1952/10/20 333 !he Oi.,. Co\U1cil of the Oit7.t ADahe1fa.' 1. rep,lar ...liOll.. PRIIIft: OOUICI....: .011.... AB. & OOUOItlJlD'a Pearloa. Wi.ler 1He,.iBC. 1..87 and 'aD. ....er. OItI.A.ftOB1II'f. -.0. fOUII; "be..' 01. .u.IJlIS""'" OBlea. DIn.1. !h. "'1BC va. oall_ to . in .. a.eeno. 01 01'7 Glerk. Ghar1.. p .. D.,..t,. 01 t,. Clerk, %)ea. M. .1111811' t Irltt1'h. All..." of Uk. 01'7 lV_i:' . ., .... ia .""""'00 ."h. _.i. 1,,,,. of CI.ti.., cater..q 1." 1.1 .... . Qa1.... '1101'81. a, thernpea'1'J. epttt,.' Clerk W1111". -Jo11ft8d. the.... tor 1 01 ,,1iOru ,. Jlou.,.. Octo\.r 20, a' 9:00 o-o*-" ...... tor 'he pu:p e of ,1.. .,. .11D..' which: IIQ eOll8 . u.. 01'" "eil at ,hat tl_. A.DJCIJBIII. .I_,~ . D' me 01" O_il of ,he 01', ~__1a I..' ia A4.J....... ..-10 ....ioa. I .~_: ..... .'m::_=:-~a:p TiDe. :...,. .... Y.. .....r. . I .: *.... . r. -'''. ....' .~.. 01'7 en.rlt. .... .. ....iftl".~ .1.' ..JIett~ ... oall'" to 0 .. ..... ..,. 11.,. GlUt_ ...1_ . ...,..... 01 ..~. thAI i.2:oo .'o""P.I. lor ~. P \. the 0'''' eta_il at ".. '1... ADJ.... . 1ft111_. t.ac ... ........... ............ '_.. . , ..... . ...... . '. 'It". Oato"'r at et 1IIIIIt.JJ1ic .... ._*_ ..Me ..,. c_. ..!-; Ceaacll of ,. 01. .......1111.' 111 .tILJ...... .~ ....1... t \0 .. "'. . -aotlce 'heretO" 11....... t+ -Mri ., the 01'7 C0Uc11. 7 Ci '7 (Q.e '. Due H. .1111.... : CCIIICI"'~ '..aoa, 1IItia4 1 '. .C.. 01IIC.................. 1=:...... ........ is .i..... r..... ,. :; ~.,. '. tbllla. lr.... ..-at'" . " 8J'ftCS, Imll .&.. ,pt...t. rr:.. . ......'.......,.....::.....~. :!!;..t:.....,.~. ';:~~.. ~;:=:~ o?::3~~:~i~:~=:.~,:~ *uoa fit ""eh. .. adal1 u. i r coaai4...U_. la1" p~.'.'.: 1\1011 co~'alDe4 the, ~,..~ C..r. .1.'tl....... ".1 of 'he pr.....'" ............ tor __.tion an&~.ttache4 '''''0 .. Atr14.i' o~ 0 !~~~~!_ ~,.17 ex.n.'" ".tore a 1o'-r7 h1tl1o. !7 ... - "f! .... Ot,,, ir lU'[j) .~........ r...1....', ........_.' fi..... _C....~tl.... jottered. a+aolu\1oa 10. 2024 .... MY.. for 1'. 11.0Dd8d. .he ao'i... .O!IOB CADDI. )tef. to ]iHelution Book. . 1M ~.Im. 1'-101 10 ....~m,~.. ~'..'."...__ _alii t9. .. 0." ._.111_, 's. ~__... 7. 1952 I Hti.. IHlll~ 11. 1.9.1e) o 0, J j f' ; It J