1952/10/24 JJ5 Clt The 01'-7 Council of the C1ty ,Anaheim met in Special Me.ting called ''- ~or Chas. A. Pearson for the purpose f considering a request for anne~tloD of terr1tory to the City of~.1a. and for taking y nec..eary and. proper pro(!.edi~. relatiye theM'o. PU ~.'.'...' :t I comrC.I.., LIllI.. I PeersoJ1, H.;yi L aDd. :BOA.;Y. DS.-.r: COtJ1fOJLMII: Wi.ler aDd Vu rAgoaer. CIT' ftOUBTJ. _.. !UDD.; Pre.. JTIS!U.TltI dlJICIIl: DID A.. . OCR: h._at. 1 .1ll ....r. of the ~i. C~ Council 'We" utili.... prior to the hoU.iDC < of lilt. !tpecia1 ""Uac. aad 8iped .. Wl~Uih cd .0Uce from sai4 Councl1:aa n I!'.UII Al'JflAtIOI:1frit\_ r-. . \ from I[~T J. ~o!.. "tV I.',., W.. 0.. a. 0." AIrIiIen.. Pn.r I. Bon .. . B. L. aooaa. P.'r1ck J. :&04D. V.ra ]to.. Au..' . w. s.M....... *MI":lI1t..11, ..... . .'cu1,1 .... ..1_."11_..,., tor 'he un...,!_ ot ........ ritory '0 ,.. C1ty of Auhe1l1. cb .1niD<< 4derlption of territory 11l propoaed. un. 'ion ... 8u_itt_ u4 ree4. i ; I .... ])bo.a"'OJ1 of prQOa" \0 . f..a tollo~... ... the A4JD181.trati.... Oltieer, out\..... the area. on ,he MP 'ha' 1. to ~. 1ncludll 1n propoaed. unexation. Oouc1l.-n Be71nc mOTed tba' requa' be receive4 aDd referred. to tbe 01 ttxPlarming Co.,~ ..ion for their rec~ ....tiou. Counc1l.- h-7 ..00Ked. "he IIOt.. MOTI~ ClPRIE. 00~iJ4luBoae7 _Ted. the ..0..... the ..'1... MOtIOB cwmIB. '0 3 :45 P.~ Oeuac11Ma He7ing ~I. JJ'fa .ellS. to order. n OR: Pre.en t. 1!JtD! DIfiIA'IOI: 1tecoJDJDenda t i 1. Seer.'.." of ,be Oit7 Plana 'he terri'o.. "ithia _b.e boundar1 " "Iidered. for anaeu.tioa to the C1!t ant' tion d..1-.te4 .. A.CU S!RII!: . of Oi1;7 Pluming OOIllD1"lon: 10\.1" J. _1..1011.. n:\a1t\e4 their r.c~Ddat1oa .. ahoG OJ'1 'he ~ N4 4..crl1M4 in reqq.e. of .bahe1m. ud :l'urt.h.er tu.t req,u..t for TIOlI'be Iranted. Couae1".. 1"7 SOTed. thet 'be -.calved .... :tiled. Coucll11aa Be to:l :10. 211" Couacl1_ Se,,1 nud. acl9ptlon. Coac11.maa >>011 _Ddatlonl ot ,be C1'7 ''--1_ 00.-1..10. ..coMed. the IIOtloa. NO'IO. CdRID. ~ffere4 "aeluti.oa .0. 2021 a1I4 1IOVe4. for 1t. ~.eol1ded the ao'10n. MO!IOB CAlmI.. Befer \0 It..olutlon look, . A USQllJ'.rIO. or meln c 'HI COlltDC'IMDT OJ' ROODl> L OJ' TBI eI!! (JI ~'J~qIM COBSUJII'G, ~ lOR THI j1nlft.TIO)T or IJIA:BInD "'I!Oat BE OITY OF ADHIIM. On roll call 'he foregoin, fol~ vote:. lution was d.ly pa18e4 aa4 ~opte4 ~ '-' Ana: OOtJICILQI: Daar.r. OCIIIJILIID: ...: COUICILMII: BeTiDg u4 Boa87. 4 ,.. WacoDer. n the .....1' '"wed. the t ol'eo a..ola.t1_ 4.ul;r pusecl &ad. e40p'e4. Couac1~ Be;r1nc moved to ~. CABl.ID. ADJOtlRlID . SIODD Oounc1lmaD ~one7 ..coDde4 the mo\ion. I.