1952/10/21 3JJ o Jrl The C1t7 Oeuel1 of the Cit ia recu1ar ...s108. FRtpIT: OOtJICliMD: .one.-., .A:BtJ !: COUlCQNIBa Pear.o_, Wi..er Be7ing. hU7 and Van Waco_ere Cl# .lftOllD'f. JIIIIk>. TUlCUK: .lbs.a'. . CI~ .dMIIIS8Aftn OWIca, DIn.... 0011: Ab...t. ~ !he "'iDe ... called to 0 '7 >>""'7 Clt,. Clerk. Den. M. W1ll1am.. lna. aba.nee .. Ci'7 Clerk, Chari.... "illl'h. All......e" r4 the C1\7 1 ..re ___, u4 1. .'tadaac. at ,he ea..ala ~ of Cf'l.' lOJlf.r.~ti'" 11.... CJallforaia, th.rft,..'1tes-'t' Ii .... Clerk "11 ..... ,-JollZ'Ud the.... JIC tor laDk ot flllOrua to M011481', 0C1ober20. 19 ., 9:00 .' ck: .l.M. for 'he parjJ . of haII4l1ac .,. basin.a. which..,. co.. ~. . 'he 01'7 'louacl1 ., t., 1; i_. : .IN'~. S:t.~ . !he 01" Onacil of ,he Oi', .....la,., 1. A4.1ov.... It.plv....1OD. I _OM. 1 It....... 1f1:::; ~DC. J....,- .... 'a .....r. . .I~ J - : ...... -.n~. 81ft ....1 ., .-,. ....::.T~ ~::';i':. ..~>>::r Cu.,. Clerll:. .... a. WilliaM. . Du.... \ 1aat., "'1'8,. t.' be ".....,..... .. .....,.. O.'o'.r U. .. 2:00'.' <<* ~ .a. 'ertile till ........f.aC..' "'aNa v1\i_ .... c_. . 'he' 0''17 .....11 a"'" '1M. ANI_. 11_.: 1 aoueil of the 11 A..u.ua _, ia,UJO\\nN ~. I.__toa ...'lce "ret,... el1Tu_ t. __en fit ,he 01'7 Coa.actlllJ . I... K. Willlama. :P..... "BeIl I Wl...raBd ,.. C __I Pr..: . 'VI 01'1'1 CD. ImD A. .1018 ...~'lIcml Pat!'i... r 'he _.-tloa of I..1tl'ed '8",1'017 .1..... ,..1111._1.0\.... belac DO' 1l a ,... > o....tOV'h ot \l1e quilt!_ el.cMr. wlW..lte 'errltDrT prope. tor _eDt1... .. ..OW .. 'lle 0""7 .....~1_ 'of ~\.... .. ...'bId "... or .....lel...'l... . '.... SaW. '......,....\1'10>>. CO~~1Ded. the 4...c..ri.p. .\10.... ot tJa.e proper',......... tor aft"eD'ioa I ... attach84 'heeto .. UticlaTi' o~ :~.!~~~~!_.~U~ .xecuted. ....tor. a .\ar7 Pu.'hlie. ...f4 iU 01"". I 41.....*"-.._ ~...1..... ....ca.rerd.' i1).1Il. ~C...,~~..... :1."..,.."...".:........'....[... :I~. B. 10.... 24. C.eucl~. He7i .',' .. .... ao.10&. Cogcl1.Mu 10 -".1"0 ....lu'loa >>oGk. offered. 1....lu\loa 10. 2024 ad. a"eel for it. aeooad.ed. the ao'l... JIO!IOI QAIImD. . CIfY 0'1 .~..I. _1. I" 1*.,1. 10 ill"'. ...~. 'Sr..... __ ~ 'UCI' oJt ...... ~1. ."__ Jp1i.r ,.. 1952 a.all.. Dlc....21.U.19S2) n o o 334 Oi\ On roll call e foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYJS: BOIS: ABlIE"! : CotnTCItMml: P ..rson, Hey-ing aM !one7. OOUllCILMD; . &8. COUBCILMII: W .ear and Van Wagoner. ........ j I ;.;; !he lfaTor decl ted the toregolDg :Reeolut1on duly palled and &d.o:ptecl. RElOLU'l'IOlf 1'0. 202.5: C. cilma:n Hey1ng offered B..solut1on 1'0. 2025 and mOTed. for it. paalage and adoptloa . Couneilmaa Jeae7 lecCDded the motion. MOTIOH ~IID (Lloyd DorlaDd) Refer to ReBol ~ion look, page A USOLU!IOI' Q ;!HB CITY OOUlCIL OJ THI CIty or AVADIN .lC~m. A. GalI'f DUI) tv'IYING TO TO CITY or .A~I. C_fAI. DAL P!lCIJJan FOR Alf JlAS ! FOR :lIJCCTRI C .un POOR L.ID PURPOSll. (portion and Lynch's Subdivision) On roll call' forecoine Resolution vas duly pas.ed and. adopted b7 th.. folloving vote: ..tII: 1*: ABiIII'! I COUBCILMII : COUlICILMD : COtDTCILMD: ed the forecolnc Relolu'lon dul7 pa..ecl ad. e4Opt.. mcaOLU!IOI 1'0. 2026: cilman BOAey offered. llelOlut1oD Bo. 2026 aDd MYed. for 1 t. passage and adoption. C ilman Hel'ing .aconded. the IlOtion. MOtIO. Cdl.1.. (Aaaheim Cooperative Or e As.ociation) Reter \0 liesol tioD Jook, page ~ I A USOLU'fIO. 0 TBJI CITY COUl'CIL 01' 'l'BI Cln 01' AlWDIIM .lCOIP!I. A GIWft DDD C II. !O !BI OI!! 01 ,.. DIM canI. RKlL PB.OPDft :rctB. AI' BAS FOR ILICDI C AND POUR LID PURPOSES. AYII: NOlI: ABIIIT : COUI'CILMD : COUEILMD: COtnlOILMD : (portion of Lot 1 - Hele On roll call " . foregoing Relolutlon va8 duly pal.ed and. adopted 1>>7 the follovift<< yotel !he Maror daol red the foregol!iC aa.olution dull' pas.. cd Mopt,eel. NI"': J.O.S. IDCUTI COMMITUI: MMting of October 9. 1952 val lubai\te4 .... r-.4 aDd ordered filed 0 :motion by Councilman Heying, .econded by Council-.n Joa.y. MO!IOll CAlUlI:ID. ,/ PR!LIMlNARY copy OJ' :BY-WS OF THE IDCUTIQ COMMITDI OJ' TBI J .O.S. a vu'...bmlt\. ant........ ordered filed. on mot on by Councilman Heying. seconded. b7 Councilmu. ,J0Ile7. MOIOB cwmIID. . ....... i COJIriU1lICA!r 1 OlTS : larr &: W1nther (Developer. of Tract 50. 1404) regarding chlck:"~.owne4 :~,!\' by Buford Card8Jl. .... Mr. A. SChoape General Chairman 29th .J:I..h.1.lIallo~een Fe.t.t.... recaNi.. arrang.ent. for 01\7 O. cilm.. to ride in the ParK8. The foregolDg ommunications were read &ad ordered. reeeiYed aM ~ce4 .n file on motion by Councl JIaD. S.Ting, seconded by CouIaclllll81l Bonq. MO!I.a&mr.I.. DBWB'Q,UEN! :B.O.D. CHARGE: On 1101;1011 87 Oouncilman He71ng, .ecoMed 'b7 cilDcll.ma Bou1'. the 01t1 AttOrJ1e7 Va. Inltrueted. to take appropriate actio. to c.:&1..' delinquent B.O.D. charge. MOTION CAlRIBD. Councilmau I1eYDg moved to adjourn. Couae11-.a Bon.7 ..cond.e4'the &otl_. MOtION CAllRIID. ADJOtJRDD. ClWtlrll .. SIGIIID