1952/10/25 336 Cit M. The City Counc of the City of ADabei. met in Special Meeting called b7 Mayor Chas. A. Pearson f the purpose of considering the adoption of a Resolution aCSnowledging the fIllngaf an Affidavit of Publication and the BOfICI or lITER! TO CIRCULATE A PETITION Qr the annexation of territory to the City of AnaheIm, and for the purpose of t '1ng any further necessary and proper proeeedinga relating thereto. P~IIT : COmrOILMIN: ~ 'son. Wl..er, He~lng aDd lon07. .up: COtJliCILMd: V1 Wagoner. 01" .1ftOlDY, PbSTOI. ; Pre.ent. C1ft J.:DM1!l1SfRATIVI OJ'lIi . DITH A. JmlU)OCH: Present. n I I .. All ...ber. of he Aaahelm City Council were aotitie4 prior to ,ht ho141..: of .-.14 Special Me.~inc,\ .1gDed eckaowl~D~' of lotIce from ..14 Ooancl1mea are on flle In the offl f 'he Ci'7 Clerk. ACACIA 5mB! AlDlIUTIOI: It was IlOved by CouneilM.a 1le1'iDC. ..coDdecl \7 OCMUlcil_ Wi..,r ~bat 'he 01'7 Co, i1 reeeiT. aDd. file 'he Stat..ollt and Att14ay1' ., Pu.licat10a of .otice ot tent ion to Circulate a Petition. MOTIO. CiIII". A DSOLUTI0. ACDOWLDGIItG CI1CUUU A P TO TBI CITY o1r AD, APPROVI:IG il... Be7iBg olt.rei R..olutlo. .0.2028 aat..... tor it. cI111&1l :Boney .ecoDded 'h. .'lo,n. KOTIOll ...1.. IWIVLUTIOI BO. 2028: pa..age aDd _op~lon. . TO CITY COUllCIL or !HI CIn OJ ADDI. lIP! 0., COpy OJ' 10'1'101 0'1 IB'DI!IO. TO '1'101 llILl!I. TO !HI .dDXA.!1'101 OJ DDIfORT 1M A!lJ) AJ'J'IDAVI! OJ PUJLICl!IOB TDUO]'. J CIRCULATIOI.OJ 511>> Pl!ITIOI. On roll call ~ C1~ Councl1 on the foIL foregoing Resolution .aa 4017 paased and adopted by the lng,Tote: r-- .lYU: 11018: A:8IDT : Pearson. V18.er, He7ing u4 Bonq. I'on.. Van Waconer. n. Mqor decl, 'he foreco1nc l10801u1;lon dU17' ~.ed and adGP\..... ,C()lqlcilman ..~ .~ mOTet to a4Journ. Councilman BoneT aecoD4ed. ,. ..tlon. MOfl0Jl CdlI:D. ! I .lDJ0tJRDI) .1 1 SIfJDD: C CJl.LJ:tlft, 01 t7 Cl...k t Deputy Oi\7 Clerk. :81: ,.... I