condi ti'jn T~ e ~; :;-, ~ n~L'l_;:~" (;,~ t~~'-r'l if;T en-t i t. ....-.".. n~""':' x0. t. ~ J ;0 t. n-ri p-:::> t j ,'Yr: .. "::;n:-' ~ es~pc 'fi! ,1-r8 ina..')'8 and S 81.\'e./?"e . ~ ~ An:.:~J: 0.1, ~--'. (',[11 -to!" r) r~' ___'C"_."_''''- _ ..,,","',_-_." ,_- .. ~_""".~ ._...."....r>___ ...._~._--->..... ..... ",.- ~.-.,...- _~~2 !.. c~a -1'" .Y"qn;:c"'PT' c~n t .....f (\p:. t"i l1r..1 :- s--i p r-'.. P'~J1 y-tOYl ~3 ~Aet-. tn p":'1f:t. 'V'":," 1'" r- v 6 ., 1",~ t '" p S tJ) t e "r ~ ph' ,f Q\' ...." e D!" '!'t nen t. .. ~ . ed Ct; is a(i,'l r 8~. f' eel t-: !""'I .. i (' 1 ;n r' 1 n~'''' rp"!-I(~~1"n'; n~/")r'~";'''F~l ,.f' the plnt nlon t"r:2+ n :" -0 e Y':1'] t n e :~ t) 1" P ~: l''. e ~. T-{. A . ~ 8r- 1i:'DX~ in~ n'('''(;er t.hRt t,~-~e Tpntattve ~'!tr-' ....+' T-:n::---t Y'). 16L;JJ. be e,cce-oted Pf\;' 'J.f,prine: Y'P"'J~""'er8n+.s n.nd TP,-'t11.!,pT'lent? lJe "'i..c:ht, -rl')v~:r ? W0t.GT' De-::t. rr. une ~,l Tn~21 1 ... ('t er ~-- PC nnd 0"1 t'le 7"'0 t ; 0"0.. ".-1(I'I'! cr "";APTJ lET' . p18ti(yr~ ,i~.. E. 1.f. l' eller .~r:i Y'P~~~n the I""n~nv'i1 0n rroTI0sed ?ubJ_ic T:v'n~"""'<n, +'0r Q-""An r.T~)11~e 8"'Y1nns Y'p'f'.~('n~ set ('P'"', R sLo:n and travel r01Jte to Iq,'p'lr()('!8 ~,ra;rll, tI-:e rra~,ter of 8dvp1" t Lsin!" -In t-1-t.e -r-:f):~ An:"'eles T};?Ders .. "lL r'.~' '-ll lC ""8':,0+,' '1'.2 " t-'hi 11 +>J-=-' ''''i t,:, r,t' Anahe-ts. The Cit;r '';01LYlciJ ~~"" A kri () \'- . .,~ r_ r t:ie ." Y' faVOY8'~ + l~ne ~f t ~~ ~~tiv~ty. rnn.nci }rrri'; He:'Iirl'-' b-rouP'ht liT tr0 T~~attpr ')f 9 Sur":Tey of buildinp's in t e bus-ine? ~trjct ~ r",! ~<:e eX~n'inat1.~,n +' n7erhan,C:l.D.''" st;-uctllTes anCl ~ornice~, and rprommen.::':)t: "1~. -np Y"'2~e 1".,,, r: S~n'V0~.r n~0"""" B~ +.n ~ri.fr-.t:r ~~~ec:ld.remer..t~,. ~,0T'q'e kp::-'~ rcci)r'~'1endeo thp -nurchase of three ~ (''\1] I';}tJ:\ r!' .....,; n s f' r\T.n~ e r~, T1; v>r>t.P s e r yo] r e ~.-cTrC'xir;.:, t. e ~ Y' 86 ~ 8L~l. ~? · ~il~!"1n He~'in(" r~'r"t;--,'V'1 the -'~lH''''hn~H.~ be R.utll':ri7ed clJoiect to t.he al)T':r'ovaJ the "':t,~ A~t.o"'~rJ.e~'r. r"rnJJ1('j,lr'1rl'n VAn Viplu:,ner 2e("nr!~eh, t~F~ !"":-tion. ~.lCTI()N CARPI81). -r;!et~ t ion si :-"YJsd ~?' ;~crs'''''ns :;-re8:,-'1ted b:r ~."'r. Cutler Y'C'r~ue:--t'. ci t. +r)T:',( ~:.J ta:--t Strpet ()et\-'8e1i ~nnt& Ana Street and Cente-r t1"'eet; ~,t~i.J..irl t~'L,;t, t.h::g stl"0Ct. ~s :n '.':1 ';"')\):)'1-} Hnd "~er:r C1usty cJIloition. e "'itv EnrJ"ine81" c.fvif'.80 ~~:r. ::-"It.l er r.t the rntet,'~ng t.hat the Cit.v wiJJ_ oil 1,: E' s t ",.,: t. r~"b;~;;r ~:~e~: f' :~: ::" ,,'2~~~~. e'n' tne' t j t,,~~ "me t i eal 8t th is time t f)~rlld e T',:..... !'cl1ri:::"A ~ee'Y:e\~ t ~::ltl~fy ,'"\,: t 1 e r -1 n t "" e r-~a t tAT n f the -r) e tit ion. . . , 3e~terber 2, 19S2. '"' ,I ""J"i J r"'r......"'l ::re:-i r,'" T""TI:-:(-i t Etd.irurn tri -:-- t" iJ t1 r~ c 'i -; ;'r_ 9,1: S 8:" ~ e (' '-:,ni e(~ 1'1 e ~., ,;, G J1.. !\r :~~~ T :, C" !~~ '~.JA_P~' T ~~~: 1 !Po ~":E-~ :"~3;; #/ d~F~'-'~:= ~ "LJ, C1 e!'k T:!F'soJu i0n Nn. 20] notT; aALL omitted from ''C'age No. ":l.1C,: On roll call Resolution No. ?~\, ~ was clu1;! 1J(H~sed and acio-oted by the fol1o,!.T- lnf" vrte~ .A,Y1~S: COUNCI Llv:EN: ?earson t \{i. sser, Hey inF-: and Van W ap-;oner. NO~JS: COtJlJCIIJ:LEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCI1~~N: ~oney. f'\,:) Ma,'()'Y' nee I !:)red Res< lutlon 1\10 c duly T)a~~sed and adonted. rr:h ,:t~. ~'.. ;, ,:~/ ' ; d'J~)' _',' ..... '<'~ '_ ~~ I;j\ED. ~~ ,-". . --:..' '~' ::. ' - -F;t~/.-:. '~- ~-'-k ---.-- .-,---.---- J. ",. ..tlr;"r,.. ......... T1l8 tJaynr decln,!'Gd tile f~ore?,()in:; Ordinance 1\1"0. ~)16 duly !,assed and ado}!ted.