1952/09/26 [ f [ 324 !!Ie Ctty'C PllSBI!': OOOBCILMD: AJIII!: CODCILMI1I: ' CIty A.ftOJtDt, JUI!OIr , CJtr ..mlDA!ITI' 0171 POILIC BlARIIG - CJU8 "iDC". held. on the ofth. e1t7 of' Aaaheb_t in _j0urne4 'Teplar....i.. eon, Vi_er ~ Bone7. 'and fa: "'1fapJ!er. I Pr._t. DIft .A. JIU.IDOClU Pre..n'. 2010. h'l!ot ~IBUaI HO. '... .0. 856 tor tlr.' r..t tl1e4 wS.~b 'be 01'7 01", ad ao ODe we. ....., JR...... oa. wl1er-.poa ~r PMHoa leo1&1'_ the Jleari,,~ 010.... J.VDtm ADft&!'IOIt Ceaeit.a Vi.... off._ OMi..... .d OQIIAICI !II CIn or CII8_ ~ , ~~ 'HM'1 BA.ft.O. 1, Sal4 ftM1 ilia>> of !rut: oa .,t.oa ~ Coac1l_; BI CITY 0" ...-XX ~Y11& fO ....~:!IOI " . OJ' I. !8I.I!O'RY uoa !ID DlSIGIAID AI ....!IdI. I ChlaeI'lJ~ 5 11II1'81. Te1'll0Jl.\ .. 011... I.....\.~ · 1452 .. "'0.. t "'''Jeet to .aci.....1ncr.'..... . ..ert ..C0D4ed. ...,. Oouc1~ 10_7. MO!IOI" ClDIII. . ~ APlLIat.!10B, POOL BALL: ~OMA8 B. tWQJBPlt Applica'ion 'b7 !h0lld 11. ....." 'tof' ,. o.-ratio. of a Pool ~1 ~oca'''' at. 122 Iorth L..oa Stne' .. R...1t'.. Said applicat! .. po..t_ on _tion 'b7 Coucia. Wi...r. ..coaded. ,. CGlIJIC1lMD Bo"7. MO!I C&DID. J.PDAL JROM ACTIO. 0-, CJ[ PLUBII'G COMMI8IIO.: '.DturCJI IO. 167. ..,.t. .ttt.14' 01'7 P1aal. eo-l..io .01ut108 .0. 9. S.ri.. 19.52-195" L.,.t1;oal "'lter1,. 58 'of Lo' .,. TN.C' .. 238 (I...'t ....Wl...1.toa). 89& ....'h Lot .....l..Str..t t tine 'fV1u.ce 'be craa'''' '0 _b1e the ovae... 'net4lng., said ...dr... to recout .' 1; the frOl'lt of hi. r..i4eno. for lteal I.tat. OftS... JUfto.... Propert7 pre.entl,. soael.'~-,. !h. 011;7 P c..a4ed. to the Cit7 ~tt. 8&00 o'cl'oct P.... Oct _ Wi..er. MatIOJ' 0-1..1-. at tbelr .etlug of Sept.'er 8. 19'2 re- 11 '-hat 1'ariaace .0. 167 .... 4enl.... \:. ~~~~~o:~:. -:1=1='-=~ I=I~;- c:= . :r-51-S2-22: R. &. MI!'C C.P.C. UlOImIOI' BO. J LOM!Icm: 20 acre. 1 Cater Str..'. Jiequeat , own.r - 'f~ Ra". authorlzel apat - eriel 19'2...;531 (reco.eat appro'fal of .onth htilt), at theaorth..\ corn.r of JTor\h ..., Itr..t .... .., . from :a.-A to 0-1. fhe 011;7 t_, OIL ..'10n 'b7 0 erb' )OOf..t of the . t_ s OI1th-ha1f to be he definit. baildiDg C ~ held Public B:eariq on the _tter ....' 26.1. a' -'1_ BeTu.c tbe 01'7 'ranted the ___ ot SODe ,. ,the ..... half freatiDe a.ter .,"., '0 0-1. aa. the re..t.er ot 1a abe7aD.ce for the completioD ot d.ed re.trictlo.. aD4 ,.~ to .. r.c.1ye! b7 ,he Oouncil. The _t'er of, ... r..'r$ctlons v.. tUft lnto con.i4entioa .. t1ae8__'~;,. 23. 1952 ...tine, at whi b time di.cu..ion wa. 4ec1ded to 'be Coa\1Due4 t. ,Ite 8ej\..... 26th.e.tiDe. !he J.4mia1s' .eatA-halt of the M1k aa foUove: ~T8 Officer _t11.. 'lie 'UCP8t_ de. r..tri~~iC!f. for 'III proper,",. at tbe lIOn....' coneI' of ket .... '''''81' 8'~" . .A"~~"'<i /~ - ~_~~4 &.Jt'- _."44 .,a\ ions for _ilding. \0 'be ttIJM'e4 on the proper" *1_ , al of an architectural c..1'tee con.i.tlDe of Ute f.11ow1". ! ntati.... of pre.ent oner., their heire. or ...1..... · ntative trom the 01ty Plaaaing Co..1..io. 4..1...'81 b7 \he er., etc. t or 4.s1gD8r d..1gaate4 )7 the purchaaer. . tee .hall r..i." the plau u.d apecitlcatioM .tor .'raP'" , a arch1 tectural d..1gn, hild.l:ag locatio.. aa4 otkar .t... thin tha.. deed r..tr1ct...... of -,,01UT or .1allar tlr. re.1.tant .tertal.. ,..t be .uch that 1 t wll1 '18D4 w1 th ot.r WJ.w.... 1.''';~~, . tfi 1. .111 plu8 and ep.cl woald be subJect to app (a) ODe r epr (b) One repr present (0) An arch! (d.) !hie c require i.eluded. 2. All 1n1114iace .ball :3. Archl tectural de.l de elopaa.'. 4. .. W1141nc .hall 50 f..' troa the pre.en: ~.cl for ...14_t1&1 PWPM... A c1"'1_'~.a of _,. '*'. .,.n tel' 1 ine .. t 'be >>rona... in order to ..... ....tual Vl.... )2) s. iDS of Center S'ree' 1;0 a full 100 t... width. A right-of--.r for a lerTie. atreet )0 feet wide parallel to and adjoiJ1ing O'ter Street thu. widen'" ls to be ea'ab11ahed.. 5. .0 bu1lding shall b. loca~ed w1th 15 tee' froa the center 11ne of Cs.ter Street. 6. A minimum ot 5~ of the said pare I, exclusiTe of streets, i8 to be ma1ntaiDed for c.'oaer aDd s81T1ce parking. 7. .0 wall or fene. shall enclose portion of the customer parking area '0 'he e~u8ioD of a4J&Cent parking areal. 8. !be.. r..trietiona shall expir. 0 ....".r. approxi_telT 16 orson. pr...a~ in oppe.'t1oD to ,he prOP08ed. ..... d....~~U. Also, 14 1.'t. .~ in objectioa to the proposed. d...1opaeat were rwi Ut ,... -,t;y Clerk. . lIr. ....cheU. ower ot ,be ,oper1;7. apeD oa '1ke Pl'opoaed 4eed. r..'rlc'lon.. .waiAft.'ratiT. Ott1~.1' M4 '7 A'.om.. .,.,. 'heir Tiew. Oil. the deed. r....rletlo.. aa atlt.... in Mr. Kitch lIs 1.t'.~. . fto..IWI.clfI...i-c the eou.ct hM'OI' .. JIn.X1Uer - 1Ir. .'1.,._. ... Oall~~.,,.op1u St..t - Mr. ',raflwr -.no.... 'be 10111 : t. ~ .u.4~t :peftic.ul"'lT o\J~ ,bat ""Oen'er .'reet ... ani Iqri4eoa. lia oppoei.i.t. ,.. pr....... 4....1......' were. i re.iden'!.. I'Qlar .'net - lira. hellq _ , .nee, M~~.t co~..Z" c..iier aDd. ..~ .,..... ,hat 1184 .raapired. ~J1 the aouth a1el. of ,the to 'he Ptopo.e4d.T.1....' a. he cl;S,<l u' bIe for reaid_t 1al dnelapmeat. - lire. !ttrek _ I ~ ... full diacueslcm wa lentered. i_'o \7 all 'ho.. l1).e \0 apea1I: 'heir T1...1a ,he matter. .0......1OD. ... reached aDd.he Council MY11ed. ,hat it woui.. take .utt1ci..' t"tIII \e a'wl7 t. _'Mr. .. , c.ac~ :&our ....:'... ."er. rece1Ted. 1'.1.'1.... ,. 'JU. _*t.z,... rill"" .....-Plee4 011 file. Co\uII1 Wle..r. .eeoM._ the .tion. JlQl!IOJrdAJt:R~:. , Ji.LU!IO:l ~. 20211 Couc1lMa lea lottered. I...ol.tioa Ie. 2021 ..a. M....tor it. r.... ad _op'1o&. CoucilmaD WI. ' .8COM_ th. aO'1_. IIO!Itm CdltI.. "'.1"0 ....l..'loa look. ~~~..:..,: =i. l' CIL Ql~ i~~ c;It'JI~~~T& IS .oia.. ... :rem Pt1J$ c UD. " . . 011. roU. call'.. to,...o1JaC .1.'1_ .. 41117 })Uaed. ... adopt... .. t. foaewiBc ..... .1111, oou.cI~J , Vi...r .. >>oAq. -..: _CII.I1D: ., ... OD8ICIUCII: .. 11&.1' &Mla.... \b. tor I..ol.'ioa 4\1.17 JM.... .... ...pt.... I' ".. acwc'b7 Co..1~ i aaU', ..0...._ 117 Oouo1111111aa >>e..,.. tlIa, ,. CeuBel1 ~ ,. '--~. s..,~ r )0. 1952 - 8100 .'cloOk P... tor the .. of 08.....1.. \Ae ...ote aad. 1>>c ,be MRl'. of 'be "eclal :Io1Id Ilectloa ..,..... .. 19.52. m!'1~ c-. ~..n. 11'" J J o