1952/09/23 - I I I I - , ,........ I I ! \ 322 Ci . theCt'T Ot.&Dah81....n 1a rqular' ....1011.. PUS...... : t, Hey1ng I :Boney &D4 Tan Is<<oner. DOlI: COmrCILJU.I: Peat n. CIn 4ftCEmt, DUtOJl I Preent. CIty "'MInl~IYI OI'J'IC. DI!H .1. MmmOOB& Pr....t. !he Jleet1:a.g v.. led. to order b7 the CitT Clerk tor the parpo.. ot el.c'1.. a ~r Pro !_ tor the C1" ot Auhe1a. I Counci1.Jaaa He71D$ ~O.iDated COQIlc1luD 101187 lla70r Pro !. tor the Oit7 ot ~... Coanc'il_ .i...... wet the D.oai:aatioa. c10._. Coucll_ Taa' "....1' ;:.~t:e-O:;1~.~~ ~;:.th:-::;~ JoIIe7 va. declared eleetel "1' ~o I )(I~: !he JU.n'tite. of t I-cular "tiac u14 Sept..bel' 10, 1952 were &Jt.Pr-. _ ..tioa \7 Cou.c1~ 'an I aer. .ec0D4ed 117 Counc1l... 1fi...r.)(MI~ CdR~. DEMABDS: Cou.o11maa Be71~ .ported 4...... -.in.' the e1ty amoantiJaC t. t82,959.51, &ad. ...ed. that r.port 'he r~ iye( &lid ,bat warraat. " Iraq upoa the fre&llVe1' to ., ..u "-,.d. 1& accorclance' th reJ)ort. Coacil_ li.ler ..eoMed the .otio... MOtI. CdRmD. ASSIGDI1ft'& Com..ent to re]J .e to creditor. ot ,he ~1a J'urn1tur. Jfa.a1Ifaetve Co. vae ~or1led on motion ~ cnmcllan Be7ing. ..coDd... 'b7 OouacilMa Wi..el'. JIOtIQW CORIa . J.O.S. DPORfS: J1-.por. oa; flow of ..-ce tor Aup..,. 1952 &ad. report oa the biochem1cal O~CeD deaaD4' ether with report oa bill. paid \7 Seetloa 1 w.re .r4e~ recei....cl and filed on .o",i I 7 Coa.nci1ma1l Van Wagoner. e.co_ed. '7 Councllaa Winer. MO!I~ CURIE. I I MI1fU~... J.O.S. umCU!In order'" appro'Y'" on 1IO\10n Me!IO. CAll.ID. It vu ao Chair.-I ot the Bxecutive ITmKI II1Jt.\1te. of ..'iac of Septe.'.r 18. 1952 .ere Couc1l11aa 'aD. WacoB". ..c0D4ecl 'b7 Cotmci1.... W1...r. that !.obert B. :BoDe7 w.. reappolD'ed aa "Per__' 1ttee. COI01UlIICATIOll: !ho.._ Jeff! on P.!.J.. !hak1Dc the C1t7 Council for the iJ1etallat1oa of .iuw.1.k and. cur' Iroa echoo1 to Oli"'e Str..' .. r..... PftITIOI: :Burton St. reei >>urtoa Street dietr1ct req as It 18 their de.ire to k " Petition .1gDe4 D7 20 pr~.rt7 OWDer. ta~. Ve.' iae that the Cit7 i..tal1 cube o~ OD :Burton "n.' the district restrlcte4 tor .couat~ ..'at.... !be!'. v.re D.O e curbe .nl7. ad Co.cllman .. to a1devalka which are . <aDI.. PIlkI'~ PACtJIC!I1IfBOII t.~iB&l in the Dew MUDicl clo..t. aDd cable to be plat: ering obJectioa. tor W.t JvtOD.. Stre.' laaU1latl.oa of lac aoved that the petitioa be cr-tecl "1th....1. bated. Couacil-.n Wi.eer seconded the aot10n. JIO!IOI B CO: '0 erect. aiataia &ad. reaove -'1e .... Coan. 'eralD&1 to be 100&'84 on louth wall of Jui'o."_ in ettbecribera' own coD4uit. It "aa aot1oud. bf u.c11man He7ing that perai t be cr-t... au4 that ,he ..,.. Pro '- b. &11'hori.... to.1 ,.. ..... Couacl1mu Wi...r ..cODd.... the _ot1... 11)'10_ CADI.. IJTSUR.A.ICB. :fOOD1LL QAJIISI ted. Pacific Iuuraace Co. PolieT .. 1.-'0019 - ......,. thUO:R 'f1P. Iohool >>1e\r1c'. TerlDc the use ot La Pala Park for football..... Sept.....r 9. 1952 to ..v..b. 24. 1952. ye4 that the ..e b. Meep'. &ad tiled. w... ......... ., Oi t7 ~"oJU7. 00u:u1a.a 'fj Waeon.r .eeOll4ecl the ao'ion. MO!'IOI' CWIII.. ClIB.!IJ'ICAD OJ' 1fOUMII'S COF.;'fIOll' llSUilAl'CZa Job.::I. 'opewi., ... VI 3'0',- 1 7..... u::Pire. 9/11/53 tor.. r coa.tl"aC'1. ... orderei accept. aDd. fila WUlt ........ b;y 'he 01t7 ~ttorne7 on JlGt! 1>>7 Coaaeiu.. Wi...r. ..conded 'b7 C_1~ Be71ac. MOtIC. CADI.. . G1W.):I .0881.. m.LS1fcmm A. t: ~1ca'1cm frOlt ,he Public Utlli'i.. ........1.. datedlept..ier 19, 1952 cal JIg attentiOD to craie cro..iac oa the S....\hen '-ltle Co.,-.., cro..inc at Ill.vort I Avenue .. beiDg used. by ,he ]JU.'b11c and 4i4 lilt ..... . d_lca'e4,.,ri.I"'~. ' tbe .. :=-:':1:;~ '}It~l::-;O:~:~ =..--: =r:....:.=" )23 .... surfaced. .. 'be Citl'. aDd that n....ar7 action required. to keep t t_ motion. MotIO. CWUlIJ:D. 01t7 ~"...r " 1..'rue'e4 '0 ,aD wha'eyer 'reet ope. CcnmcillD8.!1 Van Wagoaer a.cond'" 1.1111I114 BALLOw.- DS!IY.u.; Perala fir the Ju4C1DC of horle entri.. fo~ .,. ~ .It. w1d.ch aeoe..1 tate. the ' 011 mo'loa Q' Couc1lua "7 J:.i"hl-a Itaft tor ~low._ 'ande _ICI C&Dl.. QI.'l.: ", ......1oaa ,'. Lec1oa. p~ .,,1If ~...t... .....r 1'11_. WOo. gr_t_ '0 u.. 'he Oi t7 Park hl1 BI...... . Ballow..a Pan4.. latv4q, .oye."ber 1. 1952 tor ,he lich" Hine turned on 111 the 'ball .-further ..... perai..i... 'be crutecl.. t. ..... ..... C~ Wl,.er ..cORded 'he aO'l... .tloa frea .be1'1_ Wei.. J.~'.i. P..... t ,he oea1Dg ..... m....1. ... oraerel Mdl...;, .., ,In__ & "'J~. . ...... ... 1a t' . MPtt .tlt .. to..- .... .... . . '1 la 'he P~...' ., oel1eot 1em. . of .....i'.r.. total....., ow.. tu .1." 't ......52. fM 01'1' A'to..., hat ,lie "'i~ ... ....... .....eA ,bat ,_ 01"701" Cu' Ire"PI M h ....1.... _ .h. ct.'.....!1 aotioa 1_1'1. '14. ..... Sep'.ber 10'.... ' . ,he a.tloa. 110'101 CAI'IIID. la. 1I..e. ...... ,_t the CitJ' .1t'.... ~. prGPWt7 aow oocupled. '7 'he ,.\e~' . M o..i4el'84 80 l....r .~.quire4 to~ pa'bl1e Ike _It.. ..,1.. _I.. co-. . a. 1i8i.~. 8 iDe" c. , 0.... .'I'M' ,. "l&'''.e,'' ..... N.trictS.... Ihela ...... :R*1.~_. a44~e..'" ,. OeaMil .. 4.ftl~'. IIId. c~1_'1_ fraa ftel-. .,Iter 1'..11.1.....,. .. r..... tact. .. l'r....We4 t. .. ~ l'b. 'ie, ....1al1.ut propeJl',. liMe. frea tile '0' .IJll_ . M f'a117 0..14.1'.... ... 'heMJwa... ""1ac ef 'he C";r' O'TIT.U for tu\hel' 00l1.14el'&'1_ of the ....10118 re- i lilt .'7 ..1.... .'M....- 1._-", .. ~ .. ..,.__. tr., +_i.. o..t. Iw.., after "id. ....... .. 1a.t.~... ,. 't:M Ulc1. .... IQt_~er 2'. 19 ..,. ........ia>ta. 1.".. --J4D' let'. .... ~ef.rl' '0 'he "'.1a1.'r....... OItie.r. --'101' ~. ,"2. hpclbu .... .... -..u.. anuilMa., ottel'_ ....1.'10. .. 2t20 .... aft" t.r: 1t. .....1' .eo...... Ut. ..,.... "101 _.... . · RCIOI U Ha OIft. lit ~,.,.." ,...... 18.. tIIi II. or... Olft . A.A.~I.""". MU.oI- .olu'l_ ... clv.l7 pa..... .... ......... ..., ooacJ"-: I]r ~, OCII8u..-a ... '. .J.I ...,... ~..I'ft ,. ... ,_ ...op'.... _rltl.... IqQs _ftI '. the ~.. ot ceM..'inc "'''11. tor tM ~O.. of ......1JtI I. .....1_. '11... ..... . ""1.. .... .... ... .....1'. 'M fer"'1q 1....1.'....... 2020 ~'f",,,, ... \0 8... 0'01__ I.a. ..,t_,- .6.1'62 ..... M,,8rOoe'olel* .... a.,'....,.. '1.. r..... "s" _.,'loa ot 1'10111'108 of . liets.-.. ___ caamt~ 'I I ~_. SIG" n n n