1952/09/30 o ~ !r ''j c..;;j$ .-... i I 326 lpeeial aeetinS"'. tbe ~.i.Ci tT Couac11, .. called. tor by' .A4J_rned regalar lIee'lngaf 8ald 01 tv Oounc1l for the pur:po.. of ea.....iBCthe Ntva. of tae Special ~ond Elect,., held. i.. .baheia, MO~I Sept.bor 29. 1952; OfallTal1 1ihl Abs..tee Tote and declarl the results of 8aid election. and to act UpOft .., other Dnstae.. which.., be bro ht before the 01t7 Council at tbi. time. P~a COUl'CILMlB: W1, ._ I COtJICIIJIUI P OI" .A!l0UIt, PIII!O:r .&D){DIS...,rft ol'J'r aIR. ,er, He7iD$ , 1011.81' aza4 ,_ W'agoZLer. .on. ; ~re.+._. ,ft A. ~t Pr...nt. " !be CU,. Cl_ i i,. 1" '1M J....'. .'iac \0 or4.r tor the p'U'po.. of eleo'i. a 1I8l'. Pn ,- tor the 01' Jot ......t.+. : 'I : ~ ......111. =n:: :::: i~-:;+,,=~::.~~ ::':~J:r,:-.::." ......... tbe .'1_. lOt ,I' OUUiIlDt *"r:Pro '- ..,,1nc .&1 a.te4. -.,.or l'ro ,. I 1JIc adlllll.. I-.pector for the CIUrfaII' of .A.1I...'.. JIallou. CouMilaea "'T. Wi.8. ,... "ac+-- act... ... J..... .... !all,. C18rb. I !he Oi tT Clerk .' \ i t,eeI. St-\eaea.\ ot mectioD :a.,un.. at'er 01110181 4eo1ara'loD of r..ul t. d. .4trmi.ed. 1171 ca....... of tJut preclact return8 hid 1t_ ...1f1.... : ....au.\Ma~1cate4, aM. t 'C8B..... of the Ab..nt.. 'ote D7 the eenral ...hr. ot th. 01'~ CeuDc11 followed. .~-~ 01' .. aID ~I' , ,I . i ~ ';iu~ ]I: ,::X;~l!t.;l=-:il t:; ~:7c:::::"::;"~~-:.~ I ~e-~:i?: $l:;on~:=;;!i~;::;:!. ~he~!~ of .-14,81"\1011.. that ,he \0D4 :p~po.i tioa.,1 yoted. upon at Mid e1eotlon are a. toll.,.,. 10. fIl~I'lOB:IO. 1. . the ct,,. of .....i. iJIau &"-_...1114.'....... la 'heiP1'1Mlpal .- of .508 O.GO for, tb,e JMU'tOM of \be IIC9-1dUoa aacI. ~,,_ )1' a1....... d. CU70f . cer\ala,.101pal J.-p... ron_at. ,. wit ..'erwork. tae1l, 1.'Ie.,' to ex~ ad. illpro.. the ... rk. q.'. of the 01,,..8&14 tac111\.1.. \0 1_1'114. . to.. p t"111'. 1... well. 1.:puIIPtI. .....' kl. atnetve. aad ..t.rat.. (1_1_.~1_.. r... pl~"17 ~t ot esi.'lac -.1 ,> aad the I ac..,.i.it108 of 1aaci., .right. of .,...... .q-....,. .'.rial. 'tU8, ad. property nec.'a&r7 for ..14 improv_t' 108 PROP08IfIO:l .0. 2: 1 the Oa.t7 of .AMheim iBC1U' a 'oDded 1114."....... 1D theEpriaciJ>6l 8UII ot .500 ~.oo tor! the pvpo.. of the acqu1.itioa u4 c_..'nett._ 'by 1&14 City of a eertail1 ,-ielpa1 jillpl.._n'. to-w1t. .1ectr1c 4i.trt""to8 tacilities to exten4 an4 _rove the.; electric distribution .78tem of the 01'7. ._ f"'li'le. to lnclwte the "cq111.1tl$ ad the con.truction (1110lud.1ag the aeo..ttut- to.1 of e1Actric line., '.ctui.i\~o.n ..... co..truetion ot 'ru.t...~,;_.toa.. aDd. cl.i.'rl\utlon 8u'b..ti .. 8. inclu4~DC the acqui8ition of 1......, rich'. of ~. ..'.rial. equip...t, "tus aDd p..opert7 nece..1U7 ter ..14 1aprov__" '~t the to'a! her of ~tes cast in each of the res.pectiye yotiac )11.'....'*. e.tabll.hed fo~ ~aid electilonu.p8n each of 8aid p:ropoait1ou. alii 'he ' nuder of Totes therein f aD4 &gaiDSt each of 'aiel propo.itlone. aM the total ....rot YO'.. caet 111. ,d 011;7 upon each of s.1d prop081'10.. ... tor.... _1.' ... ofaaid propo.ition.in .aid ciit7 are a. follo".: 00..11.1;_ ~'I'.ciac' >>oDd Pro~81tlon Bo. 1 tee ~ '0'-1 :Boud :Propoa1 '1.... 2 t.. 10 ,. .; A J C D :I .. G . I J: fotItJ. '.t.. 111. 01_ .., tb. TO," of of_il prOJ'Mi'I011. .. ~8 ]j9 ~2 i9 ~; ~4 ~8 It 11 ~ .,. !a Z61 211I. ~ 3>> lItO S .. . dint. 2SS 310 251 276 241 216 147 290 11M ~ 251 292 246 274 2Jf2 208 111I+ 2'19 rn 319 2?3 285 261 243 161 318 1'" ~ 20 22 24 10 19 34 6 37 '11M. tn~rj.. of all or tbe 1'Oter''''''iJ!t .... ~... . la t~or -of ,he ""'''0..'' ea6h '!Mr.<<.aI'.... 327 01 I 01',.Ja14 F",.1'10.. has been declar to be carr1.. aDd. 'he 01',. 0eunc1l of 'he 01',. of~e1m 11 _thori.ed to illue \0 . pu.rsuant thereto a. prO'f'ided. 'b7 lav. I CJ!ItIIJY that the toregoii stateaent ot re.ult i. a full, true aDd. correct .-"..ent of the tac's ot 8a1d caura. !8Dd of the r..ultl of laid election. aa4 ,hat aa aoon a8 the :result vas declared. t. ; aforesaid .tatement waa dull' entered 'b7. the Cl'y Clerk ot 'he C1ty of ADah81m, oa .he recorda of sa1d City Connei1. D!'DD Septel1ber )0. 1952. 1I0rala. St.t....t 01 Cl~ Clerk w" )mitt_ u4 or4.r_ t11ed. 011 ao'1oa )7 C01Ulc11- ~. .....,.. ..cOld_ b7 Co1u1cl1_ Wi* r. NO!IOI CAB I. . R ."L WU!IOI' 1'0. 10231 Ooue11aa 'a i t. 1t. pa....... _option. Couac1 BIIO~I~ 01 '!II ClfY 00 ..,.. !II UIUL! or TIll aoD _I~ laD ,.,.. aer 1atrMUO'" ..lo1ution Bo. 2023 .... .... JODe7 a.colld.ed the ..'1oa. MQ!IOll aAJmIB. L . fHl OIn 0., 'J:~DI.. ~I""U, :ill OJ' ItIC!IOB UftJUS 0'1 '!II ...eUL 29, 1952. ...~, ,he Ci'7 Couac11 the 01'7 of .trDahe1., 0al1fornla. '7 0rc11111mce B.. 815. 4u1J' 0&11_ UId prOTlde" tor ~he holdiq of . tlpecial election in _14ci'T 0'.:.:.:.',_..'... ..hmber 29. 1952. for the pupOf '1of .ubmlttlac to the IJ.1IIIlUled voter. of 1&14 cs.. the propoattiOl1. .et forth 1. ,. or41Dance .... hereiutter .tated; a:a4 " . ..tice of ..i4 81 ioa was clu.l7 aDd replaz-17 gi.,... in time, fon ..-.. Ilia ~ .. 1a., Ud . elect1oD" 011 la1d da'.411l7 he14 ., the Elie p~. ".. ....... in Mid 01' ee,.... the .0'.. ca.t 'he rea' ".... 0............ the ret1R1'1.r'hereof ..e at the e and. 111 the _81' U4 form pro'fia._ '" laVt ad p ..., .aid, C1t7 Cowa.c11 hu clu17 ... C..Aed. the ~'Uftt.8 of..1d elect1 -.' ...~. ta.C:i',. H 111171 Jll&eSU,...~.M~ld .AD..... 11 of tbe Cl'7 t4 .baheim. Calit oJlaia1, BO. toUo.a. leet~ 1. !hat tu epecl jeleotl.. for ~he parpoe. of au_1"i. to th. y...:................. . of t.... ...............'ty.1 ~...... 111 the 11. .t.,.prOPOlUi- her.1rIafhr let for'h va.. cl~ h on 8epte..r 29. 1952, aad. the .. . 88 caet tber_t were dull' aDd rep1&rll' ca- , eeI... "',"tvu thereof' Md." the t1me u4 in the fora ad __er 1'8fI.:.1r'" .,"law. ' ...\~. 2. fta\ tlie boDd. f,*' ow.. to wit. 81tioD' yoted. upoaat aa1d el.otl__. .. ~ pmtGlI!Icm 10. 1: 1,.'8 PZ'iadpIJ."" g ..500.000.00 bi ..14 Oit7 01.. oert&1aaalcipal a..... &D.d DlpN'Ye \he w.'enork8 .'7 .~ faci11 'te.. vell., p1IIIp8, v pllr_nt of e..tUg'MiaS) aid ~a .... ...'ertal. ap,.ratu.. .... pro.pe 1 'he 01 t7 of Auaeia 1.... . 1J....... Ua4e'bt.ue.1 the purpose of the aequl11tlon an4 C""TUC't~n rOY.ent, \0 w1 t: wa'erwoJ'ke taoi11 \1..'0 ot the city, ..ld taclI1'1.s to 18clUie , atructar.. aJMi water mains (inclu4inc re- quiait10n of 181148, r1ghts ot wat. p1pe. equlp- .8C..1&I7 tor .ai4 lapl'o'Y."" ' ~,aCl'08ftI. BO. 2: n". in the prtac1pal aUII of $5QO,oo', , st,uction b7 aai4 City ot . oertaiB t"'uti.. facilities '0 eztea4 and i e'17. nch facilitie. to lnelude the rII"8tructioa) of electric l1n... t ...'1....... 41striw;t1oa au'b.tatlo o' ..... _'-ial. equip...t, apparat 1 the 01'7 of ~1a iacna a \0...... i..1t'.- for the pvpee. of 'he 11ef[A18iti.. ud. c"" c1pal i-,ro.....t, to wit: electric 4i.- OYe the electric distributlon 87st.,ef 'he qui.itioD u4 the construction (bo1ta11ac ,.. ! acqui8i'ion &ad caaltruction of 'ranlforaer , 1aclwilac the acq,u1.1 t10a of 1..... right. j u.i propert7 nec..earT for said improy..n" .~..u r1,. !hat this Oit7 .IIte'10n aM. froa laid 'r.tur.. It . ~"r 01 .ote. c..t ln eech of the 'lon upoD each of s&14 propoeltl net ...h 01 ea14 pr~aition., C" of..u. p-.po.1 t 10118 aM for .. u toll.s, eil has d.ul)" c......ed the return. of eaid r.. aDd this City Oouncil flDda. ,hat tbe total eo'iye .otinc precincts e.ta'bliehecl for ..14 . aad the aaaber of Tot.. 'heralD tor aD4 'Ile total _'ber ot Totes ca.t ia .aid of t7 upon lnst each of aa1d propolltiona 1n ..14 cl'7 n n l_ J l Clt )28 CO.8011da'eel Vo\iza,v: Preclact loBi Pro...ition .0. 1. Yee 10. Total ~ r I j A :B C D I J Q. B I J: fo'-l Yo'.. in 01\7 l.est1.. 4. Totl.nc UpOD each ot said 'h.. OrA ~\eac. of ... 01'" do...tl i. authori. 255 300 251 276 241 216 141 290 1_ ~ ~ ADOP!D. SI OA roll call , fo~ewlac yote: AYII: .~; alii! I a4.t~ DllLU'lI~ .0. 2022z t,.;!....... ... aloptloD. j J '> (~ ~l who pTe t JoaJ """10.> On nil call t tou.... ~a 'A tal I .aiI: Alae : :16 ~ ~~, ~1 '4 ~8 14 * 213 319 273 285 261 24) 161 318 148 Pm- ~ona. Propoeit10D Bo. 2. y.. 110 ,~~ 251 292 246 2?1t ~ 208 144 279 140 407 2483 20 Z2 24 10 19 )4 6 )7 5 .JL 223 211 314 2?e 2. 261 242 150 )16 1116 2~.- for.CO~D&1.Jl"61ut1oa .. 41UT pa.........-'.,..'\F 'W' '11.. vot.~....i OfllOr.... .t.haa......" t wo-thi M. of &1.1 of .,' U.... ,....t~. y.u~.... opoll tio. "er. caet in taTor of the Mop'1'on .ot ... i ~opo.lti i. ~.W d...larec1 to 'be CM'rie,4, .... 'hi. ! 1 to lelue!boDd. ~t 'h.re'o as proy14ec1 bJ' 1_. .1 " , I ! AlID AnRO~ 'hi. JOtn d.a7 of Sept.mber, 1952. ; :tor..01~ 1.~l.'lon .. du17 pap_ aDd adopted. .,. the il : ::t....'.'.,'. ..,.iac., 1I~.,. ~ ,- """'1'., I .. : P ,eoa. laC c1eel.jr... ,he torepbe :aeeolv.'loD 41117 ,a... .... 1 ~.. ~ '.: . . .:, '. ~~t.t:-:'::$~~=i~.=-~Io. I ~oa Book, jPace 't I OIIf!I.jo'"W~ , ~r time .. eft... '0 'he .ucce..f1ll JaUA<<e'. .. ! _I ~ ~- '\i' ;~ _,'- ---~ : .1"1', ""'".J ~i. Yaa ~. : "n.. . ."', : P~oa. ad.'eti. ~ 4..~... 'he fo-..o1ltc R..0111'1_ 4Dl7 ....... uI " "-~-S~...2..~..:J. .:.:,.c....P~.9.3 -R.:~. '..'.=... . ovaer.: 1) i,-01&.i.. of eu,.1,~~.... ..11.",*,1. tor son. ~...~tlca'l . ..' 1 . ,..:... .. UP.' . I .lobard. Sheel 'pepert7 p..er 1a .t.'BmI4e4. Boa~ ,~~i, &JPe&N1I 'betor. the Couacil oppoe ; the re.o~iDC of ,il. !rae, _.... e.\.rS'r..C, 0"''' by I. G. Xl tchell.' !he Ad.alnlltrat.. Officeril aplalnM the hietor;r ot 'lwaJoae .."_'.il1.... ion. of Mr ., Ni tchell'., 011 ~. iabg --. 1IT "8'11 proc... througk the C1 '." ".1M CO~I.1oa. &ad the actl! \&ken '7 \he 011;7 Co_ei1 at It. Pallo leuiaC >>14 .......' 26, 19'2. n ......., to' Jlttaielpalii Code for the SOM reela..lf1ca"o. 1. accord.a11c. aDd punaat' 1...o1utl~" 2013, aM the -ae.t- .........~~tot as ....... "ere consldered. aptabl. .... .... ad. "I. 111,.. *Che. .11 .. "I'll ., ,'. .......j...,..4a.'.'...., th......tine. !he Ci t7 At. ' me7 Walt ~a.tructe4 to p1'~f.utuired. ... . ..... :')!~'_ ,It ::=~~IIC::~ t~/:unC1t DII;::::r t=t=-=~n.UOlJ 1IT c,uo1Jib # . Mr.llitehe1l t ad 'he C~'7 0-...11 tor ~e ,,-,r 111 ";1c~ ~. ::'::~h:61:-~t ~. .::II::t.~L ,:~==-::a:~:''''''* 329 ....: OO1fIC!JMIJf, _: (XIJJCI_. _. COVICtUllla ~or Peuson. presiding. !ho.. 'preaent at the meetirappeared .ati.tie" with the concluaiou of the Oi'7 Council aa4 retlred from the ...~ng. SPII'I]tICA.'I~. CAS!' nol' PIR: US() 4. ".01\1'10& .0. 2024 ad. aovocl i . -:ltredM 'he _tie.. JlO!IOB c.&1mIID. 10. :10. 20241 C-..eilMa Vaa "'oMr ~..tro- 1'. pa..age aDd adop'10n. Counc1l... r1...r Jl"er to ....1..'10. Book, ~Ior dOI'fII'G SPJCX:~ 1011 I'C8 CUt II. PIn ssms ~ 1952, :eI' .-"-11I. n Oa r~ call ,. fore181. ..1.'10. wa. 41117 ))a... alII. ...... liT '!i. t YO'. 1 ,'~",...I', 8q1Df;, JoJaeT .... '-.,~." roB i 1>>1 :QUf 11.0. PIn; all for \i4' t. ea., Iroa :Pi~ im. ..,i1. Me,," ,. _.." I I , ~ac ....111.'10. 4.q ....... .. _.,~.... ~ S0887 _"' ,Iut 01 V Clerk '" 1aI1ftc'''' !'uMq. ge'."er 28. 1952. 8.10 0' clock P ... Metl. __. BUI 1IOJf. ,AD ClOSS IA.LII t , walk., .... ca1U.. at '_'10a.. tct toIL of 'M. R.i. ~. ....I;~...' .'. t i cn... .... . :s.., ...... ..! 4-tIw .'op .t ,.. iateraeotl_ of . ....eel 'he mot10a. MOTIO. c.&DI8. fta.e ....1a1.'ra\1y. Office-! .... _..tthe proQeoft. 'tOr :,.. ""'1' .0\114 ....._.....lo,p... I ! j ..,... ,t relocat1oa of _heol ... .t. ua .. '........ 'rattle has..n in _,.,.~"..t r..'v'~ other pob.t. .. 'brouch" ".... .. .'J ".In .Oft1cer 'M i.JIInnc'''' . "...U.. . aDd ..t ItrHt.. Ceucil_ Ws.e.er A U S~ ~"~TIcm: &eMs..., ,,,-:v-..,. b'.r.., III ,he r.....l11g _em'lea n YiUn . .o~_. u4 tho.. r<< en....lac '1M propoallll 'bo1Ul4ari.. s... 01"1... L ... '.}I.Mlucle .. ~ \urltoJ7 ... PO"~ ~ '. Did _aatioa for ,be pu.rpo.. ot""fed..iJIC 'he c. of ~e.f ~".p'.'loa proc..ct .. "i.cu... in which ~e 01'7 Atth7 1 &...'......... 111 the ~1IiI!,I1'B1oa~ lie al.O th. t it U...17 that the OWMrl 1Ie requ....& '0 !n- e ..~... all tetrtlb27' 1a 0" ___tto..t thi, 1;i_. t" 1 ' a..~..}- BeT1Dc ....... to Jcran. to tu..,.u,. Oc'ober ? 1952 8&00 o'eleck '''' Coucil... >>_ see.... ,. 1_. JI)!!O. CiDID. .dIQt8D. a... , I ! ...... res.a'l""i'" S..lIprcrr."l*' 'of............, " " h,:' .. f ... .,..;;4 """.'1_ ..,i....!....... ...... and theca,,. O1M1r.... i..truet_ '0 acDo.l.... n