1952/10/14 333 fhe C1.,. ceunel1 of the City ia regalar ..slloa. PR~: CODel",: Ion... M.' I COVICIJIID'a Peal'80a, V1eeer tJle71ac, >>-UT an4 T_ '..aer. Cl" .iftOJlDI. ~IIO. !'ORIB: .1b_..' CI!I...Ills-.t1tI 0171_, DIn.A.. the . ....1;ac ".. called. '0 0, .. >>""'" 01'7 Clerk, De>>.. M. '111118111, in '.. a\)..ne. of' Cit, Cl.rk, CharI.. ~ "ilfi'h. .&.11 _.en of \h 01\7 1 .... ..,_\ u4 1. ..".......0. at the 01'111& t......~,'.'.'.,.... of ctU..' OIID1'.r~,' 1. _ Dl.... 0811torDla. thernp..'D.,..,' Cl.rk Rill", ed.Jo1U'aec1 ~he tor 1~ 01 ....ona \0 Mond.,., Octo'hr ~G. a' 9:00 .-cleek A.I. for 'h. pari . of MlMUl.. U7 _11n... which IIQ eo.. . 'he Clt"'~11 ., ,hat '1... · ADlftJ" . II_fe' A....1a:.., 1. UJ0VM4 ..plu....1oa. . .OM. ",I,.", . '"."..., OIl", 13,.,.=;,' IIa71DC. ....,. .... 'a .....r. ., .ft.~n -, A' ':' .' j : M'!cIk, .1. &.1 : ..,....,. . !M,. ...,',',',,". be .aa oaU,' '. to. 0 ..,. ..,., ".' .,. 01t,. Clerk. ... a. ..,.... fif' 1ft)" Olelk,IbaI"1M ..Uti'. . >>-t. t.J~1Mk of ...~, t. lac va. -'46ft_ml ........,.. 0.'0"." H. 'a' 2:00.'.. P... lor'.. flllIJII'II.Ilf1lc ..,. b8t_ v~l. .... c_. , 'he CS'7"'11 a"..' '1". · 11111_. A1\JO_. 81_4 .. .,. C_ell of ,... fit .....ta ., 1>>. jdJGUII8tI. ~. a..,I.. t t. ....... 'Mt1ce _.rd.... ell..n4 ,. _"en tit tM. C1'7 0"'011 '" i,. C1'~ 01... Dee II. Wll11.... : Par..,"'1 . Wl...r'" '.. ~"'" 'na 1a14 t.'1'1OD coa~.lBe4 th ... attach_ tlllr.,. .. U!i.....it of! "Ol"ipt ia of th. pl'opert7 ...,..... tor Aft_.' loa ~~~~~!_.~u17 execut. Mfore a 1o\ar7 Public. G-...., e,IIal,"', ,d,.i., leu.,., '.:.,....",,1_ ,. ",-, , -.' 1''- -e:L .u.., 01", -l~.,ll'-J..,'.""~,' '_,'.'" ""__"'.,'.' ;.I,',:.',.,{J~~ ',,',,',f,'. .,....., ", ',',",'.,"" ....... ' '.,' ..., ,'." "., " ' ','," ", ::,... r..1........ ........... f1'.... ~e...i~~:a..,. '" "iii" iIia\,......~" t ;"'1.,;:_181- i ~IOW .,. 1024. C-.c1lMD. lIeJr' offered. ae.lut1on Io. 2024 aad. acwed for 1'. Jltlrr.,. .... _.'1oa.CoaactbD :10 ..0IUled. the _'loa. .01101 CAll.DD. ....."0 ....1,,'10. hok, . "' o o o